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T 11 EXEZ 1 R TIME S, JULY 12th Piot;
Plaloino Mill, Door Fa6torij, Lumber Yard
and saw Mill
are open and hustling daily and a full ,:tock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath,
Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand.
BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down.
always on hand.
WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Casrbm Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven.
.The Ros-Tulor Go. 1,111, Exeter,
...+44++++++++++++++++++++ Toe Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
1of all kinds of
old scrap
wanted at 1 .
We will pay the
highest cash price or fence ence post s
for same.
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel.
44++4•444 -14++++++H -H•444-144,
W. BRO- WNING, M. D., M. C.
SO • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
meity. office and re.idenence. Dominion`
Laboratory, Exeter.
diana and burgeon-+. Suocessor to Dr. J. A.
ins. Oft3cu Maio street. Residence, east
se flat Street north of Post Office, Exeter,
)lam, y. ANI) 11, M. COWAN, 3111
!iccadilly Street, London, Ont.'
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.{
- Pt S I•.1. ,
s • L.
� tee -I re ..J
Ittesseeteetiee P. O.
W. H. PASS !ORE, FAftQuI1Ali P.O.
\V)I. Roy, BORNHOLM P.. O.
Wm. Muni: SViNrIlELS1 A P. 0.
JOHN EiSERY, Exeter. agent for
Usborno .and J3ieldulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent
for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
What is Nome without
a Piano or Organ.
Cerainly not all that it might be
Call and see us and let us show
you some of the highest ; grade
that Canada produces. They are
certainly works of art.
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We will make them to
suit you unless you are very hard
to please.
•tlDe 1i2b. Long distance connection. S
Spec el attention given diseases of women and
surcry. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Care to
Col rue street take you almost to the door.
Mo d
otherInarra 'ge onts for er city race. xVpatients ial plfroanma
D. 14. D. D. b., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office In Fan -
son's block. We -t side of Main
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.,
D. I). S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate (.f Toronto Unit;ersity.
Olrnlcs:--Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a targe amount of private funds to
san n farm and i dlingo properties at lowrate.,
et interest.
Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter,
Iittsters Solicitors Notaries Conveyincers
Commisst mere Solicitors for tho Mohacs
Bent. Etc.
,nosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
OTT10Es-ttAiN 1T14I T, EXETER.
a CARLrtro R. A. L. 11. DtCRSOlr
ancer, wills drown, money to loan
u real estate. ni'o 1.Icen+ed Auctioneer for
the countlee lot Boron and Perth. ( hero.,
moderate. .'ere Ictt at the list's lar at my
trealdence, Fart,ubar w ill rtt i' o prompt atten
Ws have unlimited private hand' for Invest
- eat upon farm or valsge rroperty at loaves
eases of Intere+t.
FARM i't11t SALE. -On 4th Con.,
lot 12. UsLorne, consisting of
X100 acres, clay lawn. This is a good
term and is in a good state of cul-
tieetione well drained and fenced, and
plenty of good foster. On this pro.
wetly is a two storey brick huusc
with sl.ltc roof. with furnace in
thous.e, also two 1 twee barrel. One a
bank barn. This property will be
sold rivisserialde and for particulars
spills" to D. Wood, Exeter 1'. 0., or
W. Ii. Wood, 2G0 T.Ilhot street, Lon-
don. ---
Teacher Wanted.
Te to.toh 8. S. \o. 5, Usbn:lie, 1 1-4
smiles cost of Ese,er. A pereontl ap-
plic•ttion an; .1 it ile JO,teanh111' A r Iipre.
for red. Apply
WOOD Seo. Traps. Exeter P. O.
FARM FOR SALE, -That excellent
farm kind Lot 9, Concession 10,
t'sborne, containing 100 acres, about
15 :totem mbeing good bush. This
farm is in excellent condition, first
class well, windmill. barn, etc. The
farm .t.ts teen seeded to grass for n
number of years and was used prin-
cipally for mature. The fences aro
in good 0cuulition. Apply to \Vm.
Croery. \Vinohclsoa: Robert Berry,
Firkton, Executors -nf estate of
tie }lee Robert Creery.
BYLAW No. of the
Village of Exeter for
the year 1906.
A Icy -Jowl for borrowing the sum
of $I0,000 and to issue debenture
therefor and to authorize. the lev'y-
ing of a special rate for the payment
of the debentures and interest, for
the tan poek of loaning J he said sum
(o The Exeter Ginning and Preserv-
ing Coutpnny i.imilcd to rid such
Company in establishing and operat-
ing it Canning Factory in the said
Village of Exeter.
WHEREAS the ratepayers of the
Municipality of the Village of Exe-
ter, of a public meeting, resolved
that the ahoy^ ply -law should be
submittal to •a vote rand if carried
that tar Raid sum of $10000 b? rai.ed
on the debentures of the said
I tge es herein 'Ger provided • and
Ironed to the slid Company nn the
terms and conditions set forth and
contained in a preliminary Agree -
f ment entered into by and between
the Municipal Council of 11- said
Village and the Provisional directors
of t he said Company.
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to
!roue the nand debentures at one time
and to make the principal of the said
debt repayable by yearly sums dor.
Ing the period of fifteen years be.
Ing the currency of the tiled deben-
tures, wiid yearly suras being of
such respective amounts that .the
aggregate amounts payable in etch
year (lisp be nearly as possible in
principle and interest equal to tiro
amount me payable in each of the
other fourteen years of the said
petiotl :,. ekttilcd in clause 4 of this
Ify-I •tt.
AND WHEREAS the tot tI amount
requited by the Muniripal Act to
raiseti annually by special rate for
Ipaying the :raid debt and interest am
hereinafter providcat is $931.10.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been
in tette 1br oi•cr 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been inadomiller his per• 1
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Iutiants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
(,astoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 1Iorphino nor other Narcotic
substance. 11:. age 14 its guarantee. It destroys `Norms
mid allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. 1i, relieves :Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nuts Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach, and Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Cltildroa's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Killd You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30
conn CITY.
AND WHEREAS the whole rate.
able property of the said Village
according to the last revised Assess-
ment Roll is $549,949.
AND WHEREAS tho existing de-
benture debt of the said Village of
Exeter is as follows: -
$5216.21 borrowed under the au-
thority of 11y -law No. 5 of the Vil-
lage of Exeter for the year 1893
$400 borrowed under the author-
ity of By-law No.9 of the Village
of Exeter for the year 1897 (Fire
558.40 berrotwed under the author-
ity of Ily-law No. 17 of the Village
of Exeter for ( he year 1899 (Local
$1250.00 borrowed under the au-
thority of ply -law No. 7 of the Vil-
lage of Exeter for the year 1901
(Fire Protection).
$1194.16 borrowed under the au-
thority of Ily-late No. 5 of the Vil-
lage of Exeter for the year 1901
(Local Improvement).
$1655.47 borrowed under elle au-
thority of By-law No. 9 of the Vil-
lage of Exeter for t he year 1903
(Local Improvement).
$1720.54 borrowed under the au-
thority of By-law No. 6 of the Vil-
lage of Exeter for the year 1005
(Local Improvement).
And there is nothing in arrears
for principal or interest.
AND WHEREAS it is ncce0Rary to
appoint the time, places and Offi-
cers for taking the votes of duly
qualified voters upon this Ily-gaff'.
the Municipal Council of the Vil-
lage of Exeter:
1. That fat tho purposes aforesaid
it shall be lawful for tho Reeve and
Council of the weld Municipality to
raise by avNii of loan from any per-
son or persons, company or compan-
ies, body or lsoolics corporate, who
may be willing to advance the same
on the credit of the debentures here-
inafter mentioned. a sum of money
not exceeding in the. .•aggro;ate
$10,000, the amount of the debt in-
tended to be Created by this Ily-law.
2. That the Reeve and Council of
the Raid Municipality be end are
hereby empowered, authorized and
required to make and issue in due
forth of Law debentures of the said
Village to the amount of $10,000
(Ten Thousand Dollars) in sutns of
not less than Ono hundred dollars
aaah. each of which debentures shalt
be issued on the First day of August
1907 and shall be dated on the date
of t he issue I hereof and the said
debentures shell be payable in equal
nmounts on the 15th day of Decem-
ber during t►er in c oh year r1 R the said fif-
teen years next succeeding the said
15t1i dray of December, 1907. aue11
amounts being made up of the ag-
gregate sum duo each year on ac-
count of princi tl and interest as
shown by CI: 4 hereof.
3. The amid Dentures eha't bear
interest nt the cute of four and one-
balf-per centum per annum. payaMle
yearly at the office of the Treasurer
of the said Municipality.
4. During the currency of the said
debentures there stall be raised an-
nually by special rate on all the
rateable property of the said Village
of Exeter the enm of $9.31.09 for tate
purpose of plying the nrnount due
in each of the years for principal
and interest in regpeot of the said
debt as follows:
Years I'rinriptl interest Total
1 $451.10 $150.00
''ereSe1 $428.:30
:3 $5.25.12 $103.68
8 $654.76
10 $715.01
11 :$747.18
12 $780.80
13 $815.94
14 8852.65
1.5 $891.1:1
5276.34 $931.10
$246.85 5.931.10
5216.09 5931.10
5183.92 5931.10
5150.30 $911.10
5115.16 5931.10
S 75.45 8931.10
S 39.97 .911.10
$3.966.50 $13,966.50
5. Each of the said debentures shall
be signed by tho lteeve of the said
Municipality or by some other per-
son authorized by By -Lew to sign
the some and by the Treasurer of the
said efunioipality and War Clerk shall
attach thereto the Corporate seal
of tho Reid Municipality. And the
said debentures shrill be payable at
the .office of the Treasurer in tlio
said Village of Exeter.
6. That it shall bo lawful for the
said Municipal Corporation of the
Village of Exeter to loan the said
num of 510.000 to bo raised under
this By-law to The Exeter Can-
ning & Preserving Company Limited
for the purpose of aiding there to
establish and operate a Canning
Factory in the said Village of Exe-
ter on tdte terms, and conditions set
forth and contained in a written
contract or Agreement made and
entered into between the said Muni-
cipal Corporation and tahe said Com-
pany bearing date the ninth day of
July, 1006. said loan to be secured
by a first mortgage in favor of said
Corporation upon the lands, build-
ing, machinery and plant of staid
Company and to be repayable in
fifteen years front tate first day of
August 1907 in ten equal annu_t.l in-
stallments of 51,000 each without in-
terest the first of the said install.
ments 10 be paid on the First (kap of
August 1913 and subsequent install-
ments annually thereafter until the
whole of tho said sum of $10,000
shall be fully paid, but such loan
to tho company sluali not be made
until t.ltc s.tid Company shall have
purchased the land as a site for
the said factory, built and fully com-
pleted the said factory and installed
therein he proper :and necessary
machinery :at a cost of not less than
$12,000 in the manner stated in the
said Agreement and until the said
Company shall have effected and
transferred to lite said Corporation
an insurance upon the building, plant
maohinery. equipment atilt stock of
the said Company to the full insur-
able value thereof, such insurance to
bo 'held by the Corporation are col-
lateral security with the said mort-
gage for the repayment of the 01111
loan, nor until the whole of the ca.
pit:at stock of the said Company
viz :-(?25,000 nhall h Ivo been sub-
scribed and the three quarters there-
of paid up, :and the said Company
shall hive complied with the other
terms and conditions of the said
7 That 11 shall b:' 11w((d for the
Municipal Connell of the said Cor-
poration to fix the asicssmerit on
the Company's lands, buildings and
plant at $5,000 for a term of ten
years to be for the fixing of all
rates save snl►col rates.
8. That tho money.; received by
the seid Corporation from the said
Cutup my on account and in repay-
ment of much loan e1i,11 forthwith
after the receipt thereof be deposit.
(el to a special (iceounl in some char-
tered bank .and flint the moneys
standing at the credit of such spe•
tial account or' a sufficient part
thereof at the time of settling the
total annual rate and making up
the Collector's roll for .any year of
the miid debenture term shall be
applied in or towards payment of
the amount falling due in such your
for principal and interest on nc-
count of the debenture• issued un-
der the nut horily of tIiis 11y -late
and t het the amount to be raised
in such year tbta11 be teetered to the
extent of the sunt, so applied and
that any surplus rem ening nt the
end of the fetid debenture term af.
ter the %payment of the said deben.
tures shall he carried to the credit
of the said Muninipality and applied
tostnirde the payment of any other
liability of taut said Municipality
To Cure a Cold in On
ma. Laza a ,kromo Quinine Tablets.
syn. Milks fosses sole) lo peel 13 sono • t. This signature, '
e Day ,.
Oh every
Zdrvarc,.... box. aso.
which t law ntay authorize the before, it. Is a great riglit to see 'Ill.1MES Itt)AD)
Municip•ttyo 1' ).
9. 'Teat (lila By -Icor shall take ef- Like Superior. unloaded here.
eel and come into operation if cite The next place we arrived at was
Sohriher, and the first gond net
fishing wo salt' was at 't little place
cake' Gravel.
Nijiigou is :t fine looking place
l ,
1 •
0()•11, brought from the mitres of --
tied by the votes of the electors an
ti,•.• a .y- of the final passing there.
10. That the votes of t he duly
qualified electors Aril! be taken un and contains tho best Motel we have
Stturd•ty the 4th day t.f August 1906 yet seen in Lhts part.
d • \1'hcu tte got to \\•ol[f tte xaw• a
factory t.ltere that caused us some
wonder. It was :t nice little box
factory, and we could not imagine
trlrit t Iay h.tve to box. unless it he
fi ih.
'I'Lis was Wednesday night. the last
night we would all be together on
ties traits. bo we trent in for a good
time. We d►ad all gotten it C•11 ac-
quainted, and as she Auld Scotch
folk would :ISI
folk." There were people from St.
'Thomas, London. 1'ort Hop. and
Hamilton, all going out to see
'Thursday morning we areal: at
Dryden. a nice little place. Ties
was the first plate we sate a plow
since Tuesday night, or even a place
when :► plots could b0 used. \Ve
had note canto through the roughest
pert of the country, not god for
q q
anything,I1 .rUb and
wit just small ..c u
rock. No %vond:i w-Lcn the C. I'. It.
%Vas building through this part that
Sir Alexander .McKenzie said it
would never pay for the axle grease.
No doubt if you have Ivor seen it
you would say the same.
We arrived at Kenora, at nine•
o'clock. This is n prosperous little
place. Tho land is improving here
some. Small grain is growing and
puts us in mind of a farming coup.
ere. As we journeyed along we saw
the fields dotted with small huts,
showing that there had at sonic time
been persons living there. Some of
the land was fenced off, but to look
at it, you would say it might be for
pasture and not for crop -
We nest arrived at Winnipeg. I
was badly disappointed with Winni-
peg. l'le rush west so small, you
would see: more tweed° in Lofoten in
one day than in Winnipeg in three
days. They itch•:! a beautiful rail-
roed depot. and sha C. 1'. 11. hotel
Di a fine structure. After ,washing
up, we steeled out to see (Ito sights.
As We stalked down the main street
the first person we met w•as II. Cook
of out' own town. 'i'he next was
Scotty Muir, road on going further
wo come across Borland, who con-
eented to go with us after six o'clock
and take in the city. 'I'Jtis •he did
well and wti got back to our hotel
about 10 o'clock, and after chatting
about our trip, we got reedy for a
night's rest. \Vipnipcg hos the ad-
t'antagc over our older ci:ics in the
wide streets. The narrow side
streets here, however, are something
awful. The teams get stuck with
\Ve arose this Morning feeling in
excellent sptrits oat %trendy for a
good dry •in in Ictkin in I. outside
parts of 1he city. You will hear
from mo paler. \Ve leave Saturday
for lirandon.
July Gt h. 1900.
A Perfect 13ottel Lax ►tire for con-
Bti1 ration. sallow complexion. Vtead-
actlte, dizziness, sour stomaoh, carted
tongue, biliousness. Lax-ets act
promptly, without Satyr or griping.
Ploasant to take-Lax-ets- only 5
cents. Sold by W. 8. Ilowcy.
between the hours of nine A. !LI. an
five 1'. M. at the several places here-
inafter mentioned by the Officers
whose names ars hereinafter
mentioned. In polling subtle
vision No. 1 at Silas !Lind -
ford's residence. Main street by
R. N. Creech, -Deputy Returning Of•
firer and James Creech Jr. Poll
Clork : In polling subdieision No.
2 at Weekes' pros. Shop. Main street
by James Weekes Deputy Returning
Officer and W. D. Weekes Poli
Clerk :.In polling subdivision No. 3
at Joseph C'obbledick's office, corner
of Main and Wellington streets by
Joseph Davis Deputy Returning Of.
floor and L. 1). Vincent Poll Clerk:
In polling subdivision No. 4 at
the Town Hall by 11. E. Ruston Dep-
uty Returning Officer and John J.
White Poll Clerk , ltd that Joseph
Senior, Clerk of the said elunieipal-
ity shall ba the Returning Officer to
whom the returns of voting shall
be made by the said Deputy lteturn-
ing Officers.
11. That the Reeve of the said
Municipal Corporation abrin attend
at the Couneil Room in the Town
Hall on MoncLay the 30th day of
July 1906 at 2 o'clock in Llic after-
noon for the purpose of appointing
perxons to attend ut the various Pol-
ling .subdtvUsions and places afore -
'slid and the summing up of totes re-
spe titely on behalf of the parsons
interested iu promoting .or opposing
the prassage of this by -last• respec-
1:3. :r•Iwtt llld= Clerk of the said
lfuuicil►tllity shall attend at (ho
Council in the. Town Ball on Mon-
day the Sixth day of August. 1906.
at the hour of twelve o'clock noon,
and shall then and there sum up
the votes given fo5 and against the
said by-law, ;atad grant t.ite requisite
Dated at. the Town hall, Exeter.
this Tenth stay of July 1903..
The •above is a true copy of a
proposed by-law, which 11as been
taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the Coun-
cil of the Municipality of the Vil-
tago of Exeter (in the cveut of the
assent of the electors being obtained
lherclo) after one month from tho
first publication thereof in the Exe-
ter Times and Exeter ' Advocate
Newspapers. the 'odd, By-law to be
published in the iced Newspapers
once a week for three successive
weeks commencing .on the twelfth
day pf July 1906 and that the votes
of the ciceroni of the said Munici-
pality will be taken on the said By-
law on the day and at the houra and
places therein fixed; And further
take notice that any one desiring to
apply to have, Chia ply -law or any
part thereof quashed tuust make
.Lis application for that purpose to
the High Court of Justice within
three months next after the third
publicntion of -this notice in the
said Newspapers or he will be too
late to be heard in that behalf.
Dated at Exeter th:s 10th day of
July. 1900.
It must be stopped quickly. Noth-
ing so sure as Nerviline. thee it in. i
etrnally, and rub it on chest and
throat -croup soon vanishes. No
doctor can write a more efficient
prescription than Poison's Nerviline,
=which reaches the trouble and cures
quickly. The mnrtielout power of
Nerviline will surprise you; it's the
best ,household remedy for coughs,
colds, sore chest, croup nrid internal
pilin of every kind. Largo bottles
have tx.en sold by all deaktrs !for
nearly fifty years at 25e.
(Icy A. E. llodgert)
To the Editor of The Times.
Agreeable to your request to send
you n short sketch of our trip to
the west. July 3rd we lett London
at 8.15 ;Ind got along nicely. mrriv-
ing in Toronto at 12.43. We hustled
around and got our party together
and left at 2.20. It was very warm.
There was ct heavy rain when wo
arrival at Thornhill. Barrie wai
reached about :3 o'clock. This is a
very line place. Allandale is a
pretty place and has a beautiful sta-
tion. Wo :arrived at Gravenhurst at
7 o'clock, t he weather boing ,very
cool, with overhanging clouds.
Bracebridgc sves rotobed about 7.40
and there we started into the rocks.
lluntsville, where we reached about
8.25, is a great lumbering ,place. It
was now gutting dark, but we lied
a jolly crowd singing and playing
all kinds of card games.
The porter on our train was trou-
bled with habitual inactivity and:
took from 9 to 12 to gef our bertha
ready. After a night of refreshing
sleep ate arose at Ramsey. a small
village in the rocks and tamaracks.
The sun was shining brightly when
wo arrived at Ohapleau, a pretty vit.
lige, with a population of 750. Cha-
ploau his some fine buildings and
is 2291 miles from Vancouver and
615 milts from Montreal.
The first store of the Hudson Bay
Company was et Missonable and this
place was reached at 11 o'clock. it
has many old fashioned log huts,
with a very rough country. We saw
nothing but rocks and small lakes
after we left Orillia. The inhabi-
tants of Lliis place are of the first
race of our land.
We next arrived at a place called
White (liver, a small place but very
homy. They ,have a coaling station
here, poet office, etc., and very treau-
tiful scenery, with small lakes and
high rocks. There are also 1 lot
of red men in this pert.
From White River to G1)dwell is
a most boiutiful watt of 1.hc trip• In
this part the tunnels start. We
went through a tunnel there along -
aide of a perpendicular rock 40')
feet ,above us and the water runtiing
400 feet below:.
e then arrived at Jac fish. To
those who hove never seen the like
Does Your Stomach
Bother You?
Ot.Cures AU
DisSttrreessingStomach Restoratives Troubles
Through the Inside Nerves.
AS you value your health and happiness don's
a 5.1ect to care for the slightest stomach rosin, -
.don t let It ao. Atte first 'Dr. Shoop's Restorative and end all these
troubles. These aches aro signals -they are
S Atoms of corning disea.e-is n oise, to IQnole
1 You who never eat &hearty meat with'
Ss sense of fu1Ine.s followed by' a per{
,Of lassitude or drowau,rss-DeAt
lfeallect these ronin• dons and sou surly
tnvlte dlstresslij beartinolige,tion-l0tt'll
'Oeoome a sallow• lserable d y a -
}llbtic Do )'ou D.� cxperlence sppy
of these asinv.
toms:, -a11-1
tress alter Ynll., ` cating.tttuln•j
lei of food �to mouth.,
tnawinR at , Vat of atom• a
$ch,rumh:ing ' • Feel Lik( , of gas. belch-
lalr of a i u I, / loss of slope.,
tate, heart burn, -1 t 1) S ' hcadarhe, d l z• I
sines! 1f you' ut!erfn aolot,
tb a ossa• your
s� /d u t p 1 s clear
t0 is but (vie' ,brseopen to700-i
ngthen the inside ` • es yes -these special
stomach nerves- ` /.hake oft forever this'
ev(4enee of liseate. Put . the di,u'stive nerves In
condition to act ass nature intended they should.
Don't drug, don't force -just glue the loud.
(serves natural force. gentle tonic. nature's help.
Mr. Shoop's Restorative (Tablets or Liquid)
'Should be taken to do this --i1 Is the only pre -
or, chi btailhde stomach servoss.. attempts
old W
1V. S. I1O\VEY.
h f1 . sl{rn of II tress use
Miss Olive Mad,;.•
iu pa53ing in (3ounttri'
io-11 form at Ora Cot.
KEEP THE BO\\'1:1.
If your bowels .i: :a.•
ttti.k you would h:' 1•
more t L In one d ty
(lame 1 anguid. bio 1
horribly offensive,
over. To remedy t !
ilton's fills which t
cls and cure constipate
nig!:t you are well 1.
They purify and ci
prevent jte l ic11^, I.: .
sick st om telt. l'rotno
:Ire Ilr. Hamilton's i
drake and butternut,
or five for 51.00 at 7e.
+ suooeaslul
.11 .and Muer
: v'atory at
move for a
.st rated. If;
by you be-
• had, breath
.cel sick ell
lie Dr. Ham.
10 the bow.
l. Taken ail
the system,
,isness and
lei certain
• of Man.
per box
Mr. Ed. Stone victim of a
cup away aocidont on 'Tuesday .morn -
lug .whio11 might h anti+ resulted ser.
icons hod t.o: t L•o 1:o s s btcn stopped.
Ile was tnowing tray. tc hen the hor-
ses became frightene i at a littld
girl eioking berries nearby. and bee
lines at,
e a the In s a
unable tighten ingun 1 to lt., t t
once, the btoreaa got t fairly email
start, when he. did g •1 tho lines
tightened he stns pu!: tt oft the
maohino gang over hen. Miracui
ously the was not rut, but was bath(
ly bruised. and it is , .t possible at
the present writing to etate if to
is injured internally or not.
Without sleep the: can bo no
bodily or mental tiger. consequent.
ly sleeplessness is a d:ingeroui con-
dition. Nothing.you quickly restores
sleep cls Fcrrozonc ; it's harmless -
just :a nourishing. strengthening'
tonic. Fcrrozouta vitalizes every,
part of the body. makes the nerves
hardy. completely rebuilds the sys-
tem. The cause of sieeplessnebss ie
removed -health is restored - you
cnn work, cat, sleep -feel like new
after using Fcrrozonc. Don't put
off-Fcrrozonc costs ,.0c. per box at
all dealers; get it tc-clay.
1WarWin �
i111111tir _= jU-sr ii;i
t 1N0Xliefir • nos tiox
1 11t1ssiwsw ,...
;roso!a'' t► II-LON
516oc' ttfll,euH!rArnaee t
stock . . •tin tnirarniv.I
1 ..',ry VIM.,s.1. 41.. .," i ,*..t of t.I.riMry.
1"Ib.d a.e..'t1aaia t frt. --11..Rents 'waled.
W. J. HEAMAN, Agent, Exeter
PEovInciol loop 01 $3,000,000
authority of Chnptcr 4, of the Sta.,
Lutes of Ontario, 1906. invites subr
scriptions from the public for a loon
of 53,000,000 on bonds of the Pro,
vino of Ontctrio, detect 1st July, 1906.
and payable
51,500,000 on the 1st July, 1926,
51,500,000 on the 1st July, 1936,
with coupons attache, t with integ'Ist
at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent. pet1
annum payable half-yeaa'ly on the
1st January and the 1st July in each
yoa.r at the office of tho Provincial
Treasurer, Toronto. Bonds will be
of the denominations of 5200, 5500.
and 51.000, and will bo payable to
bearer, but on request will be regis-
tered in the office of the Provine
cial Treasurer and endorsed as pay.
able only to the order of eertai1* %per.
sons or corporations. and on request
of .holders may be exchanged for
Ontario Government Stook bearing
the Ramo rate of interest.
The issue price during the monthl
of July, 1006. will ba par, and after,
the 31st July, 1906. the issue pried
will bo par and accruod Interest.
Purchasers of (amounts up to
51,000 will be required to send cert..
ivied cthequo with the application.
For amounts over t31,000 payment:
for subscription may be made in ins
stallinent 10 per cent on application
10 per cent lst of August leper cent
1st Scpteinber, 10 per cent let Oct..
ober, 10 per Bent 1st November and
50 for cent 1st December. 1906. with)
privilege of paying nt an earlier date
the interest on installment subserip..
tions being adjusted on 1st Januar%
In the event of any substoriber foil
bonds payable by installments tail..
ing to make payment of subsequent
installments, the bonds may be Road
and any loss incurred will be charg-
ed to (he purchnter in default.
Forms of subscription (when lay4
able by installments may be ob..
taintd on appliottion at the Treas.,
ury Deptrtm'•nt.
This teen is rr:a+Fed on the credit
of the connolidat' 1 fteyenuo Fund of
Ontario and i0 ciL rrtY1ta 1o thereupon.
All ce.equel 511(,111,1 1►o mndo toy -
able to the order .•f "Tho Provincial
Treasurer of Ontario,' and subscri-'
bens Rhould stele the denominations
and terms (20 or 10 yeaara) of tont.%
i'ros•inci it Treasurer.
Troisury Department, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto. 27th( June 1906.
Newspapers ii,.crting this ndvert-
lsernent without authority from tho
Depirtnt.'nr will not bo paid for it.
• (incorporated by Act of Parliament IS55)
• CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • •
• RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • • S3.000'000.00
46 Branches in Ontario, Quebec. Al!erta British Columhtt and Manitoba
open every Lawful I)ay (cern 10 A. M. to 3 t'. M. exec; t Fat urllay 10 A. H. to 1 r, W.
• Farttteres' Neste Notes' cashed or collected. Forms supplied
Gn application. DRAFTS or. all point. In the Dominion• Great Britain ard Un-
ited :+rate., bought and sold at lows -t rate- of exchange,
Oepoeitle of 1111.00 ane upwards reeeivetl. interest com•
pounded half ycwrley. and added to principal June i5ih and December 31st. De
t.o•'It. Ile• sip!+ al'o i.+ced and highe.t current rates of fntcre•t allowed.
Advattccie trade to fanners stock dealers and i.noiness men at
lowed rate+ and on most fat treble term.. Agent. at Exel r for Dom. Government.
t)'ekfen b Cerllrg. >•(' a tr:.. N D tiUF CON,Manaaer,
••••••NN•N••N•••••N•• •N•••••••.. N•e