HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-12, Page 1Wedding Stationery Malang WdMa who are interested slang Ietdica interested go .what is proper to the matter of tibstlooery for Weddings. should see Odin tttample., latest type faces. We /tin have them ready La a few hours. utter HURON & M1DDL ESEX GrZETT i THIRTY-TIIII:D YEAR -No 1713 JONES & CLARKS' !'hone No. 32. 1Vioney Savers EXE CER, JNT., CANADA, TUURSD. MORNI Tr ' G JULY 12th 1906, Call Up Phone No. 31 if you have a::y urdcrs; for print - ,of ary kind just evil us up rad Ivo will be plea...1 70 look after your w•uut s. JoiIItf WHIT)?' & SONS Exeter Council FINE \V1LL IIN; 7J11'0S1•:u ON THOSE \VIft) ALLOW THEIR AN- IMALS TO ROAM AT LARGE. The reguler ntcetine of the Exe- cr oouncil ova» held Monday even - ug. Councillors Fuke and Beaman ng .tbfent. A communication fro,u she Exc•- utivo of tato Ontario Municipal A,- iation inviting etre council to send 1 iu'esentativc to tate meeting to h"1d in Toronto, August 30 watt led. The clerk Wil » instructed to have ndments made Go by-laws 33 and so that a fine will be levied on • who allow horses, heifers, or row cows, in fact any animal. ex- po miloh oon, to roam the streets nd tulle) cows aro to be kept off he streets between sunset and sun - tee. The penalty will tee a fine of of less than $2 and not marc than 10 with 008( H. for each offense. lIhis action was taken on account of the number of oomplaints receiv- ed that people were allowing bora » and oaltle to roam the streets at all hours, and as there is no pound at tbo south end of the town. The commissioner tt'as instructed to enforce tete provisions of the by -1.w to (ilea letter. D1ro following account» ;yore (acts. ed and ordered paid. -H. Parsons, street watering, $21; S. Fitton, Dare of town clock,$25 ; Ir. McKay, half year bell ringing, $20: C. Snell, el - cot ric lightlne, $93.91: R. Qua.ncc, labor, $10; J, Sutton, do., $15.00; Feed Gillespie $3; Geo. Ford, 50ots; Sid Sanders, $3; W. Wcatcot t, $8.25; N. Oruick»hanks, 50e: J. Gillespie, jr $1; W. J. Bissett, salary, $32; Jno. Ford, stlary, $27. White Blouse Sale Lawn Blouses trimmed with embroidery and Now $1.00 • lace insertion, were $1.25, A few sizes left in two extra pretty lines, one with embroidery fronts the other tucked and trimmed with insertion, were $1.50 Now $1.25 A Better Line with all over embroidery Now $1.75 fronts, were '.32.15 One only Embroidered Linen Blouse, size 36, was $3.50 Now $2.50 Balance of all lines of Cream Silk Blouses, up-to-date styles, at Clearing Prices. Wash Gods Vestings, Ginghams and Muslins, some of our Now 15C. best values at 20 and 25 cents -White and Colored Muslins that have sold at 12' and 15 cents to clear at Dress Goods -Lustros, Roxanas and Voik s in Navy, Brown, Fawn and Green Shades. See our South Window were 60 cents, for Half price 30c. 10 cents Milline All this Season's Goods in Ladies' ren's hat' ItAr choice of any Hat on the y and Child - to clear at Half Price entre table for 25 cts. Want d 'Gooseberries, 5c a quart; Red of pound. Bring your Cherries als Spring Chicken weighing at le per pound live weight. i White Currants, 3e per , Highest Prices paid. t 21 pounds, 15 cts. ust be plump, JONES & LARK Headquarters for the Celebrated E. Sanford Clothing BUGGIEB BUGGIES BUGGIES Just received a shipment of "MARTIN' buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call .and see them they will stand inspection. Also have a number of good second han buggies for sale at a bargain. A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter ppr-I n BE LOYAL .Haying will Soon be Mere TILE TRIVITT MEMIOIt1AL CHURCIi PICNIC The Trdvitt Memories Congrega- tional and Sunday Fcao01 picnic to the Grrnnd Bend on Thursday lad was laT,gely attended and everyone &gee 'home early tired and happy. The only thing to mar the pleasure of the day was (bit "the clerk of the marine department" diad not bee'I1 notified to have the lake c.•ttrn- r than it was, for boating, except on the , j'uof hgcstion t good ri)envervytssea t Oroti:'?atine. Foot,•+ all ,and eaces w•cro taken pelt 111 v snholars. After tea about half )a»t six o'clock 1 most pleasing vent took place. Mr. N. Dyer linden asked the members of T. M. hurt) to assemble in a ring then lied on the late rector, Itev. Mr. 'crkins to conic in the centre. He hen naked Chu.re-hwnrdon Ilawkina o unwrap ,t txarcel which contained beautiful go1deheeded cane on ',hitt) tuns inscribed, To the Rev. R. . M. Perkins, presented by tete rivitt elernorial nhurcb congrega- ion, Exeter. Mr. IIurdon then read bo address and Mr. -Hawkins; hand- eccipient the present. The nd. res, woe its follows: o the Rev. R. J. M. Perkins Reverend Sir. -The time has come when the Moll soon miss your gen- ial senile and ever pleasant greeting and wo all feel t.het partings from these we admire, revere, and trust are sad. But the grod-bye Lai to be said. but before doing so allow us to present to you this gold bend• cd Dane ns a small momenta of our t3ood will and friendship. \Ve all know wo are losing a good friend and trust the Great Giver of All Good may grant to you and your estimable wife a long and pleasant life. Farewell. -Signed on Iwealf members; of congregation. N. BYEit 111,111)0N '1'1108. 11A\VKINS J. J. KNioter ltev. Mr, Perkins then replied say- ing lhow grateful he felt and also that it was with great reluctance he had aaceptcd the cell of the ilishop to bho rectory of ingersloll. He paid Le would never forget Exeter, ea- -teeially as he had spent the first years of his married life there and t rusted 'he rontd pay lata old parish .1 visit how and ulnen. ile asked for the prayers of the congregation to help sum forward in his new work :,s+ he knew they would be arduous ,'t Exeter. Ile extended a hearty welcome to ally of the eongregntion f they visr'tcd Ingcr.eoll to be his guest of (:be rectory. Throe cbecrs for .t r. and VIP. 1't•1 . kin,' were then elven in iaearty env,_ tror and after God Save the King had been sung by 1,11, Mr. and Mrs. Per- kins began ',;eying . oodbye. Look to your haying tools, and see if you are ready for that very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you anytools you ma • need such as handforks, etc. and we spec- ially emphasize may rope. We are showing the best quality of British Manilla Rope, the price 15c. per lb. off for cash. Order Early Don't neglect to leave your order's early for Binder Twine. We have three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth Twine for sale. None other is quite so good. Prices guaranteed. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea. 11ICI:S' FORECASTS A 14 lotion -try storm t.*.rit.1 is centre! en tate 10th, 11th :inti 12111. crisis of the; period will (.111 en end t oueshing Thursday the 1211). On INS date the: moon croaseq the celestial ettuator, reining northward. This fact w 111 add to the ptohabilit k's °f very ,high tctuper. ]tire, low hero. meter and thunder storms on and next to the 12t11. The Venus per. eel extends up to about the 25111, so that tiro extremes front sununrr belt to sudden cool are liable to chi recterize the storms and wee tler °hinges at nil July storm troriods up to that time. A regular store, t,<evee' rovers the 15t11 to the 191). Cent nal on the 17th Notwithstanding anybody can r;afe• ly predict tire it will b' warm in July, we picdict Heat it will be warmer at some time than others, and that this period- the 1St) to 19th, will Iced up ,to on: cf Ju!,'e w-:lr',iest period.. fore launder alorma and loon( rlmulburstu arc Vsrob.ibtc about tiler. 17th to 19th,. A enus revulsion to very c be normally cxpectc 1 a 1 s m 0 a b LI rc tr cl yt ff L•, tl of Tl kr p by to co br t It P1 tin ' (.RANI) IIENI) Tobe first of July of 1900 has come and gone again, ankle) doubt some villagers made enough at the Bend by :gunning their corn starch booths to tide them over the winter. Mrs. Marled' Gill received painful injuries one day last week, by the breaking of a step ladder, letting titer fall down the cellar dens. Wo Loeb Io sCe no. around again soon. There ate a lot Ot cattnpers naro now. No cottages to be .had for love or money. Sl r. Will Patterson has got the cement block wall erected under his barn which makes a great improve- ment to his farm. Mr. Irish. Hamilton has got the frame up ,for his new house. which ho is going to build of veneer cem- ent blocks. Mr. Grover Egan and pert Wolf - felt, of Flint. Mich., returned home on \Vednesday, after spending a few days with mlatit•es sates. Misses Mary and Ethel Ibbitson aro visiting their uncle end aunt, W. II. Oliver, also Dirs. Will Patterson for a (ew weeks. The fishery inspector visited our local fishermen ono day last week and found tem all good law-ab;di•n3 citizens. Messrs Brenner, Ravclle. and 1I. Ilamilton ,have got their houses fin- ished -painted and I :tm sure they are a coedit to the painter, Mr. 'Phos. Munroe, of Parkhill, as they too(; line. 1tev. Mr. Sutcliffe held divine ser- vice on the I'arkhill grounds on Sunday evening wlh(oh waa largely attended. Don't forget the Summer School ;Odell will be held at the Park from the 22nd to 29 of .July, inclusive. C( /81 ORIA. Bier• the The ICrd You Hate Always Bought Signature �_ of ��u 11 EN,441,1. The 1'r, s:byterian Sunday school sed their pic-n c Tuesday in Paul kll'» grove. Mr. end Mrs. R:iieer, of Clinton. were in town last tt•eck visiting rel- tives. Mrs. 11. Arnold vested friends in Bea fort h last week. A very happy event took pl tc' un Vednesday. June 27th, in the Central 'resbytcri In church. 'Toronto, when Ir. John A. elcGregor, only Fun of 1r. Ihutrrtn McGrcger, of 11)" town - hip of Tuckersmit), was uniard in r,,;nge to eliss Jenne! JlcCfoy, of filhuta, New Ontario, and recently f Hemel,. eldest daughter of Mr. Vitt. NIceloy. The bridestn•aid was lies Grace Dyer. while the grxnn ass suppnrtt•d by Mr. Robert 0. IrCloy. of Toronto. bro:Ler of the ride. The marriage c<rctnony wan t forated by Rev. 1)r. McTavish in tc present' of .t number of the Wives and friends of the con. acting part les. '1'l.e bride was wittingly :attired. Tho hippy ,ung routes. on their return to the ne boniest C.' 1 farm were tendered reception on Thursday e. ss ring tT at week where a most enjoyable m^ te•,a spent by the 1irge cornpiny relativse awe friends ems' nst:r•d. e) bre) was well and favorably town in our vill:,fi' .and filled the oseiott td organist in Carmel Prete . team church welt much credit )erM if end r,tis(:,ction to the ngrcg.,tion w elle the 4rcx,tn is very popul tr young Curtin wit h iglit pro' op.te ansl we unite with e many friend„ of the young tout e in wishing th^m long nrtd rett- ued h'i pines,. ROBERT E. PICKARD FROBISHER, SASK. EXETER, ONT. General Selling Agent. for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing lanai i11 the West, we can give you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Address ROBT E PI6KHRD, FroDlshor, Sash e Furnish Their Homes After The Honeymoon Is Over. • Dont't worry about furnishing the house, that prob- lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec- tions, we IN ill make your home handsome, artistic and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and terms which will save you money and make you happy for a lifetime. ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario 81=',01fAL., f'LLJ CLOTHING Fine Tweed Suits regular $I 2 for $9, It $to.5o for $7.50, Overall and Shirts at reduced prices. For TIIREE DAYS ONLY we will sell 4 cans best brand of peas for 25 cents, 6 cans Sardines for 25 cents, Regular 30 cent Japan tea for 20 cents, Bread at 4% cents per loaf, tiighest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS. Come and give us a call, you will always find our si )rc open. SMITH I3ROS, Hay P. O. PER CENT OFF on all China and Glass - wive for the nextthirty tl;lys to make room for fall goods Come Early if You Want Good Bargains. Charlton's Fair Seasonable Hardware Screen Door's 85 cents to $1.50. Screen Windows from lye. to 40c. Screen Wire Cloth 10e. to 35c, a yd. Hammocks all prices. Coal oil stoves 86o. to $6 75. Lawn Mowers $3.00 to $7.50. Paris Green 15c. and 25c. a package. Washing Machines $4 00 to $8.00. Scythes from 75e. to $1.00. .Sha t hs from 75c. to 85c. Seythestones ,,e. to 20c. l t' ldy Mixed Paint 15c. to $1.75 a can. also everything in fencing. Coiled spring 12 and ti soft wire Ideal Fencing 330 • wile, No. 1 1 1 1