HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 13r ROSS•TAYLOR CO's. MIN MITI, Door faotoru, Lum 6r Yardi and saw Mill are open and hustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posta and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down. always on hand. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven. the RossTdIJlor Go. LULxet6r. GOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS. * No more hole digging to put in fence posts just * drive them! i11 with a ; sledge hammer. Far + ahead of any ever yet + seen around this part of the country. Come in .j. and see them for yourself. + We have had a great + many iron posts brought + in lately and arc pr'epar- # ed to sell them cheap. ; Scrap iron taken in €X- change. + 1 M.JACKSON &SON i Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the I Metropolitan Hotel. 4.44444.4-1- 14++++++++++++++++ MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. 10 • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- rweai1ty. office and resideeonce. Dominion, Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHIS!. ohms and Surgeon. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office Main street. Residence, cast on first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 3111 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 15•28, Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and av ery. oxford or C. P. R. Street Cars to 1 • street rest takeyou almost o o t ther• u' el rine No , ty office. Special Hospital and other arra,gements fur patients from a dletanoe. DENTAI, DIt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8.1). D. 8„ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. 'loath extracted without pain or bad atter effects, Office In Fan- son's block. t\'ost Hide of Math Wset.' Exeter• R. G. F. ItOULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. 8., Dentist, Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. fOATEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fends to can on farm and village propertta at towratee tat totlrest. (MADMAN & STANIIURY Barristers Solicitors. Main 8t, Exeter, DICKSON &CARLING, Barristers Sol tellers, Notaries ('nnvoyyancers Commhudenernw, Solicitors for the Mola(•ns Ban', Etc. �titc aloofly -le Loan at lowest rates of In.croaa OFFICE: -MAIN STREET, EXETER. IL CARLING H. A. L R. DICKSON Tie Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire insur- ance Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CRObfARTY P.O Vice -Pres,:- J. L. R1.SSELL, RCSSELLDALI:. P. O. DIRECTORS. W.H. PASSb1ORE, FARQUHAR P.O. \VM, Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0. \V:,t, I31to(•1: \VINCIIIiLSE:1 P, O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0, AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY. Exeter. agent for Usborno and I3ifidulph. OLIVEK HARRIS, Munro, agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMIAN & STANBURY. Solicitors What is Dome without a Piano or Organ. Ccrainly not all that it might be THE EXE. '.I It: R T1 MES, JULY 5th WOO. Al* eiaticPrcp.:ratio*tforAs- sitnituting thcYoocd ardnegukt- the Stomachs s'tcls and Bowels of 110M,„.Hfi;TrKt:N.. 1'fomcics Digestiull,Ch_crful'l - 11issi ndliesI conlains neither OpiunDlorphinc nor Mult_ral. 'r NOT NAnct)TIC. I tlx+-:wcf0.311r. L%:C2l,PITE•Zil J rcrpl�n Jit1- ..4.1r Jinn i • S,.':, - "aim .1ir•1' • f,, c:,.eraatrd:: a e I tum Seed - (''ta rlSid . Jiyni 1 etw.e„ /Tarin A perfect Remedy for constipa- tion, Sour Slonisctl,Diarrhoea, \\'orins,Convulsions,Feverislt- nc . s and Loss t» SLEEP. Facsimile Si';n:,dire of N F:t't YO P K. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You N Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea VT ORi EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Call and see us and let us show,.,rr^•T> rate Mrw unix c17 you some of the highest ;gradefF°ea� (PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the bcst that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to suit you unless you are very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SO E. Huston. Tho polling places aro to t,: the tome nA the January elections. Poll clerks appointed provided the law ;requires it. Word No. 1, Jena. Onesecdt : Ward No. 2, \V. .D, Weekes; Ward .3, L. 1). Vincent ; Ward 4, .1. J. \Waite, EIJ,M VILhi; Teo annual anniveretary services and strawberry festival of the Sun- day .eahool on Sunday and Monday were o decided success, the weather being all that could be desired. On ' Sunday morning and evening two very instructive and effective ser- Ni er- Nmons worn ably delivered by the ltev. A. \V, JkirkerB. D., of (ktmlac,hie, • and in ;the afternoon �e ) also ad - A. l. dressed the Stbbath school, and gave at very 'interesting address, i<vi}iich' was further impressed by the well 1 P. given tlu't rn tions tby Mrs.Barker • COLD SETTLES IN TIIE BACK It 'hits people in n tender spot nn takes rt it mighty 4nard to brace u Nerviline takes that kink out of your spinal column in short order ; it oothes. !Intel why relief ceases so soon. Nerviline penetrates, that's why it cures. Five times stronger Ilan outer remedies, Nerviline can't ad to cure lame back lumbagoi set- tic'a and neuralgia. Nerviline is instant death to ell muscular pain. For nearly fifty years it ihas been the largest selling liniment in Clan- ada. Better try it. f a Exetor, June 23rd, ,1006. To Thoma.' Brook Esq. Exctor, Ont. Dar Sir :-!laving publicly ,rnadc an assertion concerning your char - actor and tlhat of your family, whereby I accused you or some one err more members of your family of (having ooisonal tny,dog. I beg here_ by to publicly retract anything and everything which 1 na,id dot ranting from tho olirtiacter or good name of either yourself or any member or members of your family rind de- clare that the said assertion was made by me thoughtlessly end while in the 1ioit of passion, and 'ham not, nor never tad any foundation in feet. I am gory sorry elf my thoughtlessness from caused you or our family any inconvenience nail umbly apologize therefore and trust tat you will we your way clear to cet bid apology dt )o , p o and lot RS u I t by -gesso by -gone'. Yours Respectfully, Signed WES. .1, BISSETT i. I•:'1I•:lt (;O1 NCI, f111IOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- h i ancerr walla drown, tnoney to loan el tae real cstnte, also I.icencd Auctioneer for the counties lot Huron and Perth. Chargee ac moderate. Orders left at the '1 1Mr8 or at my t►e reetder.re, Farquhar will receive prompt atten tion. MONEY TO LOAN We have millmlted private funds for infest eat upon farm or village rroperty at lowea tales Of intoner. w. DICKSON do CAIRLING Exeter 81 a A >r is 0 1meeting t ofthe Council Is .held in lite Council chamber last tu•rd.ty evening to their the pre- liminary igrcrme.nt between the oposed Exeter Canning and I'rc- rving Colnpiny, Limttcd, and tee r po ie t ion. All tlto members of the Council present, except Councillor Creech ,o otme in later during the even-, ing send took his coat., A number of o( proviaiontl directors of tato Uan- ning company were also present. The agreement wap read by Mr. L. 11. Dickson, and after some Ilia- ettesion it wain moved by A. E. 17uk' , seconded by Ed. Treble that the grcemcnt ae reed bit edoptcd and he solicitor prepare a by-law to ao submitted to the ratepayers, pro- viding the agreement be properly signed by 'the reeve on behalf of the corponation and the president' and secretary on btihalf of the corn - pony. Tee following deputy returning of- ficers erre .appointed: Ward 1, K. MOW is : W.)rd 2, .Jamey 1Ve+rece e; ,t1 3, ,Iteeet h Dtvi.; \Vail 4, H. .ts ipr FAFARMholt SALE. -On 4th Con., se ttao c lot 12, ornonvicting of 1 Co 100 ncrev, Olay loon. Thi:, is a good term and is in n good melte of cul- i ere tivation, well drnined and fenced, and ' wd pier of good venter. On this pro- perty is n tw'o storey brick Mouse, with slate roof, with furnace in i♦touma, also two large harnn. One n bank berm Ties property will be sold r(nconabio and for particulars apply to 1). Wool.ool, Exeter P. 0., or W. alt, Wood. 260 T.,Ihot street, Lon- don. TO CURS A COLD IN ONE UAV Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab. Neta, All druggists refund t be mon- •, If It fail9 to cure. E. W. Grove's .!$Solum is on each box. rio. IiOIR N FRENC11.-In \Vetoak„in, Albert t, June '.0t h, the wife' of Victor SOi. Fr.'nnh of . Fon. Wo r a on the Flame topic, as also the we rendered duet by the Rev. gentlem t and lady. At all three of tho 8u day services the largest ,of crow( wore in attendance. The music fu nestled by the choir in the mornin and evening was of excellent ()twilit Tho excellent solos given by Ile Barker, was listened to will( rant attention, which brings to rnind kin recollections of 'his good work don among the 'people here some twely Yea -re ago, white a junior pastor o this circuit. The proceeds of th Sunday Hareems amounted to ove 321. On Monday tho usual good tint was enjoyed, some claiming that i was better than over before. Miss Phoebe Springmtepd, of St Marys, 19 spending a short lime wit friends hero. Miss elebe1 Fair, of the Vic•tori, J Hospital, London, is visiting at .cr +horn here. Miss V. Miners, of Exeter, spent Sund;,y end Monday with friend.. Mr. Harold fair iA writing off lea examinations at Exettr this wrtek. Miss Etta Kerslake, of Exeter, spent Sunday end !fondly of this week with Mr. and Mrs, W. Snell. Iter'. Mrs. Fair spent Saturday and Sunday in London. Roy. and Mrs, Ilirkcr, of Carnet - oleo, spent Si urday •et)Tuesday the guests of Mr. W. Coul,is and family. BOARD OF HEALTH meeting of •Ub▪ e local bo,.rd of float!! was held tin the Reeve's off- ieo June '27t•ll •.t. 1 P. M, Jteulbers present:- ('•4 cir,nna W. Sweet. 8. Sanders, A. Q. I3ohier, Dr. itrow- ting and Inspector llissett. The mime •'M of the meetingmeetingD1srt.clt 14th rein nut signed. Mr. Thos. Ilandford and I teazel Woo.' inter - I viewed the boned regards )togs kept by Mr. J. II,:iw•den in 0 small field) opposite thein 'homes. Per 1)r, Browning 3eeond ea by 8. Sanders, that Meer, Ilawden be in- structed to remove the hogs from the field where they Bre at present t kept r,nd t•leo prern.ises must Ix• etea l- ede1rnt 1 t•laccd in ;t nod a,ul't•ar y c • R ( on-' dittos within _'4 1 tar, lifter not k" is served and in future no bogs well bo allowed on this nor !mune pro- I tarty during Me month of June, July, August and September in each and eveery tear h" • • II i Per 8. Sanders eeeontled by Dr, n , Browning. thot whereas nn inpcc- net Is r- ' g y' v.1 d 0 [� e r c b Dr. Sl'oop's Resloretive brings lasting relief in Stomeoh, Kidney and IIeert (roubles through the inside nerves. No matter how the nerves fume impaired th 14 remedy will re, build their etrcngth, restore their vigor. Remember it tlOOM no gard to trent the niling organ -the ir- regular ,heart, rebe'Iliount etomnch, disotsed kidneys. They are not to b!Ante. Go back to the nerves that control them -trent rho C -lune -use a remedy thnt cures through the in- side nerves. Sold by W. 8. flowey. Teacher Wanted. Te te,ah 8. 8, No. 5, ('sbe.rne, 1 1-1 tniles ('est of Exeter. A personal rep. plication and a male ic.aohor !tree forted. Apply to JOSH ('A III;\ WOOD Sec. Trots. Exeter 1'. O. �j ARM 1'012 SALT;, -That cxcelienl teem land Lot 9, (ouc,'ssion 10, frsborne, containing 100 acres. about 15 monos being goo,! hulal. This farm in in excellent condition, first class well. windmill. bun, ete. The Item 11ta3 been seeded to grams for n number of 3otrs and was used prin- cipally for t\)ature. The fences are in good condition. Apply to Wen. Crc.rry, Ne"inohclsoa ; Robert Berry, Kirkton, Exooutorq of eml.ite of bhp trate Robert Creery, To Cure a Cold in One Daytcs Laxative 8r � , � �'�' ',Take',TakeOmo Quinine Tablets. ' ice 6 on every Mon on bores sold In past 13 months. This signature, �r>o->vtr.. box. 25ce I tion nes been nettle of 111' ,' vcrt1 • aft ugbtur houses olio] the 1,(330 all found :: t,; (:ot in good conditeen and would . g.tau beg to notify the. pro- ttlia•tor. ,Sett there premiso1 must be kept in a mute clout condition and , would I._X.01u111end 41111 more care bs exorcir.d in the thorough wash- ing out of tJ:e saute 311(1 Met pigpens kept perfectly c1etnt In n(1 i A orderly as po aibto. The clerk to forward a copy to r,:cI3 perry em erred -car - i riot!. iPer Dr. Browning adjournment. JOSEPII SENIOR, Secy 'Women with watknesa should tie V- er forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. 1'111(14 int" -lc -like local treatment, is used 'at bed timo, all night while the system is at rest. it is constantly building up the weakened ttismucs, soothing the inflamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up all iTait arefill and local troubles. Sold by W. S. Howey, lellIVA SCIIOOL RE1'Oii'r The following arc the netues of those in order of merit for the: month of June. Sr. IV - Dora lire•ft. Bennie McCann, Milton 1t•ttz 1larry Yearley, Jaoob Querlh. L, - vin., Hanover, Lillien hoist. Jr, IV-oho:ries Gower. Edmund Kraft, Georgina Hartman, Charlie Regicr, 111.-Emnr, Cunninplatn, John Wil- helm, Thomas; Yearley, Maggie Han- ovor, Flossie II:t'trnan, Ella \Vilholm IClara Jaoob, II - Harold Gower, Loon., Finkbeine,r, Lewis Johns, Jas. Mawhinney, Joseph Kegler, I2oy Jahns, Roy Itatz. ('t. 11, Sr.-Gta- dys liluwhinney, Francis Flynn, El- sie Appleton, Arthur Hanover. Pt. 11, Jr. -John Cunningham. Wilbert II:crtman, Veronica Hanover. Pt, I Milton Jacob, Irene Mawhinney, Bretz. !'ober Itegier. Average at- tend:titre 32. EARL 1). CAJIPIIELL, Te _cher CZ) de- MIgr'RTAtt. . Bears the The Rind Vat Hate Always bet Eigna'are of 8. 8, NO. 1, STEPHEN The following is hte •report of 8. 8. No. 1, Stephen, for the month of .lune b',,;ed on good conduct and gen- nrtment eral r ell Ilodgln s,'IF:rro or et\Vindsor, Harold Duplan. Sr. IV - 1Lirgery Hepburn, Josett)1 White, Archin Rob- inson, Czar Wilson, Gladys Essary, Gordon \Vitten, Lily Robinson, Frank Mitehell. Nona McCurdy, Murray El- liott, Gifford Ilog"rth. IV,-. Hazel Hicks, Eddie flims, Wrenn Elston, Austen Duplin, John Dempsey. Jr. 1V, -Ivry Esser'y, Itoss Wallis, Max- well lluynh:,,n, Malvan Callfas. 8r, III. -Bessie Anderson, Elmer Wilson, teary Winelsor, Ella Baker. Flossie Davey, isarle Ciulfas, Edna Davey„ Roy Catlfas, Hubert White. Ettio Welsh, Norman Heitman. MISS 110.fTEIIILIa Teacher A GUARANTEED CURE FUR PILES Itchinee Mind, Bleeding, Protrud- ing Piles. Drti.rrist4 line authorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cur . -F in 6 to 14 dere. 50o. Iiave no equal as a prompt and positive ,l,we euro for nick hc+,adache t,tl- iU1fA1y'ss, const ire lion, pain in the ide, and all liver troubles, Carter's isle Liver 1'ills, Try them. 1. by_ Taw, FANNIE M. COTHROP The Author of Our '(Famous People" Series We take pleasure in announcing to our readers that with this issue wo begin a aeries of remarkable, illustrated, biographic sketches of famous people -men and women who aro making tho history of the times. This series is by Fannie M. Lothrop, the well-known author and the ablest writer in this line in America to -day. For several years she has been a writer and critic on the leading publications of New York and Philadelphia. For this work Mrs. Lothrop has a double fitness; from the literary side her knowledge of the great people of the day and her original way of putting things, and from tho artistic side, her close acquaintance with the world's famous people fits her pre-eminently to select the beat possible views of her subjects. To her belongs the distinctive honor of possessing the largest col- lection of portraits in the world, now numbering over 400,000-a treasury of portralturo unapproached by that of any museum or library in existence. The time, patteace, concentration of purpose, industry and systematic atten- tion to detail expended in arranging such a collection is remarkable, a ".Mrs, Lothrop," says a famous critic, has unusual ability to presenting the vital elements of a man's character so cleverly, so deftly, and subordinat- ing dates and details, that from her pen we get in a few lines living biog- raphies that show the real man, his qualities and his life, more effectively than in whole par as by other writers. Some artists ran give more in a thumb- nail sketch than others can present in a panoramic painting." Mrs. Lothrop passed her girlhood years In Wiscnncin, her native State. Her father, I. P. Mack, a New England gentleman of that class we fondly term "the old school," was a lawyer, educator and thinker of rare power and singular clearness of mind. 11» founded the public schools of Rochester, N. Y., and was identifled with all lora) movements during his residence there, removing thence to Wisconsin, v her. lie' became prominent and wealthy by reason of his legal talent. Mrs. T.nrhrop's mother is a cousin of John Pier. pont. the American poet, who was th - r.•„...,.ratt,+r of J. T'fervent Morgan. 1•'or two year Mrs. Lothrop was a student of Oberlin, College, standing highest in her class, anti a graduate of the Normal College of Chicago, where her musical genius early attracted attention. She Is brilliant in conversation and well informed on all top!•- -a •'- any sense of the word. in the library of her thotneain Now York, fl not a new lednwith the best works of the best thinkers, ahe does all her literary wont. laetn.1 soortins 1' A•:t of the rart:aro, na of Canada, it. they Jar Ifs,, by W. C. If wk. at t)e Doper:meat of A/tau:tare, LOCALS Mrs. Win. Treble spent the boli in Hendon, Mins Loftin Elliott is virion;.; her homes here. Mrs. Blatebtot•d and daughter V . u ion are visiting in Lrt. Mr. and Abs. 8. Hardy- epeut day and Jouday in London. Art, Wood, of London, spent holiday visiting relatites in town. Mee M :ud Taylor, of London, is visiting under +tilae parental roof. 1111. Edgar eVestcot t, of \\'inghiin stent idle holiday with his parents. Jnr. Rickard Bisset t. of London, visited irelatives in town over 8un- d,y and Monday. JLiss M. Ik,lkwill, of llamilt visited with refafiv0i in town Sunday' and Mondsty, Miss Ethel Sweet, who was engaged as milliner at Acton during the past sea:;on, has returned home, Mr. Will White, of efeaford, spent Sunday end ,Monday with his parents ol, t./et London row, Hort h. Jnr. and Mrs. At wood and Allan elyere, of London, visited Dir, end .Jilt!. Mrs, Geo. And r .,n was elect, 0.1 delegate by th' ! ', •:eurt. Mrs day Goo. Audt rent, w !1; • t: t ho of Tuesday piglet, wl..•?, 1 he foil w• , Gee of High Mcs;en+: well ;'lye an. ut tend tette high court. TIII: INSTALL:ATln': 0I' OFFI, nr- Gars of t11e L O. O. w•us Weltaut• ,oinstad: Ne•61;• ;:band. W. We rvattante : V1lle.�o N. Rowe \V•iOdcn, i2. Kinsto ti : Con, W, the Iyn: N. l;„ Ch L.8.N,aG,.14. Il,S. Fo'd:I;. It,N.F,V,G„reecC:. !Jitney L. S. V. 0., \.'. Ilowey ; 14 8. 8., If, Walter ; L. S. 8„ 0. ' n13). , est(: (ih J0At]OUI,h, Lam1,:. ook, Gu3r. di tu, 2'. '11or. TILE I•:l'\\'ORTII 1 e.eGUE Or the Mein Street chute '3 hos put tbo hien at the north gide of the church on. ,n excellent condition (c.r tennis on playing. 'Ettore is plenty of room/ for two courts to play at a timeand net have d)e(at pur;7.!4-ISed, Prael (ice .has (already beet' started. An invitation is extended to any person who washes to play, 1:•• join theolut I'loy will Ike on every night tit& dark, except Tuesday and Thursday. Where playing will °sate ai 8 o'clock. Must not ho confo:;n led with coma ,non cathartic or purgatIvo pille. e d Carter Carter's Little Liver ('ills aro nntir. sly unlike then, in every respect. he of One trial vil 1 prole their super. lorily. Jlrs. 8. binders on I lie 1st and 2nd Miss M. Melon, of Ptrkhill, visit her parents during the holiday. S wnsaccompenied by Miss Frazer, Palk hill. Mr. 12, N. Rowe was; in London Monday and Tuesday of this we ;attending a gathering of insures agents of Rho London Life. DL Rowe and daughter Lilly accompa fed Mr. ltow-0, REV, COLLINS. OF LONIO will occupy the pulpit of the Trivi ,Memorial church Sunday. WOMAN'S INSTITUTE - TI regular meeting of the \Voman Institute will be held on Feeley. Ju 6th, at 3 o'clock in Senior's Hall. Miss Halls, Prete: Mrs. Hosting &.care to ry. A VERY QUIET WEDDING WA celebrated at tilte James street 4)a sonage on Wednesday evening of las wreck, when Mr. Nathan Ogden, o Wthalett. was mara•i•ze1 to Mrs. Jars Ilodgson, of iisborne, The cercmon lyes performed by Itev. Going. M and Mrs. Ogden left lihe Ranee even ing for their home near Whalen. WHEN SNELL & ROWE:S DEL- i 1 ivery wagon was *near tike creamery 1 Friday afternoon elle king bolt fell out ,allowing the reach to strike j ton n the RrounR. The wagon turned coin- pill age! toUll 9 3 OU pletcl)' over. 1113 dorsa took fright 11i , 000 ON on ek litiRON co An unfortunate '.ff'ir happened ati rs. Kingsbridge, a vilLag,, 14 miles north II- of Coderidh. Wednc:,,l ty night. Wed. ednesd iy wt'ts (Me i.. riding day tot, N, John Dalton, and Miy; Francs Moss. tt of that 1,1aa+, .and i(t the••(evening; there were festivilie.e at the•couplo's IE new home.. About midnight tx erlulrivari party put in an appetiranoe ly. :end Josh Bussey, a young man of twenty-five yo;trs, %oho was in the house with the wedding paxty, went, outside to quiet tat- diaturhance. Whether through ..r; ident or care, S lessness is rthotgun in the hands of ' the clvurivari p'irty wont off and soy.. 1.; oral of the nhot struck Hussey, some i in (ho side of It':i dead and some Jame r. • • in this 'body. and Iran away. Tho animal ran to- wards the river and .around to Main stncet, where it fell on the sidewalk and was capturred. The overturning of tho wagon almnat w re.,eked it, A REUNION OF THE CHILDREN of the late John Thylor to'ak place on the 2nd July at the home of Mrs. C. 1', Brooks, Willinrn street. The five sons, Andrew. of Yarmouth Centre, \Villivan and Robert of Vs - borne, John and James of Exeter; also five d,aughtors, Mrs. 8, A. Cook, of 8t. Thomas ; Mrs. A. T. Pearson, of London, Mrs. George Thomas, 3Irs. C. T. Brooks, ,and Miss Lizzie of Exeter, spent a very pleasant and ' en o vas1o , dot this Ia being the first ineunir-.n in eleven years. Mit. DAVID MILLS AND MR. Alex Dyer ihave been elected dole_ Rotes to the high court of the, I. 0.Y. w,hioh meets at St, Tbomas August 1n WomanlyAilments awd Weae:ae: if. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes. Heals and Cures while the Patient Sleeps. •The beat reined, which physicians know for ''emote Weaknesses is composed of partt of a ;pettaln Mhite Illy. To this are added other ieplediei which draw out the poisons and heal ,illie iaftmed membranes. This soothing aati- an4lphy*lclal application ev rywhereknown Dia tSHOOP'S 'Nlea-r CIIat-because 1c cures HhGe the pa• Went sleeps and the mornfn, tlnde the the inttamma tion, th•: dfscharees, a ted. Thelivesu� r.:,'iy w men ate rda 0f tnartrr- 4oin. They euQ r, 511 faro sick, th.pnevrr kcWr 'a ender -yet / ��� 11!1 th',9IUftC�lp a sickness aaQ ess Isu ]T �S l( 1 n n c c ��i�7� �tery a111nr �ptPI r \' on:aalb$fbe BSACeetrnnlr, NI( �� -mi►y be ti�r ani i•i\ 1 (l /,alit enc, the ltnisttnd pert�r ilia healthy wof e- anhdod, It lsto\(/l,1r'(' 'i)tfs ever•fn• ,er�aelac. int, \ /tto-C •ring wOtYaeb t1Datfr.eShoop s(i7 l.\ L.. mr syro of hope and Iffe and K„ c),cer. Itis t0 t ees Sick and ailing women that Dn. SRo0 'a NIGHT CCR?:Willcnme'as a i7stn of (atte(QI, ,You Inay not know yn it trnvhle by the 'alae hilcla nIce t t R ,[ r r m 1Ja 8 �or T CC1Ts i ma1y hr rclni,tit u(romhenr Nall t ,wonto W sratioa, fi)Jlln.; of the werOb, M6ibb or ovaries, Icurorrha,., ,iaatln:nation, congestion. Irregular or M4trntlon. Ask for Dr. Sst' oos [[ii eeoInmeaded and aolA by 11'. S. IIO\VI;Y. ai TIIE GOVF,RNMENT OF Tan. . PROVINCE OF ONT,\RIO, under the authority of Chapter 4, of the Sta. tures of Ontario, 1906, invites sub. scriptions front WI public for a leant of $3,000,000 on bonds of tho Pro. vino of Ontotrio, tinted 1st July, 190a. and payable $1,500,000 on the 1st July, 1926, . $1,500,000 on the list July, 1936, with t coupons attache•(, with interest" at the roto of 3 1.2 per cent. per. 0nnum payable half -yearly on the! 1st Januaey and the 1st July in eaolti year at rho office of the. Provincial Treasurer. rcr Toronto. Bo will i 1 be of talo denominations ,of $200, $500, and $1,000, and will bo payable to bearer, but on request will bo regis.' tored in the office of the Provine 0191 Treasurer and endorsed as pays able only to tate order of aertaint!plere sons or eorporatians, and on request of .holdors moy Ix; exchanged fon Ontario Government Stook bearing the tomo rate of interest. The issue price during the montli of July, 1906, will be par, and after, tho 31st July, 1906. the issue price will be par and accrued Interest. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AU- THORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE :'R031 ALL ONTARIO PROViNCIAI, TAXES, CIIARGES, SUCCESSION DUT Y AND IMPOSI. TIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of nmounts up to $1,000 will be required to send cert. ified (toque with the npplicotion. For amounts over $1,000 payment; forb Au rcription n,ay bo outdo in in, stallmenta 10 per eent on applioatiori 10 per oent 1st of August Paper cent 1st September, 10 per cent let Oct. ober, 10 per cent 1st November and! 50 per cent 1st December, 1906, with privilege of paying it an earlier data the interest on inst .11ment subscripe tions being adjusled on 1st Jnnuaryt 190 - In the t, eventf any b n gt'rth. r for bonds su payable by installments L•li(� ng to make perytn('nt of subsequent nstallments, the bonds may be mold and any loss incurred ~will be c,h,org. ed to ilbe purehleer in default. Forms of subscription (wlhen pity. bio by fnstalln,cnl s may be oh.. ;tined ncei on at .lion pI o or at the Trees. try Departnment. This h loon is e. ed on the credit f the eonsolid:,t.'d Revenue, Fund of Ontario (incl et chargeable thereupon. i Alt cheques should bet mato pay - 1e to the nrde'r of "The Provincial reieurer of .eentario," and Aubecri- r{ should state the denominations nd forma (20 or 39 years) of bonds (Aired. A. J. MATI' E:9ON, • Provinci tl Trestaurdr. Tro,sury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 27th Juno 19,)6, Newspapers inserting this ndvert- ment without authority from the, port n,•'nt will not bo pair! for it. tr Imtutd ksg rf ::ia.:i w IMF N a L -STAY FENCE rote',' S The Pitt.,, Fc,w has kine Nnee pistil re rr.,ri ray' n.rdal ..a!•. eve ,rat 1 ,,, ae..iII.te„I, ant .,l'�I w7;711 trete., ..1410( 1. erre--l1,. a•ynta-u.t.r1, !+ i )mall-PerLR� wart rake o Limn -ED. 11 a t t f �o h T be Id Pie t\'. .1, IiF:AMAei. Agent. Exeter ••••"•••""••••••••••"r• _ _ ---_t• • TnE r�o�,so,Ns .�""..W1 • BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament Me) i CAPITAL PAID i RESERVE FUND UP. .... • • • •• • • • • • X3.000.000.00 •00.00 t? I)ranrhes In Ontario, Quebec, A1.ertn (trills/1 Colurnbis and Manitoba • • EXETER Ii3RANCH 2Open every Lawh,l Day from 10 A. M. to 3 rM . , except Saturday 10 A. u. to 1 P. M. Z I?nrnlorsl• Mole Notcpe cashed or collected, Forms supplied • • (h. area cation. I)ItAF Ts on nll 1 oast« In the Dominion, Go at Britain and Un - heti Stares, bought and sold at 'now rates of eichange, • • i•AVIN(lA DEPARTMENT Depowtlo, of *1.00 1,11 .1 Ifpw•ards reeeire(1, Interest tom• po,.nder) hail }earl( 7, and added to principal Jane cath and December EUt, De- 1'oslte Itcrcip,. 81.o i.aned and hlghest current rates of interest showed, Ads enccw made to fnrntr•ri stork dealers and business men at tow est rate, and on Twist Pourable terms, Agents at Exeter for Dom. 0oternrnent. Lickfcr & Carlirg, t•(i (,it'', N. D. HUI?DON, Yaosger. •••••••••i"••••••••"••• •