HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 12THE EXETER TIMES, JULY5thl 1906.
We have just received a
Large Shipment of
Pipes 5c to $1. and up
Pipe Repairs Always on
I land.
Brown in
Drug Store.
Cigar. FOUR for 25 cents.
The Exeter Times
(Too ia•to Lor slant week.)
Mr. 11. Drtahmann our popular tail.
for is quitting the tailoring ,business
on ,account of his eyesight and mov-
ing to )holy hood whore he intends
keeping et grocery. Mr. Dtethm-
e tan will bo mush missed in town.
He intends moving about September
1st. This loaves u grand opening
for ct good tailor to take ibis place.
The bricklayers have started the
Dew Methodist Church. Tho leering
of the corner stone to take place) on
July 2nd. at 4.30 P. M.
Mro. Jt Ipt Slcvenson of the Par
line visited friends in town last week
Mr. Albert W hitesides and Friend
from Ilensall spent anent Sunday in
o n
Tho Ladies Aid of St. Andre wts
Church held a Lawn Social and
Strawberry Festival on Tuesday eve
in thte Ferguson orchard on the lake
bank. Clinton Band was in attend-
ance, and a good time they had too.
Mrs. Biggins who is suffering from
a paranytic stroke is still very weak.
Mrs. Welker and son of Detroit
/Visited friends in town last week and
Was looking after her property
The summer visitors ore °needy
looming in for the soaaon and if n
Lot summer a large number are
expected from Detroit and C other
Tho Sterling Bank is doing .3
Rushing business in town and is just
(what was needed.
• iMr. t\hnrles Campbell hats his new
'•Louse painted and finislhed and is
EOw ha :1i1ndsome residence.
iMiss Steadman of Wyoming who
'spent three or four weeks visiting
(her brother Rev. Mr. Gteadman re-
turned to her /home last week.
Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio,
writes; "I have used every remedy
for sick headache I could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's
Little Livor Pills did me more good
than all the rest.
Most of the farmers in this vicinity
bave commenced haying.
Miss Edna Iledden of Crediton vin
ited friends here on Sunday.
Chas. Baumgarten, \Vin. Mason,
and Louis Schnieder of Woodham
spent Sunday at their homes here.
This week we regret to record the
death of Mr. Daniel Mclr,nnc of Mer-
ri1l,.iDfichigan, whose remains were
brought here for burial on 'Thursday
last. Mr. Mee has been piling for
some time past but did not get bed-
tact till a few days before his death.
He was a former resident of this place
but for some time has been running a
hotel and livery barn in Merrill. Ile
was a young man and will be much
missed by those who knew him. The
funeral took piece to Mt. Carmel
cemetery on Friday last, followed by
a large number of sorrowing friends.
He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and
child, a mother, four brothers and
three sisters.
Miss Iosie McPhee of Detroit is
spending the holiday at her home
Miss Louise McIntyre of Detroit is
visiting at Mr, Moses Carruthers.
Dir. Samuel Sweitzer shipped four
carloads of lumber last week.
Miss Lizzie Smith of London is vis-
iting tier home here
Mr. Nelson St. Clair left Wednesday
for Melita. Man., where he has en•
gaged with \Vna. llatimgarten. form-
erly cf this place.
Th is t .)o had! We had no-
tice . it u a i looking pretty thin
and ro.:gh of late, but naturally.
did not lila to speak of it, Ry
the way. Ayer's Hair Vigor is
a r:'gular '.air grower, a per-
feet hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keep . se'`t r.nd smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigra; cures sick hair,
maks ' ing and healthy.
• t s t.'etimonisl—
sixty yeses."
• Co.,•TS •r tow•ll, Ms"'`
:meand Surgeons, tlucoesaor to Dr.
E. A. Heist, Crediton. Ont.
There was on interesting game of
Tennis played between Ails:► Craig
and our team, on tn, recreation
grounds there yesterday pttcrnoon.
Mr. rind Mrs. C. Tom Wind, of De-
troit, are visiting friends and rel-
atives twee for a few weeks.
Mr. Will Ilertzcl, Mrs. Longw.tto
and family, of Detroit, well known
in our village, expect to spend a
month at Grand Bend. They will
arrive there 'bout July 11th.
Mr. Geo. Treller, of Detroit, is vis-
iting friends here.
DLr. and 'Mrs. Francis Clark, of
Grantor), spent the holidays at the
home of s. Clark's parents, s, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Lewis.
Mr. Gco, IBoltzmann, Sr., is spend-
ing a few months with his sons and
daughters in Michigan. .
Mr. Russell Iluxt:able, of Ilanul-
ton spent a few days in the village
visiting friends.
Miss MI,ry Brown who Inas been
visiting friends for a fewi 'weeks
noir Chicago, returned home last
Friday ;.ocompanied by •ter sister,
Mrs. Definer, of Sebowaing, Minh.
Dlr. Garnet Baker. of London,
spent the holiday in our village.
Mr. S. Beaver, who has been work-
ing in Hamilton and Woodstock for
1 ho oast year, returned home Satur-
day. Mr. Beaver ,has accepted a
position with our enterprising tai-
lor, Mr. J. If. IIoltzmnnn,
Several of our townspeople spent
Monday at Oho Bend, ()there went to
Centrnlia. The larger crowd went to
Kirkton to witness tire bnseaiall
games between the Stars and the
Tigers, of London. and returned full
of glee et the success of our boys
in defeating their opponents in both
games. Tlltc snores will be found
under the heading "Dominion Day"
Our first baseman, Fred Kcrr, had
the misfortune to turn his ankle in
the morning game, necessitating his
retiring and Eli roamer taking his
plaoe. The junior team went over
to Centralia and walloped the jun-
iors of that burg, by n score of 10
to 4. Thoso who went to the Bend
report on enjoyable time.
Mrs. John Wind and daughter Til-
lie left on Sattendey to visit with
friends for n few weeks in Detroit.
It is expected that onothor game
of ball will bo played between the
Stairs, and at team from near Strath-
roy on Friday of this week. A very
interesting game was played be-
tween Ulrese two teams in Crediton
on June 23rd, the visiting team win-
ning by one run. See small bills for
further particulars as to date and
time of game.
Miss Colwill, wiles has been en-
gaged ne 'milliner with Mr. C. Zw•ic-
kc.r for the past season left this
eek for titer home in Brussels. Miss
Co1will will a again tresume liter du-
ties here when the fall season opens.
Mr. Wm. Ilill and Mr. Isaac II111,
who left for the west a few weeks
ago, returned 'home Saturday after
a very 'pleoaant trip. They are
greatly taken up with the west, and
think it is a great country.
Mr. Alex Ilerrgott spent the holi-
diys visiting (his parents near iler-
The .nlany friends of Mr. George
Monteith, of Kilktraiey. Man., were
',loused to sc him in our village af-
ter an absence of some twenty years.
Messrs. George, John nnd Jacob
itrow•n, Mich., were here attending
the funeral of their ,pother the Into
Mrs. John Brown. which took place
list Thursday.
Ohildren's Day in the Evangeliaai
seiet,y shot has beecn nnnounced
for July 15t.h.
Mr, and Mrs. 1, Procter, of God -
(girth spent Sunday here the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown.
Our football team once more met
the Zurich boys on the recreation
grounds here on Thursday evening
last which resulted in a tie.
Mrs. Wm. Dolpdtues of Sebewoing,
Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Brown for a few
week s.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, .of Exe-
ter were the guests of Mrs. Link on
Mr. Wilbert Clark visited friends
at St. alarys on Sundiy.
Mrs. Mary Brown, relict of .the
late Jahn ilrown, pasted to her last
reward on Tuesday, June 26th at
the extreme age of 73 yoars, 8
months ,and 28 days. Docoascd had
been enjoying good !health until n
few weeks prior to 'ls r death, in-
firneuties of old age bring the cause
of her illness. She wzis born in
Ibirerin, Germany. and came to Can -
edit in 1850. settling in Steptten
township, where she cent inunlly
melte nen home. She WO it
monied to John Brown about n year
nr rent t0 John Bron -nn :thawaw
year after her arrival Dere. Mr.
[frown predeceased her 'bout 17
yctirs ago. The deceased was a Val-
ober of th..a el'�a
Ev ng ,,. 1
church, and woe highly esteeined by
all her teeny .•,cquaintances. Skis
leaves to ,mourn their lois seven
children: ilhrn'y 11., who resid:s ora
the old homestt id, Stephen : Jacoh,
of Kilmer' ig,h, Mich., John nod
George. Pigeon, Mica.; Rev. S. F.
Itosthorn, Seek.; Mrs, \Vm. C,II-
f hs, °entralja. and firs. Fred Ilajst,
('redit on..til of %%hem have the aym-
t„t)o- of their many frbentls.
IIISTOitY OF 8. S. NO. 5.
(Crowded out last Week.)
As the oorncr stone of this, our
new 'velvet), Os :about to be laid, it
MOr1,9 but proper to give .a short
skelth of the history of the school
111 this section. There ire many of
the pupils of the first wheel in this
tart still with us. And n7 I read the
01,1 1'rnili ar names, no doubt the
Fc cot. of the old desk in the 40l4
s.sbool will fitsh before their eyes.
NT ,its would like, 'hid they rho
ah nee, to return again in order to
t •ke better advantage of their op-
{•ortunjlic•, but titin ie impossible,
still it rate' be a Meson to the sebo•
art present to -night to waste .,no I
teteisos drat y in their opportunity FANCY
tete passed they nr:y look back with
no regrets for lost Chances. The
first school was held otiout the year
1851 in the log stable on then farm
of Mr. Athw (:wiser, and the teach-
er w•rd 51r. Rich. Adams. All honor
is dun to tt,ose pioneers, who over -
cruse such great difficulties in or -
dor to give !their ol►ildren an edu-
cotion, and honor to those name chil-
dren, 11ito are to -day causing this
Cot t`ohool to be erected so that
their children may have every ad-
vantage and In; ready to face tho
world strengthened by .a good edu-
From Mr. Geiser's farm the
school was moved to the carpenter
strop of Jar. Gumm, w'hjch stood
++there Mr. Walker's store in now
situated and the teacher was a Miss
It wort then decided
d to
move the
school south ond the lot, now o3-
cupic•d by `Dir. Sims, was purchased,
and while the school was being erect-
ed. the scholars met for tuition in
Mr. W. Stevens' log born. \Ylen
the school was oompleted it was at
once taken possession of, and no
doubt the i:,r•ents find 'scholars felt
as much pride in that little .log
sch.wt-house as we do in the fine
building. now in courses of construc-
tion. The tcnehore, who taught in
this school were Messrs. Snell, Brod-
rick and Foster and many an inter-
esting tale is tokl by t1he pupils of
these teachers, and ninny a spot,
once gendered sore by ',,liberal np-
elicc,tion of the "blue beech” is
still rubbed in remembrance of those
"touching incidents."
As settlers moved in, the little log
school became overcrowded, and a
movement was made to fora) a new
section. \Vdten nouncil met on No-
vember 1811,, 1871, it was moved by
Mr. Dan Coughlin ,seconded by Mr.
Tom Yearley inn' n new section to
bo known cis 8. 8. 'o. 5, be formed
wit1, boundaries as they are at pre-
sent. '111118 w•is ,carried and the fol-
lowing gentlemen were elected is
trustees for t•ho new section, Messrs.
J. .lkrrsons, J. Kohn and (Charles
Brown. While these gentlemen were
procuring suitable grounds for a
school, the scholars of the new see.
tion e. ' ,
met t
) thetowna _
hall, r 1 situate
ed where Mr. C. Zwicker's store now
stands, and wire taught by Mr. Sim-
monds, told then by Mr. 1(opkirk,
Who was assisted by Miss Bannah
Sweet and Miss Essory for the school
was so well attended that nil could
not be accommodated in one room.
In Marc.),. 1873, n piece of land was
secured from the council for $100
and n contract for n new eactltool
house seas let to Mr. Christian Bea-
ver. Late that (year it wns 'com-
pletod and the schot•.rs toek their
places in What was then consideired
one of the best school -houses in
the county. A yeur or so liter it
wits found necessary to divide the
school -11°1' into two rooms, end in
1877 a contract was given to .Mr.
James Frayne to build a third room
on the west side. In 1893 a. bell was
pieced on the school -house by pri-
vate subscription and by means of
funds raised by a concert. In 189.4
It was thought necessary to enlarge
kite school grounds and after much
difficulty four rods on the cost aide
were procured from the Hill estate
and it is on part of thi:t additional
apace t hat our new school is being
built. The work done in the school
is worthy of note and many, who
to -day are holding responsible posi-
tions, began their education to fit
them for their work, under the roof,
at tato Crediton Public School. In
the past four years 29 pupils ,have
written rat the High School Entrance
examinations and all 'have .passed.
In 1902 Melinda Trick mets second
in the Inspcctornte rind in 1905 Edna
Reck was first rind Gertic tShort
third. Al.,). this work rontinue in
the new wheel just building, where
pupils and tenehers will have better
advantages far study and therefore
wo shall look for better results.
The following gentlemen have been
principals of the school besides those
mentioned as teachers before the
building of the ec:hool in Crediton.
Messrs. A. llopkirk, 1873-1880, Nash
1881-1881. McNabb 11880-1887, Tait
1888-1889,. Robbs. 1890. Campbell 1891
E -•:Ace 1892, West men Faster 1892-
181'1, J. Nichol 1894-1896, E. Simpson
181..-1898, G. Bloomfield , 1899-1901,
C. !ILuca le02 to the present. Whet
thee° the following lady ,teachers
have been associated, Misses Moffatt,
IIcag ire h, Orion At kinson, Bowers,
Biro, Iitekins, Ilodgins, Taylor,
Halsey,. Potter, Baker, . Wiggins,
Russell, 1)ogss'ell, Ballantyne. Lo
Tousel, Ilan, Ranee, Courcey, Fraser
Tiohbourno, Teed( hick. Fortner,
\Vileon, Dow Met; ilium, McBee! n,
Siultor, Robson. Simpson,; Kienzle
and Farrow. Of these ladies Misses
Tiohbourne, Le Toulon and Robson
have gout to the world beyond amid
the sorrowing rot tlio::e w•ht knew
The following gentlemen hare act-
ed as trustees. Messrs, G. Brown,
M. Morlock, J000lr Either, CJwis,
Brown. Sehtn,rr. G. • Wein, ••F.
\Vuerth. \V. Stevens, J. G. Young.
W. Bastes, .1. l'irsons, .1. Kuhn, .1.
Finkbeiner, A. trooper, Michael Fink -
Winer, i
r, J erica Clark, W. Wenzel nnd
8. prows.
As Auditors. --\V. I Stevens, f).
Brown, (Nees. Brown, Jacob Father
C. Kibler. W. (..ar. , r, W. Wenzel. G.
Bnown, 1'. ICienzle, Dr. .1. Rollins,
very often
$ � hygiene,hair, impure
4ISeNater, are amongits causes.
It is called •'the soil for
tubercles," and where it, is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or consumption a
pretty sure to take root.
Hood's Sarsaparl la
Removes trace of
scrofula. Get rlood'se
Tor leatb.onii of remerilafle toast
j ...� Beak
„��,. No. Mae.
in .
We have just placed in stock a
complete line of Nancy China in
all the latest styles and patterns.
We have them nicely arranged on
a stand in our store, and we in-
vite our customers and friends to
come in to see them.
We also have some nice pat-
terns in Dinner and Tea Sets, all
at very reasonable prices.
Page Wire Fencing
We have a quantity of the above
celebrated Fencing Wire in stock,
which we will sell at reduced
prices as long as it lasts,
We have a large assortment of
Hollywood and Robertson's Paints
in stock. These are good paints
and all ready mixed, ready for use.
Harvesting Tools
We keep a full line of these goods
and can supply your wants any
A car -load of Cement just Arrived.
J. Clark, S. Brown, J. II. Boltzmann
C. Zwicketr,
As Clrnirman and Secretary.—Jacob
Eilbor, G. Brown, J. Lewis,. Dr. J.
Rollins, B. Silber, M. P. P., W. Won..
zel, A. Ifopkirk, Nash, Wm. Lewis, 8.
Brown, J. H, Boltzmann. C. Bluott.
Caretaker.—Matthew Weiner,
Matthew lrinkbeiner, John Dyer,
Mrs. Sims, Appleton. Fred Wein. I'.
Weiner, John Dietz. Christian 1'ah-
Some of fusee gentlemen have
given ninny faithful years of service
it the interests of the school, and
a Lew• who deserve the special thanks
of the section for their devotion are
Jaoob Eilbcr and Chas. Brown who
for nearly 20 years nerved the sec-
tion as trustee, auditor, or secre-
tary; Michael Finkbolner, who has
acted es trustee for 15 years; Mr. J.
Clark, who has been trustee for the
same length of time and Mr. W.
Wenzel, who has noted as trustee for
10 years, besides noting ns auditor
and in other offices; -Mr. 1. Brown,
tato son of C. Brown, has nerved
five years nor trustee besides holding
other of(ices.
Mrs, Arthur Bt'llbaek is visiting
friends in Dashwood.
Mise Florence Rhode iv visiting un-
der the parental roof.
Mass Katto Bender is home visiting
her parents.
Mrs. Eifert and family feft for
Floridale last week where they will
join Rev. Mr, Eifert.
Miss Etta Ruby is visiting at her
home here,
Mr. Scott of Washington is visiting
friends in our village.
Mr. George Wambold of Blyth is
home visiting his parents,
Mr. Archie Routledge of Clandeboye
is visiting his parents for a few days.
Mr. M. Cook and Mr. Katzamyer of
Berlin visited with Mr. and Mrs J. K.
(,loetz on Sunday,
Mr. Daniel Mclsanc is visiting under
the parental roof this week,
Mr. Randolph Eifert is here taking
his fathers place as pastor of the
Lutheran church.
Last Thursday evening about twenty
young people gathered at the home of
Mr. T. Schroeder and spent a very
leasant time
it was in honor ►
h n r o f
fuss 'fill' t to Schroeder, chto
edi'r, it beinK her
Miss Quante, Miss Goetz, Mr. W. C.
Mill and 1
Miller nl 1 i
Mr. \
I McLennan a ,
c nn n e crit the
2nd of July visiting at Bayfield.
Mr. \Vm kleinstleer visited friends
in'alilvert in it few days this week,
Our trustees are very busy at the
pr,sent time laying cement walks.
They are making a good job of it and
we are sure that the people of Dash-
wood will be proud of the work which
will seen be completed.
Our town was very quiet on Monday
owing to the )net that most of our
townspeople spent the day at Grand
Be ad and totter points,
Your unoasy, 1•estless without ap-
petite. Still worse you are thin and
1 :aged out. \Work must the alone,
but where is the strength to come
f romt
Mike your blood nutritious ltnd
you'll have lots of .strength. Your
only hope is Fcrrozone, an instant
I:loodmnker, blood{n,rificr, bkxnd•
• nrich,cr. It brings keen nppelite,
d•aests food and s'tpplies nutritino
for building ftp all bodily aissues.
Forrozonr r rices tnuarlc rand n'rve-
tibre, inareses pour weight instills
a reserve of energy into the body
th•it clef'^s we•arince• or exhaustion
from any ciuss. To have virility and
healthy vigor use Ferrozone which
all dealers sell in SOo. boxes.
For Sick Women
To Consider.
Fuer.—That almost every operation In
our hospitals perfonne,t upon women
becomes necessary through neglect of such
symptoms as tockaehe, irregular and
painful peria,le, displacements of the
female organs, pain in the side, burning
sensation in the stomach, bearing -down
pains, nervousness, dizziness and sleep-
Secovn.—The medicine that holds the
t>sol to
r cst umbar of a
recon) for the lab n
cures of female ills is Lydia E. I'inkbau)'s
Vegetable Compound. It regulates,
strengthens and cures diseases of the
female organism as nothing else can.
For thirty years it has been helping
women to Ire strong, curing backache,
nervousness, kidney troubles, inflamma-
tion of the female organs, weakness and
displacements, regulating the periods
perfectly and overcoming their pains. It
has also proved iteelf invaluable in pre-
paring for cbitlbirth and the change of
Titan.—Tho great volume of unsolicited
and grateful testimonials on file at the
Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,
many of which aro from time to time
published by pennission, give absolute
evidenoe of the value of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs.
Pinkham'e advice.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing invitation
to Women.—Women suffering from any
form of female weakness aro invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink -
ham, at Lynn, Mass. All lettere are
received, opened, read and answered by
women only. Front symptoms given,
your trouble may be located and the
quickest and surest way of recovery ad-
vised.—Mrs. I'inkhanu is daughter-in-law
r)and for twenty-five
inkha, o
of Lydia E. Py
years under her direction and since her
decease she has been advising sick women
free of charge. Out of tate vast volume
of experience in treating feinale ills Mrs.
Pinkham probably has the very know-
ledge that will help your case. Surely,
any woman, rich or poor; is very foolish
if she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of assistance.
The Strawberry festival held hero
on Monday was n great success.
Holiday Visitors. — Harvey Hicks
of London, visited at 'his home here.
--Mr. rand •Mrs. Bert Veil, of Now -
berry, visited at Mr. Richard flicks.
.-Miss Dotty Ellitto, of London, vi-
sited at her •home here.—Mrs. French
of Clinton, visited at Mr. Wm, EI-
liott's.—Mr. Cecil Simpson, of Luenn
waw the guest of his sister, Miss
Evelyn Simpson.—Mr. :Leslie Mc.
Naughton of London+
as the guest
of Mr. Clurenoo 'Duplan.—Miss Elsie
Il'andford, of London. visited at her
uncle's, Mr. James Itandford.—Miss
Beulaoh Beaver, of Crediton, visited
at Mr. Geo. Essery's, — Miss Lizzie
Wolfe, of Crediton, was the guest of
Miss Gladys Essory. — Rev. Mr.
Pheasent and daughter and grand-
daughter, of Detroit, visited cat Mr.
Samuel Davis'.—The Misses Rollins,
the Misses Thompson and Miss Stan-
ton. of London, were (he guests of
Miss Floe Essery.—Tahoe Misses Jo-
sepInne and Ettie Coughlin. of Lon-
don, visited at their •homes here.
Miss Irene Curtin, who Las been
attending Business College in Lon-
don, is spending her holidays at her
Immo here.
Miss folly Windsor, wilio has been
loaohing et Walton, is ')tome on her
Miss Lucy Andrews, who has been
teaching at Lindsay, is spending the
holidays at her home here.
Mem Alvino Wilson, 'toaolter at
Maguire, is (home on her holidays.
Miss Almc.lri 11 ixtable, who has
had a situation ns milliner at Rod,
racy, is spending her holidays with
her parents.
Don't Squander &•our money.
On worthless cures for Coined'.
There is only one remedy that's suc-
cessful •--Ccitarrhozone'— it ,cures
when your elector says the colo is
hopeless. No drugs to take. no :at-
omizer to bother with, you 'simply
inhale tits fragrant vapor of this un-
failing and get well quickly. Itelief
is instant, euro IA guaranteed so you
run no risk with Ctstnnrhozone.
Don't experiment don't put ,off,
get (\rtnrrhozon • from your drug-
gist to-dl•:y.
IMiss indents M. Gardiner, who
los been attending the Normal Col-
lette at Hamilton, returned to her
Thoth ,here list week.
The board of directors of the tJn-
borne tie !fibbed Dfulnil Fire Ins.
Co. met here on Titeadty instead of
Monday es Monday was n Judid iv.
Mrs. 1). M. li ickney, of St. Mary::
spent Sundey at .1r. C. Cirnptrell's•
A number of our sports spent 1M,
minion i)ly at Motherwell watching
the baseball gimes.
'Mr. and Mrs. 13, W, F. ilciaverir in. -
turtles” lief week from their trip t„
11:la Falls, ,\1nskoka, and woie ten-
dered a reception on their nrrival
at their home herr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cottle spent
Dominion day at Kirk 1on.
Mr. rand Mrs. Wm. \Vert, ;Mies
Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. John
Key Look in tJte exca,reion to the
Model Perin last week.
Bean the 1r.e Kind i
Nene �'har; Boc;IN
BjB of ere -KQ�, 1.14 t4 .4
A 1'erf";t itoact Lix:tive for con-
eti{.ation, sallow complexion, %heaad-
eche, dizziness sour stomioh, coaled
tongue, biliou..ncss. Lax-ets act
promptly, without pain or griping.
Pleasant to take--Lax-ets— only 5
lents. Sold by \V. 8. ifowey.
A Comedy Co'y struck our burg
on Sunday evening last and the ren-
dition of the music given wets highly
disoord'n)t—let alone t tae occasion ; it
being nnniverw►ry cervico in the
Methodist church and church
Mrs. Goo. Darling, .,f L ,radon, vis-
ited at the ]home of h, r parents, Mr.
and Mrs. \Vn. Hazelwood, on the lat
and 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Chemed, of Mit-
chell, formerly of Kirkton, ++-ore
welcome visitors hen on Monday.
Mr. Frank and Merl Robinson, of
London and Londesboro, spent 1110
holiday with their parents here.
3Lcssrs. Sitas Shier and Robt.
Doupe, who have been ttrospecting in
the west arrived home on Friday Last
mono satisfied witch this township.
Misses Josie and Olive Doupe, of
London, are spending a few days in
Hee village and visiting friends.
The Patterson. Ellis Co., of St.
Malys. areat present an
b I
two small bridges on tate Inth
concession of Usbornc. After the
completion of these they will start
the erection of a cement bridge et
the foot of the hill in front el
the mill, which will ba an aggrava-
tion to Bill.
Dr. Khoop's Rbeunet tic Rentedy—
when used faithfully will reach
chronic and difficult cases heretofore
regarded as incurable by l,hysio!ans
and is the moot reliable prescription
known to clean out and completely
remove every vestige of rheumatic
poison from the blued. Soli by W,
S. Honey.
Mss Ethel Godbolt, teuchorta
Tilbury, returned home Saturday
night to spend her intention.
Mrs. Wntn. Francis wits tato guest
of then sister, Mrs. Win. - Crcery,
Friday last.
The school clowcd Edney for the
Tho ysWino heiSett Com.:dy Company
played to a orowdcd house ab Staffs
Monday night.
A number from 'here attended the
services at the Kirkton Methodist
enured' list Sunday morning and
Evening. The services were conduct-
ed by We Rev. II. A. Graham. of
St. MLarys. Rev. Graham was a
former toacher of 8. S. No. 3. Us -
borne, and is 'highly thought of by
his former acquaintances.
Rev. and Mr. Sylvester Toll were
tendered a reception in the Metho-
dist church Thursday evening Last by
the members of the congregation.
The cement block foundation for
Mr. T, Welsh's brick dwelling hos
been completod.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdock, of
Bay City, spent last meek with rel-
atives in town.
Mr. Gus. McEwen rand J. McAr-
thur returned last week from a trip
to the Soo.
Tho Exeter Automobile was here
a few days last week staving some
repairs made to ttw machinery.
Our bowlers went down to Exe-
ter on Wednesday pf last week and
came within a few points of win-
ning the match.
A number spent the holiday nt
London, Growl Bend and ether
For all weakness from which girls
and women suffer, no surer remedy
exists than Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
They mnintain that bracing health
every woman so earnestly desires:
they uproot disease, and bring forth
strength tbnt lasts till old age.
"No Medicine could be more benefit.
cal than Dr. Hamilton's .Pills"
writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton of Vic-
toria " I .have been strengthened,
my digestion is bettor, I ,havo im-
proved in color and feel considerably
better since using Dr. Jlnmilton's
Pine" Sold everywhere, 250. per,
box or five boxes for ono dollar.
A pretty June wedding was sol. •
emnized at the Leine of Mr. Valen-
tine Ritz. M. i'., on Wednesday,
Juno 20, when his daughter. Lizzie,
bename the bride of Mr. J. It. Hall.
man. of Berlin, As Miss Florence
Bottice, of New Ifnniburg, played
Mendelsso)rn's Wedding Manch the
bridal party took their plaocss in tato
prettily decorated alcove. The of-
ficiating clergyman was Rev. D. If•
Wing, of Grnce church, Toronto, a
cousin of the bride. The bridge
gown teas of ivory navaim lace over
white duohcas satin, with trimmings
of chiffon. The austonanry veil was
worn with atnnll wreath of ()rang('
blossoms. She oarried a bouquet of
bride's roses. The bridesmaid, Miss
Adelyn Itetz, wore n Irindsomo gown
of embroidered net over pale green
tafYta, and carried a bouquet of pink
stem ) r
hoeles. Two sv► little flower girls
the :tosses Pearl and Evelyn Wing.
worn 'Minty drosses of while organ-
die trimmed will valenoiennes lace
and rah corned basks s
t of+to Nh '
pink ,r,pses. 'iltue groomsman was
Mr. Fronk D. Whom, of Toronto
University. After the' rrremony,
the guests assembled in the dining
room, where a dainty dejetiner wee
50,000 Pounds of
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitiltgs.
The best offerings from.
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
';� i J }%Iris i i i.4?
Z Our classes are much larger
Ithan they were a year ago. The
public have learned that this is
the best place in the Province
Ito obtain a Commercial or Short
hand Training. Students are
entering each week. All grade
ates get good positions, Write
for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, principals
just received another load
Iwe will sell at $2.25 per
cwt. at the Feed Store.
• call on us, we sell the best'
at a reasonable price.
FLOUR always on hand
at the same prices as at the
Large quantities of po-
tatoes on hand, also seed
potatoes at $1.00 per bag.
served. Tho groom's gift •to tho
bride seas a pendant of pearls w•itti
an clabornte amethyst setting, to
the bridesmaid n pearl fleur-de-lie
pin, to the groomsman a peorl stick
pin, to the flowor girls pear! and
turquoise rings and to rho pianist
a pearl anchor pin. Th(' bride(a
going nwny gown was of navy blue
Indies' cloth, made niter the popue
law princess models. With it w•ns
worn n white lace blouse trimmed
with touches of old none. •Mr, and
DLrs. ilallmen left on like evening
train enroute to port hluron thcnco
byboit ,o t In llontrc.al Quebec -lest :and
Booties ter. TJiey were showered
with confetti, the bright hues of
which atre,their friends' wish. sym-
b l i
U C of the rltl they�'1
Ae o
t woltmad 'ta.
get her.
1 :1
F ��
to .iiiisi.ii•si.ii
Mil 11;i,
ffbit' H
i sit »f7J
See Our Large
Hinder 'Twine at best. prices.
Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Lawn Mowers,
Screen Doors and Windows,
Coiled Spring and Barbed Wire.
The Best Prices.
1:1 W. MOORE, • - KiRKTON, ONT.