HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 111 ,w E YOUNG FOLKS M 1 Al ll: 5 ACCIDENT. "Now tell me why you cry, Marie?" "I've had an accident," sobbed she. "Where are your bruises? Deary me! What was your ucc.dent, Marie?" "I almost tumbled d wn," she said, "And very nearly bumped my head 1" \VIIA'T LO1'TIE SAW. 1,ottie Smith lives in the country. She had an errand at a neighbor's, and she eel down her baei "t on the floor as she carne into the kitchen, where her mo- ther was frying doughnuts. "Well, daughter, are you tired?" said her mother. "Yes, I am pretty tired," said Lottie. But she added, smiling, "While t was gone, mamma, I saw twenty-five of the prettiest little kittens you ever saw." "Lottie Smith !" exclaimed her mo- ther, reprovingly. "Realty, mamma," said Lottie; "and I wish you could see them, they are so pretty and cunning." "Twenty-five kittens are a great marry, little daughter," said her mother, grave- ly. "Where did you see them?" "Over at Mrs. Dunteres, where 1 went to buy the eggs ; and, now, mamma, I'll tell you alt about lt. After Mrs. Dun- ton had put the eggs in my basket, she said : 'Come out this way a minute. 1 want to show you something.' "So she took me int) the woodshed, and there. !n an old cheese -box, were five lively little kittens. After 1 had seen theta long enough 1 started for lionig, and Willie met me just by the well, and rami 'Oh, Lottie 1 come back just a minute. 1 want to show you something.' "So he took me in at the back shed door, and showed me five cunning little kittens. "in a few minutes Mrs. Dunton called Willie, and 1 started for home again. And Grandpa Dunlon met me just by the side steps. He said : 'Why here's Lottie Smith, just come back 1 Child, i want you to see some- thing we have in the shed.' "So I went back, end he showed me five kittens, all in a heap in a cheese - box. "Then I started for home again, and got as far as the gate, when Joe met me. and said : 'Hetlw, Lottie Smith ! yon ere just the girl 1 want to see. I want to .how you something. Come back to the house a minute.' "Su i went back with him, and he showed me five fat little kittens in a cheese -box. "Atter I looked at them, I said good - by to Joe and started to come home by LETTER FROM DICKENS AN OLD Started SUMMER FAG. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Best Tonic for Summer. COMMUNICATION ON PUBLIC The long, hot summer thins the blond EXECUTIONS. and leaves yuu weary, worn and wret- ched. Nothing can cure that summer tag except Dr. \\ileums' Pink Pills— beeau-e they actually make new blood Agitation That Eventually Brought About Their Abolition. Charles Dickens was so horror-strick- en by the revolting spectacles becll among the enormous crowd, gathered to Witness the hanging of Icliew Mutat bungs, that he wrote a powerful letter, which was published in the Loudon leis - patch, protesting aguinst puolic e. tions. The great novelists letter is of terry, says: "1 am thirty-nine years et' particulue Interest as it not utile' gives age end hove te•e•n an athlete who' and thus strengthen every urban and every tissue in the body. Every dose lilts you w'itlh new strength, new en - et gy, new lite. Purgative pills only weaken you more. Common tonics only stimulate for the moment. But Ur. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood, and nettling but good, pure rich red bled can brace you to stand the summer. That is wtty you should take Dr. Williams' rink Pills now. Mr. W. ecu- J. Nnrtnll: \\'bier: Iturse, Yukon Terri - a graphic picture of the horrors of that scarcely knew the meaning of iliness.I scene, but it started that agitittian last year. however, my health gave which never ceased until nineteen years way. 1 becnme nervous, did not sleep' later, in 1b68, executions were no lung- er curried out in public. Charles Dick- ens wrote:— AN rote: AN EYE WITNESS. Mr. Editor, -1 was a witness of the eNecution tit Hurscuton(;er lane I went well and grew as weak as a kitten. 1t seemed as though 1 was completely worn out. I tried several so-eal'.ed tonics. but it was only a waste of money, for they! did me no good. Finally i begnn using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they put me on Inv fret again. mud gave me new e. there with the intention of observing the hlica11ti and strength." Every weak end easily tired man and crowd gathered to behold it, and 1 had woman will find new health, new excellent upporlunihes of duitig sc1, at strength and new energy through a fair intervals all through the night, and con lice of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They Cnuously from daybreak until after the curt all "cad and nerve diseases like si ectacle was over. 1 do not address anaemia, s exhaustion, hendaclim' you on the subject with any Intention nrnl nervousi,a, l.:achc<. inrtir:estinn. neuralgia, of discussing the abstract question of rheumatism and the special ailments capital punishment or any of lige argu- thnt afflict most grrnving girls and wo- nrents of its opponents or advocates. 1 men of mature years. Cold lv all meeli- senlply wish to turn this dreadful ex- eine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a good, oodce to some account for the general Par or six braves Inc $2.!50 from the nr. good, by taking the readiest and most t.ublic means of adverting to an intima- tion given by Sir G. Grey in the last ses- sion of Parliament, that the Government ;night be induced to give its support to a measure making the infliction of cap- ital punishment a private solemnity within the prison walls rwith such guar- antees for the last sentence of the law being inexorably and surely adminis- tered as should be thoroughly satisfac- tory to the public at large) and of most earnestly beseeching Sir G. Grey, rs a solemn duly which ho owes to soci.uv, and a responsibility which he cannot for ever put away, to originate : u:i► a legislative change himself. HORRORS OF GIBBET. I believe that a sight so inconceivably awful as the wickedness and levity of the immense crowd collected at that execution could be inongined by no plan, rend could he presented in no heathen land under the sun. The horrors of 1113 gibbet end of the crime which brought the wretched murderers to it faded in my mind before the atrocious bearing, lcoks, and language of the assembled spectators. When 1 came upon the scene at midnight the shrillness of the cries and howls that were raised from time to time, denoting that They creme from a concourse of gels and boys al - featly assembled n ttie Lest places, made; my blood run cold. As the nght went: en, screeching and laughing and yell- ing in strong chorus of parodies on re - the back way. And Grandma Dunton gni melodies with substitution of "Mrs I met Hie going down the garden walk. Manning" for "ausannah," and the like! She kissed me, and said : were edited to these. When the day 'Hew bright you look, my dear 1 I dawned, thieves, low prostitutes, rufli- want you to see something at the house. ens and vagabonds of every kind fln,k-' Just come back a minute.' e,; on to the ground, with every vari- "So she took me hack and showed me ely of offensive nrel foul behavior. Fight -i five sl• e!ey lilt'e kittens in a cheese -lox. trigs, fainlings, w•histlings, imitations of '.. nd now. mamma,' said Lottie, punch. brutal jeekes, tunnrlluous do ; smiling triumphantly, "didn't I see monstrations of indecent delight when twenty-p'c little kittens?" swanning women were_ dragged out u1 Iler mamma's eyes twinkled, and she the crowed by the police with their dress-, said : rs disordered, gave a new zest to the "It looks a good deal as if you dfd." THANK YOU. general entertainment. IMAGE OF THE DEVIL. When the sun rose brightly—as it did Everybody likes little Carl flus, a- --it gilded thousands upon thousands of bloom, he is so cunning and small r,i.el upturned faces, so unexpressibly odi- fat. Ile has lived in America just a ons In their brutal mirth or callousness little while, and he can speak only two that a man had cause to feel ashamed English words. 1t sounds so funny to n' the share he wore, arld to shrink hear him say, "Thank you," to what) from himself as fashioned in the Image ever fs snid to bun that no one can help t ' the Devil. When the two miserable from smiing, creatures who attracted all this ghast- (Ine day Carl wms trudging along with le' sight about themwere turned quiv- a basket of clothes. Ile was a droll s ring In the air, there was no more emo- hllle figure, with his chubby legs and Len, no more pity, no more thought round. fat arms. judgment. two immortal souls had gone to Some boy.: playing marbles nn the judgment. no more restraint in any of ;element were quite amused at this the previous obscenities than if the name of Christ had Wryer been heard cemncal sight, and they began to 14u0h ire this world, and there was no tenet and shout, "Sausage bags 1" !among men but that they perished like Now, Carl did not undersand n word;' the beasts. I have seen, habitually, but he saw they were speaking to hem. I kine of the worst sources of general so he turned his dear lttlle fare to t)t'mn t contamination and corruption in this with the sweetest of snules, and said, , ennntry. and i think there are not "Thnnk you." I mnnv phases of London life that could You shuuld have seen how ashamed: surprise nu'. 1 am solemnly convinced Me naughty beeys looked then 1 One oft that nothing ingenuity could devise to Them smiled and nodded at little Carl, to done In this city in the same eom• annthrr gave hirer a nice red apple, pass of tirne, could work such ruin as white (mettles beak his big basket and cne public execution. and 1 stand ns• tarre d it for Imo, teem:led and appalled by the wicked- ness it exhibits. i do not believe that any community ran prosper where such a scene of horror and dernoralizatlon is was enacted outside Iforscmenggerr lane init. Is preeenteel at the very doers cf good citizens, and is passed by eunknown or forgotten. And when in nue prayer of thanksgiving for the season. we are humbly expressing ler fere God our de- sire to remove morel evils from the land wnnll ask your renders in consider whetter It le not itme to thunk of this one, and to melt out. CIiAnI.ES DICKENS. Devonshire -terrace. Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1519. SEVEN IIRAVE CHICKS. "Its n queer looking thing." Fnid the first litre chick. and he bent his right eye drawn to lo -k nt it, "Go away" ! EA.! the second, "go right fn front here," and the downy head evebIi1e d end sho1ek at it. "I w11utd make 11 run qui'k." said the third little chick. "if my mother would 1 0 elle a cliatlrr at it " "It's only a w e ;n," said the fourth I,III0 chick. as he cast a dlsdaiuful poet glance at 1t. "It doesn't scare me," send the fifth little chie•k, "though 1 don't like the shin.ng small eyes of it." "And I don't like its tongue," said the tOtl little chick, "but i'nt not afraid of the cur of it." "I cesufd swallow it whnlr," said the seventh small chick, "and leave not a tingle bright ,.cal' of it." And then the long milk snake slid off In the grass. and all of them pecked at the I+til of it. • DIi'Fls't'I.1' FEAT. Iltcks : "in a few years the telephone will tee so perfect and the rate for it so low that everybody will have it. The meesenger troy must go." D\\irks : "tm afraid thews no power oa earth that can make the messenger ray go very fast._ Bort m : ""The lamp seems to tee gr•tng Old, \Los Culling." Miss Cutting sup- pressing a yawn) : "Yes ; it seems to be Wore considerate than some people." mom PRINCE'R MEN 1GF:RIE. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SUSPICIOUS. Little Sarah—Oh, pal here's burglars In the house! I stuck my chewing gun on the bedpost and 1 can't Ilnd it! ANCIENT IRISH CAVES. Furnish Many Facts About Early in- habitants of Island. There has jest been published by the Poval Irish Academy a bulky report on the result of three years' exploration wort: among the caves of County Clare. No fewer than 70,000 specimens of brines were forwarded In parcels to the Dublin Museum for identification. Each of these parcels were carefully' labelled, bearing a number corresponding with a map of the cave giving ttie exact position and depth from the surface at which the spe- cimens were obtained. The bulk of the material collected consisted of bones of various animals, including man, and these throw an interesting light on the ofd -time fauna of Ireland. Among the more important mammalian remains were bones of brown bear. wolf, Arctic fax, Arctic lemming, Irish elk, red' deer, reindeer, ox, and wild Lear. One rather surprising discovery is, that the bones of the wild cat, which occurred in some numbers, belonged not to the European. but to an Afi•ie:n•1 srecies, known as the. (:afire cat Yetis terrain). 1 c 1e' r "h larger of these eaves furnished dwelling places for prehistoric teen, for urrnwheuds and other imple-! nents of flint and bone, as well ns' bronze ornaments, have been recovered, ninny inn perfect state of preservation; and these were associnled with human remains. Front the form of the bones of the ankle joint it would appear that these skeletons represent the remains of people who habitually assumed a squat- ting posture, ns is done by ninny savage races to -day. Charcoal and burnt stones afford further evidence ns to the use :if these caves. Ornanents belonging to the enrly Christian era, including a gold brnretet, bronze pin and buckle, show that these sane eaves were used, at least tempor- arily. by much later generations cf men. Artifleinity frncturcd tones of the Irish elk and reindeer show that these ani►nnls were hunted, at any rate, by the earliest human inhabitants of the is- land: but they probably were soon ex- terminated. Wolves. however, survived until comparatively rreent limes. The exact date of their final extermination ns not known, but they existed in the great tnrests on the borders of \Wirklow and Carlow as late es the year 1700. and It 15 supposed that they finally became ex- tinct about 1774. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in (be Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commercial World. The population of Greater London is 6,581,000, or 61 per acre. There are now four septuagenarian judges on the English Uctich. 1tunsden House, Harts, which was con- verted into a royal palace by Henry is being offered for sole. A small motor -car has recently been adopted for the purpose of business by a lir in of chimney sweepers in Essex. A judge in the I:lerkenwell County .ided that a bicycle for a [;Dort mus domestic servant is not a necessity. Tire Dorset County Council has passed a by-law to prevent the destruction cf ferns and wild flowers by the wholesale !:eking of roots in the rural districts. After being lost for some time, a cheque for £208; sent by a London stock- broker to a firm in Merthyr Tydvil, was recently discovered in a rubbish heap. A thrush's nest built under a railway carriage has been discovered at Torring- ton (Devon) Station. The carriage had been in daily use between Torrington and Exeter for a fortnight. One egg was found in the nest. For stealing an egg, value 2d., nine years ago, a pian has just been sum- moned at \Wycombe County Police Court. He had to pay 5s. costs. Defendant went through the South African cam- paign. At n wedding presentation at Norwich, the head of the firm wris presented with a gift from the manager and staff of twenty-eight employees. The staff rep- resented 760 years of service, an average of ores twenty-six years each. General Lord Methuen, in the course of an address nt the Army Temperance -socialion. Feld he had trled total ab- elinenee himself lately for three months, and le found at the end of that time to playing racquets his eye was better and his wind also. The London Metropolitan Water Board sued n number of customers for pa:merit of water rates In the \Vestrnin- blen County Court, among the defend - tints being a Fish. Gudgeon, Haddock, Hnllpike, Ponder, Eddie, Wells, Leakey, and Pipe. TIIE KILLARNEY OF A%IERiCA. Knelling in a frame of beautifully weeded shores lies a series of bearitiiul lnkrs 145 miles north of the city of '1'o- rotlto, Ontario, and known as the "Lake of Rays Region." A chain of seven lakes studded with barely Islands, with ho- tele throughout the district and a gond steamboat service to all points attracts the tourist, angler and sportsman. Just the out-of-the-way Fort of place to lets- , it during the summer months. For all 'particulars and free illustrated publirne lion apply to J. D. McDonald, L'nion Station, Toronto, Ont. AROUND TiHE WORLD. Strange and I:uriou. Venus in Furei! Lands. "An anrueing Beene was witne-sed the four;!► meg strale's eJte t the othe day,' says the Straits 'limes s of Sing. pore. "A Jasuneee was Mill iPle l cn attire(' of theft. As the nun rule reel 10 deck, he threw on the g• gond a hem ege and then commenced to chew solid 'screh.' This was suppoa d to work : spell nn the magis'rulr and cause' hit, to direliar•ge the ac,•u,ed. linfoitimet: ly for the schemes of the Javanese, h w•ns seen by the Malay constable it charge of him. This Malay seized the Javnne-e by the Ihrr nt and choked hie until he spat up the'screl' and so brnki the spell. The case was postponed." A correspondent of the Pekin ane Tientsin 'Hines writes :—"i asked r friendly Chinaman the other day why he was burning some hooks he had been rending. Itis r•enly was that the were the old-fashioned sort, and should they he found later in his IO -session he would be regarded by the new srt►nd res one who did nr.t sympathize with tie new regime. This, you see, is turnip:' the tables the other way. A few years ago to he seen with anything foreign was dangen-eus." A large white swan r eent'y killed n young woman in Geneva, Svvitzrrlaeul. One wintry day the girl was crossing bridge in that city when the swan. driven hendlong by the gab', collided with herr. The great ld's bent( struck the young woman In the ear. Her injur- ies were so severe, that she (lied Three days later. ---1- It a woman's credit is good at a dry goods store she never argues about the price. A Purely Vegetable Pill.—Parnelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded irons roots, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue In the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone to the system whether enfeebled by ov- erwork or deranged through excess in living. They require no testimonial. Their excellent qualities are well known to all those who have used them and they commend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are In quest of a beneficial medicine, HOUSEKEEPER. "They say bis wife is a good house- keeper." "Yes, she kept his house all right when he failed last spring. But of course he had to put it in her name." KEEP CIJILDREN WELL. in thousands of homes throughout Connda there are bright, thriving chil- nren who have been made well and are kept well by the use of Baby's Own Tablets. in ninny honkies parents say e this medicine saved a precious little life. Dr. A. Dennis. 1 .1) 5 . Iliviere du Loup, Que.. says: "Al the age of five months wr thought our little girl dying. No- thing we did for her helped her until w•v gave her Baby's Own Tntdels, and (illy those who have seen her ran lila- lire what a change this rneoeone has wrought In our child. She is now ato:ut eighteen months old. encs well. Flames I well Anel is n lively. laughing child. and weighs 37 pounds. We always keep the Tablets in the house now leer we know their groat value." If mothers wish to ( feel ntsolntm'ly safe. they should keep a ilox of Baby s Own Tablets In rhe tease always. They cure ail the minor I ni►mrnIs of children hsolutcly safe. 5111 Ly inrelicineand deaarm'lersacr sent by mall at 25 reals a lox by willing' The lir. Williams' Me,licine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Indian Gilts Which Will Shortly be seen nt zoological Gardens. \\';thin the next few days the fine col- lection of aninnle and birds presented 1,e the Prince of Wales during his In- dian tour is expected to arrive in Eng- land. This somewhat considerable menng- erie, consisting of gifts made to the i'rtnen by various rajahs, will le housed temporarily, if not permanently, at the Znologieal (larirns. c} anird,al. arec • the elm' ,1• Among.an lion cubs. Tigers. pining. tents. rhinee. ereeee. buffaloes rind nntck.pcc, whilst the birds ind'lu to ccyerml tare epecimerls hitherto unknmtn in England. In prepernlonn her the c..)le'tinn <rv. real ndditicnal shells bite been crnetrel end pnrldncks em islructed near the north gate of the gardens. AWFUL 17, SLEEPING SICKNESS Many a pleasant lawyer Is compelled to do the cross-question act. essegat titan* 1111111111 mania row Nap% bat la best whoa hard la tiha inarigbt wage, Rae .iniad[ Say and Mew dlaaatitaa. 11 is surprising how many really good people there are in this wicked world— if one ran take their word for it. They Never Knew Failure.— Careful observation of the effects of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills has shown that they act immediately on the diseased organs of the system and stimulate them to heal- thy action. There may be cases 'n which the disease has been long Fest- er' and does not eustly yield to medi- cine. but even in such cases these pills have been known lu bring relief when al' other so -celled remedies have failed. i These assertion' can be substantiated by many who have used the Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qual- Ilres. neck end (der entl�_ p ) : "1 Fail srimethtnR 1 my if didn't like and the hasn't 1 apokcn to me for leo clay's." Peck engem le'•) : " l :nn you remember what it African Game Hunters Now Hun a Deadly Risk, To the excitement big game hunt - Int! In Africa there hennMorlh to ail.' if the knrnvIrdre that the hunter ►Isl. contracting one of the meet dread- ful of all known daease'--sleeping sick- nes--drndfnl because it is incurable and nitimntcly fatal. Unt 1 very recent- ly it had Leen cuppnsrd tent Enrepenns w ere immem', int it has recently Leen hr red lh•.t This ielief was wr rip. SI ep:ng teckne,a 1, caused by a parasi- tic prig rnnn k eewn es "iryyp:.n• which mf set the hloced and the, spinal cool. Thee" m mule but terrible nrgnn- '� ��carried rine )1 1 i are ., rr I di tett tib y t nsd n fide e! a spa cies nt tselee fly. '1 h e ter rnr has renewed in l'pnnda only within the lest year or Iwo, tiav nr: melte it. w• le'• along the river se' sls tee- fr ni the were c en't of Africa. Yet detr.nt.' the 11 s( twee yeerg 114 its appenrence in t',:anda no lest Ihnn ODA rf the native inhabitant,. hove fallen v:clinis. w de. y otU said 7" Yee, Indeed. "blood will tell," wbee alotetrw seed tncrwetattou• mark the .lite. Wea..r'. ('orate sad w'earer's Syrup maim short week et all Ne«I sod tate trouble& r \11F:11 L. Friend : "Has mit you nnrncd the baby yet ?'' ',read Mother : "Nn; we must he very tarred 10 give hint n nice one. because there will to so litany named after hire when he is Premier." 11 Yea are Nervous sad irritable take Perrovirn," the great nem and blood tome; you will be a POW person by the time you bare weal a both. All theaters "Did you say your husband was nut looking for work 7" "No; 1 believe he's out looking at work. There are some men digging a cellar down at the cor- nea. and he doesn't sec►n able to get any further." THE SUNLIGHT 1 WAY f4e�ir r ' 4. tit/. t • Eta* l ili RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP LEAVE 30 To60 MI UTES .l RINSE WELL Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is, best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens Soft and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals —indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you IInd any csuee for complaint, 1135 LIVER BROTHERS LIMITrD. TORONTO Help your children to grow strong' r.nd robust by counteracting anything That causes ill -beanie. (inc great cause' of disease in children is worms. Re- move them with Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. it never fails. HELPING HER PA. "}'rung man,' snid Miss Spooner's fa- ther, "I want you to know that 1 always close up the house and turn out all lights at 10 o'clock." "Indeed?" replied file. Nervy ; "well, dont bother to -night, sir. 1'11 attend to that for you." To Hnnw Is To Prevent. — If the min- ers who w•nrk in cold water most of the day would rub their feet and legs with Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil they would eteape muscular rheumatism and ren- der their nether limbs proof against the III elf.ols of exposure to the cold. Those, setting out for mining regions would de, well to provide themselves with a supply before sterling. EMPLOYED ANOTHER. The Preacher : "1 hope you never lie about your business." The Pslerehant : "Never --but I have a very optimistic "ad writer." OWN rues cies A Thoweend Dollar Osarsatee Apes with every bottle of Dr. Leoohardt'a idea -Reid —the only certain oars for every teras of Piles. George Cook, Bt. Thomas, Ont„ writes :— "Dr. Iwoobardt's floai•Roid eared no of e eery bad ansa of Piles of over San yawn' standing. I had tried twarythiarg bat gat no pssa►aaeat ears till I seed Rem•Reid I had Blend and Bleeding Piles, sad autared everyI iog. Oiatasentaand!goalareaf te failed, but Dr. Laoahardt's Haw Raid eased umw Dart , is a tablet taken iatorna11) 1 whi(ehh removes Ow sawn at Piles, .1.00, alldraggista, or The Wilssa-Pyla Oa,, Liar itel,ara Pelta, Ont 7 KAFFIR \\OMAN'S COURAGE. One of the first explorers of the inter- ior of South Africa was \%ilhein Cotton Oswcll, a noted hunter and a friend it Livingstone. to whom he rendered im- portant aid. 1n hie bi.Kraphy the fol- lowing story was given from one of hog African letters: An incident highly cred- itable to Knflir womanhood occurred just as we reached Mahtetse. 'I he Wallen, ns is their custom. were working in the fields. for they hoe. and the men sew. A young nen standing by the edge rt the tnu•h. wns chatting with them. A lioness .prang nn turn, and was carry- ing hint off. when one of the women ran after hila. caught her by the tail and %yes dragged for some distnnee. Hnnipered I,. the man in her recede nut the we,. nian behind her. she slnekrrer.l her Incr . s'terrepen tier a' nilant streddlcd over her Lark and hot her across Il,e nrce and Lead wittt a heavy. short-hendleil hoe until she drepl.rd her prey and slunk to ricer. The roan wile the wnmarh s hu -banal. \\'oiold Atte. smith do ns much for Mfr. Smith? Ce,uldl she do more' (t►cto et : "Are you sine that thi, '4 real creceiditr-akin ?" Dealer : "Ahe-o- lutely eertain, nueelmn ! 1 Flint the crocodile myself." le.'.I rn r '. "It Press rather soiled." Tkater : Nrhtral'y, madam. That IA &there It 'trick the Egad when 1l tumbled out of the O ziu. g laivt ad. xxsaii.. " Keeping Everlaatlaaly at it &flap swce se." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,466 11. press itKa 0111,7 one in Canada) one corrugation at a erne, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a WO ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the sarne day order is metered. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up (0 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both fainted and Galvanised. This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Darns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and Is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers end Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send SpeciflcaUons to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, ronlreol, U. I OBuIIo, Ooli Toronto, Onl, loedon, Om. 1NP, nl En Iancoa�er,B.C. 7117 Cralg 8t. CM Ruse:.t. 11 Colborne et. ea Dundee1 et. 74 Lombard at. 315 Pestles m1 Write your Nevelt Ofttc•.—HEAD OPYICL AND WORKS—OSIiAWA. Oat Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build Ing Materials under the British Flag. LANDS In Western Canada » rd""Y saeltateb.wan, only a r.t1n how two railway, O.P.I;. a ..'r R serous soil, 90 per amt. plough tend, spii.c cresk, so daeilglta g About 40 hee ?IL of Indian Head Trio• s10.6o par saes Write for map .ere tall particulars. R. PAISiNri. oi Wellesley Street. Twists. i'iaasa. NOBODY iN PARTiCULAR. "Who is that man with your mother?" "That ain't a man; that's fattier." No person should go from home with - cut a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial In their possession, es change of water, cooking, climate, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint, and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which et- tenUmea MINTS great suffering and fre- quently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a widespread repu- tatlon for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints, EFFECTS OF HEAT ON MILK. Doctor Jensen, chief of the Swiss bureau of superintendence over the milk industry, aaya that It is a common error is suppose that milk submitted fur a considerable time to a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit Is better kir nourishment then that boiled for a short time. When the heating is prolonged the alteration in the valuable properties of the milk begins as low es 100 de- grees, but with quick heating it does not begin below 110 degrees. Tuberculosis bucllt! are destroyed by healing to 150 degrees for five minutes, and such hent- ing does not alter the properties of 'he milk. Doctor Jeneen advises that the pasteurization of milk be done in the home, and but shortly before the milk le used, care being taken not to go above the temperature necessary to kill the pathogenic germs. Food Products s w • petrol se well r sort Yoe doe's pr ler base ar Nik a Ana roe bar thaw Nedra gm law • LAW Ola (let dam, la., wi•eeoW ass Wei b weeta.at LW. P,.d.vr we rLe SW rush awl .user•w..d•sah•las iiww LAW. rids Grine welt Mghsa.i. Demi* ask* s nal** rid. ret es drid•w • e se rte few sets. Milan dile. ani Jgh • dtlscles ewertr Ale sad, Teri wins rsw'.e !arid er how. &olio hie. "Hew Gird Thar r ".Ing Ubby, iU & Ubby. Mato 1 Lieutenant : "Who's the idiot That told you to lave that pile of rubbish In front of headquarters?" Recruit : "!t was the colonel, sir." Lieutenant : "Very well, (cave it there; but your leave will be stepped for four days for calling the co'onel an idiot." You cannot be happy while you have corns. 'Then do not delay in getting is bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. it re- moves all kind of corns without pain. Failure with It Is unknown. "1 wouldn't be a donkey If 1 were you," geld Jenkins 10 a friend. "1f you were me you wouldn't ha a donkey, of course," was the telling reply. Wilson's FLY PADS OIER ?ACIIT 11115 ACM ALLY RILLZI A BUSHEL OF FLIES NY 1T Nn Druggists and General Rama and by me&L TtN t; EKTS PER PACKET PROM ARCHDALE WILSON, QAMWTnw. OTT. FEATHER DYEING 01i'�i"as..a°rfir e�•+•w=• pw.r s ais.s jlw ISTiMM AMMAN MING Oil roti LAMP OIL ECONOMY Sarnia us, Prime OIL White No real need to bus the more erpencir• roar if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT Cl e.AN. U you want a BIG LiGHT—?Nana oa rola OAS IKS IN DNA— gran tiny tAtr � 011 Lamp For %lee b Dealers NARTi,RL LIOMT OnWoOole r Qin CITY OIL Co,, . i koitE NO. X- 4C