HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 9ear Wedding Stationery ''Young Ladled who are interested St3 wwaat Is Dreyer In the matter of etatiooery for Weddings, should Hee our samples, latest type fates. We tsars have them ready In a few hours. tieter HURON & MIDDL ESEX GAZETT Eij THIRTY-TIIIRD YEAR -NO 1712 JONES dr. CLARKS' Phone No. 32. SPECIAL PRICES DELAINETTES Cotton Delaines, cream ground with navy green and red spot, also fancy pattern, extra wide width. Regular 15c value, Special Price 10 cents per yard UNDERSKIRTS Ladies Black Sateen and Fancy Black and White Striped Underskirts, regular 2 to $a25 Special Price $1.50 BOYS' SWEATERS All Wool Sweaters for boys from 5 to 10 years of age. Cool and serviceable for the holidays. Sale Price 50 cents SHIRTS Men's light FIannelette Shirts with rever- sible collar, solid comfort for hot weather. Regular $1. Special Price 85 cents Men's dark colored work shirts worth in the regular way 60c. Special Price 40 cents All New Goods This Week. COLLARS Ladies' Black Collars, Chiffon and Ruching :trimmed, Black and White Plastrons, white silk embroidered collars also a special line of embroidered wash collars to sell at 15 20 25c BELTS f f The very latest Kid Belts with double row .of eyelets, colors Black and Grey, silk belts in the new girdle effect. Embroidered wash belts •with detachable buckles at all prices. Buster Brown Belts in Tan, Black and White. Store closes at 6.3o every evening except Wed- nesday and Saturday. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES Just received a shipment of "MARTIN" buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call and see them they will stand inspection. Also have a number of good second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter. BE LOYAL Haying will Soon be Here Look to your haying tools, and see if you are ready for that very busy season of the year. We are prepared to ;len you any tools you may need such as handforks, etc. and we spec- ially emphasize hay -fork rope. We are showing the best quality of British Manilla Rope, the price 15c. per Ib. n`,,/ off for cash, Order Early Don't neglect to leave your Twine. We have three tons of Twine for sale. None other is gnaranteed. orders early for Binder the Celebrated Plymouth t+n quite so good. Prices 8 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 5 th 1906, Call Up Phone No. 31 It you have :thy order.•, for prints ing ,of any kind just call ua up pod wo wilt be 1 RA to took after yottr wants. Promotion Exams, Dominion Day Festi. (:1s '1'l1Al,1A FORM I1 TO I'OH\f 11( Jr. Toacthers' Course ; 60 per cent for noes; 70 per cent for Isortors. Ilottore-E. Taylor, 81 :per drat ; A. alny 72; 0. Thompson, 70. Pass -E. Willis, 66. Jr. Matriculation Couruc: 50 per A largo number went out to the rent. for pass; 70 per cent for 'arta. Iknd. while others went to ()vitt rat- cent. Eliinvillo and hirkton, the three. Honors -11. Stoneman, 76 per cent, latter places dtaving Sunday school Pass -M. nobler, 57: E. Goetz, 56. picnics and games. Form II. Jr. Division to Form 11 I A number spent the 41,y fia;hing Sr. Division. M. .Johns, 58; T. Rowe, 57: J. Won/co 56: F. Foes, 56: L. C:out- tis, 54: M. Ilawkins, 52: L. Marlin, 51; L. Rainier. 51 ; IT. Martin. 51. A. DORRINGTON, Toaulne.r. FORM 1 REGULAR CLASS TO FORM I1 lionor"_Irene 1Tcandfora, 75 nor cent.: Tlertan Mack, 71 : Katie Col- lins, 70. Pose. -Lillian Amos, 69; Lc'tifk Mulholland. 67 ; Lois 'limey. 67; Kathleen Stewart. 66; Eddie .Tones, 65; John 'Oest reicher- 65: YLloyi1 Godwin, 62 : Ella Down, 61; \Vinnie, Huston. RI: Lizzie Ganders, 60: Ren - trine Ilowey, 60: Lillie TTodRert, 60. COMMF,RCTAL DIPLOMA • • vides For many year" Centralia Meth- odist church lura had rt rei,utntion for shaving the most successful 1st of July festivals in \Veat4inu On- tario and this year was no exceptio,l Dominion nay passed off tray suet- 110 •tthe rule. Tho "part" 'ui:allt:Uccd ly Exeter, in .xc er, most of the tow•nspeo- lira the morning by •; baseball mulch plc going out of town tar tate day. betecn Iltinsley and Centr i' IIonora-Jessie CamcYon, 86: May Oun nre. 79; Bessie \Vel;1h, 74; Alice 'Inward, r•d, 70. Pass -Edna llissett, 65 ; Allan Mc- Curdy, 60. A. F. CTITDLRV. Teacher PROM SR. iII TO JR. IV. Percy Godwin. 72 per cent.: Lilly R0w-ie 69: ',Milner Grieve. 69; Blanche Atkinson. 68: Pearl God- win, 68: Minnie, Jewell. 67: Iluhrrt Tones, 66; TTnrry Enke, 64: Elmo Howey, 62; \\'Haloes Fuke, 62; Harry Sweet, 61; ,Mn.ry Davis, 59; Ethel 1lrieku•nod, 58; Melinda \Vendlnnd, 57; Vert Wes/colt. 53: Charlie \Velah 53, Dail Southcott, 51. FROM' JR. III TO SR. Tr.i Clair Wood, 73; Wilfred Stewart, 69: Regie Bisr;ett, 68: Claarrnnce Hey- wood, 68; Bells MHKay, 65: Lillian Boyle. 65; Raymond Dearing. 63; Cecil Pickard. 62; May ,Jaren, 61: Willie Snell. 59: Eva Slotidock, 59; Lilly Fn•avne, 58; Fi'd Brock, 57; Gordon Taylor, 57;\fury Aelleson, 58; label Barrows, 56; David hall. 54; Young emeriti, 51: Lulu Snell. 50: Earnest Taylor. 49.5. H. 1?, \VALROND. Teacher FROM SR. TI TO JR. HI. Abe Jackson, 84 per cent ; RuaselI Balkw•ill, 81; Violet TToulden, 79; Irene Hardy, 78; Willie Heideman. 76; Madeleine (airline. 75; Ruby Wood, 73: Leon Treble, 71: Olive Dearino, 70: Fred i8bsddttck, 69: ?tarry Houlden, 68; Oliver Ilodgert, 611; Fred McPherson, 67: harry Snell 66; Mabel Sutton. 65: Lola Taylor. 64 Viola Rowe. 63: Gordon Marshall, 62 Martha Ilagshaw, 60: Maurice Quince, 59; Gladys Delve, 57: Vel- ma Eastorbrook. 55; Florry Dinney, 54. FROM JR. 11 TO 811. 1f. Eric Hur lon, 81: Bruce Walker, 80 Linnio Fend, 78: Rusne!! Flynn, 74: Ethel Ralkwill. 72: Earl Mitchell, 71 Lillie Marchand, 70; Ernest Ifnrvey, 69; Violet Knott, 68; Oscarr Ander- son, 67; Edith Th1vie, 81; Ariel Bev- erley, 58: May flrimanombe, 56. ANNA E. MARTIN, Teadhcr. FROM .111. 11 TO SR. 11, GRADE, VP Jean as n %d• ld nn 98 per tent • 1 Jones, t Muriel ni >; A. In Linden }iarrt•e , A7 ; Mar. tad' r: Y .i r• tt' R rardiner, ;A7 : nLaaintte tt� Qt► nre, 84; Irno Sweet. 81: .Agnea Stn MioKay. 75 : Nellie Jones, 74; iteta ter Rowe, n r 61. �edl. FROM JR. 11, GRADE VIi, .1R, fart? 11, GRADE VI Joe Follick, 58 goo cent ; Ftti., w r n r o v6. 3 E. A. McCALL}i M, Tcaolac'r, FROM .11t. 11 TO Sit. 11 Robbie Fleming, t;2, Florence Rowe 76: Willie Monson, 67; Mabel Knott, 67: Alma M.aek, 65: F,ddit' \VelsJa, 64. FROM Jit. 11, GRADE VII, TO .JR. 11, GRADE VI. while in in the evening nu interesting quoit game WON played, Cliff Speck. men, J. 11. Grieve rind .Darr lfart- Icib being the c� ntestnnts. The event was wan by Mr. Grieve, 11140 automobile woe farrowed into ser during the •afternoo,t taking 1 to Oentralkt. Owing to a to break in tate cooling apparatuH, machine did not return for the p sure Foci/era until nearly 10 o'cI tore, the Centralia team winning by a soon of 14 to CJ. TJte next' game Was. between thte Centralia Seniors and Mooresville. Centralia running JO this event, the score being 17 to 1. Then followed a tnatcla between Centralia Juniors and Crcdi1on Jun - bo -re, The Crediton bads Were too much for the Centralia boyo and won by .a soon of 10 to 4. Then follow- ed as game between Ceutnalia tend viae several spectators from Exeter, re- ,copk sulting in the defeat of the tattler nall score of 9 to 2. the Bet ween the baseball )natcl► a)[ Int. Centralia VH. Mooresville, the long ocko list oa areathletic. sports Was pulled off.se- , s ■O�T E There were running,gjumping, base_is IGKfl ball throtcin u of tear and other (es- events. Possibly tike most interest. ally ing event was the ball throwing or- contest in which n Mime Duplant, I:LIMVILLE At Elimvilto the strawberry tival was a complete success, f 500 people being in 7lhomttson's chard to enjoy rho ,afternoon. large platform MIN erected tfr which the program w.1s given. .T hua Johns, Suf>Orintendant the Sunday School acted; as chairn and filled the po.tnion to the aa faction of everybody. During int JOHN WHIT!' & SONS ROBERT E. PIOKARD, FROBISHER, SASK. EXETER, ONT. General Selling Agent. for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Address A of London, and Miss Lillie Elliott Drat outdistanced all competitors. In os- the evening n firet•olass concert of frets given in the church under the tart auspices of the Ladies Aid. The Im- tis_ serial mala Quartette, of London, cr. wase the attraction. vale in the pnognana lie watt re: with a witty story. The Elinav Choir gavo a number of selecti and it can bo said of tiIsn that t} are excellent singers. 1tev. Johns the new junior pastor wag called on for an address. Mr. Johnst aacquited 'himself very favor IY. Ito had not a prepared dress, but this impromptu renr:ar showed him to be a scholarly you mon, and Jett a goodl impressi Rev. Ranker, who took charge of t Sunday services, gave a ten niinu oddness. Rev. Barker is a g speaker and ;his address was atte, tively listened to. Mrs. Barker gn a reading and Rev. darker a so The feature of the program wan drill by sixteen young Indies. T maids wort gowned in write wi sashes of rad white and blue a c irrrying batons, wiWi red vhi and blue etreamers. They we through a number of intricate evo utions with such preoieion that brought forth continued :applause. Another very pretty part of bho program was a representa- tion of ttho British Colonies enacted by a number of boys and girls of school. Tba colonies represented were Indio, Gibraltar, Canada, Ire- land, Scotland, New 7,oaland, Austral- ia eto. Rev. Going, of Exeter, )Lev. Fair and Hugh Ilazlewood gave stirrin addresses. After the program was finishes} everybody sat down to tae supper prepared by the ladies of the church, and from rho way Ilio good things disappeared nobody seemed to be missing anything. Tho proceeds of the a.nniversnry set. viecn and the festival were close to $200. A football match was played later in tho ening between twine own - posed of Elimvillo boys. During the t:'amo Mr. Fred Ford had the 'Meter tune t.o fall and break •his shout der bla()e, ills ons REV. GODWIN PREACHES 1115 toy FAREWELL SERMON ton up- on a6- ad- ks ng on. he to ood n- vc lo. n ha th nd to nt 1. g KIRK TON ' • Kirk tot► more Ideon Outdid it self ccichrnling Dominion day ta•ttc'n Methodist Sunday School held n awberry festival in Mr. A. Kirk's ot and t)<r ec ;a bl I Ramee were 1 r e t aJ'- The dinner was served in the vo tit 12 o'clock, and titter the go oesemblage had done duty to >:1 d Ia tubo 1 1 things furnished by free.0 ' 1 n program p n of � addresses was given, with Mr. T. Walker, as choirnnrt►. Those who Crave nddres. wore neva. G. W. Macey, L. hart. .and J. F:. Ilolntee, of Luton. In morning a fast game of ball wan ycd between tire Storm, of Creti- n and Tiger", of London, result - in favor of the Crediton tem by snore of 9 to 7. Ito gaanae in the :afternoon was moro exciting, the game bring ull the way through, resulting second victory for the Crediton ht a s, the score being 4 to 3. iter the Credit on -Tiger [In.( eh over a game was played betueen Kirktx.n juniors and the Mit- t junior., resulting in favor of home ten in by the score of 16 to to proceeds of Sunday and Mon. amounted to over $250. Mowing i.rc the manses of 1lie eta into took !.dart in the ('reds. Tiger gine' taco tate dt['A ICU the itot ing Ethel (kiy, 58: Jenny Russell, 53; i t1I Thema.% Clarke, 52. still I.. M..lECICELL, Te!cabe-.r close �-- in a S. Hardy's Store Bur. A pa. ari' the zed. orfs 1 rase During Tit night night hurt Lira 6' broke into Sol. Hardy's grocery and T.1 stole several articles, inctudin d''y ao acoo, cigars, a rob. F3' etc. They nlsol Took le Mr. crackers t lay Ranly's ton- Rrip, first emptying the rontcntson the floor. A tag with t he Dene rat name on it wan torn off and throb n with the paper,. Entrance was effected by tearing tho oovering off the area way :1t tax; re i r of the store. Once in the oeellar, it w•a. an easy .mal ter for the thieves to open the cellar flier and enter the store. Tato work w'as evidently ,I,.nc 1J. person.. familiar 'lith the premise's and Mr. only intends keeping up ,an investigation towards finding the MORNING GAME ('reditoti T'gers (I Iran. 1' 2 Duncan C 0 F Kert,1 f n Coursey r f 1 0 Brown r 1 (Loins 3 h 0 Dr McCue s s I Masan 11 1 If. Young 2 1 ,t .angles 2 1, J • F' Snell v 1 0 ewers s s 3 1; F,ahner• :3h 2 1'riche•t t 1 1 11 C Kerr 1 t. I Murray c 1 01 1{l Ail 1i 4I1 N Be aver c f 1 Malcom p guilty rootlet,. Const thle It:acct is 111 also in-cstig•1t4ng. AFFERNO()N 0AVC FOR OVA, ; 3!X i'Y (i Rau t► Duncan As Urn ANTI \Vsli�,r.-T0trn 1 txatr-nr. -Jfr" 8 heaver %► ('curtsy over go! et Ar. of:ro:t.r'n.t.,rtheir children while tecth'ng, with perfect,cecx.. it cootie. the chl:d. •ottrn, the Ram*. Alla% all p'vin, carol wbad colic. And is the t, .l ro.rodv For I)iarrt.dr+,. 1t In rlaatrr,nt to the taA,e. !'1:d by dre girt. in every part of the wd'r.4. 23 ante a bottle. its roue le Iuoalculatae. He re end take J(;, W(n+tuw'. Reoothlna )rueend 8..1( fere no other kind. ,COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea. O Brown 2 Gains 1 Mason 1 ; C. McDonnel Rt. v. Perkins Angle+ L0( Skip 60 dt3kip f3 17 i)r J(c('tr,: 71 laming F Snell F: Fshner (' Kerr A Beaver Every denomination in town w largely represented at the servic in the Main street church last Su day evening to lhc.tr Rev. Godwi deliver his farewell sermon after pastorate of three years. Before announcing this text th Rev. gentlemen �tihanked the mem ber. :of Oho official board for th niony kindnesses extended to dei during the three years ho had b stationed :hero. The .association with the board had been of the mos cordial and never once did the boa a word uttered which would cau any unpleasantness. Ile was sorr [bit Homo of the members of th board were not present, so that the could hear the appreciation of then goodfellow•slaip and kindness be stowed upon the :retiring pastor. Rev. Godwin referred to hit illnea Last year, when hie case was oon sid1ored serious, sirtocrely thankin those who had been so kind to hi in rho hour of need, eapeetnlly th attending physician, whom he oto th could not give more at tention to a member' of this ow•t •household, than woe given hien. Ifo .also •spoke of the close rola tionship existing .between the pas tors of th different churches. Th ahoi�r mss Ills° Ilinnked for Ilio as sistartco they '}Ked given him in hi seyrvice. Rev. Godwin nasurred this hearers that his successor, !Rev. Feor would sust.tin the pulpit and hoped that his ,}astornte over the congregation ho (Rev. Godwin).w•ae leaving, would result in a continued success in the interests of the Divine. The subjeet of itev. Godw-in's ser- mon n.is "Remembrance" in which he referred to exponents of the gospel, wthose names have been hand- ed down from generation to gonern- tion as nn exomplifiaation tint God'" workere may loop forward with the lutjipy thought that a1heir effort: as ea n- n a 0 • 0 m oC0 e t r so y 0 Y r s g e s The will be moulded, not only by n r!r'rit in the ahwmber of the sanctified, but will be handed down .as foo lees disciples of the Lord. Ile named such mete .as John \Vrsley, Knox, Moody and t;'.rrtkey and of ors, whose a n r� m e oref , crulrzatal in the ciriliz. od % r ' % ulda•' 'history t o :1s Y fearless r ss war _ k ere for the cavo of christianit. After the services %sere over Rev. and Mrs. Godwin waited at the alter rail and bid farewell to the members of the eongr•egaltiori .and others who were in .ltteendance. HOWLING Tax; 11^nsall howlers came doe bare on Wednesday of last week and gave 111e local rinks ono of - matelot+ yet playa ,I. At the close the ,:aftor•noon's play. the F:xete bowlers were one point to (1,' good During tl►e evening t hl . Ilen"tall' were in the Iced until the last ata- ends of No. 1 rink. On the second Last end the Exeter ,�kayers tied the &Dore nuking it 60 to 60 for the day. On the last end Exeter was lying three and Cleo. Slel)onnel, of llensall, made a running sabot, but without effect, the snatch going to Exeter by throe Allots. flen.aall Reeter !•1. Mcl'2)eraon 'i\•. 11. Level) N F?. Cook N. Dyer 11111 don Dr. M0.'adrkn t:. 11. Sir.Ii C. ticDontx•1 Iter•. \V ',1 'd it a in Skip 21 (Skip 13 W. Wilson W. D. Clark. 1). A. Condon tt'. tl. illatchfnld 1'. Stew:art W. W. Taill:trt 11. J. fillings prey. ('et kin•. Skip 13 /Skip 22 1. A. C:antelon T. .1. Knight '. Ste v.a.rt I. It. Carlin; L J. fillings t'. 11. Snell Ur. Scllery .1. Muir Skip 17 Skip 11 V. Wilson L. Scott. N. Cook I.. 11. Dickson 1. J. 1). Cook ,los. 1)iva•, RD. Frob1sbr; StsI( e Furnish Their Homes After The Honeymoon Is Over. Dont't worry about furnishing the house, that prob- lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec- tions, we will make your home handsome, artistic and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and terms which will save you money and make you happy for a lifetime. ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers acd Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario 8I E OIfL &F1L E, --OF CLOTHING Fine Tweed Suits regular $12 for $9, $10.50 for $7. so, Overall and Shirts at reduced prices. For THREE DAYS ONLY we will sell 4 cans best brand of peas for 25 cents, 6 cans Sardines for 25 cents, Regular 30 cent Japan tea for 20 cents, Bread at 4% cents per loaf, Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS. Come and give us a calf, you will always find our store open. SMITH BROS, Hay P. O. r1 4. 3 IIICKS' FORECASTS A Regular' Storni Period is cent- ral on the salt having for its disturb- ing causes the equinoxes of Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, Maos, Jupiter nryi !Saturn, with the moon in opposition ►n r' a perigee co . nd cat c 1 g extreme south de- clination. Any ono c:on, of course, predict wrarm weather for July, so wo predict flint an excessively w-arru w•at'c will pass over this country gen- erally, Hud over other countries as well, ruling the first tan ri.ays of (hie month. 51ind you gentle oritia it will Bass over ; it will not flop down like :t "lid" and re- main over all tire country the tihole of the ten drys. Great sum- mer recut. in every probability. will set in to the west /the first days of the month. Thi. condition %vitt al- ter and itacicise in area and intensity as it moves crastward, reaching a crisis from Otte 411i to the 7111. Tho it astronomic coaidit•ion., on and touch - of ;ing \Vcdnesd:ay the 4th to Sunday r the Slim, indicate dl'e:tu.rtnnces of 1. more than ordinary violence. Ter- i rifle clectrie:il dist•1r1 nccs, with 0 tl (lm:ve•rd 0 1 I richest 0' 1 Mrirrar of 33e. per Rod and tll). 'Vii loan F"..rice S'ri't(:hels. 1 Maguire 4 e vy, torrudio storms over cent- ral and northwesterly yegions, will be perfectly traturaa if severe rand thunder at general ndc r oto trate do not re- lieve the electric and magnetic strain about the Alia to the 8111 diet high temperature will increase to phen- omenal m' dings and ler followed by iq s0 m c 1 and ► kindred d perturbations I over our own and other quortors of the planet. Normally rain, hail and thunder storms should occur the 401 to the 7th and bo followed b .alt Y no_t unseasonable I rlmnge to cooler. 'Datta is n time when local "cloudbursts and waterspouts" aro to be apprehended, even though una- bated loot and drouth prevail over. near -by sections. By tine time, also the flood %vattcre from June precipi- tation will be working into central to toutl:•srn rivers. T -- D11. OVENS EYE, ANI) EAR SUR. goon, will bo at the Commercial Hotel the Cott Friday of each month. (lours, 9..10 a. m. to 4.30 p. rn. Moto- rs properly fitted and die secs of eye. ear sad no.+o treated. Next visit Friday, July (il►h. Seasonable hardware Screen Doors 85 cents to $1.;i0. Screen Windows from 1:)c, to •10ee, Screen Wire Cloth 10e. to 35c, a )'d. Hammocks all prices. Coal oil stoves S 5c. to $t; 75. Lawn Mowers 43 00 to $7.3O. Paris Green 15e. and 25e. a package. Washing Machines $4 (10 to $s 00. Scythes frorn 75c. to $ 1.00. Slutths from 75c, to s:ic. Scyth('stones 5e. to 20e. Ready Mixed !';tint 15e. to $1.75 a can. also everything in fencing. Coiled spring wire, No. 1:' and fl soft wim Ideal Fencing CASTOR IA 4 3 For Infants and Children. tD A Its T CO A 2 A. During the morning game F. Kerr t o Build pant1. 1M Umd'Ifis Moo lIRl73 BC;(tj stained his ankle while running after I Ilio Kind You Nave Always a try hall and his place was token by giesa►4ns ��� FiiI Fahner. Hoare the R Bear of Hicks McPhee. Umpire tsre of Gates all sizes $2.50 to $0.00. IJEAMAN'S HARDWARE a.___