HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 8is EX E11 T r: } '1. 1 M F. S, JULY 5t11 INN STEWART'S OUR BIG BUILDING SALE. 0,:I i ►i;„ Isuil(tui„ sale is a great success. Stock in every deJ aIi'll}'ut is being reduc('d. The Juno just closed has been t:ic I. ,,t ,June we have every h,ul, thanks to the buying public tl flu a1)1)rct•iate the best values and best services in town. And now for July the SpeciAl Values, we \vil1 place on our t'' }n)itt'rs for July will fairly bristle. «'e would rather saciiti,• rrofits than carry too much goods through the dust and dirt of masons and carpenters \vllile the big store is be- ing rt ino.le 1c4l. 'I''•\' 1`,N T1' PER CEN 1' DISCOUNT on all ready- made clothing still holds goo-], 'flet, YARD for your choice of a jrrh lot of fancy Dress foods in 25 C. Tweeds and fancy effects, regular values in this lot have been 10 to 5e cents. While the big sale is on, your choice for 25 cents. I2 lit -2C the YAltD for a swell hut. of fancy Dress 3firsiins, plain grounds with fancy floral design, fancy embroidered effects, Lappett effects, i)resden effects. Some of our hest veiling lines are in the lot. Your choice for 12} cents. the 1 IN ft�r Maple= Leaf, Sailor Boy, Big Fir or Golders Nett I (`stnued 5stltnon. 22 1-2c for Black, Japan or Mixed Tea worth 35 cents. OC he It';; Bottle for John Bull Pickles worth 15 ceras. We wantany quantity of good Bt;TTER for which we will pay you Av.' v•i 1 pay you for your Bores or Tubs or exe•l;ar:ge with you just as you wish. For good fresh Eggs that will stand candling we will pay you J7c Remember your butter and eggs are just as good as cash. Bring then to us we will use you well. Don't forget that our Big Building Sale is a Hummer. J" s •o•••..G....•••••••••••o••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JUNE WEDDINGS Demand Wedding Rings and Wedding Presents. 'i'hvse are our Specialties. Our lyk Wedding kings twat. the Qualities that make thein correct. The Prices Vary from $3.50 to $12.00. A vi•:c to the Store may rurprise you regarding the many pretty things we have left, and at tempting prices too. Every dollar's worth of goods must be bold, so don't delay. 1'IARCHAND, JEWELER & OPTICIAN. • • •2 • • • • 2 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Spring Suitintrs Say we got in come swell spring Suitings last week. They are right up to the moment. Coate are two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper that you can't help but notice them. The Vests are (•tit with five buttons and the Pants are just a little peg toppy. They are be.auts all right for $15, $18 and $20 and no matter where you go, von can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do. .-...•oo W. W. 'Taman Wee- Merchant Tailor. Mrrs. Geo. Griwky is .visiting f r icndq in London. 11r. Norm in Ilodgcrt went to don Mond i' nig'ht. Rev. 1'(•.,r tarnive.l in town last (\\•ednesiley) everting. 11r. Alf Tnylor was in London a L(►rl . 11 ss ('.lntmelte weturned to :her Houle in Silncoe on Saturday. Mr. Joseph Senior spent the holi- day with relatives in Illenhern. Mrs. S. Fitton :and son Gerald, aro visiting Mrs. Fotwr'l at the Ben'', Mr. A. C. \V.lring visited at his home in St. Marys over tho holiday. Mrs. Ovens, of McGillivray visited bar mother, Mrs. Jones, over Sund ty bliss Ge•.rti(' Shet're visited her rr.s.rcnts in 1)i-.intford over t beJi- dl1y. 11rs. A, 11.alchan(1 left ]'rides- for Buffalo %%.l:te,' she will visit tt few %se'c k s. Ed. Mitcdutl, of Brclntfon!, visit- ed his I►sarentM from Saturday to Tucs1(1ay. l trs. Bee, of 1':a rk.hil1, two st ; .t he guest of Mr. and Mrs, It. Gidlcy, on the 1st. Mr. George Armstrong, of London, spent the holiday under the parental roof. Mr. Percy Itooper, of London, spent tills holiday with rcla.tiv('s in Exeter. Itiolvard Quante jr.. visited his sister firs. Atkinson in Landon Sen. day .and .\fondly. Mrs. Noble, of Seaforth, . visited Ler d righter, lira. .John Muir, ov• or t he holiday. Mr-. Will Muir, of t he 11ol"eins Bunk, Itidgc'town, is spending ;holi- days at his home. Misr Tient Dodds ,trod Miss Rom- e ay visited f rends in lir:tnt ford, over t he holiday. Mrs. F. .1. Wiokwirc is visiting friends in Detroit, Windsor and (cts (btya iost twock. Ltramirig tOil. Mr. Moses Gardiner returned from Miss Ann•t Merlin spent part of list week with her sister, Mrs. Cran- ston, of (`rotntarty. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McTavish, end their t1wa sons, returned to . Galt Satunday night. the Northwest on Stturday. Mr. F. Uaelhridge, of 'Milverton, event the holiday in town. Miss ledit,h Kanaklrs spent the hol,- d sy tt it h friends in London. Mr. Albert Hooper. of ,Clinton, Lolid;lycd in town Monday. Mr. ,,stow W. Ila«•dcn, of the 1 ft, :•. Canon Bruit h, of London. t.nnlc chili re of the eiervic,'s in the Tricitt blernorial ahureh, Sunday, lir,. Albert Kin);. of 8tet►!1en, 11olsons bank staff, London, spent dtughter of Mr. nn(1 Mrtr. William the holiday with friends in town. I),luricry, Exeter, is very low. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not letter than Tuesday n�� oon. Casual adveetisementp accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS • • • • •••.•.•. e•G••••• Mies Lizzie Willis is on the sick list. 'Miss Millie Marin. te.aoher :.t Au - is home for the vacation. Mr. John Salter, of London. visited itis parents Sund►y and Monday. Mrs. W. A. Gregory is the guest of Mr. .and- Mrs. ')'hos. Gregory. 'ir. J-1t11CR Sl►ad(lock ,attended the races at Stratford Dominion I)ay. Miss Haase Gleed, of London, is the guest of Miss Clara Cudmore. Mrs. Birk, of Mencelona. Mich., is visiting leer f •tt her Thourts Dear- ing. Mfrs. Frank \V cod (1n,i ('h re left soturd::y for ('hierlgo en a visit with friends. Miss Motel P11 er, who tras v;ssittng her mother, returned this week to leorl1ok o. Mr. end Mrs. Homey, .a11.1 two cl►:ldren .are visiting Airs. Wilson, of CoI.Ieston. 1Ir. Reg. Elliott, of Norsviele stent the holiday with his mother, firs. 11. V. Elliot. Mr. Edgar \Vesteott, of \Vingltarn, spent glee holiday with his tattler, Mr. J. T. \Ver;taott. Miss May Gill, teacllver at fort Erie, arrived home Saturday night to spend her vacation. 11r. and Mrs. 1111e r1.1><a 11 Box, of London, visited at C. I:..rney':s tee forepart of the week. Mrs. Billings and Miss :Mary Ac- heson ire the guests of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Oke cat Kingsville. \liss (Ur.) Gussie Holland, of Shel- byville, 111., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. holland. Mrs. D. Kernick, of Exeter, is at ),Ies rat visiting her pephc'%t•s and neices -at fort Huron and Detroit. Thos. Fisher, twho Was visiting Mr. John Willis, at Marlette, Mich., for 501110 weeks, returned home Monday night. Mrs. John Mcl•':ar1,41te who hes been visiting her mother. Mrs. Airth returned. to Iher 1:once in Ottervillt; this week. Mrs. A. Lulu are Miss Lulu vacation. Several members of the Exeter lodge I. O,O.F. scent to Lucan Sun. day to ;attend the funeral of the late; Robert MoLee n. burs. Gregory Tom 41 rid sour, of British Colutnbfa, are the guests of Mrs. Tom's parents, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Fitton. Mr. T. M. Cooper White returned to SVindst,r on Seiturdiy after a few days' visit ssitdt ills grran(iwother, Airs. Jot}sn White. Miss Hannailt i'11rsons :and Mrs. Gibbons, of London, were the guests of Mr. :and Mrs. harry )'arsons dur- ing Sunday rind ,Monday. Mr. Fred Hill, of Toronto, is vis- iting this father, Mr. Geo. hill, Af- fond Vossper accompanied him :and will remain here during vacetion. Hastings and daughter visiting at Cross Hill will remain there duriv; Mr. Will Goodison, of Sarni•.i, took a run up to Exeter on Saturday spending cl few drys with his fam- ily, who are the guests of Mrs. 0. Johns. Among those who were visitors in toWIl 011 rifle first : Al. Moore of St. Marys ; E. W. Horne, St rat ford ; Grover ilis:ett, Hamilton ;A. F, Ben- nett, wife and daughter, London. Mrs. Fowell, .Miss Cora i'owell, Sirs. Collins, Miss Kerte liontdlron and Miss Kate Collins left Saturday for Grand Bend, edtere 11;, y will spend a couple of weeks. Mr. .and Mrs. A. T. Pearson and daughters, Vina and May, have re- turned t.o their hone in London, .af- ter spending 1 pie.aaanl holiday wit h friends of tihis town. Mrs. 14. A. Cook has cllso returned to ]ler Rome in St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. liodgert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcl'cller, Cromarty, Mrs. John A. Norris, Cronrurty, Mr. Jariles Hamilton, Staffa, aIId Misp Jessie 11;1111 ]ton, Of 111).1 1110A Ita►d ,;alwol, left Monday for the North- west. They ,will visit ;all the prin- cipal citiMs through to Victor's] and down to Portland, Ore. CAPITAL. EYES are sometimes ruined by unproper glasses, You can get new teeth. new hair, but you earn not get new eyes that you car. see with, They will have to last you all your life. DON'T YOU THINK they should be carefully treated? Yet how inany people recklessly wear any kind of glasses whetner suited to their eyes or not. For ve,ir own sakes we urge you to let 1,Q • • 1.. y(ntr eyes. You will never 1 ....iv in any way if you come in and see us. W. S. Howey Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist EXETER, ONT. t Special Cut Prices -ON ALL - Summer Dress Material 5 Black Lustres ct'llt (1tl iiltes fur 50 cents!25 Colored Muslins cent quality for 17 cent Cream Lustres Wool Delaines Colored Lustres White Vesting 50 cent duality for 39 cents 50 cent quality for 38 cents 1111 30 cent duality fol' 3S cents 20 cent quality for 16 cents Black Muslins 25 cent du>ility for 17 cents White Muslins 23 cent del tlity for 18 cents Linen Salting 15 cent quality for 11 cents Don't forget we are paying the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs ELL & ROWE A NUMBER SPENT TIIE IIOLI- Market Report. -The following 1 - day at the Bend. the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected T:? THE WEATHER F'Olfi rected up to July 5th. straw4h-Itq and pink shirtwaists. Barley 80 to 83 cents per bus. Barley 42 to 49 cents per bus. THE E11:TElt COMPANY 33111) Peas, 60 to 65 dents per bushel. Huron Regiment, returned home on Shorts, $20 •a tan. Friday. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Oats, 37 to 38 ants Per bus. Bran, $17 per ton lLly, $6 to $8 per ton. Potatoes. 75c. per bag. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover red, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 18 cents per hound. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Coal, $6.75 per ton. Iloi►s, dressed, $9.50 to $10 sa cat. Hogs, liveweig.t. $ 7.50 u cwt. THE EXETER BAND FURNISH. e.l the ,twee for tht, lawn soC.i.tl ut Kipper' I'•ridey evening. MISS EDNA McCALLUMN OF Toronto is the guest of her parents 1tr. :and Mrs. '1'. 11. McO.allurun cat the Meted. THE T'AMILIES 0!' MESSRS. T. H. 11c0.1llu,t and 11. E. Ruston left Saturday for the Bend to spend the 6u,])1111•. M11. WALTER GREEN OF WING - 1v1111 11.as 1811(1 last Wednesday vis- iting is- �t, it ing h s nephew Mr. A. J. McTavish of 6;41t. THE FIRE DEI'AiITMENT WAS cnik:(T out Saturday morning to a burning dhimney at the residence of M.18. SI►i.ccr. REV. GOUWIN SIIIi'I'E1) ITIS 1►au:►elaold goods no . Amherst burg Saturday. The family left for that B*'cause she gets results pleee on Mondrly• that cannot he obtained from Hiss STELLA GREGORY HAS returned hon:;., for the holidays. She, has been tc'ciching cat Erin dur- ing the. I. et. term. TILE LORDS DAY ALLIANCE ACT toe pasee.1 the Dominion house. The passage of this act will shop the sale of newspapers in C..annd:t on Sunday, THE CREDITORS OF THE ATLAS Loan Company t%tlike, chests' its actors at St. TlIIot nsy in July, 1!403, will 1e - neve CI little (•vT•r 40 rent v on the dollar. ANOT111':It SAFE PLEASANT AND effective remedy, Cole's Wild Straw- berry Compound. Lire e bottles 25e. at Cole's ))rug Store. I1' IIAS i1EEN ItF:l't)RTED 'f1IAT some Hien working :it the North end t he rotor rely furnished 1 young lad 's it h liquor 111 lking hint beastly drunk. MBA. ANI) 111tS. .JAMES 6. MAlt. tin ,owl M.t•s rind Mr. Andre*'tw Oke of Scrifort'h were I he guests of Mr. and Mrs. SSV, Riggin? Sunday and M.ortd.ty. Tii 11\--LA\V TO LOAN '1'11E 110Y \VANTED TO LEARN THE Stephenson Carr:.ago Company $10,- 1rdw.•tre business. -W. .T 11E.A11AN 0411) for 15 ye.1rs wait sanctioned by the t(1 xl,:syors of Myth East week. The vete, vis 164 to 7 in favor of (he by -1 atw. !tE\'. A`1) MILS. PERKINS LEFT 1's idly for their' new hone: ret Inger. 110Y WANTFI) '1'0 LEARN THE Roll. Mr. Perkinsxt.}etq to returngrocery business. Apply to Carling for t l.c Sun(!, Iv School picnic to be faros. held to t1e betel to -day (Thursday) when he will soy fairew(11 to the 1110111IM',rs of his congregation. IN ANOTHER COLi NIN WILL 11E fOUrl(1 .1 list of elle suoce 4sful pupils at the midsummer ex -:laminations held in the 1•:x(•t(•r.- puhiic r.rn(1 high M.• •. C } , been un - 1 fNE C0OS O[8I FRJ[ND" co�6's BAKING POWDER any other powder, It is a pure Crean] of Tartar Bak- ing Powder, Uniform in strength and thus never fails to give satisfaction. ise floos flccI ND OJRer. --ASK FOR COLE'S BAKING POWDER The kind that never fails to please. AT Cole's Drug Store. ONLY zs CENTS A POUND. THE 12T11 WILL IIE CELEli1(AT- ed nt Siofortrh. 111e. Morloci: end er:anridaughter Ntary are visiting friends in Detroit Miss Annie Fists left \Vednesrlly for Bay Cit �•., MIC,II., where she will visit for soma week Se Nfrs. A. Hooper. of Clinton, visit - c(1 tier mother, 11r:e. .1. N. Atk111 11 the foto part of the week. v,,ho,oly 1..t ;titel;. A rci,or: c[ the '''`' .c1�r,l 1114)1 tw 17 eta, tx•r'i :3eoond ('! �s:+, 11-rtr.iculalion and )',n. ticrgoinl; 2r'cltment for ttusr eyes in trancR• ss ill epimer later. L0101011, los returned Lome. Mrs. Ch"s. Gilbert 011(1 gr,1n(1- MR. C. A. 1'll'ON, 11K0lileli ANI) d sughtc.r Hiss Steles Axford, and 8(01 111'44 .1gi fit, of To•rLoIto, lw110 M.. !sale Smith of Talbot vile e. seas killed 1)) the 111141) wreck .Il Sal- i..bury. 1:ngllnd last Saturday was at one time employed in tth(t 1101r•onM brink her(', and was teen known by 8Oilt(' of the older resuak•nts, who sI►oik very highly of hint. Mlt. HAROLD i3ISSI:T'1' (GOT 11 ( Mr. R. Uelhri+ll;e visited in \\'i.nh. n(lraty cur 011 the rests of his nose I vim .and Connie the latter port of Thursday � THE OLD RELIA1LI3 The Canning factory seems to be all the talk of the town just now and a good cltiug it is. Let us have a Ban- ning factory or any other industry that will improve our con- dition. S'nm say. Oh, the cost! well we can't have these things without cost. Thele are those who will pour cold water on any and everything but pleased to sty they of the few.ir What About Cairlint Store? We never had a finer stock of goods than we have to - (lay. Our Summer Goods are up-to-date, of the very best (Reality and the newest styles. Our goods are a guarantee that we always keep the best. We have a few of those choice Waists left both in Silk and Lawn, Gloves, Hoisery, Corsets, full assortment. Highest price for produce. Butter 18c. Eggs 16c. Give us a call and we will use you right. CABLING BROS. One Dollar Starts the ball rolling. If you earn a small salaryand save part 01 it. you are better off than he who earns a larger salary and spends all of it. Take out A Deposit Book with Us you will like it; an independent feeling always possesses the than tvho is thrifty and saves; We credit interest quart- erly on Savings Accounts. Tn� SovercI011 Bduk 01 Gduddd Put your tnoney in a place where you can get it when you want it. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER, JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN k STANBURY, Solicitors JEN Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to sell? Write: for our terms of sel- ling property. \\'e have the, most complete method of advertiein3 and setting property in Canada. Do you u•ant to buy a fa' m or business proverty in any pert of Ontario? Send for our list. \\"e Lave Fotne bar rains. STORM KOU6TION The const ,Ian1,'t•r to f.trnl baildiutrs and lire stock frons sin(' .:ornae is during the *Ammer month,. A policy in THE HURON WEATHFR INSURANCE Mutual Company Will hive )on protec- tion, Wirt a IK.iicy colt* on)y a fl'A' lama ear. Roger Northcott, E,q•, i'resl,tent, nay 1'. 4). r. ti,•llerrnan. Ksa., rice -('resident, I*a:huood. OIRI T(►R't, tiitaq itmkcn+hire, :,'rertiton; ('. It. 1'crkin•, Exeter Rear) IL::w. 1)r ..Dale; A, 0. 5rnillic, Ilensall; W. T. ('skew dl, ilere,d1: Chs.. Mentcitt,, Tta.'►mca hoad; 11'n►. lA nattier, Zurich. Rc•t• r our tit•arest (lire••tor ('r a ri: a for parte :Wars to 1» zI:I Lt:lt, Secretary, %ori. h. liclial!e A.;cnts %%,toting 1 iri:on ehouhl rt rite at once t•► 4., 11(►LT/.MI 4N, t:t c}. r.4! .'irnt, % tri. h, S. II:1RI)Y, Agent at Exeter PRESENTATION 'IAN HEV. 1'E.i1- kins.-About twenty members of the bowling club to^t at the Itc•c- tory gr011ndv Fri(lry 'evening, hiss tlriticip,l purpose being to rctnernber ltev. I'c•a k.ins, on the eve of his de- etetuae for Ingersoll. After 11 few ends ,t►a(1 1x•411 pl•'yed \\'. 1f. L(:vt'tt, STAR, FLOUR touches the top notch in quality and invariably yields the best results in baking. The demand for a good Family Flour is felly met by STAR FLOUR. WANTED Wheat Oats and Barley for which we will pay highest mar- ket prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO• GRAND TRUNK s s`rE THE HO[IDAYSESO1 Now is the time to get away front the worries of business life and spend a few weeks in the High- lands of Onta, io or take a trip through the Eastern resorts to the Sea Side, which is one of the most delightful and popular trips. ore visiting Mrs. John Sparkman, )''t"•ids nt. of the club, 1:.}(l t )i mem- Tourist Tickets are on sale daily g 1 but .'a of the club siren rr 01) in .1 fir- to rill resort,. Dr. Stanburv, of Toronto. spent cle and called upon Rev. 1T.irtin to Sunday trite, hie brother, J. G. y. s''y -a few swords. )(('V. M antro stat- J. J. KNIGHT, Ik'pr)t Ticket Agent 5( inbury. His non Douglas 1cCom- cd tta<al 1N' teQrette(l tent' Fetich Itev• p1nied hint :and will 1('mai11 to the Perkins' fencing Exec, r feeling tluat .1. D. 1icU0NALI), t( the week. 1(1,4 41(1,0110re 11 111 be o grna1 Ines DiRtriet J'f8,yengcr Agent, Toronto to the club with shout he had Ieern- c:d to bowl, and on behalf of t to club ;iske(1 bit, to accept a pair of end of tt 1h y while operating one of the las wcc'k. This %A -W.4 M r. iN'1- trcllet at tam Rh(x)ting grounds. He heti just loaded the t r 4(1 ellen it was accidently puller] teff 'fits, et. '1) ,t ruck dtinl on t he Fide Of 1)1(1 I10ri.; broke's first trip to 1.}s^ northern part of thhe county tired 'while there met several 011 acqueint.anree. just IN') usty Ills eye :11 }k,ttt,• :s gtlhh Mr. (haven, Iyer, who h1q for s(('r- about .In noel long. era! years been clerking for 11 r. W. THERE 81;i:Mfi '1't) IiF•; CONSih- J. llr'•anian. left Tuesday for Clinton erublc diRs.ariRfact on ot'c'r the gram, swt>nr4' Inc' has r'o(xsptc�d :1 position with the Mn1 )11 (rink et that place. mar i sper on A%hi(•,It tern cut nines During Wei little of Chsrlie'e em- oatldid,tes twr(►te 1 hiM P."' "rad ploym(ent twibh Mr. Ifeatnen, he was ill ;cello/twat of etre ((Niche's (lower- n most nbligina .and attentive clerk ing one of the eucstions, that of call ever looking liter t he interests of tete uses of the objective case. It his eon/earl-10 and the Molson's bank i, almost cnrtnin that ninety-nine mop!, mn fo,,,i asvured tiro rho business then out of ;t /hundred Have of - cured a trustworthy and ob- liging addition to t)lie.r staff. ne_.n') .-,ws:IPre'. -t.•- ... ,•st+.••r.+•-• _ersrst*irs.r:.. .ZC.Fag carte.' r t: k(.c',, it? ?lest Losi ;n ea litre thick, heavy' air; forge • lw:urian' hair. Don't. ;our Thea use 1. all's Viige;aLln S.eilian Hair 'nower. You rive whist hair you Your Hairk havo and got more at tho same time. iot the wbI,ltr»e. Deal, mouse/mho w* make ALI Dt'c'lttt:c�' It tor. o ►hili Ivo �c'O.. Nwtb4►� 1�. INlwls, (a,4 •1 1(',1(')))))ranee of 1 he ill; 4) i7:es; t11a)•t'd on t ho I a41441113 d1uring tlturtn1)1st few yc0rs. Rev. Perkins very feelingly respond - el, saying that lie 1, •1 spent tinny vett' I.1(y.'sont atter:.(x)ns ,and even- ings with the members of the club anti that his associations with them on the bowling green brought him into closer selotiortl#(hip thin utmost Inv other winner.In :accepting the, SIIOIITIIAND buss')s ileo pail' roes, timo Ile u.sod tlx'nl would hying .lxmck to him the fond nlctnoeies of the pleas int Karnes at Exeter, and tint as lie will not going far 1-114.1y, tee, might possibly School open all summer,Individualwee, the opportunity of playing lit by expert Stenographers l:zetc'r, it r►ut «ith t)arltl, I►crll.apa and Bookkeepers. A situation pool- ag 4 1)51 t•hcu1. Tho bowl. 1.1(1 Mr. tively guaranteed every graduate. Perkin'monogram t): autifully engraved on them. 1)11. 1.T;Ti.i„;R O1' LONDON, WILL be at the Ce'ntr'al tfottel, Exeter. on lfotad.,y, jury 1G. 1106, '1.4)11114 ;, 1n., 10 5, p, tn.. fr►r. 1)i e, 1•;a r, No10se an(1 Throat c.o&Sultatir.n, Eves test- ed and grasses ngpplied. Summer School BOOKKEEPING TheWestera Business Goofs 71 k 7x3 Dundas .S,rr•et, London, WM. C. ('OO, C. S. M. Principal.