HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 3YOUNG LETTER FROM DICKENS! — FOLKS MARIE'S ACCIDENT. "Now tell me why yuu cry, Marie?" "I've had an accident," sobbed she, "Where are your bruie(s? Deary me! What was your aced nl, Marie?" "1 almost tumbled d,.wn," she said, "An eery nr at ly humped my tread I" AN OLD I:OA1Ml'\If.AT10N ON Pl�W1C OLD CO%1ML;\MCAT1ON ON P('BUG EXECU'llO%S. BUMMER FAQ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Best Tunic for t4unlmer. The long, hot summer thins the blood and leaves yuu weary, worn and wret- ched. Nothing can cure that summer fag except Dr. Williams' lank Pills— because they actually make new blood Started Agitation That Eventually, and illus strengthen every organ and every tissue In the body. Every dose tills you with new strength, new en- ergy, new life. Purgative pills only weetkt•n you more. Common tonics only i finiu!ule for the moment. But Dr. Drought About Their Abolition. Charles Dickens was so horror-strick- en by the revolting spectacles se1.11 Williams' Pink Pills actually make nc\v among the euwlnous crowd, L`utl.crcd to l,l,,ad, and nothing but good, pure rich, Little Sarah—Oh, pal here's burglars Hitiiess like flanging of fellow hwi.ull 1141 Hood can brace you to stand the in the house! 1 stuck my chewing guin beings, that he wrote a pu\\ertul tetter, su,i n (r. 'Mat is why you should take en the bedpost and 1 cunt find iti which wits published in the 1.c.l►don U,b- 1)r•. Williams' fink Pills now. !dr. \V. "telt, pt•utesting against public execu- J. Norfolk, White Horse, Yukon Terri- lis. } IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND lions. The great nuwcl.,t s letter is of u•1•y, says: "[ nen thiel •-nine ycnrs est }•articular ii.'crest as it not only gives ago and have been an athlet+' tt ho a graphic picture of tete horrors of that scarcely knew the meaning of illness, scene, but it blurted (hut e13ilatien Last year. however, my health gait' which never ceased until nineteen years nay. 1 became nervous, did not sleep' NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL Inter, in 1868, executadts were no long- well and grew as weak as a kitten. It ens wrote: cut. 1 tried several so-called tonics. but B. AND 1115 pp;OPL er curried out in public. Clunes Diek- seemed as 1h011;11 1 was completely worn it was only a waste c,f money, for they ; AN EYE WITNESS. die) me no good. Finally 1 began using Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Mr. Editor, -1 was a witness of the lir. Williams' Pink Tilts, and they put 1 supreme In the Commercial execution at Ilorsenwn `er-lane. I went ret++ nn m>' feet again, and g;avesute new the. there with the intentionofobserving the health and strenl;lll." Every weak and easily tired man and ex crowd gathered to les of i!, nndl bad woman will fled new health, new The population of Greater London is excellent opportunities of doing so, 6,`s51,0(lU, or 61 per acre. ai ,. s�trcngah and new energy through a t r [here are nfour septuagenarian intervals all through the night, and curl, use of 1)r Williams' Pink ('ills. Tir, y judges on the English dish Bench. sje aisle wasat daybreak.1until after list b sl ectacle over. 1 do not address c'n•e all blood and nerve tllCeaCes litre j Ilunsden }louse, liters, which was con- annemin. nervous exhaustion, hen act you on the the abstract with any intention 811,1 backaches, indicestien. neurale a. verted into a royal palace by henry VIII., is beta • offered for sale. con - c.( tpudiscussing the question of , 6 capital punishment or any of the argil- thatuaNlictnmostrlthe growing girls raiild tnts A small niutor cur bus recently been simply • of its opponents this advocates. 1 rnen of mature ears. Se1+1 lw alt meat- adopted for the purpose of business t y society wish ti account dreadful ex- cine dealers or by mail nt `I0 cents a a lirm of chimney sweepers ill Essex. per good,by to some account for the general 1 ("ix nr six l,nees for $ .M) frnrn the Dr. A judge in the Clcrkentvell County good, taking the readiest and most Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Court has decided that a bicycle for a huhhc means of adverting to an [ntitna. domestic servant is not a necessity. tion given Sir G. Grey in the Inst nes- _.r-- The Dorset (roomy Council has passed sion of Parliament, that the Government ____ a by -tutu to prevent the destruction d d aright be Induced to give its Support to ANCIENT IRISH CAVES. ferns and wild flowers by the wholesale o measure making the infliction of cap-tktking; of roots in the rural districts. tial punishment a private solemnity Furnish Many Facts About Early in. After being lost for some tinge, a within the prison walls (with such guitr- habitants of island. cheque for £208, sent by a London stock - being• for the Iasi sentence of the into broker to a (arm In Merthyr '1'ydtil, was beim; inexorably and surely adrniriis- There has just been published by the recently discovered in a rubbish heap. tcred as should be thoroughly safisfac- !loyal Irish Academy a bulky report on A thrush's nest nunder railway tory to the public at large) and of most the result o1 three }cars' explorutioti car the has been builtbunder at Tiering` eat•nosily beseeching Sir G. Grey, ► s a work tritons; the caves of (:guilty Clare. ton (Devon) Station. The carriage had solemn duty which he owes to socia:y, No fetter than 70,(k)0 specimens of bones been use between Torrington and a responsibility which he cannot were rot warded in parcels to the Dublin and Exeter dailyye a fortnight. One eon for ever put away, to originate : u^h Museum for identihcatien. Euelt of these gg was found M the nest. a legislative change himself parcels were carefully labelled, bearing; i For stealing an egg, value 2d., nine of ' years ago, a man bur; just been sum - 1n1 ed t Wycombe County Police Court. ..a- -ter- Rsw77-•-y- • SUSPICIOUS. e1r \\'iIAT 1.(�T1'IE SAW. j 111e cr�!h lives in the country. She had an errand at a neighbor's, and she set down her basket on the floor as she came into the kitchen, where her mo- ther was frying doughnuts. "Well, daughter, are you tired?" said her mother. "Yes, I stn pretty tired," said Lottie. But she added, su,ilin�, "While 1 was gone, flathead, 1 saw twenty -live of the prettiest little kittens you ever saw." "Lottie Smith exclaimed her mo- ther, reprovingly. "Really, immune," Fait! Lottle ; "and I wish you could see them, they are so pretty and cunning." "Twenty-five kittens are a great many, little daughter," said het• mother, grave- ly. "\\'here did you eee them ?" "Over at Mrs. Dunton's, where I went to buy the eggs; and. now, mamma, 1'11 tell you all about it. After Mrs. Dun- ton had put the eggs in my basket, she said : 'Come out this way a minute. 1 want to show you something.' "So she took me into the woodshed, and there, in an cid cheese -box, were five lively tittle kittens. After I had seen there long enough 1 started for home, and Willie met me just by the well, and said : 'Oh, Lottie t come back just a minute. I want to show you something.' "So he took me in at the back she'd door, and showed me five cunning little kittens. "In a few minute's Airs. Dunton called Willie, and I started for home again. And Grandpa Donlon met inc just by the side steps. Ile said : 'Why here's Lottie Smith, lust come back 1 Child, I want you to see some- thing we have In the shed.' "So I went rack and he showed me five kittens, all in box. "'Then I started got as far as the nie. and said : 'Hello, Lottie Smith 1 you are just the girl I want to see. 1 want t., :how you something. Come back to the house a Ininute. "So 1 went back with him, and he showed five fat little kittens in a b AROUND THE WORLD. Strange and Gurtou, Things. in 1'urei.; Lairds. "An amueing scene was witnessed t: the fourth snag strate's court the ottt• day," says the Straits Times of Sing. Pere. "A Jaeanese was i'ralgne 1 e,n charge of theft. As tete lean entered 111 dock, he threw on the g: mind a licit egg and tarn commenced to chew eol,,• ',sera, ' •fins Watt sul►po.cd to work spelt on the magis'rete' anti cause hike 10 discharge the area -ed. Unforl►rn:tt, ly for the schemes of the Jat'rtnese, h vas seen by the Malay constable in charge of hint. This Malay seized tit Javanese by the threat and choked hin until he sprit up the' 'eereh' and so brek, the spell. The rase was postponed." A correspondent of the Pekin an,' Tientsin Time,: writes :—"l asked t friendly Chinaman the other day why he was burning some books he had been readini.r. His reply wn' that Ito" were the nhl-fr+shinned sort, and -heath they he t+.and int r in hitt pn�s scion hr wc.u!d he regarded by the new s,•hoe1 as one who did not sympathize with tit.. new reg,�lme. To you ser, is tu► ning' the tables the other• ways A f•'W year'' ago to he seen with anything foreign was clnnt!+'reuc." A large wl►i'e swan rt'cent'y kilit�ri a young woman in Geneva, Switzerland. One wintry day the girl was crossing bridge in that city when the swan. driven headlong by the gale, collided with her. The great b rte's beak struck the young woman in the ear. Iter injur- ies were so severe that she died Three days later. n minter corresponding; with a neap HONORS OF mIlflET. the env giving the exact position 1 moned y ..tent depth from the surface at which the spe- Ile had to pay 5s. costs. Uefe I believe that a sight so inconceivably C1lriet1S tt•eit, obtained. '1'tte bulk of the `lent through the South African cam - 1 as the wickedne:;s and levity of tiiaterial collected consisted of bones elf puign. the immense crowd collected at that various animals, including man, and, At n wedding presentation at Nnr•tvieh, execution could l,o presented d by no marl, these throw an interesting light on tele', the bend of the firm \vas presented with a heap in a cheese- rind could be presented in no heathen old-time fauna of Ireland. Among; the, a gift frnrn the manager and staff of land agger the sun. The horrors of th3 mote important mammalian remains 1 t\t•enty eight cmplovices. The staff rep - for home again, and 1 gibbet and of the crime which brr,ught .trete bones or brown bear, wolf, Arctic resented 7til) years of service, an avetag;e gate, when Joe met the wretched murderers to it faded in fcx, Arctic ]manias;, Irish elk, red, of over twenty six years each. my mind before the atrocious semringx, deer, reindeer, ox, and wild hear. j General Lord Methuen, - In the course lcuks, and language of the assembled, One rather surprising; discovery Is I of nil address at the Army Temperance spectators. When I came upon the that the bones of etre wild cat, wtui, h 1, 5oriaiion, said he had tried total ab - scene at midnight the shrillness of the occuii'ett in some, numbers, belonged elinence himself lately for three months, cries and howls that trete raised from t not to the European, but to an Afri,:nit end he found at the end of that time in tune to time, denoting that they came, sl'ecieS, known as the ('aUte cat ;heli` playing racquets his eye was better and from u assembled concourse of els and boys al- i y hntccc me ve g } I ccrcata). The larger of these cares his wind also. rattly asselnhled n tete Lest places, made• furnished dwelling places for prehistoric cheese r'x m blond run cold. As the nght went i The London Metropolitan Water "Alter I looked at them, I said good- y' g men, for arrowheads and other imple- Board suer} a number of customers for cn, screeching;; and ta+ig!hal , and yell-' enrol, of (lint anti bone, as well ns rt rnent of water rates in the Wefit►nin- dstarted t come home by (1 t payment ' t" or "�u�annuk► " and the 'die, s,ocialed tt oh human ,\\'ells Leakey, She kisSrd nit, nerd 5ittd : ' 'Hew bright you Toni:, my dear ! I dawned, th;evcs, testy prostitutes, ruffle cf the ankle joint it would appear that' and want you to see something at the house. tins and vagabonds of every kind flock-; these skeletons represent the remains of Just come back a minute.' el on to the ground, with every vari- ` people who habitually nssumcd a squat - "So she tock me back rend showed me eta• of offensive ii 11,1 rout behavior. Fight- tint octute as is done tar many garage five Fl, el,y little kittens in a cheesehnx• legs, fn ntinpc. tvhistlings, imitations of Fight - , to -day. Charcoal and burnt stones Nestling in a frame of beautifully l; ". rid now, mamma," said Lottie, I'uttcll. t,rutal Pikes, tumultuous do- ! ntfar•d further evidence as 10 the use of hooded shores lies a series of benidiful smiling trlunlphr.ntly, ,didn't 1 see monslratiu:ts of indecent delight when 1 these cares. lakes 145 miles north of the city of '10- twc my -five little kittens? s, roving women were dragged out :,f I ornaments helnng'inc to the early coati. Ontario, and known as the "Lake t of Ilat Reg'on A chain of seven lakes by to Joe 1111 +� Ing in strung; chorus of parodies on nee bronze ornaments, have been recovered,! ; the defend - gr., Count Court among, the baric \va} . And Grandma Duntr.►1 rt, melodies, with suLetilution of "Mrs.: liner i11 rk peeled state of reservation; y icon. tladdtx k, nil tie going down the garden walk. g }' Pp i encs being a Fish. Gudgeon. \Itttlritng, t anti these were a ilntlpuke Ponder, Eddie, ----.- 4 ------ If a woman's credit is good at a dry goods store she never argues about tile price. A Purely Vegetable Pill. --Partltelec's Vegetable Pills are compounded from roots, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue I11 the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone to the system whether enfeebled Icy ov- erwork or deranged through excess in living. They require no testimonial. Their excellent qualities are well known to all those who have used thein and they commend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medicine. HOUSEKEEPER. "They say his wife is a good house- keeper." "Yes, she kept his house all right when he fulled last spring. But of course he held to put it in her name." were added to these. When the day ! remains. Froin the foram of the bones! Pi pe. r 1 -- TIIE KILLARNEY OF AMERICA. Ill r mamma's eyes twinkled, and she said : "It looks a gocd deal as if you did." the crowd by the Police with their dress (;hrtstian era, including; n grata bracelet, • •. .s is disordered, gave a new zest to the 1 1 tt t tl • studded with lovely Islands, with ho - general entortatnment. IMAGE OF THE DEVIL• fractured 1 t f tl the ng, To Know is To ret gait -of the w n sort of glace to vis Noperson should go from home w•ith- ?11A1K YOU. \\'hen the sun rose brigzhtly—as it did Irish elk nn+! retnc ter slow old crater most of the nninlnlst were hunted, at any rate, by tl duringt the summer months. For all cine would rah tl►cir feet and legs with cut a bottle of Dr. J. U. Kellogg's Dy- When likes little Carl Dos 11- —it gilded thousands upon thousands of the enrlicst human inhabitants of the is- Particulars and free illustrated publiea-s Dr. Thoraces' I'.clecfric Oil they would sentery Cordial in their possession, as bloom, he is so dinning and small end upturned faces, so wiexpresslblY oar tiara apply to J. D. McDonald,Unionchange of water, cooking, climate, etc., has ivied in America just a nus in their brutal mirth nr callowness Innil but they probably were soon ex- pP ye<cnpe muscular rheumatism and reit- frequently g g' tat. Ile 1Station, Toronto, Ont. fret uentl brings on summer complaint, twothat a man had cause to feel ashamed terminated. Wolves. however, survived der their nether limbs proof against the I y little while, and he can speak only until crnl nrativel y recent tunes. The ill cffecls elf exposure to the cold. Those' and there is nothing tike being ready English words. It sounds so funny to or the shape he wore, and to shrink P y Many n pleasant lnn•yer is compelled setting! out for mining; heg;cols would with a sure remedy at hand, which af- t• from himself as fashioned in the linage evict Brite of their final extermination is centimes saves great suffering and fr•e- hear him say, "Thank you," to what) c,, the Devil. When the two miserable not known, but they existed in the Areal to do the cross question act. do well to provide themselves wtth a ! cguently valuable lives. This Cordial it reset on the bottlers of Wicklow and bronze pin and buck e, s lea 1n ccs v.. g' steamboat service to all points attracts drily, by much inter generations r f ! tourist, a ►ler and sportsman. Just Wren. Artifie'ially me urec .ones o 1ep Prevent. -- 1f the min - 1 t that these the y • ens who work in c sameeaves were used nt least tempore leis throughout the district and a good If You ore Nervous anti irritable take "Ferrrorim," the great nerte and blood tunic; you will be a uew person by the title you bare must' a bottle. All dealers "Did you say your husband Was out looking for work?" "No; I believe, ice's out looking at work. There are sonic men digging a cellar down at the cor- ner, and he doesn't seem able to get any further." THE SUNLIGHT' WAY /// RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP lac RINSE WELL Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soh and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no in)urious chemicals —indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whore you buy t=unlight Soap If yuu Sud auy Cause fur complatut. 165 LEVrIt BROTHERS LiMITED, TC RONTO Help your children to grow strong end robust by counteracting anything that causes 111 -health}. One great cause of disease in children is worms;. Ile - move them with Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. 11 never fails, HIEi.PINl; HEI1 PA. "Young nlnn,' said Miss Spooner's fa- ther, "I want you to knew that I always close up the house and turn out all lights at 10 o'clock." "Indeed?" replied Mr. Nervy ; "well, dont bother to -night, bit. I'll attend to that for you." Cornu.ige.-toa Iros3.. " Kteplag Everlastingly at It (kings Success." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,110 If. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a (.me, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a GOO ton stock In Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the sante day order Is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 23/4 inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of materinl is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers end Galvanized Nulls carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. TI -IE PEDLAR PEOPLE, tontraal, 0ue. 1 Orma, Oji Torok 0fl1. I CO Q, Ont. tem no. Vbllcoaret,B.C. 787 Craig St. I OS Sussex et. 11 Colborne st. Ira Duwdas st.1 76 Lombard et. I 511 Powder et Write your Nearest Office. —BMA D OYFIC1ii AND WORK$ -0 flAWA. Oat Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build ins Materials under the British Flag LAND In Western Canada miles NIL of India.* Need 47. Two � lanes �_ 5a.skatoiawaa, only $ settee from two railway„ R.P.S. • O.'! T. Strostg soil, 90 per coat. plough laad, Grilseamok, so deed* About 40 m 810.40 per seta Writ* for map ..d inn particular*. R. PARSONS. or Waikiki sweet. Toronto. Grads. NOBODY IN PARTICULAR. "Who Is that man with your mother?" "That ain't a man; that's father." supply before stetting. EMPLOYED ANOTHER. The Preacher : "I hope you never lie about your business." The Merchant : "Never-- but 1 have a very optimistic "ad writer." sow Alli eters ever is said to burn that no one can help from sniffling. One day Carl was trudging; along with a 1,0, 1(.4 of clothes. Ile was a droll little figure, with his chubby legs and round, fat nems. Some boys playing marbles on the pavement were quite amused at this comical sight. and they leeg;,n to lime!) has gained for itself a widespread repu- tation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. crentures tt•Ito atlracled all lois ghnste ly sight about then} were turned quiv- r ring in the air, there was no more emo- tion, no more pity, no more thought that two in11)101•tal 501t1s had gone to jr.dgment, no more restraint in any of the previous obscenities than 11 the name of Christ had never been heard ie this world. and there was no relief and sheut, •Slu<<ge begs 1" among men but that they feti bed like remade there are bright,thriving chit- and a t\ cord; observation of the effects of Parruelee s Now, Carl did not angers the beasts. 1 have seen, hnbilunlly, circn who have been made well and are Vegetable ('ills has shown that they act -ilitt lie Saw they were speaking to hire, scare of the worst FoiiieCs of general kept well by the use of Ilaby's Own Itnmedlately on the diseased organs of s ) e S c n • homes a[ nes .nI- .•r • • , 1: in this � In nitto them to hen to them r corrupt r t on . l t, .'mule t face , (Ind n Tat.lets. y 1t[ f c „ i s a ys utile r l n ,tl n and so he turned his dear I t c nl to P the, system the sweetest of :elides, and said, country. and 1 think there are not this ntenc�ine sit\ e(1 11 I.recious little life. ' thy action. There may be rases 'n "7'I.nnk you." many phases of London life that could Dr. A. Dennis, I..t).S., iticicrc du Coag►, • which the disease has been long seat- withYoii should have seen how ashamed Burg,rise nuc. 1 am solemnly convinced I Clue., snye: "At the age of rive nrur,ths ! et. and does not easily yield to meal- (1- naughty be't's looked 111.111 One of that nothing inE•enuity could devise to tvr thought our Mlle girl dying. Nn- • cine, but even in such castes these pills them smiled and n(ddt•c1 at little earl, t Lc• done in this ci!y in the Arline came thing we slid for her helg+ed her until have been kno\\ n to bring relief when ,ave hint n nice red apple, i f 1 1 k t 1 as g ter Bony s Own 'tablets, and al' other o 1 have failed. Carlow as late RS t 11 o yen r 1700. and it t /as* ~ 914Nr aim "Ise Nage, kat le best whoa and la the tlaaMaft wsy!, May flaalight leap aa& !.blow ltaostioaa It is surprising how many really good people there arc In this wicked world -- if one can lake their word for it. They Neter Knew Failure.— Careful is supposed thnt they finally became ex- tinct about yrs. KEEP CHILDREN WELL. in thousands of homes throughout EFFECTS S OF HEAT ON MII,K. Doctor Jensen, chief of the Swiss bureau of superintendence over. the milk Industry, says that It is a common error with tc suppose that milk submitted for a A Thotseand Dollar Guarantee enn57dernble time to it teruperature of every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's eel-Roi•l 120 degrees Fahrenheit is better for —the oaly certain euro for every form of nourishment than that boiled for a short t isprolonged e e tea in � n ih 'es. When 11 e. P time. g (lenrgle Oook, St. 'I'hot>ss.s, Ont., writes Tho alteration in the valuable pro renter I)r. I.eoahi►rdt'a tient Roid ettreti me o! I I a very bad Ogee of Pile• of over ten years' of the milk begins ns low as 1(10 de - , hitt with quick heating it dors not standing. I had tried everythingbest t begin below 11U degrees. '1'ntpr'rculosic no permanent our* Bleeding Pile*, B r d• bacilli are destroyed by heating tel 1',0 I luta Blind • 6 d. rtes for ilve minutes, and such heat- ing does not alter the properties; of 'tee milk. Doctor Jensen advises that the pasteurization of milk 1* done in the home, and but shortly before the milk 11 iste•, or The Wilsoto•Fyle Oa, Lias- Is used, care being taken not to go te�gat� Yells, Ont. 7 above the temperature necessary to kill the pathogenic germs. inrtttrr g, +ergs of time. coo c woe such run we arc t s+ 4811x,1 remedies e t ., while another look hes leg casket end r ne public execution. and i stand ns- only those who h.►\e seen her • nn yea• t :These a,scrlions can Lie substantiated' everything. O►ntme!nt a iD11r1+ees rend nppnlled by the wicked- lite what a chnng•• this aced:+ tar has �' Niles bus Dr. Lsoahardt • Hem -Rota eittred carets d it for Min. I by many who have used the 1 ills, rind ne-s it exhibits. Ido not belie\e that wrought In our child. She is 11 W aht,;,t medical men speak highly of their quaff- "ief otld' is a tablet ratan iater•rtr►ll any community can !Testier where such eighteen months old. tints well, slcet,s sties. a sc'cne of horror and dcincralieatirn es men and is n lively. laughing Child, and eerie enncted o+ttshle llorse;nnngrr trine weighs 37 pounds. \\'e always keep tete i il.�ck (dt•spnnd•'ntle) : "1 said something' 1 SE\ EN KNAVE CIIICKS. whieh removes the assess of Piles. $1. , "it'st n queer loc•l,ing thing." said the jail, Is preeented at the very doers of Tatel. is in the house now for we know , my 'vire diene like and sehe Hasn't Arse h111r Chick. and he tent tis rightgood citizens, and Is passed by tlnknewn their great value." 1f molhers wish to'. e,k,n , si,to me for two days." Peck eve d.ew n to lo�ek nt it. or forgotten. And when in (air prayer feel ahw.ltltely safe, they should keep a; tenger it') : "t'rm you rernemtprr what it anty"'said the second, go right r,, thanksgiving for the stettern. we are 1nx of Baby's Otyn 'Caplets in diefrom here," and the downy head tit,,nt•ly expressing before God our rte- house always. They ricer' 1111 the miner KAFFIR WOMAN'S 1'OUiRAGE. (111e of the first explorers of the inter - Eft -- bobhl, d and sho.•k at it. sirs' lo remove moral evils freta the land &tlrn•'n's of rhlldren and nre nt solulcly Yes. IaMeg. "ate -04 writ tell." when b1"tr+,d. to, of South Africa was \\ illisun Cotton third litlle chick. "if "1 would ruake it run quh•k, said the I w elil,l ask your renders to consider t�stft•. 5, ld by medicine tlenler•s or sent' w,d to,'r.,tatit,w++nl,- the— --kta. We ver'ac•.rat. O�tvell. a noted hunter and a friend r f y ntulhcr would tth,'th,'r It 1s not dine to think of this ht mail at 25 reals n box by writing sad 11 eater•r Ryrn+p make short work of all blood 1.1% ing,Irine, to hon} he rendered itn- oar' anti to reit it rut. p, n }ant aid. In his bit.gi ng►hy the fol- lowing story wits given frnrn one of his African letters: An incident highly ere.l- itahle to halite womanhood occurred just OS we tcilelit'd Atahotse. The women, ns it'e me a cllitnee at it. • "It's only n worm," said the fourth ('11:1111.E` DICKENS.ofitlittle chick, as he cast a disdainful proud glance at it. Devon,hir'e-terrace. "It leveret c,•nrt' me," said the fifth Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1899. little thick. 'though 1 dr•n't like the shining smell eyes of it." "And 1 don't like its ton;'ue." enid the [sixth little chink, "tut I'm net afraid of 1114' size of .t." "I could swallow it Whelo," 511111 the seventh small chick. "anti leave not a Bingle bright scale of it." And 111(.11 the long melt snake slid off In lilt' grass, and all of llieul pecked at the tail of it. hlFI lrt'LT FEAT. flicks : "In a few years the tetey).rne will I( so perfect nncl the rate ft r :t sr los' that everybody will have It. The messenger boy must g4o." (Mick.."Ian rifted(' there's no power ea earth tient can mike the messenger 1tty go very fust." porem : "'The lamp seems to be going out, Miss Cutting." Miss Cutting Isup- preseingg a yaa•rl) : "Yes; it seems to be store considerate than some people." PRINCE'S S MEN A(:ERIE. Indian (rifts Which Will Shortly be Seen at 7.oc►Iogiral Gardens. Within the next ft tv days the fine col- lection of nni,nnls and birds presented to the Prince of \\ nits during Itis tn. dian tour is expected to arrive to Eng; - land. This somewhat considerolle mt nag-. erre, consisting of gifts ntnde to 11,.' l'rinet• by various rajahs, will Ir flouted temporarily. if net permanently, al the /t,oingical Gnrdene. Among tete animals are elephants, lion cubs, tigers. pitman. 1•cnra, rhtnr:e. cruses. buffaloes rind entclopes, whilst the birds include set ere! tale speeimetis hitherto unknoa-n in 111.4,,and. in pre(nrntirrl for the rrllecl;on sev. rral a.lditic,nnl 11cd5 have been erected had paddocks c,.nslrucled neer rho north gate of the gardens. The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. sod skis trouble` ville, Ont. AMF1'1. SLEEPING SiCk\Ias. kfrtc•nn Game Hunters Now Run a Deadly itisk. To the exeithn,ent of h.g gnme hunt - Mr in Africa there will henceforth tete n,i:', .1 the knewt• dee that the limiter tie; eon!r:tctlr.g one of the mo' ( (tread - hit t.f nil knrwn d sense, ---sleeping sick- rle-S drendf,,l hecnw:e it is in. arable anti ultimnt, ly fatal. Dot 1 very r, cent- lv it had t,rcn sippoeed tont Eu ropeens w ere immune, hut it h.1s recently leen ekes Ned 111 t Ih belief «ns curs ng. �1 eping R knr'sa ►- ranted by n parasi- t:e prof -pa -in k t, wit as "tet peen .s rne.' whieh int( stc the Hoed nese the sar,in,n1 (ord. Three nbnutc 1.111 1 rr hie rrg.►nn- icros ate cn1r;041 and iti--trel,titacl t y iit,' trite of n epe res r,f t,c's•' fly. Thea ier- r•er hes r ppenr. d in Uganda on1+ tenon the lest wear or two. hnv ns: trail., itc way al ng the riwcr sysli nes fr. n, the WCCI ;tst ref Atrl,'n. Yet tl,►r:ni! 1h•' fi .t two years of its appearance in t't'nn418 not lest then 10 1811 of the native inl.nhi!ants have 1:111+ n victims. r \BBEFt'L. .. Friend : llnv(.ti t you named the baby yet ?" proud !Mother : "No ; n•e 11111st he very 1s the their focustr otyi. hW i Were dl working iin nrn cern. him cnrcfel to ri%e a nice one. Lecauso I fields. there will be so many 11anmed after hurt An. you1,1I-h. nn n iastanding nging tiy ri iltti.'h edge A when he i9 premier:, Boneee stifling on hire, and was carry - in;: hirer off. when one of the woolen ran after hits. relight her by the tell and wee dragged for some distnnec. Ilm.ipered le. the ratan In her mouth tied the 't•o- nt.1n behind her, she slncke,), •l tier pa•'.' tt hereupon her assailant straddled over her hack and hit her across the nope and heal with n heavy, .hart -handled hoe until she dropped her prey rind slunk t., eras r. The elan tuns the wmmnn a to -hand. \\'otild \Ire. irnith de. fl:; much for Mfr. Smith? Cou1..1 she do mere? Cuanrner : "Are you sure that this 13 real errce,rlile•skirt :''' Dealer : "Abso- lutely •'e^rtttln, madam ! 1 glint the cr,.rodil. myself." customer : "it 14.(!.4 ralle r s ,ilei." Dealer : Neturnlly, 1Iadnnl. Thnl is where it str1141c the g'ronnrl when it 1ulul'i.d out of the tree 1" C-7-' - 16°7' : \ '1PkA 1 .. FrrrI4V .1- V1V ser Jowl( ok \likli\t6 `41111114 Food Products we 'cementite) w wall as used. Yeo stool mkt bewe a, title ware reeky draw. MAW PM ins it LA ty as belt doss, Use. Bretrooted teat tea11 may SI am. LAby's Products we Ike sal resole eat waaeyetso * - sed sAwia ubtistwa. L+Aeter's bodes Mies Mit MsVuessi,r Des ise slaw a quiet aba ga w Moa. • waw roe we its. k V .11 cliches. sad al feet. dickey- steely wide ager. Try is wily sea's* It v rieW or Imue.r. Boel)ae fors, "Wew *We 'Thiess ess io .L" Writs Ubby, NMI & Libby, CMkatO Lieutenant : "\\'ho's the idiot tont told you to leave that pile of rubbish 1n front of hendtguarters 7" Recrult : "It was the colonel, sir." Lieutenant : "Very vee11, leave It there; but your leave will be stopped for fr days for calling the co'onel an idiot." You cannot be happy while you have corns. Ttien do not delay in getting n bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It 'e. naives nil kind of corns without puln. Failure with It is unknown. "i wouldn't he a donkey if i were ynu," said Jenkins to a friend. "if you were me you wouldn't he a donkey, of course," was the telling reply. Wilson's FLY PADS 0112 PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLSD A BUSHEL OF FLIES sola by all Druggists and Geaeeal Stone and by tenth. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, UAM1V 'OW, ONT. FEATHER DYEING aillewloe15 al Is itert •a f S beet Oise t=een NiT1MN ANUICAN SUING ells 11411.11111.11. LAMP OIL ECONOMY Sarnia USE prime OIL White No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER it used and KEPT Ci.l.AN. 11 you want a BIG LIGHT—TURES se 101'1 GAS JITS ill 011 -- Queen City A�AglfTllroL TATA 011 MINT Lamp For ftie , Dealer. *"S QUEEN CITY OIL C0e5 V -ISSUE NO. 11- $.