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Exeter Times, 1906-07-05, Page 1
1 lYeddisa Statl.nery Noting Ladies who are interested 'is what is pros t r in the matter of Stationery ter Weddings, should twee oos ua►mplee, latest type fames. We We have theca steady la a few hours. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR -No 1712 HURON & M1DDLESEX GAZETTEI Call Up Phone No. 31 If you have any cedars for prints ing ,of at.y kind jtist cull us up and we will be 1•'.c ; wJ . to look after you: wants. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 3 th 1906, , 4041 - JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. SPECIAL PRICES DELAINETTES Cotton Delaines, cream ground with navy green and red spot, also fancy pattern, extra wide width. Regular 15e value, Special Price 10 cents per yard UNDERSKIRTS Ladies Black Sateen and Fancy Black and White Striped Underskirts, regular :$2 to $3.25 Special Price $1.50 BOYS' SWEATERS All Wool Sweaters for boys from 5 to 10 years of age. Cool and serviceable for the holidays. :SHIRTS Sale Price 50 cents Men's light Flannelette Shirts with rever- sible collar, solid comfort for hot weather. Regular $1, Special Price 85 cents Men's dark colored work shirts worth in the regular way 60c. Special Price 40 cents All New Goods This Week. COLLARS Ladies' Black Collars, Chiffon arcs Ruching trimmed, Black and White Plastrons, white silk embroidered collars also a special line of embroidered wash collars to sell at 15, 20, 25c LTS The very latest Kid Belts with double row of eyelets, colors Black and Grey, silk belts iii the new girdle effect. Embl'oidered wash belts with detachable buckles at all prices. .Duster Brown Belts in Tan, Black and White. Store closes at 6.30 every evening except Wed- nesday and Saturday. Promotion Exams.1 Dominion Day Festi=E FORM II TO FORM Ill ('EN'1'IRAi.i.t JOHN WHITS & SONS -- For manymanyy yc try Cents tl \1' 1 vltles odist church has had a reputation Jr. Thatchers' Course ; 60 per cent for shaving the most successful 1st of J my festivals i.0 Westetnn On- t:trio and this' year was no exception for pass ; 70 per cent for *bottot y' t o the rule. The r Honors -F.. Traylor, 81 !per int ; Dominion Day !,awed off very quiet- tort:( cornttienced A. May 72; G. Thompson. 70. lY in Exeter, most of tlto townspeo- in t ha morning by ;t b.•iseball match Pass -E. Willis, 66. pie going out of town fee the day. bctcen lirinsley and Centralia Jun - Jr. Matriculation Course: 50 1►e'r cent. for pass; 70 per cent for .hon- or R. Honors -B. Stoneman. 76 per cent. Pegs -M. Bobier, 57; E. Goetz, 56. 1'orni II. Jr. Division to Fortn II Sr. DiVi&'on. M. Johns, ns; I. Roue, 57: 3. Walker, 56; F. Fogy. 56; L. Ceeut- tis, 54 ; M. Hawkins, 52: L. Martin, 51; L. Reimer, 51; B. Martin, 51. A. DORRINGTOa1, Terroher. FOItM 1 REGTTLAR CLASS TO FOR1. II 1Ior.ors-Irene Handford. 75 seer cent.; }let tie's Mack, 71; Katie Col- lins, 70. masa.-Lillian Amos, 69 ; Letitia Mulholland. 67 ; Ln+R Ilirney, 67; Kathleen Stewart. 66; Eddie Jones, 65 ; ,Tulin 'O,rsf rc'ieher, 65 : j Lloyir ('..odwin, 62; Ella Town, 61; Winnie Huston. 61 : Lizzie Sanders, 60; Beet - trice !Lowey, 60; Lillie 1lodgert, 60. COMMERCIAL DIPLOMA Honors -Jessie Ce melon, 86; May O11:1nr0'. 79: Bessie Welsh, 74; Alice Iiownrd, 70. PaRP-F.dni Ilissett, 65; /\11.in Mc- Curdy, 60. A. 1'. CH I DT.F Y, Teacher FROM SR.. IiI TO JR. IV. Percy Godwin. 72 .rr cent..' Lilly Rowse 69: Lntiuler Grieve. 69: tll:inci,e Atkinson. 68: Pend (;od- win, (18: Minnie, Jewell, 67: Hubert Jones, 66; Berry Fuke, 64; Elmo Howey, 62 ; \Valence Fake, 62: }Terry Sweet, 61: Mery 'Devin, 59; Ethel Arickwood, 58; Melinda Wcndland, 57 ; Bert Wcsf rot t, 53 : Cihe rile Welsh 53, Furl Souterott, 51. FROM TR. III TO SR. IT,11 Clair \V0041, 73; Wilfred Stewart, 69; Regio Ilisset t, 68: Clarence Hey- wood, 68: Bella Meliay, 65; Lillian Royle, 65: Raymond Dearing, 63: Cecil Picks rd, 62: May Jewell, 61: Willie Snell, 59; Eva &haddock, 59; Lilly Frnyne, 58: Fred Break. 57: Gordon Taylor, 57: Mary Atherton, 56; Mabel I3.arrows, 56; David Hall. 54; Young ('heals, 51; Lulu Snell. 50; Eel -pest Taylor, 49.5. H. \VALilOND. Teacher FROM SR. TI TO .1R. III:. Abe J.acirson. 81 per cent ; Russell 13alk evil I, 81; Violet Houlden, 79: Irene hardy, 78; Willie Ileidem:tn. 76: Madeleine Carling, VI: Ruby Wool, 73: Leon Treble, 71; Olive Dearing, 70: Fred rfehaddo.k, 69: Mary Iloulden, 68; Oliver IIodgert, 68; Fred McPherson, 67; !Tarry Snell 66; Mabel Sutton, 65; Lola Taylor, 64 Viola Roth', 63: Gordon Marshall, 62 Martha Ilagshaw, 60; Maurice Quince, 59; Gladys Delve, 57; Vel- ma Fastorbrook, 55; Florry I)inney. 54. FROM .111. II TO SR. 11. Eric Hurdon. Al : Rruoe Walker. 80 iiali 1'nrd.76;RuR:3et1Flynn,74 ;41 tl Balktcill.i2: Ra.rl Mitehell, 71illie lfa.rch•inr1, 70 ; FrneAt liarvey, 69; Violet Knott, 68; Oseer Aneer- Itaadnuartelra for the Celebrated W E. Sanford r�Clothingson, 67; Edith Davis, 61; Arad Bev - ANNA; 'May nrimarombo, 56. ANNA E. TARTIN, Teadtuer. -4 BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIE FROM .Tit. 11 TO SR. Ii, GRADE Ve! Jean se'lehm, 96 per cent ; Muriel Iiirkton snore thanoutdidti,rlf Jones, 88 : Linden Ihrrrvey, 87 ; Near. In celebrating Dominion day trUtcn gucrit • (;•,vainer, 787; I31.anctltrt , the Methodist Sunday School held n Quince, 84 ; irno Seeet, 81 ; Agnea Strawberry festival in Ji r. A. liirk'y M.ioKay, 75 : Nellie .Tones. 74: Beta I grove, and baseball gauzes were play - Rowe, 61. ! cd. The dinner was Served in the grove at 12 o'clock, and After the large •seembl tg,,' had (long duty to f he palatable t hit)gs furnished by the ladies. a program of addresses w.114 given, with .1r. T. Walker, as cheirni.in. Those eh() o g tet' ,tddree- >:c'.M wore 1(re•s. W. itr.icry. L. Bart- lett and J. E. 11olttl•'s, of Lucian. 1n the morning a fast granite of hall was played bet neer tthe Seers, of Cred- it on, and Tigers, of London, result- ing in favor .)f the Crediton trona by the some of 9 to 7. The g.tnv in the .rfternoott W:t s still snore exciting, titre; gain" being clew all the sway through, resulting in 't second victory for tine ('reeeton St trr, tile. score being 4 to :3. A largo number went out to the Bend, while others went to Central• l Elitnvillc and Kirktort, the three latter places having Sunday school picnics and gams. A number spent the d iy fishing while in the evening- nn interesting quoit ggatno wns lelaye•1. Cliff Spack- man, J. II. Grieve and Dan Hart- leib being the c,ontt stante. The event wart won by Mr. Grieve. The automobile tt•ae pressed into serv,t.e during the -afternoon taking people lo Cientralia. Owing to a small break in tthie cooling apparatus, the machine did not return for the plea. sure seekers until nearly 10 o'clock. ELIMVILLI; At Elimville (tlle .strawberry fes- tival was a ootnploto success. fully 500 people being in Tihotnpson's or- chard to enjoy the :afternoon. A large platform was erected \from which the program was given. Jos- hua Johns, Superintendent of the Sunday School acted as chairman and filled the tiosit,ion to the satis- faction of everybody. I)ur•ing inter- vals in tthe program he was ready with a witty story. The Elitnville Choir gave a number of selections and it can bo said of eikenr that they aro excellent singers. Rev. Johnston the new junior pastor was called up- on for an address. Mr, Johnston .;rcjuitod himself very favorab- ly. He Led not a prepared ad- driess, but his impromptu remerks showed him to be a scholaely young man, and left a good/ impression. Rev. Ila,rker, who took ch•rrge of the Sunday services, gave .-i ten minute address. Rev. Barker is .a good speaker and this .',(dress was atten- tively listened to. Mrs. Becker gave a reading and Rev. Barker a solo. The feature of f he program w.a5 a drill by sixteen young ladies. The maids were gowned in \vitae %vit h ttas see of red white clnd blue and parrying batons, witch red white and blue streamers. They went through a number of intricate evol- utions wit,lr such prcoision that brought forth continued �e1►1)Isutse. Anotihcr very Pretty tart of the program was a represent a - rtion of the British Colonies enacted by n number of boys and girls of school. The colonies represented were, India, Gibraltar, Canada, Ire. land, Scotland, Neer Zeeland, Austral- ia etc. Rev. Going, of F xetcer. Rev. Fair and Hugh 1lazleevooel grave stirring addseances. After the program w is finishc,d everybody r.,tt down to the supper prepared by the ladies of the church, and from the, way the good things disappeared nobody seemed to he missing anything. Tho proceeds of the :hjiniverstry eerviaert and the festival were close to $200. A football matdh was played later in the evening between trams oont- poeed of Elimviltce boys. During the gam© Mr. Fred Ford ,lead the mi> fo r. tulledto fall and break his shoal • rr blade, h IRK' TON • FROM .111. I1, GRADE VII, $) .7R. 11, (;RADE VI Joe 1'ollick, 58 per cent ; Et tis S Tluetc•y, 56. E. A. MrCAL1,I?M, Te.iei,er, FROM .111.. II TO .Mit. II Rohl►ie l'lcming, 82, Florence Rowe 76; Willie `ianson, 67; Mabel Knott, » 67 ; Alrn.t Meek, 65 ; Ed,lie \Vcleh, (14. FROM ,11t. 11, GRADE VII, TO JR. buggies with rubber and iron tires.Call , G?1‘.11eTtl:1).111`'sf'llg Et hal D.131-I' 51;l( N 53 ; Thous. s ('Lr rke. 52. L. M. JECKE11,, Teacher Just received a shipment of "MARTIN and see them they will stand inspection. Also have a number of good second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. A. Q..BOBIER, Exeter. BE LOYAL haying will Soon be here Look to your haying tools, and see if you are ready for that very busy season of the year. We are sell prepared toyou n any tools you may need such as handforks, etc. and we spec- .- ially emphasize hay -fork rope. We are showingthe best I quality of British Manilla Rope, the price 15c. per lb. 5% off for cash. Order early Don't neglect to leave your orders early for Binder Twine. Wo have three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth Twin for sale. None other is quite so good. y Prices guaranteed. & OLARK, Wlnchelsea. . tiardy's Store Bur= Aftrr t,h�' ('sceli(on_'I'ig•►•r ntatcli te.t:3 over ci g; +nr;' ee•:ty gr1.,ti•e•d! hettteCrt • lite liirkt:ot► juniors and the Mit- (-hell juniors, resulting in favor of the home tens by th" Score of 16 to last end the Exeter l lat•c.rq tied tlto Diu log.' T11csd'ty night bursa tri 6 .. score making it 60 to 69 for the The t'rcoceds of Sunday end Mon- dos, On the last end F day amounted to over 't•' 0 lying stole' "'VCi.11 islet,., i"CI ueling,► soh• acme tigers, pipes, cheese, creekery Following ere the ti tines of lite llcnstll, ntadr' a running r$.u,, but etc. 'Clic)? ;ileo took Mr. llardy's 'layers et-Jto took part in the Credi- without cffcct, the ni.,tch going to l'ixcter 1y Hiles (hots. 1len�►:t11 EX ("tea' M. Mc1',t,ersett \1 . II. I,t t•c•r t .1'.};rte N. E. Cook N. Dyer 1111d„u c1 Dr. 11ch;t.tcic'n ('. I;, ::I,, (i u 1 C. Jlcl)onrt:'I 1:� %. V . M. elastin ,1 Skip 21 Skip 1,3 1 1 W. Wilmot' \':. 1). Clark. •r 1 1). A. Cantrlon te. M. Illa1chfoi:I 1 ;l 1'.tit:'w,.r 1 W. W. •Tint:,n I II. J. iI:pings Rev, lee 1:'.• . farmed. Mors, the Centralia teem winnirit by :► score of 14 to I). The next gime was between tee Centralia Seniors and Mooresville, Centralia winning in this event, 1t v :;core being 17 to 1. Then followed a n►ntch between Centralia Juniors and Crediton Jun- io-trs. The Crediton labs tvere too much for the Centralis boys and won by a soorc of 10 to 4. Then follow- ed ,a game bctwcen Centralia land several spectators from Exeter, re- sulting in tthe defeat of the tattier scone of 9 to 2. Between tate baseball snatch of Centnalit vs. \Mooresville, the long list of athletic, sports was pulled off. There were running. jumping, base- ball throwing. tug of war and other events. Possibly t,l►c most interest- ing event was tihe ball throwing contest itt which a Miss 1)uplant, of London, •:1n,1 Miss LilLe Elliott outdistanced ell competitors. In the evening :a first-class concert u'as given in the church under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. The Im- perial male Quartette, of Landon, W;r s the attraction. !REV. GOD\\'IN PREACHES 1118 FAREWELL SERMON Every denonl nation in town was largely represented at the services in the. Mein street church Last Sun- day evening to (1c-tr Rev. Godwin deliver his farewell sermon after a pastorate of three ye:trs. Before announcing his text the Rev. gent !omen thanked the ntCltl- be.rs -of the official board for the ntany kindnesses extended to ihirn during the three years ho had been stationed hero. The .associations with the biota h r d been of the most cordial and never once did the hear a word uttered uehicit would cause any unpleasantness. Ile was sorry that some of the members of the board were not present, so that they could hear the :rpprecietiou of their g.00dfcllowsttip class kindness be- stowed ut'ari the .retiring pastor. Bev. Godwin referred to hi 3 illne3s last year, when his disc was non- sidores! serious, sinocrely thanking those who had been so kind to hire in the hour of need, especially the :attending physician, whorl he' was 1 confident could not give more -a t- tention to ,i member of ihia oet11 houceliold, tlnsn teas given hint. Ile also tspoke of t he close rela- tionship existing betu-•'�'n tits' p.tt•- tors of the different churches. The Moir teas riho thanked for the as- sistance they had given him in his FMC r v i e/'. Itev. Godwin c:slurred Thus he'..trere that ),ie sueccczsOr, Rev. Veer would sustain tlho pulpit and hoped that his t1a.torcttee over the c.ongreg,►tion he (Rev. Godwin) ,tv. s lc.iving, would result in t edits inued success in the e interests of the t)iv;n The subject of Rev. Code in's tier. neon was "Remembrance." in which lie referred to exponents of the sows'. ee Bose names have been ha nd- cv1 clown from generation to g r'nera- lion es on exanrt•lif�retion that Gad'ss wo: kers irnty look forw,rd with the hippy though, thit rt heir effort:.{ et i11 be i0taarwled, not only by n peat in t too chamber of the s.i nctified, hilt Neil! he banded dotvii :tis fc:irle,tx discit•les of trhe Lord. Ile named suc!r n1: n .is J.uliti 'Wesley. linos, .\i,00dy ,ttt,! Flukey and ottmt.t t, et 11n.0 names are emblazoned in 11.0 civilize ed world's ,history as fearless work - ors for the cause of rhristianit. Aftt•r he re.rvices trete over Rev. end eIrs J this ntont h. \1inwl you gentle critic it will pni.,s over ; i t ee ill net flop down like a "lid" and re- rnairr over all the coasts ry t 1m whole of the ten d.+3 -s. Great :em- itter !Kut, in every t,rotl.lbility, will set in to lit" west •t ):" first' d• tys of the month. This condition will al- ter and increase in circ.► and intensity as it moves eastward, reaching ;t crisis; from t.la.' 4th to !Ivo 711:. The ostronomic conditions. on and touel►- ing Weelncgdoc the 4t11 to Sunday the 8th, indicate desturbinces of more than ordinary violence. Ter -S rific elect r;c',I disturbances, with ROBERT E. PICKARD, FROBISHER, SASK. EXETER, ONT. General Selling Agent. for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give you the best land and the Iowest prices and easiest terms CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Address ROBT E rICKfiRD, Frobisher, Stik We Furnish Their Homes After The Honeymoon Is Over. Dont't worry ab'jut furnishing the house, that prob- lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec- tions, we v ill make your home handsome, artistic and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and terms which will save you money and make you happy for a lifetime. ROWE & ATgINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario SFBOIfIL 8fLE OF CLOTHING Fine Tweed Suits regular $f2 for $9, " St 0.50 for $7.50, Overall and Shirts at reduced prices. For THREE DAYS ONLY we will sell 4 cans best brand of peas for 25 cents, 6 cans Sardines for 2 5 cents, Regular 3o cent japan tea for 20 cents, Bread at 4% cents per loaf, Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS. Come and give us a call, you will always find our store open. SMITH I3ROS, Hay P. O. HICKS' 1� 011ECASTS A Itegulae Et arm l'er:ud is cent. i'a1 on the 5th having for its disturb. ing causes the equinoxes of Vulcan, Mercury, Venus. \Ia>♦', Jupiter acyl Sutura, witdt the moon in opposition in perigee and et ext 1011)1' SOU till Ile- clination. Any c►ne ctn. of course, predict tviirm wciat.her for ,Tuly, Fo eco protist Ilit't :in excessively w,trnt wave will posy occ r this country gen- erally, and over other count tics ns well, dueittg t,hc first tee slays of (rode in tt teed ctt the nite.t• .rail and hid f.trewcll to ttLe rneinbers of 1110 confireg,'.i1liun and othcry who it ere in .it tend. Ince. The 11 BOWLING ns:t11 hose le 1R carr,' close n here on Wednesday of last tttc•k •ud gave the local rinks one of aft belt matcher; yet plaid. At tie* close of the ,:rftornoorr's gs1.,y, the Exeter boevlers were one point to the, greed. During the evening f fit . Ileteetll'a were in the lead until the last tte•o ends of No. 1 rink. 1)n t•h^ SVC -01111 broke into Sol. II ttdy':r grocery and a. n, Exeter es , ., _:i t o s .. and Chas. 1irpomieI, of grip, first emptying t )1-' rontentson the floor. A t tg with th•' owner's ntm*' on it exit torn off :tn+l thrown wit t1 t he papers. Ent r:)nco was effected by (caring the ore -ening off ti:e area way :it the 'near of tee store. Once in the teller, it was an easy matter for tit^ t on -Tiger g t nlc.. MOI3NIN(i GAME Crediton (7 Mtn, n, l' F Kerr,l f 1)Brown t•t i)rMcCue ss thieves to open the (,-.11:1r .is .1 r a n,1 11, ti'nrtng 2 6 eater the More. Tire stork was evidently e.)ne by 1'.I'.cltr.er36 persons familiar with the, premises (' Kerr 1 it and Mr. if.irdy intends keeping up N 13"{ver t: t .an invest ig!aron towards finding the guilty p,rties. ('onetahle le!sett i9 filen investit_ sting►. f.',)R()vr. cstvrY',;:t►t:y AN 01.1) AND \Vr:IL•TtrTT.n lt�arrcur.- Sfry Winslow',400:r,ti:, Syrup P". l.p•u n -ed for over sixty Iic'trs by Intl:Ions of ma: h. r' f,'r trio's children while teething, with perfe it ouec.' F. 1: Rootheq tee child. ..>r,., ,. the ►.-nm.. gnat. all I)+rnc,trt t' Course)*rf (<,tisto :i h lfasnn 1 f Angles 2 b (4ewt'rsgs 2 I'ri('liet t, 1 b 1 lturrtty c f 1 Maguire p 10 AFTERNOON (;AME (i Hatt M Heaver 0 Brown 1)r McCue, 11 Young,( pan, care. wind (-olio. end to the h+wt ren,olyv + FSnell ror 1riirrt:rei. 1: t' p:es.ant to thit OWN SoIA 1, 14 Nb by druprti•t'. In es:) part et the world. 23 C Kerr sett" s bottle.. lie v i; ae ie lao 1col*ole. Ise , sure and ;mite !t,. Winslow's 8uothing N "'"Tet 8yrnpsnd +,.rt for 1,0 o:.aer kind. rt 1)trrtcnn (t (")11raey (lxins 1Alat oti (1 sashes (1 (lowers 1 l'richett 0 1 Mtnrty 1 Jt:(gti.te g) $ki1, 1:3 1 1). A. Cat►telon I'. Stcee-:'.rI II. J. II'lli,tg,�s Dr. Scllery ;skip 17 V. N. ('auk 1 ti 11. J. 1). (rtk I , C. McDonnel 10' Skip 9 0 60 ekig, .i J. .1. linig,'tat I. It, (':'11in., It. Snell '. •1uir Skip 11 I.. Scott. 1,. 1I. Dickson dirt. l) tveg 11,v. Perkins Skip 17 63 CASTORIA 4 3 For Infants and Children. During the morning game 1•'. Kerr 4c.tit TOA = a . � Brained Ills ankle while retailing After 111 Kind You Hato Always bight DIM 11n Ki�A Yes H>fA Ah14 a fly hall and his !dace was taken by ; pl'..taw Kli Fahner. Bears the st Hicks McPhee. Umpire _..a,iligootaro of heavy, t.ornadia storms over cent- re! end northwesterly region., will be perfectly natural. If severe end general thunder storms do not re- lieve the electric :1n'l tnagnetie fit rain about tJto 411, to the Nth tile' l.igit tcrnper.ature w ill inctee se to Wehu- ortienel needing. :lout be followed' by seismic and kindred perturba.tici is over our own and other (u.irta['s of the plant. Normelly r tin, bait end thunder• storms 0101110 c. cur Cleve 4th to the 7th and bey 11Ii-eyed by :,!most unseasonable ishan^ : to cooler. 'EttLs is a time when l+: -cel ''cloudbut•sts .and teal rt rbpouts" are to be .11+t►trdtendetl, even though trnn- bated heat awl Trout h tstcvail over near -by sections. Its this tithe, also the flood meters front June precipi- tation will be working into central to southern rivers. 1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAR 81 1t- geon, wilt loo a t t ho Commercial Hotel the first 1''rid ty of (e.tch month. Hours, 9.30 a. rn. to 4.30 p. m. Glass- es properly fitted and ditxttaea of eye. ear .•tried nose treated. Nest visit hr..L.iy, July Gtth. Seasonable Hardware Scre(�u 85 1.:►c� . Screen Windows from loc. to 40e. Screen `Vire Cloth 10e. to :35e. a yd. FIa1)lilltcks all prices. Coal oil stoves 85c. to $(i 73. Lawn Mowers z23 00 to $7 30. Paris Green 15c. and '5c. a package. Washing Machines t 00 to .$ti.00. Scythes from 73e. to $1.00. Slr•tths fi om 75e. to 85c. Sl'ythest ones 5('. to 20e. lte'uly Mixed Paint. 15t;, to $1.75 Ia cell. also everything in fencing. Coiled spring 12 and :1 soft wir(' 1 )OoI's cents 0 Ideal Fencing wire, No. 33c. pt's holt awl up. We loan h•mcr, S'retclters. Gates all sizes $ 2.30 to $0.00. IIEAMAN'SI1ADWARE