Exeter Times, 1906-06-28, Page 8S'f'BWART•s JUST WATCH- -"iJS GROW Thr' plans aro out for another big rtddition'to our big store -50 x 23 will bo the new addition -in in '.3 or 4 weeks wo expect the masons and carpenters to take possession. Dust and co:thision will then be the order. BIG BUILDING SALE \V,. sots t in at once with a Big Building sale. Bargains, yea, Bi Barg •'r. will be the order. COME expo; ,,ing bargains and you wont be disappointed. In every Department we will offer Special Values ing this lilg Sale. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT J:; EX E I k4 R '1' 1 1�1 >~ S, JUNE 2'Sth 19043 10 ADVERTISERS. Tee copy for changes must be Left not liter than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemeute accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. • Teur•e:day, Jun ••••1'••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS •••••••• reo••••• SC1i001. CLOSES ON '1'lll: :91'11. MRS. W. BARROWS ANI. IIEH daughter• Ml:alel, visit�s1 in London Saturday Ind Sunday. M1(8. AleCLAY OF811EDDOX W110 vi -it ea Mrs. W. Il.iiiotws for a few 1%ctkc E '1urnrd •I:•o:ut' 1'ri(ety. Melt. ,IA'1ES 1{0N'1'IIRON OF TOR - onto 'I,eut Saturday and Sunday the guw•.t of his Sisinrs Mlrs. coning and ?diet il(•nt.h, on. Mil. TILOS. OK E 01' KINGS (tut' took .1 inn up ,herr Friday t bin Sister elrs• Locke, w ho i guest at law Central. 0., all ready made Clothing w.' ••.•i11 save you just .'t% per cent on our regular prices -tiro prices will is .vain just as they are (and goodness katiee they are low enough 11..,v), and during this sale we will just tale a special discount of 20per c ent off all your clothing purchases- 311u's Suits, Boys' Suits, M,, ,'s Odd Pouts, Men's Odd Vests, .yen's Ott- alls, Boys' Knicker Pant Men's Itain•Ceats, Boys' Rain -Coats - Alt at a Special Discount of : ar Cent. I(i,t, Beg Bargains in Dry sada of all Kinds. Big, Big Bargains in Arose Furnishings -Carp.' -, !tugs and Linoleumns, Big Bargains in Lots and Shoes, Groceries (-.3.of Our Strong Lines, Redpath's extra star.:' , .1 granulated sugar 23 lbs. for $1.00 or $4.32 per Intudred. We eel; ;.sdpath's best and nothing else. During this sale we : fee the biggest Tea value you'll hear of. 1; e, Bieck Japan r•: fixed Tea for 221j c. or 5 pounds for $1.00. Your money back t this tea is not as represented. 8 tat -s of 5 e. Laun.:ry Soap for 25 c. * Maple Leaf, Sailor Boy, Golden Net. and Big Fir q I txs 2C canned Salmon. 4 of the hest brands we know of your choice tor 121 c. per Tin. 10e. per bottle for the great John Bull Pickle sold all over at 15c. 5.•. for regular IAC. bunch of envelopes, 10a. for regular 15c, writing pad. Come out to this great sale. We will save you money Bring Along Your BUTTER and EGGS -They are just as Good as CASH. J'. A. STEWART •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i JUNE WEDDINGS Demand Wedding Rings and Wedding Presents. These are our Specialties. Our 19k Wedding :sings lu',tr the Qualities that make them correct. The Prices vary from $3.50 to $12.00. A visit to the Store inay rurprise you regarding th ny m pretty things we have lett, and at tetin a mat P t; prices too. Every dollar's north of goods must be sold, to don't delay. r1ARCHAND, JEWELER .Sc OPTICIAN, M►il••••••NNN••••N•••••• •NN•••NN••N N••NNN SpringPURE Pants GREE\ 2,c, A , pound at Core's Drug Store. SEVERAL FRof HERE, ATTEND. (cd the Sea fort h races Inst rack. f A 'UMBER OF EX tctt.k ire r.lie btatreball match of ton or Crcd'• Suitingsa� � 't u,rdny, TIIE lir: V CANON SMIiT11, OF f we got in some swells ria i London win 'nnduct the services in P g . Stas Tr;ritt Mla•rnur>;1 ehurc•h next 8nttings last week. They are' Bund: •, right up to the moment, t S j MIItN. (REV.; PERKINS SANG A Coats are twe inches longer" be%'utiful offertory nt the evening then last year and the Lapela�!u(1service at the+ Triwitl Memorial are so much broader and deeper' ohurch Sunday s•wrn;ng. that you can't help but notice : THE SI'ND,ty SCIf0ol, OF THE them, J Imes etoed t'hurch will hold their The Vests are cut with five i annual y, .Yunic ly lltti.ld Rend on buttons and the Pants are just I a little peg toppy, THE GANG OE TELEPHONE MEN who wore In Exeter several weeks They are betimes all r:Rht for "ago, making extensions to the tel - $15,Jepbone service etre now in Clinton. $ and $20THE tt•TO CARRYALLWENT out to Lumley Saturday to take a end no matter toed of t'icnicers from cheat bur; to where you go, t he Bend. One of the !sett( ries gave you can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do. out when noir Armstrong's on the Thames; Ro,d. A new one was bent out :,nd 1tic machin'' rr1uriled to Exner. t successful run was mule to Ilensall in the afternoon, the lord of pleteure seekers ,Loving gone to the Bend in e.lrria,les. AT Mrs. THE If ' F 8' ti tct('I i r, of Henson, is visit- t 1A north Oen�diLo f l the Ctown g were ing ber date Ater, Mfrs, Alf Ilowey. again rude) Mr. and ;ire. Quos. MicDonnel, of week. % S se interrupted pof the a day err Acneall. vial. ad relotires in town on �rjustice is a huge members who think Sunday. Y getting drunk and u', R joke and Mi s termer attended the Straw. language a gurequestedggeist the Int; profane proper caper, berry festival at BrinsleS Monday P. K•.y on n chargeof i c.rdr Iy evening. conduct. This tt3ashe f dlsc•rticrt- Mies Rivers, of Buffalo, es risitin[ fence forosecond o1. at Otto home of her p'arcnts on thr concluded mthattf at Atilt%finettor n ilbrmes raid. teem in Goderich j,il is n(tesvarp to Ex('onduetr James Quirk, put •a damper en their enthusiasm tWingt►tm was in town Monday a ill- et tetd te sire for rowdyism. gi fen n The qui 1 lag on friend,, ltd to be given until next +Situr.tay to pay the fines, %%bleb 1 t Kinsman left \f amounted to nbout $4.50 stub, Un- ites the various stipends are forth- coming on rho 30th. a thirty day's "neat ion trill fro forced upon tLe gentleman, u• I he police Justices aro very emphatic in stating that row- dyism 1►as Rot to deet, W. W. Taman Merchant Taller. Mi.. \ins . ontlay lot ,a six W( 1,' Itrip to t'.arry Bound .and Wait place s. Mra. (Dr./ D A. ADderson, of Mtht. 1liicll, nLr in town n few (Iffy• dut fart t ha wast ne ek railing on frends. VILLE o v i s; ( $ .t IsN E- Sun - Anna m DONS bol. the ron- 131N- sday obin• on. 001' - Fr cam ra w, The the c. of A1101 '1' '1'\\'EN9'Y FROM ter attended thy I11\1 social al Shiro Monday ';vcniIIK. Mss Martin took hart in t he progra THE ENTRANCE EXAMINAT ate now in progress at dexo fie The 'romotion exnminitions in high school 1cp.retitle:sit we r. eluded Tuesday. M It. AND MILS. P. .1. E. RO non of Denver Col. spent Thur with Mrs. John White. Mr. R ion formerly lived at Anders AN EXCITING GAME OF F ball %:l'1 played at llensatt last day ,evening between Exeter t and ltensalls resulting in a el neither side being ;thio to score. last time these ttsarns played, }leu'n11 bays won out by the Fore 3 to 1. THE MI.MHI?R3 OF LEBANON Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. and A. M. attended divine service in the Trivitt Memorial ohurch last Sun- day afternoon. Rev. F. G. Newton, of Parkhill, gave a very interesting discourse on matters pertaining to the order and ttai Listened attentive- ly throughout. Visiting brethren were present from Luaan, Hen -tall and other places. TWO OI'' OUR POPOLAR TEACH- e.rs will be. missing from t heir us- ual places at the opening of next tcrm,Miss Anna Marlin end Miss Jcckell having ,resigned. Miss Mar- tin will take a course in the Normal school at Toronto and Miss Jcckcll intends going to the Normal college at Ilimilton. Miss McCallum -swill take Miss Martin's room and Misses Winona Howard and Millie Martin will look after the primary depart- ments. THE •FOLLOWING IS TAICEN from the Stratford Herald, and re- fers to a former resident of Exeter; "Many friends in t•he city and the vicinity will be gk;d to (near of the continued success of Mr. E. W. Horne. n formcn resident, wthose father wait one of the pioneer mer- chants of Stratford. Mr. Horne, who tomes of good old Irish Flock, has displayed the versatility and energy characteristic of the race, and has been Eo successful in his chosen profession -broking- that he has stepped to the front as bank man- ager, going from Exeter to Milver- ton and now comes to Stratford to act in that capacity for the Sover- eign flank. Mr, Iforne's boyhood days were spent in Stratford, and he received his training in the public schools and Collegiate Institute /tare TIII: THROWING OF PEPPIsR in the face of a young lady some days ngo by some of the young lade L. II. Dickson ttho %was there in be- L.forIIs Dicksonse urt otele)n .13a is them n be- half of 1 h boys asked the J. Ira to bo lenk•nt with them t his time. nco( offense is the terfn in the re- form form echoed. and as better behavior is expected from Lhe boys In the fu- ture, he recommended that sentence be suspended, so Deo in case they commit any more such depredations, they can be catmint ted on the old ohnrae. The recommendations; %of Mr. Dickson were accepted and the yallowed The public o on suspend- edt h s become tired of tolerating t he mischievous antics of tome of the young lads of the 1o'.n „nd the council will pos- sibly be asked to ()199 a by-law' com- pelling eltildt en unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, to be in their homes by pin, o'clock every night. ••••••••••••••N••••• ••• •• • I flow can you think tight when you have corns to worry you% nature'sCorns are s defend herself attempt rimettl • I friction on some p.att of the foot. lust two things you trust do to be ( cure(\--renrnve the cause cf the friction incl remote the turn with • Howey's Corn Cure • • Keep Your Feet Off Your Mind. Both simple and easy, The rete- ddoes betis ticient er t tt c r ot kthan than all Itt oth- er remedies do with all their hurt' Cures bald end soft corns bunions. callouses, etc. Seldom faits. If it does -your money brick. 2.5e. a bottle. 81,1(1 only Howey's Drug Store one door south of Post Office horse 50. N•N•••N•N•NNNN•••• BIG 4 THE OLD RELIABLE • The Canning factory seems to bo all the talk of the town just now and a good thing it is. Let us have a can- • ning factory or any other' in(lustry that will improve our Con- dition. S'11ne say. Oh, the cost! well wo can't have these things without cost. There are those who will pour cold water on any and everything but pleased to say they art of the few. BOYS' SHIRTS Men's Straw Hats khat About Carliug Of beautiful fine Straw Fedora or Sailor shape, Silk Bands, worth Made of best. English Print war- raut el fast Cul•rts, Cully attached, worth 75c for 50c. Silk Underskirts Mute of Pure Silk Taffeta very bright finish, full Flounce, frilled, all sizes, Worth $6 for $3.99 i $1 for 89c. VIIME Silk Waists Ladies' Silk Waists, made of pure Jap Wash Bilk, nicely tucked and trimmed with fine Val Inser- tion in Black, and White, all sizes, worth $3.50 for $2.50 SNELL & ROWE thotne from Windsor. Moss Maude J(okell has returned ! Market Report. -The following Is ' Mr. Al. Moore, of St. Marys, was In town Sunday calling on friends, Mr. T. M. Cooper White, of Wind- sor, is the guest of his grandmother, MIrs. John White. Mrs. Ilyndtnan returned tiffs week (nom London, mittens :sloe spent a couple of weeks visiting. MIr .Geo Ilnyley, of London in town the foreprart of the renewing acquainlanout Mr. W. J. IIaa.pol) took a r from comp Saturday evening, s ing Sundry with his family. Mr. F. W. Gl ydnran left M for Toronto, where he will join Gladm•en, %oho is holidaying tb Quito a number of Exelerites at- tended the annual picnic of 8. 8. No. 2 Thames Road last Friday. The annual Sunday School and Congregational picnic of the Truitt Memorial ohurch will be held at Grand Bend on Thursday. July 5th. Mr. Thomas. N. Miller, of P burg, Pa., was the guest of his sin, Mrs. Jahn \Vhite, the fore of the. week. Mr. Miller !eft needay for Muskoka, tw•here he rusticate for sereral 1%e-eks, be returning to Pittsburg. Mr. rind Airs. A. E. ltodgert, cornpanicd by \Irs. - tt'urdon, Cromarty. Mr. James Hamilton Staffa, and Miss Jessie Ilatnil teacher of the Thames Raid se , twee next Monday for the North- west for .an extended trip. the port of Exeter markets, cor- rected up *to Juni, 28tth. \\'bent, 80 to 83 cents; per bus. Barley 42 to 45 cents pct bus. Peas, GO to 65 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 a tan. Flour, $2.25 per cwt Ot,ts, 37 to 38 ,dents tier bus. Bran, $17 per tar Nay, e6 to $8 per ton. • Potatoes, '?Sc. per bag. Win o r Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. week Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 17e. per pound. un up Eggs, 18 aunts per dozen. vend - Coal. $8.75 per ton. j Hogs, dressed. $0.50 a cwt. onday Hogs• liveweight. $7.30 a cwt. etre. ere. ti tiara Roa� To Trdvel i t t s- cou- l is the one oyer Ved- part which you pass with tender feet will If your feet trouble you fare If they get tired It they prespire 'i`- of If the flesh Is tender b�;`. Foot -Ease ONLY TIIIIEE DAIS MORE IF you want to be among the June brides. THE NEW I'LATF. GLASS TO replace the one broken in J. A. Stewart's store, by come boys while pl.yin,t hill a few weeks ago, arrived last llhursdiy and was put in position orl S:'turd.ay. THE PUBLIC MEETING CALLED for l:jet Friday evening to discuss the matter of submitting a by-law to loon the ('-utning company .810,000 brought out a targe attendance, ev- ery available seat in the Council- ob.a►uber being occupied. Mr. Edge. Combe, wio has had a number of years of practical experience ill he business, was first introduced by Reeve A. Q. Jlobler, Mr. Edge- comb;r stated 1110. he was not a public lquestio s putt to'him out n the sub- ject. Ile thought a canning factory tvoutd Ira paying industry for Exe- ter, us /ea thought the surrounding country iy suit.thle for tht. raising oC stuff which is used by running factor cs. A number of ern/leeriest spoke far- or.ably of the (•rojucf. Mir. T. 11.1 . IcCallum. %virile In 1•or of a ning factor can Y here, %:1s incJincd to believe that the sum of $5000 sbould be a sufficient loin and spoke for some time on that point. 8. M. San - dors olid .he was unable to tell %%•hat revenue would :,.•erne front such an industry. but 'hie experience in traveling round the country showed him that other such plants Maned to be revenue producing a f. fairs and could son no reison tt by a plant established here, if run proper- ly, could not giro like results. Mr. Joseph Stell, T. Il. flirting, C. H. sanders %and others stroke along sim- ilar lines. At the close of the meet- ing ite-re Dottier risked those who 'ire in favor of submitting n by-law lawa originally intended, and with afc% jxccplton., everybody seemed ready none =o. aalaiinous in favor of such u 1 THE SYNOD scheme. nd keep the feet cool and comefortable and se sation sotroublesome allayill ofen troubat l ne in hot weather. Price 25 Cents a Box. Prepared and for Sale only at, COLE'S DRUG STORE THE WOMEN'S MiSSiOXARY SO- c:sty of litre James street ohurch t ook the prognatn at the Epworth Lcnguc on Tuesday evening. -THE FOLLOWING FROM THE Brussels Post might ire interesting and u'efal to some of our readers: - We :are nskcd this urek by a de- linquent subscriber• why wo kept on rending tee ,aper after It had ex- pired. Every weekly newspaper in in towns of this size are forced to do this. Should we stop subscrip- (ions when time expires, tine times out of ten LIan us ca colli„ ember would give (15 his c .down" for insinuating 8 Hein east�it was not goon. Bather t Heinhonesty to , ,,''flection against tlto subscriber to pay a t small debt, it is next to a necessity h for ., ,house paper to continue rend. t ing t hr. viper after the time Isis ex- I t pircd. It is not ncccssary for city daily dailies or weeklies to fol. }d low this 11110, as their subscribers in five at a distance .and are not per. ;nt sonar friends as is true Ilse with a $1.1 a' of )ority of our subscribers. Ou; $1 aubseribers Hhould deem 11 an honor TI to know that we do not doubt their Ir integrity, .and continue to send them \w ' the paper ;after the time hid expired. th Should Lor d 1 any sire Y ra . their continued they should notify 05 dl9i tl1 Bros. Store? Bre never had a finer stock of goods than we have to- day. Our Sumner Goods are up-to-date, of the very best quality and the newest styles. Our goods are a guarantee that we always keep the best. Wo have a few of oice Waists left both in Silk and Lawn, Gloves, I-foisery, those Corsets, full assortment. Highest price for produce. Butter 19e. Eggs 16e. Give us a call and we will use you right. CABLING 1E3Rp8. One Dollar Starts the ball it. you are lbe ter off thanou the who earns rn a small ea larger saland save ary and spends all of it. Take out A Deposit Book with Us thernanlwh oit; an is thrifty and saves; independent credit inalwaterestSquNart- erly on Savings Accounts. the Sover6Iun Bank 01 Gala Put your Money in a place where you can get it when you want it. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Western Real Estate Exchange, 1:«.:a..a Limited, 78 Uundas St., -London Hare you a farm that you want to sell/ Write for our terms of sel- ling proporty. We have the roost complete method of adsert;iein.; and Benin; property in Canada. Do you t want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario/) Send for our list. We have rorne1 bargains, STORM PROTECTION retost to msrlitstockfromwid, is buildings the Palmier months, A policy in THE HURON WEATHER INSURANCE i Mutual Company will give you prolce. tion, and a policy costa only a few .lo!• J !area year. Roger Northcott, Esq., President, Hay 1'. o• i .7. Kellerman, Est., wiee•President, Dashwood. DI R ECTORA , Silas Ilrokcnahire, 2retlilon; C. ti. Perkins, Exeter Henry Raw, Drysdale; A, G. Smillie, ilensall; W. T. Caldwell, Ilensall; Chas. Monteith, names ;load; Win. It iattler, Znri.•h. .c r jour nearest director or write for particulars to ELLER, Secretary, Zurich. Reliable Agents wanting territory should write at Once t.r (;, HOLTZMA , ricncral Agent, Zurich. 8, HARDY, Agent at Exeter, for elispos.11, and will be taken caro of in the usu11 manner. Wilmot H. waisJ'nd recently appointed seers• a'Y-treasurer, twill in all probabi}- y be confirmed in the position by he synod. This was the biggest sub - et to be disposed by Lhe synod. and Ire discussion tasted 1 he whole of he afternoon session. The aubiect of domestic and tore - n missions wos before the synod in (be evening. The M. 8. C. Comp - y report showed that the sum of 0.611.78 tors rained in 11105, being .021.44 mote than the previous year portion of the grand total eon• Ira by he Diocese of Iluron r ;'+ $1!,80.,.8.1, being $P31.03 rnyrc. an 9 •e 1 t year. r 1 but t �l 3 J .. t= 0 less s 1 sta Tan tot,. C'non Cody. of Toronto, im- esscd on those handling flee funds • nceessityt for• ,nndin, I be amount the V• n's. r ion in the %V est . c .t 9 early possible. r )le accrued the pdrn of k of interest 10 tc,e work, and nese (d flet 'e condition of the telt w.ie eminently prosperous •=mit to elite if t• r ry n.ve not r,l- u The matter was a , Net OF LonTHEdon last week :ria of r b Huron brevet: r on met in p =i. n.and council of o nilt a C1 s Incot frog and twcck discussed. p was e iernoon after .Ind a r tt It r . ►p t c u r 1 Inc rl a p I sd S (t decided to instruct t he d clerk to • 1 .n,rt fly drscus�nn l he pro os' I� It � teen pr tl to lit ertto.h.,, K`Hi.a ,s' char e Chu t ° d on! c in agreement drafted, one of Tuesday t! rticltabcingthat the con(>'+nytre•e 1that the fonds of tie. Dio- and flattering. 1 out 1 man t' Bolt ti re teen far t% Lie!) W pact into the ,y►tdvrtof `750,000,g session he loan is In b^ At else niornin Mr. Jfof. gircn, that the goon thew Wilson. E. C., introduced a t urn the n an toabout a e amount due the corporation be paid funds will company w1s rote( down. The out of the purchase money. fee main in Ore hands (►f Land and Sue- rvision Corern`tte Cause ,o i*Headache attrwa� 17t.lr, .3. awmar. OM'1.-J'f--1..1+fT.•�.:,'i JJlw�i.2 r r rn:;it Ic;:k aei! alter t c.)nditio;t of year liver aril hev.•.is, t'r,iss there k (1) ly mien cf Of: hovels. foisonons products are absorbed, c: t:ring head- aches, hilioutness, names, dyspepsia. Ayer's Pills are genuine liver pills. ire use ,e ,erns t we be finesse sl au ar s. e. mesol slinlit protesting 'against a 1 the adventisly and JeDay Att giving ile,res on Sundt Ns s►Kcis! pand a telegram eentytlo the Government. was p +snd and A mrnion for Government tn- ship on the liquor tree stinn was strongly ot'po,ed iti debit(' and %vas t%ithdru,. Die BUTLER, OI' LONDON, WILL I.. Lord• he 1t the ()Antral If 01 tft.r,.1.,5•, July 16. 006, ; r'1t,? m.. to 5 p. tmrrrt • nd Throat eorastll r Eye' la tree 1 talion. Eyes' cd end glasses supplied. Min STAR FLOUR touches the top notch in quality and invariably yields the best results in baking. The demand for a good Family Flour is frilly met by STAR FLOUR. WANTED hwhich we will pay highest Smarr ket prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. j ---FOIA---- 1 DOMINION DAY Between all Stations, GOING JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1st and 2nd RETURNING JULY :3rd, J. J. KNIGHT, repot 'Ticket Agent Summer School 51IUItTIIAND BOOKKEEPING School open all summer, individual instruction by expert Stenographers and Bookke tively guaranteed every graduate, epers. A situation posi- The Western Business&olleue et., on 44 & 70 Dundee Street, London. 10 W AI. G. COO, C. 8. R. ,1) oso test - Principal.