Exeter Times, 1906-06-28, Page 7C ey of the Son of !honour; also Tophel TAKE A FRESH 110Lbli(aJerd. 7.31). This e alley of linnonl war TIMI3TO eep, narrow gulch or glen south- west of Jerusalem, where in earlier Limas the cruel practice of human eac- riftce to the god Moloch had been car- ried on. It was during the reformation under Josiah (t Kings 23. 10) that the king "defiled Tophot, that no man nugtit make his sun or his daughter lu pass through the fire to Moloch." In our Lord's time the valley was used a' a place for depositing pollutions of every kind, even the bodies of criminals who " youpushing the had been executed. From this defile- ten the shadow went back desert. u is for to die p g moat end tram Iia feoruter desecration, tela degrees." I. Kings. flag forward into the thick of the elle Gehenna came to bo used In a figura- The other day the Dean of Cornell my and be carried off the field on your live sense to express the abode of the Univecyy showed me his shrubs, tlow- shield. What! You, Manufacturer, 6r wicked alter death. "The words 'of tire' en air trees. While walkingg throe h merchant, or financier, have made mon- I are added either because of the ancient the garden my eyes chanced upon a e;• enough for yourself? Go on making, rites of Moloch, or, if a Rabbinical tra• unique sundial. Studying the bronze money for others, that you may be brandillon is to he credited, because fires PI tee I decjphered these words: "Turn and raiment for the hungry and the were always burning in the valley: or, stitadow hack ton degrees on the naked. No matter how old you are. You, further, as a symbol of everlasting pun- ' in un•funing, There is ishment "-Carr. From the use of the Rey. Dr. Hewell Dwight Hillis Discourses on a Hebrew Patriot's Motto. sun 1 salt take a fresh hold." The are Just a. o Dean explained the motto by saying time to write a new chapter 111your that tto had heard the sentiment ex- life. You are in sight of the goal; preased in some sermon or cation. more forward movement and the vic- Thirty centuries ago a Hebrew patriot tory (3 yours. "Turn the shadow back and poet was approaching old age. on the dig land take a new hold." drop fromearyhis hand. But his a country A MOTTO FOlt YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE Glown w, the tool waswas suffering, and the poor needed hint. To all who kava reached middle age, t to Iu that hour he girded up his loins lrhn recall youth and anticipate lite'; afresh and began anew. Addressing a decline. there is food and medicine in group of dispirited folloveres, the old these words: "Turn the shadow back .n hero suddenly exclaimed: "Turn the the dual teq degrees and take a new • shadow of life's dial back ten degrees boldStrictly speaking, there is 1 0 and begin anew." From that day on the words became the motto of his life. HIS DAYS PACKED WITH GOOD term "the eternal fire" in the preceding verse it fa probable that the last sugges- tion of Carr is the corrct one. 1o. -Literally, messengers. Behold the face of my father who is In heaven -Not as if Riese messenger's brought to God tidings of the wrong done to his little ones on earth, but rather that they stand in the presence e' the throne ever ready to do the Fa- ther's bidding. and thus ready to speed on errands of help to protect these little ones and avenge their wrongs. old age. Is the lflssissippi River any 11. Foflowing the reading of several older now than it was a million years excellent ancient manuscripts the Re - ago? the Mississippi River is nate►•�t'ised Version omits this verse, but (here The dirt banks between which It floes 1 seems to be equally good authority for TIIE PINEAPPLES. instead of being the indigestible fruit which for so long they were believed to be pineapples are winning name and ABSOLUTE SECURITY. • Genuine Carter's fame for themselves as one of nature's •• numerous specifics for the very trouble) "Attie Liver Pill' _ they were supposed to carate -indigos lion. It was Senor Marcona to whom the credit of the delicious discovery is DEEDS. show time, but the M►ssLSSIPPi Rh er I retainingthe same. The verse reedit. After a while his fame began to i eternally young, eternally fresh. eternal•+ "For thSon of Man came to save that spread. When he died, he was known ly pure, ted by the rains of summer,' trhleh was lost:' it fits well Into the as the man who pecked all his days the snow of winter, and the clouds of the thought of the discourse at this point. with good deeds and took the motto ageless ocean. thought, le. Which goeth discourse -Even while of his life from a sun -dial. Slowly The soul is a living stream of g the she, is yet in the art of going es - Ids story began to move out into other and love and plan that flows through!tray the careful shepherd has already climes and continents. History tells us the lips in speecU. The right hand and ; begun his search. This parable in that a crusader, a young English sol- the lett hand are like the right bank! Luke is given in connection with two Bier. carried the fuchsia from Asia Min• and the left bank of the MisslssipPli Lu ors, the arable of the Lost Coin and or to England, just as n Spanish nits- River. The body shows the mark and 1 the parableofthe Lost Son. sionary carried a vine from the hills scar of time, but not the soul. For of Valencia to Southern California, end the heart that thinks and loves and _ e to filled the world with purple clusters. prays, there is neither youth, nor m(e And so the old Hebrew poet, who passed lurity. nor old age. It is simply PRACTICAL BUSINESS METHODS. away thirty centuries ago, still lives, that came from God. Out of the deepik and walks up and down our earth. the soul came; into the deep it g Parents Should See That Their Children In one of his last journeys he tock the river. And for those who open Are (Well Versed in Them. ship to America, and made his way to their heart to the inrushing tides of the A prominent lawyer of wide experi- ence divine spirit there is no old age. ence says that, in his opinion, ninety- nine out of every hundred of those who make money or inherit it, lose it, sooner or later. How many thousands of good, honest men and women there are in this coun- trytiny lits and mix with n cupful fit red when in reality it is only lar aro who havo worked very hard and t•a„pberries or strawberries. Sweeten can be removed by a liberal amount ot main all sorts o1 sacrifices of comfort abundantly with granulated sugar, and powdered pumice stone and a good hard due -he it was who found that it W83 only the tough core that was indigesti- ble, and which gave the fruit its bad name. Tarn another discovery was made -an o!d story in the country of the pineapple, Africa, but news, indeed, to this country -that it was of use in cer- tain llmroat troubles, notably quinsy and tonsilitis, the fresh fruit, or its sweet- ened juice. or even the canned form, when tate other was not available. So good a medicine has it proved, in fact, that it is ranked among drugs, both in powdered forst and as a lincture. Serving the fruit as a dessert, nater a heavy dinner, proves conclusively enough Its value as a digester ; and, like all of the natural niedicines, it cures without causing some other trouble by way of reaction. There are dozens of ways to serve il. perhaps none of them more doL ion; than the simplest of all - the pickled pineapple. Preserved pineapple Is delicious In should afterwards be washed in soda winter, served with vanilla Ice cream, water and wiped thoroughly dry. with a dab of whipped cream on top. To keep your silver bright, clean it Some interesting ways of preparing it thoroughly, and then stipple on collo- are : dim witha soft brush. '('his will quite Picked Pineapple. -Pert the pineapple prevent the tarnishing of the silver on and remove the little dark protuberances your drawing room table. ..1, • 'thorn, for 1 found his footprints in Dean Miley's flower garden! And when 1 look at a library of hooks and reports written by Prof Bailey and the group of scholar„ about him, 1 discovered the secret of the American scholar. as it which ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE AGED. As for the memory, Cato, at seventy five, learns a new llo languag Ricth the e Greek. As for p k his greatest intellectual discov was graven on a bronze plate on w tc ma the sunbeams lay, pricking out these cries atter seventy. As for reform. ('tai words for all who seek inspiration to stone achieves his greatest eloquence, and makes his noblest pleas after three Mich - fresh endeavor: Turn the shadow back ten degrees on the sun -dial and take a fresh )told." DISCOURAGRD PEOPLE SHOULD BF, GIN AFi1ESH. Tn all patriots and teachers and lov- ers of their kind who have sown widely and reaped few sheaves, there conies this tvord of hope from the great He- brew, who began lite afresh, and at last succeeded and made Himself immortal. For those who bear the burden and heat of the day. life is often very hard. It not an easy task to teach or write, o reform work. Oft the harvest '4 ung• God's plans, living Gcic� s Life, p0. pnncd. Often the victory for re- cnrs l power neon man. There- form is delayed for years. Full oft the lore begin tits afresh. There Is no philnnlhropist labors and sees no fruit( growing old. Instead of dropping the le his labor.yo1 have done my share; ool, take a new grip. Instead of con- te! the young men come forwarf,"h have teasing defent. and withdrawing from score years and ten. As for art, eel Angelo never finds himself until 0e comes to those years when the p salin- 1st thought he ought to have been in the cemetery. As for poetry, in ex- treme old age the great Gannett's spirit rises like a lark, floats into the sky, still pouring forth lyric melody. As for world achievements and civilization, Moses wrote domestic, fterhuhes twas� eighty '�years liold. God lives, the eternal sun, with whom a thousand years are as one day. an k a spark struck nut of the genius of God. Thinking God's thoughts, fulfill -- Must Roar Signature of see portio Wr apse delew. Y� .man ana as sa y M take se uS�• RAGE FOR SEA POWER BRITAIN STILL LEADS IN TUE WORLD'S FlLL'TS. roi YEAIIACNE. ,_ tiff I1IIIINiStk mll•i1USvuE$$ F$ T$PIII L1VW. /iN'C011$TIPATIOM. - • yea SALLOW titlN. - J�ott 1t'ILtj S!PtEAteu CURk SICK HEADACHL. United Stales. France and Germany Hustle In Building Batticbbips. Despite much talk of reduction ot ar- maments the great powers are atilt a n- guged iu the great race for navel stows,- unto'. ura unto '. The annual comparison of the world's fleets issued by the Admiralty shows that Great Britain seems to be lagging behind in the building of first-class Oat - Reships. The United States, France, and Germany are all ahead In this re- spect. The exact position can be seen at a glance from the following table, which gives the first-class battle -ships building or to be laid down in 1906-77:- Untied 906.77: 13 United States .• 13 France ...... . ... .... ...... 8 Germany Greet Britain ...... .. 6 Japan .... ...... .... Russia 4 Ilaly 4 WE ARE NOT SCARED. from the surface of the fruit. With a fork pick or tear the fruit into strips, strew these with granulated sugar. and set in the ice until wanted. Pine apples and Berries In the Shell. - Trim the bottom of a largo pineapple so quite as tough. TS - that it will stand upright. Cut oft the Grease stains on leather may bo re - top, but do not throw it array. With a moved by carefully applying benzine or sharp knife dig out the inside of the perfectly pure turpentine. The spots frail, laking caro that the knife dice must be washed over afterwards good with k h not penetrate the sides or walls of h w•ell•beaten white of egg or pineapple. Put this hollowed case and reviver, the lop Into the refrigerator until need -1 how frequently wr, see children whose ed. Pick the Inside of the pineapple into front teeth seem to be entirely decayed, 1 which 'l'o distinguish young hares an bits is not always easy. The earso01 young rabbits and hares aro very s otrold d taresblfeellte like sinews strings, and tare Great Britain is better placed in regard to armored cruisers, building or to be laid down during the corning year, bav- ign ten powerful vessels under construc- tion, of greater displacement and ❑lore modern armament than many existing first-class battleships. claims the p 'ileal reformer. ave the scene. plan a new advance. Have Leen at the head of this movement els ten you dischnrged your clerks, preparatory years; his u time for somee ane or s -to o closingup the business, tear up the talc, turn" cries the patriot or tea-` cher. "1 have earned money enough," i land and make a now contend. Be - says the merchant; "1 am going to re- tire from business." But no man has ever done enough for his generation. What! Refuse your voice and elo- and luxury in order to lay up something for the future, and yet have reached middle life or later without having any- thing to show for it ; many of them, in- deed , finding themselves without a home or any probability of getting one, without property or a cent of money laid by for sickness, for the inevitable emergency, or for their declining years! For the sake of your home, for the protection of hard earnings, for your peace of mind, your self-respect, your self-confidence, whatever else you do, do not neglect a good, solid business training, and get it as early In life es possible. It will save you from ninny a fall, from a thousand embarrassments, and, perhaps, front the humiliation of being compelled to face your wife and children and confess that you have been a failure. It may save you from the mortification of having to move from a good home to a poor one, of seeing your property slip out of your hands, and of having to acknowledge your weakness and your lack of foresight and thought- fulness, or your being made the dupe of sharpers. Many men who once had good stores of their own. are working as clerks, floorwalkers, or superintendents of de- partments stores. just other o Ie 1 e is in P arinl n Pe P because they risked and lost everything in some venture. As they now have others depending on them, they do not dare to take the risks which ;hey took in young nianhood, and so they struggle along in mediocre positions, still mock- ed with ambitions which they have no • to gratia Thousands of people \vim were once gin life afresh at seventy.. Gird up your' loins anew a goal. Open nrnew last furrow and sow one more harvest. Dig one more spring, qucwre to the poor and tweak and leave, build one more booth. bind up one more en h •ihout t t n i t the great cause of the e e p p et, advocate; Dcnlh nlnnc has a right, roe heart.and then--clo a t all over again! This day. the second Sunday m to silence your voice. What! \VlthdrawlJune, no matter where you are in life's from the movement for reform or edu• race. "turn the shadow hack ten de- cation withoulhal philanthrand lenve opy, is ignobleltohold."--Newell Dwight Hillis, reee on the dial and take a fresh TIIE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 1. Lesson I. Jesus and the Chiluren. Golden Test, Malt. 18. 14. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. Note. --Tito text of the Revised Version is wed as a basis for these Word Studies. Events. -- Descending h►tcrvrninh vara, is that ]esus here refers not 10 trout the Mount of Transfiguration with j Children, but to those young and wetic Ptter, Janes and John, Jesus healed the 1,� faith, Phis nplicaUon of the wor,ti demoniac lad whom some of the dis• of ]esus is perhaps Juetiflable and pelt Niles had been unable the longest act mis igloo but since we have so few thio incident Mark givespassages in. which the attitude of Neu; count Nark . 14•291. Shortly after this, toward children and their training is while CI a lour through foretold Gulilee 11liisigel forth. we should be slow to divert hisith edisciples, g et i by a method of figurative interpretntien death and elite incident Arriving isuch a passage as thio one which, ink. C rrnaim, lite incident of Peter's lag' en literally, as actually referring to question which the disciples had Just put to Jesus. in no wise enter - Much less be great therein. since the kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual kingdom of humility. 4. Greatest -- Literally greater, that is greater than others. So also in verso 1 above. 5. Whoso shall receive one such little child -To be taken in its literal sense as pointing to the function and calling of the disciples as teachers. Recelveth me -- A kindness rendered to a friend is in a very real sense a kindness rendered to us as well. 1n 'hie turn the fruit into a glass or a china toothbrush. and the jar, with a closely fitting cover. Put on ; If poi are baking anything the lid and bury the jar In the ice for oven gets loo lint, put in n 1lusiu of cold severed hours. Just before time to serve water, instead of leaving the o'er door it remove from the ice, 1111 the hollowed open. The cold water cools the ovn, shell with the fruit mixture, replace 'Ino and the steam rising from it later pre- vents Inn on the pineapplo, and send to tho the contents from burning. table No better way for dusting the walls Pineapple Ti'Ifle.-Grate or chop a I of a room can he suggested than to pineapple very fine, alter peeling it and' cover a brooch with a bag of heavy cen- t -moving the "eyes." Soatk as half box : fon cod. fl Anel drawstring e with t the top fuzzy yllo side of gelatin for an hour Inthe bagto be drawn tightly about the of cold water, then add a cupful fit, btoom granulated sugar and a cupful of boil- . Ing water. and stir over the lire just! The juice of a lemon squeezed into a long enough to dis_eolve the gelatin. As tunthler of water and taken occnsionfllly the mixture cools add the pineapple: set lire Incl thing at night or the fleet thing the bowl containing 1t in a vessel of in the morning has n wonderful effect 1 cracked ice, and stir steadily until the on the complexion and eyes. This treat - mixture thickens. Now beat in a pint, menu clears the liver, and consequently of sweetened, whipped cream, and lure hrigittens the eyes. When roasting a shoulder of mutton Into a mould wet with cold water. \ andiI sprinkla it w Illi sell and flour, baste f e formed, eat with powdered sugar1 rluenlly, turning it several tiote.'i that :t cream. • may he thoroughly cooked without be. Pineapple Pudding. -Peel and chap ° Ing dried. Serve with onion sauce, roast- pineapple onst- su am'. In and cover with granulated an ed potatoes, and any fresh green vege- sugar. Let it stand in the Icebox for an tattles nicely boiled and well clashed. hour; then drain the Juice from the Should a sewing machine run stiffly, fruit, saving both. In the bottom of ,f apply. just a tow drops of pnralln to buttered pudding dish put a layer ref' the working parts and place the machine "ladyfl era " and over them pour'err the fireAfter two hours take up the Compared with either the other g 111 regard to lite armored cruisers buil,l- ing ur to he laid down in 1906-7:- Great 906-7: 10 Great Britain • • • United Slates France Japan Russia Germany Italy .,. But it the building figures seem to indicate that British naval supremacy may be seriously threatened in the near future, the British fleet to -day Is im- measurably superior to those of any two great powers. The Admiralty's altitude of secrecy tc- rirding the Dreadnought is still main- tained. neither the displacement nor ar- mament of the battleship being divulged in the return. 8 5 5 ....... 4 IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW Thousands of women suffer untold misers la every day with bolting tacks that really have no business to ache. A woman's back wasn't made to ache. Under ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. It is hard to do housework with an sok- int back. flours of misery at leisure oe et work. II women only knew the cause. liaook and what a lot of teoublets sick ache caress from t kidneys oeusae io the world. -• But they can't help it. If mere work 1s put on them than they can stand it's not to be wondered that they get out of otdat, • Bsckaohe is simply their oty for help. Ile : "So your father thought I wanted to marry you for your money. What did you say?" She : "1 persuaded him that you didn't, and then he saki if that was the case you hadn't any sense," n t g way. s!t It ' n the usual Y P • ltcl a Mlle at the pineapple easy to e.1 machine end clean ft in you have added two teaspoonfuls of The most n it c leeted instrument will vnrk lemon juice. Spread the lady ngers well after this treatment. with n layer of the chopped pineapple:`• DONT FORGET TII(: KIT(:fI1:N. put in another layer of the pineapple, I and more of the juice and fruit. HavelIlan at least one picture in your the top layer of the moistened pine•, g epplr. Cover, set the pudding dish in ke kitchen in such a place that it will meet n hake your eye a score of times daily. Lel it 1 , cuter Pan of boiling water, nn in easy ciroumstances are living In (m a steady oven for nt lens) nn In hour.. ix a landscape oro figure, or a picture (poverty and wretchedness to -day be Uncover acct brown tightly. Serve this is nolthat tnl's a s anelor thet,reproduces onlsuscmething Y. sense the words of Jesus aro to be taken. 6. One of these little ones that belie •e on me -The usual interpretation of this cause they failed to put an understand• ing or an agreement in writing. or to do business in a business way. Families have been turned out of house and home. penniless. because they trusted 10 n relntive fir a friend to "do what was right" by Thom. without making a hard and fast, prarticel business arrange- ment with hien. 11 does not matter hove honest people ere, they :,lrget. and it is so easy for misunderstandings to arise that it 03 never safe to leave anything of limier - flaying a shekel from Ute fish's unnulh and ( thaw young in years. yields such a rie;t to ,ler there therewith for himself and his i fund of spiritual truth. fu 1 the canoncontributionto lhc' d Il I profitable for las le " 1 s rhim-And m t .„ temple treasury which was c•cpectcd t ` P Jew , lack place Nett. 1 L 21-27).. especially' also inn for se who fors • O�! , (gulls tnt urned lhenrl out of and school ot all sorlle of evert longer ue a stir isn part umility and forgive- rnAhgreat prolonged. mtllet fie -- Literally n mill• the to course of ]esus on 1 i stone turned by nn ass. that is, one too ' nes: trcnnted In �latthety 18. and win) i short parallel passages In Mark cud 'large to be turned by hand. Luke (Mark 0. 35-50; Lugo 9. 46-50; 15. Sitrik manner sof ihe depth dea b here referred to The 4-1i). Verse 1. In that hour-lmmedintely canon among the Greeks and {tomtits, following the miracle of Inking the coin Ihottgh probably not well known among from the fl.h's mount referred to in Ih.% the Jews. last verses of the preceding chattier. The i 7. OecnSions of stumbling -To others working of the ►rirncle had again ex- who were seeking to live an upright and cited in the disciples the hope of a glnei-1 righteous life. nue kingdom upon earth. and hence It musl needs be --11 Is natural and in their question. \\'ho then is greatest :n harmony with the actual course of Ile, kingdom of beaten' R. Verses R And t1 area light diverge 2. Called to trim a Mlle child - The' enrr tram the hnmwlt are thought of the elnlcnhenl of this fact Incidentlly throws rivedio end following verses. From Milch light on the publicityfit our un •ns Kit lin give r.crnstnn for slumin- Lord's work es teacher. No other great ling Jesus turns to hent ton t Lha vita• fn the history of the race wens pudding with bol 1141114 sauce flavored 1 of lite dais routine. If practicable, Y with the juice of the two lemons and i change the picture for another once a the grated peel fit one. `week or mnnlh. Good prints of the Appetizing Asparagus. -Clot oft three best pictures can be hod. Take n look inches from the tip end. wash, and cook a:_ the picture often, Seeing what'It in boiling salted water fifteen minutes,. means. or, rather. realising each tine or till lender. Skint out and set away . 1\•1111( it Says to you personally. for salad. Cut the remainder of the 1 •fills will break up the ►nonotrny green stalks In half-inch pieces. wash,!, whir' is the deadliest thing ingautouser nn,l cook in Iho water from the ttps Poroccupations, hall an hour. Mash fine ; press through will help In prevent the formation of the n sieco. There should be atlou►ilk nint. j and' mleed entelleea." mt emotional ich is the tr troubles. most lust add nor pint m lance to a mere oral statement. Reduce Heat again, one Mil ornd this to writing. 11 coals but palrtiesttilime Mcr• I spoon icern11ng thicken 5 Arch conked inch no rounded 1 suggestion one to month.You lthnnkful flfor-sl emoney, and when all pways the eara lira in the Rini "the of int estrd are agreed. that Is the hest time lablespnon butte; t Season with salt and hearing In mind Ihnl "the point to formulate the ngrrernenl in exact pper and with bea'en yolk ,t` terns. This will often save lawsuits. bitterness and alienations. How many friendships have been broken by not pulling understandings in writing. Thousands of cases are In the courts to -day' because agreements were not put in writing. A large pert of lawyers' in- comes is derived front the sante soure,•. Business talent is ns rare as a Intent for nlatheniatice. We find boys and are serving MIK pe• one-half cup cream. one egg, In the tureen, end strata ilia bailing soup in it. Serve with tiny dried dire of while bread. Old Turk Who Found opium Not Strong On Toast. -Break or cut off the tough' totuoirph ends and scrape off the woody fibre ar Wash carefully and tie In bun-` Here is an odd yarn from the London unet of March 81, Itle>b, about a man HE LIVED ON POISON. D OAN'S K IDNEY PILLS will help you. They're helping sink, ovev' worked Ittdneys-all over the world-; makingthem strong, healthy and vigorous. ►, Mn. I,. Ryan. Douglas, Ont. writes: "For over five months I was troubled with lame back and woe unable to move without? help. I tried all kind, of plasters and liniments but they were no use. At last 11'. powers Great Britain stands as follows' heard tell of d threan'se-quarters Kidney Pills baox. after I had used three quarters of tho t>ott my back was as strong and well as ever. Price 69 cents por box or three bones for :1.255, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill 0o., Toronto, Out NOT APPROPRIATE. Tess -Young Silliman tells me tela ('ret name is Noah. What do you think of that? Jess -Old-fashioned, isn't It? Tess -Old-fashioned? It's positively ri- diculous. Noah had sense enough to go in when it rained. •----9. "Mr. Poindexter still loves his wito devotedly." ")tow do you know?" "f heard him speak very highly of hr tats in bonnets while he was paying bill." ::�••' ,vet • tot it :5;:• .Me • i:r: c.. as. ... FOR... Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic. Stomach Cramps. Cholera Morbus. Cholera Infantunl. Seasickness. Summer Complaint. and all Looseness or the Bowidn Its Children or Adults. DR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry is an instantaneous cure. It has been used in thousands of homes for sixty years, and has never failed to give satisfaction. Every home should have a bottle so as to be ready in case of emergency. Mas. GEOltGa N. Heavav, Rosencath, Ont., wriest I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Mild Straw- berry as the best medicine I have ever used for Diarnccra and all summer complaints. 1 always keep it in the house and praise it highly to an my friends.' : r • . • .1i .. r t; • r 1 0 , i'e i knowledge or smattering; of know•' ledge. but without ►e ability protect themselves from human thieves who are trying to get snmelhing for no- tlong. Nn girl or boy should be nllow- el to graduate, especially from any 01 the higher instittilinns, without being well grounded in practical business methchil- dren ❑nut in Parente life �4who Pnwithout riming that tiro are well versed In ordinary Must- nie.s principles. do them an incalculable Injustice. -Success Mngnzine. teact►cr sn continually and conspicuously to u niblic. view of the ► g, verily -- !eternity. anon. This word occurring at the beginning of n discourse Icnce, means of a truth, surely, or n: ern hilly: al the close of a aenlence It sig' 1 k nal familiar In biz hrare rs from his nines Fel be I1. may it be fulflll'd. The reneltllnn of the wont, as often 10 101111. own ,.r v inlls of ti le/whine on subject. r Fives 11 tlr auperlal(ve significance of ',Nina of Itre. (,henna is the Greek , "Me?' replied the rich and greet man. faecal riot y,•elte form of the Ilel•ret• (h'-Hinnnm or "\'nl• "\\ hyo sir, 1 have nothing but sympathy `clean Y y end a very light acntence, I.vc•: pt ye turn From al haughty , Aide of balhbrick and peratlln. The aria tett-seeking spirit revealed In the ley of !turnout," nowettrncs Called "Val- foie therm." eiple's own life whish may be a hind - ranee lo His Chr(. tr.,n lite. 1 he eternal fire --The use of the sr• Cele sums to indicate That Jesus refer. sea lo come pinee of Inrmnnt. either well known in current teaching. or at -♦ sealed. dies. Put it in boiling salted wnler In a . deep kettle, with the tips nut. of the living in Constantinople known by the water. The steam will cook them sofa- I name of "Snlymmn, lite eater of corros cienity. tl tit nbo'it twenty minutes.five sublimate." "He is now 106 year's nv ane slice of load for each person. old. In his youth he Arcuslnmed him - elf like all Turks, to take opium. but CITY OF BIG FAMILIES. San Francisco contains the largest families in the world. it bonets of hav- ing thirty-nine famille.t nett tinting more then fourteen chit Iron. en! siety- flve families with more than eight chll- each. iron in --- - T== NOTHING RI' i SYMPATHY. "Then you have n , sympathy for the deserving poor'" asked the person tvurk- tng for charily. Am Dip the crust only' in nsparegiis water, spread with butter, and lay the SHree nn a lenge platter. Pit the nsparagus on the ue platter. the neo t toward with bu butlerand back of the sell. \Vith Cnuce.-Break off the stalks where they are lender, weal', lie In e bundle. cook in boiling water till len- der. Drain. cut Into (nett pleees. and our white settee over I1, using only e after increasing the dose to n great ex. tent. without the wished effect. ho ndnp- ted the use of sublimate,. and find Taken tinily'. for upwards of thirty yews, a drachm, or GO grains! Ile sante time since went into the shop of a Turki+h lew. lo whom he was unknown, nom naked for a draehm of sublimate. whi.:a tic diluted an a glass of water and sive,• lowed in nn Instant. The epofliecary •nme' ;meetly alarmed lest he should snug} M moisten it 1. Retorted of poisoning the Turk, hu, Cal t ad. -Use only about three Inches df hi= nstnnishment• may toe ennceli•s i t end and cook as directed. and � the t 1 Serve it on n Wet- ter11 thoroughly. ler end pas.* with it French tir•seing. aereed in smell dish e, Into ich ench st•ilk may be dipped hen the next day the Turk time again end nsked fora eitnilar dose!' .tea THE NEW CHINA. This little sidetfght nn lite In a Chin. USEFUL. HINTS. I ear city is clipped from the Pekin end Tientsin Tinter: "Two men whn have Tn clean enamelled haihs make a ee teen killing doge and eels nod selling paste At i b.wd••re,l whiting and "I -'tit. them to the 1>0 Pl° as 110(11 in lite weal• end with this rub the Inside of the bath. r ern part of the' city were eenghl A few Then wish thnrnughly with clean + days ego and Inveetigntions by the pe - water end dry at once'. 111re 'sweated n tele of Shocking cruelty. 7.tnc buckets and p�n•t ran e�slly ►te line has been sentenced to Iwo weeks' b rubbing them w ft , n pnslo and the other to ten drays• hard labor ca toow BLOOD. DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. • �/u acquired or If you aver had soy constitutional, are neverlsafe until thehor sy P* h 7 the �• has been removed from the system. YonM� have had some disease years ago, but now snot some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks Ipour system. Can yon afford to run the risk of wore serious symptom appearing as the poison multiplies? lieware of Mercury br mineral drugs used indiscriminately- they ndisc 'rye a ely- thoy may ruin the system Thirty years' % enc. In theteeetntegqt of Mass dleeases enables tie to prescribe speutle remedies that will post• *rely cnre all blood diseases of the worst char- acter,oavl no bad effects on the system. Oat New Method Treatment will purify and enrich the Mood, peal up all ulcers Clear the akin, remove bone tt . fallen out hair will grow tn, and awo glands will return to a normal condition ,t dant will feel sad look like a different eei-. iO for treatment as persolq. 11 caste we ttooept guaranteed a oomplete care or no charge. if in doubt as to your condi:ion, you can consult its 1111E1O> ©aA biyourtr . I:. Remember tate old adage, ''a stitch in time saves nine. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 27 years. You Oan pay sine/ OUrOt1 Move ellltY Vi![icOo • ��►�1p.��ure eleoepiesastsl �9i ret wDisease". Kl ey an t GO seas. +ltatlon e••. r e.a to coil, wrote o[ a iseetios e. Oele DRdW.NNEDY& KERGAN 148 SPIELBY 8T.1, DETROIT, MICH. Oates feats t tl a. m. to I p. n. M.rlays, 10 to is sed 1 P