Exeter Times, 1906-06-28, Page 5TSE EXE1� R T 1 M ES, JUNE 2.gt.h IyUt3
Plalninu MITI, Door Faowor], Lumber yard
and saw Mill
are open and bustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath,
Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand.
BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or i knock down.
n hand.
WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Cif tom Sawing Promptly Attended to.
Cheerfully Given.
he RossTdlilO! 60. UO., Exeter.
No more hole digging ;
to put in fence posts dust $
drive them in with a ;
sledge hammer. Far
ahead of any ever yet
seen around this part of
the country. Come in
and see them for yourself. pLIVF.R IIARLi18, Munro, a(icnt
We have had a great [or IlibBr ultaBE and tog n•
many iron posts brought B.
In lately and aCE prepar- GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors
Tie Osborne and Hilbert
Farmer's Mutual Flre insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pres.: -J. A. NORR1S, CROMARTY P.0
Vice•Pree.:-J. L. ResSEILI.,
ItesseeLD.tL5. P. 0.
W.1I. PAssmortE, FARQUIIAR P. O.
\VDI. BRoc•r WIN011ELSEA P. 0 •
JOhN MISERY. Exeter. agent for
Usbanne and Ilirtdul(►h.
ed to sell them cheap.
Scrap iron taken in ex-
Main -St. Exeter. I
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel.
w. BROWNING, M. D., M. C.
Js P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
office and residenence. Dominion.
Lporatory, Exeter.
eians sad Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A.
srererh cnter
OC It street north of Post OfleExe,
What is Home without
a Piano or Organ.
Cerainly not all that it might be
Call and sec us and let us show
you some of the highest grade
that Canada produces. They are
certainly works of art.
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We will snake them to
suit you unless you are very hard
DR Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.AN, to please.
Tele hone 1528. Long distance oonnectiou.
al attention given diseases of women and S
ry. Oxford or U. P. It. Street Care to
•-, g rns street take you almost to Stet door.on
other city officeSpecial llos p
otohrarradgemeots fur patients from a
OpD. D. SHonor tlredaste
of Toronto University. iversity. Dentis..
Teeth extracted without pain or
Wafter °Melte. Office In Fan•
son's block. West stdeof Main
DR. 0. F. IWIJLSTON, L. D. 8.,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
Law Offices Dicksoner
in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
in the matte^ of tho estate of
Robert Ctrcry, tato of the Town-
ship of l'sbornc, in the County of
Huron, Farmer descries'.
Notice is hereby -it•en pursuant to
it. S. 0., 1897, eh.ipter 1'29, that all
creditors and others having claims
ngainyt the estate of tt,e F.tid Robert
Crecry who died on or about the
llth Illy of Miy, 1906, are required
on 1906,1 to before
rendttby by post July
deliver to }lessee. War tna❑ mission.
bury, of the Villnze of Exeter, So- I any $10,000
T.bc matter of placing a by-law to
slid de for they chr story of the
olid deccaeodil'r �nd'vlde descriptions, was brought t Conning
ndnta[ter tieing
nettles, addressee clions, wi' b oug t uppssen the clerk was ONEY TO LOAN. the full pa rticulare of theirt ;1C-
ftheir accounts and instructed to agreement
tltlio solicitor
Tice hind Tett Iiavo Always Bought, and which has been
in it'o for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been nmatle under his per.
��sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Influtts and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoria f� a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 11IorphitiO nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Hiker. contract bike. 1 & 2. C. I2.,
$104.00; Mr. lieynhaut, opening gra-
vel pit, $'2.'25: W. 11. G.tiser. commia-
siuu, blk :f. E. S. It., $32.00: W. 1)•
Sanders, drainage viewers. M. C..
55.00; ltobt. Essory, grading. $150:
Sant Cornish. grading $L50: Goo. Us-
sery. .tog t..x, $1.00; It. !till. rep.
culvert. $1.00.
Council •:djuurned to meet in Town
!tall. Crediton. ou Monday, the 6th
of August, 1900 et 1 p. m.
111•:N It l' KHMER, Clerk.
Thst tired languid feeling and
dull headache ie very di.agreoabie
Tako two of Carter's Littlh Liver
Pills before retiring, and yau will
find relief. They never fail to do
cecded in rontplt'teinit nn cirrango-
inent by wtivolt every person taking
advantage of our offer will secure
the gl retest treat in tootling matter
ever offered the ptnvtdi.:tn public.
The Family Herold and Weekly
Sete of Megane( tete lately enter-
ed into a syndic.ttewittll:tfew others
of the leading paper.�t of England and
lu a eovt ofy )t,ch t hey have $150 000 twelve c new
stories by steely° of the world's best
authors, and they will appear in the
Family Herald before ttsey are is-
sued in lex,lc form. Each story is
completed in a mont h, making
twelve complete stories, that would
cost eighteen dollars in book form,
inside the year. 1t is certainly on
of the grealesl feats in modern jour-
nalism, and only tile strongest 11ew8-
vapors could lake tdle. risk of the
immense expenditure. We hove made'
arrangements to offer the Exetor
Tiu►c>1 end the Family Herald and
Weekly Stir until January 1st 1907
for the smell sum of fifty cents and
in that time those taking advantage
■,S� v vK�r�sssr �W of the offer will secure at least six
vI of the new stories not counting the
s wl► �l]1TrD li 1'm' it Rnt�dltt the other interesting features of
the Family Herald and their own lo-
pe per. To present too ors of the
Exeter Times we offer the Family
Herald for the belance of the year
for only forty Bents. Subscription3
nhould he sent to the Exete.r Titres
Exeter Ontario.
IlENHA1.1, existed between us for the past four
year's. and growing more pleosent os
sir. 'Loomis \\'slip Itis th'' c?ulent ibe )'sire went by, lull t according to
bioc•k found ttiw►3 laid for ills hand our itinerancy, now b • severed.
bOlil' brick duelling on King 'street. four tearless dcuuu :'lion of what
Tho work tris done by 11. Cudulerc jou considered evil. t•' tending tof
'wise is an exII.rt at tlw .cork. watdy evil, rind oumut ndation
tett which is right .11,1 trine: your
111. Kine, our 'popular • railtynY t,tstoral visiting and ministrations
agent. is enjoying i► couple of weeket i to the sick ; your cabuua.ant spiritu+
holidays. His plan tie being !tiled I olity ; in o word. your manliness,
by Mr. A. Ilrindt. form°' aunt here,
hive endeared you to us.
Mr. Simpson 'IH►s rented Mr. Pet \1'e feel Obit in your removal wo
ty's dwelling. !recently .occupiett by are losing true fri:+ndx.
Mr. W. Kellen on, and is moving In- Willett you ate in your new field
to it this week. of labor turd nw1 w 'any and tnaytbap
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murdock. of sometimes. :altt►ust dir+c4$trnged and
St. Clair. r,rc visiting Mr. \Iuudoc's'e even appalled of !ilio tstrf CSS of tto
brothers, Thomas feud Alex• noseupliy u [oris the bia+teo
A reception will be ,hold Phurs
Toll I When the sweet 1>nte1' trill be w•his+
pored into your h. ir; by Aim who
lets given you the work to do; by
!lint who hes given you the Commis'
aim "(o )'o into :ill tho world end
preslch the gospel to every creature."
Even then the thought that your.
ru•:tny labors in Ilt•nsall were- appree
elated and 'chat your many 'friend!
are wishing rand pnry:ug for your,
sucess in the work, may somewhat
lighten the buoten upon you.
\\'e 'hope tyou wilt receive these
pieces of gold front your members.
adherents and friends and that they,
nifty serve to smoothen some of the
rough places in your pathway.
We wish you to .icvpt it not in
any way as a reward or poyment bat
as a slight token of our apprcxtatioB
of your aarvice and admonition, to
order drat we alight teepre a careen
I of glory in that city whose street*
1 are of gold.
Our pryer to God is that good
In Use For Over 30 Years.
vN[ CC-T{Ua COMPa,I Y. T1 MV.eaY {THC[T. ,.CW TORR CrTY.
necessary repairs to the .Salt hand b8.25; Ily. Dastard,
tGeo.ar , Ileptictl'nSutton's
Mr S. Powell was present
d and
propsasked tial' the trees n front
t Powell otheT8i• contract Gorcrtltd., 11,,c$56 00;
also offeredy trimmed.
also ngtoThe
help in the miss oner Art
ercy oMoltird strep. cul ertve .N $ 11.,
trimming. Tde street cam $1.00 ; John Devine, 1st S. Itd., $3.00
ttxls instructed to attend to elle ma'- John Baird, rep. bridge, L. 11. E. 75c
Df r. Joseph Davis asked lite town !test. Hodgins, rep. rav It. C. contracts, gl .
to furnish pipe for the gutter in $1.00; S. Davis, Gg{r, gravel
_ ls, 11
front of 1'. Wright's blacksmith shop S. 11.,
and he would furnish tho gt:'tvcl. On Block 10. 52.50; .David Grigg. con-
ntotion of Messrs. Fukc and Treble tract llllc. 10 C. It.. $30.00 Frank
the Street Commissioner !
was in- Triebner, gravel, 525.00Frank
Triebner. work on Davis' bridge,
strutal to see° what the pipe would
cost and to consult with Councillor 1 52.50;M. paired,8 McIntyre,
tl 9, Me-
Crcech. Isaac, contract. blk. 9, $78.00: Fred
T.hc Town ]lull debenture de pr sent1 Gaiser, com'r blk. 9, 55.00: Fred
duo on July 1st. There is ftt 1lrescnt S.
)00 in the Pinking fund to' irgravel
11 c1Tci iisco»comlk•hlk.
et the Obi iWilion. Il W3315;42.00:
B, $3.75; Nelson Baker, contract, blk.
1. S. 11., 511.80: \l'is1, Lewis, disin-
fecting, 53.65; Nelson Baker. con-
tract, blk. 3, C. 11. 5105.00 F. Mc-
Keever, contract bik. 7.S. 11., $18.00:
F. McKeever. gravel, 516.00; E. Mc-
Keever, gravel 8. II., $6.00; Nclaosl
lit I p rets
moved hy ,A. 1:. Fake, seconded by
Jett. Creech that (Ile l Reeved nd rote
Troistu•er he
t ono0 fore 5 he 1 :`2 credit
monl l i the
to li ;ttidetc
the balaIIce of the Town Hall indebt•
edness and for current expenditure
of 100 cordas of gravel were received
trona J. M. Gillespie. for screened
gravel $0.00 per cord and
cord for unsoreened gravel. Itiohard
for lunsereened. George screeneds 56.00 for FOrd and hand
Silas Handford $5.00 a cord tor
sorcrened nnc! $3.75 feor'u unserd Silas
Tho tender of Georg
Handford was accepted and that the
gravel be drawn by the street com-
1 ■ the stn...........
We have a targe amount of private (uncle to i
sae on farm and village propertiee atlowrates + he
natureby of the Asecund tu ties, if
IR Interest. OLADMAN & STANI CRY notice that after such last mentioned
Barristers Soilcitors. Main St. Exeter, Bite tho said executors will proceed
to distribute the ,assets of the de•
DICKSON & CARLING, ceased anoIlt the parties entitled
thereto havin;c retard only to lite
claims of which they shall then hive
CommMrriatn, 'Solicitors Noterte+ Conveyancers tu>tiCC, and that the said executory
teenets, �o1lctWro for the olaoes will not be liable for the said assets
gent, Ede. person
Messy to Loan at lowest rotes of Interest. or un ' port thereof to any
o1T1►ICEt-IU AIN BTRF.ET. EX)CT1Sit. or persons of whose claim notice
shall not hive been received by tbem
e. WWII° 8. A. L B. DICteOIe
at thn time of such distribution.
THGluAB CAMERON, G'UN�'El • Solicitors for said Executors.
nacre, wills drawn, money to loon 1►,ted et icorExeter the 11th sty of
els real estate, also Idcenece Auctioneer
1 ttno, 1906.
tlrs counties lot Huron and 1 enth,
moderate. Orders left at the 'hays 'net my
!residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten
hoe nu agr t lr•i
tweet' the provisional lsoid ngrcement and
file ounccil.
submitted to the council :at it n. set
tors till when
Must be more than ,t 01mul'11a
-must be a food ae W' 11. 'Ther.'• is
one medicine th.i! i; ixith a f�.1tl
and tonic, -it aids ,ligestion, pro-
motes aasimulation, converts toed in-
to nutriment that builds up nerves
blood, brain and bone. That tonic ie
Ferrozone which contains exactly
what a rundown system needs.
Ferrozone supplies oxygen to pur-
ity the blood. pho.4phorous to devel-
op the brain. iron to 0larden the
muscles. No wonder it mnkes suet*
vigorous men and women. You'll
oat, Sleep think and feel bettor by
using E'errozonc ; try it now -
Fifty cents buys o pox of fifty ettoc-
otated tablets, at ill dealers.
A ;regular meeting of the Council
was hell on Monday last with all
We have unlimited private tent- fort wet Ithe councillors present except Conn-
• eat upon h
of On motion t
farm or village eroperty
allot c• n► >7 �f Messrs. Creeoh rind
ales totet'est
Treble Councillor Puke took
the new pastor•
On Wednesday June 20th. there
peseta meas at this home in iiensell
Henry Cook. rafter o prolonged ill
nese of .bout seven months. Hie
death was clue to stodn• alt trouble
Although the best medicd skill was
procured lit was of no await. The
funeral took plaice from !hie residence
ou 1'r.isley Hat al 2 o'cicr_Ik, inter
nlent in IIensall !Union cemetery.
The services at the
were /`eon
ducted by his
Smith. The heed lodge of the Can
adian order of Foreet0rs attended in
n body. The pall hoaners were eel•
ccted from among ibis brother For•
esters. and services were 'held by
them at the cemetery. Many rete
Coes from far and near ware pre
sent to q►ay their lust respects ito
the deceased. Mr. Cook was born in
New Hamburg, Ont., in 1845, and in
1871 was married to Ca01tarine .liege! { health and abundant strength may,
in Sebringville, where he had a farm L given you and your Gamily In 034
for eight years, then moved to Zur 'der that you allay cat ry on the Mas+
icth. Lt 'Lurioh he established n flour • ten's work. and when our work hero
trill and Raw mill and successfully j id .a,ecotnplielwd we may meet whore
conducted same for about four years. i partings Alkali be no more.
110 hos resided, in ltonsall for tbo
Means your trouble is deep Seated:
To delay .i•s dangerous. All the in -
Demotion will (10 drawn out by ap-
plying Norvili.ne, in one day. It pen-
ett.ate% through the pores of the skin
relieves inflantataon and thus pre-
vents serious consequences. For eore
throat. weak chest end tendency to
Guide, no prescription is better than
Polron'e Ncrviline. For nearly fifty
yearn it 'has been Canada's groat
houeettold remedy. Twenty-five cts.
buts n large bottle.
AR\i FOR SALE. -On 4111 Con.,
lot 12. Ustorne, consisting of
100 acres,'cl•ly lesim. This Is a good
farm Lind -Ie in a good state of cul-
tivation, well droened and fenced, and
plenty of good aw:lter. Onthisbrick house
ecrty is u two store!, furnace se..
with slate roof,
houect, also !
nk born. Thisprjeopertlywills. be
so:ti`dl`r o 1).\Voal.Exeter1'
t dfor particulars
W. 11. Wood, 260 Talbot street. Lon-
The minutes of the list meeting
erre read and confirmed. At this The a Count sl of in the tTown IidshiCredr
r e
Notice is hereby given Chit the
eolortnerehip ofore
'bet eon the underviened asigeneral
in reheats, under the firm n.afne of
Coward & Bloomfield at Winchelsea,{
bits this day been ,liseolved by mut- li
nal consent. All debts duo to the:
sed partnership nro to be paid (el
Tho'. Coward et \Winelielsea, and)
alt pistncr'tit:p debts to be �tid by
Winabcl 1, J. BLOOMF 1E1.D
Take Laxative promo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey 1f it tails to core. E. W. 0Tovo's
eign;tture is on each box. 250.
junet urc Deere tfobicr carer in i Stephen. n, t
The following nccounts were or. 1 icon, on \lt•tid1'y The 25111
111 os of tithe,
doted ptid: S. Sanders, advt. in Tor- 1906, t 1 i•
onto New', GOc : Queen CityOil
Cl 1 previous mmeetin following orderre ; word
gasoline. $11+.28: 11. Parsons. . h I aspte
watering, 521.00. , Thos. Creech, , visited.
n h wk, Com. on draft, 10c
Idiot-. $130; Rich. Davis. labor, 53.381
Fred Gillespie. labor, 53.00: George Municipal World, supplies. 59 ; .1 •
Ford, gravel for cemetery, 53.40; 11. Sweitac.r, core''• Crcdittinty.�11), 57 50
Davis, 3ttuting manure for cemetery.; Chester I ronly, K
$5.75; Fred Green, gravel for ceme•' Il. 8. Code and clerk, re McKeever
tery. 56.00 drain, 520.00: /\dyocite I'tg Co.. ad
Mr. M oil le .:.ked the council to re l'atkd*il1 R. 11„ 06.00; Jonah Sims
supply stone Tot .a crossing on S. 11.'eom'r C. lt.. 510.00: C.QII�'OmgaNm.
It was moved by Creech and Treble] 8. road and nel eem rte's 1st 8. m,
Chit the Slone be granted. carried. 1 \Vltile, g •
Mr. 1). Mille and Mr. W. G. Bisset( : 528.00; It. Essery, eoro'r 1st 8. It..
• naked that the Assessment on $the! 5.50;5011. I3 ltd.. t, linin df ofW1. glove!
Salt eel! properly be fixed of
and the business lax nt 5300 for, tiny $, 1 5;e8.00;f>1'.8i Simpson,
rep. con'rtI,. Ild.
years, grid on 'notion of r
Treble the above request ens agro ho' 4, 55.00
01', itri Esser'', tile.ffer 1st
8. ltd.,
ed, providing the company m k
To Cure a Cold in One Day .
%Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 4 e 3�,r,�„t� a asc.
erne halos bola sold In past 12 months. The signature,
r > Ct
l,` , .. j• �) RY FAN11E M _LOTHROP
past nineteen ye.•rrs and was trite 1110'
1 rated for ► num If you d
prietor of the Ifeneail Flour mill. I Lox-els!'sive candy
tbrw'C1 laxative.
Ito installed and
bar of sous Lhe electric dight 1f you haven coats tongue,
plant in Iien all and was also (ho If �o;1 are izzy. biliothous. sallow.
proprietor of the Lucin Electrio
If our stool.
light plant. 1)eecast-d ens Council- itch, etc., frisk 5 cents on Lax-ots.
man in Ilcnsall for a number of ( Seo for yourself. Said by W. 13,
termu and certed in the firsts Mowry. -
Council there. 11e was an
adian Order of Foreetors and
active member in the Can- i Vincent Magyar, td:.-) Hungarian
farm laborer, who sixst his employer,
Canadian Homo Circle. was also Donald Campbell, at Frobisher, last
neembcr of Ole Presbyterian church
March, was found guilty of
Dtx,oased aS an n- murder 'and sentenced to thong in
ncss man and ill 41is deet!' !tensa!! Regina Se 1tem1>or 6. Tlho crme tisaO
bap met tcwith disentetinctpriaing lass busta peculrirly brutal. Magyar was of a
business way. Ile left numerous sullen disposition, .and widhcd to
friends, a loving wite and five chit,
leave Campbell, Who tcltistid to giwo
dren, blrS. E. 1[. Johns, of Guelph; .him his discharge, owing to the ap.
Wm. E. and Chas. II, of Chicago. IIi. pmia,c'h of needing. Ilaulked In him
Cornelius 5. and Norman E. at litems, desire, the incensed foreigner walk•
to mourn the loss of n loving pus , ed into the 'house, got a ehotguq
band nnd fatthor. and fatally hounded Campbell, who
On Sunday m.orni Whenhen t\Irowas ono of the best known farmers
Titres Berry was attending one of in ithat district. The murderer tpur
his horses, the rrnimal was troubled in a plea that the acted in taelf-dei
with n fly, and in kicking to die f.nse, Mating blest Campbell had ate
lodge the insect. struck bar. Berry tii,cked 'him with a fork. When the
with its hoof on the bridge of his sentence was p ronounmd the prison;
nose. It is not thought the nose is or ,seemingly eery very little affeete
broken, but Mr. Berry's face is con- ed' only trembling slightly.
sidernbly bruise,! from the effects
of the kick.
Ata meeting of the Women's Mis-
sionnry society thrid of Kiopen, Mrs.
J. C. Stoneman, vice president, spoke
in glowing terms of Mrs. (Dr.) Medd,
who leaves this week with the Dr.,
to their new field of labor of For-
est. Mrs. Medd .has been president
of the society during the past four
yelya aa,sistid cd by
iner energy
m anyw t syst lie ad-
vancement of the (muse. Mrs. Stone-
man in behalf of the members ex-
pressed deep regret at Mrs. Medd'e
removal from their midst and trust-
ed that her work in Forest will 'reap
the excellent results which it did
in Hernial'. Mrs. Youngblut and
Mrs. Murray, the latter the presi-
dent of the W. C. T. U.. expressed
their ;appreciation of The . servico
Mrs. Meld led been to their society
and were sorry that the time had
come when she and 1)r. Medd were
obliged to move ~away.
The Methodist church v -as Cont.
pletely filled last Sunday evening to
hoar Rev. llr, Mad preach his fare-
well sermon. Seats were placed in
the shales and gallery to accommo-
date the Targe congregation!. Tho
service was most -Impressive. Rev.
Medd during !bis pastorate hero made
many Mende, both in his own con-
gregation 4nd that of other churches
By !his forcible manner and energy
he wens successful in placing the
ohurch on a sound foundation, Sev•
oral times, to show their apprOOli.
tion of his services, the congrega-
tion increased his stipend. On Mon-
day es -ening 'rhe members of tho
church stole a ata rch on the Rev.
gentleman. The lecture rootn of (ho
ohurch was filled, and 1)r. Medd sent
for. He Wilt presented AV 11411 a beau-
tifully worded address and a purse
of gold. Tho Dr. made rt feeling
reply, after which everybody shook
tho hands of Mr. and Mis. Medd,
wishing them God speed, ;and trust•
ing that their labors at Forest will
bo productive of the good results
that they were at licnaall. There is
a universal deep feeling of regret at
the removal of Dr. and Mrs. bed
frons Hen ea ll. Mrs. Medd ayes the
recipient -.r several beAut.iful piedra
of ohina, , resented by members of
tate congregation.
Iicnstll, 25th June, 1906.
To Itev. i)r, Medd and F4►nily.
It is with feelings of aidncss that
wo ,have met this evening. Sadness
because the relations which have
They make one feel as though life
tuts worth living. Tako one of Oar-
ter's Little Liver l'ills after eating
It will relieve dyspepsia, aid diges-
tion, give tone and vigor to thesys,
GegSurely Secure
sad Streng0 throtigb a
Wears wcakoess wh!ch ran
1 ti gate aeakhess 3 n -t a1
b es w en lta nerves ars• i -rain
rats ``r' we..k your 1, ..rt i
totes. Other 5,j114 me !:,^rap 01
sll et erer. t+•: ?Actin,; poi) ; 4i
nolt about tb•• t., art cur., d Mr Or
, action; choking "•rea ,a Sett tb _
tnthe throat ;ti ay. t scosattoo 1*
I ehe;t.,hottlntt'tr.;_�the heart t
working ri,Lt;
on our s1 1•--
a(de. but (r•••
solute,' n•
to treat s
That is to
natural and
strength to11a
imagine holy 'a;'•
''.elle'' Pr. Shooy'a
bring burl: the
• MADAMS aunts
The Famous DIscoverers Of Radium
,\11 the known radium In the world could he put Into a tablespoon, yet
this less than nn ounce of the magic metal has set the scientists Of two COW
bond's guessingvery
lating, but veryconundrum
unsatt factory, so tarhe answers
as the theort e
wonderful, very
are concerned, that seek t explain l this rebel element PlerroiCurlee a modest h seems tO defy
Po outrageously Nature's strictest laws. To
ist, and his wife, belongs the honor ofldli covering t the to mirlenlcous rneta
They are poor, hardworking 1 .op
for wealth or fame or position. Reserved and conservative, they speak with
extreme caution as to their discovery made In 1893: although tin., noteselenj
title world has Just awakened to the revelation in the past two years.
Ina little, old•fashloned house at the extreme end of Paris, near the
outer boulevard, whose criminals have given tho section an unsavory name,
also thefdostchemimimic with their one Some years ago Mlle. Sklodowsli, a pofather,
r Polish h girl,
wen a famous
went from Warsaw, her native town, to Paris to study. She had talent and
pluck for the double fight against poverty and opposition. !ler first triumph
was when she entered a competitive examination for higher mathematics.
lier success was so overwhelming that the other competitors were eclipsed
and eliminated. Not having money enough to enter one of the regular schOole,
she entered a municipal working•clase institute, where M. Curie directed the
laboratory. Soon she was his assistant and a little later his wife.
Some of the ' xperlments of 1)ecquerr'l on the radio -activity of uranium
epeclally appealed to her. and she determined t0 experiment on the refuse ore
of pitchblende, 'tom which uranium is taken. It was then considered worth•
less, like the culm of our coalfields. She drew her husband into the search
and It took four years to get enough traces of this metal, worth thr ea thou
r o.
sand times its weight in pure gold. to show Its properties,
radium won for her the degree of Doctor of Physicel Science.
As a grain of musk will perfume a room for a century or more, con•
stantly throwing off flue particles without dere 3 It a hRe adozlfn htother marl em
bombards the ether with light, heat, energy, a
Ious effects, without appreciable loss, and in a thousand million years it would
have lost only one•mllt1onth of its bulk. It 1s the Andrew Carnegie of the
metals, constantly- giving but never growing measurably poorer.
Lotete•1 act Altaic to Act of ►h4 ruD:.:at of Canals,. to W • r'st 1114. 11 R, f. H.vt, at 11^ pet.,rtn.•.t of sous:tort
pato when 1
Ali stir
thing elie
Restorative w
j?atrengb to 1
h• irt neer% aiworeo There 1s COMM*
tbt.s temali to %Claw' :ate ; nothing
1.ntds .n r',ariion. T2;3 strength 'bat tt ft
c tterai and eertnanent. It Is lust &Oe
ser ulth rs f;,.cure rives W those who are
Dr. Shoop's Restorative (Tablets or L1
createssttenrtb width ceteods over the IN
Inside nerve system -It overcomes tate
et the troubles' well as thorough Seale
I 1
ts __,. 'Qssca:�i:
f INGE:11:111116-'',
STAY PENCEFelt' t 1. I•: � „ itlNGs • ITAY. Uvont on ,A. rmn, ,.,•- Iia C, rata 9. 0Nra{d r. hu. Vml., r.-. , t tw.oty three hun.tredroU.--a11 ut;.' �4. coded ole•. 111.,
rail eilt al Ira. rr.. , cont. "noted.
♦W10R .1 rt�'A
WIC It rCNct c . / ergo.
W. J. IIEAMAN, Agent, Exeter
•••••••••••••••••••••••••r ••N••••et•
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • 53,000,000.00
RESERVE FUND • •••• •••• •••• 53.000,000.00
f3 Branches In Ontario, (hobo-. Aliens British tolumbia and Manitoba
Open every !.awful Day from 10 a. N. to 3 r. at. twilit lestun'al1$0. M. 101 r.
Forst-torte' Moto Notes, ctwhed or colleet'd. PO0 supehard
On application. I,i1AFTs on all pointIr
. , the Domtaion. tcrealBritian and Un-
ited States, bought and sold atlowest rater of exchange,
Dcpoetitee of 1111.00 Attd upwards receives!. Interest com-
pounded half )carter, and weird to principal June llrith and 1►eeetnber ilei. De-
posits Receipt. 514o iu•ite t and highest current rotes of tntereet allowed.
Ada's/incoe made to farmers stock dealers and business men at
lowest rates end on moil fro orable terms. Agents at Exeter forDON overnaseat.
Dickson dr. Carling, FolicitorP, N. D. HU M401slier,41•N•w
••••••••N•••••••••••••••• •••••••Hi••••