HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-06-28, Page 4• i ► PIPES We have just receivtd • Large Shipment of PIPES, POUCIIES.l,j', CIGARS, CIGA1 1 • ETC. .fad up Pipes 5c t° 4/ways on Pipe B' it f;;,d. Brownings Drug Store. smoke GLADIATOR 10c Cigar. FOUR for 25 cents. The Exeter Times l'hurs3ay. Jure 28. 1906. CROMARTY A very ..std accident befall Mr. and £Mrs. Morris, of Staffs. on Satur•clay, resulting in thne death of their in- fant child. DLra. Morris, nccompan• Slid by another lady, vwas out for a ber•ive end on returning 'home gave the baby to the other lady, while( she 'opened the gate. The horse made a bolt through the gate and dashing 10'n through the orchard threw the lady and child out, the baby linger- ing until midnight, dying of conous- Sion of the brain. Miss Simpson. of Paris. is visiting !Dr. Tufford in the village nt pre- sent. 'N'. Alexander Miller las returned Lome after spending n month in New, Ontario. • Don't fail to attend the plays to be given in the Staffa Town Hall Monday night by the 'Winchelsea Comedy Company. The cast is an leteelhent ono and the plays given by balm ore tap to the standard and full tat funnisms that will ktep the nudi- ! ee in uprorious laughter during the entire evening. ZURICH Miss Ethel Williams left Thursday for Ottawa to visit tiler sister, Mrs. IR,ev.) R. II, Wihiteside, and to take to t'Iso Torry and Alexander meetings Which ane now in 'progress. 'bliss Matilda Johnson is visiting friends in Clinton this week. 'The Entrance examinations will bo /field this week. Mr. Shore, of Var- na will be presiding examiner. 1%Lr. and Mrs, Jerry. Corriveau 'have moved to tele village and occupy ,a Sart of Mrs. Rau's dwelling. Mair. and Mrs. E. Zeller left on Monday. for Merlin to attend the ding of the lettere, Sister, Miss 'rgia Marshall to Mr. Archie Gos- siell, a prosperous farmer f Tie took ktuy past. The happy Bless on Wednesday noon in ,the trrleeence of n large number of ;rel. 'rives and friends. 3)r. and Mrs. J, Schoellig, of De- troit, Mich., are visiting tit the borne of the forrner's parents. tales. Kibler, traveller for i he Willis Shoe Co., Brampton, is spend- ing a week's vacation with friends Iboere, IMr. Victor Appel, of the Sovereign sank staff there, is spending this va, tion with relatives and friends in lin. IMr. 'and _Sirs. B, Hamilton left on nday for a few months visit with lativca in I'ort Arthur. 'Mr. Milton A. Buchanan, who has n professor in rho University, Chi - go. the past two years. has been ppo:utcd lecturer in Spanish and talion in University College Toronto r. Buceranan is well 'equipped for .0 position hawing taken a brilliant urse ns a student at Toronto Uni- rsity, and spent two and one halt ers Paris. Madridtaking posrind rFlorete nce courses •Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rennie vis - ted friends in Berlin over Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. J .,1 ,Mernor visit - the former's brother, .1. D. Mer - r, at Almlt•1 last Friday :and Sat- rday. .1' t „ BETI(ESDA Itev. .Dr, Medd preached his fare - 11 s: rmon on Sunday. The church s filled to hoar the pastor bid i well to Ch: congregation he ham successfully prenchc•d to 1 during past four yc,,ars. Mrs. Medd ng vow beeetifully "My Saviour t of nil." acesseeeeeemempennamorameneseap Me. Hair .1� 17ciii wad Ion's have a faint, ;; out with ,•our hair. I; ti i.: !save you! 1 hut what? That would mean hin, s:ras;oly, un.'! en, rough air. Kc 'p your hair at home 1 •astcn it tightly to your scoop l ou can easilydo itwith Ayer's lair 'Vigor. It is something lore than a simple hair dress - g. It is n hair medicine, a air Coni:, a hair food. The best kind est a t aimonlal-- •'t)::1 Sr:.over sixty years." t1.do D .. 11ao i,aaureturera off EtRSAPARILLS. tiers' rn.t.s. CHERRY PECTAQvt. THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 28th 1906. ---Iediton McCl1E, MEMBER ON 410 COLLEGE 1'IrislcI '�%' Surgeons, Successor to Dr ,, hoist, ()fertile'', Out. 'doors. Ira Brown ,,u►d Arthur ;sicker spent Sundt). with friend ,1Zurich. efessrs. Wesley Finkbcireir oral Al btrt Wolfe spent Sunday pt ill friends et Exeter. Miss Clara K•heeter, of Zurich •vasa pleasant visitor of Miss Clara Iieinklc for a few day; of last week Mr. Harry Lankin spent Sunday n ibis home in Greaten. Mr. Percy humble. of Ail•,., Craig spent Sunday with friends in town The Zurich Football team will play our boyo a game of football on tat recreation grounds to -night (Thurs day) June 28. • Miss Pearl Holtzman!' took part in the program given in Centenary church, noar Parkhill. en t.Monday evening last, it being the occasion of their 'anniv'ersary. Miss Olivia lloltzinann is spending a week with friends in Dashwood. s 1 t •• . 0 A very interesting game of ball was played here on Saturday last be- twcen a team from Strathroy and the Crediton Stars which resulted In a victory for the visiting team by one run. The Crediton boys scored two truns the first inning and Live more in the fifth. The visiting team did not succeed in scoring until the last inning. Up to this inning the 'game was playefd by:lite battery, the fielders 'raving very little to ,to. Only four of the visiting team suc- ceeded in reaching third Kase, four to second, while twelve were fanned out. In the ninth inning the Strath.. Toy team witch two men out. made nine runs. A fly was muffed by one of the fielders allowing them to make three runs. This was a start for them and by some further bad plays made by some of t Crediton boys, they reit the score up to nine In the last inning the Stars made one more run making a score of 8-0. The game was from the start excit- ing and idiould easily have been won by our Loys, in foot the visiting team remarked the game should have been won by the Crediton toam. It is ex- pected that another game will be played 'between these two teams lit Crediton in a few weeks of which further announcement will be made. Mrs. Scahmarr, or Berlin, accom- panied by her granddaughter, Ms Finkbeiner, of Manitoba, are visit-, ing friends here for a few weeks. • Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Mantle, of Exeter, spent Sunday in our village the guests of Mr. C. Beaver. Mr. Isaac• Hill, sr., is at present very sick. Mr. Edgar Sibert and sister Ada, of Platteville, Miss Moyer, of Berlin, and the Misses Rieder, of Hamburg. are this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. The annual Sunday School picnic" of the Evangelical church was held et Grand Bend on Friday,oflast week. Over 000 from There took in Lee (tI cis enjoyment, In the morning' n very interesting game of ball wne played between the Juniors and the officers and teachers of the school' resulting in a victory for the lat- I ter by a score of 16 to 11. Mr. Leal Brown umpired the game to the sits! isfaction of both teams. At times be found it third to decide some points t in connection with • the game, but his decisions •were generally correct. Mr. Chris Fahner in Relating bases brought forth great applause from the spectators while E. Feist and J. II. Holtzmunn who arc old timers, did some goeel battery. The pitcher. Mr. C. Bluett. by ,his curve pitching helped to win the game. In the af- ternoon all kinds of sports •sere In- dulged in for which liberal prizes were given. In the jumping contest Master Rolland Mots, who is only nine years old, easily won, jumping 13 feet. A gams of football ,was played between the Junior teams of Zurich and Crediton, resulting in n score of 1 to 1. Tare day was ono of continual fun and amusement, and the committee who had charge of the days program deserve a great deal of credit. Mr. and Mrs, Wna. Greenlet spent Sunday nt Leury the guests of Mr. Grcenlec's parents. We tregret to state that Mrs. Al- LUCAN The Luc Irish Nine 11. B. Care to play two g -t ruses of ball at home FANCY Dominion Day. July 2nd. against n picked team from St. Thomas, The St. Thomas boys write to say that they are bringing the strongest a-- gregation in rhe city. Teo good ginres .are assured, Morning game called :at 10.30. Afternoon game at 2.30. WHALEN A great many from here attended the unveiling of the monument erect• ed to the memory of the late Joseph Morley, by the family and Order of the Woodmen. on Sunday last, Our store is closed these days, we we hear that Fred intends going to London, we will be sorry to lose him. A great many attended the Biddulph picnic, on Tuesday last. Miss Elma Tapp entertained the teacher and pupils of S, S. No. 12 on Monday evening last, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Morley. A';er tea games were played and then about seven o'cicek the children were called to order a good programme was given. An address of welcome was read by Elmo Tapp and replied to, for the school by Mr. Torrance. Songs and recitations were given and near the last Miss Lizzie Kensela and Master Win. Hodgson were called to the floor Lizzie read the following address while Will presented a nice case of Military Brushes, Mr. Torrance made a fitting reply and soon after singing "God Save the King" the children started for home, well pleased by their evening's sport. Mr. Torrance has re- signed and intends leaving at holi- days. Mit. Jo)it, TORAANCE, Dear Teacher. --We the pupils of School Section No. 12, desire to give expression to our grateful appreci- ation of your faithful services, as teacher of our school for the past three and a half years. Although we crust have tried your patience many times by neglecting to follow your instruc- tion, we sincerely trust, that you will not remember our faults, but rather our few good qualities. rhe spirit of willingness, which you have always manifested toward us, has been a re source of o great gratification to us and we trust that while you have been helpful to others, you yourself have been helped. We ask you to accept this Military set not as being a renum- eration for your services but rather, as a token of loving esteem. Wo deeply regret your leaving us, but we still think of you as one who taught rather by love than by the rod, We wish you every success in whatsoever you undertake and may your future life be a happy and prosperous one is the wish of your every pupil. Signed in behalf of the school, James McCarty Lizzie Kensela Delbert Morley Venda Squire June 25th, 1005. CY.A. TOR.TA. Bear•. the The Find Tor Bare Always Wt Bigaatnr. " r Tho disfiustin,r discharges from the nose aro and iiat, and tilt font Ca- tarrhal breath, aro quickly dispen- sed with by using Dr. Shoop's Oa- tarnh Curr. Such soothing antisop- tio agents as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Wild Indigo, etc., love been incor- porrated into a snow %elite cream making a cetarr7,al balm unexcelled. Sold by 1V .S. Howey. SILII'KA Mr. and Mrs. I1. Wing spent Mon- day and Tuesday in New llamburg. Mr. Pitman of Clandeboye passed through our town Tuesday en route to Grand Bend, Mr. Dougal Mcisaac received word on Monday that his brother Dan of Merrill, Mich.. was seriously i11. Mr, ldclsaac left for Merrill on Tuesday and at last reports there was slight hopes for his recovery. Mr. Jas. Hannan Sr., was in Sea- orth last week attending the races. Mrs. Ran of Zurich is visiting at J. D. Hannan'e. Thos. Lyrich sold a valuable horse ast week for a handsome figure. Listen for the wedding bells in this vicinity soon. CENTRALIA Miss M. Curtin and Miss Angeline Coughlin took part in the program bert King does not improve in health t and in spite of all that medical aid can do for tree, is gradually sinking. 1 Mrs. Kropt, of Waterloo. is visit• ing with Mr. and Mrs. '1', \Veurtz. A large number of our citizens as. sembled on Monday evening to wit- t nisi the Laying of the corner stone of our new public school. A very in- teresting 'history of Crediton school v was tread by 1 he present principal, t Mr. Bluett, relating the means of education from the first 'settlersstory to the present day. It told e the different school buildings the vil- 4 Inge has had, the teachers that have e been engaged and the t rustees and c caretakers during td,c w hole life of t the school. Interesting .and instrnc- t live addresses were given by Mr. I,tw:s, Rev. Dir, Bean. end Rev. Mr. Andrews on the need of education and the advantage enjoyed by the children of to -el ay, ant congratulated' our citizens and t fleeces upon t het i tie -cling of such a fine school as 11101 new nohool is certainly to be. The I school ohildren were ready with a 1(110110 song, and the band vwas in attendance ridding to the pleasure of the ceremony. The elonc' was laid by Mr. 1Vrn. Lewis. Mr. (naris. Finkboiner, of London. visiting under the pcnt.tl roof feu a few weeks. tr Ed. eforlook •land n very aucces!- fnl him raising Tuesday last. A number of our young Radios etre I i k ueintly entertained by Miss O. M. Turner on 11•tdnosdiy evening of it the social on Monday evening. Mr. John Parsons continues very ow. Don't forget to heir the. Quir- ette on Monday evening next. llear whet t he London Free Press says of them. "Tire 1mperin1 Male Quar- Otte, who mere the outride nrtistid of tate evening, and who w:Me heard for their first time here in concert mirk since their return from their our w"itrlr the Chioago Lycrum Bur - our, node a decided hit with the audience•, rill their numbers being epeotcdly pncjaorccl. The organize - ion ranks vwitt' the best of its kind ver 'heard here. Outside of the C? e quartette x 11 litw rk � h • of • n 11 rd :• hec be I hemember:" rs arc so erste well known o Who London public, ani it would bo 'herd to show any distinction in their individual work, as catch polo vitas n gem 1.11,1rA eiv^w• .a a eI1-;Irl served enal.are" • TLe Ladies Aid of the M. E. church e ave <a straw berry roai:al on the rPrurch 1 ►wn .Wcdnrsd iy owning.' Tee brass band was in attcndnnce. Miss M. Broderick, of iklrhwootl, • isited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. ! hedging. Mr. Chas. Zeickc'r spent Tuesd 17 in London on business. scrofula Is often LI:11dr, of l a�s Eimpure water, are among its causes. 1 Is caped e' the soil for tubercles," and where it M allowed to remsin tubercu- losis or consumption is prei:y sure to take root. Hood'sSarsaparilla Removes every truce of scrofula. Get Hood's. 1Por teedmonlels of reeeertells area fNtM for Beek HOWCO.Scrofula.A M , CHINA We have just placed in stock a complete line of Fancy China in all the latest styles and patterns. We have them nicely arranged on a stand in our store, and we in- vite our customers and friends to come in to sec them. We also have some nice pat- terns in Dinner and Tea Sets, all at very reasonable prices. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. WM. SHRUMM, DASHWOOD, ONTARIO. Page Wire Fencing We have a quantity of the above celebrated Fencing Wire in stock, which we will sell at reduced prices as long as it lasts, Paints We have a large assortment of Hollywood and Robertson's Paints in stock. These are good paints and all ready mixed, ready for use. Harvesting Tools Wo keep a full line of these goods and can supply your wants any Mine. A car -load of Cement just Arrived. JONAS HARTLEIB DASHWOOD ONTARIO. Dashwood Miss Maud_ Eidt_ is ,home visiting cher parents. Mr, 'Wm. Tiemenn left for South River lust week. Mrs. Alex East and son Orville and her sister Miss Clara Eifert aro vis- iting their ,parents here in Dash- wood. Mrs. SIetiler, of Mullet, was vis - visiting at Mr. Geo. Ruby's a few days last % eek. \y Mr. J. Hannon of Shipka, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Hannon got u few counters made in tate planing h mill for his new store. t Mr. J. Kellermann attended the directors meeting of the Fire Insur- s once Co. ut Grand Bend on Saturday. g Mr. J. Kellermann got in n car- a told of the best sugar. Now is the time to buy your sugar for the can- ning season. 1 Mr. Henry Guenther lost •a horse on picnic day. Mr. 3, Wagner Is pitting up 0 neve veranda and otherwise improving his house which when finished will t add greatly to its appearance. Mr. i D. Setter is also putting up a ver- anda with a glass front. vw Mr. P. Stersaic delivered on Mon- a diy a load of furniture for Henry 1 Bossenherry's laew• f1totcl, 'Grund h Bend. Mr. 3onas IlartIeib, our hardware merchant, his just finished trough- •1i ing Mr. T. Gra ttosaow;hooka.. Brew, 'ter, also finished troughing Mr. r Bossenberry's 'hotel at (tend Bend. d The Dashwood 'baseball team play• t ed a friendly game of ball with the t Exeter team fast Tuesday. The score t was nine to two in favor oL Exeter. 1 Mr. Silas Adams, William Klein• sliver :and E. J. Ehlers visited Grand D Bend on Sunday. 3s Quite a number attendorl ttae Sea. t forth races last •trek. Mr. Ed. Nadiger is sporting A new 1' buggy. Sir. A. Schnieder 'returned homy on Saturday :morning. BLr. John Iloffm•,n met with a ° painful accident on Tlhurrelay hast. a Ile won working .at ons of the ma- r chines in the flctory when the fin. It gers of his left hand got caught by tl the knives of the machine, cutting .r the ends .of two of his fingers off D and °therevire bruising dais hand. a Uis injured ,hand is doing as well as con be expected. a \Wednesday fast (king ,our Civio ml holid'y the school children picniccd \\ at Grand 9 Bond. Abair 00 Item rh"rz took in the picnic. Although the t rain made things somewhat disagree. T able, yet a good program of games "1 and11s r s n >0 1 mere _rc clrricd out. On the return trip one of the Elis Tres fork s !tick .:and died on the road. The chit- a dren in the band wagon took slc•I- ter from I B tare rain in Mr. 1Vndils 1; house until a team could be brought M from Dashwood. The animal be. .1 though ronse.t-h•,t cloudy in the morning it proved on idcaal day for tiro picnic, and the lake wits vary calm so that there was boating all day. A steimcr and a sail boo were there for the pleasure of picnicors. All did justice to the luncheons, the strawberries and oreann being par- ticularly tempting. In tht evening Ilse party rode Mouse, satisfied Ural the eicuic Lad been a deeded success ind that Lumley picnio to Grind Bind should be an annual ;affair. Pink daps, Like 4.t1ls.L iiougk Obseeel or Cracked Lips, can be made es soft as velvet by applying at bedtime, a light coating of Dr. S,hoop'a Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of this most excel- lent ointment is always immediate and certain. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve takes out completely tho sore- ness of cuts, burns, bruises and all akin ubrasious. It is surely "n won- derful and most highly satisfactory heallug ointment. In glass jars at 25c. Sold by W. S. Howey. You hardly reale that it is rued - ;eine when taking Carter's Little Li- ver Pills; thee aro very e)nall ; no bad effects; all troubles frorn tor- pid liver are relieved by their use. GltANU IBENI; The weather has taken a change for telae better. Chops, and root a, in general, a.r.e looking fine in this section. and no doubt with favorable weather con- ditions, hhey ,will turn out 'a bounti- ful +harvest. Grand Bond is growing fast phis year, as besides all rho new cottages going up, no less Mon tour .private dwellings are to be erected of c:m ent blocks. With the situation we have heaae, •ve are hound to win: out, and don't forget it. Mr. Hemmen 'had the misfortune to loose n young , fawn least Sunday. No doubt ttho weather has been chil- ly for them. He raised three Lawns this year, but •will now be left with t was. Master Ware Oliver and Russell Patterson ore tin Exeter this week trying for thigh school entrance_.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Dent. of Mitchell. arrived n eel a t their tl r cottag£. for the sum - met. Mrs. and Miss Jacobs, of Lon- don, t9a•o otroupy.ing Mrs. Wards cot- tage for dw•o weeks. Mr. sand :Mrs. Joseph Gill, also Mr, a and Mrs. 'Ed. Gill visited friends at Ailsa Craig over Sunday. Mr. Smith, our popular ex -black- smith, has been painting at Maple Grove for some time and no doubt has done some artistio work as he is aa. very nrtistc man himself. Zurich and Crediton tcelebrated their civic 'holiday here on Friday when a grand time was spent by all. Tho band from Zurich was in attendance and rendered some fine music. For amusement rand a good imo for all, it has all the others knocked down ,.and out. WHEN SEVEN MEN DIE. You know at tenet ono of them I consumption. At first St was only oatarnh—but ft was neglected hen .0atarrhozone" cures so puiokly it IS foolish to suffer—iVei a ,shame to keep on sniffeling and a.wking. Cat:arrhozone gods direct o tho cause of the diseAse,—that's wthy its so dead certain to cure. It tops the cough, prevents that dis- usting discirnrge, dears the phlegm ut of the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant, and safe too; get Oatarrhozone from your druggist o -day. W iNClll_:LSgA In the report of the school enters ainment in behalf of the school ibrary, 'held on Tuesday of list week he name of R. Coward w•as coupled ith the cline -actor "the escaped !un- tie." instead of Oleos. Godbolt. Char - ie imperaouatedt'he part assigned to im well, and kept up his character 11 the while he was on the stage. The Winchelsea Comedy Company cave received to number of invita� ions (o put on their plays "Strik, ng Oil" and "You Rascal Pat" at ifferent places. The members have received many congratulations for heir excellent 'work at the enter, ainment, rind on Monday, July 2nd, he company will go to Staffa, whcro hey w-il' play in the Town Hall. The looresville people want them and it expected a trip will be made to hat burg. Several from 'here attended the ionic it S. S. No. 2. Friday after. oon. The scheo1 trustees met Battu- ay night to act on the resignation t Miss Winona How•ar•d, vvho leaves t the close of the term to take a oom in the Exeter public) school. was decided to take down the por- tion of the two reams, making one oom of the whole school, with lir. IcDou,ratl in charge and not employ nother leacher for awhile. The lawn torsial held at the Sun - trine church Monday evening was a icrcrosful one kin every (respect. 'then the ladies undertake to make sue ess of an affair of this kind, lacy go at it in the right sway. 'hies were 'placed in the driving xrt, 'nd ever.vone wets gi_t'rn all that le inner r :1 rn ndr e s' ar d. There were t r iwberrien in ,'bund ane„ Ilse arks 'ndwi_71rs, pies, tea, etc. After the upper w,'5 over an extensive pro - rim • m ••va given in the church. Rev. .acted nm dhairrnan. Mss Anna tin, always a favorites nt Sun- :inc. sang several solos and was 0 1111y enchored, and In the pleas- ure of her listeners, responded each me. I1'i roofings •were alto welt rro0ivul. The Elirnvitlle quartette coved. Miss .1e1sie Dow of xctes was le -r accompanist. he I..I:inville Quartette de •rt'e+ considerable praise for the inner in ••thick their aeletetions ore given. Mlle n1^mbers ,have ex - I lent voices. The \Von4h'i,n ,,or- testre displayed their ability and in 'elections given by them here well 'received. .Slims Alice Gourley, who was here w for some ccks, and left for Win- nipeg to visit friends, his left there and returned to Galglry. Cl 1So'19 CO A = 3 . Bign.t are Bears the the A d Y,) Hare Always Btu hf of Vet.1f4r longed to Mr. [I. Guenther, LUML1;S' ti S. 8. No. 10, t'aborne, tela their ::nnu.al picnic of Grand Ilene, last F. eiturckay• Anthems!' it w,as fe'red f so mins ',lents.' in the vicinity might affect eller c•hpol picnic, th • txvople lit showed gr:'.it enthus+lsna and turned ret in goodly numbers. 'the mu -11 f liked of nntonu.bile ens on heel ci e1 early do the morning and all 1Iuu - nuphly enjoyed tar swift .ride. 114 t tl it eos very heavily loaded and :', lolly lord not lead Hauch excreter e i I :to, th^ grew tired, hulked, and r - Need to go up a steep (hill. Mr -- ever 1111 merry ,ienicers were ,. ' to b; daunted and in n few minul 9 omnibu5,ra itor,. at hind for the co..- wey:tnce of the pns',e.ng;ar,. On r.•• riving t Grind Ren they four, 1 about 60 isid alrleady assembled. Al- EI.1111VILLIS Tho groat event of the eteison, the annual Sunday Fobool Strawberry festival is corning off on Moadiy. A right good time is czpecled. On Sunday Rev. A. W. barker, Il, D., of Camlatehie, formerly •t junior pastor of this circuit. will •preach morning 'eel evening. For Monday a good program is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, of Grey, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. 'W, Coultia spent part of this week in London. A large number attended the gar- den truly :at Sunshine on Monday evening and report 411 excellent time. If your stom tett is week. If your food distresses you, If you are weak and nervous Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative ono month and src what it docs for you, Sold by \V. S. Howey, TIIA111ES ItOAD Twine ;a year there ore doings out a our %% sly. The first is when the an- nual tcu mooting is held in • the °fence :and the second is the onnual picnic of S. S. No. 2. The lateen event came off lust Friday in Thos. Ifunkin's grove, and on account of the lowering skies and threatening rain, the crowd was not as largo as expected. Along about noon, iC was almost decided to call the affair off until Saturday, but the rain lel up and the original program wee carried out. About four o'clock the 'worts commenced, Miss Jessie Hamilton, the popular leacher, had tilt 'the events arranged for beforehand, and the trances of the boys and girls were gone through with without a hitch. Fred Hunkin acted as starter and usually got the little fellows off at the word "go." Will Monteith and Fned Ellerington looked lifter the finishing Tend. Every contestant got n ,prize so that no one .was disap- pointed. The following were the re- sults of (bo races: Class 1, hazel IIunkin, Elaine Stewart ; Class 2, C. Montieth, Eddie Riley; Class 3, Jo- anna Dlontieth, Viola IIunkin, Alda Westlake ; Class 4, Harold Jeffrey, Eddie Polar]; Class 5,Jcss1e Hodgert.Rcr t. Nellie Stone, Anna Bell ; Class 0, Llewlland Stewart, Garfield Brown John Hodgert; CLass 7, Ethel Hun - kin, May IDarclh ; Class te, Chrissy Riley, Chas. 'Cowarrd ; CLass 9, May Hodgert. Rhoda Westlake ; Class 10, Willie Jeffery, Ilea rnet •Passmore, Milton Hodgert, Coursey Brown ; Close 11, Myrtle tliunkin, Jennie Monlietth, Flossie Passmore ; Class 12 Willie Monteith, Percy Stone, Al - mor Stewart ; Girls' Sack races:, Et- hel Rankin, Jessie. Hodgert ; lloys' suck trace, Jdhn Hodgert ; Kenneth McNi°ol ; Boys' !boot race, Garnet Passmore, Milton Hodgert, Kenneth McNicol. Almer Stewart, Percy Riley ; Leap frog rare. Alntcr Stew- art and Coursey Brown, Willie Mon - Gee!' and Percy Stone, Garnet Pass- more and Kenneth McNicoi ; Three- legged 'pace, Aimee Stewart and P. Stone, Milton Hodgert and Courscy Brown, Garnet Passmore and Ken. nebh McNicol ; Egg race", Ethel Hun- d kin, Nellie Stone. Meryl Snell; Done key levee, Mater Stewart, Coursey Brown ; Willie ,Mo nteitel, Percy Stone; Broom race, Myrtle Ilunkin, Jennie Mont lebh; Wheelbarrow race, Willie Monteith, Percy Stone ; Gar- net Passmore, Kenneth Mclicol ; Minor Stewart. Courscy I3rown; ton Hodgert, Claryssie Riley. The needle race was the last of the races and brought out seven entries. The gentlemen Ovid 'to choose fair part- ners, all of tjte ladies being stationed ut •Oho othor e,: 1 with pieces of thread ready 'to thread the needle carried by the gentleman whom they wore to assist. Thos Ballantyne was an way awinne,r in this event, while Fred hllerington, Jos. Spear and Vic Snell caine bouncing in together for socond money. As the winners 'bud to moat the fair ones tho money was divided. A baseball game was arranged be- tween the ladies, with Misses Hamil- ton and Ballantyne as Captains. As Will Montieth was cutting out not- elet' on .a shingle is the runs wero node, and refused to deliver the score board, it could not be nscer- tsined which side won out. Some of tire ladies aro good, batters ;and throwers. The decisions of the UM. WANTED! 50,000 Pounds of WOOL —AT -- EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYE ELEVATORS. J. COBBLEDICK IMPORTED SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suiti3igs. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. JOHNS IMF Merchant Tailor ' %` :l::: f i rli? i 1. STRATI'OIID.. C'NT. !fit Our classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The ' public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commercial or Short hand Training. Students are entering h k r n each wee All gradu u gt positions, W 'tea et good rite for ' cn a ogue. , W. J. ELLIOTT, Principals ; D. A. McLACHLAN, } •N♦•••e♦eN♦Ne♦♦N♦♦♦•ill •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦NN......♦♦♦arta► EXETER'S UP-TO-DfITE FLOUR, FEED Sc GROGERY • , HARVEY'S STAR" FLOUR always on hand ' at the same as at Just received another load , of ZURICH FLOUR which ' we will sell at $2.25 per cwt. at the Feed Store. ' For PURE MANITOBA . call on us, we sell the best : mill. at a reasonable prlcc pricesthe Large quantities of po- tatoes on hand, also seed potatoes at $t.00 per bag. GOODS DELIVERED.• t SHARDY & SON ♦ � were• not ere rot protested, although he ♦ e h.• •••••••••••••••••••••••••01•••••••••••••••••••••••••01often got the rules • 1♦ of profcssaoua1 hill and ono old cat tangled up. The football game between Elim - Ile •and Fargnhar was exciting and at the trill of time by she referee, Cliff Stxackman, the game was dccla.red a draw, neither side scoring. Rain prevented the Kirkton ball le,im from Doming sides wero chosen from 'among tare married and single men. Darkness stopped the game, and the scone book showed the benedicts too many far the ohapn who .arc want to buy icy' cream and soda water for tiireir lady frriends, winning out by 10 to 4. The excellent refreshments 'fur- nished by the tidies roust not be for- gotten, .as the long row of tables fair l Toa Y groaned •w't r h good things furnished by them. There aw•ua enough for 'all and everybody w•is invited to partake. 71he 'beet of [cel'ng existed ;:rid a good time w:ts stent. When the Lumley pienicers, who were Fang Jo the Bend, got stranded on \\•em. Armstrong's till last Sit. nidus, George Jeffrey eug(ceted t13 U they hold their picnic in his grove noir tare river. Ile prnnriscd them, all tire wetter they could drink, it hey would furnieh the refreshments, The Bend was where they wanted to go and to tire Mend they went. However they thanked George for his generous coffer, Mr. Itialrurd Yellow last week pur- Ch.ised a bairn from Andrew Camp.. bell. Tire building was moved last week ond ' ck nlnow 9a n n plate. i 1 P .1 GUARANTEED CUItE FOR PILES Itohin.t, Blind, Blecrlin,j, 1'rotrud- in; files. Urugeists are authorized to ► rcfto d n 1 money if i .azo Ointment �a [9119 to cure in 6 to It doss. 50c 3 . Mal =111 See Our Large STOCK of Binder Twine at best prices. Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Windows, Coiled Spring and Barbed Wire The Best Prices. W. MOORE, • ■ • KiRKTON, ONT.