Exeter Times, 1906-06-28, Page 100
Wedding Stationery
Nouns Ladies) 5,13 are interested
10 *hat is 40* -r to the matter of
Stationery . Weddings, .hould see
Ifet tsa• -e, latest tjpe faces. We
Ne �• - them ready la a few hours.
Call Up Phone No. 31
if you have any orders for print-
it.g .uf any kiwi just call us uel find
we will be pleased to look n[tcr your
Phone No. 32.
Cotton Delaines, cream ground with navy
green and red spot, also fancy pattern, extra
wide width. Regular 15c value,
Special Price 10 cents per yard
Ladies Black Sateen and Fancy Black and
White Striped Underskirts, regular $2 to $3.2.5
Special Price $1.50
All Wool Swelters for boys from 5 to 10
years of age. Cool and serviceable for the
holidays. Sale Price 50 cents
Men's light Flannelette Shirts with rever-
sible collar, solid comfort for hot weather.
Regular $1. Special Price 85 cents
Men's dark colored work shirts worth in the
regular way 60c. Special Price 40 cents
All New Goods This Week.
Ladies' Black Collars, Chiffon and Ruching
trimmed, Black and White Plastrons, white
silk embroidered collars also a special line of
embroidered wash collars to sell at 15, 20, 25c
The very latest Kid Belts with double row
of eyelets, colors Black and Grey, silk belts in
the new girdle effect. Embroidered wash belts
with detachable buckles at all prices.
Buster Brown Belts in Tan, Black and White.,
Store closes at 6.30 every evening except Wed-
nesday and Saturday.
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Just received a shipment of "MARTIN"
buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call
and see them they will stand inspection.
Also have a number of good second hand
buggies for sale at a bargain.
A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter.
Haying will Soon be here
Look to your haying tools, and see if you aro ready for that
very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you
any tools you may need such as haidforks, etc. and we spec-
ially emphasize hay -fork rope. We are showing the best
quality of British Manilla Rope, the price 15c. per lb. a <
Off for cash. CARE) OF THANKS
Mrs. Geo. Rook
Ler sincere thinks to
1'. for the tromp:
they e!iid her the
desires to exit!' es
the C. O. C.langrincnta for the removal of his
manner ,n wLicli f,i„ily n+l huu'chold goods to in-
amouut of her I ate gersoll.
Order early
Don'tneglect to leave your orders early for Binder
Twine. We have three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth
Twine for sale. None other is quite so good. Prices
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea.
Exeter Boys in Camp
W. 1I. JOHNSTON. OPKll'I'EN, I No.6Company, Exeter, of the 33rd
Is presiding at the laid -hummer High Huron Regiment in canlpat Carlings
Sohool examinations held ill Exeter. Heights, I.onion, are getting along entrance culdi<lltes will be pre- pretty well, commencing last week
sided over by Mr. McNay and I'. with company drill and flea battalion
E.,t LJ?wA. S'!'1:\VAH'T ('OJI\IF.N drill. tho company is getting into
ced Monday to fair down the wood- pretty fair shape. The men drill in
en buildings cit the rear of hid store, grey shirts and straw hate, which
preparatory to putting t,n a Ierge comes as a welcome visitor to thorn,
addition to the grocery -side. When
the hot weather has tairly set in.
completed Sir. Sic%v:u t will have one
first six days were not so favor -
of the lightest. airest and most up- able, rain accompanied by severe
to -date general stores in Ontario. thunder showers and lightning and a
THE LAWN SOCIAL GIVEN BY severe wind storm on luesdey last.
the Ladies' Aid Society of the Cavell which did a lot of damage round and
Presbyterian church, on Mr. E. about, London. being almost a daily
Ohristie's lawn Tuesday evening was order up to Saturday night. then a
a successful affair. The lawn weal change came forth r. id the elle on
Lighted by fe-toons of colored ace_ Sunday shone forth its brilliau, rays
tric lights. Refreshments were for the church parade. The 2nd bri-
sorved. TLe Exeter brass band was gaffe, of which the 33rd forms part, Address
in attendance and enlivened the pro- got orders to parade in grey shirts
coI1EV. with nuntonous selections. and straw hofs, tr ph the men did ROBT E IIGKtIRD, FrOblsner, S CK
ItI:V. GOD\\'IN WILL ON SUN_ not approve of after polishing up well
ay next (teIiccr Itis f:ueaveII fear- nevertheless everything went off well
no. In Lire morning
subject and the various regiments had a
will be "Jewels" and in the evening march past after church parade. A
'Remembered.'' '11he regular fellow•_ great concourseBIG
hi( meeting wall be held in •.the Carlings heights to watch the of people gatheredion
orning „ t ten o'clock. During Mr. march past, etc, and again soldiers
odwin's pastorate 'here, he and his in the
amity made a host of friends, who afternoon the fair sex were in evid-
ence to heir the band concerts. Gen -
ply regret uheir departure. Last orally speaking a better day has not
Gen -
ear the %%:1e taken seriously ill, and been seen for a long period at Iondon
t was Aorii,o time arc d,c 1egai.ne(i1 his camp, and the Exeter boys are having
!d tune vigor. air. Godwtin is la a fairly good time. On Monday the
an of 'deep inicllact and of a re- :13rd Regiment went to the butts to
olive mind. delivering .his sermons, fire their annual course of musketry,
n cin off \hand msnuer, without Irav- so mevery fair scores being the order
n g to u•cfer to notes to assist .him of the day, Sergt, Major'F. E. Hec-
n his thoughts. The people of Am- for proving to. be the campion shot
,er9tburg etre to be ecingratulatcd of the Battalion this year, making a
n securing such at preacher es is total of 155 out of a possible 161, only
Lr. odwin. Ile will Loire for his being six points short of the possible,
%%' Gfield of labor nest %%eek, and making 52 points at 400 yards out
A STRANGE MISTAKE. - '1'\VO of a possible 50, which reads good.
weeks ago at
'1 nflUUlleellN'lll was The regiment goes again to the butts --•..0--
mndo that Mr. W. Ii. Gregory, son on Wednesday to shoot in what is
of Mr. Thos. Grtgory, of town, lied known as the Gowan &Layborn Cups
succeeded in taking ;honors and in On Friday the various companies re -
winning e $40 1cholarslep i in his turn to their headquarters. The regi -
recent cxnmiaa:atious :at tate flaw ment has a new band this 1) .
year of 2�
Sobool in Toronto- !Its neatly fr:ends performers, all good musicians, from ------------ --. -- -- ---_- - -
were delighted to hear that he had Goderich,, sand whom the 33rd men ECI 8�L�
beau so ,succ.eSs[ul, but now comes think, is as good as any band in cramp,
the word from Toronto tlot'a -mis- -From a Spectator.
covered :incl Lhot instead of attain- FOR ONLY
ing sixth place as at first reported \1'OOI)IIAM h a QOM1'I Gregory 4p. .rhe wow first, 1TI}urda , I~rithIEj $oturdU•
place and with it the much courted Tae brick work of the ne.r church
$100 tscholarahip. The mistake was i� naul completed.
Rick list.
William Sinclair, Jr., is on the
�L. John Co(xllnd, of St. Marys, - - .A..;ry,
si,e1lt part of last week in t he villagei
bliss Fdl%:: 6w%tllovv e(nt Sund'ty I
under the p.trenfal roof. S" r ■ 1 Till 13 ■ �Ov•
Mr. end errs. A. Mills snit Clarence _ -
Sundayed in Crediton.
Sid Mills has a gang of men \cork- Best Red Salmon 2 c•:1113 for 25 cents.
ing on his now• houSe this week.
Quite a number of people took in Best brand Tomatoes 2 cans for .5 cents.
- the garden parties at Coopers Ind Best Roll and Side Bacon 15e and 16e a pound.
Sunshine Monday evening.
James Berry :Spent Sunday in Best American Oil 18 cents a gallon,
LogII. Best Redpath and St Lawrence Sugars 24 pounds for $1.
Mr. it nal- 'Mrs. Avery. of Wiwalen, • "
Sundnycd w.itfli Mr. and Mrs. \Ven. (O11l y $1 worth sold to each customer.)
Mr. ,and Mrs. G. Copeland, Mr .and
Mrs. 1'. St. John and families took
:a. 'holiday trip to Grand Bond on Sit -
urd-cy bast.
'Phe Misses Heaton, of Stoat ford,
:te,,,t at,'nding a few flays vitill their
General Selling Agent. for
Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and
Canadian Northern Railway Lands.
If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give
you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms
Reductions in Furniture
Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to
reduce the same we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire
stock of furniture, comprising -Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom,
Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and
rockers at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
Furniture Dealers and Funeral. directors, Exeter, Ontario
d great deal dGgory. \\'o
heartily congratutolar.te ourer' young
friend upon this splendid 9ueress.
For :a boy wit h only the t raining 'e-
ceived at the Lester Public imbue]
and in an Fester lawoffice to tske
the highest honors from University
graduates and men many years old-
er than he speaks volumes for his
ability and 1reining.
Some doctors go tau .:,s to /4-ly IJ, it
indi,testi011 18 the national (noose of
Americo. Fhcre is but one national
remedy ,:tad that remedy is Dr. Ilain-
!Uwes frills which accelerate the act-
ion of t.hc gastric glands and give
tone to elle digestive organ They
strengthen the kidneys and liver,
ete.•inee and purify the blood and thaw
add general tone to every organ of
the body. I'leslr owl strength are
fast ?restored and tee patient can cat
oat and digest any fool the pleases.
Test I)r. Hamilton's I'illy yourself,
-25c. per box or five boxes for $1.00
at all dealers.
FOR IN(; •R5
Every denomin t t ion ill 101111 w.1=
represented rat the evening :orrice
in the Trivet Men,ori i1 Church 1 ,st
Sunday evening w hen the hector Hey
le 1. M. Perkins ere oiled his fare-
well sermon. During ,1r. Perkins
stay •here he has endeared hintsclf
not only to the own tong reg.ltion,
but outside r.hurches, who deeply feel
hie removal front Exeter. Mc. l'erk-
kins is a very forcible speaker, and
,riots always to use %voids that every
one of .his Ile Iters can understand
the gist of his t alk. 1lcsides being
missed by the people of Exeter .and
vicinity gen( rely, ley bowling club
Loses .an enthusiastic member, 31 r.
Pei king brim: .1 strong pi Iyer. .tic
is "1,apt ria of the: club.
Rev. H. .1. M. Perkins, el. it., is a
native of Ifuton County, having been
born in the village of Gorrie, and is
:1 eon of the Isle James Perkins, %clip
MIS .it one belie Warden of the
County. After graduating from the
Barred on high School, Pc took has
arts course ,11 Toronto University,
wLcre lie gi i lit ted in lS'8. Ile
then went to Eng! end and 1=tudie II
t hoology at Ridley 11111, C anrlttidge,
receiving t1,' 'Teri 111111r of ties col-
lege, and 11 is ordained in 1901) in
London, Eng. There he way curate
in one of t he large churches fur tw•o
years. Ile then !coined to Gonda
and received t he cur ley of St. Paul's
church, Lindsay, in the I) ores' of
Toronto. wilier', L,• remained until
appointed Rector of t!,^ Trivitt
Mentori.tl cdrurr•h.
While here he was I. trumcntal :n
haling .a 11rge portion of tin' church
itldeptcdness Arid offs eh hour!) 1
considerrable amount was expended
on repairs, :eel die salary of , the
lkctor increased.
Mr. Perkins will go to Ingersoll
this weck, and preach his first ser-
mon ,as Rector of the church in that
town next Sendty. Next week he
will let Urn here and complete .tr-
besbtnd. insurance in tlot order.
She also %%isles to est (.•i illy 1 'link
twn wcml>tss IT ill^ el Ski i lodge,
\\'m. Cn.tcs rand he le Fkiun(r for
the interest they took in s• -curing
this insurance money.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
lbar. t1. _ATtN KiM Yoe il�(1 IItp11 Bears the
Rigrantcro cf r.^ ,
brobl,er 1\11.
CL 1•rl<•y Oat heart and his nmuther,
\irs. Malcolm, of G10'1101. were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. \\-nl. Siewert
on Sunalsy last.
nr -Sirs
v �' T: TRTF
WET .\vOta� a•n
1\•inslow'N:;oothing $yrnp has been need for
over.lxty errs by mlLionr, of mo; hers for their
ho8 he child, often then nwith f,..118yaaaOt ll
Mrs. W. 1t. Carr niter spending
pain. cure. wind colla and le the best remedy
for iliarrhma It ispina,nnttothet ste, 801lw'o wrecks %vial' friends in myth and
vr:'inity returned home on .foul �
Mr. trod Mrs. Itici, Ird Luker, of
liiddulph, visited with elr. 'Thom 1,,
Roadhouse on Mouthy.
At the last regul ir meeting of the
I. 0. F. Mr. Samuel Douse and elit%
Sarah Doupo were aDeointe<i dcle-
gote; to tIvi High ort meeting in
St. Thomas, front tlei lee -11 ocurts
\Voodham 11111 1v...1.11 !KO,.
Watch our Space each week and do not fail to give us a
call. We give Bargains.
Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS.
in the village on Sunday last, re-
turning to Go<lcrieL on Monday.
etrs. Peed Gidkye is visiting her
parents I.his week.
Mr, if. E. Switzer d••livere 1
_ 1 • 1 Mr. J.Nor-
0 1 1 1<
t lu•e. y
.tr of filly
rig, of Ifibllert, o11 Tttesliy, receiving
Lite sura of $185.00 for Ler.
by druggi..ts in every pert of the world. 25
rents abottla Its veluc is incslceleele. Be
Syens° and see for no other kind.nd take Mr,4 ~ s soothing
Quite .1 number from Jlcre In-
tend taking iu the South Perth
le inners' institute excursion to the
Maid 1'.lrnl 0t Guelph lo•day.
Mr. atmos Dout,e last week sold
one of his fine thoroughbred Clydes-
dale mares to Thos. Handford, of
Exeter. The animal was shipped
Ilona with others to the Nor lllw esQ
Oil Mond ly by Mr. 11'udford.
The first Toad of cement for the
new bridge :,crus: Firil Creek, n• -t r
the irk ton mill, arrived on 1'rid.ty
of hist week. The work on the new
bridge will commence shortly.
Several [rom iters attended the
r.1e4S at Seaforlh Wednesday and
'Thursday •of last week.
Nellie Merryfiild, of London, cr-
g.u.i1cr for the. 1. 0. 1'. apo rat .1
couple of days hcrolast week in the
Cite' csts of t he order. Sevoril new
member:I were added to 1Pc local
Its. Ve ale, tithe, leas been ill %vitt]
pncnnlon i for the past. three
months, is improving gas rapidly as
can b., exp^rl,`II. Mr. Down, of Exe-
ter, will I tie. ahlrec of the services
during the summer months.
Iksides the filoiwbcrry fesliv.:l on
Monday July 2n1. thele will be 01 her
doings here during the day. The
committee on sports 1119 st!egrcd tl:e
Stars of Crediton, and Lite Titers. of
London, for (w0 genies, the first one
to start in the morning at 10 o'clock
and the second one ill the 11tcrnoon
,at 2.30. Both these teams are fast,
It lying a long list of victories t0
their credit, :and the games pronere
to be exciting. At the close of the
lar.\ gam0 :etwctn the above tame,
.1 match will Ixs (1130(1 bclwc0n the
kion and Mite! ell Juniors. Both
of these learn are fast. Admission
to morning gime 10 cents, Ind to
afternoon eons% 1:+ eon's. There
will be accommodation for every-
t.,Vi'1n1 new member% were .4(140(1
to th lo.rrl eeurt4 of I. 0. F'. Mon-
► ,� t il.ty evening Inst.
�1�%Cfiiffir. and Mrs. Wm. Somerville end
eaugh,er, of fiederich. visited friends
gcon, wilt bo at the Commercial
Hotel the first Friday of ouch month.
Hour', 11.30 a. m. to 4.x0 p. m. (;lass-
ce properly fitted and d:soarr^e of eye,
ear ;led nesse treated. Next wait
Friday, July Gtjh.
The Exeter baseball team finally
ran u t ;11u�t team Could d xat.
Thi'. 1)asllwooil teem came out hero
Tuesday night and met theft! \Vat•
crloo, being defeated by rhe score of
9 to 2. Al 'dough toil ti
D.,sh%';owl players put eta n Stiff
article of hall, :end witthlpraeti -' will
give the best teams a 1111d rut).
Thiele is a vast improvement in tIA
local players since their I:,'•t game.
Some very goal plays 11.1re made and
only 1 few errors were charged tip
against the boys. following was the
batting order of (the two trams:
Dashwood Exeter
Miller C1lrling
Adams JTla.3c•tt
McLennan isellworna
7.imndllmrrer a
Keemn° ILIrdinlo
Sicre<xk And, roan
Seasonable Hardware
Screen pool's 85 cents to $1.50.
Screen Windows from 15c. to 40c.
Screen Wire Cloth 10c. to :3:)c. a yd.
Hammocks ;ill prices.
Goal oil stoves 85e. to $6 75.
Lawn Mowers $3 (10 to ($7.50.
Paris Green 15c. and 25c. a package.
Washing Machines $4.00 to $00.
Scythes from 75c. to $1.00.
Snaths from 75c. to 85c.
Scythestones 5c. to 20c.
Ite'tdy Mixed Paint 15c. to $1.75 a can.
also everything in fencing. Coiled spring wire, No.
12 and t1 soft wire
Ideal Fencing
33e. per Rod and up. We loan Fence Stretchers.
Gates all sizes $2.50 to $6.00.
and Stege Store.