HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-06-21, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE21st 1806.
Call at. Diowuing'b Drug Store
pee the new stock of
� itiet i ide Combs,
Back Combs,
Hair Pins,
1 Picnics are ,new the order o[ the
DR J:• J. MkCI.'E, MEb11HEIt ON. day, one almost every clay.
TARIO COLLEGI: 1'i1YSiCI- Mr. Joe. 011iver lost a veheiblc
colt on Saturday -hard 'luck Joe
Joseph Brenner
(leen a
new well on hit leerkic griouuds which
will be .a vilest convenicnca to tho
1icnice s.
Mr.e. Ward .of Louden arrived at
e :s
b 1
'a 1
.�tUltLa '.
a few days in Detroit. deer nottagc on �
Mr. Born McCracken, of Medora, had it noraet ted which kis improved
Manitoba, is rent Sunday in town. `
work llasl hien cotnutonoed on Leo The isfetlsodist •and also the Presby.
tcvli•tn Qhuroltes held •their tumuli
picnic:► 'last week, When a vete en-
joybalc ICIay was (gent by all.
Samuel Suuhhoott tE.iq. raid ,his
brother occupied their cottage Fri-
dey of last tticrok.
The painters aro at present paint-
ing Mr. ltrcnners lliou.•to which will
look fine when finished. Tom Men-
em of liar•ki►ill is doing the work.
nuothor victory for the hone team. Ite has put up a lenge 'signed,
bye. score of 8 to 6 wites talo
th an inning neetising aengliatt Liquist plaints
Coarse Combs,
Fine Coinhs,
Pocket Combs,
Bair Inrushes,
and all Toilet At arses. Zee 1•et t aril
Cheapest up•to•date goods.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
Thum -day, Juno 21, 1906
Results, up to dale, bid fair to-
esias-ds the a t;rblishment of a can•
sling factory in Exeter, instead of
being a mere myth. The agitation
(or :smith an industry has boon go-
ing on for a long time. Entahusiam
would be aroused for awhile, but for
n (short, while, then the the matter
etas nllowacd to :drop, until anouleer
ssypostn would make itself felt and the
Canning industry would bo made the
pubject of ;e'enerel topic. NothinV,
bee -ever, wap done. No oto desiring
to take the initiative.
A. Q. Dobler when elected to the
plfice of Reeve, in ;haniaddre'ss, stated
bo would do' his utmost to Caecum
£actoriee for Exeter. During the
lspring months the wade several in-
effectual attempt; to secure on in-
klustry of tin-, kind. bleet.►ngs wero
leg& 10 which.several of our prom-
inent citizens -were invited. Ex-
ports in the scanning business Wert\
Drought bore, some of whom thought
it,10 lend the tcountry surrounding .us
for the raising of stick vegetables as
01,0 kissed by ra canning factory. One
'gentleman, who is to some extent in -
the panning trust. advised us to
bold off awhile. Whether he alas
looking out for the interests of bis
(OOnlbine, or 'tilted to ogee us Ain11 .our
'hard earned money in a non-paying
alopasition, we, era snot far enough
advanced in mental telepatihy to
(state, but are Cher imagine the for -
!However, thaw intereatt4 in the
'sat tor, have -retained their ! v':even
that n canning factory is the one
Industry ere want and a provision
Cal company w is formed. The neccs-
` nary document; ore on the away for
the f ore's t ion of a permanent rom-
InaAyloul of $10,000 for fifteen yeora
Is desired, and the ratepayers will
hyo asked to vote on a by-law for
I tint purpose, and a meeting is call-
ed for Friday )^veninz to discuss tate
ina.tter, before it is 'presented to Uhe
Last week the people of Seefor.th
eoted on n by -last- to t;nant the
COU Iansd Shoe
�5mvtr+ons voted winn of o t
it, while 362 voted to grant the Iaan.
fallowing the faith 'they have en the
people. who are at the back of tho
concern. and n desire 4o assist in
(tile progress of their town.
Thou% wino ore interested in t i,
leet'ablishment of a canning fatory
bene, are men of character and en-
terpriee, and t odo what you can to
get out and vote to loan thin amount
asked for. will glow that you have
litho interests 'of our town at 4ae,art.
nil the 'persuasion you can to
plsott our hceuaintanocv (what n
good thinee, it will be for Exeter, and
there i; no kloubt the by-law will
carry wit but n fow tlieke men 2
Tho building% the etompa'ny t;pro-
tpwee' to erect will be 01 gin build-
ing 3 storeys eagle (brick or cement
36x136 feet ; warehouse 1l late; work
vroom 75x38: Corn Alms, 100x38: pro-
otic room 90111: engine room .10e:15,
They will employ from 100 to 150
.•►ne and Surgeons, Successor to I)r.
E. A. Haist, Orediton. Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trcvethick, of
llninsley spent Sunday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. James Latwnon spent
new t,ublic Falces and the masons
nsro expected next week to complete
tare construction of the walk
Master \\'illiam Murray carries his
arm in a sling the result of n fall
while playing .baseball.
A gamo of baseball was played on
Friday evening between the Duffers
and the Centralia team. resulting in
to spare. Some good playing waswhich ),e .iMac handle».
done on both rides.' Mr. Ware Oliver Hr. of tdais pito
The gravel has been drawn and rtnociveal his 'annual delivery of Bind -
placed in ucadiness for the extension •r Twine from
ip 1
a rm,stsBinder
of the cement walk mast on the Twine factory of lleinttor'd t%'high
north Hide of Main street. This will
tie a big •improvement on the old
style of gravel walks, and when the
town fathers seo fit to replace the
old with
thpoard cementalk on the wasouth walk, Creditonwill
delve as nice as street as any town
in the country.
Several front here went to Exeter
on Friday to intend the decoration
day at t•ho cemetery.
Dr. Orme of Centralia, wa' in town
on Friday.
M.r. Albert I.iorsons, of Montreal.
pond our town a visit on Frict:ly last.
Woe(' has been received from Mes-
srs. \V. W. Kerr and It. E. Walker
who lett on tho 5th for a trip to
the \Yost, stating that they reached
l'ort Arthur wifely, but wore delay-
ed for 33 'hours on account of Log.
Miss Verde Short is ill, the result
of blood poisoning frorn poison ity•
The contest of Tho Lady Macca-
bees quilt closed last week in favor
of Mra. Ed. Short's side.
Miss Stella Andrews, who bas been
visiting .her sister, Mrs. J. W. Boyce,
of Russeldale, far a few weeks, .has
returned home.
Mrs. C. %wicker is visiting • her
parents in Parkhill.
Miss Kate McFactten is visiting
friends in London for a few days.
amounted this y it to 210 less than
12 tons.
Mr. Abner Mollard is at present
having cement blocks mode for his
new house.
Mr. Louis Ilrinker of . (Groenw►ey
and bliss Susie \Viokett of the sane
place were united In the boly bonds
of tnatriulony an Thursday evening
at the ltransbyterian tn.ansc here.
Congratulations Lou.
J. F. ltoborts and wife of Parkhill
are occupying their cottage at Maple
lteuaombnr end c0iu' -to 'the Rend
on the 1st • of July es
is exp6oted.
the counal are repairing the road
to Uhe lake white' was needed very
badly as it had got cut ut1 Crory bad-
ly by 'the gravel teauas.
a ;gotol tame
\'cry largely depends on the moth-
er's disposition: if ii o is animated
and bright, everyone is •happy ; but
it dim in nervous, irrihable and cross
- everything goes wrong. Bright
cheery usually use Terrozone, 4hc
greatest t►ealthmaker known. By
acting through the blood Ferrozone,
is able to reach all organs that needd
assistance; it establishes .regular and
(healthy action of all functions builds
up the general health, fortifies the
tsystem w1t11 a reserve of ,energy
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Lappage . and that defies disease. Don't out off
daughter, Mrs. Ralston, of Toronto,-Forrozonc costs only 50c, nt any
are the guests of Rev. J. W. An• drug store: get it t.o-+clay.
drew s.
Miss Inez Andrews, of , Plrkshill,
spent a fow days at ter Biome here.
On account of July 2nd being a
holiday, Stephen Council will hold
Choir regular ntct ting on Monday,
How to dress well and do it economi-
cally is the important question our
lady friends aro now consulei nig, We
have just received some pretty Waists
in some thirty different styles, all the
latest patterns. in silks, lustros, linens
and prints.
There was n Targe attendance of
the idinectors of the Stephen & Us -
borne and South Huron Agricultural
Juno 25t1►. societies at the meeting held here
Mr. Art Zwicker spent Sunday in on Mo
t hy. to d appoint judges, the
meetinLondon. for the fair to be held nt Exeter this
Mrs. Jdhn Silber is visiting for a coming fall.
few drys at Brinsley. Rev. Smith of Ciera rel church and
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rev. Larkin, of Senfortlh, wi11 ex -
A fast and interesting genie of change 'pulpits July lilt.
baseball will be (played .on the Re- Ans. Chas. Southwell. of Toronto
creation grounds there on Saturday, Junction ,is visiting Mr. sand Mrs•
June 23rd. between the Strathroy Alex Thompson.
team and the undefeated Crediton ( bliss I.:wily \Vesal► ,of Londw►, 18
Stars. The game will be called at impending' her t•-tc.ation %•ith ser par -
4.30 p. in. Admission 10 cents. Li- !eats.
dict free. The grand stand will ;el -1 An exciting game of football was
so be free. Ile sure and ser this played here Tuesday night between
game, Strathroy has a fast teams the Crediton and local teams, result -
and cin exciting contest is expected• ing in favor of Hensell by the score of
Battenberg Work
We have just put in a swell line of
theirs goods in a great many different
patterns. We have thein in Side-
board Covers. Dresser Covers, Pillow
Shams, Center Table Covers, etc., at
all prices,
cue: -ss. -.:f':'
of the Hair
Mae .. ,
Ther, rerc'our verses. Verse 1.
Ay_r's Hair Vigor stops falling
!I:lir. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes the hair grow.
Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. Verse 4.
A} cr's Hair Vigor makes the
sct.lp halt::y, and keeps it so.
it is a regular hair -food ; this
k the real sccret of its won-
derful success.
The hest kind of a t-stt:nonfat--
"Wert for aver feisty years."
r+�•r RYr.�l.efn�-t�et•'za=worae.Aaaa
!nave, by J. C. Ayer C,'., 1.,sell• ea; %.
Ales tunuf etude. or
ersCNFl^Y fteloRCI .
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 to 0.
Mr. John K. 5cbreoder, whose -�--
whose barn wax recently blown down LARGEST ORGAN IN TILE BODY.
had n barn raising on Wednesday of Is the liver. Small wonder that
this week. He is putting up o largo liver trouble niakce you ago miserable.
barn. The symterns are constipation dizzi.
Mien Lydia Finkticincr, who
has yes, indigestion. headache, feeling of
depression and tack of appetite.
been spending the Blast month in TJlcrc is but one sure cure- Dr.
Exeter, returned home on Siturdly Il:atnilton'e fills fills, ilat every case
last. they ace successful. By relying on
Mr. C. i:ilber, of Zurich. spent Dr. II•amilton's fills you me sure of
Sunday Uhe guest of W. 11. \Wenzel.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown spent Sun-
day in 'Zurich the guest .of DIr• null
Mr'p. J. J'roeters.
Mr. and sirs. .las. Clark ' t and
daughter Etta and Mrs. \1'm. Wei-
ner, of Fairfield, left Monday for the
Northwest where they will visit dif-
ferent points of interest. Mr. Wil-
lort Clark, of St. Marys. will look
after the harness business here dur-
ing Mr. James Clark's absence.
Mr. C. Voelker, w'ho leas been laid
up for eomo time tt it h rheuma.t istn.
is again able to be about.
The many friends of Mrs. Krein
strong vitality, nourishing blood,
bright slieery spirits. No longer
will you suffer from disordered liver
or kidneys. Trite marvel of this med-
icine it (1101 it keels you tvell-preve
onto and weeds off sickness of every
kind. 25c. per box everywhere.
V 00l)11A M
Alts. W. 13. lkirlcy, of Mitchell,
was the guest of Mrs. Roy last week.
The masons !leave •,eta.rted the
brickwork on Sidney Mills Mouse.
Mise Cora Cathonrt. of St. Marys,
visited Mrs. \V. Ii. 8tcwurt, a few
slips last week.
1111ic miens- friends of Mr. Ed. Cope -
will he ple►s.sed to learn that Aho is I land Clore pleased to sec ;hint down
recovering after tier recent serious to the corner one tiny last !week.
Tho home of Mr. Henry 1IIn111['00.
Of McGilliriuy, wuy the teeny of a
very plea:ant event on Wexdrecsd1y.
May 30th. when his rester, Emma E.
became the wife of Mr. Jas. Patch/
ing. of Minsky. The brisk looke:l
very sac(•t and dainty in a handsome
costume of white bilk and carryieg
a lame boquet of cream roses. bliss
Laura Lewis, of Maguire, also in
costume of white %tad eLrryiug Clink
roes, very gracefully djseJ arced the
dutie' of bridesmaid and the little
Misses Elsie and Lre,ne Atkinson. ar-
rayed an wt,ite and nieces of the
bride, node very charming ps.istants
as tin ; better and flower `irl. The
groom woe eessiatcd by his brother,
511. John I'atelling. of Port Ituron.
Mr% 13toodswortlt played the ear:ells
of music for the wedding mere!),
while ltev. Mr. Illoodsworth of Ail -
aa Craig, performed the ceremony in
the presence of n large company of
relatives and friends of the yours
couple. After camera tulatione the
company yep iced to the dining -room
Where all seemed to enjoy themsetvc„
keeping time to Wee sweet music dia-
cour4cat by tha Hot son faring
The present were numerous and
useful and testified to elle high es-
teem in which the young couple are
held in the couunuuity. They will
reside at their hone in McGillivray.
Mr. Jonas Hartleib wishes
to announce to the public that he
has purchased the Hardware
Stock of Mr. E. P. Paulin at a
reduced rate and is now in a
position to sell cheap as long as
Mrs. Robt. Sweet is spending e
few %reeks visiting friends in London.
Don't forgett i'0lxhe en annual straw-
berry iestit'.tl ou the C,artiou,i e
„rounds on July 'the rx+oon4.
Miss Estdxtr Mil012e11 is visiting
trends in Toronto and Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklinu►klin Neil. of
RiJdulple visited at Mr. Frank Ab•
bolt'% on Sunday.
Mr. and Mr». O'Neil. of Laren'
wore the guests of Mrs. \\'m. flicks
en Sunday. r T..
Mitis Alvin:l \\'ikon, of Msaguire, EXETER, UEti I ITALIA,
c here on 1 Suncla •.
vl 1t
cxl tome Y
A number from lore attended t.t►a AND CLANDEBOI L
excursion to tike eladel (ares on Fri-
day last.
MIr. Albert I'arer:me of Winnipeg.
was called home last week owing to
the illness of This father.
Mr. Barry l[enscy. of Luatn. w.aa
than guest of his sister, Mrs. Wesley
llod. ing, on Sunday.
bliss Eliza Nevins ,of London. is
visiting et Mr. Samuel Mclioys.
Mr. W. Spencer, of Toronto. teas
the guest of Mist Lilly Anderson, on
Do not despair of curing your sick
a those
e to than knowst
No one b
who have used Carter's Little Liver
Tills what relief they have given
when taken for dyspepsia, dizziness,
pain in the side, constipation, and
disordered stomach.
They fairly agonize your life.
Something powerful and penetrating
is needed. Doctors know of nothing
so swift to relieve as Nerviline. n
strong. penetrating liniment made to
euro just such pains as yours. Nef e-
iltn0 is very concentrated, about four
times as powerful than orditairy lin•
Intents. 1n the ewoast ceases Poi-
son's Nervilinc i.i txtnaordinarily
good. All rnt►ltcular pain flees before
it. Nearly fifty year a in Ilse- 0
good recommendation surely.
A very pretty event took place on
Wednesday, Jung 6141, at the home of
Mr. \Vm. Turner, of the Bauble Lille.
50,000 Pounds of
the stock lasts. I3iddulph, when his only daughter.
Beatrice M., tiny united in holy wed-
lock to Mr. J. Henry Hamilton. of
McGillivray. At 4 p. m• lo the
strains of Memlelssahn's tweddine
m,:unali rendered by Miss Simpson, the
bridal (tarty assembledt on the lawn
under a beautiful decorated arch on
t%hych hung n large bell, and the
new ring° tae re molly was (performed
by Rev. Mr. ltncey, of leirkton. in
the presence of a large company of
relatives and friends of the bride
and groom. Mr. It. 3. Hamilton, of
Toronto, tassialed tiffs brother, rind
Miss Susie Cunningham, of Ilrinsley,
%tees Ibnideamnid, n'ileule Mr. Turner,
father of tho bride, ably performed
his .Part. The young bride looked
very stalely and loveable in a con -
fume of White Bilk end carrying n
large bouquet of white cxtrnations.
The bridesmaid was rtttired in white
over pale blue and carried pink car-
nations. After the 'happy; couple had
received ltho 'heartiest :congratulae
tions of those yrresenk. till repaired
to Cho daintily decorated dining -room
and partook of the bountiful repast
that had been provided. The usual
toast to the deride was very nicely
responded to by Uhe groom. After
spending a couple of flours with
their friends the youtag couple took
their kicparturc amid n •shower of
rice and good w'isltes. Tlie presents
deserve (mead mention as they far
excelled atl.e ordinary. After their
return they will be at home to their
friends on the Hamilton homestead,
']this ,w -as 1118 first visit in eleven
0 eks. He ga• 4 0111 deity now and
although he hes to use crutches, is
in -
Mr. Goo. lioltzmunn •h -,d the able to hear rome weight on his in -
misfortune to cut his loft lone Lith jural leg.
a ohieel one ti i • lest week which re-
quired eerenal ystitahes. Tee wound S1'F.1'IIh.N
a nicely.
is now healing--
,\ very pretty wedding took place
Mies Sibert, of Pletsville, as vis- of Ileo ac icicnc.e of Mrs. \Wm. 1u',r-
iting in town the gnat of Mr. land ing. Saturday mornin,t •1►uac still,
llrs. 8. Brown. when her daughter, Miss C. '.vas
pias Kingsley .1•ttended the teach- married by Rev. It. .1. M. Perkin',
ere convention w'tuoh wags held at of Exeter, to Wm..1. Stanlake, only
r' The
' a 1 present. s cec •a l c. lacing r int. h
a t k , c n par c
� 11
.ue h list tt t g
C 1 P
Mr. Truemner and family. of Hay bride was assi»tc,1 by Miss Charlotte
went Sunday the guest of Mrr. Dealing. while Silas Stonlake acted
Trucmner's mother, Mrs. J. rink- as groonleman. T1a^ young couple
beinar. took the early morning train for
Mrs. 11 irry Beaver left Monday London• and other points.
morning for I'Iby. Mich., where she i
will visit for n tow weeks.
sir=. n, 13rmcn, jr.. lett for 1'ig-
con, blight., on shortly moraine for
a short visit.
Mrs'. .1. Either lett Monday for d atm that, the
Pigeon, Mice., to visit her dattghter,
Mrs. \Vurtz,
Mr. \Vin. S.hrumm was in London
on business on Thursday last.
Mr. Justice T,eumner• , left last
week for 'his borne in Youngstown
Word eels received here on Tues-
day of the destruction by lightning
of Mr. Jdhn Hall's bairns, at Ilydo
Park, on bfon%Lay during the .sovore
thunder storm. Mr. Halls was a
former resident of this place.
Wednesday, being Civic 'holiday.
the children of our publio school
with their parents and friends, pic-
niced tit Grand Bend.
D1r. rand Mrs. L. Ktoi•nstibler visit-
s[ ir•icudt tat Blake on Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Edidiffer bins returned
after spendingg a few days visiting
his aistors ut Fullerton.
Mr. Jonas llarticib put up ,a track
and hay fork for Mr. Wm, Moder
one day last week.
Mr. Arthur KeLleirmann returned
to his home here. Ile his hr:n at•
tending college in Nop_crvillc for
the past yen r.
:Bre. Isiah (fall and her daughter
Emma worn in IDashwoocl on Wed-
nesday last.
Mr. Rev. R. 'Elfcrt left S.rturday
for his new field of labor in Fled -
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob t Kellcrmann
and Miss Laura Goetz took in the
Guelph excursion lest week.
Misses Lilly and Theo llarticib
and bliss Edith Sparks attended the
teas:hors' convention at Guelph, on
Fridoy of East week.
'1r. 11. McLennan and Mise O. 13.
Quanco visited Grand Bend on Sun-
day. •
Mr. Edward 1lostainyer lost on
Friday a purse containing fifty dol-
lars. Anyone finding sttoh, kindly
loam it with .1. laellcrmann.
The 1)asbwood Y. P. A. was held
and conduoled with s anent success q'
he bride Casa charmingly ntlsre;l In
The Evangelical Sunday .school will
hold their enteral picnics at the (tend
lo -morrow )Fridly(
Tiro corner stone of our new
school will tan 1 iid on Monday even-
ing next.
Mrs, Stanbus and son. of Pigeon.
.r• ornien:c,t by Meet elitnhreer, or
liilmanigh. and Mrs. Krupp en•1
f unify. of \\'aterloo, arc spending a
few tee,k4 with Mr. Tots. \Vurtz.
Crvdiion juniors ,kefeeted the
eituore of Centr.ilit in n fast Barn^
be eleill on the recreation groun,ta
I,rre Mn Tutelay night Inst. wore-
11-•3. •
Crediton football team played the
return meted% at ltco•tll Tuesda
night snd wore defeated. score 1 0.1
stomach and other
azare weak, tired or
ted. It causes no
ing o! a� and � and
Is most common meals and pie bolt thelia
Council met oat s Court of Revi-
sion on Juno 2nd., all the members
were present and were duly sworn.
Thirteen appeals wero received. and
after careful consideration of race
complaint and competeino assess-
ments the following changes nvere
trade:- James II. Atkins assessment
on buildings -reduced $100.00 and the
assessment of James 11. Roache. David
Riatrurds, George Smallacolnhe .Frank
Ryekmnn clued Jahn W. Welsh Ire-
duaed 6100.00 each on land.
A few assessments for income were
corrected and the balance of the ap-
nea's dis,niased. The Moll vas care-
fully examined the assessments as re-
vised were confirmed and the Court
Council met niter Court of Revi-
sion. Tho minutes of the last meet-
ing wore road and odopted.
Tho Reeve tend Trdasurer were
authorized to borrow on their �toten
as required, money to tweet the ex-
penditure on the Washburn Drtain.
By-law No 6, authorizing the bor-
rowing of money to meet expendi-
ture of tate Corporation ;-and By..•
law No. 7 authorizing the borrow- •
ing of money fo;r Washburn Drain •
expenditure were passed signed and •
Accounts 'amounting to ►$1014.75. •
including $500.00 for Elimvillo Drain
and $420.00 for Waahburn Drain
wore passed and orders issued in pay-
ment. Council then adjourned 'to
meet on Saturday July 7th at two
o'clock in two afternoon. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principals
F. MORLEY, Clerk, D. A. McLACHLAN. }
List \Vednesday the 13t1 inst. the
home of Mr. William Northcott Con.
2 Hay was the scene of a vcryi
pretty event. ,often laic youn;est
daughter Sara. J. and Mr. Wm, C.
Pearce of Iona were united in the
bonds of matrimony -precisely at
high noon while Mr. Arthur Lumley
of lona, cousin of the groom tilayed
Lohcngrin's wedding march, the wed-
ing ,party consisting of the groom
supported by dee brother. J3atnnel,
and 'the bride who entered leaning
on her father's arm, havin3 Misacs
Nellie Gould %ai►d Mary Young of
Crediton as bridesmaids, /with little
e bride
bliss Edna Geddes, niece o[ lh
as Flower Girl, took their places be-
neath a Wirer of evergt'cons and
ferns. The ceremony tt•..as performed
by tee ltev. Wm. Godwin of Exeter.
last Sunday 'Miss E• The meeting ca dices of cream fancy sublime,
was taken by "Miss Emma Callas, the trimmed with resat silk honiton over •
lace and insertion and carried n sou•
quit of white roses, while Miss
Gould 44,5 beautifully dressed [n a
gown of white dotted 'muslin. trim-
med with overlacc and ineertion and
carried :a I,ounuet of pink carnations
topic being "Tile Glorified Lite
After the topic the fiinow% 'Glory
song MIS sang as n quartette.
Our I,icol beech:ill team diave been
pr.tctisingg every night lately and
aro now in pretty Root shape. Mr.
\VellinatoiI .8I tid
reccek hos ra; l
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitiligs.
The best offerings from
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
x cn also Miss Young wits daintily gow-ned
elected aap►ain' in flowered orzandic trimmed %alt
A CAREFUL TEST FOR OIL, HAS overlaco and insertion, and cleric('
j. IL Pedlar, of Oil Spring's.
Cdna Geddes looked beautiful lin
abouquet of pink carnations. Miss
been made o tate mpro[eray offr.
errs of pile blue crepe da clone
trimmed with cretin silk lice and
satin ribbon. 'rhe leridc's +. oing-
aw•3y habit wag of navy blue taffeta
silk with hitt rind gloves to mates.
Congratulation; over, tee guests to
like number of about eighty Hat down
to a Choat sumptione wedding din-
ner. After stec•ndin,t tt pit tette
afternoon 10 social chat, Mu.sin etr.
the happy couple accompanied by
I.Irge t►umber of guests drove to the
Exeter station where they left timid
abetters of rice and good wishes, for
a trip to Detroit, Cleveland nnat
other Paints. The grooms gift to
to the bride woe n (Ma111ifall pearl
crescent brooch amt. gold %nlch owl
is known :le the oil telt. A goad
showing has been made in (hr two
wenn Arcadyput down. Otl t•r wells
•, near
Ic l 1 tee c
expected to be cel rt
are x pec drilled 1 t
future, bt r, Pedlaris 1 former
reeidcnt of 8tephcn, fines is now re-
siding at Wheeler.
Tile choir of the Ml. Cranes
church ieeel their .annual picnic at
Grand (tend on Tuesday.
Mr. Hugh Ryna, of Chicngo, la
spending a few clays at his home
Mr. and Mrs. nos. J. Ryan, Jr..
of Chiengo. are herr' on their wet- chain. To the bridesmaids the pr'' -
ding )rip visiting Mr.Byan'.i parents 1entn were a gold bracelet and gol.l
Mr. and Mrs. Tihomaas- Ryon. pendnnt with diamond rotting 01111
lt.r. Jdhu Berry had a successful nianogre at and to tj,e (lower girl
birn raising jo-doy (Thursday.) a ring fit with lcvarls and emerald.,
Mr. Matthew Doyle, who bas been Among thoec present front a
in tee Western States for the past dietoncn were noticed. Mrs. ,Tphn.on
of London Mr awl Mrs. Chas. Orch-
ard of Shedden, Mr. Thea, Pare
aryl Cecil of lora. Mr. and Mies Sion!),
non of GIetne•or, %Mrs. numphroy".
Our classes are much larger
than they were a year ago. The
public have learned that this is
the best place in the Province
to obtain a Commercial or Short
hand Training. Students aro
entering each week. All grade
ates get good positions, Write
for catalogue.
FARQUHAR ••••••••••••••••••••••••N
The picnic of S. 8. No. 2 wall bo
held on nicely pfternoon, June 22nd,
Come and enjoy nn afternoon's fun,
An intorosting gams of baseball is
Mr. \Vm. 13vay has his house ready
for the seaters.
The pain .on Monday evening was
very acceptable.
Mr. Simon Campbell brought home
a fine three -)'car -old colt on Mon-
Mr. W. A. Turnbull dual a bee Loot
week to gravel his lane.
Mr. Robert Gardiner, Secretary of
S. Huron Farmers' Institute, at
tended the excnrsiion to the Model
Farm Iaat week.
Me. I3, \V. F. heavers had the mis-
fortune to ..sprain his ankle last Sat-
urday night while playing baseball.
headache when you can so easily ob-
tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They
will effect a prompt and perman-
ent cure. Their action is mild and
tett' settee iz visiting has parents qtr.
irry and Worry as they
do in this country
naso and throat, and the font eta -
and Mrs. Henry Doyle.
I• Tho disgusting discbtrges from th Ulises \Vllt4r and Young of Tile•+
tarried breath. are quickly rfiapen� ford, bee; deo nt here from Crrdit�r.
Aid s'ith by ruing; r. Af coop s • Exeter. $ r.:, 01.41 kipper).
. t
NM i00�a� i(O S. Poralcd into n sTI"v t.tt IN stare
I making n catarrhal balm unexcelled , [e
G 1 t+�� rte/► Sold by 'tV .H. Homey. of
awes dyspepsia -k, hat •iQ (r1a (arc Such �n h+na nntl*cp
r'fQthlsd�iiiease tic agent4nsoil Eli byptns.Thymo'•` ttp�1113TOA=A.
1�i,�C Wild Indigo, ole., 1p ave Mein incur Tai K:'1 `fo;i Hari Alio
For lsstrlOeiaL or ltetarlikaltN aura tt ' e c real, : rhea the
b 1ItK'1'ON
Fred ToyIor ata in London a few
days last week.
An exciting game of baseball was
played Friday between Kirkton and
Salem resulting in favor of the
latter team by the score of 8 to 1.
Mr. Melville Hoskin. of Exeter.,
taus 'hare last Friday visiting
parents. Ile took p.lrt in the
ball game between xiirkton
Ob:,rtes Atoll, who was for some
titre with Dr. Carr, left last week
for his home in Trinidad.
Tho home of Mr. John Ephlct, of
tho fourth line was destroyed by
tiro last week. Some brush that
woes being burned ignited Use rear
of t1►e kitchen aesd had gained such
headway when noticed that it was
itnreseeible to check the flames. The
!rouse took fire from the burning
kitchen :mil was also destroyed. The
will heavy,
to llr. F, til be ea
P hlet y,
an lie only had $600 insurance on the
house and $200 on the contents.
%%. III Atketason, of the 1 Mi.
Js•ad his house Painted. and the im-
provement is quite noticeable.
Miss Fannie 'Ionia, of Illansh.ird.
c of 41 r. A
': a sloe
vs rbc
d tit t!1
on Saturdny.
Tec nelsons bare etartcd buildin;;
under \Vniter 11azlcwood'n barn.
Just received another load
we will sell at $2.25 per
cwt. at the Feed Store.
call on us, we sell the best
at a reasonable price.
FLOUR, always on hand
at the sae prices as at the
Large quantities of po-
tatoes on hand, also seed
potatoes at $ t .00 per bag.
It means teat dis0390 44111 Poon ate
tack .Ube lungs. Wheezing is dis-
treeing to the sufferer and annoy-
ing to hit friends. Nothing half so
certain in bronchitis and throat trou-
ble as "Catarrdsozone" ; it gives in-
stant relief ones cures even (lie worst
0)409. lironohitis fairly flees under
the magic influence of Catarrbozone
which cures so thoroughly the dis-
c Tse% never retortion Other temedie4
may relieve, but Catarrhozone curet
bronrhilis, catarrh and throat
trouble for all 'time to come. Sold
Are Invited
To come and see the new-
est and best assorted stock
of Farmers' and I3uilders' IL:'•rd'tvare, Tools, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Screen Doors, Wringers, Tinware and
Large n'so1•tlncut of STOVES and RAMIE'S.