HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-06-21, Page 1Wedding Stationery
Toting Ladies who are interested
3'41alt is proper la the matter of
Stationery for Weddings, about(' see
llOr 'samples, latest type faces. We
11110 have them ready la a few hours.
Call Up Phone No. 31
If you here any otdurs tor prints
ii.g ,of :cny kied just cell us up pad
ate will be l,leastd to look after you!
e all! S.
Pliono No. 32.
Just One Week More
Don't Miss These Bargains.
White Lawn Blouses
We bought a Job Lot of White Lawn Blouses
at a very low price. They are assorted styles
in Size 3. Regular $1 to $1.75.
Sale Price 50 cents.
Fancy White Muslins
White Fancy Stripe and Barred Muslin, very
nice for Children's Dresses and Pinafores. Reg-
ular 10c and Hie.
Sale Price 8 cents a yard
Insertion and Plain Stripe Muslin suitable
for Ladies' and Children's wear.
Regular 15 cent. Sale Price lOc a yard.
Six pieces of Shirting, Light and Dark Blue
stripes, extra heavy, good value at 12f cents.
Sale Price 10 cents a yard.
Men's Linen Hats
As a neat, comfortable, hot weather head -gear
the Linen Hat is a Leader. We have just
sorted up and can offer a full range of styles
and sizes.
Price 75 cents and 85 cents.
Still on Sale regular $1 Shirts for Boys, to clear at 50ca
Store closes at 6.3o every evening except Wed-
nesday and Saturday.
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Just received a shipment of ((MARTIN"
buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call
and see them they will stand inspection.
Also have a number of good second hand
buggies for sale at a bargain.
A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter.
ying will Soon be Here
'Look to your haying tools, and see if you are ready for that
very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you
any tools you may need such as handforks, etc. and we s )ec•
ially emphasize hay -fork rope. We are showing the best
quality of British Manilla Rope, the price l.)c. per lb. 5%
off for cash.
Order early
Don't neglect to leave your orders early for Binder
Twine. We h;iVe three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth
Tti1!le tilt •: t 1)!.i: i' ,I.. • • "0.1. 1'11•.,'
glial'i111i'•'` I
*COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea.
A rtl►u'wiug June wedding %vas
ocicbnated nt six o'clock Tuesday
evening, Juno 19th, when Miss Ada
Homey, daughter of Mrs. E. Har-
ney, was married to Albert Blunter.
a prosperous young If:lrmer (of
Woodham. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. Godwin, in the
presence of many friends of the con-
tracting particse._ They were at-
tended only by little Miss , Olive
MacDonald, twice of the bride, who
taste n charming flower girl. The
parlor was beautifully decorated
with palms and flowers when the
bridal party entered to the strains
of the Mendelssohn svedding march,
played by Miss Minnrette seporney.
The bride was exquisitely a gowned
in white coliennc over white ,, silk,
wearing n bridal veil trimmed with
orange blossoms, and carried a "'howl-
er bouquet of bridal rases. A num-
ber of useful and costly ttpresents
were given the young couple. After
the ceremony the bridal party sat
down to n dainty w•eddireer dinner,
after which Mr. and Mrs. Spencer
took their departure for their new
home at Woodham. The %t going
away gown of the bride was grey
military, tailor made. Among tthotse
front a distance who attended "'the
wedding were Mr. end Mrs. Jeffer•
son, Mitchell ; Mr. and Mliss Down,
St. Tholn.is; Mr. and -hiss Cobble -
dick, Ailet Craig, Mr. and Miss Ver-
ncy Dungannon.
An event of unusual interest took
place at 2.30 p. m. Wednesday, June
20th, when :Mass tLill:t Howard,
daughter of Mr. J. N. Ifossard, was
married to Mr. 1latr.ry Stetdtanl, of
Acton. The ceremony trciA t►erform-
c4 by Rev. W. Godwin. in the pres-
ence of the immediate, relative of
the contracting parties. The bride
1%1110 entered on the urn), of her fath-
er, looked most Iheppy carrying
bouquet of trhite roes and „owned in
white 'point desprit bodice made with
tucked yoke, outlined with white
satin 'ribbon in fancy denien skirt,
with tucked yoke and graduated
frills with satin ribbon and svearine
the customary veil draped with or-
ange blossoms. Miss Gertrude Sta-
tham, of Acton. sistc+r of the groom,
looked a chanting maid of honor in
a gown of cream silk sublime aoel
o. rrying ;t bouquet of pink roses,
while Mr. Ed. Randall, of Guelph, as-
sisted the gIoout. The music were
furnished by _Mrs. John BMtchford,
organist of the Main n street church.
Ilbe present to the bridesmaid was a
ring tet with rubies and Yeo the
groomsnran, a pair of cuff links.
After receiving the congnatulatione
of tee friend+ present Ithe bridal
party hat down to a sumptuous wed-
ding dinner. The floral decorations
were elaborate and tasteful. The
bride was the recipient of many use-
ful and costly ?presents. The after-
noon was pleasantly stent until the
hour of departure of the bride and
groom, %vtho left for their future
home .,t Acton. Mr. Statham is en -
g aged in the bakery business at Ac •
ton. 'The young couple have the
very beet ss hews of a host of admir-
ing .friends. The teeing away gown
was a pearl grey ceiffon broadcloth
cut teu princes and bolero trimmed
with inlaid lace and narrow gilt
Bliss Era Godwin is gnome vision FR OBISH
filler patents.
Miss Flossie Sweet was laid up a
few days hut week with pleurisy.
Miss Mary Knight, %vho hes bee General Selling Agent. for
visiting in town, :returned to -he
!tome in Ildcrton, on Wednesday.
Mns. Will Goodison and Mato
Jack Goodison, aro visiting Mrs. D
Jahn'. They intend :rem'lining
The Exeter baseball players expec
to go to Centralia friday evening
to cross bats with the team of tha
tended the school entertainment at
Winchelsea List Tuesday evening.
for work or driving. Apply to W.
Higgins, 1'sbonne. l mile east o
Mr. J, A. Stewart commences nes
week snaking an addition to his store
The building will be 25 by 50 feet, and
will be used for clothing and crockery,
Michael Iaeretl, Brantford, and for-
merly of Exeter, wore the scene of
very pretty sledding Wednesday af-
ternoon, June 20th, when thea
third daughter, Roxie L. watt lnar
ried to Mr. II. \V. F. Beavers, mer-
chant, and S�cceretary Treasurer o
the Usborne & IIibbert Mutual Fir
Insurance Company, Farquhar. Th
ceremony wee performed by the Rev
Dr. Gce. Mr, ,and Mr'. !leavers will
return to their future home at Far,
coheir. The Tinges joins the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. !leavers in
extending congratulations.
Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and
Canadian Northern Railway Lands.
If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give
ou the best land and the Lowest prices and easiest terms
E PI6KflRD, Frobisher. Sask
educti�ns in Furniture
Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to
educe the same we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire
stock of furniture, comprising -Kitchen, Diningroorn, Bedroom,
rawingroom and I -call Furniture. Also many odd pieces and
rockers at a great reduction.
1 and see the many bargains we are offering
relieved Mctry Ann Herne wife of
Thomas Hartnett, from the suffer-
ing's else has so patiently endured
ditrine t:I,o pest seven years. Seven
yeens ago "shoo was afflicted with a
paralytic 'stroke, wthiotl made a por-
tion of one! of trot :sides useless. A
few years eg.c, she "'uttered another
stroke but wee able to move around
the house, although in constc,nt dis-
tress. The last end fatal attack
c•imc on Monday, and was so sevore
td►at it rendered her unconscious in
which condition she rein:lined until
death overtook her. TI,. deceased
eves born in 'Devonshire. England
70 yours and 8 months ago. She and
her borrowing husband wore merrie
bh,ore, the result of the union be-
ing haven children, of whom -only one
Bessie, at home. survives. In 1885
Mr. and Mrs. Hartnett Caine to Can -
tide, settling in Exeter, where they
have since trade their home. Re-
sides the husband and d-iu,zhte.r Bes-
sic'., she leaves Ito mourn their lo.4s
Dhomes Dern, of Usborne. a brother,
and Mrs. James Becr, a sister. The
r'em'ains were interred in Ibe Exeter
Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon. t,ho
pall bearers being rix nephews' Of the
deec%a Fe d.
An interccting g.1 me. of biszhall
w is played on the Recreation
grounds Friday CVelens between
Furniture Dealers aid Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario
Having just bought out the Stock of .lir, L.
McTaggart, May P. 0., we are opened 11p with
a fresh supply of Fruits, New Goods, Botts,
Shoes, Etc. Give us a call and see our prices.
BACON, 16 Cents
BREAD, 4' Cents a Loaf
PINEAPPLES, 15 Cents Each
LEMONS, 20 Cents a Dozen
Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS.
You will find our STORE always Open,
team,' representing the business men -•------ _
and the regular players. At the end HICKS' FORECASTS
of the :ix(h inning the t•llyers of
years gone by were in the lend, the
score slantling 13 to I. 'Toe ever
On \Vcdrlr.eday evening last two in the l(eventh inning Is hen the hell
rinks of the Exeter Lew ii Bosser'e could hardly ho poste by :any cif Ila'
wi=rite llcns.,ll un,t pl:1ycd •1 tract!!- pl,ycrs, the your,, fcllost•s manat-rd
ly cline. Keeler eon by 1'2 ,.hots. to make trio circuit tee lit times. The
Tile wore is .is follows: business men failed to conncot in
Exeter Ilene ill their half and th" game was de -
el. c
red in f.r or of t 1, • embryo � e
1 u
8 ickers. 'e
t Tho Fr it t be close
twee 1I 10 13.
Following segs the lineup.
flueincss Men Regula' Te'in
T. Carling • pitcher. Senders
Ruskin' eatc}ier Belle wad
ileierin 1st bass Knight
('ole 2nd leee Powell
I. 0.,�rling 3rd lyse
Hawk shit%• short ,.top
()leech field
Wm. III .,teI1,iid Hma!bacon] be.
N. le -sr 11,1, !' i C:,ntclou
(:I.tdnl:,n Stewart. P.
.1. Muir Radii's, N. J.
Skip 25 Skip 11
L. Scott kin • A. 1:
C. 11. "tall Arnold, 11.
%\' . \\' . Tinian Cook, 11..1. 11.
Bev. 1'e1 kills M1CI)orieI1, C.
.''skip 11 Skip 10
39 27
wise in which two residents of P:xc•
ter tt(re interested and was tried at
Goiter:eh I int week, shows somewhat
of .i rave'.ty on justice. The ri'e
as we slated last %seek, was the out-
come of an nileeed trails of a buggy
and set of heelless for a horse. A
charge of theft was rade, and the
matter brought before the ,rneg.it-
1rates al l'r•('dilon, ttWha heard the
evidence end dismissed it. The case
nn' later on re -opened at Exeter,
ttihcii 1'. M. 11umber and County
Crown Attorney Seager, of Getic,ricrli,
nide: down 'here to take evidence.
Tee next step In the matter was
Liken it (:otlexieh last week, when
it cline before the County Judet.
and in deciding it the Judge sited
it was a pity )ihe c:aee had not been
allowed to drop after the decision f
the suegir.tt rtes it Crediton, as i1
%sees (t proper one to be taken to a
i)ivi*:ou ('our1, :and that as the herr"'
h.'d neves been delivered the defend-
ant hid a eight to take the buggy.
The feature of tri:' cite ss Web dr-
servc4 censure, is the expense the
county wt.:s put to in prooccutine I.
It being a criminal case tlhe dues
ilk to hire Crown Attorney, who his
power to call witnesses to testify,
and the county stands 111` expense.
1f other In i,zistrelci would take the
hint from Judg'c holt there would
not be eo teeny petty rises foisted
upon the Court at (;oh'rich, and a
1L I riling
Soutleof 1
no game %was full of seneItiollal
plays, 'especially . T. it. ('nrling's
cttcbes of third bier, and 0 Fred
11:,wksh;iw's throw from short to
the barn.
'cvcr'1 of the ;players were .�lf-
flietcd atit1 "Chnrley hors next
The hu-iricss men s• -y the re; ulars
:la's 0,-V money.
The gate keeper failed to show up,
hence the large ettendanee :end nn
g lie 'r ec.r' i lid s.
The gime ware w'ort11 !going to
brae, et Ie:1st that pert which Was
played before dark looked pretty
\'ic Singlets and Tens Carling are
good ftinge t s, Inst of course they
ain't slay the game alone.
Billy Stet ban] Lad a ,t, -e Land. i
Thi('.4 tthy )ic muffed the fly 11,811.
The Arms! Excuret 1 of the llur-
on Old Boys' Associntiu., of Ter, nee
ss ill take place' this year on Sitar
dry, July 'rt.h. tee trains tanning to
l:oderioh and Lurknnw. They crave
Toronto at 7 A. M. and 7.15 A. M.
respectively, and ole'expccttd to sir -1
rive at their de't:1(111011 abort noon.;
Til, file for the round telt, 1.4 ?1.Pa!
,end tickets are good to return on;
any regular train Slturday cr Mon -I
d,y or on Glee st.ccies that have-.-
ed,sider1b1e amount of money would r Goder:eh end Lucknow :11 11 1'. M.
b^ aced to t he county each year. on Mond iy. July 9tt11. The is 1r-1 Ga Ta Ra Time Table
11 cooling a more «t.d more pope! i r
outing ace the res- idents of this sec f Tho time of the erricais of trains
tion will bo plorred to aga:n ttelcom(it go:ng north and 'oath are .,s fol.
the old boyq •nnd girls to their ,sat• 1lows ;-
. Country. GOING N011111
EXE'i•Elt 1'I CLIC 8CI1001. 1101ittl
Six pair of feet., ssinrted sizes Flip•
ped modestly under the table whilst
their proud mvnere g tt bore! around
the little t dee in the south a :�t, corner
of the p•ttalle Iibrarr nn Monday night
last and there to the dull glare of the
new electric service, 1houghtfelly list-
ened to the recital of the Inst runt! h e
doings. What they hail slid. they
hid said and ne change in the cerre-
tary's nodes vler•e rear"red. The b rei-
ness (111 hand was scan under distue-
eien. The (hotlines :end Sanitary
committee reported a further demis-
ing of the well and tionbles these
ended. One of the ialpaltant subjects
that arose for consideration was tee
s Very list for 1OOtI-i which new stands
118 follows: -L. l7. Fleming, pr:ncip.Il.
59,a; Miss Del enliston, 1st as;iSt.tut in
the 1I.'(. depart meta $Ou)9; Mfiits Chid -
1.'y, second assistant, is to 1•eceive
Miss �'osper 1st assistant in the I'u'1-
lic CI) 001, $Nb); Mies \ICCitllurn, et3ith
Miss 1Vnlrnnd, $alb; Miss Martin, $ 3'I)
and Mise \\'iunr:a Howard a like eons.
The two last nee 1:e -.w :atpirant'4 f• �i-
educttionel favor to Exeter. We be-
lieve they will try to do their duty
and wish there well. :\n account ren-
dered by the eueleteiy for ec):ro1
supplies, stamps, 1Pil al::ins, tele/them?
messages and iin'ni)ui'rship fees in I lie
Educational Association of Ontario,
ntnnunting to 518.87 wits on motion of
11. N. Rowe and H. Huston ordered to
he paid. \V. J. ('arcing apl'lic•1 the
wet blanket .tnd the beacon lights of
our educational way irnnlcdietely
winked and went out.
1. (;ltl .'., Secy.
Fel' .::.vias
Lbs Ki^3 , ca :,.� rf;.l•.., _t7«'gl„
Bears tho ���
Signature of j � � ,
C, �ITcP�Z2.A.
1111•.11 ti.)P4':. f
No. 31 ......
410 A. M.
..5.5( r. M.
'11 T•. \ •nnt.
.i' .t, . '1
.e e.
.3.05 i'. M.
\o. t ... ...
A Itegulur Storni ['cried runs Item
the 23rd to the 27th, with hint prub-
abiliti��s tent little if any cessation
of dieturllanccs will conte bet%vct•n-
1hie aryl tea period inluncdietely pre-
eeding it. As th's nilly be, front
about `iturday the 2'Ird, to Wed-
' 1 c down
resr • t,l1c. .tike a
%c n 11 met In
s n recast• of general, if not vealert
0,ngetrou4 4118311rbauccs. Suc11i
under all conditions, existing. except
po?sibly the elms influence, would
(lo tahc ewse. If 1:: Cry storms of rain
wind and thundcil do not appear at
this time I,cculiur and phenomenal
, esu)ts will convulse and 1.erturb the
elements of (•.1rth meal sky. Let it
be dietinctly understood trent these
forecasts do not imply tent great
and unnatural colatltitiee 111ue1 nec-
ess:lrily be exfected. 1l is a time
when pe turaI causes, operating under
fixed lat%s, established by the All-
ttirr, .111-1owerful end All -merciful
God, %%ill bring on n maximum of
teem re I metcot ologic:,1 turmoil and
ticrturhx:tion. In the net tire of thing
daiiger will arise litre and there, cal -
1 ling for the exercise of common
sense and t,rudcnce ; Ilei no: c.ne wee
his done 1,1' du1y in mol:trin . for
rice s I, ic. n - • ,
O I l t 9 f 71 srn,.c 1 should
C O 7 OU
' suffer any useless pangs of forebod-
ing fear. We are inclined to the c.on-
clu:,ion Chet abnormal rainfall„ ern
visit the regions tributary to ear'
groat central rivers, ns:d that, a:,
consequence. very thigh eater', if not
destructire overflows awl floods
will rush down our central vaIley
toward 1Le end, of June. if eerson-
ally we lead large interests the
would be jeop'+,rdized by such result'
%tc would tike such precuution 11y
measures as mete practically e •or •
geon, wilt be at the Commercial
Hetet the first Friday of cock month.
llourr, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. 11. I:lass-
es mope'ly fitted and d,,oasee of eye,
ear and nose trfatcd. Nett visit
1•'1(11.y, July Wei'.
Plymouth Twine
Stands on the solid Rork of Quality. It is the ac-
knowle(ige(1 stanal,lyd of perfection,
(,fold Medal ti:,O feet to lh.
;Silver Sheaf 600 feet to lb.
1'iymouth Special 00 feet to Il).
Our Twine is now here, ('t1I an(1 get your supply.
Screen Doors and Windows
We still have big supplies of these warm weather goods.
S4'r.'en Windows fl'011l 1.; cents to 1') cr r.e.
Screen 1)ool's S5 cents to $1.50.
24 Stovea.