HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-06-07, Page 5To Cure a Cold in One Day =Z. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tis on every $.vtln MIMon boxes sold in past 12 months. This �8 S tura VA4r1,dj> /'�. box. 2SC, t ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. Halnina MIII, Door FaotorU, Wider Yard; and Saw Mill are open and hustling daily and a full stork of Lumber, Shingles. Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials altwas s on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. HEE HIVES finished or in knock down. always on hand. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for aft Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven, r Thi Ros-TduIor Go. Ltd., Exeter, i .......,«...tF+++.++..+«.,. Tne Osborne and Hibbert OOD NEWS FOR Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- THE FARMERS. No more hole digging to put in fence posts just I drive them in with a + sledge hammer. Far + ahead of any ever yet .� seen around this part of + the country. Come in I and see thein for yourself. �. We have ha(1 a great • many iron Posts brought in lately and art prepar- ed to sell them cheap. $ Scrap iron taken in ex- change. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. I One door south of the 4. Metropolitan hotel. 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ MZDICAL w. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- reaervdity. office and residenenco. Dominion. laboratory. Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEDIBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- c ans and Surgeon,. successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office Main street. Residence. east en first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Picctulilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 15.25. Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and surgery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street. Cara to Colborne street take you almost to the door. No other city office. Special Hospital and ether arrargentents for patientsfrom a DENTAL 40DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8. D. I). S., Honor Oraduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without t out In or pa bad after eSerta, Office In Fan - eon's block. West side of Mata Wset.' Exoter DR. G. F. ROUL.STON, L. D. S., D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFIc•E:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. r(ONEY TO LOAN. w. have a large amount of private fund -eta Ma on farm and village properties at lowratee tit tntere•t. OLA1)MAN & STA\RUI►Y Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter. DICKSON 'O\ S & CA RLi NG r Barristers 8olicltors Notarloa conveyFancers Commissioners. Solicitors for the Moleons Bank. 1{to. mosey to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICES-rMAIN STRF.ET, EXETER. '-*CIRt.nra R. L. L. 8. olcteoa THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, will. drawn, money to loan *areal estate, al -o Licensed Auctioneer for the count ie- Iof Huron and Perth. Chargee moderate. Orders lel% at the 1'tau:1+ ar at my residence, Faro uhal %till recclve prompt atten tion. IKON EY TO LOAN a Ws have nnt!mlted private lands for Invest - cot upon farm or village Troperty at lower atm of tntereet. DICKSON & CARTING Exeter $1.00 POUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY. JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE 21 Si'r (JKE1tfot'SD 2 Dals in Detrol) TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab. lets. All dins -gists refund the n:on• oy}' i( it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2io. ante Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.0 Vice•Pz'es,:-J, L. Resset.I., 1:CSSFI.LDALE, P. O. DIRECTORS. W. H. P.5ssJ1oRl•:, FARQUHAR P.O, Wal, Roy,' BORNHOLM P. O. 1, L. ItLSSELI., RUSSELDALE P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY, Exeter. agent for ['shorn send filidulplt. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro agent for Ilibt ert, l'ullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANB[JRY. Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Ccrainly not all that it might be Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are { certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the bcst that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to suit you unless you are very hard Ito please. S. MARTIN & SON NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of David N' late MeNicol. IC 1. of O tat Toe -n- ettle of (]sborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 12. 8. 0.. 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others Navin; claims against the estate of the said David McNicol, anho died on or about the 14th kitty of May. 1906, aro reauir- ed on or before the 12th day of June 1906. to Fiend by post prepaid or deliver to ,Messrs. Wildman & Stan - bury. of the ViI1a e. of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executors of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts acrd the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de• ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to hte claims of %t'hicit they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the Aacd assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of 5vhoso claim notice shall not have been received by than at the titnc of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBUItY Solicitors for said Executors. Dated tat Exeter the 2lst day of May. 1906. EPIIEN The town'hip Court of levis;o,. wan held in the Town 11x11, Crediton on Saturday, May 26th, 1906 at 10 :). m. All members were present The Council aubacril,ctl to the oatei. niter %chick several 'appeals were Istoat with. Moved by Anderson seconded by Yearley .t/sit the Court of Revision be now cloaca]. -0 a r ricd. The regular ('.oltnei lmeeting was held at 1 p. tn. The minute% of the previous meeting were read nob tadopled. Seveteil gravel contracts were res The following order% were passed David Witherspoon, Tp's portion of concrete culvert, $129.67: .lo'. Gui, nan, Court of Revision and Snit. re turns, $6.00 ; .Thr.. itnynhem, put &Intl in con? tete 1ile, $4.00; .John l'.thner rep. culvert, 4 Al.. 75c : 8. \Vebb, rep culvert, $1 : i'ritak Treibner, cul- verts. ul- vorts. $6.25 ; .1 iv. 1'a reor,s. rep. L Itoad, E. 11,, .II,50: Kann. Smith, rep Dev. reed, 25 : Thee,. Oliver, rep. tw•o culverts, 73; Fred 11 t:st step. 3rd U Read, $.1.00: hick. Hill, culvert, con, 4. 57.00; E. Woke/es/lire, or. hoard 11 .Il h, $1.50: 1Vm. Welker. lumber S21.21 John litcb, rep. 4th S. it,. RA: h: a;,leson, rep, bridge, con. 18, A2.0(1; M:tlh. \Vireo:,, legal advice, G It. rut, 810.00. 111\'.' \' 1:11.I l l•:I', Clerk. THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 7th 1900. ammo A1cgctabJe Preparation for As - 5imilating the rood dudRcgu;ll - ttng the Stein dis intilie\%'els of lNIANTS ,A,HiLDRIi\. Promotes Digestion,Checrful- nessandRest.Contains neither Opiurli,Tiorphine nor !'lincral. NOT N.UtCOTIC. law:•Weld .a-s.!NcZZ PIITIILI? J',r1- .11rJ.7:4o . . If�vnavil Nr 6,4w...tadrr . iliw !ad - a-bii•t Sign, . gleno s.n num,: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoeil, !forms ,Convulsions , %e ve r i s h - !less and LOSS OF SLEEK FacSimite Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR' 7Nt C.NIAUN CO.NNV. N[W VOR* Err 190(6 EIGHT ANNUAL EXCURSION GODBRICH—DETROIT THE BIG NEW STEIN. STEAMER GREYHOUND OF THE WHITE STAIt UNE Will leave Detroit, Monday, June 18th, 5 a. nt. Arrive in Goderich 5 p. m• FROM GODERiCH FOR DETROIT Leave TUESDAY, 8.30, A. M., JUNE 19th, (Canada Titue), stopping only at Port Huron, arrive at Detroit 4:00 P. M. Two Days in Detroit. A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford the morning of June 10th, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth. Clinton and Plolnieaville and arrive in Goderich 8:15 a. tn. From Wingham 0:40 a. m., Blyth, Etc., the morning train, June tltth, connects at Clinton, 7:10 a, m., with Special Train for Goderich. RETURNING Leave Detroit (central time) flit'RSDAY, June 2tst., I:00 p. nt., Port Huron 5:30 p. in. sharp, Arrive at Goderich 9:30 p, m. Thursday Night Special Train leaves Goderich II:00 le in. fc•r Clinton, and way stations to Wingham and Stratford on arrival of Steatner. A 50 cent Dinner will be served in the beautiful dining room for this Excur- sion. Other meals a la Carte. A good lunch can be had at the lunch counter. Leave Goderich on last trip for Detrott, FRIDAY, June 22nd, at 8:30 te. m (Canada titre). Round-trip fare, either way, with hand -baggage 81.00. One way with trunk $1.00. Ooderich Band Moonlight Excursion at Goderich, Eight O'Clock Monday Evening Twenty -Five Cents. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the natter of the estate of George Rook, lite of the town- rthip of Osborne, in (ho County (of Huron, farmer. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129. that all creditors and others having cleions against the estate of the said George Book, who died on or about the 2ith day of April, 1900, are re- quired on or before the 25th day of June. 1906, to send by Post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladulan & Stan. bury, of the Villaze of Exeter, .So- licitors for the Executors of the said deceased. their christian anti sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their violins. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such Last tncntioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto harinz regard only to the claims of which they shall then have and d n that the said Executors will not be liable fur the slid assets or a ny part thereof to illy person or ',cretins of whose claim antico shall not have been received by thorn at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBUIIY Solicitors for Ellen Jane Rook and James a ,. Jones, Executors. Dated at Exeterthis 28th day of May, 190G. GENERAL, NEWS Port and, Ore., Jut,^ 2. -Ai the out• oone. of the arrest of n !'ole In this city for an nssault upon several Itussians, tocol detectives ,hat•o learn- ed of t he exiktonce here of a largo bogy of Russian Nihilists who, it is alleged, have been plotting the n•- sassinalion of 1'resWent Utoosevclt, simply ateaiting the accumulation of sufficient fungi• before pen ling a deputation to V.'s shington 10 carry out the scheme. The Pole litho claims to have been threatened with death by several of the plotters, and %mho was arrested for nssault, was acquitted yesterday, and it was then that the detectives lenrtled of (the alleged true purpose of the. organi- zation. rgani- z tto . Friends of tite Pole, inform m ed the police of the doings of lite Nihilistic group, of the (eulogistic praise of Czolgoz, the assassin of President McKinley. Detectives have been put on the ease. 11 your stomach i.+ weak, If your food distresses you, If you are weak and nervotn Use Dr. 8hoop's itesteritivo ono Month :and see %%hit it does for you. Sold by W. 8. llowey. The public rejoicings over the mar- t; age of King Alfonso end Princess Victoria had a terribly dramatic. co- que pot 2.30 o'clock Thurs.Lay otter - noon as n bomb bhrnwn from an up. 1,0r window exploded vcihlal deadly cf. fect near 1 he ooiell occupied by lite King ;end Queen. Providentially, King Mimeo ind ()wen Vi,tor:o es. carred by rin eteotric wire deflecting the bomb, but at (east sixteen per- sons, rnost of then/ being of the tier• nowt and military escort, and others, spe t•ators, were killed. Many others were injured. hax-cls-a candy bowel lixallvo, if you have constipation, if you 'have n coated tongue, if you are dizzy, bilious. sallow, If yo' have heridaches, sour stom- ach, etc.. Brisk 5 cents on Lnx.ets. See for yourself. Sold by W. 8, 1Vindeor ll.ty 31. -Tho /tenure of the minister)ll session nt the Lon- don Metthodist oonforenoe 'stare yes- terday was en at took 'against the- ological institution in general rind Mont roll Theologie.) College• in pftr- 1icul'►r by Rev. W;,Iiamr McDonough, of Stretford. Mr. Mo1onough ie n bc►mf.ci try of Uhe 11upr•r.al:nuaCon hunt, but 1 hitt in no way influen:cd him in this denunciation of the mare tier in which the different profes- sors are selected by air' faeulti's nr1,1 of the freedom with which they aro vested in mat tors cif feet r ages doc- trinal teachings of the (Methodist Church. Ito a.saertett omn'n r other things., t in notice totle,tes Heresy is now Ir:•ing t aught. marl !whore there was not .absolute heresy tit wt'ciuchtIis'ns1 owalctgoe utagl ibiodb• .tlAtwrtitto cdy %r• McDonough would tugge st ed by the church itself and always under t:ht' direction of the rotafer- ettCat. Mr, , Mcl)anoug h'.a rem irks brought out t ,spirited sliocuss:utf, but the incl": Wit %t., 1 vlrxte.l by lite adoption of a cordial vote ,of 1 . -u- fidenee itt Rev. Mr, ,la,rkvon ant the Mont roil 'Pheolodical College. Pink Lips, Like Velvet. hough Uluipped or Cracked Lips, ran be mach) ns soft as velvet by applying at bedtime, a light coating of 1)r. 8hoop'.r Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of titin most excel- lent ointment is ulw'ays immediate :t nil cerloi.u. Dr. Shoclp'a Green Salve takes out completely the more - /02.S3 of cuts, burns, bruises and all akin abrrtsion8. It is surely a won• derful and most highly satisfactory hotting ointment. 1n glass jars at 25c. Sold by W. S. Ilowcy. --,In--- SHIPKA Very tvarill weather this week. Don't forget Shipka school pic- nic Jure 1501i. A number of the boys from here spent Sttiskty et trite Bend. Sandy 31673adhen left last (week for \Voodll:am. where he Ills engaged for the su►nmer. Juno 15tdt is Civic •holiday, all el=tc::A of business will be closed. -David Pfaff wits in the village on bpsiness last Tuesday. For c1reup wall paper go to Han. non's, 41110 (wopte's store and the store of omility. 8. J. Swaeitzer sports :t rubber tire buggy. 1V I\CHELSEA Mr. Jahn Delbridge last week yold his driver to Mr. Germany, of Sea- forbh. Wo are sorry to daarn of the da- p•rrture of Mr. Bloomfie14 and fam- ily from amongst us. Mr. Bloom- field .and Mr. Gown rd have dimot vcd partnership, and the firm 'w:il1 now take the name of Coward & Clarke. ,1r. Bloomfield and family %vitt re- side in Luoan. Mr. Illoo►nfield 'has secured it position as traveller for Lind Konrigan, At' holes -tie grocers of London. Previous to their deist r- t tine an ice -ores -on +,ocial was Illeld on lir. C. Godbolt's lawn, wdrere all pre- sent report to tlsavo ,had a pleasant time. Our best wishes go %with Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield, Tho people of \Vitlac•he1:=.e.t aro now preparing a r olscol concert. which woo believe wilt excel anything ever held in this vicinity. 'rhe proi;r.ani will consist of two uniateur plays, bobh of which aro dull of life, and sparkling .wiilt fun. They have also engaged Mr. Will McL^od, comedian, and Miss A. E. ,Martin, soloist, of Exeter, for the evening. For fur- ther 'particulars see hills. DIVISION COURT Division Court was held at Exeter Wednesday. Judge Holt presiding. Tho first case was that of \Vm. Wal- ker, against Jas. Murray. The plain- tiff claimed money duo for old iron sold to Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray contended he did not receive the iron. Judgment in favor of Walker for full amount with costs. Glad - man and Stanbury for Murray, Dicta son & Carling for \Volker. Other cases were on but were not finished up to the time of going to press. Court was held at Zurich Tuesday and the evidence submitted in the cat.o of .1 ones Coohrano and othere against the township of Hay for the return of taxes colleoted. The ar- guments :are to be Beard at close of the court at Exeter. HICKS' FORECASTS A reactionary storm period is can. (cal 071 the Gtli 7nth and 8t1, having full Moon on bits 6th nt perigee and at extreme south declination on the Slit. On :and touching these (lays ex.. pact a +return of tilting barometer, rising temperature and decided elec- trical storms. The greet coinbI11:1. lion of astronomical bearing on the whole month will, in all probability ceuste a p rolongation of disturbance at this toad other .June periods, hal storms of rain, wind and thunder about the 0th 7th and 8th will be follow'd by decided ohnngo to cooler from the 8th to 10th, beginning of course in bile west-northwest. To lite Editor of 1 he Exeter Times. This is the time of the yea? -when Exeter looks ,her best, Wit bout .any striking features she is one of the comeliest plocen in the Dominion, when she puts on her summer garb. This is tire testimony of strangers, w•tlo h ive visited our burg. But alas our ulthr lgeoUs charms are being gradually swept away, and Ian ad- miring stranger when ho (omen ib town is likely to form ha opinion it first glance, awl wonder if we nee shorthe of � posts, than a � a t s 1'r t 411 b imagine from DIV' lway �'1he W11)1ilul trees are Irving cut Clown to w•ittatn a foot or so of the trunk. While it iv possible these decapitated trees may in years to come regain liM.ir beauty. Still there are grave doubts ne to their living very long as 'several tires recently "trimmed" aro becom- ing hear owl yellow. Tinct:( is a vast difference between tiirnn►ing a tree and cutting it down. A Lover of Nature. SEJll ANNUAL MEETING Oi' South Huron Coutejt: L. O. L. %vitt he held in Retool! on Wednesday, June 13t h nt 1..10 p..111. Iluainess in connootion with 12t1 of July cele- bration and other matters of impor- tance will lie ntleuderi to. G. 11. iiANLi:Y P. CANTELON. C. M. C Sat, G. T. R. Time Table Tho tint? of the arrivals of trains going north and south are as fo:- Iow•s ;- GOING SOUTH No. 31 ,. ... 8.35 A. M. No. 31 , . 5.05 P. M. GOING NORTH No. 31 ...... • a 9.30 A. M. No. :I3 ...... .. ..5.54 P. M. .1. J. KNiOIHT, Agent. SYSTEMIC CATARRH ISL I` ('NI) ERSTOO1Qr It Claims Thousands —A Prominent Canadian Cued) Wt Hit weather, I l 1':i12it;H is tit p.xlr appotita, C c� ;temic ace cold drinks and eaa., curable oat (j l,. Gy a y sterni i' .�.-..t Misnt, A re� edy that cures c �' z.: roa..e' tc 1J/lrlr tarrh in us t alnt directly at the depressed nerve renters, This Po.. run does, Catarrh affects the liver and kid-, ++ ncys and is more often the direct caulo of all the suffering endured of the Lack, liver and kidneys, that is supposed to be something else. In feet, when doctors, disagree, and you have found no cure, try Pernna, l' foods cause a gen- eral derangement of tate entire system. 8t0insela troubles follow. iiiliouanesr, indigestion and gen- eral derangement of the atoinach are caused by a diseased condition, This Is generally, if rightly termed, catarrh of the stomach. *Catarrh will at- tack that organ of tho body which is the weakest. 1f it be tho stomach-Pe- runa cures catarrh e! tho stomach I'.• runs cures catarrh wherever located. TIRAtAHUR ?ERK. 1 �ce 9u�th`ee t.rt.. i '• Ii Mr. Arthur Perks, late of England, writes from so ('atheart st., Montreal, Can., as follows! "I have used your Peruna for indigestion and kidney trouble and find It an excellent remedy for these complaints. I cheerfully rot:on:wend Peruna for indigestion and kidney disease. "--Arthur Perks. Pe-ru-nit-A Systemic Catarrh Remedy Mr. E. C. Pinsonneault, box tit, Pres colt, Ont., member Order of the World of Holyot, writes: "Peruna is a most excellent prepare tion, especially for stomach troubles constipation and catarrh. It acts as a stimulating tonic for the entire system, Induces good appetite and regulates the bowels. "I itavo found it very pleasant to take and very effective• and ono of the very few medicines which deserve endorse- ment. "It is often a serious question to know what medicine is reliable, and I ant therefore glad to give my experience with Peruna, believing that it will con- tinue to give general satisfaction:" - E. C. Pinsonnesult. Peruna will be found to effect an im- mediate and lasting euro in all eases of systemic catarrh. It acts quickly and beneficially on the diseased mucous membranes, and with healthy mucous membranes, catarrh can aro longer exist. Completely Cured by Pe-ru-na. • Pc-ru-na for Indigestion. , 1 • Mr. Joseph 1), (;uyette, 12 Vitro 8t.,' , Montreal, Can., writes: "For more than a year I have been - troubled with Indigestion and moat agonizing headaches. 1 doctored con tinually, but got no help until I took Peruna. "I have taken four bottles and can truthfully say that it has entirely cured' elle." Pe-rig-na Recommended for Dyspepsia. Mr. 11. Lonepre, 3S1 Amherst Street,% Montreal, Can., writes: "I have used Perun n for a severe case of dyspepsia and am feeling very much, better. To all that suffer from dys- pepsia, I highly recommend Peruna.,'?, The above testimonials cite the ex- perience of thousands of people who have been cured of obstinate and se= vere cases of catarrh by takingPeruniti A reward of $10,000 has been deposits in the Market Exchange Bank, Coin*, bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the abotrb testimonials aro genuine; that wo holds in our possession authentic letters certe.4 tying to the same. During many years' advertising we have never used, in part or in whole,, gi single spurious testimonial. Every olio( of our testimonials are genuine and the words of the ono whose name is a' pended. Alt correspondence held strictly, confidential.. Mr. J. E. Lacombe, 1018 Chanted, Mon- treal, Can., writes: "I suffered for a long time with liver trouble and after having used several remedies without good results,resolved to try Peruna. After a comparatively short trsstment, I am completely cured, ' BORN WIIITF:.-1n Memphis. Tenn., June 1, the wife of John Clyde White, of .1 5011. MARRIED SANDERS A. S - BRA\Di 3 3 1 - FI t f In Denver, Oof., ,lune 5t11, Harry Binders, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Oral lirandberr)•. DOUGLAS-IIAIINI•:SS - In \Vood- iham, ,Tune 6t1,, Oora Harness to Wm. Douglas. DEAItING - STANLAKI: -_ Iu Exe. ter, June 2nd, 1906, Wesley Dear- ing to Clara Maude Stanlako. 1)110) I'ICKI:LI,.-In Forest June 2, Eliza Seri J'ickcl', aged 25 years and 5 months. iIE\NETT.-ln-.Usberne, Tuesday, M Iy 29blt, Oscar Bennett. LANG. -At Virden, Man., on June 2nd, 1906, ,loin hang, beloved wife of Mr. W. S. Lang, formerly of Exeter, .aged 31 years, 9 months and 19 daps. If You Suffer with Rheumatism br. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Wi11 Bring the Utmost Relief that Medicine Can. The one r•mMy which many Pbystetans re11► Upon to free the system of the Rheumatic Pols• ons which are the cause of all Rheumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica. (lout. Is Ds. Snoop's Rehm. MATn: ItEytur. Dr, 8 soup sp`nt. twenty years Io experirm ntlaat be• fore 1.•• discovered the �ombin(d chemicals which made possible One slmost always certain cure for Rheumatism. eta Not that DR. Siloop'a R111U- MAT!,' 1ttYai). can aur bony joints ince flesh *rain -that is C impossible. whlob Ilutltcau and l w i 1 from the illiiiii(li � - ) drlre polsone 11 cauael the ewclll Nat.nt Ana thou tba ala 1 gas endo ,ftheala1 s e nA sw_ llln r thecn•1 of thesur. n rl f n —t the h. end of Khnueacure This remedy never fa1N where neuro Is t rlsstbt•. It Is *ow wain, In teblot or II- ', / 0111 form -ask for either. You who have ,/ suffered and are suf. ferin,i N.i.1r from pain, and aches which you know to be Rheumatism: you who esoertenee Iameoo_as or twinges of Pain in (lamp weather; you who easily become stili and lame set out MATapparent cause -jest try Dr: DRsnoops 8 C• 1 [ i'Rh. It b fust tate k!oJ of a r' (Ids that accomplishes results. So;d sod recoaf Mended he W. S. lLOWEY. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES 1 Itobing, Blind, 'Feeding, Protrud- Iin? Piles. Drugsists aro authorized to refund Money if Paso Ointment fails to cur? in 6 to 14 days. 50o. -0.---... THE S. 8. AND C. E. CONVENTION Sunday Soltool alt 1 Young People's Societies workers are reminded of the two conventions which %rill bo held in Wesley churcb, Clinton, ors Tuesday and Well.'sday next, June 12 and 13. TI ' ',nograms which h ave been distributed to every school and society in the county show a Het of subjects which should be both interesting, and profit -One to all who attend. In addition to well known workers .and quite -a number of the clergy of the county, ,lir. C. B. Kcenfeyside, of London, will conduct a oonferenoe on missions and give two addresses, one each day, and itev. EI►nore I1-,rrie. the well known °reale dont of the Bible Study Sohool, of Toronto, will give three addresses, one at the C. 8,. convention on Tues. 7 anti \\ r a I l oat lit8.v ) 8.convention on Wednesday. Both these gentle- men are too well k,sown to need any. speed •reoomrnend.ation in their re- spoctive special fields, and the Co. Executives ore to he congratulated on being able Id a�•cure their attend- ance. The Clinton friends of all tiro denominations are preparing to do •I heir part in entertaining *legates and helping to make the gathering. pleasant awl suc;,es ful. Every 8, 8, in the oounty •and every Young I'eo. plc's Society is asked to Fiend ore. del- egate for each .0 of their numbers, and it in nannestly hoped there will be a genual resp,;n.e to this Have. cation. r1 r 1 1■t�tl•tt■. tiiiii;8;: rill ■F s, un � e til/ •� • 1 tis ■ • It�===��w ILLON I N G E -STAY FECE 1•,1511. ase P!Il,e ltr54a.5TAY yew..m.A. .1111,111' 551A 5 ked .:.-1 wfrr% and nakl 10 1 r.,:.. t It fn.", els est .11 rt tbntr..tbm awl e6 .uut.n. 111 tt.4akr1 w+intod. c+Woa +e tree- lire azeui. . 1 S %NCR C W. .1. HE % M A N, Agent, Exeter •N••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••+•••••••••••••N••••ft • •THE 11OLSONS BANK •2 2 1 (Incorporated Ly Act of 1 ar linrnept 1•:61 CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • $ RESERVE FUND • • • $3 OC3.000.00 15 Branches In Ontario, Qu,•t•,c AI''.t:a r!ritI-h r'(' t' bit s1.4 Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open osery Lawful Day front 10 A. At. to 1 e. )4. cue; t Ya'nr•l,.y 10 A. M. to 1 r, M. Pnrttteres' Sole Notes, cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. I/RAFTs or, all pointe In the Dominion, (::, %t Britain ar,d Un• Iteci rtatr+, knight and cold at lowest rates0/exchange, MAVIN0M fEPAIl TMI'-'T Oepowitts of •I.00 nn 1 upwards received. interest come pounded bait yeanl,•y, and nddrd to prinripal June Seth and December ate. De po.tts Itc.elpt ako 1.*tied and highs cnn, nt rate+ of Intent allowed, Advelocees male to farmers stock dealers and l,tl,iners men at lowest rate. and on mat fa,orable term-. Agent. at ):xcter F,- Dom. Orcernment, Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUFDON, Manager, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••+• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••