Exeter Times, 1906-06-07, Page 4J al'HE EXETER TIMES, JUNE ;tai 1906. Toilet Articles Call at Browuitg's Thug Store and see the now stock c f Ladies' Side tombs, Back Combs, Hair Pins, also Coars© Combs, Crediton /afterwards %%eta to 11:ituiltott unit 39 yearn :Igo canto to Crediton, %antero Atr. 11. Jtellin, to •it his death. ten Dlt. E. J. McCUE, NI:MHEIi'ON- ant ' logo, Nets a sueeeasful tuercha SKI � • int 'tailor, conducting the business TARTU COLLEGEPHYSIC(- now "heti J. it .Holtzmenn• Mrs. ons and bergeons, Successor to Dr. E. ati:n teas a lovable woman and was A. Hoist, Crediton, Ont. a cousisteat member of the Evangel- ica1 ohureh, taking an active part in this worl;ingt of the Ladies Aid so- ciety. She leaves to mourn ♦their Readyato=Wear STOP, WOMAN ! I Mr. Justice Treuuit,er uccotap'utied by 'aa t,lrcnts, Mr. and Mrs Tn•um- tier, of I'ctrott••.t. event Sunday at peas, two hoes acus Ona daugl,tcr, \\ il- lhe house of Mr. C. Bearer, Ile ex- Ii ant. of Crediton, loll , U. 5t. clot! + (•act a to spend n week at Me...Bend. Itlspectin at Ilrooklyn and Mrs. Joan Moe. John 13rown i9 tit thy' bone fJuhn Brown. Tho funeral was held of writing; .rreriously ill. Sunday and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. E. H, Baan and Messrs. Tito "Luffera" went out to Exe- J. H. }loltzanann and Ira Brown. are ter Fridry evening accompanied by a this week attending the tiunduy number of rooters to play a return scowl convention in New llau►burg. match %tith the Maple Leafs, and Mr. wit,. Levi+ ie attending the name hon,'/ with another games, adtic.1 Methodist conference which ie be- to their %already long ;lilt of vieior• ink :held in Windsor this week. Mr. it's. Seero 8 to 7. Lewis, w'ito is ono of the oldest mem- The Crediton foot -ball team once Fine Combs, w.f.,' of this district, woe -asked to more met the Exeter tenni on the give an address relating to the car- recreation grounds at Exeter on PoCliet Combs, ly iltietory of B. C. church. Those Monday evening rind played a Menl- • {• who had the urivitette vt htearl'L" /am 15 aatille p( bail for 'IQ suinutea. Teo/ Hair Brushes, 1 w.ouFi ckri:'''SY c;.jey hit address. ball w •t played at 7.10 p. m. by: tithe Mrs. Lewis is visiting (!with her referee, Wesley Finkbeiner. and was land all Toilet Anhcles. Tl:e Lett and d'u^Itter's. Mrs. F. Clark. of Gronlon, stray kicked for .a few moments when cheapest upl to date goods, ?rid Moat. Edwards, of Sarnia. the Crediton meet rushed it towards Moe 3. Ikilonhach, of Hamilton, Exeter goal and: by n nice neat spent n few days this week renew_ kick by N. Styer crossed it to the ing old %acquaint=ancescn this village, centre forward, M. Bissett and then it being some twenty years since she scored a goal for Crediton. The Exeter team tried their bet to t here. score but the Crediton team was loo mucJt for rlteem and they lost all Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times THHIIItSI)A\', JUNE 7T11. 1906 jlas the building of n new station been poetponed for another year. During tate Fairing months the matte' !was t vorourhly discussed and it was thought the G. T. It. people would pstnrt work on the new structure at on early date. It was agitated by eome drat the corttoration +purcl►aeo Rho eight of %r.ay through the Carl• ing property 'and have the station built near 'the town, while others (preferred doming It erected on the site ,of t'►c warehouses, west of the present structure, and opening- up iV etoria Street, making iwa outlets from 'i he depot. However the C, T. It. officiate :are evidently abiding their time :n tik;.ng any action the matter rine will probably leave ithe t'ituation n.a it is unless we keep nodding ;them to give us something better Olen •the present old rattle- lrnp. It is 'quite certain they will no: rspetid a large sum of money goading ocross the wale to the cor- ner of Sander,' and Carling streets The amount of bu`atthss from Exeter twill rot w•arraat: it, +bc t1cs it in i3oubtful iia by-law to purclffixe the (right of way would carry. As we !tate stated before, the removal ot tho station down town would be e loon reniencc •tn,l not a necessity, Let the G. T. R. people build the (station w1,er' they proposed, and ad - Advice', them to go nheed as soon as possible, the sooner the better. \VHAT OE OUR SHADE To the Editor of the Times. The writer his .been 'watching with disgust the destruction of the albedo trees on the various streets. Virhen i toy detruction I mean the cutting out of tho real beauty, and the ultimate death of the tree,. I (beer some, whom you think ought to know •better. ,:,ay, by "butchering" the trees in this manner, that it will allow the .run to dry up our artaects. They do pot seem to consider the effect of the wind in this wise. Then again it is east the tree will grow out more bushy. directly contrary to sa•hat pow is tainted.walk 'leen A I 8ulderla street or up Main street will ehotw the havoc that has been play- ed. Look at the trees in front of IJ11rs- John \Vlaite's and Mrs. Pople- rttnne's, sr., .1 disgrace to any muni• eip+tity. We me paying about tea per day to 'steal one of the prettiest elhided towns in tho county. Should - n'1 something lee done to put .t stop to it. Prune the tree+, but ..don't bespoil ahem. -Yours. A Citizen. II Li IRON 'Urs. Edw\irtl Itobertsion, of Grate - thole died Sunday Alny 27 at the ex- treme old a -e of 100 yo ire and 12 day.. A Hair 'r Dressinq Nearly every one likes a fine li.zir (;ressing. Something to ril_k the Hair more inanage- I al';:; to keep it from being t )t1 rough, or from splitting at she ends. Something, too, th:t wilt fed the hair at the satl:c rim:, a regular hair -food. o V?.ell-fed hair ta•illhcstrong,and A n ill remain where it Ho: gs- cn th^ hCad, not on :he c3mbl The boat trona of a tecttmontal -- N 'Areata tor uvor Linty years." ream oes 4:aJ CIItR At•o t .nufseturer. of P sink 1A. r.L . gerSP11A15 I f10000L. • who 11 r. Foster, o[Zurich, as1►0 ]raR lite contract of laying the cement side- tbo(las of winning the gamy After walks in our village, (commenced time was %tiled and the mist cleared work on broaden with u gang of away the .score w -:t3 announced as I melt. to 0 in favor of Crediton. Although Miss Olivia lloltzman n leaver this the Exeter team thought Crediton weck . Lor London {where rate will would -hate to play the return match: write on the Toronto University ex- In b./Feh:ill. they woro sorry to stale aminationta in theory and piano Crediton was too much for them in which takes place from the eighth either baseball or football. -Corn. lo the twelfth of June, inclusive. 'Messrs. II. E. Walker and W. W. THE AILCIH-FIEND Or THE AGE Not awar,more deadly than ever. this modern butchery -but Catarrh which leads to consumption and an- nually kills more than famine and sear combined. The doctors now suc. co.sfully fight o'ttarrh with n rem- edy that never fails-"Catarrhozone." Mr. Coull.ia and family of i imvpl}r, it's death to every type of Catarrh. spent Sunday visiting, Mrs. riteMur- It destroys every root and branch of ray.the disease so thoroughly that n a c Alias Edna Hill. of Stratford, spent 'ncl pre need newer ba feared• I[ a few days last creek at the }tame tnoubled with colds, nasal or throat catarrh, or subject to bronchitis or of Mr. Jasa. Clark. asthma use Catarrhozonc and you'll Mrs. Johnson, and son, of Detroit, be cured [forever. and Mr. Wm. Melling and family, of Grand Ilend. ntlended the funeral of BAINTBBUli2 the late Mme. Ilenry Mellin. on Sun- day last. . Mr. and Mrs, Harry Swiizer spent The home of Mr. uhd Mrs. Wm. Sunday vl�l tiaag in Dashi{ood• Turner etas the scene of Jl very The Misses Susie and Carrie Kuhn pretty wedding Wednesday afternoon s eat a few days Last week visiting Juno Gth, when their daughter Bea- ft�icnds in London. trice Maud was married i;o Mr. Jaes Fletary Hamilton. At lour Mrs..1. Taylor lett this week for o'clmock to the -strains of a beauti- Detroit, where she intends makinT ful wedding rna.reth, the bride entered iter 'home for the Iprcs::nt. lien Llk' parlor, whichwas beautifully meaty friends will be sorry to learn daoarated for the 000ctsion, leaning that sho is !coving our village. on the arm of her father. After the The Misses Kuhn entertained the Barrio), :raid oongratulations .were It. T. 1). C club rind tde Butt -in club ' offered. the bridal party eat down on \Vcdnesday evening of last week. 1 to a dainty wedding dinner. Many All .report n very plan not 'time, bcuutiful and costly gifts were pre - Mr. S. Ilrokcnshire !,reached nt 'gutted Mr. and Mrs .li:unitton. both nnrv,ices in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Tje services nwes'e PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTED well attended and interesting and in- Lacking in courage -out of joint structire addresses given. It is ex- with everything -scarcely on speak- pccted ghat Itev. Mr. Andrews will ing terms nth even terms fair heal. take .his usual work on Sunday next. th. Such oiw upirits arc pitiable, pee Ie Your brain {s fagged, ritality rw ex - A number of our young •l i haustc.1 your constitution is well nigh spent Sunday at Grand Bend. ruinttil• What you need is I'crrozone Mr. C. Illuett attended/Me funeral licit great vitalizer and nutritive to - of the late Miss Edith Robson at ; nic. Ito by making flesh and blood, Clinton. on \\'ednesulay of last week.' by infusing iron and oxygen into tho Mrs. Albert Cunningham returned, system that Ferrozone helps; it re - home on Wednesday lest after a, pairs wreak spots. instills new life in - two %reeky visit with friends in Lon -1 to worn-out org ins -makes you feel don and Ingoreoll. Ilike new. Fcrrozonc lifts age from Miss Moot Grathnnn, of London, is Lha old end imports resilience Inti visiting at Mr. and •Mrs. Albert Cun- II oeaarray hpBo rnean- nintrlrrm's. 1ybu, ruddy-coto loretedde.-oastressed. .aside tweak- ncs and enter the happy life that Miss Dort Eilber, of Zurich. re- comes from using I'errozone. Fifty turned them+ on 5uucliy la Rt of ter coots buys a box in any drug store. a weck'r vai.it i :th Miss Mrtha enzel. Mr. and Mre. August (fill scent Sunday with friend% in Zurich. -- The nniny friends of Mrs. John Al r. Henry Cook, of lllcgiass. in liaein will be plo.rs.:d to bear that t'*siting this another, Mrs. Iiood. The Mi -sen Maggie itell, tterllie 9110 tis improving. Stev,irt and ialbella Moir left last Miss Loth Rummer, of Exeter, was {{n.k for Stirlintr. Scotland, w4tere .1 pleasant visitor of Mies Bolton" they .twill visit relatives. 1lertzei for a few days Last week. Mr. 1). C'rduhrlrt is Laving the flax Mr• Barney Brown. our genial shoe i mill be recently purchased at Au- moralrant, is hoeing the front of ,burn tnovrd to Henson. chis shop repainted, which will ad.) 11r. Geo. Trott returned last week grt6,tly to the appearance of '!hie' from an extended trip.through Mato r.itop. Mr. grown hi% remodelled itob.a and the Northwest. his sheep atxl it i.a now .one of thea Andrew Doutr.tll Killed. -Mr. An• naval up-to-date shoe stores in this drew Dou{r.11, of tchi.+ vill1,tc wa:a nc- tarl of Ibe country. oidrnt•illy killed on Monday everting tabout n.:10 o'clock. Mr. ,\IcIouw.ill, 1164 town .and we can congratulate ' Bole -bill is Mee lending Rpis 1 with hit young : nn, bit Imo to St. ,fo s di our boys 011 Lhcir excellent work. 1 rcturninor'home lei I ofbt athrsanccidt ta The third nice drove to Parkhill ort re1 \Vcylnewrow tay nfternn of last eek t fled. \Then ort+nr t lr little ant gave Ole 1':lckbill boys :1 1;ame s>nsmtrrp rn tfM %urich road, JIr. AI^.- of bill .in %Oriels our boys to:mooed ; Uougi11 was jolted off the toad and to win 1h^ g-11110 by n story of 12! toll txuavath the wazon. 'rico ai)iet'14 to P. Mr. Mr. Frizer 'hewn pitched hlasc1 over 'hirn, crushinre out Ibis tate gnue and llcrb'rt Fa1,:ter as fife. The little Itaatl could do nolh- ei(chher. No doubt if this battery : in;; .to ste4IAt hat felh:'r nivel hastened keeps on for .a few mor.' a -oar: to rotify ,dr' a_eighbori in the viein- ()retli„on will be alio to jv n stenos , ity. but %athon they arrived lifr wes extinct. Coroner 11 ,atIti U t /u r- natioeat gue. ieh. %et t ._ailed an l the body taken A nurnb.tr of your;: folke rsr ti her••d ; t o t h^ dcctrs,x+re; Irate 'hemi at tien- t) ilio tome of Mr. isaac ({ill Eli- sill. Tfrr d..:copied ansa th' sun of .1 ty evening lest prior to aSI'S 1e 1vi11 r thr I a to \\'m. i)ovaall, 701.tinyfor tte west •In enjoyable liner at.•• t.tial 1.+aatcs io figt I1fr+ Ia•tt- •,.i by .ill. Afr, \Vat. 1ii11 mill : ll-awi+iow•andtatooin children. ,•ui1.•luy 1119 brother Iso:,r rrn to • 1' ;, to the woof. •4 \I , . ,rid Alrla. Henry , Wing, est � � cl r s . , -pent Stilolay with :t1r. C. k._ r. Mr. C. '!.wicker sprat '.i few dad eef tl►is week in Toronto on husinc•... Sarsaparilla��enjoysL�the our foto-bill bows pl1trd a return ,tinctionof being trbegreat. ,eh with Eeete- on Motelay even- est lye and r@VeIlt1V8 • lord c:<felto the Exeter b;>ys to -ore of 1 to 0. Kerr left M,ondly morning of this week for the west. Mr. Kerr ex- pects to remain out west, while Mr. Walker is hiving a short vacation. During Mr. Walker's absence his brother Mr. Osmond Walker will look after his butcher business here. 1) i.N iA1.1, How to dress well and do it economi- cally is the important question our lady friends are now cons►det in We have just received some pretty %Valets in some thirty different styles, all the latest valet ns. in silks, lustres, Linens and prints. medicine the woo bas ever Death of Mrs. Mensa. 1)eaUl t'• known. It, is an all-round 'shit.tl June irl. rcticvr.l Atre% tie medicine ___ J g phia ,\It•Ilin from tho s»frcri.nge she , 1�� its un - dor severs! days. On the!equalled iy t t h she . Elite sten dimly ll cronies. nhieh ,acemt:lmg, vitalizing and enrichhig to afr•ct !Jac uncle body. The Ipr'it the blood on which the eteitictll n{11 was ssummotx'd, but no «rail, d"ittt winning its rewat s i W and strength of every Jlre .+chin use. 71 ye/ors,0 Mont 1bone an tissue .nal $ ti•tye old, Hitt was born in organ, e Meglenhtirg, Sahrcin, Gerroiny. ! pend. Accept no subset• maiaten reline being $optun Jen:: : Lute for Hood's, butki. About 54 yours Ago she oral t hr I '' `..,t. 's Henry. Nit'lin creered Heti °earn tat: �Una on hti\ing d slam tnarrittd Boon nater (heir• tit-. A?4D ONLY HOOD'S• rival. They firsit settled in (halt and' ects by purify. Battenberg Work We have just put in these goods in a great patterns. \Ve have hoard Covers, Dresser Shams, ('enter 'fable p11 1prites, it swell line of many different them itt Side - Covers, Pillow; Covers, etc., at tr, COU: IN ANO INSPECT OUR c.,'J` -t. e. ar + -a1w-- 1 r STOCK. lit Mangy• women f t lc ce._- eu er Int bail know. ffjj p 1 to worse, 1. and drift along from a 1, f l ing full well that they ought to lav un- OAMHWOOD, ONTARIO• mediate assistance, but n natural motlee{)' impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probable examinations of even their family physi- 1'i tin o r • Without ut ria ne ciao. Itis unneccsasa ). y or price you ran consult a woman whoso knowledge from actual experience is great. A1� CJIKSIDES !7E AIL - i INlitTAhT FACT That iu address - Ing bars. Pinkhaut you are confiding your private ills to a woman - a \y0111811 wheats experience with tvometc's diseast•s rovers agroat many years.{ al Mrs.' )'inkhanttis; the danghter-in-law of Lydia E. 1'inkllaut snag for many years under her direction, and prince her decease, "oho has been advising' sick -wo t tree WM. SHRUMM Cheap..... Hardware Mr. Jonas Hartleib wishes to announce to the public that he has purchased the Hardware Stock of reduced position to the stock Mr. rate sell lasts. E. P. and Paulin is cheap now as at 1I1 long A CALL SOLICITED, JONAS HARTLEIB a a as DAMl•IWOOO ONTARIO. Dashwood bliss Florence Rhode left for Lon- don las Monday morning ehcre sho hes accepted a position. Misses Lizzrc England pnd La- vine Kook left for London Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Ireland nal family left this week for Stratford where Mr. Ireland has :accepted a position in the planning mill. Wo with him ivory suoccss• Mr. Wm. Shrum wart in Loudon on Mond•ty last. Mr. Justices` Truemner was in Lon• don on Monday last. Mrs. E. M. ltrokcnshiro is very ill. Mr, Wm. Shrumm and Mr. Justice Treumner had great luck in fishing one day last week. They caught six- ty-six fief' in about or.' hour and a half. Mr. Ertrncet Buswell and Clifford Spackman, of Exeter, were in town Sunck1y evening. Mr, Ed. Beaver, of Exeter. was in town on Sunday. ALr. Justice Trig emner and family and Mr. \Vtn. SJtrumm owl family woro in Crediton on Sundry. Mr. \Wnt. • tteinstirer , visited friends at Grand Bend Sunday. Tho Evangelical church will bold their :(uartcrly meeting next Sun- day. See .1. lirller•tnann for nice Sou- venir Postal Cards. ,Mrs. Moses Miller, of 'Edmonton. Attn.. is visiting with Mrs. ttIary Miller. Mr. It. McLcntuun and ;Hiss Olive II. Qua.nec visited friends at tAilsa Craig an Sutdiy. Air. E. I', Poulin intends moving to Galeria] this week. Mi -i Emma Tietuatt intends going back to Detroit. Mr. Jacob Kellcrtninn was ,in Lon- don We/dee/salty of Fast rt•eek on business. Mr. E. J. Ehlers •Inas 'returned from Milverton. Reports •a ;toed time. Mr. George Powell. of Exeter. re - :weed acquaintance% in t OW11 011 Sunday. Miss Lydia Brown is under (the parental roof again. Bev. Mr. Eifert will preach lilt farewell cernion in tele Lutheran church on Sunday next. Mr. Eifert his been rtationcd here for some 19 years and during his stay has made n1 any friends elm regret his depar- titre. It is expected t.hnt itis seri, Rudolph, who Inas been nttending college will occupy tisc pulpit during the srn cr months. unt '111 is 111.0011 1M 111E LIFE. Using to faulty act lone ref (Ito kid - Rees and liver. the blood beeomcs f,11 with 1 se 4M mt a n er- it !Dinh. The first warning is a bicker/he, dizziness hr=ldache and lack of t•itsnl energy. Act quickly if you would .ivoid the terrible ravages of chronic kidney complaint. Get Dr. ll I:nitton'r rills to -day ; ahoy cure kidney end liver complaint for all lime. ' o medicine reliever so prom- ptly, nothing in sho world of meds• enc cures more thoroughly. For Mrs. Plnkham's Standing Invitation. Women suffering front any forst of female weakness aro invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. I'inkhant, at Lynn, Mass. All lettere are received, opened, read ami and answered b women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has Leen established the eternal confi- dence between Mrs. 3'inkhant and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of tho vast volume) of ex- perienco which she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has •gkined the very knowledge that will help your ease. She asks nothing in return except your good -will. and her ttIvico has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or Ivor, is very foolish if Ate does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. 1'inkhaut's Vegetable Compound at onto, and write Mrs. I'inkham, Lynn, Mites., for special advice. When a medicine Inas been aueceseful in restoring to health so many women, you cannot well say, without trying it 1`1 do not believe it will help me." club hell thou picnic acre on Sat- urday, wt,,•n n11 Fronted to {enjoy ttac ut scl re s. Crops look fiche in this srction and promisea bountiful harvest. If you ever oto '•Larry" which no doubt you will. tell ,hint that the perch are just thick on the side of bee clock now. atxl HO doubt i he would edea' lots if he would call again. -Larry gays he will he hack agent in a week or. ere -Ed, By Stewed Message. -It Is not !•cry often, (bit our quiet burg has something ,s% 'rich carouses it from its lethargy. However the arousing spirit Jets unit -ed. A few dart :age the telephone operator' was quickly summoned to the switch board t• maim the message that n tramp trailing front Myth was out looking far goo/ or something, that would (tut :his, throe ahcets in the wind. A poem% was formed to capture him. with our t;cniul Billys using their generalship in guiding the uttackino force. The lineup was at the cot•- er, just inhere you turn to alto bake, before reaching the spot where mos. Quito t,etting it at n premium dur- ing fly time. Along about otiose o'clock an indivjdtell with Lumpei back, dr,e*eeed in blue, with an un. canny eye rind unsteady step hove is sight. Guns were drawn and the in- truder ordered to halt. The ordett was obeyed by ,his laking for the tall limbers, or tato timbers that had once been tall and are row awaiting the buzz r-,.tw at Hamilton's mill. A sennc,h revealed !list the miscreant waft nm other titan Elsie Brenner. who lend impersonated tho ittowal trona ]Myth. ---t - 1f you once try Carter's Little Liver l'ills for sick headache, bil- iousness, or constipation, you will never bo without them. They are purely regrettable, eunall and rust to bake. Don't (correct this. tend the Sunday school convention which is being held there this week. Miss 5. Andrew, of Credito►l, was the guest of the Misses Ronnie on Monday. The infant daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Ed. Merner tell asleep in the arms of Jesus on Saturday. The funereal took place Mondny nfternoon Much sympathy is extended to the piritnts in their sad ,bercrtrement. Mr. J. Torrance, of Clinton, \etas in the village on Tuesday looking af- ter some ,horses. Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, :Ind Z)r. Campbell, of this village, performed an operation on Mr. Wile, of the lith con., on Saturday last for ap- pe ndicites. Mr. A. JtcLcod spent Saturday and t'A ltQil ll A tt Statute labor bis commenced. ht revues too ball Unit our good roads '„rive to he piled with grovel at this time of the year. Crops aro looking splendid•nroun:l there. but rain is needed. The hay crop will be light unless there is considerable rain through June. Mr. J.aa. Ballantyne has purchased a now rubber tired buggy. arrester Oscar Bennett, talo ' has been living with air. William Flet- cher for the past few years passed away to the great unknown last Tuoad.ty. IIo shad been . Bufferin; from lung ,trouble. Mr. Ilenry 51raffan, of Michigan, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. \Vat. Fletcher, here. Mr. Bert Stewart, who has been 'attending the Business College at London. is home at present. Wil I b o found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them \lOORRESV ILI, It PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morkin, of Biddulph, having been residents of tdciscommunity for the past twenty five years, and ,hiving decided to move to their new home near Elgin. field, o number of their friends and neighbors vasscmblcd at their Smutty(resi- dence at this home in Bay field. dence on Wednesday evening .last to Mies Dont Eilbor, who ,has leen bid them farewell and pay Them the visiting friends.at Crediton, rhturn- compliments usual on suoli.occn.ions cal home ay. Atter presenting Mr. and Mrs. Mor - kin witlh nn upholstered chair each and a nicely worded address, assur- ing .them of the l.i;-h esteem they are •hold in by th, I.00ple of this are .held in by the reel - dents of this community. Mr• Dior - kin made n few remarks expreesine las thanks for these tokens of es- teem rand good wiethe's. Tho rc►na1n dor of the evening w•ua spent in sic• Mrs. (kir per Weber returned home el it that, songs, music eta. sWhile in Lucan on Saturday even - on Monday evening last after can ing list n ,horse belonging to Mr. Ess Iludson, of McGillivray, because frightened nt r, passing train ;and ran away throwing .Mr. lludsou out of the rig :and giving him u bad shaking up. Miss M. Koehler returned home on Tuesday last atter a six weeks' vje- it with her sister, airs. Studer, nt Tavistock. Miss Lydia Koehler and .brother, Addison, spent a few days in Toron- to East w'cek. Mr. George Melanie of Palmers- ton. t,is .acoeptcd n 'position with Air. C.Ilartloib nn littrntitd►• extensive visit swish .her il►tughter, Mrs. ',affirm, at Crowell, Miele Hiss 1). Hogan, of Hillsrreon. spent , few day.e in tale %Deice with friends ,•t few days in the village with friends last week. DROPPED ALL. OTHERS. 1"droppcd all liniments but Norv. iliac 'barium I found Nerviline the quickest to relieve (pails," ti rites E. S. Benton of St. Jaime. "If my chil- dren are ,croupy or sick, Nerviline cureee them. 1f a case of cramp or stunt telt oche tunns up. Nerviline is ever ready. \Vc use Nerviline ,for ncutttlgia, eheumatt.rn anti all kinds • M.r:-.. Vans. ('mitis and Master Glees- doctor." utiles .111(1 pain: tit at as good as any ter spent '1 few days visiting friends doctor.' Tiro great C.lnidian rents- at Crediton. -oily for the twist fifty years hes been The farrners are busy now doing Poison's Norviliue-nothing better their raid work. • made. Mr. Samuel Johns sports ti new bugs)•. Tho boys h•twe purchased a new foot -bill this season. Who Saye tiro game is dead. Rev. Fair ntlended t.ho conference et Windsor the post week. 8. Andrew pureihnscrl a draught mare from A. (licks. of Centralia. Mr.\ r .ir t I tl Skinner er , r un 'till nc 1 d ox' lc 1 a position with our genanl binck- smit.h, .1. Johns. Aielville will goon be ;i full-fledged malty as veli a• in coopering. Mr. 1 ni�c i ftp I e (Reposed 1 ter r>f 's i p0 1 ht i If sick headache is misery, what is Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure its People who bavo used them speak frankly of tboir worth. They are small and easy to take. ELIMVILLE WANTED! GRA NI) Ill?v 1► Mr. and \arty. George Itoundtrec, :IIo his brother and wife, of Lon- don etre at present occupying their cots Igo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Trott. of Hen- s/ill, t on Sun- day. r ' town a l9. 9' Ind lir . all 0 . f dray. Lauereen, of London. i4 stay• ins: ,t tdre Brand lien•.1 1touer, for a few days. Mr. awl Mrs. Folliek,, of Exeter, 60,000 Pounds of WOOL EXETER, CEN'1'RALIA, ANI) CLAN DEBOY I'. ELEVATORS. were o:copying their cottage a few ' own of trey horsey to n gentcleman d.y t last t{e1•k• near 8t. M tryA, n morel figure being 11 ,,,inion tiro'., harts their Jpoit rotliz-4. the tl:otit on Oat lake every clay or Mr. H. Wilson hots isten repairin,± Bo now. Mlle' runs fine .Ind ..cents to his 'house the past week. It 14•:• r1ui(e n drat Inoue owed r•inco _ tleo. tc•built her: 1V001)11AM NI r. Letvitt's new Bowling ,,rtt,,t {n rrc•ilil x si.a Sind grern aria no A very pretty wrd,ling was c01 . doubt will b^ multi ought otter boated at the ho►nn of Mrs. Jamrs soil blond. clear complexion, healthy by the c onpcu4.. Shipley, w'rdnrvp.ly, .luny GtIt, when apreetite, the proper 1re.ittnent is 1)r. Tisa' 1're hy,Critn church et this �t' r dn►ghter, (`ori hiarntaa war Ilemilton s ('ills. 23c,p er iox, of pl rets n1 ro l'ortpett intend J,oldln; tFPelrled la 1Vm. Douglas, of 8trat- all dealers. alt ;t• innu•11 please on i'rid.ty the ford. After the ceremonies raters 1,i', of .nun.. Vi'r do spot kt►ow on completed 1.hc brtrtil party stat down whit ground% blit presume on idr. to a %Pointy wedding dinner, after Lc+ltitt'". ' which the young couple left for th{r In The, Metlac.lixtst of (:rand Went future I,nntr :+l Stratford where a1r. iIr• . it age Monday on bitances. 'ircuit interel telling their •,nnuat' Douglas isemployed in the eel. %hope. Mr. .1. 4.V. Or.wein, 'ot • tfenAall, 'nis on 't •air • Ily, ,lune 13 on lite ttV'u, S11/A'y wi,,h r •I11ivea in town. rrn° grounds, nhen no>loubt t goal ()uar,'s1'. •• ,, held in the .imr will be had at both. lis •sr• 1 1 .rr : !. ., • sunlay, Rev.Mr. ltohx•r, 5 ,tdrr, of Exeter. la :•,. �,a. ,eta t 1it'•r of *Ih'si dila- 1 t•irilyd frinnda herr t few a ore last . f i , ' • Peet •c;vi os were wrt'k. %Vele-one b•ek Hobert. • ..t' ; Mr. Henry Boist'nbcrry instMMed n t ,' . 1, u. of 11' n i '1!, Sun- :.'w Qencr:rter for i;gtlrtilttt '1'4 nes • areato1 root* hotel, 1 oft a :ek, it It-ai will be ri ,t eat lift ' Tweet"). toots irnt,ror^meot. \ •w Hamburg to at- The Hriosit•y end Leury Literary al ill(:tl '.1 S. Hardy. of Exeter, utas Jnr 1 mornit;; • J. COBBLEDICK '1* IMPORTEIr- SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitiiigs. The best offerings from n Scotch English and Scot mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor CENTRAL KoWS STRATFORD.. ONT. Our classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commercial or Short hand Training. Students are entering each week. All gradu • ates get good positions, Write for catalogue. ; W. J. ELLIOTT, 1principals D. A. McLACHLAN,1 •g•N•g•••NNti••.••••••Ni •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • FOR OVFHSIXTY 1F.tlti AN ftp ISO \V►tt.Ttvrn ltrpr,nr.-Mrs Wln•Inw'68onthta Strop ist M•rn n -ed for over splenear. by roll long of met hers for tater rhIldrrn wane teethtry/. with Ferfeet-ncce,n, it .n,rho• the ehti4, gotten+ the arm•. •liana all 1 fair. eon,. wird 1'0110. 6114 I• the li.'.' remedy/ .. r Diarrheas. ft 1. Ore/plant to the 0,6-'0. Sold 1 y ('rlyyt'.t a to every p.►tl of the world. 23 t est• a bott;o. Its r•Jut ,c Inratr',itble, iie I ours and take Me. %t'Ine/owls Soothing Syron and see for no other kind. I EXETER'S UP -TO -DME FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY Just received another load of ZURICH FLOUR which we will sell at $2.25 per cwt. at the Feed Store. For PURE MANITOBA call on us, we sell the best at a reasonable price. IIARVEY'S STAR FLOUR always on hand at the same prices as at the mill. Large quantities of po- tatoes on hand, also seed potatoes at $1.00 per bag. GOODS DELIVERED. S. HARDY & SON • • ♦•••t••N•••.....••••s'••.M 8. 8. NO. 5, USBORNE The following is the 'report of S. 8. No. 5, 1'sbornc, for the month ot Jtay, The subjects eximinecl were arithmetic, grammar and drawing. Tito names nor in order of merit. Sr. IV.-Ifcriert Ilie^ett, Wm. Sillery, Emily ford. Lloyd Rivers, Gordon Heywooel, Norman Perking. .1r. IV. -7,oe , Myrtle M, ,hter- m to Si{l 1)iyeryrn-in, Nit ilioodiersrtt, John Itiley, Miry Kydti, Victor Iteywool, Elva Foal. .Ir. Ili. -Win. Herrick, Vera Ilrxdrr'wn. Irene itivers, Blenoho Fond. Elmer Mcl'.alli, Vera Moodie. ter. 1I._11ut•h Sillcrv, Edward Watery F:ninit Father. Itufui Kestlr, Austin ford. Gcrtie Johns. Norman Johns. 1'. 0O\VANS, Toacler. The disgusting dischtrtrci from the' nose cowl 1tiro" 1, and the foul ca- t ,rt)•iI breath, am quickly elispon. ,'d with by tuning 1)r. Shuop's Oa. tarrh Cure. Much, t.cwthing nntlscp. tic agents ns Oil Eurnlyptus, Thymol, wad Indigo, etc., hate been incor- i,orited into a snow elate cream eiekiter it catarrhal balm unexcelled. Sold by W .8. Ilowr•y, Ut(N•1.1RA1,tA The Lidiea Aid of (the Centrniti ale.:hodis( church intend holding their annnil concert in lisle evening of July 2. They hive ratgeged tho lrnperi 11 Male Q'i,,rte.tte, of uthone the Lntirlon Adwertiwer says "They war.' obliged to respond 40 enentores , a': time. Their winging shoved r a.ant et of lone and melody of sho t,iglpc•t nyder, • C) -Lk F3TOXi. 2..'1L - Eters the A 14 fad Y39 Hatt ere; ; a: oat ilignatsre •1 hz,z7 selea