Exeter Times, 1906-06-07, Page 1Wedding Stationery .Young Ladies veno ere interested In what is proper Ju the matter of etetiouery for %Ve /dinga [should see tlir wimples, latest type faces. We yat) have t hetu ready in, a few hours. • THIRTY-TIHIRD YEAR—NO 1708 ' .xeler JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. 'NEW CORSETS HURON MIDDLESEX GAZETTI;l EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, .1 UTNE 7th 1906, "Larry" Has An Inter=1 Schoolorfs a ^-_ R P 'Official Visit of D. (D.view With Gus Guhr I'U11L1c SCHOOL Itl:l'O11'1' I G. M ROOM V M. Dickson. IV.—Percy .Go.lwin, R;, 1'''r ti,^nt ; t)i wuz st.andin' li:+td•niu' to Abt• harry .I• uk,t', 82 ; ,Ilt)tx'rt Jorma R1 • 1)a4tr•in' w11n clay la:tht we.•k, tellin, 1'e'ctrl ,1.• ,,►s, .77; Lilly trews, � t;l ; It tt•as wit eclat that ll;e Ir,actet. 1'e<rr•1 Ucxlwin, 70 ; \Vcllhlcct Fuk. Tascnic Lodge received D. D. (;, M. me av th' t.oitue 'w,hilt IW wuz ec- .1r. III.—\Vilfrcd Stewart, FF; 70 L. U, Dick -.on. on liii official tint counted to b titan, riv th' i•htron gest !;rss( t F2; ltet,�i< to L.Ir.Ittiti serest Lodge A. F. '' r t l.illr.n Iloy1., 79; Clar- A. 11., No. 1:33, Exeter. 'Visiting Ograd a Ice !IeyttooJ. 75; !, brethren were present from 8trat- Ct:a.i r Wood, 74 ; ltayn►ond 1)e•aring, 73; nary .Ache- Lord, Ilt•nslull, Luc 10, Seaton h, and son, 71. \o .cm full, -Ili :� arc►•;1g' 39. o:.her planers. In the forc•pir1 of JI. K 1VAI,itONl), Teacher It OOJt V Sr. IL—Willie Ire:.lern:in, 93; Mw Jack son, 82 ; i rear I I:atty. 79 ; ILi r- ry Snell, 78; Mary Notation. 75; Olive Dearing. 72: Leon Treble, 71 ; ltul)1 Wood, 71: Oliver Ilodgert. 70. 11-1 Ii' ummerear,:iii.::,,a'wv.,-.)i:dtit::::!,t,:iz-iii.,(i;:r,li)::. but rl►f. old Fo oor chums 'Isom liuukin. 11e: an' Torn att1ndcti t h' name hchoo1 house, marry yearn ago, an' got We have some Corsets that can not fail to interest you lickin's 'frutn Oh' same, tibtiok, that both as to quality and to price. For an idea of t Ualit we \t'' wuz o:+,refut to shot fer tit; invite1 Y t(+:;ejic•,c• fee th' benefit tiv thin' rz your early innspection. :1S proof of price we quote \\ uz :'11us villin' to ferl;it w1101 \\ uz you a few leaders. t h' lesson fcr t he ;iris t day. Av course Toni i n' me t sok different ':1t•:oa;ttiotlst in loifc. Ile i-htuck to til' fa rutin' etti' nlad. :t success :Iv it, w1hoilc Oi thought farnli.n' ui' beiu' THE TAPE GIRDLE CORSET Ilas a position of prolninencte during the hoNveather season. It is made in Plain White also Embroidered Effects of dainty colors or White, 35c, 54k, and 75c per pair. White Net Corset or Summer Batiste Long hip, steel tilled and neatly trimmed perfect fit also extra cool and comfortable, 50 cents per pair. The Latest Parisian Corsets Bias cut, dip hip, hose supporters attached, whtte, only 75 cents a pair. Crompton and D. & A. Corset Fit the woman ordinary corsets can't satisfy. Steels that can't break, material to stand extraordinary wear, Lace trimmed only $1.00 per pair, Fascinating Wash Fabrics Never in the Seasons passed has Davie Fashion smiled more enthus- iasticallyupon Frosty White and Colored Wash Fabrics than in this year of 000 and that is why our assortment of these winsome weayes is above the average, From the sheerest most web-like of Mull and Dimity through all the textures until the stoutly -woven, immaculate White Linen is reached, not forgetting the wear -resisting Chanlbrys and (;inghams, no matter how exacting you may be, how critical your tastes, you are almost sure to be pleased from our stock. If in need, ask to see our range of Ladies' White Wear. You will not be disappointed. 5Oc Boy's Shirt Bargains 50c Just received a large shipment of Boys' Soft Front Shirt, Sizes 12 to 14 regular dollar goods to clear for 50 cents. For patterns see our North Window. Store closes at 6.30 every evening except Wed= nesday and Saturday. JONES & CLA t})t' ('venin, 1). 1). (;. M. Dickson w.t9 presented tvith the regalia. of lis of- fice the presentation being to t(le by itt. W. Deo. Malcom. of Stratford, in a neatly wtor•ded address to ttlhich 11. W. Iino Dickson feelinnly !replied• lI.—I'143; Ilrrlkty,ill,F;;; I:Lorlt , � The tt;ork of the• fit -, lie! : t:d tt•as II.—I y, I1•y then exemplified after u :..;h ; the Jr. I'7lni4' : lMew-histrt Iia.saw, ;0. 1). 1), 0, M. t,rddressed the members Ford, 87: l'jolet Knott of the lodge. In his address he Con - and Ethel 11:tlkwill c•.m i -0 • 11 frac Ilriw-1conlbe 75. No, on roll. ;, ,3. fined himself mostly to the teachings a lawyer, 1,rincipally a lawyer, w uz ; of masonry and W.33 attentively lis- ' 48' tencd to througllou,lht As i1 just th' proper setter ler nu', an :tv(.r.a O'int allow busted. Arany thou• whin A. P. MARTIN 'Teacher. ROOM „II member of the Exeter lodge, he Oi met Pont this (,articular afhter- refnl,ined from criticising (he work noon he had 1ho .. iinc slimit.,It1t1 `Sr. ll,—Nulty •10necr:, 90 per cent ; put on, clsking miv l,t•rson present to rosy cunitllerion. Jan Selden, 87 ; 1La.rgucritt 03 rill- make stray ;•titieisrn or a + Ica rlctr 8(f L Harvey-, 8l rues_ tions. It. W. tiro. Mooney. of Strat- ford, spoke in complimentary terms of the cork of the evenrno•, as dict the lit. V. tiro. Malcolm, of Strat- ford. .At (,110 close of the ,address the lodge tt):is closed. :ind the utembeirs adjourned to the Central hotel din in;; room, where the "fourth degree" was c,:cr.ri('d out by enjoying the ex. cellent dainties prepared by , mite host and hostess, Jiro. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. 'Elio banquet tables fairly groaned %rad' t he :ivaantities of foot! for the inner man :end was thoroughly en- joyed by over sixty brethern "Larry" F:cz she "O'iv b;ino think- irl' over• till' III:ttiler nv runnin' fer altilternlrtn civ 111' trst)orrlie Council mixt year, au' begorra O'im tihtuck ler a Rhlit•cr in inc plat- form, an' Oi would loike yes to curl \t i41 rale sill' nttind wall av Ili' ma- tins av th' Council on' sec if yes cm give me sum vointeri;." "Tom" ERZ 01, "Oi wuz talki.u' w•id George Andrews a few clays ago, ;in' 1,:: wuz tellin' Inc 4t het it wuz .1 tlsame th' %%ay Guts Guhr wuz hunt - lin' along tacit twit- (river. he ex rat:tk- in' fer .t fe way the aristocrats av 1.11' township, an' that it would be n wise .t'hing to i'nterviett' him, •:Iti,' Ihave him 5htop \t•or-rkin' F.o hard. Ilegot•ra, Tont an' rale •win.t to wan av tis' to a ti`a'ra .i r t he Council. FO's to git eoahted afore nankin' ,our coup de whatyoum-lycallit. and there wuz -t h' whole shebang presint, .10'0 Iiaw- kllty, who :ilium rung loike as streak ti'v greased Ioi,•I,htning at elections. Jim 13:tlla.ntynre, w,.Iro forgot hez , : toilerAgnes MacKay, 83; Blanche Qu<trboe, L 77. Jr. IL—Willie Kydd, 90 ; Joe Craig 87 ; Stanley Johns, 86. Sr, ('t. II.-_ Jc`ssio Brick wood, 89. No. on roll, 19; ;average -15. MrCAI,LUM, Teacher. 11OOM VIII. Sr. 11.—Alini. Mack, 86; P for iice Howe, 85 : Robbie Fleming, 83: Wil- lis Manson, 82; Mabel Knott, 79; Ed- die Welsh, 76. Jr .11.—.Maggie Case, 91; Edgar llorncy, 93: Anna Hell. 90 ; ti!aud flicks, 75; •Itt.nry Par- sons, 71. Sr. I't. II.— Flossie Neil. 90; Marjorie Huston, 78: ,Jody Fer- gusson, 71. No. ,on roll. 51; overage attendance, 43. L. M. JECICI;LL, Teacher. TI.'1SEHALL An exciting of ball was played on tete recreit tion grounds Wednesday evening of last week weak, between Igo jureni!e teams of Centralia and \obi -etc horse on the 1w1n,ty-fourth. E'xe'ter and resulted in favor of the George Andrews, who !pikes insur- visitors by the scoro of 27 to le at:ce almanacs, ))irk Canlm, \t id hex Th(t "Duffers" of Credicom came sunburst trousers an' Friel Ellerin - out 1teiu Friday evening 10 ,la ton, t'tl' ocw mimbcr, (who lies return matoh with the Exeter play a shlrong holes or nlaki;)g. Lumley. popular an' Frank Morley the Clerk. Ilestidcs 1h' gintleini.n. ;who luk s •afhtcr th' isbpcndin' :1v tis' monney, wuz Dick hunter, Nut Coates an' 'Torn Vale. We Nat rheas) art' lissen- ed to the wise talk av th' Council - lois fer some toime, .111 Ili' w•hOilo titin' up s-,otne scheme to fu:a)d Gum Guise. Athter tit' matin' wuz cotn- elcted \te t ilk George .to %% an wide The+ 1,'c1n,e tlid trot start until about :seven o'clock. and it 'was ,,'lrnost daa•k before five innings were com- pleted. The Exeter toys should hive \t -an. but elbowed a lack' of practise. chuffed flies in the field being more numerous than otos. According to 1. E. °rrling. who was on interested apect:,tor, t140 hall w•.as •too small for Wood playing. About the most ►�en- altion,ll ',art of the game was herb an' ex(41:1 s•d to thin that u„ agreed Ford ripping his trousers t; -hen slid- e i41 tllitn ;alwut the isork on the ! Ing for the plate and Wilily IIart- Eliitiville 11IIlitl brut' i•t ,llct! .1(N) I I('tb'a 1nt-oluntory stop with his bread last, an' we appinted ourselves walk- basket of n foul tip. 'tVtten She in' ttclligates rtv th' efface seekers smoke 'had a/e4re,1 :Tway the store Union, :In' sthtarted out fer hex ship. was found to bel 8 to 7 in f Ivor of We t•;lttrttek lex b'tliw'Ik long bout the boys out Credited way. foive o'clock in th'facci ;n just afore Abottt fifteen bar/drill entillusi•1':ts they wuz quittin. Tom :,1►' me •111 eco!ge w uz dressed up kind o' tidy loike an' Gus seen us corrin' an whin e e •�.ht ruck t }rat diggin machine, he invoiced us, into the refreshnlint :Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing. Lii.tir addressin' notes Oi wuz called • neat. Es Oh' ithcr bye lied !ergot upon to make a spach, an' tell v -by oe wuz t.l)cre, no Oi shwallowed sonlcthin' and shtarted• BUGGIES - BUGGIES BUGGIE Just received a shipment of "MARTIN . R met a i. t ile (it -da nr reed hotel Tucx- day evening :111,1 organized for she nelson. The following officers were clect4'd• Bon. fres., A. Q. llobicr, lion. Vic- Pres., N. I). llurdon ; lies. J. J. \\�J►ife; Vice. l'tes, Harold flim nett ; Secy., G. Powell ; llatsag4ts•, 1t. N. Creech: Captain, 'l'otn Carling. ,1 fast and interesting g.amn is scheilu- '(•irttfcnrin" `4t'z Oi "A bir-rd in coroforfFriday night between a te.ani th' hand CZ worth •1 dozen, bad eggs �` of business 1141' and t. of be regular icon'. 1: ii the inti:ntic,n of col,( in a (;ro:cry. We hove fame the tetircd +I (s(nted n dilligaliort to confer ttId ;)limes to f;ivc Ilieyouno I(T (Tinted axe ifli tion wool t+!►to) fellows sonic pointers as to how the t g ma ttt,oufd be i't ye& it. is nec- ror-rkin' Po bar -rd ,-o 4.•z tl, job • esairy that everybody' attend the will Lest longer and es can use pct ; game as substitutev galore will bo .,s an argunlint IIix1 %% .rater 1% 1);;) ee; rz r unnim' ft r t 1,•' Council." � needed. Vile srn•vi•zta of several col. loge atudentm have been env- Ted to .,\ Vt t.yi► tinkt" :Pi (kis, "`'c 1, If 1114k c• --s•••: , .I 1;.,..,.., s:o !illy injured player o.'r• rc bur t-;om9 )n 1de ter vorkin or spet'tsttor. 'Ilse i raid such .fastness, anti the. seal • tin a game will alert y K t shout fI.3A •►n11 continue mail Idle Lich 4'111 make us slob iss t0 sink moon come. no. antes:l apt. ' o:lu;rc•d (141' craft, by filling :41 up mit der nuinh-r t•f ilrrrilt;. 4 :are rid ty•,1 L''foro stuff dot \I ilveukee Vail 111a1.1e famous t 11 t t t itnc% nlit." s George, ,, "L&I.E r rr "Vex kt:uw ,I k Iirytt ocd, typo es wan av t I,' FOOTIIALL buggies with rubber and iron tires, min on foreea•ttle an' :. shorty Ca]l And, t .t.n, 11'40 rz Inkin' fer abort An in,z`r,cstin;; ,;.)rale cf foo;b111 a ).outs, we'll TO( t liiul �intlemin un tt'1's t)!"yam at J ho ire -re at Fr•a grounds .and see them they will stand inspection. afore mid .:,rad rink the sloop just Monday night b^tit „°c'n till Crediton p .1n41 I:Nei c'1• teams. The tacorc %vast 1 Also have a number of midnight. They wuz lord r1Y to 0 in favor . good second hand our intentions .In' ttr. ink t :m over o• of Crediton. ['retina the graveyard stn' ;rare chilli ts(vit► dc'grcest in th' ,,rt ,v :ttkira' buggies for sale at a bargain, dlcsol,r4, an' „,tit:, :it (:tis tied got T J 10 1(41 1(11111' the byes ;1%. th' esc.;- tri t► id>r•t :Iv him whit: II L'Ji4) i 1.' (lite', it' I), 1 A. Q. BOB1ER, Exeter ll.,y, :Iii' ivnrybcrly fell it.hleel) in cut th' injin' room. Long bout loan ;;TT o'clock in the n)orni0' we t141v•inced ' Ir on Guff gunboat nrmcd tcid a two i1('t' • irtcll bit :and .ivcr•nl Zoite. pres,irvers I1ar -t___-__,- _ Jack teas dilllgatvrl to do 111' bt,r;14' 11e: ._ -- _�_ u hilt. George an' me' nu' Tom s 1 t on for W. tiro, tV, J. Holman. :is toast- master, in .a very pleasing manner opened up .1,he long list of toasts, by thanking the brethern for the lame representation. The toast to the Ring was pro- posed and the •ttssembl;ige responded by arising, and drinking . to his lto:tlti and hinging the National Anthem. Our country was proposed and re- sponded to by Rt. NV, Tiro. Malcolm, of 81 catford. Mr, Malcolm Inas a wide reputation as .1 forcible speak- er, and this address Mond;ly evening sustained this reputation. It iw•,a9 One of the finest displays of oratory, ever hcnrd here at a function of this kind. Ile spoke of the great- ness of our Country. Ile compared the t":I.4t ness of the different prot•- iucev of our fair 'Dominion tt•ith foreign •:ountrics, of the wonderful strides of progress that are being made, of the ricline's of our miner- als, of the excellent opportunities that etre offered Masonm, and that they 71301114 do everything ill 1heit' power to assist in raising the start - dart' of morality among those who that's 'recently entered spur great Northwest, and our own fair Ontario as well. He closed his address by urging the brethren to he true to their obligations, thus keeping up the high etatid:ird, which ,Iu•1'onry t et1 oJzeit, The Grnnd Lodge was professed and responded to by Rt. W. tiro. llooncy, of Star -Word and t1' W. Ilro. J. A. Stewart, of Exeter. District No. 4 atlas responded to by by .Rt. 1V, Jiro. Dickson. Mr. Dick- son stated that it was an extreme pleasure to hint to pay an official visit to 'lt:s mother• lodge, and 11e tests more than gratified with the cordial welcome that had been ac- corded hint, that his duties as District Deputy Grand M18tcr had 1.kc11 mos; pte.ls:►n:. The harmony in t h.• differeet )ocrg'cs he 1s.111 ris:tcd in his offk,<inl enfotIt1' Ile roficed were of .1 high 14t'nd irtl, :, fact tflsi:lt 11 ,; reel, pfeasin'r la him and he could look back It ;tit. pl('aRtlre t0I the yet ••r tt•1t: n lie. w as 1). 17. 0. 11. 13cfo(e closing din spoke fcclir„:y. of hi. -t snot her -lodge and the manner iu w hi: L the work kid been con- ducted and that he was proud of the brethren of the Exeter lodge, :14141 cxpressvd his thanks to the visiting 1,1 ct hien for i,(If'nding in41 for the coin' liut�•nta.ry remarks ea tended the 141(1)1bers of Iii'i lodge. 11,e •'Lidiea" \t 4•t r sl,cnded lo by tiros•. I)r. 041))'. 111ri,;, ,('r(.<1., llclm,yr:• awl 1. It, NEW 110OI(S IN L111ltAttl' "Our \'isiii•ng Itret•hrer►" w• ,� he following iitt 4►f t,ett a )ended .0 by 1\'. 11ro. Irene, 8tr t- vc been added to 11,.. 1'ublic1°Lir t fort' : •\'• lire. ()rine, Luc in : 1tro• ry, l3ubre.rilx'rsl wi1 1 (10 well to I O'Neil. Luce!), Ind !Ito. ticot t, lI4 n- t.his list out and post it in their will. alogue'.. *. fiction. — No. 10,37,. "Lett '11011 )''rest Lodge.. w:►s I., a•itage of Vinod de, Mrs. Akc'xat:- 1"." ..""1 113' 11'•, 11', i1, 'I-ilcolnt. nti 10:i8, 'Ilse :scorn Lite, do.; (((1') res, o::den ,0 • W. Hip; t T1ansom. (i:irvicc; :1010, 1ler "r": 8""1"*". 11.0.1 11r0m. •111to n, \V, 4 rt a Desire, do, ; 1011, L. (11 1 !lass' g..f1, oirand T. 1 tune. do. : 1012. 80 Nearly Lost, 1'11. Carling, C.Mutat. i,+hor. BE LOYAL the time. ter fear nv 11,in1 rhw-ant r do. ; 1043. Che 1. -urge. .to. ; 101-1. At the cIo-n 1iir' to1,•t to 1(1 host sr,► rs, w,1b1t tsars Iles fer ,l:a thin v. Loves Dilemru:,, Ito.; 1015, and .1t0'1033 tt is l,ropo.r41 rind re. t ) .r silver ,c 1st. A. ilagg itil ; 1010, The Csosi - st,ondcd 10 by M.o. end 1)vs,. Ache. t.ovcra, Pidgin: 1017, GoI,1••r1 ' 11• t:wt'ne1013 I, F. E. Green. GI-ner,;1 11r. W. It, Elliott, of Centr:tli► en. i 1-11ure.-.917, A race with Ruin, liveried 41,4• .v. 'tiler by 1.''d;ng rr► don Hill; 9(8, I'is,,enger from Rillttinir ' 11e's , jolly ootel fel!0w" • k I \\ b111 Jack was film:At'.t he tuk to 1' l th' tall titnbrtr', ic;avjn' th' rent av c irl 11a3'iIigwi11 ta� er I :tr'e•st;nl:tt•4•+ .)t..l to:f•. l�aYira' Soon be there ,,,„.►tion• All to w•antt+t th' e-, tit s;4•t- hits &led in tit' shoot we war lukin fer, lie ::aa t haat tlrrw' wuz dn,;n's. "))serer- !t t,a'' '-c z .lack 1•c,rni lh, \\•(,.t.0 f i'I rn Oak t0 your ha�'llrr, tools, and see if von :11'(' 1'('(I(1%' for that `i 0111 trek an ioe•berg:In' our shtc•rtn- ;f ,r ti'd'y busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you (4vi t fes inkltl nn J eryhody ).let sr. do. • ii1011% w WOW t h^i r I,a f 1111 1 :, „*%"' any tools von In:t1' nee( such as hantlforks etc. ; ' ' r • t v , and K'(' g)('('- ><1'o:l4a eras .t,n torn 1u (.co.gc• fell lel y emphasize Ira folk rope. , • off our 1 ••.,rv.•i( s Its in th' hits i-111.1.`r y. } �V( 11EC showing the best •1ac•ada.1 rv,t., frust 1 iffin. Rabbit •duality of ltritish Manilla Rope, thl. price 1.)c. per i1,. price ; �/ � Iv:kc wc• skinned .,torts t I► 'f:ncc', an' • oft for ('tl lr. %Maine(' fcr .Jim Earle's genera, w here 1te shl(•I4 11U1 111' Ili(' '(31 av '.h' noiaht. fecfin' 1 b-;1 r tic, i.lank in our pl.ltforin for- 11,' nix, polity•.il canl(,aign w us 11.111(•d (loan. tis, (,t tffit h ; 91!1, Boys of tic :)rad O 1t4.i rtppr'opri�ate F.Gn••.., 'thy, Pier ; 11'20, Li t 110. )fore, '('Le, b lnqu' • •�lou•(1 by .411 t Lu- c rigid, Atcol t ; ' 21, JiInrnica Cruiar, 1►rc�c'nt forming �i link ind s'l1 •itt 922, HI'inirrl; '` heel Stor:'s "Auld 1, r':,• . ►, g . do., by eve.' Shawl St raps, 'o. ; 921 Printed - Order early Don't neglect to it';lt'r your orders early ft u. 1�intlei' Twine. '%'e hav4' thr('e tons of t he Celebrated I'lvinc)uth Twine for salt'. `on,' other i1 quite so good. Prices .guaranteed. (I. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the zowardBlgnattare of Bloomneld, 10 row a, R. 1,4 (; a l l,c• r fir ; .T+_:), t311te � )'arson, 1\' ►rd •..1►:ti, 2110 fine- Tile Londcrl 11e1Its►.1;s4; orf r4'ncc 41rc•dt.h Acre, 0t,n)d •n ; 927, 'Niel ,h,il:it 1VIndQor list '1'nem! ty, :obd A. McGowan & Cooke; 928, 'pie Olio willl ince( next year Iii (:'.wish. \Vdho H i\\„ 11. hill ; ,929, The Angel 1' otlowinu i" t>tie lint •ir tft tr►t t t,iQ of fain, hereof : 930. if routs but I dictr)ct : i:xt•tcr, Main •.trc' \\ ),). Godwin: James street. Arthur 11. Gang ; Par Seidl!. S. .lathes+ i'Jitnvillc, Hugh .1. ('.lir ; Centralia. 11:rcourt ; 551, \t'ir It iire and Drum 1 George t1', Andrews; llens,•,ll, l4yl• at Louisburg, Otl4'y . rt j�/ t 1 i re'ti'e L. Toll 1\It)f)^)), .Jnhr1 Hart : \'•'c)It'crinc, 1, t\\ rt ► "0, llitcrl) )114,- (rceit0n, John \;'. Andrews; Grand ottt.--T),c )rouse of `refile`", 1'ne- Dend, J. Fletcher Sutliff('; Sylvan. shallmhIII : 'i77, vie (; sl,hld of 11. 1 r.rree, eh's. ('. Cot r;• : \-I• , ('r ilg, Arch'- °on ; :3 Mi 0 11 1' Willi4 o)b tt,t 11chix..00n : 1. m. 51. lite • , . \i tnnrst e- 37'), Tire telt (4' the .Co41., (MeClall. )lean - c r , , I I• or W. O t Vol,. 4reA, Etc...... -'5 In $ca'. h of the 7':)ri9't : 111'«x411;.,;,. 1. , .} 11, r,lc:t : (!'s1 'ttrpyt, Vr t,, . J hi rk s on, Joan \ a - Know, Ot.�ef(, ilia nry, ..- 548, his- tory of Osnada, by .1. M. McMullen ; 549, do.: 550, 1'. ,11 of the Sword Z4Cie &an Siena II Y:� MaeJAESTORZA. c7 � 11a ' • tele !(•'t! ,� Aitr, � =' o XI. i � . Bram t}. 1t� Ii:rO Yea N2►11 Atnais ts» Bigatt'o» f of - - - ----- — --- of • Call Up Phone No. 31 If you have ally. utdors fo' prints int; .of any kind just call us up tend we will be please Co look after your w ants. JOHN Vn1TE & Sos ROBERT E. PICKARD, FROBISHER, SASK. = EXETER, ONT. General Selling Agent. for - Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing; land in the West, we can give you the best 1,1n(1 and the lowest prices and easiest terms CORRESPONDENCE: INVITED. Address IOBP E. rIGKflRD, FrobjsHer5g BIG Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston uston and in order to reduce the same WC will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising --Kitchen, Diningroorn, Bedroom, Drawingrootn and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering MIMINNIM ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario EXETI:it COUNCIL • 141t1111111111•►111111♦♦•♦S • 'f,'te ad journcd meeting f the Court of Revision was held in the � ')'own 11;111, on Saturday, June :)flet, • Look After Those at 7.:30 o'clock p• m. 'Inge members • were ...ill present. 'lthe minutes of •Little Chicks meeting held on luny. 28th were read ' :and 4signe41 by tire olrairnutn. '1114' Iteere and Councillor Creecth took 1 They will sol)n 11)ai;e uulney for and subscribed to tilt() :necessary oath. • you. Eggs 1)routiec► to he a • The following appeals were dealt• useful preparations for chickens. ♦ higher price this winter than with: ♦ ever, We have the following 7110 assessmcrnr of the Rev. A. 11. : Going be olr•tnged to read the t rus- ♦ tees of the James street Methodist church as trustees of lie property • and Welt Rev. A. 11. Goin,, be as.sef.s- ♦ ed for $300.00 income instead of $100.1 0 Motion by She Reeve seconded f)y I Jas. Creeoh,—Ca rricd• i 'the .assessor reported that part of Lots No. 1 and 2 on. Northside of Sanders, street owned by Mr. Jas. N. llo va.rd had not been rissessed for the years 1902-03-04-05 and lie had pieced an larctage v altbation- onthefor the number •1 years :115 *3.-'.i.0t). '111,0'1111e. being 4r'nierl d on, (Le T011 on ruotion of E. Treble r;('c• I= ended by \\'. .1, Iieama:n.--Carried. t The as'-csslnent tot Mrs. •Morrison ♦ on Main (street aria sustained 1>er t motion of Jag. Cro't'ch. r=ecorded by W. J. l( iman td• • Pritt's Poultry Foot), Hess's Poultry Food, Mess's Instant Louse Killer, Drs. Vanzant & 1Varing's Poul- try Tonic, Drs. Vanzant iv. 'tVaring's Louse Death, 1'dt•nefac Pott/try rood, Anglo-Saxon Poultry Food, Etc. We have 0Itaiinfect- ,lnia useful for lien Ifo:rses, W. S. t10WFY, Ph. S. Chemist and optician, Phone 30. EXETER ONT. trEVEs TESTED I'Ki't •,11 rr'1 The;I1'9cssment of orae thousand , dollars on property of Mr. .lotuathan I Sh.,c.%v as is reduced $700.00 on motion cf (oho reeve '.ccondcd by W. 3. Il(•.'- man.--404-ried, j ♦111.11111/1411114!♦♦11111• '1111ct assessment of Mar. fat inucI Sanders Ix' sust''ine,l per motion of, Carried. The following dogs were struck "'• Crcc'o1r f'ea't;dd 1)y l';' Treblt•.-- off t to Assessment I -_ to. 1 me •'i11►r :d.FcsRment of 88137.64 (1,1di t1 ce.. havif 1 t tic ng gelid• (101 0 ,a\r;th .wild: .1r 1�. tris light plant of 41r. e. 11. Seel! i ltielh:lydr)on 1, .10i)1(I in itytl,l 1, .1. 1) IOwct'ed 10 4160(10.00 1'' I' 1" 11.•4't•° ! [tcndle 1, John Charlton 1, Welling - seconded by Jan. assets, --r trried, t 11110 assessment of $400 On the.. pro- . ton Neil 1, I) ryi•!' Itu_4•'iI, sr. 1, ii'lui. party of hiss: Clara �'ospt•r be low•. • �ni1<'r` ,1► \\'m. Vnle 1, tlta,n I)at•i•t cared to $350. )lotion per .1. Creech' bitch. \\ . .J. 1[ .Im 1n 1, Thoq. \\'cl)- '"condctl, h3� I;, 'I'rcbtc`.—(1irrird. ! sler cr5ccs5ctl for bitolr be et ruck off The income assessment of t 1: • ("I- .hnd •rsa,4 steed for d l t'aaaed nn lowing rulmt'd were changed as tot- ' ui_ ' fret ion of l:.I. Tr' blc. ecvn.ted !►y Weak :Rev. W, `,I, Martin from $109 J:19. Crc'c"oh. to $:300 ; Iter. W. Gcdw•in from $100 The name of Mr. Alxlrety ribtoU In $200; L. ('. F14`min(; front 4i to be in'erted .on the ,111o(,0rty ipur- $190• Th^ clerk to egress notice on clrHzsed (rota Dr. .1. A. Rollins. Peg t he pers,0114 named. 1'(•r motion r)f Itc'e4e llobier tycconticrl by J,•s. Crecc'!s W. ,1, Ilea man <,-,send••,) iby the—(?trricd• users. -_Carried. JOS. 'SENIOR, ('fork, Received Another (•ar of Samson Portland Cement 1'itl'ties sVanting ('('bent Will (10 well to innke ill(juiri('s regarding this Celebrate(1 1ir�ln(1 of Portland('(;111('nt. Pric('s (ill7(',llltt'('tJ, Screen Doors From elf) ('('l)ts Ili), complete. Screen «rill'lntt'., }'row 15 cents to 49 cents. Hammocks from $2.50 to $4,50 Good, Strong and Lasting Coal Oil Stoves 75c to $6.75. Freezers from $2.25 to 4;.. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store.