HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-31, Page 8• ti k% E x E T k R t i 111 r S. MAY 31st 19043 STEWART's LINOLEUMS A 1 ew lot just o))CI1t tl, quality the 1 i('st, style alai 1'ut terns the latest in Block, Tyle, (';trwt•, Floral and Inlaid effects. if you have a Linoleum Thought by all means see this lot, we can save you some good money. -4 yards wide for $1.05. Ladies' Rain Coats A swell lot of Iww Covert Cloth ('oats in '3 4, 7/8 and full lengths, in the new fawns and grey s—Values are, you'll see $5.00, $I).00 and $8.50. Silk oa s=i Capes For elderly ladies we are showing sotre very special lines of imported Silk Coats and Capes A lovely line of Black ►'4wa Silk Coats, 1,'4 length, beautifully trimmed, new full sleeve, a very stylish garment for only $ 1:3.00. Black Silk Capes, medium and long,applique trim- med, finishe;l. with Lace and Rouching. They are swell for $1U.50, $12.50 and .$1:3.50. Men's Colored Regatta Shirts. A dandy lot of new styles, made from best American I'ercole Cloth, wwit1, mercerized and silk finish, neat fancy stripes and stn -1r11 it )gal figures. A winner at $1.00. Men's Elastic Finished Underwear. Our Men's Summer Underwear is all made on spring needles and gives that nice easy elastic finish. They come in Balbriggan, Lisle Union and Lambs wool -25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00. Bring Along your BUTTER and EGGS --They are just as Good as CASH. Store Closes at 6:30 p. m. sharp, except Wed- nesday and Saturday. JA. STEW.AR'Z DIAMOND HALL QUICKLY EXECUTED WITH N B9TN E,88 ---AND D E,S Pfi TGH That is what we do with any repairing jobs you may leave with us and our charges are al- ways as moderate as goo(1 workmanship will allow. Bring Us Your Repairing MflRGfiflND JICSVEy.ER & OPTICIAN Eyes Eesteel Free. EX ETEK. Spring Suitings Say we got in some swell spring Suitings last week. They are right up to the moment. Co atm are two inches longer that: last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper thrityou can't help hut notice them, The Vests are cut with five buttons anti the Pants are just a little peg toppy. 'a They are besots all right for $15, $18 and $20 LOCALS Mr. Steinbach. of Seaforth, visit- ed his sister on the 24th. Mrs. G. K. IIttiinan spent the 24th with relatives in London. 3[is.s :Maude• Taylor, of London. spent the 24th with her parents here. Mr. 1 .J. Nash, of \t-inghaan, spent the 24th the guest of Mr. anis Mrs, W. J. Powell. Mr. James HI(1en, of London, vis- ited his father, Will. Ilawden, Jur- inb' .the holiday. Mrs. A. Evans, of London, visited her parents. Mr. and, Mrs. \\'m. Tre- ble, on the 2.4t11. 71110 Misst•s (:idley, of Blyth, visited their grandparents, Mr. find Mrs. It. Gidcly, on the 24th. Art Wood, of London, came up to Exctcr on the 2411d to gee the big showy and writ friends, Messrs. .1. Inwood rind swift rind Allan Myers, of London, visited Mr. S. Randers on the 2.11 h. Mites M:elide' Soul hcot t , of London, visited her ►:runt, ler:,. C. A. Sc►tath- cott. during the holiday. Ilarry Davidson, Cheeky Evans and Chas. Miners, of London, visited relatives in town during' the holiday. Miss Chariot to Drink water, of London, visited her sister, Mrs. Shirley Hohier, on the 24111. k\''\\\\ \� Iii1 �I� THE }MIDGE FROM S iCK- NF:ys TO HEALTH is of pure drugs, and these are obtainable here M all times and at any hour. That our stock of DRUGS AND MEI)I('iNES should he fresh and pure is of more importance than its size. All orders can be filled and in a way that will give health to the patient and satisfaction to the doctor, and no ittatter where you go, i W. S. IIOWE Y, Phni. B. you can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do. W. W.'i'aman a Chemist and Optician, Phone 50. iSX7 TER, ONT. tyt:YI TI TE:n Fat?E-sa Merchant Tailor. •N••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 1 TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each warek. Tilt ItSI)AY, MAN " 31ST, 1906. •••••••••••••••••••••••••I • LOCALS •••••••• 1••••••• Ot."It •f1•.LEI'IIONE NUMBER IS }NSI'LCTOIt JOHN TOItRA*;CE, r,f Clinton 1c S hc•r:r duriti,; the 24th. ONE OF '1'111; INTERESTED sw`'•='t'Itors nt the afternoon sports e.,.e M. Y. Ni-L•c•.ara, of the Seafortli Expositor. MESSRS. S. A. I'O l'LE sTON E .end P. Gardiner and f irnilie•, of Jllyth were in tort the 24th en- joying the -ports of the dy. REV. GOJ)\\'IN LEFT MONDAY morning for Windsor to attend the Methodist Conference }rev. Godwin is on the stritiouing Cotntniitee. REV. GOD\VIN AND c GOING tock :a fi..hir,,r trip to the lake Friday fond stiec:•eded in getting 108 fine specime,1, of the finny trib THE SUI)rEN (DROP IN THE temperature Saturday night. caused those having young plants out, to use b:rrrels or anything else in covering Up the garden stuff. _MISS OLIVE HOOPER, OF EXE - ter, N -ho Itis been Gr t t:vadit►o; t he Victoria Ilospita1, Lotelo,•l, swas one of the uradu-ates of the ctr:I,ini►rg pool class of 1906 of that institu- tion. 311:. E. L. LIDDICOTT, OF LON- don will preach in the Jatnes street church next Sunday, both morning and eserine,, Ilov. Going being in Windsor at tending t he 'conference meeting. DEPUTY WARDEN •iAS. 13F.EItS list sleek got on t he trail of clttoth- er man who had kilicd an otter, and to avoid publicity the matter was settled by payment of the minimum fine, x1'11}c}1 the Ian• providea, that of $20. THE GANG OF BELL - TELE - Telephone linemen, who were here for cver:al seeks, extending And re- 'vi,;cing wires and installing cables, left Monday night fur Kincardine, where they will fix up the company's lines. The boys made many friends while here. OL'It NEIGHBO}t THE CIIINAMAN has departed. It is understood he in- tends buying out :t laundry in Lon- don. We hope lie stays there, and tells any other Celesti.1 who think- ins of coni1nz .hero to give this place a wide berth. \\ E HAVE THIS WEEK: IN - stalled a long dis=tance phone in our office anci if you have any items of news or ::av other business in which we can i}; of ony service to you, call up No. 31 and we will attend to your .ta atnt_ts.." • THE 29TH ANNUAL 11> 1 TING OF the West Huron Tceollers' Associ;i- tion will b^ held June 15th and 16th at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. A good program Las been arranged and every teacther in West Iluron should attend, The Farmers' Institute hnve 11rr.anged for lin ex- cursion to Guelph and have tsscl_ corned the tele.hcr.s to join them. TILE CAS}; OF IiAI{ItY B1t0\VN charged with Selling Wit 11011t, 4111 1)Uetioneer's liccnr:c', which sw:as called on the 21st of May. but postponed for one week, owing' ,to the non -oto f,t•.ar:ince. of Mr. Brown, was again called last Monday. Mr. Drown, was not f,reeerat and t he pare was put over until a future date. It has been rumored that he Irv/ left for parts urlkne,,wn. SMITI( 1l1tOS. OF•. LONDON, Jlawe pu1'cluagcd the stock of L. Mc - Tag. art at t he Nort 11 end. The r:tss mereth gats care bust ling young Hien, and tare well ac1u.ainted %%ith the• business, and me bespeak for them litmr:il p:atronagr. They .are present taking steak and will short- ly 41.:12. :a, slaughter rale to make room for hew goc•l•1 which they 11.'.e recently purchased. T11E CONGREGATIONS OF T11F, .11 tin St t,..-21 r•►lurch nnel 1 he I'rc.bv_ teririn church will hold un:on viceis next Sunday, on .account 1,►t ltcv. Godwin beim; in ..ittend ince at the Conff'rence nt Windsor. The morning services will be held in the Presbyterian church and the even- ing s"rwicc9 in •1J1e Main r:reef church. Ite'w• tilartill Ierill have c111rge hot11 morning' and evening. Men complete No. (3i. (otn- t,.aTay, Exeter, Huron. regiment, sstic'Ji go"s into 01111p :at Cirtin;(s' }fo:ghts, London. ,lune 18th to June :30th, in- clusive. Those desirous of going 11')' to Lieut. lles•ana:an or Sergt. Ma- jor Hector not later than lune 7th Feer Summer Underwear 'TME OLD RELIABLE at bargain prices MEN'S FINE BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. beautiful fine gn•►lit)-, double thread, sateen facing. Sizes :Il, 3t1, 38, 1t►, 11. itegular 3tk:. quality on sale at 37c. each, MEN'S FINE BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAWERS in Cream and Grey also fancy stripes, short or lor:g sleeves. on sale at 25c. each. MEN'S %IRDIUM WEIGHT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Pretty stripes, (I'e'nnt:um Make). Superior quality. on sale at soc. each. MEN'S FINE ALL WOOL SHIRTS ANI) DRA iVERS. Extra light, weight, guaranteed unshrinkable, natural color. Sizes 311, 38, 40. on sale at 95c. each. Ladies Summer Vests LADIES SUM 1IER VESTS. '25 doz. women's white cotton vests very fine Brake withdraw tape and with or without sleeves. Regular lac, quality on sale at 3 for a 23. 10 doz. \Vornensa mercerized Vests Fancy lace Yoke. Extras light and silky. Good value at 25e. on sale at i8c, aach. Women's All Wool Vest with long sleeves, very light weight. Soft fin- ish in cream. The only best all wool vest we have ever shown on sale at soc. each. 1VO.MENS COTTON DRAWERS. Lace trimmed open or closed style in all sizes. on sale at 25c. each. Wonmens Cotton Slip Waists ttieely trimmed in ail sizes on sale at 25c. each. (,Ii1LDRENS VESTS in call sizes and prices. SNELL & ROWLE Store closes at 6.30 every evening except Wed- esday and Saturday. REEVE A. Q. I3013IEn. WAS CON - fined to the house ct faw d iys this week wit}, lumbago. IMPROVED POULTRY POWDER is just the: thing for young fowl. 15 cents •:1 pound at iCsale's Drug Stone, MUIR, 01� THE WOOLEN MILL will be it ttjo old market every day to buy wool. Wool unloaded at the ie.: rket. highest cash price paid. TO ItENT,--UR, ItOLLINS' LATE residence. Apply to Andrew Gibson Thames Road or John Spackman, real estate agent, Exeter. ' MISSES FANNIE ilAWDEN ANI) Minnie Yellow leave this (Thursday) morning for London, England, ssitaer° they will spend the summer. Tho young ladies purchased their tickets from Mr. .J. .1. Knight, the genial ticket agent of t ho G. T. R. \VIIiLI: NEIL BBELLWOOD'S young ,�•on was playing with other ohildren around n horse Monday, the animal rg,rabb I the little fellowfs wrist with its mouth, threw him to the ground :and tried to trample on him. The little lad got away be- fore the horse could injure hien. Market Report.—The following is the report of Exeter markets. oor- r 'ted up to May 31st. Whctet 78 to 8(1 cents per bus. Oats, 36 to 37 cents per bus Burley 42 to 45 cents pet' bus. Peas, 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 .i ton. Bean, $18 per ton. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover seed $8 to $9 per bus. Hay, 7 to 8 1-2 per ton. I3utt�er, 1&, per pound. Eggs, 15o. a ci,ozen. Onions 75 cents pr bushel. Dried apples, tic. per Ib. Coal, $6.75 Por ton. Potatoe-3 ,$1.10 n bag. Bogs, liwcsweigl)t. $7.10 n cwt. Hogs, dressed, $8 to 9 a cwt. Back -Ache Backache is one of the con - THE 13F;L[. TELEPHONE COMP- chief syrnptoraas of a con- t� :flys' boys c^lebr.:ated the eve. of Rested condition of the their dkidneys. External ap- M►a.rt urc t o K i nca rclinr by plications may relieve, aoin, out to Crediton to play a game but what Is needed is a ganne of hall ss'it.l, [ho ef.rai r'4" of remedytbatwillremove Exchange, Limited. 11)111 place. They had the game cin- the cause of the trouble. We carry one of the finest up-to-date stocks of Ready -to -Wear clothing in the town both in Men's Boys' and Youth's. The quality and styles the latest and as cheap as the cheapest, Just recetved a consignment of these goods today. Come and inspect them and convince yourself that what we say we do. Another thing we would say, not two or three prices for the one article. Our k of new and natty Ties, Fancy Shirts in Soft and Hard Fronts are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. We carry a full line of Dress Goods in alt the leading cloths—Venetian, Broad Cloth, Tweeds, Eoliennes, Crepe de Chene, Cordc de Soie, Cash- meres and Lustres in all the leading shades• Don't forget that we have in stock SILK AND LAWN WAISTS that have no equal as to price, style and qualify, you cannot help buy. Prices very reasonable. Don't forget we still carry the cel.brated "ASTORIA" shoe. Highest Prices paid for Produce. CABLING I3ROS. 4144. Security SOVEREIGN Stands for security and stability.— You are sure of BOTII and much MORE in. TI -IE 'Savings Sovereign Bank of Canada A deposit of $1.00 opens a SaviN(,s ACCOUNT upon which interest is paid four tithes a year. ,t DO IT NOW Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. • CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. OSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, Western Real Estate cited until the flttl► innings when the Crediton Boys scored eight runs 78 Dundas St., London and won by n score of 15 to 13. Severn! of the Exeter boys Dix Buchu and Junip- have you a farm that you want played slit i► t hem. er Pills l o Bell? Write for our terms of Bel - MR. 1{. 1;. PICKARD WHO LEFT Kidney lin; property. 'We have the most complete method of ads-csrtiein; and a fess weeks ago to look after his area prompt and certain land in the Northwest, had occasion cute for all ordinary kid• selling property in Canada. Do you to come oast to Toronto en business Bev and bladder troubles want to buy a farm or busineass I,lrt week, rind didn't feel like going Sold under a Ruora;press property in any part of Ontario? back until he sass- that we were run- if they fail to gtve entire Fiend far our Ii.9t. We have some satisfaction the money bargains. will he refunded. Sold in 25 and so cent boxes. Hang the town str:li,l,t rinco his :absence, so he took a run up here for a few days. Ile intends re- MR. DIELVILLE HO\\'EY Alt_ turning to Frobisher, Sask., next rived ihome Mondry evening frons :at - week. tending College of Pharmacy. Tor - MONDAY MORNING THOMAS onto. IIe is moss :t fully :Iualificd Clarke, of 1'sborne, had unloaded druggist and has ralso taken t sso several hogs :It A. college courses vin Optics. He has very, Q. I3cabier':r pia- been eggs,gcd by ihiy brother, W. S. F y. when his horses took fright nt the appreciellitiu train from the south P Powder Howey..to .assist hire in looking after The animals started to run away and and Ret taeautifU plc tore of the wants of tlrc community in when in front of Cobblcdick's ware- 'vtaRara F 11 drugs and 'optics. Ilowcys Drug house, collided with Fred Hawk- stone will now be 1na1)1gcd by two sh:w's rig qualified 1, sslaich wag rstandin�� thcrr R lified Rihe'misty and opticinn5. u, and 1 .t.,.cd the, 5 troll: MRS. .II ----AT---- Cole's --AT — Cole's Drug Store Free samples of Spiro ri 'a 9, S1CJ NoltTli WINDOW Th"v rcarecl ., . , , CHAS. PERKINS III CTIV feet in the buggy demolishing the ed :an nec.41•nt oli 5atraIiy last which cover and seat. No. one was •hurt.I still 14Y :her up for some time. She THE li}:;\1 T1I'1'L FLOAT OF Miss Merle. Gould, of Myth, staent wog going into the cell ar for some Snell & itiewe'�; in the trnde•s pro. 1I,e 24t1, in town' things for the breakfast table, when ce`�iota Victor:,► day, y!►1ri d much Mrs. .lydhn Sweet is visiting Mrs. site fell on the steps, resulting in her taste On the part of the members G1nilavitle', of London. left arm being tricInred. Medical of the firm nncl the employes. it Mi.:n Can't -mile spent the holiday aid was summoned .and Set the in• 1\'.tit the most elaborate ewer s;f.o11 in 22111, friends ;r, Toronto jure'd rnet'tnbcr. Exeter, retul it 11 doubtful if :,ny of M and Taylor, of London. , visited the parades in the cities )laves ever) her reagents on the• '24th. _� lead any.laieg to (Au if it. If the L't'GGIES AND PLOWS F011 ot.lictr merchtilts would take up the Mr. Gco. •Ar•tronq, t>? Lon•lon, t:.atc,_3• slime spirit there roofer b kntton tits v1srte'<I bis parents 071 the 211 h. mond Lind :and 6 new huq. pie:, „}so :a few nesw plo .- for sale a parade here, that would bring pro- Miss Flossie Taylor., of Lot„Kon, crat�'a"1'' Apl'l}' to 1t G. I'::.c•• A FEWplc rn111y mile,' 10 se". ss .as in Exeter for the holiday. STORE 0009 YOItNG y. PURSE FOUND—CONTAINING A e'n sw.,nted to c AN INTERESTING GAME O1!' Hiss 'toxic Eacrct1. of Brantford,'sum of money. Owner may have bay ball was played at C'entnali,t rs vis:1inf; lir. ;Ir>w1 Mrs. L. Hardy. arms b y .a"Mr"'d `as•inlr Friday 11its},r. between a tram romp 1• prit.t. ;• p pc'lly rt posed of members .of the telephone Mr. frank I><'Ihrid .e, for "tits ►�dwt. at,ply nt M. f` c►f 31i1s•erton. Jackgon':c store. re•trair gang and taewer:al Exeter boys 1ook in the` rine! the. g y4th g Imes in Exeter. CALVES I'OI{ SALE. -- GEORGE Gentr,lia team. Owing to the. lateness of ttlea hour it was de- }Ir. Ind MIS. .1, A. Smilers, of Claiiinian, Atwood, will be at the ono ' t cided to lateness ori) `4!ven innings. The London, visited frac nes -here on the (5esntrral hotel, Exeter, on 8.11Utda�► The only through car y ss a,' pfclsed t!, score at the finish was 4 to 7 in ..1ih. ss iy Exeter ^.oma►Inv turned out and favor of the Juno Incl, cat 12 o'clock swith at lord SCI't'ice route. Through eonducteel themselves Stay 4th and tesaru rct,resc Bring E. Mr. E. }1. 1•oavt, of llilvertori, of good, well-bred cralwe1 for s.tic.•�+ rasa the ter. A return naltcata between the spent the holiday the guest of })r. I)1t. 11[IThFIt, t)I' i3OI;UO;v, •tt'ILi, • Pullman Sleeper Tol'o11- tLanka of Lieut. 1ic:atnan, some teams was t l,iycd on ila: re_ Itouistron. SerF:t. Major Hector and t t;e Direr- j be'• at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on ' to to Boston. tors at large. creation grounds a.'ac•re Sttnrdiy ' lfonclay, .lau,r 18, 1!106, h.,u,r: lt► c,, • • cccnint.► and resulted in a Fcconc! Visa Bertha Russell left Iist week r T111; CLiNTON NF;\t'y-itFCUi{1) defeat for tl,c (kntralia boys, the hospital 1 m, s ' • for Toronto, to enter Grace Los to ' f • o for F. •e F.tr te,d- . . the following to say te,?:ardi+rg• score help„ `t to 6. saherr Slee seitf tr;air, for i uur�c. 'and Thro:,t consultation. T:ye� to°t- it• kLitting eietory : "The Clinton 5}?t'ER,1L MEMBERS OF '1'IIF; i e''1 and u}ar;.gr's supplie,t. Knitting it Co., i.:ntited who estrarted ,tiisy Annie tie('e►,•1. e,f llderton, j 1)1{, U\'F;NS Ej l; ANI) 1; ;t at fit It- i K!litttions in the r Hess Omit nhout 1(owling club rues one. evening },,tit ht,etat a lc"' cf airs ,tall in seek to reccave• the report of the week at f he kr• the p awt goon. will t>ies at t ho Commercial a I'ebru pry 1st. hive t+uf ficient order,' nae c►f M r . '1'. 11. Me- Hotel the first F'rid ay cif dish month.; ahe.a.) to kcc ► Or)rnf111tte5e 0 , ►ointed to select suit_ ('ilium. 32.00 To $32 50 t ,two mill; of thii size ,bre Innes for n Lew i►osslin:r Hour., 9.30 a, m. to 4.30 p. rr,. Glass-' in upper.ation rind cold sufficient ssith a view of purcha•••ing thetpro- aJnafor Richard Peck :and sinter. of ca properly o - t perl • fit ted and duels. s of eye, help ,be secured they would operate th, c.an,e` over for the 24th. e'ar and nw,es trti.ated. Next visit,• their tsvo tilts using p petty and fitting it up with a club JLr. Peck took part in the foothill 1 ririny, June 1st. i. their present !rousse', etc. 1';cvearal lots On ss•laioh _ trrcRaigcs for the manufacture hcirc of cot- girlie- during the Afternoon. ton hose mei would equip the o1,1 values 1..icl been placed MAO,' ,00h- PLANTS, PLANTS -1'0,4J I'LANTBf trait( for the new ra tchincry awl mitt d to the meeting. end it is quite Mr. 1ingh Mehly of the 'North for site. Al! i:irads of Torn<ato, t,,tiy e 1 orated .ind woolen 11oae, possible one of the- pies of I.In.1 end lett Mond is tnorniue for De. and c ahl►nt'c, (• anl;[losscr, Ce ler i WHILE ttiwo l' MAY !IAN'''. s` ill b1•'t,urc,)a aegrt, The skips, r,lecte,l 1roit. where he bis secured I slat a- 1),isyq, Aste`, l t'crbet►a. I'ctuna, i been in 7 condition to tcc: dcauhle, for the season are as follows: 'Mes- e tion with the M. e• it. It. Daisy. Pansy, 1'c►li�ue and Ccrara um the 24th, still a number who were lsr'rtiint,n Muir, 1', W. (:I,,drn an. Hey. plants :,t losse•st cash prior. for bed- ( fret. 1'c rkin ; .1, 0. Stan- Mica }'' 1T• Stanhtary, of tt,wfield, dint, out.—At Louis fla trot in 1bit condition werewisitccl 1;:•.t brother, Mr. .1, G. eek, G-Irde'ncr, Exeter. yes, Market the inaprc.•:ion that 1)r. I{ollinst1i�� 1 .bury. \V. W. Tinian :a.r:sl W. .1. }I. i- tit, tn'1n, bury, the latter f.,rt of list tte•e•k, i returt;eel to toawn to ^e•lc:br:,te• (lie' 24tJ1 •an•1 had brought \t itta him }tis — e• xne', counterpart. However on c f see' i n„t►r•c ( inn it could he !seen that the exnt lemon were norm of her t lien the 1%wins front 8e>+tnrn, 8.nl and till, 254,0 recce tly 1;.x,1 the; r / 5hi-kerne trimmed making rt very f.,iC repre- sentation of the I)r. Perhaps the, milk tiles helped n lot towards thet end. i STAR FLOUR touches the top notch in quality and invariably yields the best results in baking. The demand for a good Family Flour is fnlly met by STAR FLOUR, WANTED Wheat Oats and Barley for which we will pay highest mar- ket prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. GRAND TPIINV SYs E'4 $15.35 To Boston Going Returning May 3! Until fo June 11 .Tune 18th. Home Seekers Excursions returning to .her home Sunday. he Doctor 1424.,. "Are hon; t•c.vci; rceu:sr?" lie knows that daily action of the towels is Absolutely cs•ential to health, Then keep your liver active Alwws and your bowels regular ty taking Asks__________ small laxative doses of AS er's Pills. Me bars so newel we peal' J.0 4 er co., slew_ __ �hAelu N dl wr ateikti4 Leweal' alit o points in Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Via North Bay Via Sarnia June 5, 190. N. N Co. July 3, t7th. June 4, 20, July 4, 18. Returning Within bo f)ay9 Fot tickets and full in- formation call on • .1. .1, KNIGHT, i)ri.ot Azent ' C A STO R 1 A I) ••••••••••••••••••••••.••• __ __________ ______ For Infants and Children, WoMA N'S INtiTi 1 I F:, _ TIIi: Tae Kind You Have Always Bought ! wom'b's irta+titutc will i,0141 Meer ,nu. -1.1 ;twirling :Ind election of offi- 1 c^:: in &nior 11111, on Fr',d.ry .Jane Ist at 5 o'clook. All narmbe.r, aro requested to 6c prelAni '11 this is the 01etv0 of tilt) member elep year.— MIAs Mils, Pres, Mrs. if astinir*. See, Bears the Signature of