Exeter Times, 1906-05-31, Page 4Toilet Articles Call at llrownitng's I)rui; Store and Nee the new r•tock of Ladles Side Combs, Coarse ('omits, Fine Coinl►s, Pocket Combs, 1 Lair Brushes, and all Toilet Articles. The bert ate Cheapest up to•goods. Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times CALENDAR FOR MAY, 1906. SUNDAY 6 13 20 MONDAY 7 14 21 TUESDAY .... 1 8 15 22 WEDNESDAY... . 2 9 1(1 23 THVRBDAY ... 3 10 17 2.4 FRIDAY 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY 5 12 19 211 THURSDAY, MAY .11ST, 1900. 27 28 20 30 CEN•FRALIA Rev. G, W. Andrew.; i= attending Conference this week in Windsor. Mr. :Ind Mrs ,Iienry Wilson cele- brated their crystal ,wedding, on Thurscl.ty tiny 24th. Mr. Arthur IIedden, of London, Is Sisiting nt Mr. ltick rd liandfor:i's. Holiday V'isitore. - Mr. e Perry i;Vindeer, of London, spent the holi- day cat his home here. Miss Irene Curtin, of London, visited 'et 41.er item° here. 11ir. Spencer, of Toronto, teas Cho guest of Miss Lilli;,n Ander- son. Miss Katty Elliott, of London. .f:isited at tier home !acre. -Air. IIar- vey slicks, of London. visited •:,t les Lome bore. Mr. and Mrs, Rosenberger, :and sou Lloyd, Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Wood, the llissc•s Dirl111 ante.. Wood and Miss Nellie Itunaans at- tended the crystal wedding of Mr. *and Mrrs. Henry Wilson on 'May 24th. bliss L. Iladgins, of Beer, is the guest of her cousin, hiss J\1Ia Hicks. Th: Centralia and Exeter base -ball teams played n game at Centralii on Frida.v evening. the eSore being, ;:even iniac in favor of Exeter. T11ey !,Heed jn Eretor ou S.iturdiy, the '%core b^- lna six eight in faror of Exeter. Victoria Day was celebrated in a 'eery eileu.ant manner at t.hc home of Mae. ;Ind Ind '-airs. IIarry Wilson, F;►ir- field, the (try being the fifteenth an- Divers.ary of their tet'dding. Friends ' and n,r..1i;"hborss to the number of bevenfy t;.n:rtheted to tender rongrat- llla`[oris#. The ofter.noon ►\'as pleas - nutty spent in playing bill, cro.luet, etc. Toa was served in elle largo iilitling-moons %slhihch leas tastily de- corated with bunt1ri . The table 1groen(d with .100(1 tbi.' s over which vas suspended a earn' bell from Ur?: ceiling. After tall hat tronas jus. Gee to the inner elan all r•epairred to the parlor ►►.►ich ( wes decked in green and w't►itc, when •1 lengthy progratu was carried out consisting rout Folos, guirtetles, choruses, instru �pt'nt GIs and ;►iano ductus etc: Many beautiful and Mostly presents testi- fied to the high esteem in which Mr. and. Jars. 'Wilson oro Ldd end t he entertainment 'pro%idcll th''ir guests lett no wi-.11 un.+atisf:' (1 for the t►leasure of the clay. :\mon(,• the guests were tie VI' rill front London, ilirr, Stentihr%-,-Ilrinslcy, .11cx)r• •ille, S.titit'sbury rind Centralia. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lexative ilromo Quinine Tab- Ists. Alt druggists refund the neon - !y if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's s (gesture is on each box. 25o. 11011\ lJIXON.--In Creditor, 'el ,y 211(1. the Iv if,' of air. Di X4)14. i.f ,l d ttluhtcr. EHLERS.-1n D41:1% 0.1, the wife of Jo!1u Ehlere, of ,daughter. DIED 11O11SON,-irl l{eritlh', else 25th, Mj..i Edith 1101► on, formerly teacher nt Crediton GISIII,El{.-11, Zurich. til y 25111, Mra. Gissl,ler, tnu;hcr of Rev. A. Gis•hIer. COJtNI 1I. -In i -,I, r tis .y M.hry J.:ne, beloved wife of Geo. Cornish. eget' 56 yee;re, 8 morale - ler the 7 r Led,' Falls ......,,,,,..t...„„,. Th.,. it's time to act! No time to study, to read to eaperi- f.: =rt! You want to save your I: :r, anti save it quickly, tool r - make up your mind this vC•r'.• minute that if your hair r\'^r cot;:;s out you will use t• . cr's Flair Vigor. It makes t:ic scalp healthy. The hair in. It cannot do any- Ih rtg else. it's nature's way. The tent kind of a testimonial - "So;d for over sixty years." AMad• o J. e;. •Tor co., Low•tr, tads"' Alio tnaanAet(rr•rs or SSRSAPARIU, yersni".1 C1ERRY PECTORAL. Crediton DR. E. J. McCL'E, 111I:.MiJER;ON TAItIO COLLEGE IIIYSICI- ans and Sergeons, Successor to I)r. E. A. Hoist, Creditors, Ont. T110 AIisses I). .an.1 A. !Sainte, of Goderiah, spent a few loyal last ►►te k the guest of Misr! Lulu Essery. `1 H E EXETER TIMES, MAY 31st 1900. Mrs. John Jtru►► n is on t do sick list. Our foot -bill boss intend piI)ine the return match \► it h Exeter this week. Mr. August Kuhn if the So\ :'rl•igil (Beak leircl rstterided the :inou ti cws- tercucc• of the 11,1nk :,t Toronto on 2Ith :and 25th. Mr. George 11, Holt ineinti 11.IK the Miss Furrow, of Goderioh, spent Goat 1'0 t of put tints i1 ct new 111atl. the 9loliduy with her 'Sister, Miss glass front ill the Sovereign !Link Ethel Per tow. Iluiltiing. Just received 1 largo asrlortmen t of up-to-date boys ready-made clobh- ing in 2 and 3 1►:Ce suits; c11so a line of wash suits on svh:.ch we offer special 1><trgainq. Cali end sec them. --C. %weeks.r. Mr. ()kris.. !nicker. of London, stent the 24th with his sun, .Mr. (esti-s, !wicker. Mr. Garnet ILiker•, of London Victoria 'i)ay was royally cc'lebrat. ed .:at Crediton, :.and the committee.; ill filters:* ore being congratulated on t he successful manner in which t he 1.4.1 0 pr.•oir1011 '.its c:brie(! out. The d \vas :a beautiful ono and iec•in' 1 to typify n common sentiment. Sev- eral hours before the monster parade ►►as timed to start, the village was spent the 24114 wit h friends in to►vn, filled with people, who lied come to Mr. John Smith, of the 6t11 con- assist in celebrating the birthday of cession lois had !(is barn raised ;sed tit(' revered Queen Victoria andt lie intends putting .t brick foundation official batted:sy of King Edward' utlderr:ott1 it. the streets were beautifully de - cc -tested :and Many residences were Messrs. Robt. Welker, \1', W. Kerr resplendent with bunting and thele:: and inspiration ►;•.ls in the air. '1'he parade was scheduled t start at 9.30 0. n1. and at the appointed hour everything was in i•e:Airless. The 111 archers formed at Mclsa.ac's hotel :and heeded by the Creditors brass band with Masters Art IIoltz- tnann and Frazer }frown dressed in Isaac Bill, jr., and «ilii len I1d1 ex. Acct to l0avc ,Hone} iy fur a trip through the \►•eat. Rev. J. W, Andre►\►c together with hies brother, G. W. Andrews, Cen- tralia started Monday morningto attend the London conference being held at \Vindsor. They drove ttart of the distance. voldicer clot hes .14 marshalls, Mr. Sol. 13rokorxhirc )►till tsko 1►ar.e0'd ;as far :13 the flax Charge of the services in the Meth- mill. trades were wall repre- 1 seeded and consisted of floats entcr- odist ohurch next Sunday in the t ct! by .1. If. lfoltzm'at;n. Alonzo 1lnd- abest:I c of Rev. Andrew. gins. Albert Morlock, Geo. Iloltz- 'I'he SUIOI Iy school of the Meth- nein Amos & IIarri:t. Vert CI ark, II odist c,hurc.h inten i hold:nb their annuli! ',sole a. Grand Bend in June. Mr. Abe. Walker is now nbte to go out driving and take several steps. tic enjoyed the fe tivities ora the 24th from his front door. We hope soon to see Abe enjoying sl,ii old-time health. Sweitzer and Young ltros. Moth 1\ieesrs. Hodgins ehd Morlock dis- played how well they understood horse -shoeing .by letving a life equine in their excellent represent.4- tions of a blacksmith shop. Mr. Geo. lloltznlaata' started in the par- ade with .1 bundle of lumber. and when roar the finish !heti constructed Miss Cressy Elliot siesta the boli- .a good model of n modern barn. dry .the guest of Else Misses Blanche The fire department rind sobool and Pearl Walker. children .tarso made ;1 goon! ehowine 1(1,000 lbs. of wool w rated. --I om 1 in the (tirade. The first prize was in a position .to Needle 10,000 pounds awarded J. 1I. 1}oltznlann, 2nd Aloft - of 44 -ooh and will eery the highest zo Hodgins, 3rd Cet). 11ol1z11111011 .tri:1 n11t-ket price for same. -Sam 11rowet stteei:els were recommended to A1003 Cieditolt. & Ifarri,s and Albert elm -lock. Sweet,►:►flu recently went west.; lfir.ree :Ind Albert Morlock. After the reirade the ball game 1 be- has s t beck stward that Ile has nil chillis tween Crediton 5t ars :Ind the I'.erk- 1►ect3 to oral for business in a very 1w�s started. The result short time. 1 ►v:14 1 1I to 1., in favor of the St rs Following is the rl:ltnc'3 of the play - For silo at C. Zwicker's. A good t ers: ) Parkhill -, 2 Allan 2 MOEw•111 2 3 White, A. 1 1 Ike. •ce 1 1 Whitt, H. 0 0 Phelan 1 1 Alantin 3 2 2 1'a r k e r 2 White, F. 0 le,ring tate office 11e 50 long and i 14 12 faithfally filled. The reason for the (:urge score was from the (act that the grounds were Mr. G. II. IIoltzru:11111 has the coy- recently changed end the players ncr stone ready for the new school. took some little time in getting nc- Announoctuent will be made later I custonle(1 to the new 1.1y out of the when the ceren1onie•' will take Piece.. field and several times throws were Rev. Wegner. of Merlin. Presiding i made the ng en. Elder of this district, paid his first ' Ttle atofternoowron f'ampld'ace brei►►ccstirelyt11e visit to the Crediton Evangelical Blue Labels, of London cand the Stals church, or, Sunday last quarterly resulted 111 1111 easy victory for the services being held on that cl'ly. The local teem, by the koro of 11 to 4. congr('g.ti10145 were very Large nt 1' oIlowing i.s 1 he more: both services and two powerful ser- Crediton }clue Labels mons were delivered by Rev. \Vag- Rau nor. At the evening Ferrite' Itev. r Bean gave n beautiful ,►oto entitled ' Kerr C. "Only 011e." Snell Itcys. 'Wagner anti Veen on cion- (leaver, N. dly last attended the funeral of the oung lite Mrs. Gighler, of Zurioh, mother ; llccel', 5. of Rev. Mr. Gighler. ]lro►avv►1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark, of 1'(►lhth('t• supply of heed corn, potatoes sand Crediton field needs. Mr. W. \V, herr. who intends leas- Re 11 Kc• la', F. ing for the Northwest in n - few Kerr C. days, last Sunday resigned 05 super- ' snot intendant of the Methodist Sunday i llo.tver. N. 5011001, which position Ito lield for ,a Youn'e number of yours. After !hits resitna- Jleevcr, 5. tion was tcndored, maty felicitous. Ilro►vn reneirks were made by the members F diner expressive of sorrow 1t Mr. leerr's 2 aiceentiel I 4 Males 1 fhncrrit t 2 dcConrlc•11 1 Robert: 0 eS rn i t. h 1 'Tony 2 Stoneman 1 Dyor 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 St. Marys, ,and Mr. and Mrs. I'rancls ! 14 4 ('I:ark, of Granton. spent the. Loliday Dyer tee first baseman, of the at the home of Mr. Jaynes Clark. Blue Libels caused eonsiderablo firer. Mr. Ed. Wurnh, who was in 8po- 1itneet by Elis jovial way of asking. kane, \V1yh., for the past tw'o t,)e eIntere, W. W. !:err sbr,u1 hisrnont las, returned Louie last week. decisions. The Aliases Fi nk beincr, of Dash- wood spent the holiday the guest of Afternoon 8p0r14 Mr. and Mrs. E. 1'aist. The rrl.Iny frien114 of Air. John' 100 yard foot race, J. Sweeney, C. Zlie ile, of lic•raeill, ware ;,leased to S1►..hy'1•', ('('c►• L1►►•?orl : 1(1 ay .race, J. s•.0 his smilingvillage5w4c+ fey, ('. 5\►;t '1', Mt 0I' y and flee in lhr, Gibson : till g yzm, 3 this week. t itis! tit• shot, lI. Uo 14, W. Mawhinney, A. MMcir,•.c ce Miss 1101:i Eilb^r, of 7,uriolr, spent thrown, ;37 feet 10 suds(';� slow 11bi- r 1, feed lye in t(>:e 11 1 ,I-.. guest of ,lir. cycle race, 50 yards, N. Stanl:rkc, \V, .Intl Airs. \V. 11. \1'rntzel• \Vein ; needle rece, .1. tiwcec'ney. 1'. 11"01-11 ens received (hie week froth(, Flanigan, 8. A1u1ro:' ; fat man's race, Itegino, of the dee 1 1 of Aeiss }:,lith ; A. Mellon aid, I). Mawhinney, ('leas. 1{01.00, who teed Friiihly aright ,of • Kerr ; running lona jump, J. seven - t 1st week. Acis Robson was rt for- • ey, S. Alunroe. herb Young 1 rennin,; (tier ,cdlc►c►! (etcher here and resign- i hop, step ;and jump. Herb) Young, .1. cd on :recount of ill Health. During Soeency ; running !ILO jump, '1'. her stray here sht% made many friends Dlutlroc', .1. Sweeney. ('hes. Swayzie ; olio will be p'rined to hear of her ' throwing 56 pound %%Ti,{111, high, 11. death. Her parent./ live 111 Clinton hilber, A. JlcDorlild, Ezra Heist ; and the rem tine w ill be taken v tutting .with pole, J. Sweeney, Geo, there for interment. Le eson 1 r tinning r let' 1)0y4 under 15 Mr. .and Mrs. Pope, Orid Mr. ant it• Oouttlifi'. 5. 1Vu'. rt11.Ot't14 3 Holtz - Mrs. ilaylock, of London, are rise 11•'nn. guests of Mr. M. \\'cin. 'Ilie football rn;itell sit 5 o'clock between Henson .Ind Credit on watt Mrs. Truller, of Detroit, is visit- kc.•nly •.;onte4ted ;and r('1111'4 in initt ur .t ('r• ('(r011t.s air. rand Mrs. Fred f 1►•or of Hens -ill by t:he .1cure of 1 to 0. Me .03I s. Young l:los, are (.11143 week The concert in the evening w'., 3 lilt ling it the ,r 11vanized telling of { well :tttended :ane! the! itn18er'-on 4(1014 their (1(•11• (1nti}iot'. 01 1411 Brow n :) . Hans Von' Smash 11r. 1licks 01141 Mise flicks, of ('ell -i 14-45 1:00.1 ;1 nal 1.;1'' sts'.•i 1111) tr drill 1 ' r ) t 11 n ( Miss nl ,v b• ti' -•e . 11 Hudgins, of London., 1 11,14 c 0 young !..(lies i3 deserving spent Sunday tee guests of the Mis- i of n1( 11110o. se.s nen vers. 1-- -- -- .'.ir•. 11. raiser ,h•re 1►urolteeed :a hn0d,4>111e Strsl(o11O carriago from Our (s1 14Il (r c•arrilgo builder, 'l'rc- vc1 hick 401 ilo:lgine. R heumat,jsm Doss Mary Ellen !Irwin left on b one of Jtc.nti athe constitutional y morning for 11 trip to Ohi-diseases. Itmanifests itself elle() andother point,. I NI:. Galfr(d Geiger and son Israel monied • 10 ft on Thui ulily Last for !Bright, a 0i.''rc they hive pectin 41 n P1funtio;u m ,.-- it cannot be for the summer. and pains alis the g fele days last week. trail Biles C. himport, of London. spent _ 1t h :l,( her home here. Mr. Eli P.'.hn'r & \VilIntr Ilr1dlev visited friends 10 Zur•.••►t (4, Son'l.ry. Nike Lydi 1 1•'inkh it. 1 i•:xC':40 anent _'!tit at her hoe,- herr. 'which has pernianently C3Atll°I'CIO L. awed thousands of cam. lint,as 1►•e A '.d icy Hare Aina)l &kiwi ' roe essibienish of I Signature of awed q 111'uticahe Smithrif ik on ►vns l • nest of !Lima bias Young' for a constitutional the blood, and beet Is a course of the great medicine Hood'sSarsapajjjja I .49 . send fool d MI>I�Ir M►•. and Mrs. Jot4e(lh lliist cele. bratcd their golden wcsldiu,- Monday evening when about fifty 'relatives and 'f.r,iends were present to otter congratulations and enjoy the 'hos- pitelity oft Ire host and hostess of tete ,evening. The house wus beau- tifully desootl:ated for the locixision,, and after a very dainty five o'clock 117131 '_r vrn c)c'rvcd flirt J. II. 'cloHoltk Plow to dress well and do it econouii- u1•ann called etre :)•s.setllbly to order calls is the important question our :and 4 called the program. '1'11c• lady friends are now considetie We singing of lies. a114 Mrs .!sale and r have just received some I►retty NVaists Rev. L ,11, 1Vu •nc+r 1'. )•:., wus very • in some thirty different styles, all the t' latest I,atterna, in silk, lustres, linens pleasing :!tad the b it11ering t;how'cd and prints. Its appreciation by calling for en- °ho►xes, Itevs, (lean and Wagner al - 50 gave very ;suitable taldresses, ►\•site!! Were responded to shy Mr. and Mrs. Heist awl Mr. J.'11. Holtz- � Ferrozone make./ ►v omen ,iron;, Hto idle_ de1i III o[ \Ve have just pub in a swell line of plump and healthy because it con- , 1 t►1tt .111 . these goods in a great many different t ails lots of nut rimc'nt. t he kind t hat 11►cs gethe.rill„ dispersed .at a late eres+cntaatterns. «'e have them in Side- forms !tour Atte ►\i,hill(,► anti !.Alas, llaist • muscle, sinew hone and nerve. hoard (overs, D1'('leset' Covets, Pillow \'i1(1izing I,lco►I courses through the smany more yeti.: of '11:11►pine:ls and Shams, ('enter '!'able Covers, etc., at, body, 1)41king delightful color. happy loped they will be c pl reel to cell.- all }►rices, aceto their go!d.e:: w-cddin,. Num- erous tfreLeni3 were given. Ready -to -Wear Battenberg Work \which he Is held and to those• their ;lpprcriat ion ot t ltc long and f sit li(ul service Mr. P,lulin has given to the church -- -t -- RADIANT WOMANHOOD. The glory end satisfaction of l; let- 1iful womenhoo0 can bo known only (0 those possessing t ho unlimited ad- v .a►1tagee of health. No %%e Ik woman can be h'(nnv or enjoy },atf the p1ca4- sures of life. Pallid chc Iks sunken eyes, exhiu'tcd nerves .all tell of a terrible struggle to kc('p up. Whit the week 40041111 need's is 1•'errozon,e it rento•s, restores and vitaliizeq itl- et:lntly -its a "ivoulan'y ;remedy - t!tette why. spirit's, t rue womanly strength. Fif- ty cents buys e sox of For'rozol:e in any deug•torc. COME IN AND INSPECTOUR 1 '-�- 111•:Ns, Id, i A Ulan's wife should always be STOCK. the saute especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say and their husbands s.iy so too. and feet, cannot feel and act like a sleepless, and who has cold hands Mr. I1, C. ,\IcMordie, formerly of tit) Molw:l 1,' :1;:'>., succasstuily pass- ed his ex:11uinati013 .1t the seh001 or Practical Science, 'Toronto, ani has DAstiwoo joined a party of surveyors in NewLP-, ONTARIO. Ontario, with '.0ho111 110 1118 crl4aged for tit'.' e:ntrlr110.4' months. D1:l nit obi flour.-_Juet received a car of high gr:ide. which will b: sold very reasonable. 2:,c. discount ,on five big lofts. Corn. --Just received ;h err lot, pur. 'closed before the eilvenc:'. Shorts sand ureic -A Virg:- 'print!. ty ,of fr.c ilt ground on 'rind. O.I1tn '1 Fecde.-One hundred tons on hand. P<1.rtie e using ,11tt• of elle :above will do well :(n(1 to their interest to call .1t the Hensel( Oatmeal Mills. 1). ('IIQUIIAItT. Mr. Jonas Iiartleib wishes to announce to the public that he has purchased the Hardware Stock of Mr. E. P. Paulin at a reduced rate and is now in a WM. SHRUMM ea ..... ardware h:lIMVIi.LE Cl:l,risse /Snell di ►s secured eta:411- er !situation with a Jarge grocery store tit Toronto Junction, ore' left '1'ucesd',y morning to commence 11is ' Position to sell cheap as long as new duties. stock lasts. Mr. Silas *Iodine has purchased a 'the new driver 'front Mr. McFaIls, of lliddult►h. !luny ,from around bozo 'spent the 24thin Exeter. Some were at Cred- iton and others at \Va JUNAS NA TLEIB Delegates from the Sunday ze school R here attended the convention in Lu - earl on 'Tuesday. (DASH WOOD ONTARIO. Miss Mabel Fair visited friends in London last wesok. Rev. Fair and Mr, 8. Jaihns,•left this morning for Windsor to .attend oon ference. Air. 31. Elford nittl wife spent part The ehcwl boys and low n boys of last week in St. Phomas, had intended playing n g:Ilse of b;1ve. There has been quite n valuable ball on Thursday, May 24. but part addition to our choir here lately.j of tate town boys did not ►Ippetr, so Mr. Ed. Jones sports :a new dei- the was no game, ver. Itaitl Mr::. \V. Lhnkir►, of Ill )nrshard. y ay ►s held ire the en. visited her f:ether, ;Tr. Il. Ooultis on gclia'1 chudrch ►aon Sunday ravenFig.n Jlonday. Mrs. Jacob Ilartleib atlas returned Dir. Lc•1{.oy Coulti: visited frriend; horn! frons I'iltsburl; .where she piaci in St. Marys Inst week, been visiting friends for •11►e pest Mr. IIarold fair spent Alouday in three months. Lumen Ned London. Mr. Godfrc N-aidiger is painting We aro glad to hear of the re- } his hou4c, oovory of Mrs. It, hicks, 441)10 has \\'0 have 11:1d ;a lovely ►rain which been sick (for some time. makes things look prosperous. Mrs. .1, Pat t('rson :)n0) di ugh ter, of St. bl ,rya visited at Mrs. W. C3uul- ist. Mrs. E .M. Ilrol;eushire is on the :sick Mrs. Wm. D.t bus, of J).►:s;llwood, A CALL SOLICITED. Dashwood tiff' last week. 31 r. George Itowcl1ffe purct.a;ed a fine team of draught colts near St. his been visiting friends near Zur- M:rrys last week. ich. 31r. and Aire. W. Ooulti.s spent Mrs. \Vnh, Rhode bee been visiting \Vvdnes,hly :at the home of Rev. 1)r. her daughter at Grant Vend tali% Medd. Hensel!. week. Mfrs. 8, Andrew is vi.eiting fr;e1d4 Miss Edigiioffcr, of III Ike, :v vis - at 1\lIlereh iting leer brother, 31r. George E'tig- is our I;linivillc foot -ball softer. team. It seems to be rather scarce this year, while not very many de- Mr. Satnuel \�'itzc1, niter visiting (sides .(L► y his mother for a few clays, left for o the took the lead as prize Torontos winners. Some of our neighboring working. ,,:sins where he has been bur ti 11 ave organized base -b rII as well :is foot -ball teams. W.hy should our burg not he liveried by some such : musements. A woolen ►vlto i•+ ►1c.lk nervous anti well person. Carter's Iron fills ('((U ilize the circalal ion, remove ner- vousness, and give strength .and rest. (;It,t\1) Ur NI) 11 11.144 b:'crl very cold here t he last few• frost but It i run. Firthit;g hes been .roo4 the last few weeks, the fishermen love boon :Inn.ouncing lig lifte. Also :a great ►n 1 ny p••oplc, 41 110 c r ta't 441(34(1' :a net Make a e of the end of the dock, '1101 1 ('port :a 41)14•1ldid cat ab of perch. I lam sure if Larry would come back and try hie luck ng.lin. at fishing evroli, he would hive better sucbesa, 3.3 they 11.1ve grown 01,1er 1)1111 a lit- tle c.u.4in dx4 not se thein. 31o11'rd & Co., hiving scold out their tuner :I store business here, moved out last week, and we believe 1:1►cpunch;s(41 (11e farts of Mr. Ab - los A1(411,1-41 .rdjoi►,in;; Grind ilene. Our Lew. mercilear.t, Air. G. Amos. who come frog) 1V it fors! het4•. 14,4 got vetted in icier view place of (mei- nese, •and we believe he will do 44011 1,h s Il•is r 1 very kind 0 r and ohl,g,an citizen. We wilt' him sureesas :11,1011 Us. ()UN(' a number from ►here took in tlie races at Park tell (►n the 21111 rind ,11 report 0 ttual !lin,. The lacroese in tree, 111') in the forenoon never ever: looked like a to it: h, r,,, 1 e, .l ',1 11) 1 free fielit by all. Ii stnilson iia('.:. }live finiehcd their curt t Iter 1 tel rare. 1.,1e ,Ming a gon.l 'irnount of plantitl4: end clr••%lrittrt for USL'ORNI•: The following has been sent us re- t lltive lo the late Itobt. Crcery, a :short :recount of whoso life was published in list week's issue. Another ore of our first pioneers in the peri'..on of Hoist. Crecry passed away to Ilii long_ home on 'Wednesday May .16th, at the 'dee ;lee of 86 years and 9 moult's. Air. Crcery in relig- ion w es a staunch Church of Eng- land and in politir_4 n Conservative. Ile was only sick n few days and suffered 11 rami deal, but bore iris sickness with Cie- sti:ln fortitudo Lind was sensible to tato list. The Rev. Mr. Hooey '.s le ►vif li him in his Last stay 111rp11 4" a l.1 )l. He was tlor•I1 111 the town -fend of Athcg'atc►n in the coun- ty of Tyronc'and province of Ulster, Irtlend, on t.1he 12th day of August in the year 1819. 1Ic' eet mil from Londonderry on tic 16th of May, in the yo:1.r 1843 rind arrived at Oorn- 44111 in Canada ,011 rhe 41)1 day of July .in t he tattle year. He t hen ostne els far a5 the tow-nsllip of Esquesing, county of ll:rlton, Where ho rc11111111(1, and 011 the 15th dry of October, 1847 he married efery Niton who was torn in the city of '1'o.ronto in the year 1824. To then) Were born three sons, John, William and Rob- ert in t he township of Esquesirig, then 011 t he 20t It clay of September, 1833, Mr. and Mrs. Crecry cline to Usborne township w teen it WAS but a wilderness and riettic.1 do►vn on lot 12, concession 10. where the remain- ing sfevcn of t.lheir f In)i1y were born, Eliza Jane, rut home, Fanny, wife of Robert Merry, of )ilot►strlyd ; Agnes Levin) at home, Edward Armour, deceIse('; Mary 1e;:11e11,1, dccrasvd; Han►riJi Adeline, wife (.1 .Johi1 D:tv15, I31 d(u lIrr c r cul , .1 04i-1:; Edgar, who still 1('sidcs off the old souk• steed. Deceased 40384 elecle.I 11 mem- ber of Lhe count'l of t he township of t'sbor.ne in the yee..1 r 1862 el rid was I)4 put I{cove in 1863, which office - lie held for 1;, ye ire. Ile else took the cont roct o? tnikin,; t he gravel told from the London roe(' to Wood - 111 In in comp10y ►vitas Air. Thomas Coitci who died some yc:try (ago. The pall-txvirer4 nt his funeral were Messrs. \Van, Itobinsen, Robert Pletcher, Robert Robinson, of Kirktort, Messrs. 1)Ivi'I Miller, Rob- ert Robinson, of \1 iOchelse,r, :1'01 31r, Thous re }1:rzl•Iworx1, of Exeter. I)'nt.1) on Tueeilay last e;relie•0(4 Mrs. Goo. Cornish, from the suffer- ings sato 111s se pa.ien11y endured for ye ire. 'Ft, (1004.1543(1 1,1(1 for ( ion,, time been •1 sufferer from di•►bo_tes, Mr. John I;I,tcr3 14 ►c: ari►tg smiles dt}ahttl) S0: ilee l hes ultimate reuse of her week. 1119 wife esented p1 him life she leen t h it her this sa little blas girl. lif s wee nnley tinge; destetired 'of, t' but by (lie 0 (00(ul nttcntion ven Quite :r number of our people her by her physician, 1)r. Brown lg, spent (lie 21111 sit ('10,11100 and Ext- her life w•:ts tor. prolonged. The dere. Ls - e(1 wa4 58 years of nue and was born Mr. Wan. Ehlers is ploughing his on the ocean, while her ',trent./ were his lot which ho bought from Mr. 1•:, 4:nroute to GI Rada. 11es: )'84 1 sor- I'. I'.Iulin. r01%i:ig husband she 1(1409 (our Yong Mr. i'.dward Stile spent Rum)ay :st .and throe d'lu.;hters to mourn their 1.i4 horne. Ile is work l.1'; for Sir. 10• Deering on the 2nd con. A PEI{SIST1?NT HACHACIIE. Cm hove but one a:ause-dise.hrserl kidneys, which must bo strengthened before backache nen be cured. Why not use 1)r. Hamilton's i'illsi They cure the kidneys quirt;, make !bent Mr. 11, E, 1;hler4 i:s s7(Il ling :1 few strong rind able 10 filter (Use,s('- d,Ys visiting friends its blilvcrlon. bleeding poisons from else blood. At Mr. E. 1', lltulirh I:kft on Tuasri. 0447'00)1 (el better, s(rongetehrielit• for GoderirIl) where he hats purch:ase,1 3 health is gill ranteed to every 1114 r• of I)r. 11 itrlilton'4 1'i118. Get a 2'io. sox from your (Iruegist, :and rcfiese substitutes. (1,ys. \1 4 hive haft Fiume Lizzie Eng,haat t.L'1 0l her 41 ly sf not heel enough to do .anstepped on 1 rusty veil. The toil went 1 hrough her shoe into her foot, :and 0Y sa result Miss i riglenl 11'14 it very store foot. a •1)1111441r4' busine+y ar1(1 lakee po• session on first of June. A1rs. I'(lu- lin ,(1441 family leave tee latter part of dais 104 el; to join \1 r. 1'..itler. I'Lc '1'inlc•4 joins wii Is their n1's(y friend./ i( o•shing tient continuer! prosperity. ilia 1:tnpiriess in their new. h01ns. '1'H l'. E P\WOit')1 LEAG(1i: OP airs .1.irn1'.; street Methodist church g_(4'' a very enjoyable ice rr( (01 11 r. end Aire. J. i:. I:(•IIer4l.(r.n1Carhlrin nestteedyas oh1i(rru,nl!end the spent the 211It in 1'a.rkhill. ' 10110%4 ing program ►►•,: given: 50109 air. 17.41 Nara, Justice Trcu,lner, of I►y Miss .1001110 '1''vIo:, Sl;44 Ileers Younui(ow n, O11i-►, i4 viMitin,( 01 0rid el r4. (1)r.) 31 111:>y ; u►vo corrr''t Mr. end tars. \Vino Shrum. ,solos by \V. Berry : t(,edini(1 by 11154 11 r. W 111. Shrum. our gerier.il niter- Ent a ellhcrron un'I `i13 OiiO" here chart( is II wing 0 teen (ullntcd 1(11.1 (l(1'(1 by '41(?' Mi"" (/'"" ,rr 11''rr ; tauIto in front of •his storf,. Tho 1(11)1.4'tte by Messrs. Al (rain, M)►ip- 1"iralir:11 is 1)',n • done 1 1 ton_ Rowe' ..u1ti Oa1lin' . r n 1►y � r. uvt;.•o ,t ' '41" ( :,hot•ui Truetneer. The w•0rdin;r i; "'.\•m. 1y 1 number of girls. seriatim, I;.tieral mere!)(4)1. ONE Ol THE 1'I{t)tiliNl.Nl ',11•:`. Mr. int 51r,. (:,arses. Licilenfteld, of Al. tiler Going, Exeter, vent Sued ay the guest .4 of ►, Itiof KzOtcr.. lir ; Mr. :and tiles. (1(1419. Steitillegeti, vt' c'dn;.11101) \Vi144134,er •Ind re)eoiycd lis It I ti» Windsor It I h,' •v.'ssion y'est(r;'411y '0 1s itt'►'. 11 r. N. Foster, (,f %ur_ea. oho ll.i,s w.sl►e)r►I :)1141 the (lnllc,t'.il1' hi:. 1)1 1'. the contr'.ct of putting clue') I he IIs e►onhpletr.11 his e i to u I' r' for t 1 s' 1 .�. 141 consune{►tio;:.con crit xd(w alk In our village coin 1rI 1Iie:t r y Vi ►t nstori rToron- D( I1 ga(.'.! vvee� % n,lon three' ( /ncneed work this et1•k .and now 1,,s 10, and is looked upon is one of the . ('r (014))al,1 , •.c in hit full force at .work tasking ftp the best etceutive c►ffie' ifs of the tam "MC" old 1 , ng (VI (1) ,o,lrvt eanferenece. things � �, . wsnt rip (0 tco r.l,nu( fir"' intpl ,u'r(I sidewalk 111(1 4(ctti � 1 11 t !44111 sts In leapt, for the cement. They I ft.,'enil, wi►')r .tsar, t(► h'' presider t [ Mr. R ll main. of l.nn,lon. ,s 'here ' are pt,( 41g the sidewalk down on tilre confer4'ntee for the comae,• 1 n t l►c► trout 11 silk' of the et rect f rote .►rnl 411 ton h ire 1►cgu:t :r 0..)110 1 r- tf present, also 11 r. Jones .1st[ rata- the i' . hurch t o 1I' west in his 111(1'440MP. The „1;'-1103 w III 4 ref►' 1 Ike' vete.... Ai, O. 11. I'ihne.t returner. on Sit• (l until t.1-':'' t(rr part \1'illi:atn L('rlvitt. ease popular 1►,�r'c �.^. ' tof Ih^ w(•c•k.-.i)0fruit t':�•'e ' (84013(`7, intcnd4 eI'c^tin'r 1000' .h ..l .. from where 1 rc►.;s. CO. - 113, of iesedon, ep•.'nt n few days la• t a. •V410 ►circ )1 n n eek at their cot t 1 ('. end of Garr t'1ge• t his sUnarner, taw, keeping a at tending .a g;rner:ll meeting of the r eon r1'.5,, stXTY l VA UR st►t 111 Fiore 10 supply ,t • t' C &w(•rr? n li•s with broom., .:nal tlrr7,1r. • On Aionci ry evening( t 1 bible I t • n.,:1,e. the chii,1 (( y h) compe; t g 11k. Ax ()11) amp 'Witt itituitnT 111 s « tn�lnw'e ftootidnir g r - r � p has bc'cn used for (' c 1s. ver n.e r t0'4r4 hf n►11.>or • of rnotFrns for tease Al r. 11. Ilasseel eerry ree eivetl r ' ; of t f,e Ev 1 ngelieaI Sued-ty reboot msec Whiten wjtlie teat V,;recr. with h.•rfe t en.-.�••., r and lttrn'r+hin•t.t [:,r . • .. t I 1 f .grr..'►1�, it '- P,r•,..,•nt ,(. ►.r• •. ,ht, ewe t tWitty>w .Ir. t • r ,1„► is ire ( bible Be b' e. his 11. t 1, iIo. ' cif '.t e. I:, 1'. i'1l11 11, I M t'en• (1) ."'rt;+, r►11Ay1, all hotel on Frid 1y n►;.1 w•' cnu4t •' •. who lot ,(caro wast tit(' to I -- Iq'n','nr�. v tri,!'•r►Ilc� ,tn.1 to t)a hr.r rear(-4fy try err second to r gar:' in the role-' presented VIII with an nsl:freto and r ice, of Nurse stud MldJIe�ex. l a ts(',lutiful Atomic c=hair - 1 Car gill 1►erc n fine 'ogee. 1l.►e.8 ,•r1 i0,4' nl he ila•r,t•:,t, 1>♦ lir a e, a fora and take al. K tn:tow t1:a.thlne ' a slight token of the c'lltecrn in Syrup null fc+r no nth*? kind. WANTED 1 50,000 Pounds of WOOL AT -- EXETER, CENTRALIA. AND CLANDEBOY}, ELEVATORS. r J. COBBLEDICK- 1, IMPORTS D SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitirrgs. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. J0,8NS Merchant Tailor • 2y; Cti•Gi c'' � STRATFORD. ONT. • Our classes are touch Larger • • than they were a year ago. The ♦• public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commercial or Short hand Training. Students are entering each week. Allradu ates get good positions, Write ♦ for catalogue. :W. J. ELLIOTT, :D. A. McLACHLAN, f Priinciipato •••••♦•••••••••••♦•••♦♦♦♦M •••••••••♦•••••••••••••w4. • EXETER'S UP-TO-DR TE T Er 1 ftOUR,ftID ORO6ERy 2 Just received another load i of ZURICH FLOUR which we will sell at $2.25 per cwt. at the Feed Store. • • For PURL MANITOBA . • call on us, we sell the best . • at a reasonable price. HARVEY'S STAR FLOUR always on hand at the same prices as at the mill. Large quantities of po- tatoes on hand, also seed potatoes at $l.00 per bag, GOODS DELIVERED. IS.,JJARDy & SON • •••••••••••♦••••••♦•••••Nt 1' 1I:1:'1'ON Messrs. Robert Doupc, Silas Shier and .1. P. So 'itzer leave nett Tuesday for (he Northwest . Thele intend visiting Edmonton and !sacked toot' and if pl''.3 -'•(1 wit 1► the countTX will prob'ibly Iorsit(e. • 1)EA 11 ,81CI: OF AfiTI1 MA? You couldn't 1•• ofher wise '.vR1 such a distressing maI1(1y. Well, for Otte doll(r spent 011 ''(tarrtt'lG. zone" you c In be thoroughly cured I'cwli!( to d(•llt•, bees use .lathmti 41(•ldily grows worse. Get Catarr•e eozone 10.111y :and care yourself; its pleasai,t to use. very simple,anti et) (1:)nteed. Prescribed lay t houtsanll of (lectore and use.) by Gee' i'(ot►1(' ot, niu�= la idol's -Certainly (':atarrhozone Hoist be goo! : it hasn't failed yet,no tenter how chronic the Ca Re. • %VIN('Hl_L5EA 11 r. John le !bridge lost ,a fine colt through d'' )t 11 on the 2411,. It has hien 9,1:1 e 1 that Cos, .r d al)lr Illoomfield will d ..0)0(44 partnership! very !shortly. ;1011 t het Mr. (1loona- fie1d will go to Luca n. It is tuito possible (hat air. Milton Clark will be the pert ner with 31,. (o'.'. -ell!. Mr. Chan, God bol t, jr.. ,hers gotten, tire(} of the excitement of firio life and this week started clerking In the store of Colv.lyd & llloomtield. If he makers as goc►11 :t clerk a4 he i4 ^t handling wheat, oets, eta.. he'II do, end then be4idetl the aollool house is 1tOt f It 1144 4y. Everybody ,is b,n:v Hotline it1 t heir time doing statute labor work. Miss Alio ileirerq of the .1Itb cone.een44►n is in' a I(►w. It hell ma! tient is the chane. 0.70 Bennett ire confined to the hoarse through illness.