HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-24, Page 5THE EXE'\ L R T MES, MAY 24th 1906
Plalning Mill, Door Faetoru, Lumber Yard
and saw Mill
are open and hubtling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath,
Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand.
DARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finibhed or in knock down.
always on hand.
WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven.
TilcRossTauIor Go. Ltd.. Exeter.
!•++++4.4- +++++++++++++'i'++
No more hole (rigging
to put in fence posts ,Just
drive therm in with a
sledge hammer. Far
ever yet
seen around this part of
the country. Coale in
and see them for yourself.
We have had a great
many iron posts brought
in lately and art prepar-
ed to sell them cheap.
Scrap iron taken in ex-
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan hotel.
i f eb+++'11•+x"1'+++++'1'+++'1l• i•+'1 11'
. P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity.office and resideuence. Dominion,
ctans end Surgeon,. Successor to Dr. J. A.
Mollies. Office slain street. Residence. east
Onfirst street north of Post Office, Exeter,
DRS. Y. ANI) II. M. COWAN, 391
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
wellie .e 1 s, Long distance connection.
Special attention given diseases of women and
ipurgery. Oxford or C. P. 1t. Street Cars to
spluthernc.treet take you almost to the door.
Ma other city office. Special Hospital and
Nber arra ,gcnlot)ts fur patients from a
elpUlt. A. R. KINSMAN, L.
I). S. D. I). S.. Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office In Fan -
sun's block. West Hideo( Main
beset.` Exeter•
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and honor
Graduate f Toronto University.
OFFtt•E:-Os ••r Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices a t De. Anderson's former
dental parlor
We hare a large amount of private funds t0
Own on farm and village properties at lowrates
V lotelost.
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter.
Barristers, Solicitors Notarin., (;onvolanrers
Commisrl• nets, Solicitors for the Molsotu
Bank. Etc.
Nosey to Loan at lowest rates of laterest.
Now,11. CARLING n. a. L.11. DICY8ON
Ae sneer. wills drown, money to loan
aortal %,tate, 81-0 Licensed Auctioneer for
the cou,itI, of Huron 8011 Perth. Charges
Miodernte. Orders Telt at the 1 IMF'S •prat my
residence, 1- art,uhai at ill receh a pronipt atten
We have unlimited private funds for Invest
- eat upon farts or %illage troperty at lows
ober of interest.
LOitl) S11:\itl'
1 le a ('Iyd ' st anion, four yeeirs old
`r brown, hhr' white (vet, edit r on faro.
Mond iy, Sidney Andrews. lot 4,
aeon. 6; Moff ate' hotel. Contrnlia.
fill Tweaslly noon; John Hepburn's,
Lot 3, con. •l. Steohe.o.
%Vednc(id iy, \\'1n. Kelly's lot 13,
ton 1, Itiddulph; ('landcboyo'hotel.
Thursday. Geo. llaskclt's, 4th con.
liidrlulr', : \t -in. Toohey's lot 22, cots.
2. Iiiddul{rl1.
Friths. 1). Ennes; Thoman Morley.
W.hn 1en Connors.
Balttrelly to his own astable.
G. Ct)WARD, Prop.
Tne Usborne and tllbbert
Farmer's utual fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Vice -Pies,: -J. L. Hes.-Ei.I.,
RUSSELL! 1.\LI:. 1'. 0.
a, Roo,
ESSERY, Feeler, 'igcnt for
t -born° and I3irldulph.
OLIVER BARRIS, Munro, .+:`+•tit
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Login.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
GLADMAN & STAN131'IIY, Solicitors
What is Home Without
a Piano or Organ.
Cerainly not all that it !night be.
Call and sec us and let us show
you some of the highest grade
that Canada produces. Thcy are 1 r
certainly works of art.
For Infants and Childr
The Ikid You H
Always Bough
Bears the
for Ov
Thirty Yea
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We will snake them to
suit you unless you are very hard
to please. -
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the SOUTH HURON FARMERS'
INSTITUTE will be held in Miller's Hall, Hensall, Monday, June
4th. 1906, at one thirty o'clock. The following order of business
will be transacted: Reports of President, Executive Committee and
Auditors, suggestions of points at which to hold regular and supple-
Inentary meetings, election of Directors and Auditors for ensuing
year, etc. A judging class demonstration will be conducted at three
o'clock by Mr. II. S. Arkell, B. S. A , O. A. C. Guelph.
A cordial invitation is extended to all; young inen especially.
An excursion will be held to the Model Farm at Guelph, June
15th, I906.
Seed meeting will be held at Crediton, June 2nd. See small
NOTICE TO Chl..DITORS bilis for particulars of excursion and ,eecl meeting.
in the matte^ of the estate of
Devil McNicol, late of the Town-
ship of l'sborne, in the County of
Huron, Farmer doceased.
Notice is hereby .given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that aft
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said David
McNicol. wdbo died .on or about the
14th kris of May. 1906, aro reiuir-
ed on or before the 12th rely of June
1906, to fond by post prepaid or
deliver to Messrs. Madman & St;tn-
bury, of the Villnee of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Etaecutors of the
said deceased. their christian and sur-
names, addresses and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts °tad
the nature of the s.:ourities, ;f any
held by therm. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
date the said executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the (10•
ceased endo; the parties entitled
thereto having re;ard only to late
cl•li:_rs of which they shell then have
notice, and that the said executors
will not be liable for the salt[ asset!
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of tt'hose claim no!ice
shall not have been received by them
nt the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for said Executors.
Du' -'I ►,t I.:ve •r tee 21st day of
M 3, 1906.
Wo lanve been handed. n copy of
tdlte It imiota (.\I.an.) Echo, mot to
our townsman, Mr. In Dclbrid.'e, by
one of his on,. thing there. The
copy cootnina n 1onir find intcrtcatin;
letter written by it Mr.- Chimbera of
that place, who i; travelline.throuzh
Hely. In part Mr. Chnmb`re says:
"It ie wonderful tdro history of this
old city, twenty-two of its blarrc or
four hundred churoltos and palaces
here been built from stone taken
from tho Cole-emum, the old (piece
where the Utldi:rtare fought, and
where thoualnds of the early chris-
tians were butahcred, then ,all the
stetucs, marble columns riei bronzes
with which St• Pi tcr'a, St. Plus':1 an(1
some of tele other churches are dec-
orated, were n11 taken drum the
great P.1„an temple.., sudh els the
Temple of Jupiter, Marra tend so on.
1(a no wonder the Catholics have
fine churches here for they just took
possession of these fine old Rein in
temples anti, tore them to pries to'
build their own. We were in Chi
church yesterday called St. ,Cohn of
Micerr•,, built ion the -'Cie of the
tempts rf MinerVoi, end the whole
nt - rnifeeent stmt^turn, Lracti^illy
•11 of marble with tremendous Itrge
arblc columns w,aa .•all ,.lk.'n from
t I.c old heathen ternrlle. i had no
idea eo much of ora !tome h d been , SUBSC'IRIiBE FOR THE TIMES
President. Secretary.
simply buried up ;and forgotten for
.hundreds of yeers. The excavations
.zero are much greater than at Pom-
peii. Wo have aeon w•hare Julius
Caesar was killed and where all the
great Itomon orators used to ad:Ireas
elle people. such os M:nre Anthony,
Brutus. Pompey and so on"
Money opens the door to the good -
fellow• class; poverty closes it.
if you prefer to take medicine in
tablet form you can now obtain f)i.
Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Abso-
lutely no change has been made in
the medical ingredients. Sold by
W. S. llowey.
Ile who thinks before he speaks is
silent more than )half the time.
Whenever your bowels skip a day -
w•ithout a movement -take n LAX -
ET. Whenever your brcxi1h is bed -
your skin wi.txy. or sallow -your ton-
gue coated -.your breath foul -take •e
L:1X-ET- only 5 cents. Sold by W.
1i. 1iowey,
Grafting for easy money often
Wide to hard labor.
Thocee who live taken other taxa
fives without set Meet ion -end those
t -ho 'have taken such quantities of
other laxatives that they have lost
their effect -atilt find n pleasant
surprise in LAX-E'fS. There is usu-
ally no pain, grieini. nausea or die -
comfort even in severe eases. This
cendy laxative-LAX-ETS-is only roe
and is sold by W. S. (Nonny.
Meeting of the Huron
County Council.
Tile council of the County of limo
011 will meet in the counoil ch -amber
in the town of (1nilerich on Tuesd.ty
the lith day of lune next, at the
hour of .1 o'clock.
All accounts against aha county re -
:suiting settlement must 1x0 placed
with the clerk before the; date.
W. I. NE, Clerk.
To Mao Sh 114! older. ice the Exe-
ter Salt Works Company.
Gentlemen. - Please take notice
that a meeting of the 'hare -holders
of the Exeter Sett Works Comi-any
will he held nt 2 o'clock. p. in. nt
1ho Town Hill, Tue'I.y, ,lune the
T. 11. C.\i1LING, Scc'y •Trees.
To Cure a Cold in One Day m n ,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets- on eveiy
Sven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months. Thisr
ture (0 Z/Ler./ box. ZSC.
Went Through Disaster
The following I-- ser from Mrs. M.
J. White. of Berkley. (illif., tail! h^
of interest to a 'lumber of her
(Ii ads
'1'itc•.re wadi no mail went out for
three or four days. You cannot
imiagins whet an :awful experience
we Led. We never thought of any-
thing but decub. Wo wero awaken-
ed shortly after five o'clock by the
most terrible rattling .and crashing.
The house shook like n gallopinee
horse. The children wero all
sereawinng rind trying to get to Inc.
but !hone of tie could stand upon our
feet. A chiffonier in (runt of my
bed, fell over on its face, battles and
everything on top corn° down with a
crnsh. A I trgt' chimney crashed
through the lock of our room, and
down through the dining room and
kitchen, went right into the base-
ment, the fire place.% dropped out of
sight. the 'wattles went into a Bun -
died pieces, unit the atove pipes in
the kitchen were oil over the place.
It was soot. mortar. bricks, broken
dishes and brica-brae all over. \Ve
could do nothing but seireunt, those
few seconds seemed liko an hour. As
son cis it was over I rushed the
children out of tho house, and in less
than d,alf n Minute all were out in
their night rto
hes on the street.
Men. women and children out of
every house were in their night
clot hee and no ono seemed to think
it cstrnnge. .Mother seemed to b^
the only one who wanted to (trees,
then she come out carrying her bi-
-I.0Iought another shako and the
!rouse would be over. lein:illy 1
ventured bock and threw- something
around me, and got the children's
clothes and dressed them on the
street. We expected another shake
any minute, and the 11oUse would be
over. There was the wildest excite -
/Dent. a rid it %vas the meet beautiful
morning. sun shining brightly, birds
site:lug, the air was warm and balmy
laden with the perfume of flowers,
which are blooming profusely. \Ve
could herdly realize that a horrible
disaster had just taken place. The
fire bells rang out in all parts of
the town. People were running and
screaming ar.d the fire companies
were tearing around. \Ve had sot --
oral shakes during .the day. I couli
not get into my kitctlicn until the
debris eels cleared away. 1 000kcd
the meals up stairs in Grandmees
kitchen on the sofa stove, and carried
than oat to tho children, who were
not in tate house until the second
night. The first night we slept in
a lot across rho street where there
were no houses to fall on us. We
mimed out rugs and five families
slept out fuer%. It w�a3 r1 ncaunl ut
nigh(, the sky being lied with the
!Eames of 1110 burning city, rind the
bay as rid as blood. 'TI►o air was hot
1 from the fire and all night long
' there was the booming of the blast-
ing, and for throe days and nights.
All day long people kept pouring in
from the city, with the most terri-
ble news, every train brought in
loads of refugees, some of them ter-
ribly wounded. No one wee allowed
to go to tate city. but declare and
nurses and the (r. S. cadets. People
coming out of the city had great
difficulty in getting' to the water
Itr ,+ tr Ls:.pr tr. Lest*
The Sweetness and Charity of England's Queen
Q'ieen Alexandra, whom Dean Stanley termed "the angel in the palace."
has for over forty ).gars endeared herself to the hearts of the British people
since 1863, when a girl of nineteen ill her quaint, little, old-fashioned poplin
frock and shawl. she landed at Gravesend as the bride of the Prince of Wales.
Her early life was passed in extreme plainness and simplicity, because
of the smallness of the family income. When she was born, her father, then)
Prince Christian, had no hope of ever lining King of Denmark, for his rela-
tion to the reigning king was so distltnt. He had nothing but ht•3 military
pay and his wife's modest dowry. The life in their home, the Yellow Palace
at Copenhagen, was pretentious only In name. The daughters, Alexandra
and Dagma. who became Empress of Russia, wore garments of cheap ma•
terial cut in the plainest style.
When Alexandra was seventeen, the Prince of \Vales, while speaking, to
one of his friends. jestingly asked to see the portrait of his sweetheart. in-
advertently the wrong picture was handed to the Prince, and instead of the
face of his friend's fiancee, he saw the likeness of "the most beautiful woman
in Europe." The future king of England promptly fell in love with the por-
trait which led to his marriage two years later.
The simplicity of her early years has ever clung to the Queen; though
in the court site has not been of 1t, and for society she has cared little. Iter
home circle has been her throne, where she has reigned with sweetness and
love. Her kindness, gentleness, tact and generosity have been always at the
call of need, and since sio went to England has been instrumental in raisin
Or causing to be raised ovr r $250,000,000 for charity.
in ono of Kin`: Christiana weekly letters to her, ho wrote that an elderly
lady -In -waiting to the late Quern of Denmark was dying, and that her one
wish was to speak again to her dear "Princess Alex." At that time It was
impossible for Alexandra to leave England, but a long tender message of
love and hope spoken by her Into a phonograph, was sent by special courier
to Copenhagen. its arrival a short time before the aged lady's death made
her last hours serenely happy.
e At Sandringham she led the life of a country lady, finding her pleasure
in her children, tho Lout°, the grounds, her pets, and in ministering nets Or
Metre. Serene, gracious and 1eantifel, her life has been quiet, though with
n thread of sorrow running through days of seemingly golden happiness.
rat4M4 sMin; to Act of OA Netts:am%of Canada. In Ib- ynr l 'l. 11 W. C. )t k. at t`.. Mrrrtm.nt f .(;11•-wltm
flout, as the stmet s were crowded
%%ith debris. We could get no news
of !Herb tine name but every feat
hours t,, rats were published Isere :and
We ooutd find out by that that the
fire had not reached them. ai.d 1 was
sure 1 [could lose my property, but
:111 is s rfe. Ileub ;zot over yesterday.
Ile had to walk' raid climb uvcr deb-
ris to get out of the city. but he
%tent over and cx'ttnined my flats
but they are undisturbed, the chino
hey did not even fall down. The
Lady in the upper flat put a fire in
her stove the third day after the
e.lr•t,h1uake, and h-tlf a dozen rush-
ed ,in at her with guns and made
her 1put it out for four a fire would
start in that part. Ilerb said it was
(1)0 only chimney that stood in the
There was not a newspaper I;I.uh
left in rho city, mot n wl:ole.e.I:
house, .nor a retail dry goods store.
Jar: McVey acme down . Thursday
night. (Up in the country they did
not hecir of tho disaster until 'Lhurs.
afternoon. Mildred, who is there
yet, was at sohool. The new A teas
tt'lcgraphed back from Chico o that
Fresco and Berkley and every plaac
around was destroyed by eartheuakc
and fire. Ile and his two nephews
came c m down. o n. T c
h y were glad to find
we were alive„ [ken ale could not
get a message back to Annie and
Mediae!. The other boys, mother
who were ere a
t their
house, over o got o cr to some friends in
Berkeley, but they lost everything
in the city rend' aro now up at their
ranches. Tho high school here was
ruined but the teachers have got
other buildings fixed up.
Many a
3 man who 1 Ilinlcs advertis-
ing would be of little value to his
business would work himself up to a
high pitch of indignation if hie name
was left out of the directory of the
business men of the town. or erased
from the sign in front of his door.
To be in the swish the mcrcbant
must be found where the public
looks for Ilius -end it looks first o!
all in the newspapers. The man's
name and address that cannot be
found in the 1104t•Si0pet's is not like.
ly to bo eagerly hunted up elsewhere
by puroha.-sers: mid isn't it a safe
assumption that the business man
who dosett't advertise in the Times
doesn't w•antt he trade of its reafers.
Not quite sick -but robbed of am-
bition to work -find it hard to think
clearly. Not i11 enough to think of
dying. but bad enough for life to be
pretty dull. There is .t remedy_
Ferrozone - cheat quickly lifts that
half dead feeling. Gracious, but Fer.
rezone, snakes you feel goof; it shnrp-
cns the dullest appetite, mikes it
keen as a razor.
'MOOD? Ferrozone makes blood
lots of it. rho rich nourishing kind
that vitalizes the whole body. You
aril! he wonderfully quickened, im.
mensly strengthened, feel hearty and
vigorous after using Ferrozone.
Buoyant health, surplus vigor ;and
reserve energy all cotne from this
great restorative. Fifty cents buys
a box of fifty tablets at ::11 dealers.
Clift:(t\".-I1h 1'sboruc, on May 16th,
1906, Robert Creery, aged 80 years
9 months and 4 days.
\VILLERTI►► lkugkw'ood, Friday. May
18, 1906. M re. ,iohn Willer[, .:';ed
6:3 y^,. .
"While working in -' sow -mill"
writes C. E. Kenney, from Ottawa,
"I strained my back end Fide so sev-
erely I lutd to go to bed". Every
movetuent caused me torture. I
tried different oils and liniments,
but I wasn't helped till I used Ner•
vilin:•. Even the first -application
lee considerable relief. In three
d .ye 1 was again nt work. Other
lues in the mill use Nerviline with
ticutrndous benefit too''. An honest
record of nearly fifty years has es-
tablished the value of Polson's Nese
Weak Kidneys
Bright's Disease
and Diabetes
Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative to Cure
the Cause. If You Suffer From
These Symptoms.
Here are the symptoms of Kidneycomplaints:
Mine laden with sediment. brick ust In urine.
.IghIy colored urine, greasy froth or blood
n it stringy mucous in urine. unusual de -
Aire to urinate. pain in passing water. Clain in
Cabe back and over the kidney., hot. dry sed
dry and brittle, t in
heavy. sleepless e3.
weight. chill;se fj a-
ory, g(•uers1 dee U.
heart disorders
trouble with
skin. fever.
One toot t0
er treat -
worse than
It Miley meds•
effect from
diuretics. The$.
kidney phy IQs.
act on the bOarsle.
strain. These dit0t-
net's to unusual O.
tehtns skin. hair
4111 Joints. legs feel
d Inness. less of
tTe?, irregulsns, loss of mern-
• eyesight.
ekt(pg wary
ties• from
other In
MI Imerop-
ht !soften
fa ee. Most
Ss get their
WW1 called
y excite the kid
they cause over -
remedies are them selves tho 1 r e i u e b 1
se of serious kidney disease. don't try
r the kidneys themselves. for you will p
them. Their only .trength is 041
Dr. Shoop's Restorative (T4bIsia dr
u d) vltaIlres the nerve, that 'emelt* the
eye. 501.1 and recommended by
\V. `. 11( i\\'I':v.
The Cssc of I.:rcn \\albs 1. One of Thousand.
of sures Mile by la ds., t:. I't i ii ia'e
Yegetablc CompounJ.
How plant icemen realise that it is not
the plan of nature that women should
suffer so severely?
Thousands of Canadianhow-
ever, hate found relief frulu all u,outhly
suffering by taking Lydia F:. I'inkhaut's
• bice 'un, pun 1 •a. 't ' t
\' � eta C . s t is the m is
c t
g i
thorough female regulator known t0
medical science,. It cures the c•onditioq
which causes so much discomfort and
robs these periods of their terrors.
Ellen Walby, of Wellington hotel,
Ottawa, Ont. writes:
"Yot(r Vegetable Compound was recom-
mended toU the intense 't
nu d<y to me take for t also b t1Fe =
u 1
month and ills which I endured everyt o I tctt�}
which I had been a sufferer for many year
getting no relief from the many pn'scrnptioee
which were prescribed, until, finally lie ono
ingdiscouraged with doctors andtla<i; nlydt-
cines f determine' to try Lydia E. 1'ink-
hani s Vr`_I•table Compound, and I ant alae
that I dill for within a short time 1 began tq
wend ant in an incredible short time tl
flow was regular, natural and without pal
'rhIs Seems too good to be true and 1 ant
indeed a gratefulIand happy woman."
Women who aro troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, bloating,
(or flatulence), displacc'ulcut of organe,
inflatnntation or ulceration, that "bearin
down" feeling, dizziness, faintness, 1n
gestion, nervous prostration or the bluei
should take imnieiliete action to ward o''.
serious consequences, and be restored
perfect health anal strength by taki-
Lydia E. l:'inkhatn's Vegetable Co
pound, and then write to Mrs. I'inklie
Lynn, Masa., for further free advice. S
is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Mukha
and for twenty-five years has been a
wising women free of charge. Thousan
have ben cured by so doing.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness, tremblings, nervous head,
ache, cold hands and feel, pain in tho
back and other forms of weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for the blood nerves
and complexion.
Women with pale co lorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
aro made for the blood, nerves and
• B. W. F. BEf VEUS
Try to ltdvise you about the in-
t( rior decoration of t•enlr home.
Our Wall Paper salesmen are
qualified by experience. taste
and training to assist you in
securing the best results.
Then our stork of pipets is
by far the most complete and
stylish within your teach.
Better consult us.
Farquhar, Ont. •
NIX? !t i:,n T`1'!. 0 r,ar •• ha► k.aC sans Limn'
tiro . I'. I,r•nlsl ,t...,.. 1n.-, y,,.t 14•t a 1011kot
Fence s-.•1 are HO1',-.1. 3114 want
Iutet l'at:r ;:a,1 •-- --It.. .r:.w1a wanted.
&X”.l►i-R. _/ti_1Lt
W. .1. ItF.A\f,1N, A^( -11r. l:r•ter
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••w
• •
• ,K11..„,t,(, In Ontario, y11. t,,•'. Al' cite llritt-h ('c!un•,bit and m nha
• Open every Lawful Day from 1(1 A. M. to 31'. M. exeeet i'aturday to A. U 'n 1 e. M.
• Fortttorn' Mato Nottipt emitted or collected. Forms !,applied
• On application. I11tAFTs on all points in the Dominion. Great Britoil, eco Un
• hst retate.. bough' and .old nt lowe.r We. of exchange,
• Ueportttn Int 141.00 ani upw•nrds received. interest coin-
• ponteird belt )earl(.. and added to principal June Nib and Decgember 31st. 1)e•
• pn'its Receipts alae h.•ued and Lighe-t current r -e.- of Interest alb%ed.
• Aefvesncon 1119(10 to farmers .look dealers arid bue.iners men at
• lowest rete• and nn 1004 favorable term+. Ai en's rat Exeter for Dom. Government.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor:. N. D. HURDON, Nenteig°r,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••
(Incorporated ey Act of I atlianlent1S.s' )
CAPITAL PAID UP •• - • • $
RESERVE FUND $3.000.000 00
A\: getable Preparation for As-'
simita tiit6 the Fcodand !leg ula-
ling the 5tdlnik.k.; al '41 Dowels of
INIAN '1s ''!tiJU)HI:
Promotes Digestion,Clleetful-
ncss and Rcst.Contains neither
Oipiunl,Morphille nor /facial.
raw. ear Old LrS4M1T2 P.' fi/S.?
',4,7.4;14 Surf
.//.r. em.,: •
%„J!,' , Ida -
Ara.r J,J •
Bpi., mint -
Lh G:.44.va9J...g1 •
Ih,m Ilea' -
Clat,I..J J.' pP .
6`niaryrry tramp.
Apetfect Remedy forCons iipa-
tion, Sour Stonlach,lliarrhoca,
\\ brills ,Convulsions ,Fever i sit-
-s and LOSS OF SLEP.
Fec Sirile Signature of
„At (3 months' 61d
} j DoSLS -35CE NT%
For Infants and Childr
The Ikid You H
Always Bough
Bears the
for Ov
Thirty Yea
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We will snake them to
suit you unless you are very hard
to please. -
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the SOUTH HURON FARMERS'
INSTITUTE will be held in Miller's Hall, Hensall, Monday, June
4th. 1906, at one thirty o'clock. The following order of business
will be transacted: Reports of President, Executive Committee and
Auditors, suggestions of points at which to hold regular and supple-
Inentary meetings, election of Directors and Auditors for ensuing
year, etc. A judging class demonstration will be conducted at three
o'clock by Mr. II. S. Arkell, B. S. A , O. A. C. Guelph.
A cordial invitation is extended to all; young inen especially.
An excursion will be held to the Model Farm at Guelph, June
15th, I906.
Seed meeting will be held at Crediton, June 2nd. See small
NOTICE TO Chl..DITORS bilis for particulars of excursion and ,eecl meeting.
in the matte^ of the estate of
Devil McNicol, late of the Town-
ship of l'sborne, in the County of
Huron, Farmer doceased.
Notice is hereby .given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that aft
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said David
McNicol. wdbo died .on or about the
14th kris of May. 1906, aro reiuir-
ed on or before the 12th rely of June
1906, to fond by post prepaid or
deliver to Messrs. Madman & St;tn-
bury, of the Villnee of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Etaecutors of the
said deceased. their christian and sur-
names, addresses and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts °tad
the nature of the s.:ourities, ;f any
held by therm. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
date the said executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the (10•
ceased endo; the parties entitled
thereto having re;ard only to late
cl•li:_rs of which they shell then have
notice, and that the said executors
will not be liable for the salt[ asset!
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of tt'hose claim no!ice
shall not have been received by them
nt the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for said Executors.
Du' -'I ►,t I.:ve •r tee 21st day of
M 3, 1906.
Wo lanve been handed. n copy of
tdlte It imiota (.\I.an.) Echo, mot to
our townsman, Mr. In Dclbrid.'e, by
one of his on,. thing there. The
copy cootnina n 1onir find intcrtcatin;
letter written by it Mr.- Chimbera of
that place, who i; travelline.throuzh
Hely. In part Mr. Chnmb`re says:
"It ie wonderful tdro history of this
old city, twenty-two of its blarrc or
four hundred churoltos and palaces
here been built from stone taken
from tho Cole-emum, the old (piece
where the Utldi:rtare fought, and
where thoualnds of the early chris-
tians were butahcred, then ,all the
stetucs, marble columns riei bronzes
with which St• Pi tcr'a, St. Plus':1 an(1
some of tele other churches are dec-
orated, were n11 taken drum the
great P.1„an temple.., sudh els the
Temple of Jupiter, Marra tend so on.
1(a no wonder the Catholics have
fine churches here for they just took
possession of these fine old Rein in
temples anti, tore them to pries to'
build their own. We were in Chi
church yesterday called St. ,Cohn of
Micerr•,, built ion the -'Cie of the
tempts rf MinerVoi, end the whole
nt - rnifeeent stmt^turn, Lracti^illy
•11 of marble with tremendous Itrge
arblc columns w,aa .•all ,.lk.'n from
t I.c old heathen ternrlle. i had no
idea eo much of ora !tome h d been , SUBSC'IRIiBE FOR THE TIMES
President. Secretary.
simply buried up ;and forgotten for
.hundreds of yeers. The excavations
.zero are much greater than at Pom-
peii. Wo have aeon w•hare Julius
Caesar was killed and where all the
great Itomon orators used to ad:Ireas
elle people. such os M:nre Anthony,
Brutus. Pompey and so on"
Money opens the door to the good -
fellow• class; poverty closes it.
if you prefer to take medicine in
tablet form you can now obtain f)i.
Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Abso-
lutely no change has been made in
the medical ingredients. Sold by
W. S. llowey.
Ile who thinks before he speaks is
silent more than )half the time.
Whenever your bowels skip a day -
w•ithout a movement -take n LAX -
ET. Whenever your brcxi1h is bed -
your skin wi.txy. or sallow -your ton-
gue coated -.your breath foul -take •e
L:1X-ET- only 5 cents. Sold by W.
1i. 1iowey,
Grafting for easy money often
Wide to hard labor.
Thocee who live taken other taxa
fives without set Meet ion -end those
t -ho 'have taken such quantities of
other laxatives that they have lost
their effect -atilt find n pleasant
surprise in LAX-E'fS. There is usu-
ally no pain, grieini. nausea or die -
comfort even in severe eases. This
cendy laxative-LAX-ETS-is only roe
and is sold by W. S. (Nonny.
Meeting of the Huron
County Council.
Tile council of the County of limo
011 will meet in the counoil ch -amber
in the town of (1nilerich on Tuesd.ty
the lith day of lune next, at the
hour of .1 o'clock.
All accounts against aha county re -
:suiting settlement must 1x0 placed
with the clerk before the; date.
W. I. NE, Clerk.
To Mao Sh 114! older. ice the Exe-
ter Salt Works Company.
Gentlemen. - Please take notice
that a meeting of the 'hare -holders
of the Exeter Sett Works Comi-any
will he held nt 2 o'clock. p. in. nt
1ho Town Hill, Tue'I.y, ,lune the
T. 11. C.\i1LING, Scc'y •Trees.
To Cure a Cold in One Day m n ,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets- on eveiy
Sven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months. Thisr
ture (0 Z/Ler./ box. ZSC.
Went Through Disaster
The following I-- ser from Mrs. M.
J. White. of Berkley. (illif., tail! h^
of interest to a 'lumber of her
(Ii ads
'1'itc•.re wadi no mail went out for
three or four days. You cannot
imiagins whet an :awful experience
we Led. We never thought of any-
thing but decub. Wo wero awaken-
ed shortly after five o'clock by the
most terrible rattling .and crashing.
The house shook like n gallopinee
horse. The children wero all
sereawinng rind trying to get to Inc.
but !hone of tie could stand upon our
feet. A chiffonier in (runt of my
bed, fell over on its face, battles and
everything on top corn° down with a
crnsh. A I trgt' chimney crashed
through the lock of our room, and
down through the dining room and
kitchen, went right into the base-
ment, the fire place.% dropped out of
sight. the 'wattles went into a Bun -
died pieces, unit the atove pipes in
the kitchen were oil over the place.
It was soot. mortar. bricks, broken
dishes and brica-brae all over. \Ve
could do nothing but seireunt, those
few seconds seemed liko an hour. As
son cis it was over I rushed the
children out of tho house, and in less
than d,alf n Minute all were out in
their night rto
hes on the street.
Men. women and children out of
every house were in their night
clot hee and no ono seemed to think
it cstrnnge. .Mother seemed to b^
the only one who wanted to (trees,
then she come out carrying her bi-
-I.0Iought another shako and the
!rouse would be over. lein:illy 1
ventured bock and threw- something
around me, and got the children's
clothes and dressed them on the
street. We expected another shake
any minute, and the 11oUse would be
over. There was the wildest excite -
/Dent. a rid it %vas the meet beautiful
morning. sun shining brightly, birds
site:lug, the air was warm and balmy
laden with the perfume of flowers,
which are blooming profusely. \Ve
could herdly realize that a horrible
disaster had just taken place. The
fire bells rang out in all parts of
the town. People were running and
screaming ar.d the fire companies
were tearing around. \Ve had sot --
oral shakes during .the day. I couli
not get into my kitctlicn until the
debris eels cleared away. 1 000kcd
the meals up stairs in Grandmees
kitchen on the sofa stove, and carried
than oat to tho children, who were
not in tate house until the second
night. The first night we slept in
a lot across rho street where there
were no houses to fall on us. We
mimed out rugs and five families
slept out fuer%. It w�a3 r1 ncaunl ut
nigh(, the sky being lied with the
!Eames of 1110 burning city, rind the
bay as rid as blood. 'TI►o air was hot
1 from the fire and all night long
' there was the booming of the blast-
ing, and for throe days and nights.
All day long people kept pouring in
from the city, with the most terri-
ble news, every train brought in
loads of refugees, some of them ter-
ribly wounded. No one wee allowed
to go to tate city. but declare and
nurses and the (r. S. cadets. People
coming out of the city had great
difficulty in getting' to the water
Itr ,+ tr Ls:.pr tr. Lest*
The Sweetness and Charity of England's Queen
Q'ieen Alexandra, whom Dean Stanley termed "the angel in the palace."
has for over forty ).gars endeared herself to the hearts of the British people
since 1863, when a girl of nineteen ill her quaint, little, old-fashioned poplin
frock and shawl. she landed at Gravesend as the bride of the Prince of Wales.
Her early life was passed in extreme plainness and simplicity, because
of the smallness of the family income. When she was born, her father, then)
Prince Christian, had no hope of ever lining King of Denmark, for his rela-
tion to the reigning king was so distltnt. He had nothing but ht•3 military
pay and his wife's modest dowry. The life in their home, the Yellow Palace
at Copenhagen, was pretentious only In name. The daughters, Alexandra
and Dagma. who became Empress of Russia, wore garments of cheap ma•
terial cut in the plainest style.
When Alexandra was seventeen, the Prince of \Vales, while speaking, to
one of his friends. jestingly asked to see the portrait of his sweetheart. in-
advertently the wrong picture was handed to the Prince, and instead of the
face of his friend's fiancee, he saw the likeness of "the most beautiful woman
in Europe." The future king of England promptly fell in love with the por-
trait which led to his marriage two years later.
The simplicity of her early years has ever clung to the Queen; though
in the court site has not been of 1t, and for society she has cared little. Iter
home circle has been her throne, where she has reigned with sweetness and
love. Her kindness, gentleness, tact and generosity have been always at the
call of need, and since sio went to England has been instrumental in raisin
Or causing to be raised ovr r $250,000,000 for charity.
in ono of Kin`: Christiana weekly letters to her, ho wrote that an elderly
lady -In -waiting to the late Quern of Denmark was dying, and that her one
wish was to speak again to her dear "Princess Alex." At that time It was
impossible for Alexandra to leave England, but a long tender message of
love and hope spoken by her Into a phonograph, was sent by special courier
to Copenhagen. its arrival a short time before the aged lady's death made
her last hours serenely happy.
e At Sandringham she led the life of a country lady, finding her pleasure
in her children, tho Lout°, the grounds, her pets, and in ministering nets Or
Metre. Serene, gracious and 1eantifel, her life has been quiet, though with
n thread of sorrow running through days of seemingly golden happiness.
rat4M4 sMin; to Act of OA Netts:am%of Canada. In Ib- ynr l 'l. 11 W. C. )t k. at t`.. Mrrrtm.nt f .(;11•-wltm
flout, as the stmet s were crowded
%%ith debris. We could get no news
of !Herb tine name but every feat
hours t,, rats were published Isere :and
We ooutd find out by that that the
fire had not reached them. ai.d 1 was
sure 1 [could lose my property, but
:111 is s rfe. Ileub ;zot over yesterday.
Ile had to walk' raid climb uvcr deb-
ris to get out of the city. but he
%tent over and cx'ttnined my flats
but they are undisturbed, the chino
hey did not even fall down. The
Lady in the upper flat put a fire in
her stove the third day after the
e.lr•t,h1uake, and h-tlf a dozen rush-
ed ,in at her with guns and made
her 1put it out for four a fire would
start in that part. Ilerb said it was
(1)0 only chimney that stood in the
There was not a newspaper I;I.uh
left in rho city, mot n wl:ole.e.I:
house, .nor a retail dry goods store.
Jar: McVey acme down . Thursday
night. (Up in the country they did
not hecir of tho disaster until 'Lhurs.
afternoon. Mildred, who is there
yet, was at sohool. The new A teas
tt'lcgraphed back from Chico o that
Fresco and Berkley and every plaac
around was destroyed by eartheuakc
and fire. Ile and his two nephews
came c m down. o n. T c
h y were glad to find
we were alive„ [ken ale could not
get a message back to Annie and
Mediae!. The other boys, mother
who were ere a
t their
house, over o got o cr to some friends in
Berkeley, but they lost everything
in the city rend' aro now up at their
ranches. Tho high school here was
ruined but the teachers have got
other buildings fixed up.
Many a
3 man who 1 Ilinlcs advertis-
ing would be of little value to his
business would work himself up to a
high pitch of indignation if hie name
was left out of the directory of the
business men of the town. or erased
from the sign in front of his door.
To be in the swish the mcrcbant
must be found where the public
looks for Ilius -end it looks first o!
all in the newspapers. The man's
name and address that cannot be
found in the 1104t•Si0pet's is not like.
ly to bo eagerly hunted up elsewhere
by puroha.-sers: mid isn't it a safe
assumption that the business man
who dosett't advertise in the Times
doesn't w•antt he trade of its reafers.
Not quite sick -but robbed of am-
bition to work -find it hard to think
clearly. Not i11 enough to think of
dying. but bad enough for life to be
pretty dull. There is .t remedy_
Ferrozone - cheat quickly lifts that
half dead feeling. Gracious, but Fer.
rezone, snakes you feel goof; it shnrp-
cns the dullest appetite, mikes it
keen as a razor.
'MOOD? Ferrozone makes blood
lots of it. rho rich nourishing kind
that vitalizes the whole body. You
aril! he wonderfully quickened, im.
mensly strengthened, feel hearty and
vigorous after using Ferrozone.
Buoyant health, surplus vigor ;and
reserve energy all cotne from this
great restorative. Fifty cents buys
a box of fifty tablets at ::11 dealers.
Clift:(t\".-I1h 1'sboruc, on May 16th,
1906, Robert Creery, aged 80 years
9 months and 4 days.
\VILLERTI►► lkugkw'ood, Friday. May
18, 1906. M re. ,iohn Willer[, .:';ed
6:3 y^,. .
"While working in -' sow -mill"
writes C. E. Kenney, from Ottawa,
"I strained my back end Fide so sev-
erely I lutd to go to bed". Every
movetuent caused me torture. I
tried different oils and liniments,
but I wasn't helped till I used Ner•
vilin:•. Even the first -application
lee considerable relief. In three
d .ye 1 was again nt work. Other
lues in the mill use Nerviline with
ticutrndous benefit too''. An honest
record of nearly fifty years has es-
tablished the value of Polson's Nese
Weak Kidneys
Bright's Disease
and Diabetes
Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative to Cure
the Cause. If You Suffer From
These Symptoms.
Here are the symptoms of Kidneycomplaints:
Mine laden with sediment. brick ust In urine.
.IghIy colored urine, greasy froth or blood
n it stringy mucous in urine. unusual de -
Aire to urinate. pain in passing water. Clain in
Cabe back and over the kidney., hot. dry sed
dry and brittle, t in
heavy. sleepless e3.
weight. chill;se fj a-
ory, g(•uers1 dee U.
heart disorders
trouble with
skin. fever.
One toot t0
er treat -
worse than
It Miley meds•
effect from
diuretics. The$.
kidney phy IQs.
act on the bOarsle.
strain. These dit0t-
net's to unusual O.
tehtns skin. hair
4111 Joints. legs feel
d Inness. less of
tTe?, irregulsns, loss of mern-
• eyesight.
ekt(pg wary
ties• from
other In
MI Imerop-
ht !soften
fa ee. Most
Ss get their
WW1 called
y excite the kid
they cause over -
remedies are them selves tho 1 r e i u e b 1
se of serious kidney disease. don't try
r the kidneys themselves. for you will p
them. Their only .trength is 041
Dr. Shoop's Restorative (T4bIsia dr
u d) vltaIlres the nerve, that 'emelt* the
eye. 501.1 and recommended by
\V. `. 11( i\\'I':v.
The Cssc of I.:rcn \\albs 1. One of Thousand.
of sures Mile by la ds., t:. I't i ii ia'e
Yegetablc CompounJ.
How plant icemen realise that it is not
the plan of nature that women should
suffer so severely?
Thousands of Canadianhow-
ever, hate found relief frulu all u,outhly
suffering by taking Lydia F:. I'inkhaut's
• bice 'un, pun 1 •a. 't ' t
\' � eta C . s t is the m is
c t
g i
thorough female regulator known t0
medical science,. It cures the c•onditioq
which causes so much discomfort and
robs these periods of their terrors.
Ellen Walby, of Wellington hotel,
Ottawa, Ont. writes:
"Yot(r Vegetable Compound was recom-
mended toU the intense 't
nu d<y to me take for t also b t1Fe =
u 1
month and ills which I endured everyt o I tctt�}
which I had been a sufferer for many year
getting no relief from the many pn'scrnptioee
which were prescribed, until, finally lie ono
ingdiscouraged with doctors andtla<i; nlydt-
cines f determine' to try Lydia E. 1'ink-
hani s Vr`_I•table Compound, and I ant alae
that I dill for within a short time 1 began tq
wend ant in an incredible short time tl
flow was regular, natural and without pal
'rhIs Seems too good to be true and 1 ant
indeed a gratefulIand happy woman."
Women who aro troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, bloating,
(or flatulence), displacc'ulcut of organe,
inflatnntation or ulceration, that "bearin
down" feeling, dizziness, faintness, 1n
gestion, nervous prostration or the bluei
should take imnieiliete action to ward o''.
serious consequences, and be restored
perfect health anal strength by taki-
Lydia E. l:'inkhatn's Vegetable Co
pound, and then write to Mrs. I'inklie
Lynn, Masa., for further free advice. S
is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Mukha
and for twenty-five years has been a
wising women free of charge. Thousan
have ben cured by so doing.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness, tremblings, nervous head,
ache, cold hands and feel, pain in tho
back and other forms of weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for the blood nerves
and complexion.
Women with pale co lorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
aro made for the blood, nerves and
• B. W. F. BEf VEUS
Try to ltdvise you about the in-
t( rior decoration of t•enlr home.
Our Wall Paper salesmen are
qualified by experience. taste
and training to assist you in
securing the best results.
Then our stork of pipets is
by far the most complete and
stylish within your teach.
Better consult us.
Farquhar, Ont. •
NIX? !t i:,n T`1'!. 0 r,ar •• ha► k.aC sans Limn'
tiro . I'. I,r•nlsl ,t...,.. 1n.-, y,,.t 14•t a 1011kot
Fence s-.•1 are HO1',-.1. 3114 want
Iutet l'at:r ;:a,1 •-- --It.. .r:.w1a wanted.
&X”.l►i-R. _/ti_1Lt
W. .1. ItF.A\f,1N, A^( -11r. l:r•ter
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••w
• •
• ,K11..„,t,(, In Ontario, y11. t,,•'. Al' cite llritt-h ('c!un•,bit and m nha
• Open every Lawful Day from 1(1 A. M. to 31'. M. exeeet i'aturday to A. U 'n 1 e. M.
• Fortttorn' Mato Nottipt emitted or collected. Forms !,applied
• On application. I11tAFTs on all points in the Dominion. Great Britoil, eco Un
• hst retate.. bough' and .old nt lowe.r We. of exchange,
• Ueportttn Int 141.00 ani upw•nrds received. interest coin-
• ponteird belt )earl(.. and added to principal June Nib and Decgember 31st. 1)e•
• pn'its Receipts alae h.•ued and Lighe-t current r -e.- of Interest alb%ed.
• Aefvesncon 1119(10 to farmers .look dealers arid bue.iners men at
• lowest rete• and nn 1004 favorable term+. Ai en's rat Exeter for Dom. Government.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor:. N. D. HURDON, Nenteig°r,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••
(Incorporated ey Act of I atlianlent1S.s' )
CAPITAL PAID UP •• - • • $
RESERVE FUND $3.000.000 00