HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-24, Page 4Rubber Goode Another large supply of rub- ber goods just received at Browning's Drug Store coil - listing of Combination I'otul- ;ain Syringe,. )lot Water Bottles, Enemas, Ice -bags, in iaet everything along these Mlles' These goods are of first- 3lass quality, anti speak for themselves by the increasing iemand we h;&Wc for them. Essential Ir Every tome Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times CALEVD\it ('oft MAY, 1906. IUNbAY,,.. 6 13 '20 27 iIONDAY '7 14 21 28 rOlisDA7 1 8 15 22 ''l7 iVEDNEsnA)'... 2 J 16 23 30 revrtsl) A v 3 10 17 24 CtR)LAY 4 11 18 25 IATURDAY 5 12 19 26 Till'►t I1:\Z', MAY 21th. 1900. l'SCOitNI'. TDoiwa of Ito her 1. Croery.- Deo t a• a 1 \\'. r < hI (removed a1Jn } t l0i,h rc v 1 , mo t ora our nit l,+ coo of Usborno's old - t 'rti•sidcnts .0te1 possibly the first ttler in the section of the township hetre he lived. Mr. Creery was 86 nasi, 9 montiha and 4 eIayil old. Al - rough the) infirmatlee of old ago tare gradually napping away his rcngtih, 11'3 was able to get about s farm, and 'ou the Saturday be- r+e his de'nth wag out in the fields etching the mon cit work. The de - sed wus born in Ireland in 1820, about sixty years ago with Mrs. ry, who predeceased him a fete airo- time to Canada. A short e after their nrri-val here they c to t*sborne, having to use a pa_.s to guide them from Strat- At that time this section of borne was one vast forest. 'Mr. ery took up 200 ncresof land and edin+%snug taly ud Set erest atork ;Immo oa ke a for him - end family. That he was sue, :ful ,at the farming, pursuits is ane(1 frons the f.ict that at one o 1.2 owned 500 ,acres of land, 300 which ll^ gave to his sons. Mr. ry .wt.•s one of those . tiustru- nLtl im 'hoeing ,the gravel road ween Exeter Fant) St. Marys built took contracts 'himself for the ding of a Portion of tire rcxtd. In tics the dsseased .was a staunch sere alive and in religion n con- st member of the church of land. During :his long residence Tsbor,ne. he for many years rep- nted tate township on the rout). board us councillor and deputy e. Many needed improvement:: the township were made, .while was in office. lie is survived by n c hildren, John, of Alvinston, t., Willi a m and Josiadi, of Us- e a rrl Mars. Robt. Berry, Blan- d Eeed Agnes and Eliza at. home. fu rel was held front his late deuce. Con. 12, Saturday, inter- s t beinfz in Oho English church e very, Kirkton. Ttbe cortege was err one, showing the•high esteem chick the decoased was held by •arse circle of acquaintances, The '.:s joining in expressing Ds sin- svrniathy ,for the bereaved fain - Mr. Crcery was a valued sub. ber of team Times for over thirty• e ye 'FA. r. Wm. Sommerville, of the Gin- n Express Company, 8eafortlr, t 'night )tare proved .a very uta fill on Siturd►y morning. his assistant, Mr. John Morton. d driven into the statiqn yard cot the eight o'clock train, and just stopped at the platform 1110 horse beeline .suddenly hi creedt at d started nO .quickly .1.1. Somerville llc lc ho ts stand- in the rig at the time was hurt. ut backwards to the ground. Ile eiuickly attended to and taken s (tome where on examination s found that one side was very bruised, but no bonus broken. tv:s confined to bed for a few and oil Tuesday at as nbic to sit lost of the city. Ills many ds will be pleased to know (hat ;m(1 more serious injury. For the .. 1 hare ) rrt c+as . :.sleeted these days you plenty of grit, cour- ', qtr c.:act:', How is it with ciii:drca?Are they thin, Y e, d:ii;:it.? I);) not forget ^r'3 Sarsaparilla. You • ii stakes the blood pure t't'ilds up the -1 l;eclth in every way. • tient? p' felbl♦ Aar. r''4 hMlth • r . ...•n b, riving email 41,011e v A•... , .. a A.t t., cLat,! .gu Its coat(J. Y'. .o. i•r .r. C. A,.T. r towel, Uses. A1+ • •.• tnaf$,tururs of 1 l 9 IRRIR vtonit. t. > its crlPRYssttPECTORt1. • 1...s •• • tt • vo,1tsh Aa fr. nen se of. 1 ear medicines. 1 1.4H11 EXETER TIMES, MAY 24th 1906. Crediton I HURON DIf. E. J. UcCL'E, MEMIJER,ON - TARIO COLLEGE 1'IIYSICI- aus and Sergeone, Successor to 1)r. E. A. heist, Crediton, Ont. Mr. :And Mrs. John Young. Mr. clearer \Volt, Alias Mary \Wulf, \Its. Fred \\'uert•li /and Wesley- Finkbsiner attended the funeral of Mre. Willer% of Daahwoal, on Sunday last. Messrs. •M. Holtzmnnrrt. Charlie Eilber .and Victor Apple, of Zurich. spent Sunday in town. Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner, Who •Itas been sin London for some time re- turned home en Thursday last. Air. 1),v;,' Biker in on the sick list. Mr. August Kuhn and sister Car- rie, spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Miss, Maly 'Tarden, of Parkhill, visited Mir. J. Mclsatao for a few days of last week. Mr. Thomas Klunrpp spent Sunday tt Danliwood. Mr. 11.trry Beaver returned home on Fniday last after a plcasnut vis- it with •hit sister, Mrs. T .mist Truemncr, of Ilay .township. Mies Lydia Finkbeiner is visiting at Mr. Wm. Kuntz's, of Exeter, for a few weeks. Just received a largo assortment of up-to-date boys randy -endo cloth- ing in 2 and 3 piece suits: also o line of wash suits on which we offer speoiiI bargains. Call and see thein. -C. Zwicker, A meeting was held Friday evenino May 18, in the Fire hall, by .the -toot ball club for the purpose of re -or- ganizing. The following officers were elected: Mi•nager, ,W. A. Fink- beiner ; Oapia in. N. St ye r ; Sec'y., & 'Areas., E. It, Gower Committee, A. Amos, E. 1). Campbell, W .A. Fink- beiner, 'rW. Lawson. inn , N. S.yrc and G. 30 and lLt-s. Link k s e ter. Mrs. Mantis, of ing ,her daughter ttniolrer. Mrs. Ma ptnited by Mrs. Li same place. Miessrs. T. Wean), C. IEilber ndd E, Iloltzman'', of Zuriole spent Sunday in town. Mrs- Finkbeiner and Mrs. Steinau- ger, of Milverton, attended the fun- eral •of the late Mrs. M. Brown, on Thursday last. A number of our merchants are leaving the telephon'n installed in their places of business. • •n, Mrs. B ertran d nt Sundayin Eae- Ds. Bum Bot% Saresbek, is visit - Mrs. Daniel Ocs- nna was accom- ngelbaueli of the Mrs. G. IFolrnairer, of Ilanover, is visiting their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Winer. 10,000 lbs. of wool wanted. -I am in :a position to 'handle 10,000 pounds of wool and will nay the ftighotst market price for same. -Sara Brown Cried iton. Our merchants this week have their show windows tastily .decorat- ed with tall the latest novelties. Mr. Ed. ;Dlorlock, .who recently hod .one of This knees;riousl • injured, %se( 3 is slowly recovering end expects to roesumo his usual work shortly. • For sale at C. 'wicker's, A good supply or Feed corn, potatoes clod field seeds. Wo bad an open air entertainment on Monday evening ,by n gentleman •selling ;medicine, soaps, ,etc. A largo cnowd was present t to hear hi R Quarterly meeting services will •be (held in ithe Evaingelical church, on Saturday find Sunday ,next. Services will be ponducted by Rev. -I.. II. Wagner, of Burlin, presiding' elder for this district. Mr. John Dyer is spending a few e (Lays in London hho guest of Mr. 11. h Baker. Mr. Henry Voelker, of D.iallwood. accompanied by Mrs. Zimmermann I spent Sunday in town. Mr. 0, Ostrirtcttaer, of Dashwood, o visited friends in our village on Fri- 1 day of last week. ! Misses Leath and Mary. Young, who 1 /1)1 re been visiting at the home of 1 of DLr. William Northcott, Iffy, have 1 returned home. flu Tuesday. 156:i of .Lay, Mrs. iRobertson. %tido)). of the late Ed %turd Itote•rt'011, of Godtritae reach ted her 100th yc•.tt, the old 1 idy hay ing been born in 1Vcxfur i. Ireland. on the 15th day of May, 1806. Sha tors now entered her second son. fury a Privilege. even in Bible tune,, .all patriarchs were not permitted to reach. Although Mr,. Robert sou was not ovowr strong on the 100th celebration of iter asst -ti day, she was able to be around, end coutmence:I her 101st year with joy and glad- nexs, and lived the day.ns became a patriarch who Irid reached the Cell - Wry mark. G<xiorich, Shay •'2. -An action for Ilotemy .opened hero this morning be- fore his Honor Jude Holt, the de. fendunt being Jasper Brindley, of Goderioh township. Brindley was married on April 14, .1897. to a Gode- •rich girl, Miss ltosa Card. who for some time past has been living in Detroit, where she secured ,t di- vorce from Whitney List January, on taw grounds of c.ruel treatment on the ,part of Iter husbatni. Brind- ley ,has since married Again, his wound bride being Flotence Emily Picot, alio of Goderich. The mar- riage took place in Detroit last montlt, Brindley foiling to secure a license its Goderie3t. The point of the prosecution is that a divorce granted in Detroit dons not hold good when ono of the. parties is a )esident of Canada: Accident -A young Scotchtnan,em• eloycd with Mr. Thos. Archibald, of McKillop, met with a painful acci- dent near Dick's hotel, Scaforth, on Monday. Ile was standing beside his team, when something frightened theta and they made n start. He made a grab for the lines, and man- aged to tet hold of one. This pulled the team to the gide of the street. In the mixup the young fellow was caught by one of the wheels and dragged. As a result Ito was cut and bruised about the fa<;e add one hand tots badly injured. Ile was suf- ficiently recovered to bo table .to be taken home next day. Fortunately the tonin did not csanpc. *••••••••0 •••0•000•••••••• • • To CORRESPONDENTS. We would ask our corres- • • Londents to send in their bud- • • gets each week whether they • ♦ are little or big. \Vo are look- O I ing to the interests of our • subscribers in their part ic- • 1. ular locality, (and want the • news whether it is little or t • much. Sometimes you may • rot have much news to send t • but don't keep that little until • ♦ you have more, When Hetes is • • scarce thar is the time your •• two or three little items, or Z • even one, is specially ap- • predated by the reader in t your section. Send n big bud- get every week if you can, if Z not, the small one will be wel- • 2 comed. Any of our correspon- • dents who are in need of the • required stationery, kindly let • • us know. • • •••••••••••••••••♦••♦••••• A GUARANTEED CUIIE FOR PILES Itohinz, Blind. Bleeding, I'rotrutl- in; Piles. Uru,t.risls are authorized to refund money if I'azo Ointment fails to cut?. in 6 to 14 days. 50c. PURGATIVES AIRE DANGEROUS. They gripe, cause burning, 'pains aid make the constipated condition yon worse. physicians say the ideal axaliwo is Dr. Hamiltons Pills of landrake and butternut : they are xceedingly mild, composed only of tcalth-giving vegetable extracts Dr, tnuillon'e fills restore regular nove,nent of the bowels, strength. • the stowachand purify the blood. 'or constipation, sick headache, bil. ioutness tend disorded digestion no nedicine on earth snakes such re. narkablc cures as Dr. Hamilton's Try a box yourself, AOa'I'ORIA. I e Kir.d You Hao Al*ays Bought Our band has Leen practising every evening preparing for the 24th. Bears the The committee who have charge'of Signature tlto income grounds have been °f getting the ground into spipe, hav- ing had the roact racrtper at work on the diamond and have now one of the best base ball grounds that can Ir found nn Y%w l►c rc. The Epworth Longue of the Meth- odist church drove to Centralia on Monday night hist to visit the Lea- gue there. They furnished the pro- gram and (111 report a good time. A number •from our vill age expect to take in the homesoekars excur- sion in June. Mr. Jae. Lawson alsas sold his hind - some driver to Mr. It. Rota. of Ito11- gorvillo for a good figure. A tum of foot -bail pl'yore from Exeter and Stephen came out here Tlaursd,y night and defeated our boys by a score of 2 to 0. All kinds of gn.rdcn and flower secd.r.3 packages for & cents. Chart - ton's F,:fir, Exeter. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lazariv<• Itromo Quinine Tate lots. All .1ruggists reboot rbo mon- ey ifit f't'. fly to cure, E. %V. Grove's sign .lure is on a aoh tin‘. 25o. --f 1 Mild' 1I \ I; The boys gathered ..iround IaNf S urday night and organized f>1t I, ball. The funeral of the late David M•. `..-'ul last 1Vednesct•ay tt•ns the Lilo < u ever known in this vicinity. Mr, Mericol tt.as well ntid favorably known by n large Concourse of Of friends who extend to the' family their sympothy in their bereavement The cement found ition of Mr. W. Bros.'s t % house iv completed. Master O: ur Bennett. t, w ho is liv- ing with Mr. W. Fletcher is in a vett' leer shite of. IiitltL OATOrt. =A. Bear. •L. _, 1ee Kind Yru Hata A'A7i, 6•.ltd Signe ate (I i/. /i %CCa ff. of -1<tQ 1 (:EN'I'I1,11.f.'t .! FOR nay Forks and Slings, John Charlton, 6 Icon, Exeter. The C sediton Epworth Le igite were entertained by the Centralia L'aguo ' at Centralia on Monday evenings. • Mrs. Charlie Abbott, and Children of London, ere visiting witJh Mrs. \Willi:am 1'a neons. Mrs. I[oskins and daughter, Miss Frtbnoia are tie guests of Airs. \Vit- ; liam F.Itiott, The ALi:4ai Et1ie sand Josephine Coughlin, of London. spent Stand ty -at their 'homes here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Abbott, ttho have theca in \Winnipeg for the past few months, •returned home Lint week. Mr. ,fins Quarry :and Mr. .1ina It i, oey. of Toronto. aro visiting friend.( drone. Mrs. Ilenscy, of Lar in, is visiting her d ,lighter, Mrs. Wesley Iboagins, Catarrh Is a constitutional ' disease oriInatin$ hi impure blood andrequling constitutional j treatment acting throe andg the blood for its radical and permanent cure. Be sure to take Hoodr s Sarsaparilla Nasal and other local forms of catarrh taw quickly relieved by Catania', ' which allay inflammation and deodorise r‘ \ Hood's Sarsaparilla, all drugts, $1. Catarrlets, mail order only, O eta Our Bargain Counter ‘Ve invire you to come in and look over our Bargain Counter. We have a few good probably something been looking for. \\-e have some black and brown usnslins that, sold regularly for :h• a yard. your choice now for 5c. Straw flats for 10c A nice line of Corsets, small sizes. now 20e each, values, and have y00 COME IN ANI) INSPECT STOCK. WM. SHRUMM, OUR DASHWOOD, ONTARIO. Cheap ..... Hardware Mr. Jonas IIartleib wishes to announce to the public that he has purchased the Hardware Stock of Mr. E. P. Paulin at a reduced rate and is now in a position to sell cheap as long as the stock lasts. A CALL SOLICITED. JONAS HARTLEIB !THROW DIEDIC'INES TO TIIE DOGS At best they are unpleasant, often ' useless. You leave some dice ta' of the nose tIgo it or lungs. Docto ; would cull it bronchitis, asthma catarrh. The ootumon root of t he dish sea is germs, or rnicrob:c ;to tation,-C:atar rhozono not c.taly d stroys disease germ:+, it docs mo it heals diseased and inflamed tiss The disease is not only cured, but i ret urn is forever prevented by 01 C:tt.urhozone which is splendid al for colds toughs and irritable thro ltcmenthe r you inhale Cat arrho zo -N.iltirtee own cure -use 1.0• ot! but Oatarlozone-it's the best cu for catarrh made. who knew her. She e-ar, .t kind and a mot tier an1tit hiut wits, and her demise has cast a gloom among her large circle of friends. rd or se c- re.R uc ts,; tt so al ne is re AN DEItSON Card, are out announcing the ntar- ri:ti a of 1'..1• E. Robinson. of Denver, Col., :and formerly of this place, to Miss Carrie M. Snaith. daughter of Mr. and Mr.% \V, S. Snaith, of Den- ver. The v:cdding will Eike place June 6.h. IIIF.tifi:11,1, Rev. Dr. hfedd preaohe1 Epworth Leaguo ctmniver_ary services in the M et•hodist church ut Staffa, Sunday last. Rev. Rufus \Filson, of Staffa, occupied the pulpit here. Confirmation services were het in St. Paul's churolt Friday evenin last. Ilisltop Williams, of Londe had e_It,arge, Mr. C. A. McDonnell visited London and Forest last week. The many friends of Mrs. Hoe will regret to learn hat she i seriously ill. Mr. A .B. Smillie, eon of Mrs. 1 Smillie, has passed his examina1io n e a c 'f •'c'• a t the Royal College <, i h el .0 Y 3 Y t and Surgeons, in London. England and 'hoe received his degree of A[ R. C. S. The following ,swards hove beer granted to Sabbath school pupils i' this district by the Provincial Sab bit It School Association: For cot...- reedy os redly repeating scriptural passage -D1plontn, Grace J. Thompson, I. Macartllur, ,Tames M. MTacarthur; ertificrites, (List 2) Isabella l(obkirk lelcn It. Miacarthur, Mary 11. Hole irk, Bertha M. Munn. Benjamin C. Iogarth, Geo. 11, Mulholland, Chris- in:l 1. Dougall: cc,rtificates, (List 1) nine L. Hogarth, Florence S. John - Ion, Ira M. E. •M[cDonell, Kenneth M•tcarthur. tor correctly repeating )lac' Shorter Catechism• -Diplomas, II. IL Macarthur, James MT. Macarthur, Greco .1. 'Thompson. Mrs. Templin, ofKincardine, Prod sept Wit) hens boon visiting her nice, Mrs. 'edit, at the parsonage, sang in the Iethodist church at the evening ser - ice lost Sunday with mucth expren- on. the benutiful meted song, "The ent le Shepherd" by Joseph II. dams. Airs. Templin is choir lead - r of the Presbyterian church in Kincardine, and delighted the con- regation here with her swept and powerful voice. The Brant family were before the a is e DL. i t ra n atExeter d Magistrates IExct las Thursday ,a gt tit s q on a *huge of killing an otter. Mr. Stonbury, of the law firm of Glad - man & Stanbury, looked after the oase for Brant, with the result that dna tarts not even tried, the magis- lrutes giving a few words of warn- ing .against suah 1It'ngs in the tu- t •• LONDON CROCKERY CO'8. Table dIItl OrH1116fltffl Glassware We (al'l'y a large vari- ety of good staple glass- ware in all kinds for table use. 1neludiug Tumblers, Goblets, Salad Bowls, Berry Nappies, Salt and Pepper Shakers, Pickle Dishes, Tea Sets, Butter Dishes, ('ream .Tugs, Table Juga, Water or Lemonade Sets, Etc. ♦ CUTGLASS TUMBLERS, Large assortment. CUTGLASS VASES all sizes and shapes. i • FLOWER VASES and STANDS in Brilliant Pressed ii • i American, Engish and Austrian Glass at prices not i• equalled anywhere else. d ♦ j rg ii Toilet Sets Toilet Ware Toilet Sets 'Z• "Through House cleaning are you" and now you find some r' : Toilet Sets or Toilet Ware in odd pieces. We carry fresh Lines of l I • Sets in a great variety of patterns, shapes etc. \Ve also entry a splendid LineofY ♦ 1 odd pieces for matching. Come and sec our intmeuo • •• • ossorltnent of Sets at 81.25 81,65 $2.00 $2.50 83.00 83.75. $1 I10 and up. 1 • •• Sets not sold elsewhere and they will prove Money Savers To You Z' n •• ; • Quality :, Q y Guaranteed is Our Standard. i 1, H ( Rn1r.k RV (A IG9 D:.nd©RY express or freight chatges 011 1111 purchases oton 1 LONDON! ; ♦ WE PREP, -iZ• 810.18)nrover. -•••••••••••••••♦•♦♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 0 DASHWOOD ONTARIO. 1 A 6 Dashwood Mr. IEdwv;ard Nadiger wad E. J. Ehlers were in Zurich last Thursday evening on business. Mr. David Mcisaac left for Wind- sor this week Mies 0. D. Qouico was in -Exeter Wednesday of last week. Mr. Louis Itavelle, of Grand Bend v was in town last Friday on business. v a The Senior Y. P. A. n going to re (•, hold their annual rally clay next Sun- A (1ay, A good ;Dregraui will be ren- e dated. Mr. Goetz this week tttarted oyer- g Aims in 'his sats( •mill. The trustees of the ,Evangelical church held o ccli ng on .1 nLn Y evening last to consider tate appoint- ing of -a caretaker for 'the. church. Mr. Conrad Stnnbus, elle) than been looking ;after the church for several years was again given the appoint- ment. Miss Grrnbam teas in Goder,ioh last week attending tike funeral of her grandmotther. Icer room in the public sohool hone tweet closed during her absence. Mr. Ed. Denver Etas secured n po- sition itt tihc storm of Jones & Chark ,at 'Exeter. - Tke infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Tiernan .ins smite ill with in- flamation of •the tutus. Ira IltO young eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tieman i3 sonioualy ill. Mrs. Louis Shoemaker and family arc visiting Mrs. Shoemaker's moth- er, Mrs. John Shaffer, of Ilenxall, for a dew days. The Dashwood plotting still is get- ting in •a oar -load of lumber this week. 'Lite %factory i.+ now ,running every cloy. Air. 1', Mcts>aaa this ttc.ek deliv- ered .a lard of furniture to Mr. Madge, ,tray Roclgcrvillc•. Mr. Chas. Kinker this week moved the house which he 1rt'caritly pus% cI1sed from . VIt710 J191 eolith h of the vil!'age to 'his lot which he his put in Outlet for it. Mr. Sim. %Vitae!, of 'Toronto, is home for .t few days. The D is[►yood Flax Co. this week %hipped :a car -load of dressed flax to Toronto. Alias Lizzie Iktsohcr, of Detroit, is visiting et her brothers. Mr. David !Jetsetter. The school boys of Dashwood have organized a fine base ball team. They soon expect to be the champion tcatn. Call at Mr. Jonas Ilatrtleiles for your stoves, granitew:are :111(1 wire and get prices. Mr. John Fried, elle with hie wife and three children left last fall for London, England, on account of Mr. Fried being in poor he ilt1,. returned home lint Friday touch improved. Mrs. Frits' n( rld rar will teturn also in a few weeks. Deauh on friday i t t relieved Airs. Jahn \Villert of her nnffcringi. The deceased ttas 63 years of age and httl been ill dor some conte enib)e time, but not until two months ago was thee compelled (o t iko tier bed. Ev- erything that medical aid could do is done, but to no avail, and she r..rd peacefully nw.Iy. The funeral n is tread from 1)er hate residence. on Slimily interment being in the ilron- 'on Loss eeinet(ery. It wan one of the I irr;c- t cortex -tea sten in this le- einily. 11070 h^;rg (.1er on' hurlelrs 1 01rri );res in lire. The dece;iP.<ed tt • : mirrisd twit., her first hushind b n,r Mr. Travis :Ind from etre* unto:% children ‘ter? Karn, Ezra, Dnt•:•:, Milli im, Sal•onaa, mxl Emma, owl br tccctnd husbtn -i Lewis, Edward :.1 'fills^. Ai .ti •w 'Irue:wirer, + For testimonials of remarkable sura 1 r;>toi, •r l Mr.. ('i:•kbein^r, • sow for ow Book on Catarrh. No. 4. \lie),•, air brat leer and (sister. retees - G L Hood Co.. LOweik PUN. I tiVOly. of t h deciotsed. Dirs. 11'iliort Iwog. .a wom•rn belov+od by n11 those ..,,..... ..e: . • 5e. u re. Manitoba Flour. -Just received a Gar of high grade -which will be :sold very T•easonable. 25c. discount on fire ,dies lots, Corn. -Just received :1 crir lot, our. chased before the advance. Shorts and gran. -A large ouanti. ly pf freed ground on 9a:aud. Oatmeal Feed". -One hundred tons on hand. Pas -tics using, my of the above will do well and to their interest to call Lit :the IIensi!' Oatmeal Alills. D. L1 RQUHAR'T. Often-times in Lite sudden illness of children if a reliable remedy is available fatal consequence can be avoided. tor these emergencies nar• mats are urged to have at hand for immediate use Dr. Shooks Diptheria Cure, Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, Dr. Shoop's Worm Cure, Dr. . Shoop's Iain 1'anac''a• Children's ailment', demon(' promptness above ;111 else. There is nothing harsh or that can possibly harm In a n y of these household 11,ed'citles. Sola by W. S. iLowey. DIAMOND DYES. Tile Only Package Dyns Which Give ;Special Colors For Wool and Silk, and for .Cotton, Linen awl all ill.ix- cd Goods. l)iacniond i:ackage Dyes for Cot• ton, Linen or ,Mixed Goods will color wool, silk, cotton, or linea in ?he sauce bads better than any of )r dye ever „ro<lttccd. I'or the finest re- sults, ,hu)Vevcr, different strengths are deeded for :nitwit products, and for vegetable products therefore the Diamond Dyesgive Me ladieson one dye for silk or 11001, •and ot:e dye for cotton, linen or mixed goo;i.• The etude :and weak pt kage dyes put up by some speculators to imi tato the Diamond Dycs, have brought distn:ty and ruin to tunny homes. They produce dull,blotchy and hid- eous colors,destroying good mail val. u•iblc materials and are positively d:ingcroos to Jrondle. Such ayeq are .et.1d by )orrle mer'ih'inls for the sake of the b •r profit' they yield. In all well regulated and cronnm• as es boat homes, women at all timesI mike use of Iho Di•arnond Dyes when doing horse ;olori rig. Never accept from your dealer or merchant Sub• solutes for Diamond Dyes: no other I dyes can do your work as you would , Ax 01.1) Axa WELL -THIRD lttcair.0v.-etre hive it doe. WIT,.l•ww',Soothing Almy hsa been used for Send your name rind address to 1 Over.ic'r tear? ty mil:lotus et mothers for their Well h • ••♦♦••♦N•••••••••♦•♦♦• ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• •••••••♦♦••••••••♦♦•••♦•♦♦ • EXETER'S UP -TO -DOTE • FLOUR, FEED ZZ & GROCERY I Zi • Just received another load i ofZURICII FLOUR which we will sell at $2.25 per s cwt. at the Feed Store. For PURE MANITOBA Z• ♦ call on us, we sell the best • at a reasonable price. NOTICE' National Portland Cement and Line now in stock at Exeter and Centralia Elevators. J. COBBLEDICK • HARVEY'S S T A R T i FLOUR always cn hand • i at the same prices as at the IMPORTI3 D • mill. • Large quantities of po- t tatocs on hand, also seed ISUITINGS i otatocs ga it I.00 1 erba p $ o 1 a o (i000S DELIVERED. i • • i Se HARDY & SON • ♦••••••••••••••••••••••••• P. WHITLOCK & SON,, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Building Blocks of different designs and sizes. CEMENT FENCE POSTS CEMENT aL. t r lNN'Y S E Single and Double Flue; abso- lutely fire proof. Stock always on hand; Prices reason- able. We have just received a carload of Blue Lake Brand Cement. Parties Intending to build this spring should see us before buying elsewhere, P. WHITLOCK & SON, Thamen hand 1'. O., - Ontario. • $1.00 • i ZUND TRIP GODERICH TO 7 DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUN[ 91 5t'r OWCYIIOUND 2 Days In Detroit rain 5 XTY Ivy 4& Itiglaardson t^ [i rrI 1''hndrrnw while teeltan wlih Melee%rum Mont r''1. 1'.Q.. for ins. rue, ion Co k. o.ird of dried samples, a tot \'t••,.• IStory (nth lett -The Longjuhn's'I'tit) to the iClonil ke," Free to .any lady residing in (lined* or Newfoundland, lata, cure. wind coll.-. and U the b.••:t rei,.wtri er 1Plat rho. It I. plerwtnt to the tale. Soid '•p .1114011P,-+ In • very part of the world. 2l( ant. a bottle. its TTalus in Incticnlable, Ite ! sure and take /Ire Wlneiow't, *soot/dorr Syrup and a.•k for no other kind. We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitings. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W JOHNS Merchant Tailor Seemstiesmu-g . Ul:. ifi:l 1 t, f tG _l' T JJ 4STRATrORD. ONT. Our classes aro much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the hest place in the Province to obtain a Commercial or Short hand ''raining. Students are entering each week. All grade rates get good positions, Write for catalogue. D. A. MeLACHLAN. W..T. ELLIOTT. Principals •••••♦•••••••♦ e•♦•t?N••••tl!•i • • 1 TIi.\111{ -i:oAU Mir. \V. Monteith, on iton'I'y pur• eleased alea o ofhandsome tw O• year-old Clyde:aalen front C. Ee Iiaackney for $.150. Mr. Monteith has a reputation for raising and buyin,'!; nothing but alw best stock, and hit latest pUrelrisc will ndd rnatcriall 1 to his already excellent stable of I horoughbred horses. Mr. Norman G. Madge, Thames )toad, a graduate of 8t. Marys Col- legiate Institute', who is attending the School of I'nictical Science, has suoessisfully itcisscd his first vr•.r in nnalyti •1 rind :Ipplicd u!icmi+t''. CI T. CO TXTA. Bears the Ito hind Yct 11311 H e AlrtayI BJJ•zht Signa•ate •t • , i.st fi Four rinks of 11,0 F:ngli 41 'Joe ing team will play in Clinton August 18e and trill bowl two rinks from Chas ton, one from Seifert it and one from \Vinghtm. 7Ir+ 01 her four rink) Will I b0tt•1 31 Goderic•la and will Islay three (hslerich rinks tend one from Kin. (sardine.