Exeter Times, 1906-05-24, Page 3440000000000000000000041 YOUNG FOLKS 0000 A BUSY D.Y. Aly papa tars a little sign, I'rinlc.L in black and gray; Il'e only just a single line: "'This 1s My Busy Dayl" And sometimes when I creep to look, Ile's %%riling with a pen; Cr quietly reading in a look - Ile culls that busy then! Why, when Fin busy I just raco Downstairs Hien, like as not, 1 fly back to the other place For S011letlling I forgot! 'filen I slide down the banisters, And from lite porch 1 spring (Perhaps I tumble in the burs) Then go and take u swing. And then 1 race Jack Smith to town, Or climb the garden wall; And though Fin sure to tumble down, Nobody minds u fall. But it 1 sat still in a chair, It wouldn't be les \ 0Y 1 o say \vith such important nlr: "This Is My Busy Duyt" DICK'S PRACTICE TIME. "Mamma, is it fifteen minutes yet?" called Dick front 111e piano stool. "No, dear. Dont talk, but practice,' answered front tite other room. "But, mamma, my shoe hurts my foot tend I can't think what I'm doing," said 1 -Pick, appearing at tete door with a very forlorn look on his face. "1 guess Ill have to take the shoe oft." "Richard, you have lost five minutes now. Go right back to the piano and play your exercises. You will have plenty of time to look after the shoe after a while." Mamma's tone was firm, so Dick gave a sigh and went back to ICJ task. One! Iwo! three! Bang! bang! bang;! BLOODLESS GIIUS3. Can Obtain( New Health Through Ili. L'se of Dr. Williapts` Pitt PiUL. Anaemia means bloodlessness. Dr. \\ illuties' hook i'dis actually make new rich, red blood and thus cure anaemia. \Vite►t the blood is poor the ncryes are starved and Instable. Then comes 10 - stelae, neuralgia, sleeplessness til,,l (.111('1 nerve disorders. ileadaches, bar':. - aches and sideaches wear out and de- press Ole poor pale lirlir11. Dr. 'Wit - Inuits' Pink Pills soon bring ruddy t., alta and lively vigor. They soothe the jringle,I nerves and give new strength t,► every organ. Miss \Vinnie Allen, Montreal, says: "1 was so weak and run down that my friends thought I was going into consumption. 1 was ns hale us a corpse, had no appetite and did not sleep well. The least exertion tired 010 out, and 1f l walked n few Works I would be almost breathless. My sister advised ale to lake Dr. Willi - ems' Pink Pills, and after using theist fel a few weeks l ala again enjoying good health, end have good color. 1 brink every weak girl should take Dr. \\ illiatns' Pink Pills. 1)1.. Williams' Pink Pills will cure any case of bloodlessness just ns surely as they cured Miss Allen. The pale nrluenlic needs only one thing -new blond. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new. rich blond with every dose. That k why they cure all common diseases like anaemia. indigestion, neuralgia, pal- pitation of the henrt. headaches rind teick0rhes, St. Vitus dance, pnrtlnt pais niysis and the secret troubles that make lh: lives of thousands of women mi er- at:le. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold Is medicine dealers or by mail nt `O cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. A BATTLE OF BUM AND BEAST. Big Black Dog -Mink and Ilawk in a Death Struggle. Silent as an owl in the black of night, the hawk glided low on whist wings across the little open space cleared by the fallen maple, paused an almost itt- FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE !\i£11"/3 BY MAIL FROM IRELAND S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald lets ul Interest to Irish - Canadians. i The last time Irish war pipes res were played "111 action" was during the ad - w once of the regiments forming the 1:i ig;ade at Fontenoy. Mr. \\'m. McCord, of Stew'artstovn, "-tires 01I a vett-euiited penmen after d service of if years in the postal ser - V100 on the Ardtrea route. A bunk of earth felt on tete Keady & Armagh Beltway, in course of con- struction. Four risen were ser'iousiy injured, of whom one subsequently died. There being no criminal business for trial at the Limerick City Quarter ses- seats on the 27111 ult., Judge Adamswas presented with a pair of white gloves. At Belfast Assizes on the 29th tilt., in the breach of promise action by Miss Robinson againsta Belfast clergyman mn named Smith, plaintiff was s7O damages. Gout is s rarely known among the working classes of Ireland. Their Mut- n:unity from this complaint is thought t'1 be due to the fact that their food con- sists largely of potatoes. It is staled that the residence of Thomas McInerney, situated midway 1.•elweet Ennis and Limerick,was id - tricked by porgies unknown and several shots fired through the doors and win- dows. Luckily, none of the inmates sees injured. McInerney is a !armor and land lentift on the Going estate. The police ure investigating the mat- ter. Mr. Justice Johnson, at the opening of the Cork Assizes, commentedon the fact that, while the general condition of the county of Cork was favorable, there was tit considerable increase in the num- I0. of persons under special police pro - perceptible instant above the tll'slen- ((,(tion. Ile characterized as disgraceful Pick was getting; down to work at Inst, trig; squirrel, and then, wings closed, the conduct of the tumultuous gathering Just outside the window a boy shouted dropped upon hint with unerring talons. 11'hich, within a few miles of Cork city, end tic had to run to see who it was, Ilut for some strange reason the her- ostentatiously assailed an officer of the Charley," he called cheerfully. vier seemed powerless to bear away hie, court while engaged in serving the "Hello, kill; while his angry, frightened; ' to COIIIC "!'tin prettynear done with my playing. screams drowned out tdying squeak' h- Jc hn D)esnlond,daged 7G,{a farmer 011. Wait a few minutes and 1'11 be out. "Got to go to the grocery for my of the squirrel, though of this, because siting; near Kinsale, recently visited lrtanlilla," said the boy. "Won't take me very long." "Richard!" said the warning voice from the next r000m, and Dick sat heav- ily down to hunt up the place in the ex- ercise book once more. When the clock struck three a very smiling little boy appeared at the door to say, "Now my time's gone. You pro- mised to read to rue, mamma, from Rob- inson Crusoe for half an hour after I finished my playing." "All right," said mamma, taking up the book. "Where was I? Otl, yes, where Crusoe finds his Ivan Friday! t believe 1 want a drink," and she put down the book to go out to the dining- rconl. Dick sat patiently waiting for her and when she carne it took a long thine to find the place once more. After she had read a few lines she yaw a lady passing and said, "1 must speak to Mrs. Page a minute. Don't lose the place." But when she got ap the book flew shut and it took Dick a lc ng time to find the picture of Friday as he did not knew the page. "Let me see," said mamma when she had rend almost a page, "Isn't this the afternoon fur the boy to call for the laundry?" "No, he comes on Tuesday, and this is Monday," said Dick. "Please do read %try fast. mamma, for I am anxious to hear about Crusoe." "I'11 begin just as soon as I look after that shoe that hurt vour foot," said AFTER 18 YEARS OF SUFFERING The r AN ONTARIO FARMER FINDS A CUBEAT LAST IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. The Direct Cause of Ilii Trouble Was u Strain In the Back Which Affected His Kidneys- Dodd's Kidney fills Cured flint. mamma. "It doesn't hurt a bit now mamma. Itonest it doesn't. Please read." "Time is up," said mamma as the clock struck the haif hour. "1 was only to rend twice ns long as you practised." "But you haven't rend two pages," rtnid the disappointed little boy. "You lost ever so many minutes of the half hour. I wonder --Are you doing this rnntiima, to show me that 1 lose tune t(5'?" "what do you think about it?" asked the mother with a smile. "I'm going right back to piny fifteen minutes and see what Happens, said ,)ick. "I think l know what it will bt'." When the honest fifteen minutes were gone. nlnnuna wits waiting with a slice of bread &Ad jam for Dick and the open rents in her hand. Diek thinks the time gees ever cis mulch faster since lie doesn't whine and nsk questions and waste the 010rncnl5. and 1 sally believe 11e is right nhout the "natter. of the blur of his whipping wings, I could not be sure. In to moment he had toppled foulard, and then, like a huge, broken -winged pnr1ridgc, ho flopped about among the tangled coils of roots, uttering meanwhile shrill screech on Ardoch, Ont., May 1 1.-- (Special). - Mr. And Jeanner'et, of this place, gives a very interesting account of his exper- ience with Dudd's Kidney fills. Ile says :- "1 hurt lily back and strained my kid- ney's and for 18 years 1 suffered 011 Mitt oft' intense agony. t was subI('Ct to aIle( ks of Rheumatism a11(1 Luhnbugo. My joints were stiff, my muscles cramp- ed. t lost my appetite, my flesh Logan to full away. hIy 11C1 -VCS %1010 Shaken, 1 could not rest or sleep nt night and 1 11'115 sinking into a deplorable condition when I was advised to try Dodrl's Kid- ney ('ills. 1 used six boxes and 1 am now as strong; and healthy as ever 1 was. 1 nen reliant 1 owe shy cure wholly to Dodd's Kidney Pills." that town and purchased half a pint of carbolic acid and halt a pint of whis- key, both being contained in exactly similar bottles. Ile put tete bottles in his pc ekets and proceeded home. After his arrival he took n drink from what ••••••....••••••••••••••••••••11•••••• - SOMETHING LIKE IT. Mart'ynt-dello 1 old roan, you're look- ing prosperous. Munnirnan-So 1 am. I'm in the lea- ther business now. 1 tell you, there'd nothing like leather-- Marryat-Think so? Say, conte up 011(1 lake dinner with tis to -night. ? 1y wife's baked some pies for dessert. 111I)0 ' BURNING IN INDiA• .. • Itclalites Aid Suicide of Hindu The stringent efforts of the Indian authorities hist,• not sucet-islet! in stamp- ing out suttee er widow burning. According to Hindu custonieu widow nnlsl lrnnu►lute Herself upon her late husband's funeral pyre and meet death by tire. Two cases of Suttee have been brought to light in India within a month. A young Hindu widow at Cuwn- I.r,re stole us1 ay front her home, saltlr- litd her clolhee will( kerosene and tat tire to thein in the heart of the civil sta- tion. She 11 as found with her jaws bound ns if for burial and at the putt of death. At the Punjab Court five men and it woman appealed against the judgment of the Sessions judge at Delhi who had sentenced thein to ten years' imprison- ment for taking part in the immolation of it widow aged twenty. The suttee was perl01'11101 in the pre- sence of a great crowd on the banks of the Jumna. Two village chiefs endea- vored to dissuade the woman( (rent her purpose, but she calmly mounted lt,ih funeral pyre, her relatives; piling fuel around it. 'chest, nt Iter request, they gave her a lighted brand and site set the pile afire. Straw was strewn about the pyre and in due course the body of the widow was consumed. 'rho ceremony lasted six how's. The four relatives and the he:Millen were arrested and admitted the main facts. . - Signals of Danger. -- Have you lost your appetite? I lave yog, , a coaled gangue? Have you on unpleasant taste 111 the mouth? Does vita' 140144ehe and have you dizziness? If 5o, X'our stomach is out of order and you need- medicine. But you do not like medicine. Ile that prefers sickness to medicine must suffer, Inst under the • circumstances the wise man would procure a box of I'armelee's Vegetable Pills and speedily gel himself in health, and strive to keep so. now IT Braman* The first package of Dr. Lconhardt's 11em-Roil (thu infallible Pito cure) that sits put out went to a email town in Nebraska. It cured a case of Pile. that was cor>,,sitl- ered hopeless. The news spread, and although thin was only twoear■ ago, the demand prompted Dr. J. B. Itoonhardt, of Lincoln. Nob., the discoverer, to prepare it for goneral use.. Now it is being sent, W all parts of the world. It will cure any case of Piles. 'There is a mouth's treatment in each box. Bold for =1.00, with absolute guarantee. It is for sale by druggists, or by The• Wilson-Fyle Co., Uwita(l, Niagara Fal* Ont. "Yes, I'm in the lecture business," said the long-haired passenger, "and I'm screech that seemed fairly to lascernte he supposed to be the whiskey bottle, have, money.111w is got a scheme, 1 have, anrt it works like a charm. Big houses wherever I go." "A scheme?", "Nes. I always advertise that my lec- '1'he Marquisof Dufterin, who was a tures are especially for worsen under thirty out of debt. •i0 the other day, has given few signs You just t oughtears oft to euseer en the way people its vet of inheriting his father's br•illi- come Trooping in." his throat. In but little more time than but discovered, when too late, that 1 e it takes to tell it a dozen kingbirds had had swallowed a quantity of carbolic gathered, and were buzzing round the acid - struggling harrier like gadflies round a horse, adding their spiteful cries to his harsh din; now a crow appeared out or nowhere, and searched deep in his throat for his hoarsest cry; blue jays flashed across the clearing and bad: again in a frenzy of clamorous excite- ment; a swarm of chattering blackbirds rushed into the tree above me till .ts branches sagged and creaked like those of a laboring tree overweighted .with fruit -all in an instant bedlam was let loose round that old wind -wrecked maple. Under cover -of tee uproar 1 crept nearer and saw that n Lig black dog - mink, his bulldog jaws clamped on the upper leg of the harrier, was grimly fighting; to pull hint down from behind, while the harrier, with the speed of ter- ror and hate, sought desperately to reach his assailant with his beak. It !oohed as if the mink must win, for the harrier was perceptibly weakening in his vain counter-attack; but a sudden lift wvith the harrier's long wings half tore the mink from his hold and swung him for one brief moment within dis- tance of that rending beak, flip; a l,ig; red gash gaped open on the mink's writhing flank, and he let go and tum- bled hack among the roots. Up leaped the hawk, his pearly -white breast streaked and blotched wwitil blood from his wounded leg. Like the magic the cries of all but the kingbirds were hushed, wvhile, still screaming with rage and hurt, the hawk rose heavily skv- ward and marked his crnrrse athwart ltle wind for the shelter of the woods. A DANGEit TO CiIILDIHOOD. No mother would give her little nnc poison if she knew it, and yet all the so-called soothing syrups and twiny of the liquid medicines given h 1 ]renn lain poisonous o{►nates, nisi an overdose will kill. When n mother uses Baby's Own Tablets she hos the pint -entre '.1 morning 111e enemy, 700 to 800 strong;, n government analyst that this medicine were encountered, does not coninin rine particle of opiate The enemy badly armed, but with fn - o•' narcotic that it cannot possibly do nntical courage, nttnclied metalrllt('I. I+arm. Thio assurance is weigh much Captain Insider felled their lender with Ins the mother who cnres for the safety of her little ones. Mrs. Chas. Me - Laughlin. Defier( Station. N.S.. says: "1 (sale used !trilby's Own Tnblets for relic stomach troubles and other nilmenfs ef el;ildhnnd and find them so salunl.le Met 1 would not M+ without them in the hemi -e." Sold by medicine deniers or rw instil nt 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. STONES AS POST -01'11(1. _ a 11t'SIC %i. DEPUTIES. Australian i)iet Became an Orches11,t1 Concert. An extrnor(iinory scene occurred nt Lnihach, Austria, at the sitting of the Csrniola Provin•ial Diet. 'There was a debate on suffrage reform, and the Slovenian party, 11)10 feare(1 that the clericals would gain it the proposals were carried, determined to prevent the debate at all costs. They nrmed themselves with musical and unmusical instruments. and on en- hring the Chninber played 1110111 with rent et+thuSin8tll. Some rang cow- bells, one beat a great drum. two clnsh• eft eymba0, another worked n loud gel nmophonc, others sounded motor-eair t,crns, t'lcyele whistles. and used rattles, <,t that the party looked like an orches- tra. These instruments were played for four hours uninterruptedly to prevent theft opponents speaking. After the ndjournrnent of the sitting for lunch the disturhnnce began Again. the Mayor of 1.nthnetl acting as Can. auctor. The friends of the dernonstra• 1-rs. including Indies in the gallery, y'e 1115) end sang. The President of the Chamber pneeed the time In renting newspapers. The 1 lberals declare then intent to centime (hese tactics throughout the session. • ant abilities, although he made a good start In the Diplomatic Service. Ile entered that service in 1891, and served nt Constantinople, Paris and Stockholm. Ile is now an assistant clerk in the Foreign Office. Until a few years ago . .t Lord Dufferin had little prospect (•1 succeding to the title, as he was the s(roncl son. His elder brother, however, was killed at Ladysmith during the war. The report of Mr. Drury, focal i;ov- ernment Board au(litnr, on the audit of the accounts of the Dublin Corporation fcr the year ended 31st of March last reveals an extraordinary state of af- fairs. The auditor states that expendi- ture is steadily mounting up. Without apparent proportionate Increase In ob- ligations, wages had risen from £53,040 in 1/483 to J:RI MO in 1905. In necord- nree with n decision of the King's Bench Division, the auditor disallowed the slims paid to the lord lhlyor during the year ended March, 1895, for his own and his secretary's salary. A TERRIBLE STORY. Why go limping and whining about sour corns when n 25 cent bottle cf Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them? 'live it a trial and you will not regret flow the Natives of East Attica Are Civ- ilized. The Hamburg correspondent of The London Daily Mail sends this story 10 hi; paper of the triumph of civilization in German East Africa: -- A Mitring account is to hand of the 101(18110 assistance which an English elephant hunter, Mr. Southerland, gave the German lruops In their lights in Lost Ali ia. A certain station was in great danger, when the defenders determined to rit- Inck the oncoming Wagon's. The ht - 111 consisted O w' ,1 Of two •r 0(111 cr t ► i 1 ea Y (. 1 German officers, ,ted. Sotithc'rinnd and thirty-two native warriors. The next 01d ,'ape Colony Custom Recalled by Excavations, While excavating for the new railway buildings at Capetowwn recently some Ml Folly highly -explosive cartridges, workmen found a considernbte number of tete curious old "post -office'' stones.'' 'a(.hl so, lhntnmee tlwy f (ell tintdee rthe .rnhe1M In years gone by It was the regular lanced When used they exploded. and practice nith the commanders el the sc lernl tin" were frnmd inter bearing and Dutch East India Comi,(1n- elidenees of the violent end of those who hn(1 fire(, there. "But 1 do not love you," objected the young, woman. "Then.why," howled) According to indications, it takes a quart of liquor to drown a spoonful of trouble. Paver the Corse of the Tropia- To the stow and tedious recov.riea Iruts this and all other disease " Yerrovise " to the best tonic. iiemem- ber the (acme, '• FICRiIOVlll." When angry repeat the alphabet three tines before you speak. If very angry eculit 250,0(10 in a slow, calm manner. Tins wilt give you n chance to cool off rind will also give the other fellow a chance to get out of the way if he wish- t'S to. Itching, Burning, Creeping, Crawling Skin Disease, 11lieved in a few minutes by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agmew's Ointment relieves instantly, and 0111.05 Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald (lend, Ec- -reine, Ulcers, Ittotches, and all Erup- tions of the Skin. It is soothing and quieting and nets like magic in all Baby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes during teething time. 35 cents a box. --159. nt:s'r of sPon'T. "Miss Sillye, what do you think c•f This automibile scorching as sport'("' "1 think it is just perfectly killing." A Liniment for the Logger. - Loggers lad a life which exposes thein to Many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can - mit be altogether avoided in preparing limber for the drive and in river work, where wet and cold combined are of tinily experience coughs 811(1 colds and muscular pains cannot but ensue. 1)r. Thomas' Eclectrie. (til, when applied to the injured or administered t0 the ail- ing, works Wonders. Even the man who objects to stepping en tacks would like to walk all over the tax collector. a well•nirne_d bullet, and the natives on tis( German side, with their fire created lent havoc, but still the savages swept forwent. The situntinn tens most critical, when the Englislutlnn, a splendid shot, began 1.) use his heavy No. 12 elephant green, with expansion bullets. Every shot. reined at the head, told with fearful ef- fret. The enemy retired, hill only 1,► titlark again and again. The English- man, however, stayed nt his post taunt Iht• ground was covered with his victims. The rest of the sat ages then fled, pante-stricken. A number of the rifles hncl fallen int., the hands of the rebels, but by n ruse of Mr. S<suthertaret's they were destroy - tea fleets to leave n large pncknge of letters under large stones on ilhe shore, to be taken to Europe by the next [Vane - going fleet. These s-lones all bear rudely -crass -41 inscriptions nsking the passer-l.y to ib. lndiginnnt youth, r, (erring; !testily"look hereunder for letters." I hen t„I• ;n divers rnemr,rnnrin in his pocket diary lnwv the names of the commander (f the "tli(1 1.011 eat n t,,t,i1 ''1 f.iNly-file boxes ship, with the dales of orri'.al 'Ind de- of eh(welnles 1 l.( +hg'ltt ylei during the pneture. 1•,:s! year if )o11 didn't 101 a me?" "its. Three hundred years ago Mir(' wag, cause." she stool. with a rapt expres- of course. no settlement of l'elr„1►cnrt; e,on on her lovely features, "i cin 101e an the shore' of Table Bay, but our own: chocolate.'' 'le \tise Strnitlare circumspect ?" Ask- fleets and those of the Mitch Enat India itis Pert. "Cirrurnspect ?" cric,l C.crn1rany called there regutarty to re - 1,1.m caustic caustk, "\Vhy she won't acen:tt- fresh themselves nt the pleniknnt form- A girl thinks she isn't arcing; tr.•atr11 pnnv a young man on the piano with- ►nin which once plastied merrily into the as she should he if the man she is en - out a chaperon." see near the present rahl\s ay station. gaged to refuses to get jealous. Sunlight 8cap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Bay Sanlight Soap and follow directialta. "Your daughter! Is it possible? \Vhy, you look more like twin sisters." "No; I assure you she is my only daughter," replied the pleased mother. And the polite old gentleman spoiled it all by re - :larking, "Well, ogle certainty looks Old enough to be your sister." Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery, diar- rhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints incidentlat to children teething. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of Indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. it nets with wonderful vapidity and never fails to conquer the (,,sense. No one nee(( fear cholera 11 they have n bottle of this medicine con- venient. Miss Kulcher --- "You can always tell a woman who has enjoyed the benefits of higher education." Mr. (:rnbl►e---"Not much! hl Nrn{ can't tell her anything; elle thinks she knows it all." When a man gets the worst of nn ['s- pinout lie always tries to act as if he nad merely been drawing the other man (.tet. UNLIGHT SOA P Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always insure the fabric. Sunlight Soap will not injure ,,,,the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when c sed in the Sunlight way. Equally good with hard or oft water $5,000 Rt'WARD will p . o to any pe provt,e th4t Hunlight Zap ot►otain. any in mien, ohomicaus or any forty of adulteration, sq Lever Brothers Limited. Tomato i Mirrors are a nuisance in the hon.+* of a man whose fare is Standee' with eczema.. His own reflection shame, him. Let him annoint his akin with weever„ (•orate and purity his blood with Wearer's Syrnp• ('onlributor : "You see, 1 followed your rules and wrote only on one sale of tete paper." Editor : "You can do! still better." Contributor (eagerly) : "How?" ?" Editor : "Don't write on either side." A modern %%capon in the battle for health. -If disease Tins taken your cita- del of health, tete stomach, and is tor- turing you with indigesllon, dyspepsia nr'd nervous prostration, South Ameri- can Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold "at the point of the bnynnet," trench by trench, but swift and sure, it always wins. -4. Prospective Guest -- "Do you set a gond table here?" Hetet Ce - "\\'ell "My Stonench gave out entirely and 1 , r(tther, \Vhy folks 'tine here perfectly suffered unlul(I agonies." This was the ( healthy, and go away with the gout and experience of Mr. D. G. \\'hidden, Post- dyspepsia!" 'nester, Enst \Ventwerth, 5.S., after three attacks of 1.a Grippe. 1)oeh,rs and asses grime Binh no permanent relief, but Dr. Van Sinn's 1'iuef1►pte. 'Tablets hall the permanent virtue that won him back In perfect health- pleasnnt and harm - they do what it is asserted They ran d(►, less but pow er1ul 1111(1 qui, k. 35 cents. ;eel are not put forward nn any fietill- -10t1. Hits claims to exeellen('e. They are ♦ (,,rnpnct and pc►rtnt,le, they are easily GIRL SEES 1'151()�l ON DEATHBED. taken, they do rent "nauseate nor gripe, 1 1 end they give telle( in the most stub - She 1)c•.cribes the 1)40011 of Ilcr 31i.sing 1"11 cases. Father. Little 'Tommy was very quiet during An unusually intrcrsling instance if Ile 11051 courses, and everyoneforgot 1) (4 1111 sight" is reported from Aro:ring- I le was there. As the desert wan being ton, Lancashire, Englund. A young serled, however, tete host 1111(1 a funny 1wwoman ort her denthl►''(I, nal only an. stars. When he had finished, niethe (1 her father's (1.'0111, hut(I(seeds laughter had die(, away, his tittle son e.I the hpnl vs here his Indy lily, the fact Px ,'i 01110 4. (1ch};hledly) Nbw, paps, of his dealt( not hosing; 'n o ny- te11 the other one." podsasIsaac at thellnrtidItniee. '1'hc' mokn(n rwIn gtnestiona wn. fifty-three yews old, who lived in Stevenson Street, Accring- ton. ills dntighter, 25 years old, hell 1(en wnsling away with consumption to. months. About a week ago Mr. Mnrsden dis- appeared from horns under nhyeterious en cumstanees-that tie. no r ees011 1105 known for his going ['way. and nothing could he learned of his wherenhouts. Miss Marsden wwaa ciceply disiisssed l.y ihi• event. 00 Thiirsdny she tnl(1 those 11110 were nl her bedside thnl she had 501'1► h(•r lather's form "\( II will find hi? b.ads in the writer as Aspen Bridge, Oawvnldtwtette," Rile 501'). Admit nn hour later Miss Marsden .!.e(i. Mr. 1larielen'e holly Wn+ found in the canal at the spot mated by lois daughter. " Oshawa " Steel Shingles Wind, Water, Storm, and Fire Proof. Looked an All Fear Skies Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.t0 per hundred square feet covering ineasure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering fur !louses, Earns, Stems, Eta vators, Churches, etc. Any handy roan can lay the "OSHAWA" atunglea. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them FIRE, WATER ANO LIOHTNiNO•PROOF We toss maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EA'' .4 TROUGH Etc. METAL SiIDiNG, in Imitation of brick or atone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHA\VA" Shingles. Write to -day. Sea pIaaL.,A.R dna "Mai , liootrea one. I oimio, Ont 1 Toroo►o, oar. term , oot. I imam ion. Voncoaer,B.C. 707 Craig 8t. 433 Sussex et. 11 Colborne at- GU Dunduevit. 76 Lombard 4. Ill Pander /t. WRITE VOCE NEAREST OF1'ICIG. Head Office and Works. Oshawa, Ont., Canada The Most Populnr Pill. -- The pill Is the most popular of all forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular are 1's►rrnelee's Vegetable ,'ills. because 1 ND S 8azkatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.U. A O.T.P. trtr.,ng soil, 9th per centplough land, spring ere.k, no sloughs. About W miler N.K. of In Han (lead. Price 510.60 per acre. Write fur map and fnll particulars. R. PARSONS. 91 Wellesley Street, T.reeto, Gonads. In Western Canada Two ennerty sections, select. ed )anis W MILLIONS IN COBALT LIrUTBD number of Founder's Shares for sale at 25 cent, per sltare, par value $1.u0 Fully pari and nun-aq.evsable. Best value on market. PROPERTY, eo sores Patented !dialog Lands. Perfect Title. BOOKLET " blstlion+ in Cobalt" free on request. The 8. 8. Nesbitt Co., FISCAL AGENTS Confederetlea Life funding. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED DISAPPOINTMENT. "What (10 you think of that appoint- ment?" asked the statesman. "It doesn't seem like an appointment to me," answered the disag,ill awing citi- zen, "it is a disappointment." Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator 114 pleasant to take; sure and i ffeetunl in destroying worms. Many have Tried h with best results. YOUR OVERCOATS sad fated Suits would 1001 Tetter dyed. It an we of ogre la your town, writs direst Montreal, roof 1S11 I$R1TISN AMtRIOAN OYIINO CO. 26lO-'t'1t1:A L. She - "Mr. Flnx►nnn is 111115ually stingy." Ile --"1 Menet! env so. Why. I't' wouldn't laugh at a joke 111)1(188 It was at somebody else's expense." "Thought it meant death sure." -Mrs. James McKim. of Dunnville, Ont.. says of her almost mirneulmrs cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart : "Until f tregan taking this remedy 1 despnlred et my life. i heart failure and extreme prostration. One (lose grave nae quick relief and one bottle cured ►nc. The sufferings of years were dispelled like inngic."-3. INSIDE YOUR BONES. People usually imagine that their bones are of solid mineral construction, without any feeling in them. As a nint- ler of fn, thare ho sl Is and nerves insidcle theere i,r,liesljust nsvess,'Ihere nee outside. During nmputntion of a limb much more pain is felt when the tome is attacked than when the flesh is being cul ihrnug;h. Through the marrow which is in-i(te the bones run the nerves and blood•vessel5, entering the banes imrn the flesh without by little holes. Nature adapts the pony structure of various animals to their hnblta in a very interesting manner. Sluggish creatures. like the (loth, have solid tones, wherens the horses of the deer and the antelope are comparatively light, so that they mos r;tn fast. and the leg bones of the ostrich are hollnw. You will And in the twines nt any akeletnn the application of m(rchnnical prin4ll,les which have only become known to man through the pre - I rpc,ee of Iabor!ons and long•constderr'ed invention. Sims THE. E+RNSGeti;i oEO.t• • holiest end bravest (Onosl.Slutb igentesi Comma Ort i..' 311S1111 C. ERNEST WOOLVERTON LANDSCAPE DESIGNER. Hang (111(1 Specifications prepared d for ,'arks. Cemeteries. Public and Privnte Grounds. glome Grounds a specialty. Addn ss-- GRINSaY. ▪ ONTARIO. BLATOMFORD'S MEAL MA/OALF WILL RAISE OALVts WITHOUT MILK ask your ,sealer fur samples prices and tenial 1113,11, lir a,irirese RLATCNFOae'• CALF MEAL FASTINIT WAUKROAN, ILL. Relabitshed at i.etres4r, gar In IAV►. ECONOMY 1N MUSIC. The cook was giving the new house - timid tier impressions of their employ- ers. "You'll find them just about the meanest people alive," she saki, with conviction. "Regular misers, that's what they are. 'You must he economical: that's always the cry here. Why, do you know, it Isn't 111(,00 than two days since 1 see the master and missus both g,lu)ing nn the sante piano at the same tan,'! \\ttet do you think of that. nowt' Wilson's FLY PADS TRS ONiLT THING THAT PULLS THEM ALLY AVOID POOR IMITATIONS, Leon by all DrnuaMts sad Qeaend etosu aild by seal. TEN CMS P11,ACIILI 1*00 ARCHDALE WILSON' HAMILTON, *TM s %ii Ilio. M -N,