HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-17, Page 95
4IttIe Liver Pills.
Must Near Signature of
See Pao -Shins Wrapper Belsw
Mary small sal as army
ha Saha ea aarjatn
• FOS liLA0At11Er
$ Fes animus.
troy oluousr113.
{ Fer. TNns LIVES.
F01! SALLOW 11K111.
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01111.111121310 M,.r,1aa YN■
Ire! �t otiYmt+ble.
Each Man Must Carry His Cross on His
Heart and Brain.
enflerme s man will com
any t
deny himself and Luke up his cross daily
and follow Ine.-Mutt.. ave., 24.
There is such u thing as supremely
• s self-denial. fel. A
retires o
1 cn
selfish st t
the monk's pietic seclusion; 1►e isolates
himself from interest in the world bat-
tles; he shuts himself from sympathy
with the struggles of business, civil,
and even social life. To 111111 these
things are carnal. Ile is engrossed with
tilt complication of interpretations of
Languages long dead, or with visions of
an unknown heaven, and this, he thinks,
Is living the life of self-denial.
Tete denial of sell is not the death of
eelf; it is elle leading of the hest self
into larger life. It is not the dwarfing
cif the life; it is its development into use-
fulness. it is not the emasculation of
character; it is the submission and dis-
cipline of the life to new and nobler
best de-
sl h
els hem c
n e
Ile best d
estops himself with the purpose 01 sere-, nr, ornamental,
plethora. 11 had never learned that
e l
. d P
strange secret el the beat
mlent, sacrificing service.We ,sinal
guard ourselves
need to
the delusion tl t the denial of °Resell
means the impoverishment of the lite.
There can be no true giving of the Lite
in service unless there is a %vise enrich-
ot the sell, a thorough titling for
the service. The more of a man you
are, the brighter your intellect. the
Lroadee your sympathies, the better your
service to the world 'nay be. The sloth
that sinks the soul in indifference 10
its own development is the most sinful
of all forms ot selfishness.
Phis w'e of denial is more, the Mas -
t'l('.E A 1L'SE THI:MSLL\•F 4.
knitting `socks and fancy Work are
Popular Hobbies With the
Soldiers abroad ;especially in India),
cut off Isom obtainable nable at all
are forced enjoyment1e devise
meals of passing their hours ot idle-
cess. The elementary stage
k in
whichis one would expect soldiers tto en-
gage, but a hobby %%Meth is extremely
'popular. That this is so, the following
will show.
Recently in a Service paper a man
of the Cheshire Regiment threw out a
cl.allenge to keit any man in Southern
India for the championship and a
shake of 300 rupees t$100) Men often
purchase new sucks trout the regimen -
to: stoles, simply for the pleasure of
ter tells His disciples, Llan an empty :Fulling theta to pieces and ic-
ing of the life. If some of the cares ••t them.
self are cast out the burdens of others From socks, thi' natural transition is
more than take !hell place. it is a full to 13erall wool work. This mostly takes
hfe, oellto g h It tnteresls 'ho ti form ot waist -bells and slippers, and
r *s of good eye for the tasteful
1 Pans- loves, 11011es, and longing men with a
other lives, It bears lite cross, not d blending of colors find it an extremely
I vanity serving glory,
profitable hobby, their productions tin.1-
ing a ready sale among comrade
One elan. who evolved a very pretty
design in forget -me -noes, was inundat-
e ! with orders for ladies' slippers, the
rtsu l and sisters.
their isters.,%beingone
many cases represented as the handi-
work of the sender.
Another man was a veritable artist
in Berlin wool, and his reproduction nl
that famous picture,
besides taking a first prize at Poona In-
dustrial Exhibition, sold for $150.
1lcarthrugs. quilts,
hme of and
Waco tersm
ease occupy the
lly. made of pieces of military i loth;.11
ing his fellows. What Jesus meant was
that if any man would be one of his .ie
must cease to slake his own selfish
pleasures, ambitions, and passions the
end of his living; ho must make the
more to give to the service of mankind; saving this world. The cross of disciple
be must make the one' motive and end ship will be to some statesmanship, to
of his life the benefit and help of every alters science, to others the daily ser -
other men. %ice of a home or the work In the shop;
That kind of a lite means a change it is the kindly word, the cheering look,
centre. Instead of regarding the um- the lift by the way; it is whatever is
verse as revolting
but the cross o
Each man must carry Its cross not
on his breast, but on his heart and
brain. 11 is what he can do, hat he
to himran self that he might have the tart sit gest ung
about itself it secs done in unselflsli desire to mutts lite bet
The liver le the largest gland la the body; Be that self as but part of the great ma• ter, to bring teen nearer to one another
office i. to take from the blood the ptoperta S ehipery of life, planned and operating and to the Father ot alt• great
which form bile. When the liver is torpid and FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. You have oil to look al the
furnish bile to the bowels, Teacher In know %
causing them to become
what self -dental and
him to fully various colors. The number o puce,.
have only to follow acquired for, and the amount of sewing
out their principles. * involved in. the production of a quilt
file life g. being good, of seek--- the or lablecover of this description is shill)*
sorrowing. befriending the forsaken, iv surprising. These mostly Lind their
tel in lila helpless. They who follow I way home as presents to parents or
inflamed it cannot true t
bound and costive. The A man begins to deny himself as soot. cross bearing really mean, and vett
sympto¢s are • feeling of fulnes+e or weight la as tie begins to love another. Even a ll carry
Tho Home
To Keep Gilt Frame's.- -Boil three or
four tenons in a pint of water. 'Chen
with a soft hair brush, go over all the
tratuee and glasses with the tl:;tIor, The
Mae will not remain on the articles
washed, and in carrying out this pro-
cess there is not any fear of damaging
the gilding.
When suffering from a cold avoid eat-
ing much solid focal. Take soft foods,
such as bread and milk, farinaceous
puddings, and soups; also Warm drinks
to produce perspiraliun, such tie gruel,
tea and cocoa. Coffee should be avoided
Litchfield Cakes, -Ileal two eggs to a fora few days.
stiff (roar and stir into them one pint pf \ good lime wash Is made as follows:
milk Alia together six ounces each oI Shake half a bushel of lime into a large
tub, into this stir one and a hall pints
of linseed oil, halt a pound of blue, three
" l
pounds of cerumen salt This shot
only be used for inside work, and will
wash as well as paint.
'fo keep linoleum nicely, have a pint
bottle, in it put a quarter of a pint of
turpentine and three-quarters of a pint
of linseed oil; mix both together thor-
oughly, and always shake the bottle be-
fore using. Apply a very little of this
to the linoleum and rub it in thorough-
ly. Then polish with dry, clean dus-
ters. Constantly wash out the cloth
used for applying the oil, or there will
be no polish. Never wash linoleum; it
it gets dirty, rub it over with a damp
flannel only.
An indoor swing is very easily ar-
ranged from hooks in the ceiling or
doorway; if in the ceiling, caro must be
taken that it is fixed in a beam. A
swing is an excellent thing
for children,
and should be so arranged that by push-
ing with the feet the child can get in
motion. This exercise will develop
muscle, strength, and symmetry. Tho
child should be fastened in so that it is
impossible for it to fall. Let it hold on
by ropes so that Lite arms, neck 80(1
shoulders may get exercise, and the
pushing with the feet will do the rest.
To get the full benefit of this exercise,
have the windows open.
wholemeal and ane. (lour, a pinch nt
snit, a teaspoonful each of baking
der and caster sugar. Work one ounce
of butter into the flour, and then shake
Il • dry ingredients into u
milk, k beat-
all the trine. Bake in small round
bus, and when cold split open and but-
Rice Bars and Vanilla Sauce. -Celt the
remains of a cold rice pudding into
small slices; brush earl► over vvitl► beat-
en egg, and roll in breaderumiss; place
in a frying basket and try till golden
brown in deep fat. Drain on paper by
the fire while you prepare the sauce.
Ileat some golden syrup in n small
slewpan, flavor it with vanilla essence,
and pour round the pile of golden bars.
Breakfast Scones. -Take one pound of
flour, two ounces of butter, a pinch of
snit; -nn egg, and a teaspoonful of bak-
ing powder, with as much milk as will
make the whole unto
a good
Rub the butter into the flour, add halt-
ing powder and salt, and lastly the
milk. Roll the mixture out, cut into
eight three -cornered pieces, and bake in
a quick oven for twenty minutes.
Prune Pudding.► -Stave some prunes
and with them fill a pie -dish to a third
of its depth. The stones of the prunes
should be removed. Put some nicely -
boiled rice over the prunes. and on that
sufficient thick boiled custard to fill the
dish. Just before serving arrange some
ratafla biscuits on lite top. Make all
just hot, and serve.
Orange \Vine. -For making This wine
it is best to select quite ripe orange+.
Peel the fruit and cut In halt crossways
of the cells, squeeze with a press to ex-
tract the juice and see that the press is
closed so that no seeds go through.
Add Iwo pounds of sugar to each gal-
lon of sour orange juice, and one pound
of sugar to each gallon of sweet orange
Juice- \Viten the juice is mixed with
the sugar add ono quart of water to
every gallon. For this wine close fer-
tnenlaliol is necessary.
Vienna Bread. -Mix thoroughly one
pound of Vienna flour, one pound of
best flour, add a little salt. Mix this
Thoroughly, and then rub in two ounces
of butter. Dissolve one ounce of fresh
German yeast by mixing it intoa
spoonful of caster sugar, then gradual-
ly add ono pint of milk (lukewarm), and
two week -beaten eggs. Mis the liquid
will' the flour and knead thoroughly
lilt the dough is smooth. Gash the top
of it with a clean knife, cover the bowl
with a cloth. and set on a chair near the
fire quite away from the draught. The
dough will probably take two hours to
rise, then mould into rolls of desired
Set to rise
shape. _fi e
Tomato Sauce. --Tho ingredients are
one dozen tomatoes, two teaspoonfuls of
best ginger. one dessertspoonful of salt,
one head of garlic (or two onions). three
tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a dessert-
spoonful of chili vinegar, and a little
cayenne. Choose the ripest tomatoes
you can gel, put Them into a slewpan.
and cook slowly till tender. When cold,
lake the • skins and stalks frons theta,
mix the pulp with the liquor that is in
the slewpan, add all the other ingre-
dients, bent everything together thor-
oughly, but do not puss the sauce
through a sieve. Cork tightly and store
in a cool place, and the sauce will ftp
for years.
Here's a recipe for making a coffee
fruit cake. Its excellence is vouched for
by a good cook. Bent to a create two
eggs, half a cupful of butter, and one
cupful of sugar. When these ingredients
are properly mingled add half a cup of
New Orleans molasses, stirring it In
well. Next add one teaspoonful wit` of
powdered cinnamon. mace and clover.
Stir them well through the mixture; dis-
solve a teaspoonful of baking soda in
half n cup of cold coffee and stir It in;
then chop rather coarsely a cupful of
seeded raisins; dust them writ with
flour; sift two cupfuls of flour in n
bowl and stir in a little at a time,
sprinkling the raisins in, and stirring
them fn, o few at a time. es you stir in
Ito flour; line. two medium sized cake
tins with well buttered tissue paper and
put halt the cake hatter in each lin;
bake in a slow oven till a broom splint
may be thrust into the cake without
dough sticking to it.
!Squares of Delight. --13o11 two pounds
of sugar and one pint of water together
until a tulle dropped Into cold Staler can
be rolled into a brittle ball. Moisten ten
ounces of cornstarch with enough wa-
ter from a pin to snake a thin paste.
Ileat the remainder of the water to the
o iliound
of po powdered ° and sugar, it.d with
sugar, disa solved �
cornstarch, and cook over the fire for
ten minutes niter the paste is clear.
•1y pcur it into the sugar syrup, add
the right aide, and shooting puns in the Mama yellow dog nay act to deflect the heart Co hem they meant
region pains between the shoulders, yellowness from its old self -centre. The love c[
of the skin and eye, bowels irregular, coated
tongue, bad tasty in the morning, eto.
am pleasant sad easy to take, do not grips,
weaken or sicken, never fail in their effects, and
are by far the safest and quickest remedy for
all diseases or disorders of the liver.
Price 2.5 cents, or 5 bottles for $1.00,
all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited.
Toronto, n Ont.
kir and family, of friends, and associ-
ates all serve to strengthen the habit of
The fewer people a man takes into
his plan of life the more likely is be
to be selfish. But some lives are but the
more selfish because they lake in ell
mankind and look on them as designed
L, contribute to their single enriching.
That kind of a Ute commits suicide; ever
grasping and never giving it dies of
P t
Him lend the world; they who seek 10
minister instead of being ministered to
are the world's masters. The value :,f
et ery life must he measured at last not
by what it has gathered' to itself but
by what it has given for the enriching
and help of the whole life of the world.
MAY 20.
Lesson VIII. Death of John the Bap-
tist. Golden Text: Eph. L. 18.
Note. -The text of the tlevised Version
isused as a basis for these Word
Intervening Events. -Several events
intervene between the last lesson and
this one. Returning from the country ot
the Gerasenes, across the lake toCapr
natit», Jesus was welcomed by agreat
multitude who had heard of his mar-
from the deaks. d Shortly
r oef
Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue (Mark
5. 21-43), atter the account of which we
should doubtless insert into Lukes
Kr. P. A. Labelle, Msntwski. Que.. writes da
y follows: •' 1 desire to thank you for your won-
owderful cure, Burdock Blood Bitters.
Three years ago i hada very severe attack of
Dyspep'•ia. I tried five of the best doctors 1
could find but they could do me no good,
1 was advised by a friendtotry�Burdock
Bloat Bi1Ws and to my gri
t se, after
taking lata ....ditties. i was so perfectly cured
that i have nee hurl a sign of Dyspepsia since.
1 cannot praise it too highly to all sufferers. Ia
my experience it is the best I ever used. Noth-
ing for me like 11.11.8.
Don't accept a substitute for Burdock Blood
Bitters. There is nothing "Just as good."
Patience with ourselves and with
others; with those below and those
above us, and with our equals; with
narrative the stories of the lea is,
the two blind men and of the dumb der 5. 3.
rnontac told in \Lantra reed in Matt. Literally, And
and1Cwent out, she, having agnend said -
at haz8reth reported
dro►I deg} said.
and situated on the eastern coast of the
[lead Sea, one of the palaces of Herod.
Herodias, his brother Philip's wife -
Fly -dodgers are the men who devote
themselves to scouring the country in
pursuit of the myriad varieties of fly
and beetle to be found In the tropics,
thereby becoming acquainted with the
beauties of Nature and keeping them -
wives in good health. Fly -dodgers r•1 -
so go in for snakes, scorpions, centi-
pedes. lizards, etc.; and. familiarity
breeding contempt, occasionally a fee
is lost by careless handling of a venom-
ous snake. Surressful fly -dodgers can
She was also the niece of both her huh -1 always command money, either by sup
band's, being the daughter of Aristo- plying dealers or setting up and selling
hulus, another of the sons of Herod 1110 their own cases of flies, etc.
Great. As Gould hes pointed out : "The 1 Parrots and minas afford a never -
marital relations of the Herodlan fam11y foiling source of occupation to those
were a most extraordinary mixture, gifted with sufficient patience to under -
though belonging to the general license lake the task of teaching these herds
't t
with of the age. This is one of the places to speak. A favorite me
where 11►e gospels bring us into contact Trainers is to lower the cage down a
with the Gentile world, the Herodians well and. sealed on the edge of the cop -
being Gentile In their extraction and ing, to pour forth for
spirit, though nominally Jews in their jt COUPLE OF HOURS NIGHTLY
religion, and the note -of that Gentile
world was open vice and profligacy, a monotonous repetition of "!'retry
while of the Jewish leaders it was hypo- Polly," etc. Others seek the seclusion
w for the sante purpose.
crisy." of a dock coo
21. A convenient day -An opportune Various places lend themselves to
moment for the carrying out of her pur- slandslar molher-depearilit
is plentiful,an
pose. in either for polishing
.22. The daughter of Herodias herself everybody goes
came in and danced -An almost unpre- shells or snaking rings and bracelets
eedented thing for women of rank cr from them.
even of respectability. Gibraltar has its staple hobby in rock
She pleased Herod -Better, it pleased eniameits made from a beautifully -vein -
Herod, that is, the dancing. LSI stone whites abounds, is easily
23. Sware-Swire. Compare the oath
r woris a ed. and
takes a hobby. h polish.
'mooches, its
of Ahasuerus to Queen Esther. Esther
crosses. PePer-w•righis. Bible and pray-
er -hook markers, and otter knick-
knacks find a ready sale among tour-
ists. •
In Burma, the lana of leak. the curv-
ing of elaborately -decorated photo frames
r.iables marry a rnan 10 while away
hcurs that would otherwise be dreary.
And at Maine pleasure may be com-
bined with profit in fashioning orna-
ments of serpentine.
In India. soldiers recovering from seri-
cus illness are usually sent to hill sta-
tions to complete their cure. and crin
find plenty of wood to whittle into
1 aliking-slicks. For one of these sticks
ani offer of 812.50 was made. its admit
value as n Mirk might he about twenty-
itve cents. but it is covered with most
elaborate carvings of bills and (lowers
and represents aur months' work.
How Is
Your Cold?
!every place you go you hew the sans
question asked.
Do you kuow that there is nothing ea
dangerous as a negleoted cold t
Do you know that a neg�leoted 0011 will
turn into Chronic) Bronchitis. Yneualonsa,
disgusting Catarrh and the most deadly of
all, the • White Plague," Consumption.
lfauy a life history would read different
it, on the first appearance of a cough. it
lead been remedied with
those who love us and those who hate
us: for the greatest things and for the
lead; In lime of trouble and under our
deity burden; disappointments as to the
weather or the breaking of the heart;
In the weariness of the body or the wear -
pet of the soul; in our own failure of
9 ll. In
duly or other's failure toward ,
everyday wants; in disappointment,
bereavement. losses, injuries, reproach-
es; in heaviness of the heart when hope
Is unfulfilled -In all these things• and et
alt these limas. from childhood's little
It -foibles to the suffering of old age,
patience is needed.
13. 54-58 and Mark ti. 1.6 w
second event similar to but not iden-
tical with the rejection at Nazareth re-
corded in Luke 4. 16.30, the former be-
longing apparently to the earlier part of
his ministry. This second rejection at
the hands of his own townsmenat
Nazareth was followet1 by a preaching
tour (the fourth, or rather the third!` on- traryPlatter-The heking do n charger, used In the
Muted) in Galilee (Mark 0, 6; wa+ nn
25. Straighhvny with haste - Tho
daughter evidently partook of the
mother's nature and tastes. The haste
of the women was lest the king's ardor
should cool, it being well known to them
that the granting of the request they
were about to make was entirely con -
35); and the sending of the twe
their first independent mission tour
(-lark 6. 13; upon the return of the twelve
1.6). It was(>
from this tour that word
of lobrouhn ght
to Jesus by the disciples
Baptist of their master.
John the Baptist is called Elijah
(Matt. 3. 3), the forerunner of Christ
(lsa. 40. 3; -Sal. 3. 1). "a burning and a
shining light" (John 5. 35). Ile was a
son of 7.acharias and Elisabeth, of the
priestly tribe (Luke 1. 5); preached and hs
baptized hi the wilderness (-tall. 3. 1, and uttin gher arm around his neck
Be)ln (leaning over her father's c
Luke 3. 2): baptized Jesus (Mall. 3. 13); { "Toll dear sweet old papa, You've bee
reproved Lloyd Antipas (\late. 14. 4;) %cr good to your little girl since her
-lark 6. 18); watt beheaded by lt0rc4 and engagement."o
buried by his disciples (Matt. 14. 10-121.1trHyde (kissing her): "fm always
Jesus calls hint the greatest among those lad to i lake ass sunbeam happy."
horn 01 women (Matt. 11. 11 ; Luke 7. i g Bella: "AI 1 know that! And you've
22). I
Authorized Version, has become entirely
obsolete In this sense, though et one
time it meant just what our word plat-
ter now means.
29. His disciples -The disciples
John, some of whom later became
disciples of Jesus.
Bow many women Verse 14•
there are that get no re' tetrarch of Galilee. itis official residence
rnshtncnt from steep, twos AI Tiberias' on the southwestern
f wake the morn- ! shore of the lake.
11 prophet Alatachi had
They w•t e m to 1 15 Elijah -The
Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup
This wonderful oough and cold mediotne
soetains all those very pine principles
which make the pine woods so valuable in
the treatment of lungaffections.
Combined with tis ars Wild Cherry
Bark and the soothing, healing and ex-
peotorant properties of other pectoral
herbs and barks.
For Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis,
the Chest, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough, lloareene.a or any affection of the
Throe or Lungs. You wilt find a aura
euro in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syru� p.
Mrs. 0. N. Iswnler, Ilerwiok,
Wood 7
usedL. writes : I have
Piro Syrup fur coughs and colds, and haus
always fuund it to give instant relief. I
also recommended it to one omneigh-
eI h-
bon and she was more that pleased
the results.,,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 9 ota.
par bottle at all dealers. Put up in yellow
srrapper, and three pine trees the trade
nmrk Refuse substitutes. There is only
one Norway Fine Syrup and that oos
1)r. Wood -a.
A Correspondent Witnessed a Most Awe -
Inspiring Spectacle in South
Once more the rising of some of the
Natal natives has turned tnen's thoughts
to the famous Zulu tactics. In the minds
of most these are associated with tto
name of Tyaka, the ruthless Zulu con- the centre of each force. On the who
gneror, who wedded into the stock of of picked soldiers marched burn-
Ihe :\ntazulu, the People of the Heavens, ono Ulodweng0 kraal as it went forward
a:l the young men of the various tribes (abtake position on the ground chosen
�, .- en the previous day. At last It reached
bourne, The mounted men carried
out the orders, tired at the Zulus wher-
ever they appeared, and at last retired
to the shelter of the square. Then the
onlookers, of whom the writer was one,
wilne4sed a most awe-inspiring sped-
tacle. On either (lank a force advanced
n abreast
of columns s
termed the horns) and after' sweeping
grandly past urs nt a distance of 700
yards or so, wheeled into line and swept
rapidly inward till their extreme points
met. Then from the royal kraal of
Umdl marched out the Urncityu regi-
ment with their shields of white,
in the rear of the enemy the head
ilio r
chest was launched upon the po
and in the upshot, as a rule, the whole
force of the foe tasted the assegai. For
in that war no quarter was given or
Perhaps no grander military spectacle`
was ever seen than that which marked
thr last use of these tactics on a grand
scale. In the gray, cold dawn of July
t, 1897, the British mounted men began
to cross the drifts of the White Umvol•
osi diver, where it swept in a horseshoe
tend around the camp they held for ten
days. Forward they went as a screen
1 Lc tore the infantry, which had been
formed in hollow square with the big
guns and Catlings at the angles and n
regiments, and thus building up a po
erfut military nation.
Yet it was to Dingisiwayo, the Wan -
direr, that the inception was due, says
South Africa. 'Phis man, the son of the
chief of the Umtetwa, was driven into
exile in consequence of an abortive plot
r D
we fd
1 reins of n
'settle P
l seize o l
that exile he lived in Cape Colony and
saw the military methods and organiz-
ation of the British. \\'ilh instinctive
genius he saw how the idea could be
adapted to his own nation, and on his
return and accession to the chieftain-
ship he divided up his people into regi-
ments, distinguinshing thein by names
Id for and by a special color of
regiment, though for a time they re-
tained the unikonoto or throwing es-
sc gai as
The chief quicksilver mines in Europe
are at the Spanish town Almaden,
which Is an Arabic word, meaning "the
mine of quicksilver.' These !nines were
formerly wnrkell by the Iberians, and
theta Ly the ancient Romans. Be -
Ile !cord of the great use made by the
British infantry of their favorite wea-
pon, the bayonet, andPso he replaced
the umkonto Ly the ixwa, or broad -
bladed slabbing assegai.
The peculiarity of the Zulu tactics has
earned It the name of lite crescent for-
mation for attack, and It is noteworthy
that, broadly speaking, it was the me-
thod employed by the Boers in their
vnsion of Natal and adopted by Lord British force some unpleasant memories
Roberts in his advance through Orange 10 take.
One thing o shouldly cbeoladde :
River Colony, and it was the tear of its mu
ill alion of slain enemies is no token
of dishonor, hut is done as a safeguard
for himself, since he Is persuaded that.
should the victim's body swell and
bu:rst, he will himself die miserably 'n
like fashion.
And for the name he has given to
big guns, Umhaimbal, it Is most likely
only an onotnatope used to express the
broming of the guns, though there is
also a tradition that it Is a reminiscence
et the hasty answer given n worried
overseer when first Zulus helped to
lenrl some cannon upon Durban wharf.
The upshot was a splendid British
victory. In less than an hour the
military organization of the People of
the 1 -leavens WAS being whipped along
the Mahlabatini Plains by the "long us-
segais" of the Seventeenth Lancers, and
the vicious bullets of the Mounted Vol-
unteers. It Is doubtful whether the
warriors of to -day, unused to fighting
tor a generation past, could ever make
SO grand a stand in the open as did
their forbears; but in close and broken
cc.untry, armed only with their nsle-
Is, they could give even a strong
success which kept the Boers conhmt•
ally on the run. Tho best thing with
which to compare it Is the head of ltlo
stag headed beetle Horns are thrown
out widely on either flank, while the
ntaitt body forms the head itself. From
the main body a small force is detaele
cd to engage the enemy while the horns
creep round the flanks.
This force in the days of Tyaka was
frequently despatched with the command
"Go. sons of 7.lhlu, go and return ro
more; and death at the hands of their
fate t those who ie
1, atter a a�•,
given me such an elegant sealskin !ween 1645 and 1813 the Spanish Govern- a quarter of a pound of strained honey
steges, and dresses, and hall, and such aunt empinyrc) galley slaves in the
you soon ended in death.! •e arid. Flavor with rose, or
m,land a quarter of nn ounce 01 powdered
ilernd -1 lerod Antipas, the i I vely diamonds, and everything y all occupation thattartarie
l l thunk of " duce con -1
'l flavoring and add half a
WOMEN ing and f ferelol t rlijnh Behti
h the
1cou( •
Mr. Hyde (complacently): "les, 1
want y01I to have a gond send-off."
lou have horn perfectly love-
t 1%, and your little pet appreciates r11
cel tireder than d the return n before She will he awfully sorry to Irewe you.
when they went to bed. y will send you Elijn re prophet\tr ll he "It e hard to lose you,
1' the head `the great and terrible day of Jehovah v, 1 only : " you h think lose you,
Others sn (- a fame of tde Jesus p) 3.0111' �onllsh, Indulgent t!nt nsd father,
and John the Baptist was widespread, oand rememllis that he did everything
the opinions concerning both were di he collet to malas Tome pleneant for
verse. you before you lett him In his lonely
ro het even as one of the pro- oh' age."
Bella: "Oh, you deer. sweet pipe!
What would you say if I didn't leave
you atter all","
Mr. Ilyde (sterling): "Eh?"
Bella: "flow ran 1 he so aeiflsh after
11' you have been so good In mo and
done everything for mel i don't este
so goingry. to teltvhim►►Itllwas nllon misfikm
and Ihnt he cnn find somebody else. f lr
I'm always going to slay at home sn,1
Lc papa's own dear Mlle glr1! .. And
then you can give me ntec things all
the tier'
Mr. Hyde 'in great alarm): "Gond
heavens! Bella. what are you talking
nb ut? Don't he coo silly. Ynu bl never
get another such a chanes. j'oit marry
(icorge next month, and nn fooling
gnat also as the "[flack Fortress, about; lir
They have a dizzy /imitation in ,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable 'come (Mal.
1 5Th
and nervous, weak and worn out. and
the lightest household duties during the
day seem to be a drag and a burden.
that; hal you have the right. to be hap -
phete -A prophet, yet not nn ordinary
rophet, but one of the great and well-
known nnclent prophets.
16 John is risen -Even an wicked a
ns ileryel c;auld not escape
111311' the
are the eeryremedy that weak, nervous, ; con►functions of n guilty conaeienee,
tirtul out, sickly women meal to restore {and it was natural for him. with this
them the vessingt, of good health. ( eonSelotlSns of guilt resting upon his
They give sound, restful sleep, tone up !rind, to behold in any and every pure
the peri strengthen the heart. and ,vet holy man and worker of miracles
make rich blood. Mrs. C. McDonald, the rccnub aliment of this same John
Tortaeo la Prairie, Man., writes: ' I was
whom he had caused In be beheaded.
troubled with shnrtnerts of breath. ppvipi- 17. The remaining verses, 17.49, are
tatiexl of the heart and weak el,clls. 1 ,.,,ably cnn nthetient to the main narra-
of four lavee of Mtlhunt's Heart end mark, Thee ere ineertevl to es-
Pills, and after taking them 1 wtu t,t;,i0 I! r' nll:r=inns to Hrfnd'v lency and
eromph trJy cured. fear mentioned in verses i We.
Price ill cents per hoc or 1 , hove' t;oun(1 hien tet prisma i`n�t•nhl in file
for fl "e all da,,�r or t'►e 7'f T. ma.
burn Co., Ltu.�ieli, Toronto, Oulu.
lismnl dung;ean of the Castes attic item-,
The fumes of the mercury pro otter rui ave'
alma pound of chopped almonds. Return to
and cook until It will not nacre
the fire
to the fingers when lightly touched.
Cool in an oiled straight -sided pan, and
when cold cut in squares with a sharp
Mind salivation. and the system be-
comes with elle 1110181.
comes permeated
M first the victims 13 seized with tr•emh-
hngs, and then the teeth drop out: pains;
In the bones follow. and then death. Tho
annual yield of ►mercury is a million and
a half pounds, to procure which 4.000
wen are engaged in this unhealthy em-
Atter Almaden, so far as yield •11
quicksilver is concerned, cone, Wien,
an Austrian town, Twenty-eight miles
from Trieste. These nines also were
nnc0 worker) by criminals, who, owing
Io the terrible qualities of the minerol.
expired after about two years' service.
There are now nenrly 500 miners en-
gaged ht the work at ldria. They nee
induced to enter the mines by high pay.
pensicn is allowed when they are ills -
widows and children.
. 41..tea
"1 want to know, • said the irate ma-
tron. "how much money my husband
drhank Inet week'?"
ew cut an't t gives you that Int rinnlion,
ma'am." answered the men in the rage.
"You're the paving teller, nrcn'l you?"
"Yes, but I'm not the Idling payee.*
trllovs was 1110 a e n
flied. While this force was holding \\ hen asked what they were ('8110(1, he
the enemy the horns carried out their , sold Oh, bye -and -bye, bye -mid -bye," and
task. if pncsihl', and as soon as a sig -1 the name has survived as the Zulu has
it to this day.
nal tet+, g:ln n
111NTS FOR TIii: 11O\1E.
Use bacon fat for basting or frying
chicken or game. This imparts a deli-
cate flavor.
Before conking hominy stink it for
Shout twelve heirs Itt tepid water on the
stove. or in n cool oven. Do not salt it
during Ihls process.
To cool a mould of jelly quickly place
It in a veesad Stull of cold salted water
end set it in a cool cellar.
When the flour far Is empty it should
be scalded and dried In a very het oven
before mites that have refilled,
o into thou hill any
ply of flour, end will keep the new su, -
ply wholesome.
A !louse -Cleaning Hint. -Sere wooden
akew•ere as they are whit ler gelling
into corners when scrubbing paint, etc.
Lel a skewer soak In the bucket while
you are scrubbing wainecottIng. do.
Alter being third one., or twice it tome
a little brush and is Invaluable.
.6.(y'1:-4'K&4(.'.K Kcs< Ktar
bad stricter* fcr eleven years. it finally brought on Bright's
reses of ee ncuncomfortable an shooting pain rn the
groln and feeling as though amotbng wash, this urethras, Myback
was weak and 1 could scarcely stoop over. !'rine eras full of evil.
went. Had * desire to erinahfrequeotly }amity d,doctors, was dis-
courag 1 t
specialists, patent medicines electric
belts. ell.ad Rent hnndtldl of dollars In vain. Finally I ton -
hutted Dr*. Kennedy h KesRan a+the last resort. I had heard a great
dial about them and concluded from the tact that they had been
established over 15 years that they understood their bu+inea+. 1 em
deligkted with the r.11 5. ie one week I felt better and in a few
web was entirely cared Have gsiaeGd+ ,t t.W RIGHT, ds In Laataing. '
p i Ng ere the most prevalent and most Wont disease+. They
sap the v0 ery P1ite od o tkesicrim and unless entirely eradicated from the .yetem well
cause 11)01compticatona:warebio Mercury.u110nly.rppra.e.thesymptoms-oar
NSW uerHODp y cures
YOUNo �R MIDOLE-AQED 11�EN•-tmprodent sersert ouerYcauilj
burs r ken owe ycaf tyst.m. 't • t feel t e .ymptores avatar 1
pbyaleally sad 11y you tiro t .t ahs else Pea used to be or should be.
Army e,lctlral Hweyontcsthcre1 Are yo lateadfog
0000ea dlsee r Ha,e you an
weakness �ytt. .r i66 ho ma ter who has tree ed y
R E A� �per b .sea tsd �
i ut M N , t .' r .! well cure you. \what It has don* t f others it
} t ou write toe
onest o intoe Pre. of Char - , h Ica sec" nil. 10955 PRB ' Th n Golden
Mositof" (illustrated), os Disc. .o
Ming Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment rete
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, MIch.
✓. !,f K K ., yc K Y. K n K
K •