Exeter Times, 1906-05-17, Page 74
THE EXE'1 >R T1MI:5, MAY 17th 1900.
Plainin4 Mill,
are open and hustling
Cedar Posts and
Door Faotorij, Lumber Yard
and saw Mill
daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shing'es, Lath,
all kinds of Building Materials always on hand.
BARN SASH in abundance.
BITE HIVES fitiithed or in knock down.
alive.} s on hand.
Cash Paid far all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Custom Sawing Promptly Attendee' to.
Estimates Cheerfully (liven.
'The RossTalllOr Go. LtOEI ERIN.
s .':+++++++++++++++++++4+ I Tne Ugorne anti Hibbert
No more hole digging
to put in fence posts just
• • drive them in with a
sledge hammer. Far
ahead of any ever yet
seen around this part of
the country. Come in
and see them for yourself.
We have had a great•
many iron posts brought
in lately and ar( prepar-
ed to sell them cheap.
Scrap iron taken in kx-
j Farmer's utual Fire Incur-
{+ i anee Gompanv
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pres.: -J. A. Noultea. CRoM.ticry P.0
Vice -fres.: -J. L. 1HL'SSE1-1-,
ItrSSELLI,_1 L.E. 1'. O.
JOHN ESSE1tY.. Exeter. agent for
t'sborno and Ilitldulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent
for Ilibbert, Full,trton and Login.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
What is Home without
a Piano or Organ.
M.JACKSON &SON4 * Ceralnly not all that it might
Main -St. Exeter. }
.t+ Call and sec us and let us show
One door south of the ) ou some of the highest grade
' Metropolitan Hotel, f
++++++++++++.'++++++++{'++++ PIANOS AND ORGANS
that Canada produces. They are
certainly works of art.
J. P. 8„ Graduate Victoria.
U t-
1 osEeerresidorenu. Dominion,
rtery, xt
teens Btollinssa Ofd fice street. Residence. Joast
at first street north of Post Office, Exeter,
DRS. Y. AND Ill. M. COWAN, 391
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
Telephone 028. Long distance connection.
lizoto tat attention given diseases of women and
ai.ry. Oxford or C. P. R. Street. Cars to
rne street take you almost to tho door.
0 other city ottice. Special Hospital and
outer arra lgements for patients from a
i)lt. A. it. KINSMAN, L.
I). S. D. 1). S., Honor Oraduate
^f Toronto University, Dentist.
teeth extracted withoutpa to or bad ator eeI,
fr .tA Office e pn Fan.
son's block. West redo of Main
K.eb.' Exet,,r.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. O. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Oraduate •.f Toronto University.
OFFICE: -(1 er Dickson & Carling's
Li►w Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a largo amount of private fords to
ma on farm and .111age properties at lowrate.,
art Interest.
Barristers Soil. {cors. Main St, Exeter.
tsartistees 5O lectors Notaries. Conveyancers
Oommis.:l .here, Solicitors (or the Motions
Hank, Etc.
Nosey to Loan at loweat rates of interest
S. usamsf 11. 1. 0. DICKSON
anccr, twills drawn, money to loan
or real estate. al -o Liccincd Auctioneer for
ihe uodeettaie.e,Ordeof rssibelt attsthePeon.
1 rim aratny
residence. I srquhat will receive prompt attar
We have a;,:itnIt.ed pel%ate fund. for Invele&
ens nr'on farm or village rroperty at loves
sees of Interr,.t.
The church and Sunday school are
getting up pne of the best programa
tor rho 20th and 24th ever held in
It is expected that thi:+ village %vitt
w•itnes% t he grotty!. (Lays of its his-
tory on M.)* '.Ot.h and elth. On tho
20th the {:volt 8. 8. a rtniver'a ry
(tielcbr'itiot. will be held. Service•+ at
10.30, 2.45 and 7.00. Rev. A. I1. Going,
11. A.. is t he 'arr.icher for the day.
On the 21th, four corner stones will
bo tad in ilo a .11 cf talc new chnr:h
two at 11.00 a. tie and two at 2.00
v. tn. Dinner at 12.00 and supper at
f.00. Sporty Ott 3.30. Grand Concert
nt 8.00. Great preparntion• are he -
Ing meed^ for all the above.
A pretty girl and her beaux are
soon parted.
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We will make them to
suit you unless you are very hard
to please.
hoe +fir`= .
Nota -A .free notice will be in-
serted in the Times for two weeks
to thwie securing their bills nt this
Is a ohoiaely -bred Imported Cly-
desdale stallion ; bay. foaled 1901.
Monday. 1Iderton; to :his own
sta We.
Tue'<lay. T. i). Ilodgine„ E. Guests.
Wednesday, De van Ilro.e: Georgo
Duffields tillursdty noon then to
John Rowell'inhotel, Gn.t.nton.
Friday, David :kshw•urtb's; G.
Tuckey'a hotel. Birr,.
Saturday to his own Stablo
ROiIER'fS & DUFFiELD. Props.
Is a beautiful dapple grey 1'erolt-
(ron :raid weighs 1800 pounds.
Monday leave .itis stable at noon.
Hill's I,o.eI Crediton..
is acmer _ . S. iI
llodgine, eon 3, lot 14, Ilidiulph.
Wed nesda y. \Vi I t i.iin Da vid' otd•s.
S t.i nt shury ; 1Vni. Brook's, toborne,
Ptiur:-atay, Albert Gunning's ;
1'riti.ry. 4'argttlanr : 8ntnucl Cud-
tnore'e, con. 5, Rsborne.
Saturday, 11. Shapton's. con 3.
Ii ay ; to his own stable.
Tho council mot May 7th, pursuant
to adjournment. the Reeve and all
the members present. 1l w is order-
ed taint the Court of Revision should
be opened on Mondry. June 4th. 190G
at 10 n. tn.
Gy -laws No. 7. & S. tn.Ikir.g ep-
proprintions for the y'esnr and auth-
I orizing the reeve anal council to Wor-
t row what money that nley be re -
Attired for curter, cepcnditure.
The following cecounte %were or-
• dered to be toil : Bert Cheney, clean-
ing streets, $1.50; 0. Perrin. re-
moving stump+ irons road, $1 ; M.
O'Mora, building two culverts, $a.50
M. 1,nwrenee, rep. 3 culvert 1r (lie-. 1
and 4. $1 ; .Lai. Ryder, ditch nnd tile
div. 3 :mal 4, $2.50: ,T1 a. Ryder, d:im-
:etro; to wagon in detective road,
$2.75: E. Butler, cleaning out stove
pipes, '1'p. It ill, $1.00: Geo. 'toward,
rep. cut%eri, 1.. 11., 50: John Cavin,
ditohin-r, S. B., 41:,,(39: 11. Bodging.
rep. cul%e: t ,ltd dileldn„, div. ;p, 'n.50
8. lay an, 1.: ally.' with grader ma-
chine, div. :t. $19.50: Iebephoning and
express eh:rge., 5n: T. Ar►nitage, 1
diy %lith grader, $1.50: 3. Ilod{rina,
r^tl ftncc on :•t ! 'till, div. 1.
A1:, I. A. R} . 1 d1p trite Co.
The lined Yoit Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over ..,O years, Inas borne the signatrtro or
and has been wade under his per.
`/, sonal supervision since its infancy.
Aherne 0110 to deceive you In thls.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just -as -good" aro but
Experiments that trine with and endanger the health or
Inflicts :end (Aildren-Experience against Experiment.
Castor•ia is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorle, !)rolls and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains wither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
t ttbstaite.. Its apse Li its guarantee. It destroys Worms
allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Coll:'. 1 t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
aeul in 1 tttieney. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
a.tom:u'it and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho C1hIldren's Panacea -The B'other's Friend.
Bcar3 the Signature of
The Kiud Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
C. NI, 111
COMPANY, 77 ..UflR*T STF.[T, N,W \OAll C
Engineer, re bridge, $1.50; George
Hodgins, on account of pound. $1.00 ;
It. McFo1k, rep. culvert, div 2, $1.00;
1'. Carey, rep. cul,, div, 2, 50c.; Geo.
1Iolgins, rep. rood, div. 2. $1.50; W.
II. Lewis, rep. rood. div. 2, 75c.
Tenders for erection of a:ecl bridge
and nbutmen.tis were received as fol-
lows: A. Hill & Co., Mitchell, for
superstructure, 4655; hunter & Co.
Kincardine, superstructure, $735;
Hamilton Bridge Co•,. superstructure
$639: Jenks and Dresser, superstruc-
ture, $630. The following is with 3
in. rock Otto plank for flooring but
designed for concrete flooring it
ever desired. Patterson & Ellis. ten-
dered for orale bridge at $1575 ; D. H.
Clemons, do.. tit $1393. For abut-
ments: Pattcreon & Ellis, per cubic
yard, $4.95; :1). \Vcstcnan, per cubic
yard, $1.70: i). 11. Clemens, per cub-
io yard, $4.71: F. E. L. Talbot. for
the whole work, $175. The tender
of Jenks nnd Dresser at $630 for the
suporsf ructure voila accepted, and
tlret of 1). Rrestinan at $1.70 per
cubic yard for the abutments.
The council .adjourned to meet
again on Monday the 114 day of June
1900 at 10 a. in.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
Yes and your strength too. Stop
coughing and get rid of that cat-
arrh. The only remedy is "C.itarr-
hozono"which goes to the diseased
tissues along,with Bir you breathe : it
can't fail to reach the Fourco of the
trouble, itt bound to kill tato germs
and as for healing.up,tho sore placca
nothing can surpass Cat arrhozone.
If you don't get fnxtant relief nnd
ultimate cure you will at least get
back your looney for Catarrhozono
is guaranteed to cure catarrh in any
part of the system. You can run. no
r _ toe reforc use C atarrhozol:e-
at our expense it .not satisfied.
hl{ 1'.I'IIi••N ('otIN(;11.
• s•
Tho Councilof h Township L t l
Stephen met in the Town hall, Cred-
iton. on Monday, May 7, at 1 p. ID.
All members present. Minutes of
prct•ioult meeting read and adopted.
Audcreen-Yearley-That the ten.'
dor of Joseph Lawton for the con-
struction of the llud Creek Drain
:and its 'extensions be ncocptcd 11113
that a contract be prepared and exc•
cuted for the duo perform %nee of the
Anders: n-Finkbeincr - That the
Asse.smel,t (toll of 1906 as filed with
the Clerk be accepted and ihet the
ass i,.or, lir. Guinur, be paid the sum
of >S0.00.-U.rrricd.
Fink Leiner -Webb -Thal the Cour'
of Ittwisiott for Ilk .1 lapel Is tigaiatt
the Aswessurent [toll for the. 'fp. of
Stephen be held in the Town 'tail,
Crcdilou. on Sit Hotly. the 26th inst.
at 10 ci. m.-hirricd.
Fink beirer-Yearley -- 'feet Pelet
Mcileac he paid :35.00 for the burial
of Mr+. Eduiuu,l \\'ikon.-(kerrici.
AnderrOti 'hinklx•incr - That the
Tp. '1'rc,a•.urer tray to t he respective
parliee in the Tp. of Stephen. the
suns allowed to'1•Itent in ley -late' No.
7, of 1903 for allow arae on drains
acrd 1 n 1 he treasurer of t h- tp. of
\1cGiliivrtay the sutra in total for the
partied In teat township OR compen-
sation for damages to their resp'c-
tive lot s.--C.trtied
Resolved lhat gr'et•el contracts Ira
let in the Town 11111 on May, 20th at
1 p. nt.
The following nyder-t were passe,',
C. Prouty, gratuity, $25.00; Chas.
Kitt :1^ sell others, grading. $50.50:
Arc' .- cloture rent' others, grading.
rep. Essery's
bra <2.f.0; R. 3. Lovell & Co.
1►u.'. +0: ,1(aim floeszter. rep. E.
S. 1:. i' ,l,- ., PI. 0'1 : Alexander &
Cable Mud Creek drain, deb. & ptg.,
$4.00; A. \Vebb, tile across road. $1
Silas Uiajar'dinc, rep. bridge, con. 18,
50: Fronk Allister, filling in wash
out, $1.50; Jutnes Flynn, rep. Mud
Creek bridge -$1 25; John i(ey., work
on C. 1t. $1.25; Robt .G.ow'er, rep.
Mud Creek bridge. $1 : Cod. Walker
rep. London Rend, $2: Jonah Situs,
rep. culvert, 50c : Joe Motz. rep. cul
vert s, $13.50 ; Win. Redden, Brick
bats :and tootling. $9; A. Hooper,
lumbar, $28.73: A. Hooper, stone, N.
11., $1: Peter \Icl,ctae. Exp. re bur
lap of Mrs. 1•:d. Wilson, $25.09; Jos.
Curly l tt . As.eessor, $80.00: Good 'toads
Mnchinc.ry Co., repairs and expenses.
The Colleen adjonrceal to meet
again on Saturday, the 26th of Mfty,
1906, at 11) a. In.
Can't even etleep--restless day and
night -brooding over imagined trou-
till the time. The disease isn't in the
brain, but in the blood which is dein
and innutritious. Do the right thing
now and you'll be cured ,quickly.
Just take Ferrozonc; it turns every-
thing you eat into nourishmnet, con-
sequently, blcod containing lots of
iron and oxygen j4 formed. Ferro -
zone an ekes flesh. muscle. nerve-
stiengthe ie in a week, cures very
quickly. You'll live longer, feel
brighter, be free from melancholy
if you use Fcrrozone. Fifty cents
buys a box of this good tonna (fifty
chocolate coated tablets in every
box) at all dealers.
Council suet M.Iy 5t b• All (lit
members pre,.ent. The minute.; of
lite last meeting ecta reed and ap•
p noted •
The (ender of Wit. Connelly & Co.
to construct the \Vas1►burn drain for
$1858.00 wits accepted, contractor to
commence work •oo
to be lad
75 ear cent of the value
of work dote, ttdr•r:t'ver 11 least $300
, worth of wore is completed.
The contract to build three d ft.
, atoll cut tort t, .111d five smelt bridge.
''.shat cement concrete abutment gond
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quaine Tablets.eR On every
Seven 141llion boxes sold In pose 12 meths. .. T1.., signature, 77mm/' box. 5c•
Cures Grip
In Two Days.
K , •
same fi!W.1.
Mrs. It. II I :l. who ,k tery
last .• :LCC pie i •1 to sly.
able to be Or.
Hamilton 11 .l•. have got their
bo:. ai:oat -.
is Ian -num. -eel by spent./ .1
tt c r. by boat. '.t ut h `fact will no
daub; to :apereeettcd by ilia t:a`ople•
'11, • ilesek is beginleing do 'colt
(7 1t'.tll
,1S 1 he Bump:' vigil hills arc
til .alip:•arii::a. The iu,cutions ere for
to get the spite work done tbi.t v 'k
war:alt will , hen allow Mlle re.+i a.:
t b> floor to he rpl•:ced in position-
tto the next time Larry conies t
fish 1:e can .w•.tlk in the middle o1
the dock.
Mr. 11. Ilo=senberry Bias .the car-
penters completing ;Ilia hotel, .which
when completed will impr•ote the
ap►,1'arancl• of eur resort a good. drat
Fall w•ilrertt look.t fire. !here after
the late Sr cropT,.: :t'c
looking prtsperoua.
'1i,'• citizens of Grand Bend are in
a wtu•u:decry, at prcxvat, ort alccoUttt
of not knowing awthean to put in the
2'4ttt of .;.t.y. '1'Irey would like to
1 •eke in Cle: race:; at -Parkhill, also
the ;ug of war nt Exeter, and e=.lill
do not mutt to miss t•lt<' jumping
contest at Crcditou, but Zoe ever. 1
suppose tea may vis well slay at home
rind dry :nnd get .1 job on 'the dock
in the forenoon ."Ind then go out
o get
:tn.' woe Si G ren:i x tract!li rs' .,
hc•,r in 'rhe uftentcoon, still Exeter
ie a gcotl place to go.
'1' urIn.s tire beginning t
o urr•
al1naltly. Mr. llo=settberry hnvia,g re-
ce.iml word from t,copl(1 •.13 far •iw• ty
as 7linncepolin to deserve a•oa►ns 'for
Mr. Joseph Brenner ;has ,improved
his residence by building ,t la Wil .and
other improvements.
Often causes o good deal of trou
ble. The best entre is a prompt ap-
plication of Ncrviline which instantly
stops the pain, prevents swelling, re-
inoves all blackness and discolora-
tion. NorvItine is antisep,ia - pre-
vents blcod poisoning. NU liniment
ro tet rong, so peerI ating, so swift
to destroy train. You miss a lot of
comfort by not using I'olson's Ner-
vilitt<'. F orecctrly fifty years it has
been the standard family liniment of
El, IelVILL ii
Tato old paying .that rain on Easter
Sundrty brings rain on seven suc-
ceeding Sundays seems to be •hot3ing
good Ohio year, \cath nn extra fall
last Sunday.
Quite a number' around here de-
livered •their cattle to Hicks &
Coughlin, of Centralia, last \Vedncs-
Mr. Wm. Snell wart delivered some
fine cattle on Monday of this week.
Mr. Nelson Coultis sports :t new
wheel there times.
Mr. S .J. Pym has purchased n
new buggy. Times are looking up.
11r. Clara,* Snell, of London, is
visiting under the parental roof.
Rev. Fair buried the infant child
of Mr. and Mrs. James Siuires, of
Zion, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright spent Sun-
day the guests of her parents a..
The Epworth League will take
oharge of the service Isere Sunday
Not in The Same Class
A Warning to Ladies rvho
Us'! Package Dyes.
The Wells & Richer -613°n Co., Lim
led, Moitroal, manufacturers of the
wurl(t-f,ttucd DIAMOND DYES,
would slrc•cially w•aru all users of
Diamond Dyes as well as retail mer.
Chante that they have not the slight.
est ccontteotion with any,firin or com-
bination with people who are now
putting up weak and adulterated
Lockage dye'> for 'tome tis:.
The trtanufactut•ere of Diamond
Dyes, for their o'.vn interests, :and
for the welt:tre and protection of
tens of thousands of C.:nadian wo-
men, find it recess::ty to denounce
the reports circulated by manutac.
tures:% of certain crude dyes that
. •, • .
11' 11C ..
their oxl are u up according
t t
p u
to the formul:-n of the UTA\ION1)
Dl' F.S.
The adulterated (!ye.4 manufactur.
ed by .•speculators (jealous of the
sucocss of Diamond Dyes). are not in
the mine alis with the popultr
Diamond Dyes.
ova .ave. 1 To insur'' complete success in home
Dia -
13. C°os\srvr GYls�'3, r sand serk buy
ll a..
cyte,. .�' ;Mond Package Dyes appear on every
gu atinl,•tto�so� o1. t'�enWells & Itiolr•Irdson Co., Limited.
labor ore -ft paiwed, snood nn entre'. Montreal, P. Q., will lend freta to
Account t .a mount ins .to $72.10 were a11y nddreFs their new Ilircctieri Rook
p'Irscal and orders issued in payment. S-imples of Dyed Cloth, ;Ind Verte
Court of Revision of Go Assess St orey, entitled "The Lem:dobtt'.'
anent atoll for 1900, will lea stead at 'trip to the. i:londike."
Tp. 11.11, Iairnviile. on antur<lay,
June 2nd, at 11.30 o'clock its the fore.
The reeve nnd 1re,asurcr were nu•
thorized to borrow money to meet
cun•cnt expenses.
Next meeting of Council sl''ll In
held on .lune 2nd, after Court of
1'. \IORL,iY. Clerk.
But nevertheless you feel prctty
"seedy." Best preset:ption is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills: they tone up the
entire system, strengthen lh estom•
ach, elevate your spirits nnd make
you feel better in one day. it's by
cleaning 11,0 body of tootles, by puri-
fying and enriching the blood that
Dr. llarnilton's fills nccomplish Iso
inmate Very mild, exceedingly
prompt, snd guaranteed in every
edge. Your druggist sells Dr. Ham-
ilton's Mlle of Mandrake and But-
ternut in yellow boxes, 2:•c. coal. or
five for $1.00. ('st th egennine.
(lit,\NI) BEND
' hole.% ns if r, 11 1y Ides ante
fit ^ w5al her now wbieU will be very
eccelonblc after the cold twcather
ea here been h tvin;t .lately.
( 1... f of Police Oliver cpear d .1
fugitive from justice who left Gode-
riah on Saturday night, the Chief
c.Ipiu.ring him on Mondry morning,
sending him up to Code:kb the
Here's Just the RIS
Bowel Laxative
Gentle, Sure -Pleasant to Take...11
Tried and True, Genuine,
Nature's Remedy.
tt you do not hate free. ea+r end reirtilar
mavements 01 the bowels you lack the prime cod
first essential of rood health. There's mote
harm done than mere onromfortablef' t, sing-:
glahoc+s and billow-, ness-rrtentlon of food
wastes In the bowels/ :>• pnlltes.lrrltatcsand
i ob*ona. You make• the circuiatorl ay+
tem -the bloat --a/ - 'I ,•� areotrQr iotteal
of a fountain or (1' 1'•trestltfeaNtuo•
tainted viten.,/ The Ills of con•'
it, cot trifling but
atlp:.tlon aro - ' arc fniufiht
with rtla•Acs t - , "� nittcAOCe.
with v 1 t n l . silt
Beek your .', relief In
Nature: r' o':•-..,..4.,/, Accept the
RRentle.ratur.l. '.1;: a td ofiws-etsi
)te Sur•' Bei L:'
,r force a n d
crowd the ilea , f r a l 0 orraas o f
thoatomach'. �' :�stotdnlltheden-
gor of tnwerfra 4 and unknown med-
tc• nesi YMrr +0feew \. and your health are
r.1 -..2>a secured -as -nu -a k e iAZ•et+. The
formula 1st-Arc/ivy box -show It to your fam-
Ly t hreletan. Los-ct, are put up la a flat metal
r.«' in handy tablet form --one tablet taken be -
fare meals or on retiring Maar+ bring+ relief.
I'a••aains to take --the most potent pet gentle of
ea temeetins-a genuine help c•f Nature's -or
bower laxative which cures eo0stipaUon. Rio'
amlmended and for aale Ds
\V. S. /fowl:.
A Tinle When Women Are Susceptible to Man
Dread Diseases ---Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate Their Experiences.
Tho "change of 111,.' is
the most critical peri.el of
a w•ent1ri ti exirtenee, and
the anxiety (••it by women
as it times near is not
without 1tav)11.
Every swuatan W110 ne-
glects the taro of I:. -t•
health at this time fnwite;
disease and pain.
When iter system is in
a deranged condition, or
she is pretlisposed to ItpO-
plexy, or congestion of
any organ, the tendency is jj
at this period likely to (e-
come active -and with a e r
host of nervous irritations, f.p
stake life a burden. .\t
this time, also, cancers aril ,e 'an
tumors are more liable t ! la
forth and begin their •'•.
tructivo work.
Such warning symptoms
as sense of suffocation, hot
hashes, headaches, I►ae:k-
aches, dread of impending
evil, timidity, sounds in
the ears, palpitation of the
heart, sparks before the
eyes, irregularities," con-
stipation, v:liable appetite,
w•eakne'', inquietude,
and dizziness aro promptly
heeded by iute!;ligent wo-
men who are apltrvaehing
the period in Itfe when
Ivo:tiein t great change may
bo expected.
Lydia F. Pinkham's
pound was prepart'd to ate• t tits needs
ut woman's system at this trying period
of her^llfe. IL invigorates and t=tr.nglli-
ens the female organism and builds up
the weakened nervous system.
For special advice regarding this im-
portant period w'otiten are invited to
write to Mos. Piikhaut, at Lynn, Mose,
and it will be furnished absolutely free
of charge. The present Mrs. I'inkhaut
is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink -
ham, her assistant before her decease,
and for twenty-five years since her advite
has been freely given to sick women.
head what LvJia E. Pinkham's Com-
pound di.1 for Mee l'owleic and Mra.
Mandl :
Dear Mrs. Pinkhant
"In my opinion there is no medicine
made for worsen which can compare with
Lydia E. I'inkharn't Vegetable Compound,
and you have no firmer friend in the Domi-
nion than I am. Mettle Wee of change of
life I suffered until I was nearly crazy,and
was not Ilt to live with. 1 was so irriable,
irrational and nervous that I was a torrnpn
to myself and other,. 1 surely though
y s. before that I would loco my reason g
through, when fortunately an old friend
recommended your Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E. Plakham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall.
t•. ,k it for live ur.,nths null then oil' and
011111161 the keen ti penis! hot pascd, and it
restored me to protect health. My advice
r • your \ egetab e
r n•• women %
t snR'c i t e
n } 1
Compound, and they will nut he dieap-
poinLtil."-`lto. E. 1 un•h=•>. Deseronto, Ont.
Another Woman's Case.
Dear Mrd. Pinkltam
"As I owe nay splendid health to Lydia
E. l'inkltattl s Vegetable Compound, I aril
very pleased to waste and tell you my expe-
rience with it. 1 tun the mother of Bee
children grown to womanhood, and hal
safely passed the change (Able, and feel as
young And as i tr.n1: a+ 1 did twenty years
ago, and 1 know that this is all due to your
woman's friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's \ ege-
table Compound. 1 used it before inj'
children were born, and it greatly assisted
nature and saved me notch pain during the
change of life. I look it oil' and on, for
four years, and had but little trouble and
sickness that most worsen have to ehdurc."
-Mrs. James K. Mann, 306 Bathurst St.,
Toronto, (unada.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl
Compound did for Mrs. Powlcag an
Mrs. Mann, it will do for other wome
at this time of life.
It has conquered pain, restored health
and prolonged life in cases that utter'',
baffled physrciane.
According to tho report of the
assessor the population of Clinton Even if you can't work
2.435. -
Whenever your bowels skip a day
without a movement -take a LAX=
ET. 1Vhenev'er your breath is bad-
your skin waxy, or sallow -your ton-
gue cooled -your brcaih foul -take a
LAX -ET only 5 cents. Sold by \V,
S. I1 owes.
,lames ,'loss, of Myth. teas appre-
hended at Grand !lend on Monday of
last week, o arged with assaulting
and was brought before the P. 31. in
Godcrioh on Tuesdiy, and pleading
{suilay was fined $1 and costs, the
costs .amounting to about $20.
if you prefer to take tnedicina in
tablet form you stn now obtain Di.
Shoop's itest.arntite Tablets. Abso-
lutely no change has been cnado in
r.wdical ingredients. Sold by
W. 8.• ltowey.
A treading in which Clintonians
are interested t ook place at titohome
of Mr. Robert Crawford,'lulletl. on
the 2nd, when his youngest daughter,
hiss Carrie, became tete wife of Mr.
J. Ed. Johnston, of Blyth. Tler bride
Ives for some time a resident in Clin-
ton, where she was held in the higb-
ee, esteem and the8 roomsmor is
well known os a former resident of
this town, being n brother of Mr.
John Johnson, h-irness maker. A
number of guests tstrticipated in the
wedding festivities, the setvilro.' being
trcrfoe'mod by Rev. Mr. Ander'on, of
Illyllt. The young couple nt once
iroccetiod to their home in Blyth,
and the best swishes of their many
friends go with them in life'.! jour-
These who love taken other laza
lives without satisfaction -and those
w ho love. taken such quantities of
o:11ie'r I:txati%cs that they ilavc lost
their effect -will find n pleasant
surprise in LAX-ETS, There is usu•
ally no p:tin, griping, nausea or dis-
comfort even in revere cn:at'a. This
candy laxative--1..',X-En:S-1e only 501
and is sold by \V. J. Howey.
Mr. Henry Lipplr:erdt, assessor of
Illy lownehip. Iris completed the roll
for 11'06. The following s( ttistire
art culled from it : Number on roll,
994; :ores in township, 52,490; land
clawed, 11,768 acres; woo/Ilona, 4.0110
acres; swamp, 0,722 acres: value of
I tnd, $1,531.710: value of buildings,
$722,36:1; business tax. $25,823: in-
come 1.1x, $12,335; total a.
Accident le
nt &
Surety Lo
Will allow you $50 a month
while disabled by accident or
sickness, if you have one of
their policies.
A Canadian Con 'ern.
W. JOHNS, Agent, Exeter.
' o'■■/
1 4 , !1.\, ' r 11 1 ..
t.r �.^m!I'r .01111± 't .. , f
inti:' -';ii 11,11 • (i.t:4 "!'t
\1. J. 11EAMAN, Agent, Exeter.
$_,'211,235; ohildeen ngcd 5 to 21,
1036; ci ged 5 to 16, 907; total popu-
'atien. 3,443; number of mllc persons.t g:•11 21 to 60, 680.
Often-tirncs in the sudden illness
of children if a reliable remedy is
available fatal ooneequence can bo
avoided. For hcFe emergencies par•
ents are urged to have 1t hand for
immediate use Dr. Shoop's Diptheria
Cure, Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, Dr,
Shoop's \Vornt Cure, Ur. Shoop's
Pain i anecca• Children's ailment3
(cmmnd promptness above all else.
There is nothing harsh or taut can
possibly harm in nn}' of thew, excel.
lent housoltold medicines. Soli by,
W. 8. Ilost•0y.
••••••N•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••w
(incorporated by Act of Parliament 1`;",51
U .• $3e000.000.00
• $3.000.000 00
19 Branches to Ontario, goo bre. Alberta British Columbia and Manitoba
• Open every Lawful Day from Ill 3. NI.'', 3 r, M. except Saturday 10 A. s. to 1 P. M.
Fnrrttor& Sato Notese cashed or coilert!d. Forms supplied
On application. DI:AI Ta on all point* in the Dominion. Ureal Britain and Um
Ited States, bought and hold at lowest rates of exchange,
Dcpoeltrs of 191.00 ar13 upwards receival. interest com-
ponttded heat yesrley• and sacred lo prfnctlal June VII and December 31st. 1)e•
po.lte Itorclpts ol.o t*,•ued and htghc't current rate. of Intero.at allowed.
Acivnticct" made so fattnets stock dealers and 'eminent men at
lotce't rat.' and en most fsa%orahle terms. Ager'. at Tarter for Dort. (lr.cernment,
Dickson at Carling, S,licitorr. N. D. HUI2DON, Manager,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••