HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-17, Page 5Zt*•'••�•:".:••: •:.•9::•Cray 'C•s4's►9 t.ilU1 PLt1G SCIATICA. .A Sure and Certain Way ro � HEALTH 1 Curt This Terrible Torture. Title is just one sure, scientific cure • t tot c,•lulica, rheumatism, lumbago, nate . raloria, headaches — you lutist drive the pain Irani your blood and nerves with Ur. Williams' fink Pills. Liniments never cure nerve and blast diseases. 11r. \Villiums' Pink 1'lls strike right straight at the cause because They ac- tt:aily make new blood. Through the Lioud they conquer the painful poison, soothe the nerves, 'loosen the muscles and banish every ache and pain. Mr. 'Phos. J. Etsell, Walkerton, Ont., says: "When I began using Dr. Williams Pink I'ills 1 had been off work for three mouths. The cords of my right leg were all drawn up and 1 could only Torp along with the aid of a stick. The pain 1 suffered was terrible. Only those who have been afflicted with sci- atica can understand the misery 1 was m both day and night. 1 took six boxes of Ur. Williams' fink Pills be- fore they helped me, but (.iter that every day saw 811 improvenlent, and by the time 1 had used fifteen boxes, ev- ery vestige of the pain had disappeared!. 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing Dr. \\ illinnms' Pink Pills the best medicine in the world for sciatica." Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes rich, pure, health -giving blood. That is why they cure headaches and backaches, indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, anemia, heart palpita- tion, and the Ills that afflict worsen only. But be sure you gel the genuine tills with the full ,dame. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. Imitations are worthless—often dangerous. All niedicine dealers sell these pills or you cnn get them by mail at 50 cents a box 0r six boxes for 82.50 by writing The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PNEUMONIA. Trough modern medical science has decided that pneumonia is an infectious disease that fuel need not terrify it one take a lith: trouble to ]can some- t::ing about the disease. It is Ilt'oduced Ly u special microbe the existence t f which is so common in the mouth of even healthy individuals that it is con- sidts&d almost us a normal inhabitant of 1111 upper part of the digestive tract. Cne ileasr n why the saliva of a human it ing is likely to prove fatal to animals if injected subcutaneously is because ttspecial property of ttie germ is 10 ace lyse whenever it gains entrance directly under the tissues. It floes not produce a purulent inflammation in pneumonia. because it lies on the mucous nu-. oilman° -of he lungs, but does rot gain an entrance 1010 the tissues. S(01011nle5 it finds its way into the blood but does not produce serious results unless the patient is much run down. From these facts it cnn be seen that the problem of the method by which pneumonia is contracted is exceedingly difficult. The presence of the germ !S not sufficient alone to produce the dis- ease, but there must he a certain pre- disposition on the part of the patient, followed by the deposition of this germ cn a mucous membrane. Though the method of the distribution of the disease is not known definitely it is acquired by mingling with crowds at a time when one is extremely tired, 0r when, for some reason or other, 1110 in- terval since taking food has been longer than usual. Dr. Anders, who is an authority on climatology, says in an article on lo- bar pneumonia:—"rhe coincidence of es - ti', 1i2ty temperatures, high baromet- ric pi..: re, the direction and velocity of the wind and maximum mortality flour pneumonia is so uniformly con- stant as to suggest a close and direct relation between their combined influ- ence and the progress of mortality from pneumonia. "But," he adds, "the ma - hor influence exerted by the seasons, owever, is probably not direct, that Ivy a lowering of the bodily telnperature resistance due to the low temperature, high barometric pressure, direction and velocity of the wind, etc., but indirect, namely, by bringing about that effec- tive element in the causation, concen- tration and increased virulence of the specific poison in consequence of closed doors and windows and lack of tree ventilation." From these facts we see that we may procure immunity from pneumonia 1•y healthy living, and that sanitary condi- tions are needed rather than protective serums. The Japanese give 118 a lesson in this, for they are essentially a peo- -Fle who live in fresh air and sunshine. Personal cleanliness is another factor rn the prevention of tuberculosis and pneu- monia, which are house diseases. A mows SOK& Weird Occurrence Is Reported Natal, South Attica. A weird occursencc which happened recently ut Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Is &eluted by F. \V. 1'itzSinnuuns, of the Natal Government DIuseulll. "One evening a few months ago," he says, "the dour of one of the rooms in my house %teas closed and locked in a most mysterious manner. This dour had never before been locked, as there sever was any occasion to do so, and the key was always in the outside of the door lock. "On examining it f found the key had been removed and inserted into the other side of the lock, the door was locked and the key still reinainevl in the tick. Suspecting a practical joke, I went round to the window, but found it shut and barred. "I called witnesses to examine and see for themselves, but they could of- fer no explanation other than that it it was done by human agency the per- son who did it must of necessity be in- side the room. "We agreed to break the window, which 1 did, and inserting my arm, un- f:.stened the catch and entered, fully expecting to find someone inside, but no one was there, and no one could possibly have slipped out unawares, for there were guards at the window. "The following evening at a seance held in the same house, we were in- formed that a spirit was present, who desired to write a message. 1 signifie',1 my willingness. and the medium's Land automatically wrote with lightning rapidity the following. "I see you are sorely puzzled to ac. count for what occurred last evening. 1 hope you will forgive me, for it was who did it. "'Don't you remember bow 1 used to declare before I passed over that 1 would return, and if at all possible, 1 would give you some convincing test? You know how keen 1 was on psychical i•henomena and tests when I was with you. ale. (Signed) Frederick Brown.' "Mr. Brown," adds Mr. FilzSimmons, "was an intimate friend of mine, who tot a couple of years had been one of my colleagues in the practical in- vestigation of the proofs of spirit re- turn and spirit identity. Ile died about sly months before the above occurrence." From TREPHINING RELIEVES BRAIN. Man Who Was insane for Two Veers is Finally Cured. To use his own words the fast two years have been "as a night" to Conrad Koenig, a young business man of '1h- 0.nqua, Penns. Ills experience has, it is said, been without precedent, and is ewakening great interest in medical cir- cles alt over the country. Two years ago, while Koenig was walking along the street on a blustery winter morning, he slipped and fell on the ice, striking violently on his bead. Ile was partially stunned, but soon re- covered and thought little of the acci- dents A few weeks later he became mo- rose and manifested lapses of memory. His condition rapidly became more seri- ous, and in a short time he became a raving maniac. Ills family is one of the wealthiest in Tamaqua, and he was token to various sanitariums and place - ed under treatment, but all to no avail. Finally it becnine necessary to place hint in an insane asylum. As a last resort Dr. A. B. Fleming, a ge aduate of the Medico -Chirurgical Col - I( ge of Philadelphia. was called in on the case. He carefully went over his history, learned of Koenig's fall two years ago and decided that the disorder of his brain was due to a depression of the skulk superflcinl examination tended to confirm this theory, and lie decided to trephine the skull. With the assistance of other surgeons, Dr. Flemming perform- ed the operation. Willi a conical tre- phine auger he bored a hole in the back of the head nt the spot where the cen- tre of visual and muculnr memories is located. The auger is so constructed that it penetrates the skull bone and removes a circular piece of the bone. whirl the {.hysicians cull a ballon. Four of these buttons were removed, each about an inch from the other. Then Dr. Fleming chisted out the square piece of bone. Ile found that the inner Inble of the skull lord been depressed about an eighth of an inch. This depression irritdTed the brain and finally brought about insan- ity. When Koenig recovered from the ti - fret of the ether he find Inhaled he snnk into a deep. peaceful sleep. and finally awoke somewhat dazed. This gradunl- ly wore off, and he took the the threads of memory where he had dropper) thein. almost two years ago. Ile nskrvl about certain details cnnneeled with his busi- ness. and abort certain matters in which he hnd been interested. Slowly, hut si.rety. his mind clarified, and he asked it he hnd been OI. When told thnt tie hnd, he inquired how long. Ile evinced peal surprise. and said thnt he hnd no reeolleetinn whntever of what hnd trnnsnired slnre about six weeks follow- init the time that he fell on the pave- ment. Ile inquired as 1n what hnd oc- curred during the lust fwn years. like a man would who hnd been nn n lone_' Journey. Ills fnrnily is nnw engaged In felling form thine to lime whet Irons• pircd in thnt period when tie was n rnnn without a mrmnry. Koenig is still confined to his room. unit 11 is Thought that it will be pop - elide for him to be about ngain in n few weeks. His mental disorder Is entire- ly cured. WOMEN WHO SUFFER SHOULD READ THIS SHE WAS CURED OF FEMALE TROUBLES BY DODD'S KID- NEY PULLS. GENTIAN AS A CURE FOlI MALARIA. lroot of gentian, often used as a tec, is considered in many malarial countries a remedy against intermittent fever. Especially is (his the case in Corsica in that section of the island near the town of Merin, which is infested with malaria. The inhabitants recently protested violently against the introduc- tion of quinine on the part of the medi- cal authorities. declaring that they would not abandon the remedy which had been used among the islanders for centuries, namely, the gentian root either powder - ,'d or simply masticated. Tancret de- clared that he has extracted from this root a hitherto unknown sultstance, which belongs to the chemical classifica- tion of glucoses. This he calls genziom- cline, and experiments in the laboratory prove that it possesses the same delet- otious action upon the malaria bacillus es does quinine. here. then, we have •another example of how popular instinct ellen anticipates with certain sureness the discoveries of science. Am AND SKIN. if people would only realize that air is the chief food of the skin, they would understand how very important a con- stnnt supply of it is to health, and. therefore, to the looks. Small wonder that when we go n railway Journey we arc semi -asphyxiated owing to the oisssmanner in which our fellow -travellers insist on shutting both windows. If rcople would only accustom their lungs to receive constant instalments of fresh air, there would not be n half nor a tenth sort of the susceptibility to chill mid catarrh that now exists. e ww mg n•,.av uvtl apo,: lMina. een T. sw.ce.rwrs.rwiw.wrr •.,.1,...n....•,.Ml. W co.,,..... a.., •w•••HW�•4.4,a) i GUARANnto PERFECTLY PURE,CIENUINE.St MEEMew ADULTERATION AllDUltpsw eureoeILCD TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY TO AATONL ,INDINO CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. E 1 ■ Tour Molloy Refunded by the dealer from whom you bur Sun- light Soap if you and any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. $5,000 reward will be paid Loony person who proves that 13unitshtaoap contains any injurious chemicals er any form of adulteration. Equally good with hard or soft water. Levert !teethes* Limited. Toreisto sill .... AN AMUSING STORY. How a Bishop Took Advantage of King's Promise. Winchester Cathedral, which, accord- ing to all official statement, is in peril of becoming a ruin, was the scene of a serious collapse quite early in its his- tc ry. On October 7, 1107, the centre (ewer fell, d the monkish attributed the collapse t the chroniclers that the tett int the! c cathedral. Williammliam Rufus as oflnter- Mal- mesbury, however, reluctantly confessed tbnt it would probably have fallen in any rase, "through imperfect construction. Att amusing story is told about the building of the structure, twenty years previously, nn the site of the Saxon Cathedral. The King granted the Rish- er) hech t�couhlod elm t he Forest of cutin four days ford nights. The Bishop gathered to- gether a small nru►y of men and cut: clown the whole foresll They Made a New Woman of Iter and She Blesses the Day She First Heard I` of Them. Newmarket, Ont., May 7.—(Special).--- The case reported below is another of the 'nary thousands of Instances of Dodd's Kidney Pills cooling to the rescue of weak, suffering women. Mrs. M. Dover, of this place, says "I'or more than three years 1 suffered from weakness and female trouble brought on Through my kidneys failing to act properly. I was bothered with n pain in the small of my back, head- aches, dizzy spells, heart flutterings, depression, loss of sleep, poor appetite and a terrible dragging sensation as if a weight was fastened round my loins. 1 tried doctors and took all kinds of medicines, but nothing seemed to do nue ony good. Then a neighbor told me of Dodd's Kidney Pills and advised ale to try them. 1 did so and after laking six boxes I am entirely cured." BLINDED BY WAVING TREES. APENDICITIS. Nor-a•days there is a tendency to op- erate on every case of appendicitis. All we can say is that is is as great a mis- take to rush hastily for n surgeon in such crises ns it is to put of( sending for IIIc physician when the patient is i11. Hundreds of eni:es recover with opera- tion, and some few only get tetter niter an operation has been performed. In the simpler cases medical Treatment Atone Is required, but this must he car- ried out with extreme care and watch- fulness. Willi ATE DOGS \II? \T. 111110 A remaeke ble charge was merle against a husband the outer day al the Alnrlehnne, ;London), Police Court. His wife was granted 11 sepnralion order. Mrs. Ilia nil, wife of a draughtsman, 1:h ing at itaneingh road, Leytonstone, laid her husband hail kept her so short of money that 011 one occasion she achy oils hn,l lo eat dogs' food. On several occasions she declared he hnd conceal• alt himself in the dark null then jumped Nit upon her to frighten her. besides m hirh he had tried lo strangle her. had nicked her, and smacked her, and had 'ret a dog upon her. rOl.ter COURT AT A TAVERN. The only place in the country w here the police court business is conducted it a public house is at Rlolleld. Nor- lk. England. This hr.s been going on hr 1(0 years, and the brewer: hnte pinde no charge In the nulhnrities for {tic use of I110 room. A new court house Is now reedy for occupation, anti the magistrates are leaving their old quar- ters with a feeling of r•esreL The Kinks and Twists in Rheumatics Rugged (toad. — For 4 years the wife of a well-known Toronto physician was on crutches from Rheumatism Scourge, mid not until she began using South American Rheumatic Cure could she get a minute's permanent relief from pain. Four bottles cured her. Write for con- firmation i{ you're sceptical. -154 IMMO When a girl deliberately lets a young man see , her hair in curl papers it is timefor l him to transfer his affections. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm I:xternlintor because they know it is n sate medicine for the children and an effectual expeller of worms. Lady: "Are you not ashamed to be begging on the streets?" Beggar: "Weil, yes. I'd sooner do it in the pul- pit or at a church bazaar, but fate is against me." TONS or mom consumed each year in ma. Sine In "Ferrmtm," the best tonic, it is so t rssand osicklr.ajpoible nurriebment and benefit m it. Hundreds Employed in English Factory Have Odd Grievance. Two hundred and thirty people, em- ployed al a lace factory at Long Eaton, near Nottingham, England, have a re- markable grievance. Opposite to the factory is a cemetery. in which there are several ornamental trees, and the 1vorkpeople complain that they are losing their eyesight ow- ing to the "blinking' light caused when rho branches of the trees wave in the wind. One old roan declares that he le nearly blind, and it is impossible for him to see to do his work on a windy dny. The grievance is not n new one. in IS'.ni it was raised, and a poll of the ratepayers was taken on the question AN AiD TO \fOTIiERG. Baby's Own Table's is the very bast medicine in the world for curing the minor niln►en1s of babies aptd young children. 1t is the best Is'cnuse it is ab- solutely harmless. 1t is the best be- cause it never fails to effect n cure. A few Closes relieves and cures constipa- tion. indigestion, colic, diarrhea and simple fevers. It breaks up colds—thus preventing croup --expels wornis and brings teething without tears. Not one particle of opiate or poisonous soothing stiff is in this medicine. Mrs. Hugh 11. Denton, Mcotchtown. N.B., says : "1 have used Baby's Own 'Thiels end have niweys found then) a stisfnctory medicine." You cnn get the Tablets from any medicine denier or by mail at 25 cents n box from The Dr. \\'illinms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wife (wearily) . "Woman's work is never done." Husband (struggling with a buttonless shirt collar): 'that's Just what 1 thought." whelrher the trees should be cut down. The vole was in favor of the trees be- ing allowed to rennin. Two years ago the subject was reviv- ed, but nothing wens done to remedy Ihr grievance. and now the Urban Dis- t' iel Council has again been approached with the view of having the trees felled. Some of the councillors say that it blinds were filled to the factory the %living of the trees would be harmless I't the w•orkpeople. TRAINING FOR Dl -FLS. Frenchmen Practice on Each Other With !follow Bullets. 9G -YEAR -01.1) RARY. The death has just occurred al West- l.ury \Workhouse, \\'lltstere, Fnglnnd, nt a forty -six-year old holey. The child ons born in \Vicethury. and nt the age f twelve mnnlll5 OS (Miller develop- ment, loth physically and !Bente Iiy. was nrrested. Throughout its life 11 was nllirtvl in baby's frock eInthee. and con- tinued 10 net and play. nod had to t e fed and taken cure of, precisely as an Infant. Finest Climate In Canada. THE BEST LAND In Canada for MIXED FARMING THAT'S CENTRAL ALBERTA. W rtte Secretary. Board of Tra e, EDMONTON AL$ERTA, For Information About it Please Mention this Paper eddtu1Luv1tattOns SEEMS OBVIOUS NOW. "Do you think two can live as cheaply as one 7" "Before my marriage 1 thought they could." "And afterward?" "Afterward 1 found they had to." A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. — The consumption of Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oi has grown to great proportions. nolwithstnnding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thir- ty-one years, its prosperity is os great RS ever, and the dentinal for it in that period hos very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wher- ever introduced fresh supplies are con- stantly asked for. Merchant : "Your former employer tells the you were the quickest elerk bl the place." Applicant for situation (doubtfully): "Yes sir?" Merchant : "lie saws you could put the books into the sate, lock up, and start for dome in just a trifle over a minute and twenty seconds." Stumbling Wrecks!—Undone and over- done! Discouraged and desolate! Ema- ciated nerve wrecks! Not one of you is too deep down in the mire of disease but the story of such n potent remedy as South American Nervine cnn reach you and lift you back to gond health, It's nature's trusted lieutenant, gentle, but firm and unflinching. It never fails. —156 Ilaven't you noticed that the man who tells you how you cnn make a fortune in short time is seldom able to show a lank balance of more than three figures? Do Not Delay. — When. through de- bilitated digestive organs. poison finds its way Into the the od. tpoisonuae ma! onn sitlet'nlion is 10 gel rapidly and ns thoroughly ns posible. Palm may mean disnsler. Parmelee's If yon are going to re- quire WeddingStatton- ery of any kind consult us about this important matter. Our long experience In producing work of the highest class for the ■most discriminat- ing patrons has brought us to the point where we are regarded as authorities. The correct style in station- ery, as dictated by fashion. Is o always ayea- graving s on hand at " The Bookshop, " andgraving is above criticism. It is worth while finding out what exetreme- ly high-grade Wedding Stationery tura out at desirable prices. In asking for prices please state probable quantity. Wm. Tyrell & Co. "THE BOOKSHOP" 7 and 9 Ring Street Bast, Toronto. %PEDLAR'S STEEL CEILINGS Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for Rouses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to utast Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or (all off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. in Heart Disease It Works Like Magic —"For years my greatest enemy was organic Ileart Disease. From uneasi- ness and palpitation it developed Into ahnormal action, thumping, fluttering and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave instant relief, and the bad symptoms have entirely disappeared. It is a wonder -worker." —Rev. L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa. -153 Lady Caller : "is Mrs. Newcome al homer Irish Maidservant : "Wait a minute, noun, till 1 get a look at you. 11 you've a big nose and a sear near the right eye, she isn't_" IMAM IMP se wear lawn .Lane sopa, bat is best whoa and tie Saskight way, *q gaslight Soap aalblellew dies.tLsaa. Housekeeper : "Do you love ehit- dren?" Applicant: "It all depen,ls on the wages, ma'am r vegetaldc pills will be found a In 081 valuable and effective medicine 10 n8- snil the Intruder with. They never fail. 'they go of once totheathe trou- ble and work a permanent cur \linnle : "\\'hal fronds these beggars ere! f mel a blind man who said. 'Please give ale a penny. beautiful lady."' Mnoir : "Yes. he said that 10 make you think he really was blind." Parisians have been enabled by the in- vention of a hnllnw bullet to "train" for duels meter the realistic condition t•I shooting at and being shot by, n living In*tend of practicing at an 111111111111110 target. which does not fire back. Dr. Deirliers is the inventor. and he has opened a club called, "La Societe I'Assnut nn Pistetet," Forty of the hest "shots" in Paris fired in pairs et one another one morning lust week in the Jnrdin de fuer'. Of 272 shots tired. 2412 hits were record- ed. Conunnndnnl Ferrus and Mr. Win - ens call made {till scores. and in the flnnl round shot each other over the lienrt. While all wore goggle, end some prtlded blouses rind gloss. Mr. \\'innne shot In his buttoned frock cont. The bullet Is harmless. and can be used sev- eral eweral times, but the blow on the ball ;f the thumb of one of the contestants re- ruir:d surgical treatment. The training is of unique value for e teal duel. \len win never missed a ",iend" Int get were quite disconcerted 1 y the raising of their opponent's ants to Ore. LAZY 01T1 BORR9, painful And disflgurinr Will nut linger longe after treatment with Wearer • Cerate has Leen begun : Also. cleanse the blood with wwT.r's Syrup. i10\V Pi1IFS'1:S LIVE IN SIBERIA. The hest paid clergy in Sieerin get shout 1,-6410 n yens, while the poorer clergy have often to beg for their trend. They have notch to dn. There Is morays n service !between ar ur twoothti er erre cel ve in the morning. In the day. There roust he n sell ice on the birth of n chill and al the death of anyone In the parish. All new build- ings. schoolhouses. bridges, nn() boats must be blessed; children beginning al n school terns ore tressed, male n lime n{ peetih'nce or peril there rills: tee roe- linuons prayer. All priests 'finis& Inst 220 days in the year, a mo iia'tie ' priests fire macer M cal mejj�':; A tortes( cannot Indulge in theatre going. drink- ing, card -playing, or dnneing. "1 like to !rear n baby cry." said a trusty old bachelor. "\Why'" "Reeause then the little nuisance Is taken out of the room." Made to fit any size room and can he nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped front our warehouses painted all ready to apply. OtR CATAIAGI'E, NO. 44 C, DE4CRIBE. MAN1' i)F.t;IG.NS. WRiTE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE n 1 W� O415 16itNi19, M. toitidoii, Oiu. Y{I�►Olp�, *a . Ya'�icotivtr,B.O. !WWI, Craig OSt.. 4 i Colborne st 69 nund:�y at. 7B Lombard ■t. 615 Pander at. Sussex .t. 11 Cu� 'r i tit. Y3 Y L a 767 K I Milli& YOUR NEAREST OFFICi,. Oshawa, Ont., Canada Head Office and Works, LANDS In Western Canada Two nonsocial sections, selects ed IAnde 4s Saakalcbewan, only 1 miles from two railways. C.P.B. i O.T.F. Strung soil, 90 per Dent. plough land, spring creek, so slough* Writefor map and nil particu About lars- Head. Price 110.50 per r• R. PARSONS, 9u Wellesley Street, Toronto. Gude. - — - Mrs. Hilly : "Is Mrs. Swill/ger at home?" Servant: "No, ma'am; she went out to call 00 you." Mrs. Hilly: "flow very fortunate for us both." Where can 1 get some of ilolloway's (:orn Cure? I was entirely cured of my ccrns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. \Vise: "Haven't you got a job yet?" Potter: "No; I'm still waiting for some- thing to turn up." Wise: "Huh! Your sleeves are what you need to turn up.' The Great Serpent of All Diseases.— Kidney disease ony well be called the "bon conslricler"' disease, unsuspecting and unrelenting, it gets the victim in it-, coils and gradually tightens tin we it crushed out, but the great South American Kidney Cure treatment has {•►owed its power over the monster,and no matter how firmly enmeshed. it will release, heal and cure. -158 Some persons have periodical attacks of Canadian) cholera, dysentery nr di- nrrhern, and have to use great precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change , f waler. cooking, and green fruit, is euro to bring on the tacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial ns being the Most Medicine in the market for nil summer complaints. 1f n few drops were taken in water when the synlptnins arc no- ticed no further trouble will be experi- enced. Wife: "Never mind if you bore (ailed. dear. 1 have SI, (I0 sawed up from the pin•nlnnry 111111 you hove given ►ne from time to little." 11ushnnit joy hilly): "You make aur feel ensirr. What a help'" Wife; "Italy! 1 should say so. \Vhy. ori This rnnney 1 cnn keep up my wardrobe for n year or fro to come." CARPET DYEING ..e (hunter- Tina M a seeeiartr .1t5 15. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Oa sed partloat.re by post .al we .m ear. tow Wel 1adr.es Ma .Ia. I.sstre•&. dence and i'll take the sap nut of you. Do you understand ?'' said the teacher. "i twig," said the boy, nod then the regular order of business proceeded. Prevent Disorder. — At first symp- toms of inlernnl disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable !'ills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these salutary pellets, taken before going to t.eti, followed by doses of one nr two rills for two or three nights in succes- sion will serve as n preventive of attacks or dyspepsia and tilt the discomforts which follow in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. WISDOMS WIiISPERS. Humility often exists more strongly in the Imagination than in reality. Building castles in the nir requires little in the way of enpitnl investment. Make the best use of what you have and thus prepare for what may pns'i- t'ly come a(lerwnrd. fnnflnunl fnull finding creates dissnt- i,faetinn without bringing any sane- fectory result. Politeness is n quality which pro. duces n stamp that is as distinct as it is plensa 'Cha w'rnl.n1►gdner folishly hugs the de- lusion that forgi%eness will follow I)Is- ccrery'. Ilrnuly has n convincing ony of u:n'• (ng its influence felt without 10(1.11 ef- f.rt, I•ut it is not always testing. having your non way is som Beeler a victory that is useless as well r s barren. Sotne people 11514 questions w•htrh enll ir,r a great schnlnr's knowledge to an. swer. 110141 the hend high in the midst 'e1 adversity. so that others may not ad- versely criticize. MILLIONS — IN --- COBALT LIMITED number of Founder's Shares for sale at to cents per abate, par value 11-(0. Fully paid and noma.sesaabls. hest value on market. PROPER IY. 40 ao»s Patented Mintn` !rands. Perfect Title. BOOKLET " Millions in Cobalt" free "a request. The 8. 8. Nesbitt Co., FISCAL AGENTS C.afederatre. LIN 8.1111.1. Termite. AGENTS WANTED \\'illir "It's nl Cly- in damp pinus where mushrooms grow. isn't O. pnpn"" Papa: "Yes. niv boy." "Is That the rea- son they look like un)brellas, papa 1" AN IDEAL NECESSARY. It is the perpetual effort to attain the ideal that enlarges the whole life. The moment the nmhition begins to wane, or tends to become sordid or selfish, 1110 individual begins to shrivel. IRS. HUNTER'S STORY s� pr she and erfectly. Both eQuittee Well Dain. Mrs. 1. Hunter, of 1111 Raglan Road, Kingetoai Ont., h•awritten for pub- llo.tion a statement eft her case as follow.: "I hove suffered wick kidney and liver trouble sad chronic co•ctipatio•i for some tiro.. I was sob•• ))ectto dizziness, bilious. heada,•he, nervoa.nees, Mas. L Demean drowsiness, pains in tbsl back and lido, and a tired, weary feeling( near)) ail the time. "Itried almost every remedy, trooted by doctors and despises with little or tar ba•e8t. " Finally, • friend drivel me to try Dr. Leonhard& s Anti Pill, and the results hars been tally wonderful. " My husband hes used Anti -Pill for rheumatism sad wen benefited Brent y. We agree that Anti -P111 is • most wonder- ful medicine sad heartily recommend it." This is • very etroog rocetaraand•tioa. Anti -Pill is undonbtedly the. greatest ed family remedies. All stn, or Um O -tyle U.., Limited, -Niagara Vel RSSIr. NO. iii -e