Exeter Times, 1906-05-17, Page 44 RE8ELSl soft Calls on the Peaces of Moscow to Aid. say's: of the of the ulter- rsed of d the enteral of the Thule- ce.oun ys:- zed revolt as been f the most de's crate fa- tted continue to lire en oops. f cannot suffer the shadow Is terror to hung over the people g the joyful Christmas festival. 11 therefore, given positive orders v Christmas eve (text Saturday). tg to the Itussian calendar, every of the city must be swept clear est traces of revolution, and 1 'ailed on the peaceful part of the lion for its co-operation in run- wn the revolutionists, and In re- ' nquility " KILLED IN SLEEP. Latch from Riga,. Livonia, Bus- ourier to St. Petersburg says: armed forlinun before day- uesday morning invnded and •ion of the Prov-odnik rub - aid the military, as this orvurded, are bombarding The revolutionists killed who were guarding the detachment then crept g structure where n pa- s was asleep, and mur- euns and six stablemen ven others. One man e, and gave the alarm iv() regiments of whictt nd six quick -firing guns, the scene by daylight. In the me the revolutionists had thrown tree -roles and a terrific fire was d by the troops upon these de- r rnd on the factory. elide' of the confusion existing despatch 1., written, it is lmpos- ascertain the number of killed nded, but many men have been and over a hundred wounded tready been carried to the hospl- -ethers are almost insane with he territory in which the fue- ls located has been picketed off by Is who threaten to kill any person aching. The corresnnndent hade w escape. Ile unwittingly enter- ic prescribed territory though n erect, and was twice fired upon be - he had un opportunity to explain. , PLOT TO MURDER CZAR. 3t. Petersburg despatch to London e Mondrlel• morning's date says a by efinrchlsts to nssnsstnate the wad fru rated by neeident. Trust- ed artillery ofilcers aro implicated. The chief conspirators are two students, who, with the at my officers, have been arrested. The plot was discovered by one of the ,,tltee•rs losing a carefully drawn plan of the Tsarskoe-Selo Palace. The St. l'eteteburg correi,pondent of the London Times, denying rumors that Minister of the Interior Durnovo will re- place Prince lilutisler Witte, says that the financial situation, in which the Gov- ernment Is most vulnerable, necessitates the retention of Count Witte. There will b., need of all his resources to provide the, 2,500,000,000 roubles ($l,250.e00,000), required in 1906 in a country whose credit is impaired and a vast propor- tion 'of whose inhabitants cannel or will not pay taxes, owing to the com- mercial and agrarian distress and the • ,a !evolutionary propaganda. bands. iN MEMORY OF "RED SUNDAY." A despatch from St. Petersburg says: A general meeting of the: Workmen's Council and delegates of all the prolet- ariat organizations has been in session secretly, perfecting their future pro- gramme. All that is thus far known is that they are planning to tutee the anni- versary of January 22nd ("Bed Sun- day'), when the most serious rioting m St, Petersburg occurred, into a day of national mourning, during which it Is planned to make demonstrations in memory of the "martyrs." All the shops, factories and theatres will bo closed, and the street ear and railroad services will be slopped. -Re- quiem masses will be celebrated, and processions` in which tho workmen will wear crape on their sleeves, will march through the streets. No paper will be allowed to appear, except wilts black borders. it is proposed to wake a gi- gcntie, peaceful manifestation, but If they attempt to carry it out the leaders fully understand that it is sure to preci- pitate bloodshed on a large scale. A private despatch from Ufa, in Euro- penn Russia, says that. the Governor has been shot and severely wounded!. His assailrutt was orrestcd. LOSS OVER 83,000,000. A despatch from Moscow says: Sta- tistics place the pecuniary loss by the strike that has -just conic to an end ot 83,125,000. -- PLUNDERING COUNTY SEATS. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: A party of l•'sthontans, culling them- selves Soclnl Democrats, are phindering country scats and setting lire to manor houses along the Baltic coast of Estlto- nia. Many estates have been destroyed and the owners of them imprisoned. Owners who have escaped have formed themselves into corps, and are co-oper- ating with the Cossacks and infantry in pursuing the marauders. lcwmanville METTLE OLD DISPUTE. litt Lakes Fiste'rice (,1ute•linu May End. • Washington despatch to the Chien- 'rlbune says: Secretory Root Is to settle_ the great lakes fisheries r - la' 1 arid r �jpreen - all Rri u on with tecta .p (i all the et controvera;lcs existing Canada, rave that of reelproclty. igreement will be made shortly, 1t ported, by which the Unites! Slntes buy out all the Canadian feeders, agree to pay the Brinell' Govcrn- annually a small per cent, of the of the seal ceugfit. ill, this ngrel meet will terminate ',sputa -which about fifteen years t,tllight the United States and 1 iifflain to the verge of war. As rt., this !eter Is disposed of Sec- y Reed. rind British Ambassador id will take up the question of the el of the treaty of 1817, limiting ineinent of each power on the .•s. 'teen will be dtscnsse' the team in connedien with the ads in bona, and the migration. NUE FROM ASYLUMS. nereilse in Receipts From the Puyinq Patients. onto despatch say: The revenue yitig patients et the Provincial for the four months ending De - 81 was 866,712.4t, compared .786.08 for the corresponding 1904, an Increase 01 $:!9,026.43. lncr.reee ler any month was cceml•+.:. During the four ailment ce,llcetrd nrnnrs .67. which amount Is in - revenue previously men- nereasr is !rawly due to c plan of n;aking e,llcer,- lativss, nble In afford It, r 1 have njet'ewl to pay ter afire, and frorn trustees a t' patients a ha hnve propel). NEW IA)Co%101I\Es. The Grand Trunk Raneee Orders • Utility -one. IJ.S IJQI O)It WAS USED. Decline of Over 360400 Gallon!. Con bunted In /:artada Last Year. A despath front Ottawa says: F.xcise returns Just issued, showing the quantity nt epirituous liquor consumed in Cana- da retort' satisfaction to the temperance reformer. During the last fiscal yew. 3,112,x`43 gallons, valued at 55,947,126, were entered fur consumption, as cont - pared with 3,481,287 gallons, of the value of 86,656,602, in the previous twelve months, benign n decrease of 368,414 gal- lons in quantity and 8709,476 in value. There is an increasing foreign demand for Canadian spirits, the quantities ex- ported for the last five years being as follows : Proof gallons. 1900-1901 .. .. .. .. .. .. 148,154 1901-1902 .. .. .. .. .. ., 151,799 1912-1903 .. .. .. ,. .. .. 157,666 1903-1904 .. .. .. .. .. 1 en, 291 1904-1905.. .. .. .. :11,525 There has been nn increase in con- suntption of malt liquors. The quantity of malt by pounds given in the returns r•r r as Copsunlell in 1905 was eJ„90:3,810, ms against 75,430,317 for the year previous. There were 30,330,070 gallons manufac- tured, being an increase of 3,001,085 gallons. Votaries of the fragrant weed show no signs of diminishing devotion, for in the last fiscal year 8,115,001% pounds of tobacco, 6,708,800 cigarettes, and 93,0S4.- 295 cigars went up in smoke. Compared with 1993-04 this is a gain of 401,11393 pounds of tobacco, 4,522,30'J cigarettes, and 5,739,266 cigars. A despatch from Munlreal says: The Grand 'Trunk have decided to epend r; ,re rc ,e platen, than1 n mtltion dull.dollars1 > ►n the following exceptleniaLearge orders for motive power-lentleTenvheel passenger engines with the Locomotive & Machine Co., Montreal; ten ten -wheel passenger engines with lite Locomotive Co., New ltork; fifteen Iliclunond compound con- solidated engines, Locomotive & Machine• Co., Montreal; six Richmond compound consolidated engines, Canada Foundry Co., Toronto; 40 Richmond compound consolidated engines, Locomotive & Machine Co., Montreal. making n all 91 locomotives, 20 of whish are passenger, and 61 freight engines. As the former cost approximately 815,000 each and the latter $18,000 each, the total ounny re- presented amounts to 81,395.000. The locomoti, e:: when completed will be placed in service wherever needed on the system, though It 1.as not yet been dell- nitely decided where. -- LARGEST BANK IN KINGDOM Dulnnre t(ue Depositors i; Ten Million sterling. .k Glasgow despnle ,t sin's: At l'te an- n;i:el meeting of the Glasgow Savings (tank In Glnsgnvv, the Lord Provost, who pie,-ided, Fui.l for the first time in the bank's history the' balance due lo tie- prcsitors lot reached len million s(er. iing. The hank was the largest et its kind in the l:ingtboin. N-) fewer 11;a, one hundred thousand depositors had ten g.uundk nt their credit. Glnsgnvv ei••- r.r sitars had more ret their Credit than 1.iviepn':1 and Manchester combined. r�----� .•-r 1101 1(1 1111:1 31%11111 loth. federal Government Il,i- I iv el Date of tees•ion. fin U:: • . .4,1. - 'the 'un (;oy(•rno:,•cal I .e : . 1, 1 It) •ssion of I'artiatuenl 41111'• 111 t, 1.3I10 date tr:,luy rine rimy 1 the (•e1 eat by w 11 ST • d TO STRENGTHEN AI1%IW.,. British Secretary el War Ilas Been Giv- en Free island. A despatch from London says: (lir;p ard Burdon Haldane, Secretary of \Vnr, speaking al a free trade nteetle ; in London on Thursday night, said it w:,= the intention of the Liberal reit e,•nin• tut to maintain an adequate army. t el U at it would be necessary before real teem :n commenced to clear away nricn of the trash and litter left by his are, 1 errssors Ile paid n tribute lo his Imnueliel•' rsre- decessor, I1. 0. Arnold -tester, but sett 1 that the former Secretary had not : teen given a free hand by the Unw:r;st ;;etre ernmenl. Secretary llaldane said it was true that the standard of comfier a in r f 11:.' military needs of Great l3rtt'ii'1 wns t compare the German army, pi:i, ti'c Cermet' navy, with the B+tri:'t atinv. plus the British navy. it was tlei inten- tion to bring the British army to an nae- qualo position, and on this Lets the ur- liliery must be kept up 'o its pie sent standard. The volunteers, h., sae!, untie'. be given every encouragement but in every case needless expenditures roust h' avoided. Ile said that tine free:nir r, Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman. heel given him entire freedom of action, n:•d he was now working to evolve n rate heal scheme, wheel (hid not include con- scription. THE WORLD'S MARKETS it1.1'0f1I:•3 FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRE . TOiRN.1DO IN GEORGIA. Spreads Wreck and Desolation Over City of Albany. An Albany, Go., despatch says : A tornado of tu•rglic force passed over Albany at 1 o'clock on Wednesday after- noon, spreading wreck and 'desolation over portions of a dozen blocks. Several persons are dead and others will die as the result of injuries, while runny are more or less seriously hurt. Itenorts of the tornado after it left Albany brae not been received. The :amen was preceded by a blinding deluge of rain, and the wind attained a high velocity. It struck the Their place, south-west of the city, where it killed a boy and fatally injured two others. The buildings on the place were demol- ished. Striking the big plant of the Virginia -Carolina Chemical Company. the storm demolished the twn principal buildings. One man was killed at this place. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Hunte and Abroad. Toronto, Jan. 'J,---Whe al -No. 2 white Is quoted outside at 79ee, and No. 2 red and mixed al 78c outside; No. 2 goose, 73 to 74c outside. Manitoba No. 1 hard, steady at 89h:, ticorgiun (lay ports; No. 1 Northern at 86c, and No. 2 Northern at 83c. Uats-No. 2 white are quoted outside at 3t% to 35e. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 47c; No. 3 ex- tra at 44c, and No. 3 at 41c at outside points. tress -No. 2 quoted at '77 to 78c out- Corn -Tho demand for Canadian is fair, at 43 to 44c west. American new corn is steady at 50 to 50„ c for No. 3 yellow on truck, Toronto. Buckwheat -51 to 52c per bushel. Ryo-No. 2 quoted at 70 to 71c at out- side points. Flour -Ninety per cent. patents for ex- port quoted at 83.10 to $3.15 in buyers' sacks nt outside points; do., in bbls, at 83.45 to $3.50. Manitoba (lours are tient. No. 1 patents, 81.60 to 84.80; No. 2 pa - lents, $4.30 to $4.40, and strong bakers'. $4.20 to 81.30 on ,track, Toronto. Millfeed-Bran continues firin in On- tario, with prices quoted at $15.50 to $16 outside; shorts are quoted at 817 to 818 outside. Manitoba bran, in seeks, 317 to 817.50, and shorts at $18.50 to $19. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Choice stock, $3 per bbl, and inferior qualities, 81.75 to $2.25. Beans -The market is firm; hand- picked, 81.75 to 81.80; primes, $1.65 to 81.70. lloney--7 to 8c for strained, and at $L50 to $2 per dozen combs. llups-15 to IGc per 1b. Ilay-Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at 88.50 to 89 on track, here, and No. 2 at 86.50 lo 87. Straw -Car lots quoted at 86 to 86.50 on track, Toronto. Potatoes -Ontario stock, 70 to 75c per bag, and Delaware, 80 to 85'e per bag on truck. Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 123 to 13c; chicks, 10 to tic; geese, 9 to IOi'; chickens, 8 to 9c; live chickens, 5 to 7c per Ib. SURROUNDED RV SU.II%Ket. The Tropic Experience of Three french Sailors. A forts despatch says : A French de- slroyer has brought into Bizerte the sole survivor of the steamer Albu)n, which foundered off Cape Ron. The crew of eighteen left the sinking vessel In a dinghy and a lifeboat, but the former was immediately swamped, and the life- boat soon capsized, only three men es - taped by clinging to the upturned keel. One of the men had leen wnmdal, and vvas bleeding freely. The blood at- tracted it number of slinres ane he was soon dragged under. The two survivors, Erikson and Liset, elnmlrrcd on to the lifeboat, end during three days subsisted on n rtngte biscuit. 'i'hey were eur- rounde'l by shat -he, std eventually Erik - sen went mad and tried to hill l.iset, who was obliged to knock him down and drop him into the sen. T.L'et finally Hiked the sharks and swam nsh arc, till{:i. PL\NI A SANT 1\( 11. 114 he Commenced in Spring Option• are Renee ell. Kends. eel. Jan. nice ems nun ch-,,tbt that the Untied States Steel owe/eine will ce,mplete the purchase of the pi operly It fins under optima here one! built the 810,000.000 steel plant inlhe,l nt none, months ego. All of the. °phew) 'rive been rtutew t! and repre- se litativcs of the United Slates Steel C'-n;g';tny leve When soundings all 3. 11, ren al.ngt tits ;here in front under opL1n. This is that lee location of the IleCitlsd mem and Pot the new• plant wit! ee ,n a:; spring Op, t -- I+1 1 tl' t o 111111 111.111 of the properly taken to mean docks is being the+ erection of ,bly begin (o. n i.d Seerelar' • lee. ,t Irm nr 1I -1 a New Record in 1 Ti1E DAIRY MARKETS. Butler -Pound rolls are quoted at 1.2 to 23e; large rolls 21 to 22c; good to .choice dairy, tubs, 20 to 21c, and inferior at 18 to 19c. Creamery prints sell at 25c, and solids at 23% to 24c. • Eggs -Pickled are selling at 21 to 22c Rex dozen in case lots; fresh at 24 to 25c, and new laid at about 35c per dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, 13e, and twins at 13cperlb keep and good heavy feeders. Feeding Lulls lirut at S:•75 to 53. Stockers -Steady market for a few choice stockers at 83.10 to $3.40. Lambs -The lutub market is good aril firm, and a Mlle higher fur grain -fed ewes and vvether's. Sheep are shady. Culves Brut. (logs--1'he market is stronger and 15e higher. Best selects $6.25. IIOJESTVENSKi"S %ILD 5iTATi:MI''T Declared That British Fleet Was heady to Crush His Squadron. A St. Petersburg despatch says: \kith ollacial permission, the Novoe Vremyu publielied on Wednesday a tetter from Admiral ltojcstvensky, averring that the Rrilish fleet was concentrated at \\'ei- Ilai-\Vei during the battle of the Sea of Japan in readiness to annihilate the Russian Ileet, in case the Japanese fleet had proved unable to defeat It. Air. Spring -Rice, the British -Charge d'Affaires, without waiting for instruc- tions frorn his government, demanded an explanation from Foreign Minister Lamsdorff of the statement contained 'n toe Admiral's letter. Referring; to the absolute secrecy of Admiral 'Pogo in regard to the disposi- tion of his forces. Rojestvensky declares "this was unknown even to the Admir- nl of the British fleet allied with the Japanese. who concentrated his forces at Wei -Hai -Wel in expectation of re- ceiving an order to nnnihitate the Rus- sian gleet if Iltis, the final object of Great Britain, was beyond the power of the Japanese." SENSATION CREATED. The charge that the British admiral concentrated his ships at Wel-Hai-Wei expecting to receive an order to destroy the Russians in the event of Admiral Togo proving unequal to the task, has aroused a considerable sensation in dip- lomntle circles, all the more so as Ad- miral Rojesh'ensky's letter was publish - re! with the permission of the Minister of Marine, and no doubt is entertained That It will be the subject of diplomatic representations to Great Britain. REPUDIATED IN RUSSIA. A London despatch says: T'he St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says he has had a conversa- tion with Count Witte, in which the Premier slated that the Emperor and his Ministers alike were astonished at Admiral Rojestvensky's allegation that the iiritish admiral had concentrated hie ships at Wei -Hai -Wei, expecting an order to destroy the Russian fleet in the event of Admiral Togo being defeat- ed in the battle of the Sea of Japan. Ccunt \Vitle said he was taking measures to clear up the matter, but he added it was self-evident that no level-headed n.an in Russia would attach importance In the allegation which the Minister of Marine, ice said, had not noticed until it appeared in print. 110G PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in cnr lots are firm tut $8 Bacon long clear, 10% to 10)ec pe t"Rt in case lots; niess pork, $18; short cut, 820 to $20.50; hams, light to me- dium, 13e; do., heavy, 12';c; rolls. l lc; shoulders, 10%c; bucks, 15 to 15%e; breakfast rolls, 14 to 14%c. Lard -The market is quiet, and prices are unchanged. We quote : Tierces, 101;c; tubs, 10%c; pails, 10%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Jan. 9. -Grain -There are r - e Mer- kel local Crain tenures in the no newf •' t l lines is quiet. •tburn ess in all kc and Oats are steady at 37c for No. 4, 3tic for No. 3, and 39c for No. 2. Corn is steady at 53 to Wee for No. 3 yellow on track, for ear lots. Flour -$1.30 to 81.40 for strong bakers', *4.80 to 51.90 for patents. per blit; in bags. Patents, $4.55 to $1.70 per bbl; straight rollers in bbls, 84.10 to $4.20; bags of straight rollers being $1.00 to 32, mid extra lags being $1.65 to $1.75. Rolled oats, 82.12% per bag of 110 lbs. Feed -Ontario bran 1n bulk, 817 to 818: shorts, in bags, 820 to 820.50; Mnnitoba bran in bags, 818; shorts, $19 to 820. (lay -No. 1. $8.50 to $9 per ton nn track; No. 2, $7.50 to $8; clover, $5.50 to $6: clover, mixed, $6 to 86.50. Berms -- Choice, primes, 81.75 per bushel; Mind - picked, $1.85 i'otatoes, In bags. ret f0 lbs, 53 to 55e; in bugs of 910 lbe, 60 to 70c. iloney-White. clover in comb, 13 to 14et per lb -section; extract, 7j,, to 8,:; buckwheat, 5% to 6c. Provisions - Heavy Cana/lion short cut pork, $19 to 320; light short nut, $18 to *10; Ameri- can chort cut, 819; American rut dent- in! hacks, $19 to $20; compound lard. 6!y to 7e; Cunadeu' pare lard, 10 to 11c: kettle rendered, 1I'/. to 12c; hems, 12 to 13c; lacon, 13 to 14e; fresh killed abat- toir dressed hogs, 89 to $9.25; country dressed, e .25 to $8.75; alive, 86.75 to $7, mixcel lots. Eggs ----straight Mock, 20 to 21e; Ni. 1 enndled, 20c. Rutter--Chnieest creamery, 23 to 23 ,c; undergrades, 223. to 22eee; diary, at 20' to 22e. Cheese --- Ontario, 1364 to 13';' : ()114bee. 12; to 13c. 1'NITEI) STATES \iAitkE1 �. \finncnpwliee Jan. !1.-- When! - Mile• July. 87)er; No. 1 hued, Wee; N,,, 1 Net -therm s13yc; No. 2 die, 811,e. Flour ---First patents. 81.30 In $1.1'0; cons! do, 34.') to $1.1tt; first ricers, $3.e;'. to *3.75: sae and clears, 8:'.t5 to `t2.e1. Bran --ltd Lulk, $1354) to 813.7e. St. I neuis, Jen. 9.-•Wheat--Ceish. `•:te; May. 67!{e: July. 82c. Milwaukee, Jan. 91. --Wheat • - No. 1 N ,r'lt rn, 8e l•; to 86c; No. 2 Northern, fel ; , 1• : Nifty. ka};c. Rye -No. 1, ti;e. florae \•,.: 51'•.,' to 55' ; sample. 39 In 52ee. (:.rt. \iny. Wee aske 1. 1.1\'l: -(tele Nl flKhl. Tor'ntt.', 1 n. '►. rue. rod tete ;• l ; isk. Thee , •' ' v. hole. Very t • . 1.1' II(' I'i' l,r.,1 I t 1 t• CONDENSE HAPPENINGS FROM GLOBE. Tclepraphie Briefs Fro Other Count • CANADA'S REVENUE 871,000,000. Buf (her $.1,000,000 Was Added 10 the Public Debt. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Finnncial Department's report on ttie male lie accounts of Canada for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1905, shows total revenues of 871,182,772, a surplus of $7,- etie,689 over the outlay on consolidated ft:nd. After meeting the capital expen- diture. however, the result Is an Increase of $5,356,448 in the public debt. The net rate of interest toll from 32.46 to gz:6. flue Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr. Courtney, refers to the wonderful pros- perityitY that characterized the la, t year. This applied not alone to the public ac- counts, but u • t to the railway traffic re- ceipts. ceipts, Immigration, bank clearings and bank deposits. It is satisfactory to know that Dominion loans maintain their high position in Britain. 1t is pc.inted nut that during the next seven ycnrs Juane aggregating 8143,168,665 will hnve to be refunded. Of this anoint 8134,895,331 will have to be re- funded between 1906 and 1910. Against this large stun sinking funds to the amount of 815,365,000 have already been accumulated. After these debts have Leen paid off them will bo no more terns maturing til) 1938. The Bounty pr.ynnents during the yeer were *2,234!:•',, and the railway subsi- dies 81,275,6::'. The balance to creditors In the Gov- ernment overnment and Post-Ofl)ce Savings Banks nt the close of the year was $140,- 99;, ls•ss than In June, 1904. I ,,,.r. w,. re . a I e.. Toronto's a crease of $20,OuO, C. P. R. trnct:leen have he an increase of wages by the The value of buildings ere Edmonton This year totals $7e41060 Two Toronto retail grocers were fit for selling adulterate.l jam. The C.I'.R. have filed plans for the new i line from Woodstock to Niagfarn Fn11,,1 le: The net earnings of the Tentisluuning ,rrtI •tilw►y for the past elovertluontits were. of {lu naw $ !000. tIte Provincial t,. airy received! sante $150.000 succession n the es- Jolui'• tale of the Isle Se 1 Many immigran ` to Canada have m E. Hies in need. The output of mines last year 0 000,000. 'The new stew Ncw Zeeland and three months. % It is possilqje order to esee route west of R. C. Mat';es.. of Raymond, Alla. and In e the Raymond Cheanicle, has disap- pearcd. The C. P. R. and Pennsylvania Bail- fn t ways have decided to estnLlish n (rain Watts; the wife, the youn ferry service between Port g;utvycll, Ont., In her fancily, was also Eliz,: and Ashhtbula, Ohio. Up to the time of the marriage e. Archbishop llruchesl, of the itomme families were absolute strangers, •��` Catholic diocese of Montreal, has issued so far as is known, in no way related: 'e a mandenient against intemperance. A fcvv months ago -in tinny last -the It is announced That the section of the House of Ilcpreseantgjivcs at \Vashing- G. T. P. between T'ouchwool Hills awl ton adjourned out of respect for the Edmonton will be placed under con- memory of tour of its members who had tract within 60 clays. died on four successive days. "A coin - The late Hon. 11. Prefontaine carried eidence widely commented on," says a $45,000 life insurance. Of this 535.000 correspondent of a London paper, "is was placed in Ute' Travellers' Insurance the fact that Mr. Cummings had been Co. a week ago. appointed to attend the funeral of Gen- eral Rosecrans, the first to die; Mr. Otey, had been deputed to attend Mr. Cum- mings's funeral; and Mr. Salmon, lha last of the quartet to go, to attend the funeral of Mr. Olay." Not long ago the "Shrewsbury Chron- icle" reconlcsl a very singular coinci- dence of two lives -those of two farm- house domestics who both left their sit- uations one Christmas; shortly after, - BOTiI FOUND HUSBANDS and settled in the same village, each came the mother of four children, a diet1 in giving birth to the fourth; two mothers were laid in the grav Jacob 11. Schiff, the New York banker, within a few days of each other, gave his cook, Lena, $5,000 for aChrit- shortly after the two babes were mas present. by their side. Each of the wives eallul Mary, and each husband William. One Sunday recently it was net that the pulpit in a London dissent! church was occupied in the morning b a Mr. Vine and in the evening by a M Grape. At a recent inquest nt Windse the subject of the Inquiry. the corn on the! eileice tote I • port noel 1'rices ,w•e•re :ce•rin); the! nr• REVENUE SiN NI11.1.IONS. Receipt% of Province May Equal Those of 1904. A Toronto despatch says : The rcec• nue of the Ontario Government for 1905 was over 86.((10,000. Tho Comply to re- turns from all departments have not yet been completed and it may be found Rent the total will typed the receipts of 1901, which were e6,1•"4 'there has been an iner.enso of i • • 'rtte in nenrh' every department.. in , •' ,::neat to the 8100,05) receipts from 111 • T. ret lsanting & North- ern Ontario Ilett .:.y. Inuring the ‚-‚t' 1901. the sunt of 81,661,000 e . • t • .•"rent as bonuses cn timber sates; I. -1 year Ila+ amount ie - reeved on that account was only $520lnit. Rut ll;n oid;nnt•y revenue from Crown lands last year was 8518,000 more than in the previous year. 11 It expected that Hon. Mr. Mnlheson, the Provincial Trrst.surer, will be able la sloe/ n sureties after inretlne nil a'.. pent e of t'.' 1:N10%11:1 I1 111 1:\I't.1),IO\. . . 1't •rift ,'i 11 e.rl,ne•ii %feet Death in 31,'I 3 ir9initt Mine. \ Igpufl.'ld, 1\'net 1-i:: iris, (1..pal.'h T'aenty-one miners were felled explosion of mine gas in tin shaft i 10oper Mine Company. al (.:0(11- d \V. \'a., nt noon nn T'hut'adny. Immediately following Ilio explosion, , nen e_.un.e_heeea res...eleiret GREAT BRITAIN. Many London poor are eager to lake advantage of Lord Rothschild's offer to get to Canada. Statements of the London poor and workhouse population show an increase over the post thirty years. Sir I icnry Campbell - Bannerman, speaking in Scotland. attached the Unionists' fiscal proposition. and de- clared against absolute home rule. UNITED STATE'S. The Poles of Boston have pledgee their support to the cause of their con - patriots in Poland. The oflletal returns of the recent New York Mayoralty election show We:el- len elected by a majority of 3,468 voles. The Merchants' Trust, American Sav- ings & Mechanics' Savings Ranks, of Memphis, Tenn., have closed their doors owing to overloans on discounts. Chas. T. Ycrkcs, the noted railway financier of Chicago and London, died on Friday In New York, after a six weeks' illness. All records for high priced carnations were broken on Tuesday when Itichard Willer, taeler, a Price 11111 florist, of Cincinnati, Ohio, sold his carnntton seedling "Aristocrat," for over $30,000. While st standing at the window caress- ing n g ing a new baby doll the other morning, nine - year-old Mary Kennedy, only daughter of James Kennedy, superin- tendent of the llnzetkirk coal mines, Washington, Pn., dropped dead with a bullet through her forehead. 1t Is be- lieved the shot was fired by a discharged employe In revenge. Miss Margaret Bryson Fisher, the wealthiest spinster 1n Ithaca, N. 1'., has married Patrick T. Kelly, a red-haired coachman. Miss fisher owns real estate valued at 8100,000. Kelly met his bride three years ago its her driver. She is 17 years Kelly's senior. The first hint of the marriage was Kelly's etcetera - tion. "I've got a better job now." Miss Aline Roosevelt, fiancee of Repive• scntn1ivo Longworth, is wearing her engagement ring- it is set with three fine pigeon -blood rubies surrounded by. diamonds. For tome weeks she has been wearing n ring of much value, both Intrinsic and senlirnental, to the Long- worth family, a single supphlre set in a plain, dull gold hand. New York's ten largest national hanks gained in the len years from 1895 to lien 146 per cent. In profits and 271 per rent. 111 deposits. Seven Cleveland national banks gained In the same time 157 per cent. In profits and 358 per cent. in deposits. Fully 50 per cent. of the smaller banks have Leen abs'trbed by the larger Institutiuns, which now rnnk favorably with the strongest Lanks of the world. GENERAL. Vlscr.unt Aoki tins bei it first. Ambassador from United :fates, after career in the diplo 7. Preparahona are to celebrate in 1 Pope's ordination as Apprrlien.si'.n 15 foreigners at the co irritation et the Chines which ter months has spreading through the c Chtncnc o!ficial.e at SI sued warrants far 1 promoter: of the erre Georges (nervously so much to marry yon. don't know hew to pro (promptly and prarticall all right, George. You' with ale; now go to papa. einted to the uished ep e• )g4 ess at Horne jubilee of the prie t. ig eel -itchier' by antly growing against aliens, en gradually very. tghai have !s- e arrest of the l riot. I'd like over itty, but 1 e." Kitty --"That's will at a cnst of $50.000,0(10. Its flys tlnishod ,•(,.)las It re covered with pure gold one- eighth of an Inch In thickness._ =--T•_ the foreman of the jury, and the and taker all answered to the cognomen o Martin; at another inquest a witne- called Baer was follenved by it Mr. Soda and in Dublin John Lamb was convene. of stealing two sheep front n Mrs. Field. the chief witness against the peccan Lnmh being a Mr. \Velf. It Is not long since there died a Arcadia, Monition County. N. Y., by brothers named March, whore lives ra 1n strangely fietY P oral)e1 lines. They Y wee r twins, and married on the Falba dr' two sisters, also twins. To ea,:h couple were born seven sons and five daugh- ters, every one of the two dozen being born on the 7th of it month, which was n1Fo the day of the month on which their parents became one. A RECENT SEA MYSTERY furnished a very curious coincidence. Two American schooners, the Charles E. Wilbur and the Quinelearg, left Sa- vannah and Darien respectively fou New York; and practically from the day, uI/ sailing nothing has been since seen of either vessel. Both bouts were built ot the same time, by the same firm, ret Providence; they were of identicgt" izn and build, each carried the sante ergo to the same port on her maiden voyage, and each vnnis!tevl at the same time equally mysteriously. But as n trample of eulnddetices It would he difilcult to match the follow- ing experience told by a Birmingham lady. A year ago she was crossing the Menai Skeels when she lost her watch, but was compensated by picking up a valuable gold bracelet which Fomebody else had lost. Some time later, at Chel- tenham, a lady saw the bracelet, and remarked that It was exactly like one she hail lost, and produced a watch which she had found at the seine time. An exchange was made, and thus Iwo ladies became possessed again of their own properly. --London Tit•I$ils. TREASURE IN RUSSIAN CHURCHES, 'the -treasures of the various Russian ci,urcLrs nee of fabulous value. St. Isaac's (.ott:edral, in St. Pckrsbnrg, is • saiu to have cost 850,000,0e0. Its cnp• 1 r roof is averclad with pure' gold. In r• Cnthc.lral of Karan the name of the Almighty blazes In dintnonds from it ck t:.l of (,eaten gold, natter which ar s Fetid silver doors 20 feet high. There n-+' 1,400 churches in Moscow, `new/ of which contain priceters treasurer. Frvtn the t athech•ol of the Assumplien Nepolcml look from the church live lens of silver and five hundredwelg tt el gold. but it, most prereonn hri'nree were concerned. To ceelebrate. (1,.' J e• livcrnnce of Mnse',w from the Frene n the Cathedral of the Iluly Seiv'k it west 3