HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-10, Page 8L .LL J EN E 1 E U 'i 1 M h S. MA Y 1tltlI 190EI STEWART'S CARPETS, CURTAINS AND L!NOLEUMs douse llrnIs11ioij TrIc Booiuin We are more than tickled with the alllount of business: to (late. We are told by i)eople that have been around that our stock is juit a little more up-to-date than any in town and the values, well as usual they aro in your favor. X1.95 For your choice of the finest lot of Eng- lish LIOOleums in Exctt- r. Our Linoleums carne to t:� direct from the makers, We buy them by the ton and in this way get the fre'r;ht prepaid. The advantage will be all yours if you order from us. We are showing swell new patterns in fl gyral, tile and inlaid t_ 1ects, in 2, 3 and 4 yu. widths. 75c For the best pure wool, Ingrain Carpet that you'll find, made from fine thoroughly scoured Carpet Yarn dyed with t',.-: best carpet dye t, nown to the trade You can btr: cheaper lower priced wool carpet. Our carpet experience has taut =:t us that the best is always the cheapest. Our ;:w p ttter;is are ver;' pretty, Wi!1 you look at thorn. 5c For a his; range ,e new wall papers, all f.t'ly ge Minded and beautifully pr: 'ed, neat floral and scroll t;►tterns, in (T ine:ivr and ljronz - etre as, $20 vet 1e,, serenest Eng- lish \'.•:vet Rugs in town., direct to US frond the makers, the color- ings and patterns are beautiful, soft green, telt and brown L1(ndings they are as pretty as pictures. $5 C is the hest shown. For a very special rang of n. tv full Gilt \VI Papers. all up-to•date patterns lend designs, this lt)c paper we have ever Busy a pure wool Remit Rug, :3x31 yards, perfect t'olors, new patterns, snat- ched borders, an ornament to any room. \Ve have all Sizes in wool, velvet and tapestry room rugs all at prices in your favor. For a swell Tweed Rain Coat for rnen . coat is very suitable for spring and fall overcoat as well as for rain, Drop in and will show it to you. T s we Store Closes at 6:30 p. in. sharp, except Wed- nesday and Saturday, DIAMOND HALL Everything in Silver That's about what we offer you in Silver - everything from the Teaspoon to the Tea Service. The latest de- signs from the roaster silver- smiths of the world. at Lowest Prices that you can get in any other establishment. Easy to compare for yourself. Come, if you scant a dozen `spoons, a full Cabinet of Si'ver, a Tea Service. a ('of - fee Set, or any article in sil- ver., in justice to yourself come and see how well we can please you. MflE6HflND JEWELER & OPTICIAN Ryes E;ested Free. EXETER Spring Suitings LOCALS Dr. McFadden, of Ilene ll. visite in lotion Sund:,y, Messrs. Percy send Earl Browning were lin London Friday 1a -t. • Mr. John nal—demi. clerk of the Commerci•rl, is visiting in Forest. Mr. and Mrs. James AV -odor -is a,,,) child. of ;Duluth, are visaing 'Mr. ;= nd Mrs. L. IIardy. Mit Dlobcl Minted'', of Clinton, k visiting her ;[sister, Mrs. John C. Srell. Mr. Morris Percival, druggist .)f L nelon, event Sunday the guest of W. S. Cole. The Mimes Itnu. of ('redtit,,t1, vr!t- itc41 .11r. ,.11Id Mrs. .lohti Mitchell. during the past week. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Montle tntle were 111 Stratford Monday tuna Tuesday, Iii iting Mr'4. Mantle's cousin, Mrs. Roble Mrs. ltiel ird iklvis %vne is iiensZll the feeepart of the week visiting her eistor. Mrs. Wyman, who loft Tues- day for Regina. to join tx'r busban:l, 'ho has been there for Four. time. \ira. Will J. White and Mr. siert White, of Ottawa, w'ho visited Mr.:. John White a few d -ye lea eerie left Thursday morning for their home. Sty we got in some swell spring Suitings laet week. They are right up to the moment. Coate are (WO inches longer that) last year and the Lapels ere '(o much broader and deeper th;t• you can't help but notice thee). The Vests etre cut with buttons and the Pants are a little f►(g toppy. •I'hey are benuts .all right $15, $18 and $20 and no two tt r Ti'a can't find will tit as nice as ____ W. W. Tia111an , • t o properly rnP y fit ted and disc inert of rate 1 ••••••••••♦•♦•••••••••♦••• c •r and rl trustees, Next (..sit ) fire just 101 where you go, anything that • Chemist and Optician, they do.• Phone .1o. ist i TER. ONT. I • t l•:l F.s T1:�Tt:r1 r'1tt-gT,2 I• if W. S. 0 EY, Phm. B. 1\ WINTER TIME there :ire r1 lot of things use you don't c ire for in we,t t her. HOT WATER BOTTLES for instance, wti have all kind - of rubber geode for winter or summer and triads FO thee don't burst first use+, Get rubber goal( of us told have them durable .it prices too that rt' riprht. you hot TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes mutt be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement+� accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. T11( 1ttiDA Y, MA Y Pee,, 191)6 •4•44` *********414 ••• ••••••• • •• • LOCALS •w�=•�•• .••••••• COLE'S CORN Clint'. 1'u'I t t V 1:- ly r-: )novc.s o:rns by IxLiriliss eat ; s 1 io.1. Alia. T. M. White, %rho visited Mrs. John 'White, .luring the east month eft for 11'(I l.otnc o:► Monday. TIIE ESTATI', O1� 8. It. Holt N E. nil , assigned a oauple months age,, ized 26 cents on the dollar. FOR SALE - \VIIITE LEGIHOIRN eggs for hitching. l'rice 25 ect►ts a ,;c'ttirlg• Leplta.. Pym, Exeter, 1'. 0, IT 15 A WISE \Volt el 'l'IIAT k' �'i-- out of sight now t 1, 1 t the .11 boy leis discovered that is is fi ,hiesr time again- THE t '-lir1•. '1'11 E DISTRICT DMEETING OF t Methodist church will t,e held at the Main street church \Ycdrv'.;day :111d Thur: rl ly of ri''xt week. Mit. W. .1. \\A.:I:i ;S IS 1IA\'ING his 1 .« rl raised and improved pre - oar ow's' to putting down a cement wtlk from the street to his house. THE SCHOOL FOOT13:AL1. '1'I:AM already has 't ho space marked off for the game on the 24th. The boo 1 .zre t:otdin;• I)r'actise ,.talcs after school Lours c,.ch day. Mit. DAVID JACQ['ISS, \VlI0 -.oni:' time ago w.is tacks to the Lo:t- do:1 spited suffering from a para. lyti coke, returned •hotiie last '1'Jytiredly !much improved. FOR SALE Oft RENT. - 1 1-2 story residence in good repair. and 1-4 more land. Good fruit tree..; :Inst 1Ire hest of evatcer. Will sell c1i p. Apply to G11dn:an & St.'1n1)siry. Mit. ANI) AIRS. W. J. STATHIAM vi it ed friends in Ilderton 1.;st week, \While there the gen t!ewe n �t�t1t ):.horn they xvere visiti.nt*, plowed' 1it) .1 best of six small rabbits. which lie gave to Mr. Statham. A. F., IlltAf\VIN. I't'fILISIJE1I of bll� Illytll 5t:ind.:trrl ;innouncc.v t hat he has accepted a position with 1 he pul►lielers of Toronto Saturday ight, but will (Ont')nu^ t•) Publish lho Standard. BORDEAUX MIXTURE THE OLD reliable for spraying ornamental and fruit trees of all kinds also goose - b r curn;lnt bullies, iso,atoes. etc. 1' c e 15 and 25 cents ,a can. Sold ; t t ow+'y':s Drug Stora. EGGS h'OIt HATCHING. - FIIOM pure bred White Ljhorns of ex- cellent 1:iying (malitles. Flock mated wit ti prize-winning cockrels et the Gude:riell and Clinton Poultry sinews, 50e. 1.:•r setting. -S. Andrew, Elim- ville. THE ANNUAL MEETING 01' THE \vorn-in's Missionary Society of the Exeter district will be held at the Methodist church. Centralia, tootle (7'1►ut2�ay)• A F1:lendid program has been arranged for the morning. af- ter • on and evening meetings. YOU THINK. T11E 1'OST •).rd fad as dropping out, just reit at llolvey's Drug Store nod Fere their new cisrorttneat. A "care] illustra- t iori ' suitable for every idea. 3000 new ea.rda'n this week consisting. of English. Americans • :end (',1nad"pts comics. TIIE MEETING OF THE BASE- , bill ont.husiast9 called for last Thursday evening did not bring forth any good results es to the for- mation of a club 'here this year. Only a few (attended but did ,tot ire- ntain long. The boy., however, are the park and possibly a little later putting ir) some is::etiee :lt oa a team will be organized. THE MI IIJERS OF Tl1E ENE - ter I. 0. 0. I'. lodge, who went t Myth, Wednesday evening o' 1 week, to a.'sist Bro. 8. A. l'o ►I stone, formerly of Exeter. in the or• g'lnization of ,1 lodge at Myth, a r.: onthua;nirtie :11 their praise of the reeseption accorded tlrt'm. The teems of the Exeter Ledge put on 1 h1' ini- tiatory and 2nd degree; ;end the Brussels lodge. looked .after the 1st OM 3rd degrees. The exercises were not completed until nearly 4 rt. 111.. The new lodge (tarts off with ► memberrthip of nineteen. MONDAY NiGHT LAST MRS. W. 1). Yeo gave a pleasant evening to party of merry •31141 Oharmin,; young ladies or tike town in h:.n:,r of Miss Dot Gillespie, who intends leeving Exeter in the near future. Throughout the [evening a very uni- ate ptognlm was Carried out. during t++hi.ah Miss Gillespie re:eived many beautiful preeentn, nftcr which :1 dainty reflo^tion w.•is Ferret,. Mies ^tie is of a sweet ^t tt•innsint di, eo2ition and will be missed ;rr ;ttti by her legion of friends. \V; t h lrnl.rty l hanks to Mrs. Yoo eel .`,t r e Torn, who know ea well bogy t a entertain, the young tndies cli9perss.i to t heir )tunes with plensant t•lloeghts of a most enjoyable even- ing. ON WEDNESDAY MAY 2nd, TIIE W. M. 8. 'held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Pedlar. 'fhe election of officers by biliot resulted in Mrs. W. iiissctt hemi; elocted l'r -ident : Mrs. J. Cobbledick, Vice 1`r ':dant ; Mrs, Goi�1R, 2nd Vice 1'1 '+id('nt ; .Mrs. W. Snell, Treasarer ; M r a. C. Stet!. ite.. Scc.re.-t ry ; Mrs. M tntle, Cor. Secretary. After the meeting closed Mrs. Pedlar invite:d t ern ...gaiety out to t he dining' rpm w•troro ,1 dainty tea was served. Outr Mond 1y cv(Iiintr 1 181 permit mem- beret of etre noceety met at tits. home of Mrs. S. illukingtstm and prP$ented Mrs. Buckingham and Mrs, Tlieset t with lit•' memhera certificates. Mrs. lids )r hoe been presented with a life mcmbcreship by her husband on Ib" annitersiry of (heir 25th wed- s,drat; riiy, I)It. OVISNS EYE AND EAR St It - 110' el the fret Frid)y of e):1ch month. t1•.;rrq, 11.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. GIaPs- Merchant Tallon. r i(l1y, .lune I(tb. White and G wash °oTHE OLD RELIABLE have just passel into Vestingbtoek le Pieces of White containing WE a huge range of new and pretty designs rind weaves and in differ- ent v. eight s suitable for Shit t %Vaists and Stile Waist Suits. 50 Pieces of Colored Fabricc,►i'si .t ,i :and g ofc` fight Shad s, I (`repel, 11 itistes and J's inted 1, lw ne. We carry one of the finest up to -date stocks of Ready -to -Wear ''; in witty', c renin clothing in the town both in Mens Boys' and Youth's. The duality One special line of Cotton Crepe ,9 t, (1 \1 hire' (Monaa and styles the latest and as cheap as the cheapest, with small neat pattern f 1 1 blue. l cal Cyt Just received a ► rad an I't•ice wily 121c a yd. consignment of these goods today. Corrie arid inspect then) and White PiquesMakes one of the must fashionable and most ser- convince yourself that what we say we do. Atiotltcr thing we v:ce,twe white dresses you can buy. would say, not two or three prices for the one article. Our stock Prices 13. and le per yd. of new and natty Ask to see our extra heavy Tickin at z5c per yard. Mercerized Check Suitings • (•(1 last colors. Crepe=de=Cherie Fancy Crepe Suitings dresses or waists. • le Blue & White and Black • & White, rich as silk, warrant - Price 20e per yard. 27 inches wide, beautiful soft quality, in Grey and Pale Green, slakes deinty dresses. Price 20c per yard. In Linen shades witit small red dot, others with green dot, make( lovely Price 18c per yard. In fawn and red, guaranteed fast colors Only 121e per yard. . Fancy Check Voiles We are selling Best Cottonades for 22 C a yard. Cotton Sheetings at Old Prices. Out' advice to you is (buy your cottons Dow) the pt•icre is going u) you make no mistake to conte here and huy your Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, White and Grey Cotton. \Vo are selling them all at old prices. WEalso have Big Values iu Victoria Lawns, India Linens, Organdies, Le Ducks, Linen Suitings, and Embroidered Linens. t KNELL ROWE GET YOUR LA\VN MOWER I sharpened at Ilartleiba. MR. AVE BAGSIIA\\' HAS AC• cepted a position with Mr. Frank Woods. SII[. A.IIARCIIAND IIAS MOVED ::Ito Mr. Perkin's house on \\'tilt 1rn street. MIt. \VM. DAVIS, OF EXETEII North. has accepted 4a position with John Evans, mason of London. A MEETING OF THE LICENSE commissioners for South Ifuron, will be held in Exeter to-ri y ('l'hur•..J;iy). C1IAiRI.J'Y WHICH BEGINS A'1' Monte very often f ids to aet. ;is fir as the poor t•cl.ltions. MR. .1. It. hfeD0NALD 11AS 'J.'lIE material 011 hand for his proposed new houe, oppoaite I he '.1fklin street church. COSI MI SIO\ ER I;ISSETT LAST 'l'IlIIl'I l:•y and hriday had the w'in- ter's accumulation of mud and filth 4011pcd off t lie street. LICENSE INSI'ECTOlt TORRANClr, rs wain town Thula('ty handing out` the licenses granted the local Hotels. TIL13t)ItY ItESII;NTS 11 ,,1)1)90111)1'(1 [«0111y-fi+•e1)ehoutrtnd dAVEol- 1'rss for :r canning f ctory W,iclr will he erected el once :111(1 in operation this r;r'.a s:on WORD I'ItO.\f MIUS. ANDit1:WS And Mina ,Jennie Madge, of ban Fran- clrco, slate;; that they were burned out, and slept oat for two nights with the vest of t li;I refugees. TACT 1 ' A WOMAN CONSISTS 1,, admiring a neigfrllor'ts pretty hat if its prettier than her own; itt :1 twin, of not noticing the frayed ed- ges of :1 rn•in'tt trousern. THE EXECUTORS O1F' '1'fl1: ES - tate f the late Archibald 11oclgert wil have on auction sale of the i eerie' :rad oltattelsi on Sirn;cr! !vet on S•t t u r'd;ty. May 12(11. CALVES 1'Olt SALE. --. GI:OItGI. ('11 filen:in, Atwood, will be at the Central hotel, Exeter, on 'Tuesday, ally 15111. at 12 o'clock with a load of gee(1, well-bred calves for Fate. '111. ,LAMES HARVEY iS AGAIN in eleirge of t1,' M.anelon house st:1- I►lr's. 11r. \\'111, II:dra in, tell0 was is "h :race for only 1/1011.1111, 1)18 gone to Grand IVnd to work for Mr. Levet 1. Mit. 1I \l(0L1) Itlssrrr I1ETUitN- r sl .`;,f ursf ry night from Norwich, tt eel he v;s;1(A tweet -Ai weeks. H,- 1050111041 his p0,i11011 :its ledger keep- er in the Mof 1on's hunk Motel •ty [nor ulna. LAST FI1IDAY N. I). if l'IIIRJN received by express from Mr. W. ,1, 5-o:1, of Thornbury, 1 beautiful Moo„ trout tv.ig•hiug 2 1-2 los. Needless ;o state Mr. llurdo8 cnjt)y. ed the treat. iu:v, 0, W. ANDREWS, 0I' ('I tralia, is ill occupy the pulp'; of tee .Tames :dried church next Sunday morning :,rid evening. 1tev. Going will lake etc; rge of the services at Centralia for 1 he dee. A Si'ECi,\I, MEETING t)1' 'fills council w•:1r; held Ft iday even'na (0 tv:lei+'c tenders for street w,tletittg awl I)an.9 A few neeottnf5. Td1e tender of 11. Parsons at $10,50 per week ways the lowest presented and )IC wits awarded the contract. Mit. L. 11. D1CieSON, D. D. G. M.. of the A. 1'. 011d A. M. for this cliRtriet matte .111 official visit to the 81. Marys' lodge Mondry ;evening, end on Thursday of last week accom- panied by Aerern1 mrtnbers of the 1o3)1 kedge, mate a Fimilar visit to the Hermit order. WORT) HAS BEEN (RECEIVED from Mrs. MiJl' r .1, WI itc, of Berk • els, 011ifornia. w•h:cli is across the lily from San Francisco. Mrs. White state's "after n terrible fright we got out of the house s ifcly, 1►I operty 11np)trntrd, t0s brother and wife nafe,� Our town crowded with rctugc0s af.l armed soldier!, guarding the streets. Market Deport, -The foIlow-ing is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected ui, to May 10th. Wheat, 76 to 80 cents tier bus., Oats, :34 to :_;o cents per bus. Barley 40e, to 42c, per bus, Peas, 60 to 70 cents per hushes. Shorts, $20 a ton. Bran, $18 per ton. flour, 52.25 per cwt, Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clower raced $8 to $9 per pus. Hey, 7 to 8 1-2 per toll. Butter, 17 cents Iver found , Eggs 14c a dozen. Onions 75 cents per bushel. Dried apples, 5c. per lb. Chicken, young, 7c to 8c per lb. Ducks, 10 cents per tb. Geese. 10 cents per Ile (lad. $6.75 to $7. J'oea t m -I ,$1.10 n Gag. Hoge, livcweiellt, $7.10 a cwt. I1ogs, dressed, $8 to 9 a cwt Hair Stops Failing Out and becomes beautiful and luxuriant when Imperial Hair Tonic is used, It gives new lift' to the hair -keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and is a p tive cure for (1.14 inlets! Large bottles onlU 50c. I'REI'ARt:t) riy W. S. COLE, Pel in. B. Central Drug Stine EXETER, - ONTARIO, We refer to our • • • Trout Fishing • SPRING TONIC •.. • • I One bottle will make you • 1 • The season for Brook lr• Al ;Moore, of Si. 11,1res, 1r a it, feel like new. T1xit I.tzy, ii: Trout is open,— Algonquin 1101111 Sunday. I good-for-nothing feeling will • l'ark g ctrl A WOMAN'S IDiS1ITUTi: :�11StsT_ • be dispelled rind s I .ark is the Fisherman's you'll he able , ing will be held in the Toa'n fI ill, to°°tnr'li9h wonders. Don't Paradise. June 20th. Tl.e speakers and the -• forge S' buy c, bottle to -day. subjects for that date are; Mi. -s �1g_ • only Loc. .1 butts(, • •'-�'' .� nets Smith, Hamilton. "Principles 01 • — - �- -- - Tourist Ti Coakinu (demonstrations). eelcats ; r ± W• ss, t�pWEY, Num B. , • Tickets ComnoAition and Cooking." "food in its Relation, to the Body," "Domestic • Chemist and (petit i.in, •To all l'rir.eil)ZITourist Scictrce." '•The Sanitary Ilealei, '•The • ♦ Resorts on sale ee1l of the Ifomc of tbo 1► n' Phmie5'), 1•;\F; 1'I:t; t)Nr, • T daily,--- D.tc" "Lab r 1. �cnt • Tourist Season is opening; o problems of the Ilouse• - hold," "Tile Ilou9c ; Its Furnishings ♦•••••••••♦•••••♦•••♦••••. ! • early. and Dc:oration`," "A blain talk with • Housekeepers." Mrs, F. W. Watts, NILS'SUS AL1' AN1) JAMES \'; .\I, i • -^�•-� Clinton, "Home NurRing,'' "Acc4- tern and t heir hives narrowly ete • dents and Emergencies.'' "Eenefit5 of °aped serious injuries in :t rrrnaw•;ty • TO COBALT , 11"orncn's Institutctl." •'(`,re o[ the accident while on their way to Sea- Z Hands. face rind ;hit," "!lints for forth last Friday. They were driv. i �I Itrrpugll 1'1111mat1 the Women who Work." "The 11)th, inn in ;1 double sealed. canopy top Sleeper I•'rTH Air ;end h:tercNT carriage. and had left steam. t;o:nt,�� leaves .for onto dale}' except 7IIF, SUPPLEMENTARY ESTI- norllr, and 14110 i :( short dinfanee l • Saturday, running through tituates of the Provincial 1reaeurer out, a 1hreshing enachinc ertgiae Y:)s i top Cobalt and New Liskcarbcrt. 10010 0 :t rote of $500 to William encountered. Juvt as their iter( t>asy 5herring, the Marathon hero. ing the machine, the than 111 char.p'i -- - -- . Opened I he exh;)I$5f valve, the borates. (asking filet lit. They jumped to one J't'►' tir.k.ts and full in - nit. ili1T1,F1t, 01' I.ONf10Y. WILL t•;slr. of the mid. upsetting the car. • formation r -'ill on he at (bo (Jen[,.' 111ots 1, Exeter, on ri'ge ,and tint oecnpatrtrt in the ditch. Monday. May 21. 1906, henna 10 n Mrs, .1I[ t\'aItr.rrs (c ty Ietc first ()Ilia.: no to '1' 3. I:`:lr;fI'i', Ds i►M Azrnt m., to 5 P. tri., for Eye, is , r, Nose gel free from 1110 err cel:•• •r. and TRrolt consultation. Eyes teat• )ssi9led by 1110 than who was opera t- .1. 1I +n ). .T)O ALU, District eel and Qlss9c'4 sat,pficd. ing the crista('. lifted the a no;ty of ,rent. Toronto. 1 he carriage, :end released t IV! othcrel ••••••♦♦••♦•••••p•♦••♦•♦•• 11 s -a* found that Jamey 1Y:11tcrss,ha') 41)51 lined •1 fracture e; the right' .r ,: .y \Vullcrs to a doctor'( effi -n fo:x),rm :11111 (bit Alf Walter.' had (lruce[ield where the injured arm helmet! 11is right :urrn and *title, while 'n.us set while the rctn:tinder of the .',ire. James WeIterm tram Fhnken spit party trr'eurrd ct fe lin of horssr+ arid corisider'ibly. 1'orturstlply the horses (trove II1e 0.11.riu to oke away frota the r1tri1ge when ++brie 1ho Allier. to Ilrrrrlfield, 11 t x:17:1 syr i f iso :bell c r r her . 1•sc el.:re s cap- e �rsible the futv(1, :sad 'tftrr dict►^r' trlurncd to accident wool( Vire liven more tier. Exeter. The o100i►y trf Ilio r:srr1►u/• I tuns, A ncighbor.ing farmer drove ++ ,n t. necked. Ties, Farcy Shirts in Softs and Hard Fronts d� • are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. ‘Ve carry a full line of Dress Goods in all the leading cloths --Venetian, Broad Cloth, Tweeds, Eolicnnes, Crepe de Chene, Corde de Soie. Cash- meres and Lustres in all the leading shades• Don't forget that we have in stock SILK AND LAWN WAISTS that have no equal as to price, style and quality, you cannot help buy Prices very reasonable. Don't forget we still carry the celebrated "AS1'ORIA" shoe. Highest Prices paid for Produce. CABLING BROS. INSURANCE The very best kind of Insurance—i. e. provision for t.11e F't"rUItE as well as the PRESENT is a Savings Account in the Sovereign Bank of Canada Interest paid FOUR TIMES A YEAR, $1.00 will open an account. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. CREDITON, DASNWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London ll:tvc you a farm that you want to iwlli Write for our terms of se;1- ! lin z property. We have t he most complete method of advertising and %I lin z pruperty in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario[ Send for our list. We bare some bargains, • TAleE iT NOW • and t,hrce, times drily before rncaJs, and in a month from tow you'll feel like :i (prim•- • colt. • • • • A, • '♦ Success in Baking e; Assured by Using STflR ftOIJR STAR FLOCrIt never fails to give entire sati:-taction when used under proper conditions, CORN \Ve have just got in a car of American Corn of excellent duality which we are selling either ground or whole at reas- unal(e prices. HARVEY BROS, Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. L' ild w,tr.,, 'IG't•:i ,; keep it t women iii:: tb c, }loan. .rir; tors, 14 0 /S iii luxuriar_ ►, It^ i r. Dena you E' Thor f nes IfPJ,'a Voget.L':•p rei:Ilion Renin r.;, ser. lieu cavo what hair yon �p - � S h. 7 c a u d e+ err:,' :- a :: ': I % 177.,7,.29 t1. 10. ii F. ; t .;,-.01 - i 1:•}, ii ^ a,,,,•: -,. �, 1 r�• ,•t•!APrrI 1.7 t•a_. !l. t. ,, (., (\ $''� i •=;yrp ..r. ',.•t.. 1 . . rill` ,';•, • t, -. ...--1'& .1'4 ..... •K^„.i�.,r.'b £').i:tt,'.-' 'sl.��.. ... .• • ‹ 0 . u A. ._,._:,_