HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-10, Page 5Vii' F? E Lr X E 'I i . R `1 1 v1 F_ :11 .\ 1" titin il'►ul;. ROSS•TAYLOR CO'S. ASTOR1 £aIofla Mill, Door Faotoru, Lunlba Yard and saw Mill f ger Shingles Lath, tlfareopen and hustling daily and a full stork L n um Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials alvca)S on hand. 7 \ For Infants and Childr BARN SASH in al undauce. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down. - y always ou hand. WAVER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven. Mhe»ROSSTaUIOr Go. LtU.P LxCtGP. Tne Usborlle and Hibbert GOOD NEWS FOR ; 1 Farmer's utuai Fire Incur- . MES $ UGC Gompanu THE FAR ■� : Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.0 No more Hole (digging .} Vice -Pres,: -J. L. RUssELL, to put in fence posts just + Itessym.DALI:. P. o. DIRECTORS_ then! in with a W. II. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. sledge hammer. Far wit.ROY, BORNIHOLM P. 0. ahead of any ever yet .>r I. L. RUSSELL, RUSBELDALE 1'. 0. F T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. • seen around this part of .1. AGENTS. the country. Crottle in I JOHN ESSEItY, Exeter. agent for and see then! for yourself. $ Osborn ,an'1 ntAdultth. •t, OLIVER IIARItis, Munro. agent We' kava had a greatfor Ilibbert, Fullerton and Lo^111. many iron posts brought B. W. F. BEAVERS, secv.-Treas.Farquhar. in lately anti arc prepay- $ ed to sell filen] cheap. $ GLADMAN & STANBIiRY. Solicitors Scrap iron taken in (-x- change. $ ++int•k•t•!••F+++{••t••t'kd'+++i•N Ms JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. I •} One door sotlth of the + Metropolitan hotel. 4 ALBION 1I1 4.44+++++++++,1,44,4÷+++++4,.t.++ •++++++++++•t :-r`+÷+ir•fr•i••i••t'.t•;-,1, j Is a beautiful bright bay, and is a I handsome shire horse seven years old. Will stand for a limited num- ber of mares nt his own stable, Dash- wood. WILLIS & GUENTHER, frolic. COLLEGE CHUM. Is a beautiful brown Morse, ct ty- pical shire horse, and considered to be one of tho best horses in Canada. Tuesday, Dashwood. Thos. Amey'$ and hill's hotel, Crediton. Wednesday -- Dcitrich's, Mt. Car - 011 Main street. Residence, me 1. ign first street north of Post Ulllce, }sect$,, Thursday. John Breen's. con. 21. Ontario. t McGillivroy, •Musser's hotel. Cor - belt. 20, Stc- 1. AND H. M. COWAN, 391 friday, 3. Hickey's con. EXCELLENT BREEDING STOCK Note. --A tree notice will be in- serted in the Times for two weeks to diose securing their bills at this office. MSDIOAL - ---- JW. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. . P. B„ Graduate Victoria Uni- iato ffioO and re.idonence. Dominion, Uber. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PIIYSI- •lans and surgeons. Successor oDrJ. A. Hollins. °nice A\cedtalike l': _; :rat:. nr f( -'r Ay- sitttilatitig the 1$tuiend1 ehuta- luig tlx: St.)Jr.at 3 a ! I;tv "els of =MIA WiltEt4 • PromotesDigestinachccrful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opluni,Merphine nor /fulcra'. NOT NARCOTIC. &c. v Ol iDrSyMt r0. r.-77 Jtusp(rn Sud •.4:.,. .f..•1 • In 4 i., 0.J 2s • ci;;Acyc4ii MOT Aperfcct P.cincdy for C,:oastipa- lion, Sour Slonlach,Dtat fhoca, Worrlts Convutsieits,rcverlsh- ncss and Loss OF SLL_:P• YacSimile Signature cf NEW YOi.K. ,tet - EXACT COPY OF \; R:.`.':CR. • S1 The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of .014 u For Ov Thirty Yea STORI T,,, $eclat -a Co.•TAMY. M[M YORK CIT IIAROLD M'NAII Is a oho:eely-bred Imported Cly- desdale stallion; bay, Cents 1901. n Monday. I1der ton ; to this stable. Tuesday, T. D. Hudgins,. E. Guests. \Vednesday.:Dow+an Bros; t:cor;,a Duffield%. till Thursday moan then to John Ro ll's 'hotel, Granton. Friday, David Atthwurth's; G. Tuckey'e hotel, Ilirr,. Saturday to his .own stable ROBERTS & DUFFIELD, Press. tv 1 I'li ELSEA igl: •Z.tl.l, 'The Canning Factory! 11rz-. M,Ariliur sold dlughter Jen- i nip Ince rot 'tined home abet a ' I p►t''.'I " visit with friends in Tor - (Onto. fl Th. 10,.1 ,e aper was out last Week land ihie Ir: _umula(io.t of winter's idirt w -.Is removed trout rho street a. Mr. W. Goetz lett last week for Orsini, w•il:ro he has Secured at po.v- i tion with h; s brother. 'pits t.•.rruucnt of the Lord's sup- per will bo observed in Carmel pee, bytor• ul ohuroh -ext Sunday morn- ing. Alt'. Art.old. Ii. - sager of the }'or- oreig11 flank, 1. purchased the fin - ' brisk dwelling o.4 King street from Mr. W. Colwill. Mrs. Central iu►rain 10krillg slt8rtlY for 1 L3 NorthwC', to join !%1r. Cot - twill .and ro:► lAsliSte. who 11nco lrru there for some time. At the vestry meeting 0f St. Paul's paunch the fiat rises and the schemes of the church, cis well as the general prosperity v[ the church, wore found to be moat cn:ouroging both to the lasso'•, Itev. W. .i .Doherty, and his p ssor, Rev. W. .1. Doherty. and his connossoltiots. Mr. G. C. Petty and Mr. \Vat. White were re-elected as •:.hurrah wardens. Miss Vc•,rll Murdock, lots been cp- glged as o:grrnist of rho Carmel c,hunsh .and commenced her duties Sunday last. At Uile I•egnt1r meeting of Ilse tlu,rterly Official Boird 0.)f the :11s.liolist church the following rc.4- oIiii ion w' •3 0144.•;241 unanimously : "'!tint we the members of this hoard appre- ciationdesire to of the excelletit011 l work done by our pastor, itev. Ih•. Medd. Vor- is,; four years pastorate here. itis pulpit nIIIII teations have been char- acterized by great ability and zeal. Ile ,bas given undivided :It tent ion to the mans de,.ti1't of our church work• ills intcu:'al earnestness and - deep spirituality have enthused the con- gt•1•<galious and lured t Item for war.' to the possession of a higher life. In all branohcs or our church work we 14 ;t0 peace cult inectic'I'rity. We re- ) s: t -'t that our relations as pastor and t people, which have 1)0011 so amicable must, by hole laws OC the $Morph, `cease with this conference year.. Our earnest wish and prayer to God is that in his new field or labor the riolaeAt blessing of Goal may rest upon hila." As previously st;tled Dr. Medd exited to go to Victoria. Ave. '1 al he having accepted an in - HAYFIELD Messrs. Frank 1{cgan and John Mcleod arrived !tome Monday night vilalion to that church. from fort Huron loitero they were +- engagcd filching and ere intending • HURON to rUll a batt and rig out of this ..IO Port. Fishing has been very good Reports from Goderio11 tottnship lately and is improving. and Colborne aro tibat ln:uiy fields of 'L`(0. Hayfield foot ball team are salt 'ow•n wheat hare been ploughed playing Collegiate frtcutea ,thi ((stab Cand up on account of being winter or •ton ,itz:iteam, this week, ash spring killed but north and cast [all aro plepariu� for the match wit}t Matter. TIN' ott.lblishic osttuing fac- tory -hexa J,4021r1S t ., 14 1111 1:411 ab- sor IGng tol,ia for tt tcussiaairdus. aamongtlo-:o tvh. .Ire aking for v0. for our t°ttIe At .1 1[+L!ttlt laevtintril,r of those interested Mr. J. A. Stewart stated }i0 would t%,ri.0 ►110 Comers' Asocitiioa to ctenJ .I ropr(s nt;ltitc J C.1 3 (0:1.10et the oomntrittCC .1,1(41 Alae it some information. The a•s:•o:ration I '.-,po:xte•1 by sen1t, ing a tiir. Dunn. manss.•r of lice S-r.athroy branch. Mr. Ducat ar- rived in sown Tu•atcdly evt•u 113 and .t meeting w 4s vatted in 11_ek:.on & Don't iu Mr. Dunn stated that lw trot born Do ,c Let an rttug business for .1 uum- b^r of ye.trs and gave a lot of exc. ►- 1?nt advise. basest pa, his many years of experienc..es lip stated that it is alto•„ edea loo Brussels here on the h 1811 fields are retorted to bo locking Am ateur • Try to advise you about. thein- • decoration coration of veto. home. late todo business this ycar,but how- 0411• Wail Paper salebtneit ate • ever if .t company i.' formedthis qualified by expet•ieut•t•, taste yo • par, buildings could b'. crc1 .cd, ma- • and training to assist. c• n in • cliirary installed, an 1 contract • secut•tug the best result-. • Then our stock a 1/ gels 15 by far the most conapttte nt,d • stylish within your !VOL It. • Better consult us. • • 1• t tt ler Must not le confounded with com- a 0.T Mr. Dean and Mr. McDougall, Ill- feeling considerably better. specters of butter factories. visited ' Alr. Jas, S{xwkmaar 'has the oon- sly unlike them in every respect. tracts of the cement walls o[ the Ono trial wil 1 prove their super- - iority. nu•s13 for the ,growing of the differ- ent vegetables, and bt in shape to do busionsa at tho begitin`.Ing of the se 4' 0:1 111 1907. Tom•ttorad, cern and pests, he says, aro t ho best seller's. hut - bad his doub,s about tomatoes being grown suc;,:s-fully in this lo'cil-ity. •Phis wv•s his first visit here and was greatly impressed with the treat- ment accorded hint by .the oonuuittee sand stated 1;1)81 i( th3. combine in- tends atartiag an011r:r branch he • would arraotnmcAul Exeter .:n an ex- • •O•••••••••O.00.C.4)*0090.0 c -tient lo:ntiou 4 The commltl. I Mrs. Kegan, ((4110 spec he winter t ilibbed t, returned home this ((pelt. Carter's Little eor Liver Pills aro ent pills. Sh k J \\inch 1 new let+apo:ator and the nee, pietho Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. phen, J. Bannon s. Ip b Tele1'l•utm ...' . Long distance connection. Saturday, to his own stable Dash - e sort factory one ty Tuesday. week. dist antra'. 1.!l. Spackman has mow gpeci.I attention given diseases of women 0.i Argot toy was held at 1110 school amrgcry. Oxford or C. Y. H. Street Cars to wood, until rho following 11st 1'ttday. IJ►o boys and girl, 'Fa`oliu0 mixer for mixing cement Holtotheraity oku you almost to the door. WILLIS &CUE\T111at, Props. " which aEoli will be .l wonderful help this Ho other city once. Special Hospital and ---�---- proved to be excellent workers an'1 a act,' !ac'U%01t• other arra,K 4t en 1114 for patients /Special from `O\, PAROLE the school grounds were soon ru distance. ` la trottinZ stallion, foaled Mr. S:uu Cooper, of Clinton, was neat and claw. New Shade trees in town Monday purotr►sing lumber thins in 1900. Can trot in _ 20, will been planted, which. inbur from Mr• Mustard. Monday, Thos. l'urnbull's. ..•ruble will greatly cold to the appearance , 110111 M tr:Is licit here in the Dll. A. It. KINB�IAN, L. lirlp, 1'ritz's hotel, Grand IlencL of the sc,ltool. Methodist church on Sunday last. U. e. D. D. 5.,Ifonor tlraduate lucselay, Albert .\Iusscr's, Corbett. Mr. T. Coward was in London o'' Mr. John Ireland, o[ Clinton, agent f Toronto University, Dentist. Parkhill. business Friday of last week. t'eethextractedwitbout stn or1'•he Ladies of Winchclac+a 11110 0:• fur the marble works of hoover & at bad sons ter offence, Office Min Wednesday, Deitrick sbhotel. Mt. 11 A live !y hall, Iris sold over twelve hundred son's block. West Nldoof Main Carmel, his stable, Das t the Irons Exetn•• Thursdaly• hill's hotel, Crediton; Mansion )louse, Exeter. Friday, ueens hotel. llensall, Do- minion Housi, Zurich. DNNTAL gattizcd a base -ball tears. it dollars worth of monuments for ► Hayfield cemetery 11re•;Idy this t Edwin Holmes, who, baring Sir anda Lam nearly every night. y p[,:dwinzic lmes,ll, o, b a ng the and 1110 foam f last Jetnent oro. spr►ug• This not only affords «mueemcut for Messrs Jas. llualcatuan and Dao. f oldest printer itt 11y;s�.trki, died ' his John Sterling, who lives on the London Toad. near Clinton. lost bis house old contents front fire on Wednesday evening of last tvack. Tho 'family was visiting n neighbor, and cannot account for 1Jh0 cause. a l c. •den b loss .((-ill b3 cans, AItoh ng,\ Blind, BleediNTEED af FOR Rrotrlud- ins Piles. Dru; zists are authorized to rotund money if P147.o Ointment fails to cuts in 6 to 14 clava. 50c. • I . V . F. BEf\V E S 2 • •• • • Farquhar, Ont. •• 1 1 EY 1'O LOAN. OQ 1 the people, but also exorcise for AL t hie Das those 1 ams. Iiairrison, of Goderioh, spent Sunday We t funds 10 SatOr y o Io engaged ttiM on cru• •., v 0.g home(ernoon. to Ccltharit►es. April 28th. 1900, aged 83 years. Mr. Holmes w•as one of the first type -setters on the Toronto Glob'. Robert llolmes, ex -M. P. of West Iluron, is a non. Tire deve341C,1 tt7:h4 '110:,1 its England. He engaged W baro a largo amount of private u da t his own stable, Li sO cn I ed in the >; last in the village. d 111 opropertios at.loRratA►a wood, tell Monday. - \\ e understand 1110 Sterling bank •T Interest. " 1LANCE ill' twill coon l)0. sta.rtiug bUHinC%a hcrc, V, %I/MAN & STANIIL'fiY I{[as been Br Baran. c solicitors. Main tiL Exeter JOCK O'IIA, ELUI:AN it has truthfully said [hal Iia lug rented AI r. .lo(n '!tippet a Is a beautiful dappled boy, 16 1-2 to disturbance of the even Whine- shop Cor lbs present. Irutd% high, and has proven himself of health •aures serious trouble. No• -�-' No- n xurc f0,1 getter. holy can be loo careful to keep this WHAT CAUSIIS r't1 1 L\UICITIS. in trite printing; trade In St. Gtther- Monday, Ed. Turn^r'+, lot 9, con. balance up When people bet The o f Lndi itle4 for tunny y trail 0.-d was know•- Vt u as as n man tt ho h . Yl DICKSON & CARLiNG, Barrtstera, *10lICitor•4, No.trti,,, (onhe dips a yeyaneete Cottnnls.•i ners, rkllt••stort for Bank. Etc. Memel to Loan at lowest rate,. of interest. 07F10EI-MAIN isTitEET, EXETER. $. CARLJNO R. A. 1.14. DICY1ON TLIOM AS CAMERON, (CNV EI - e t 0 loan ,1111.11 money d y •113 rtncer, wt Auctioneer for '�.pn real u1II 1, also Licensed + 0.r es th and I Huronerth. R the erase. .es sof Orders bell a rreesiderce. } srquharcwill reeclve prompt a(tten 1ton. MONEY 'I'l) LOAN 1 We have unlimited private funds for lnvesb set upon farm or village 110110,17 at Iowa Miss o{Intere.t1,1L,KSON & CAIRLING Exeter What is Home Without a Piano or Organ. i o .at 1113 clo'8 of the �"-v fording nfortily thanked Mr. Dunn �� RM R the information given by him. !�, �+ On the ((•holo Mr. Dunn !did lrl.oi strongly advise bhe (51 i Ili< Inlets o TAg{ a factory 'here, but i, v . i ,c : ex- Ei (tested that he tt•oal.1, 11:.; L•,ctory Ix in the comblete owl they nee not ,+eking any more ,ottt;c.;i:o:on than they can 'Lely. begin to e c wtnoncat c•tuse a app' ••d tics typo for sixty lose appetite, or to get tired <{u:chlyt $itis is co stinaiion. When you r tie founder the lea sl int 0rudeneo brings 011 +ick- uira physic dots t use cheap nes%, we:tit mess or debility. Til° sys- pitta -- get Hamilton's fills 1 of the Clinton \e.w 1%r.0., and for aov- tetn needs a tome$, $.raves it• 11111 tvhicl► strengthen the stomach. re- erul years was its editor in pro - should nix be denied it ; and the b a gulato the bowels and p1event any I pr•ictor. IIo was nlso for ni1n years two hate atty knr.w- tendency to�appendicitia. In one Ia leading citizen of Clinton, anti was Fit you'll lfeel the lamilton'sePilln.lotBybti ur: � in lth stcounty.;t111y known a Well any read fit of 1)r i[ying the blood and cleansing the! mett,kt alt{edgc'1 of nil l(i�tricac �xuof '[t at c it 1 a h cadacl preventac t system they /1 (, n'118 all ,Ir 1 tl end t 1 Ile w � Y .t economy, u no •y co Y �' c•s of iii• 1 weariness ti •a tt t w Y :1 Cr•il drive 1) :sndLI ttc.h .I U 4al :11100i ph,:,c '1'r:u[er, and .t No tnPdfls 1 too successful has Dr. Ilan1411On3 111118, sold everywhere in of the ofd school. Ile las nest ser- 1- 2ac. boxes with yellow cover; get the trey full lto 11of yeirs,yala hisdid time. ole nuinc. 0 • T. I. & W. McGuffin's, lot 14,� coal. 1, N1ssour1. t Ur. However. it is °11110.41 nn assured fact blot a company .will b3 formed Jame, and ready for business at the ldaving just 11118nnetl with The beginning of next year. It in expect- Veterinary Specially Co.. Ltd.. to self ed to talpitalizn idle oompany t the following tem $25,000, being 1000 rdtamea at $25 cod) and almost sufficient 0apid01 has been promised :o go ahead with the matter. It is understood Ural rho services of a practical main will b3 festtred and libat th3 following 6nontlemen 'leave 'agreed to rot as provieiorrti dlneeiors : Joseph Snell mgr. Eotanroign JJ iitk ; F. \V, Glad- Cure for Colts and Calve -, Leaking man, of Madman & Sianbury; L. 11. Naval and Joint I11. \ AN%:\NT & Dickson, ct Diokdon & Lthrling :Tine . \PARING, Vet et inary Ful get lis, 25 l ctrvey. dl .E. Huston «rd others. years practical experience. A coupon I\::Irties-deeirJng to take stock are in every package entitiirf the holder nequpsted to scud in their tomes tat to free Veterinary Advice. ono�e, stating the amount of shares -----FOR SALE BY -- Haven led. lithe no equal as a prompt and We NOTIGE 1 'Tuesday, John Guest's. lot 3, con. 6, A. Mc\Villiams. lot 7, oon. 5. Wednes4lev, 11. McCullough's, lot 13 con. 8; !o his own stable. ' tonic of toIleh Thursday. A. \\•illi•tm?, lot 14, can. [edge i4 Hood's Sarsaparilla. W t tit 11 : Jnr. Weir's, lot fl, con. 16. 1 his medicine Isis done in keels:or uta 'n 6 c sl .. con. v, t t 4 c healthy, t a lot , 1 1 Dun h co Mark a cal •' , far It p ► It Y i Friday. A 1 Y drastic years. Mr. Holmes w• as 1 15 Robert Easton's, lot n, con. 1r. no the even blanco of health,I t h gives l3tttrday, to Ibis own stable. F. 11. Kf:STLE, Pron. llrynnston. 1'. 0., On;. MASTERPIECE Is a beautiful bay, three white feel stripe in face, and Is 0110 of the moat fnt(ionnble Clydesdale in America. Monday, Thos. Vcnner's, Boundary line; Geo. \\ . Tuesday, Jae. Anderson's, 7th con. Osborne ; V. Kay's, Farquhar. Wednesday, Jas. Scott's. jr.: Stas• f.l hotel. '1'.I►ursd:ty. Hugh Mc\lillati N. lot 9, con. 5, Tuckersmit-h: Robt. Cooper's. Distressing Stomach Tfonbles Friday. John tliggin's, 1[illegrcet►:j Ccrainly not all that it might he to his own Stable t1111 o 1 in snout 1 Through the Inside Nerves. Saturday, Rodger Nort hcotl's; to eonliieifi114ric for t(he nr,t'N4tn of distst ress noel I e is inoses :Is n preven- tive that it enjoys ns a cure. its /•lily use has illustrated the wisdoni of 4.110 old siying that •r stitch In time :aver trine. Take hood'? for appetite, strength and endur;utc•'. Does Your Stomach Bother You l Dr. Shoop's Restorative Cures Al Colonel Graham take As roe value your health an•I happiness don't Saturday. tem. -dies. Stock Tonic and nlocat rttrlrler, Indigestion and Colic Drenches, Spav- in Cure. Worm Powders, (tough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Louse heath. Antiseptic Nealiug 011. Sprain Evul- sion, Black Oil for Thrush, heave Relied', Lump Jaw Cute, Ai•hordi4iac and Anti -Sterile f owdeti-, Diarrhoea Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grade his own stable. Dr Shoop** Restorative and end all tbCle IANOS AND ORGANS %hat Canada produces. They arc certainly works of art SEW1Nti MACHINES Then in Sowing Machines tae carry the hest 11131 the market affords. Uri not listen to what other tell i a about our prices BERRY & KAY, Props.trouble, These ache, are shillala -the? a I symptoms of p Ulm? You who never cat a heart) meat It wise to nate �--- . SAMPSON them out a sena$ of rutin,((, foiloUy n • iv 't br,►tltifUl tipple they Perot.- or Inaatttde 0.r drnwswsi . nes4-^Dc es% e tiunsawl you sutras 1 indlzcatlon-yoti'11 rl:scratde c 1 s • experience a 0 7 toms, -diet eullnF.retU n• to mouth, pit of atom• of OA. belch - r :)if' hratlitehe ms of �d 12- -after in any of • 44-) is clear - ,..e open to you- ,•rve4-these speCiel -lake oft forever tbts crest :4'*I ((gaups 1800 t,ofttcla. Nest". dhii0000R Mdulay leave his stable at noon, t,,, ante a sauuw. hill'14 toe!, Crediton. 1-:, no you Tur4c1iy, Dennis Ftrailer's'; S. 11.1 �.t:.•`•e. tt• llolgir s, :on :i, lot 1 I, llidiulplt. ' , , . Wetinescl4Y, \Vitliatn Davidror.l-. , Stitt %bury • Wm. flro,k'n, 1•sborn .. , Thur. day, Allr•rt Gunning; s; - I -,,� Frid'v. I':x rgttttar Samuel ('u,l- I tthese W I>4. )VLr i tint" i s t. u t on' morc'n, Naos. fl, 1'sl t►rrc. alma, ,taro t:.c inside S O ll and satisfy Saturd.ly, 1t. ytil11I011 , con 3. at oma. t1 notice - yourself. 'Ate will make thein to and terms, but ca11 ,y ; Lo his owat ALEX DOW, 4-table1'rol•. . cvu:•v17' ut,ltse:,et'ut the dieestive neroeaIn 1 t t as nature Intended they should. i suit you un ccs you 1 condition 0. , ,;: r dr•..: a:0n't force -Just Rice the inside 1 arc very hard 1.. 4;44.4 •.: f.arM. Kettle tunic. nature's DeiD. r(INF. i►Al : 1.•at•rotivn Piahlet, oT LIQui TO CUBE A COLD IN „t., this -it is the only pre• I to please. Take [.ixxt[ve promo Quinine Tal• • �' . t • ;..1, L.,Ld, up. or even attempt Ki ; INS. All drusrfri.ta refund the mon :..- lutlde Item:whiter:es. Sold PI S. MARTIN & SON e7 if it falls to rote. E.:\. Gross , NN,.. S. i1O\\ I•,1 . 'tenature is on eieh box. 25o. To Cure a CoId in One Dy Take Laxative Brotno QUinhiAit Tablets. 44.: sePy sews New bozos sold In past 12 months. ! ilia signature,w.e, Cures In Tv,O 0111 CNC;'":;.' box. 2 Sc. •\ \ t. '-7 A, rtl� i \''''M I'lAPL t:•LEAF- TRAOC MARK 146. Maple Lead Rubbers :ire made only from the best "Para" rubber. Made to fit every style and shape of men's shoes, ladies' shoes and shoes for the litth: ones. T;1 ; l tics' shapes they are [scat, light, 1►t't'tcct fitting and lasting. Insist on the " NIaple Lcaf" Brand -- it's on every rubber. ``told 1)'.' :ill (l"alcrs. positive cute for sick headache, bol- 7'11+$ Live Druggistllousn0as, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter's EXETER, ONTARIO. Little Liver Pills. Try them. s. HOWEY THE DU'IOP TRADS MAR= Dunlop Book for Horsemen Free to Any Address Sixty-four pages, with il- lustrations and able 1 e charts. Useful information about lame horses care- fully selected and compiled. Write for it to -day, by post- card, giving � yourur name C a nd address and the name of the paper in which you saw this notice. THE DUNLOP TIRE COp � TORONTO 17 ``A MONTHLY PAY DAY .! Even if you can't work THE EMPIRE $1.00 rtOUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE 21 Si'r (1RI YHOUSD 2 Ds)s In Detroit Accident & Surety Cumptny Will allow you $50 a nionth while disabled by accident or sickness, if you have one of their policies. THE COST IS ONLY .$1.00 A_ MON'I' A Canadian C'olI ern. W. JOHNS, fluent. Exeter. • r r a 1: t.1• :■ia It �• isr•• 'i��00..�!,. lr 'et 1 LLOH I N O E -STAY FENCE rc,t,'r A Th., pilhm 111•.R•..aTtY l'naht•.,rt to last. h. ser/ rails 11 7,4.1,447 R 4,an1v4 111,1 110 It OOP§ ISO 0..r.. ,r114111nIt ntlatI ( li *l. v, free -1 e agent, ra,it,•l. est04,/Vast it_ - wla6 PCNct cO. LIMITED. ' \V. .1. I1EAMAN, Agent. Exeter. FOR SALE - House anti lot. good lo=ritiOtl, corner Elizabeth and iluron streets, Exeter. On the premises is a frame stable, a good fnamo house containing 8 rooms, ft number of fruit trees, both hard and • Fort waster. For further particulartf utility to MILS. GEO. iIISSETT, Exe- ter. Ont. abATOrt. IAe Bests the . Ha,e Phta a ty,igtd &gestate 1 -GCA et ••.....••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••w •THE 11OLSONS BANK • • (incorporate 41 by Act of i'cw liantent Itis;)) • CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • $3,000.000.00 • RESERVE FUND ••• •••• $3.000.000 00 IS Branches In Ontario, 4urrer. Alterta littlish Contrail •,t d \I 4+::',.`.•t • • EXf:1'F.R I312ANC ti • • U.•c n every [.awful Dal from 10 A. N. 103P. rt. except Saturday :u A. Y. lA 1 1•, st. • Fnrrnoret' Minlu Notes cashed or collect id. Forms supplied • On Red Stares1lbought(AFTS on an awl sold at lowest(s in rates(he Domini, 01 ex(hanK , (IrCat Britain and VII Z AAVINUB DBPARTNIFNT • 00POeltltt 1,1 41.00 anal upwards received. interest cont- pounded half leartey, snd guided to prtnefpal June 1485 and Dercrl►tx•t Mt. De - 1 2 prwlt1 iteeeip1. also toned and blithest current rates, of interest a111wrd. S Aodwesvtetrtattes ote otnnn1de4 tfoa' foraulneetts rms,'t.ocAkgednte.aalter}s cainedr furb110i1ne. OaeowncrnPmn enitts l • Dickson & Carling, ,Molicitor. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• •.....•e••••••••••••••••••