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Wedding Stationery
,young Ladici mho ate interested
le what is prober in the matter of
Stationery for Wed eLngs, ,Loutd bee
Due !samples, latest type faces. We
teas have thou ready in a few Moura
Just Bought
A clearing lot of Men's and Boy's Suits and
Odd Pants. All up=to=date goods, which we
will sell at wholesale prices. Ask to see
our $6.00 to $6.50 Men's Suits.
Locals. ` Golden Wedding.
1� CJtrie Knight
Jet+sey Bull Ualf. \\'ill exchange for
Apply at this offic ole ring' Illy.
hie or cels. Apt )
A \l'AIBF.[t 01' THE BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. (uries hni;;ht, of
Bien and tniende of Dr. Rollins, ban- Station street celebrated their gold -
eve• ning and also presented him with Fifty veers ..,go in the English
a watch chain as a token of church cls ct .,t Broinktin. Wilt.their high esteem for btu. Tho shire. Englruid. Charles Knight led
Wilt -
members of the fire brigade,to the altar \hiss Caroline \\'ilt
iwhi.cli the Dr. is an honorary mein- ;,hire, where thcv pledged their troth
b^r, presented him with ft gold brad-rehire,
death doth port. Shortly after
retort of Ole ttaaiquew
ed ohne, suitably iit wied. A full their marriage they came to Canada
will be given their first stopping place being Lon -
in next week's issue. don. 'There Mr. Knight •se ured a
TILL: ANNIVERSARY SERVICES situation with the Groot Western
of the Epworth League of the Main railroad, now s tart of the Greed
street Methodist church will be held Trunk system, and was assigned to
next Sunday. Ret. Locke, o[ IKinc.lr- duty at Paris, ellere h'jd4' being
dine, a former pastor of t Le church switchman he we, o.hi i y X -
here. will nro-tch at Loth the morning wined n P pts hhreoprom& oto when
and evening .services. it was during
Rev. Leeke's incumbency that the 1•os•ition as station master at London.
church was burned and rebuilt, and After serving. the company faithfully
no doubt the edifice will be crowded for twelve years at London, he Was
by diose anxious to hear tin: rev. transferred to St. Thomas, where he
gentleplatt. Special music is beim �em'n.ited o ltor xetc ne li incare 1878 before
I,reAME• ohnrgo of the station. Ilere he re-
1,\Mn. BEERS, DEPUTY GAM(? mitred in oh'rrge continually up to
\'; .: rde.n, s ectal days ago received 1900, when h •re,-.ige. d, his `.on, John
the in[oru::,tkIl tlt't au Indian tit 13. trite present went. being appoint-
llcnr+lt ;�:'d lulled an otter in Ilay e1 ie, the position.
:owu;hip .a few weeks ago, and had Ther Millett tans blessed ttith eight
diseased of the skin. ,lir. Beers im- children, -ix of Whom care Ovine, started on a still hunt for Charles of St• Thomas; George, sta-
t he violators of the law, otter beim tion agent et Edenton, Frank. of
protected until 1910. Ile loclttedthe Exeter: Fred, of York ton, and John
fodi:ut who elicited
killed the fotterorm and J. and Miss °eerie at'homd:and with
from him It had the information fico the exception •of Fred, salt. including
1 hat the pelt had been t. Iosc3 of to Mrs. Chas. lenight, Mrs. Geo. Knight
a men in Seaforth. Mr, Beers went Airs. Frank hnit IIt and Mrs. Bert
to Sc.tfon Tucsdty, and fount Knight •and sevens! grand children,
that a Mr. McDougall had purchas- tttended the festivities.
ed the hide. To avoil prosecution In addition ton itii.ving n number
McDougall !told .1 fine of X40 and of very handsome presse'.nts from
costs. '1' hi' telt he claimed had been their friends, Mr. end Mrs. Knight. :o':t Layer in New York Net were thio •reoipiettts of a purse of
cr:+! rias~ ago. gold from their children.
Next Wednesday evening. May 10. The occasion was a most enjoyable
the Epworth League of the Main one, and blxtt this esteemed couple
street church intends giving an in- may be spared to celebrate their
terestin•g program in the church. diamond wedding is the wish of their
The meeting of the Methodist min- host of friends.. A few years ago
isters and laymen of this district will the parents of Dara. Knight hada the
commence on I.1iit day and the fol- unusual :pleasure
of lebraof o�rgwth
lowing .ministe,rs are expected to as- diamond
Fist : Rev. 1)r. ;Medd. Rev. L. Bart- dine day
lett .and ltev. It. W. McTavish. Rev.
S. J. Atilt', of Parkhill. will assist in
I he music tl end of 1 he program.
also .1. E. Holmes. Solos will be
given by Mies Amy Johns, Miss 11u -
stat and other local talent. The
Epworth League Inas been doing
good work ;end :1 large gathering is
expected. A .rlv t c
taken at the door. Dors open a
Meri's Suits
Fashion this season, Decree's fancy
tweeds, .the patterns of which are
slightly larger than formerly shown.
The coat is cut with the vent also a
trifle longer.
Boy's ;Shits
A splendid range for goodschool suitable
in dark and light tweeds,
Styles• Prices $1.50 to $2.50.
Three piece suits, sizes 28 to 33,
made of nobby tweeds and worsteds.
Prices $2,75 and up.
Odd Parits
Horsemen Attention!
Teo s(`nsou for gt•ttee; oat route
bills will soon be {,ere. itE\IEMMn8R
those, getting bilis t+iinted at the
Timet Office get a too weeks unties
in the' paper FltEP.
General Selling Agent. for
Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and
Canadian Northern Railway Lands.
If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give
you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms.
Both Men's and Boy's sizes. The values in these are
remarkably good, equally so the range of patterns.
Boy's 50c to 75c ; Men's $1.25 to $2.50 a pr.
Just see our Linoleums, 4 yds. wide,
.at $1,90 per yd. [net].
Our rock fast drill at 15c per yd.
Our pure wool sweaters at 50c each for
boys from 5 to 12 years of age.
ROBP E. ?I6KfiRD0 irob1sbcr Sask.
Reductions in Furniture
neadf carters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Test Your Borax
Drop a small quantity of vine- •
gar on a little borax. If it foams
up or effervesces the borax is ad• •
ulterate(l with carbonate of
soda. Our Borax stands every
test for purity. Sold in :, cen
•, packages,
EY, Phe B•
Miss M. Gardiner leaves this week
by lee itt to sister.the Mrs`\'llannai, ofest, Mount
31 . Edwin .Toney and Dirs. 8.
Itr t returned home from London,
n r spending .a few days with Mrs.
o. Levy and other friends.
i'.\'1'•TEv & 1'EIIRY'S "JERRY.
from Kerry Co." in Gidlcy's Opera
(Louse, Wednesday evening. May 10
1908. Goal entertainment. first
lclass band and orchestra. Street
'i parade at noon. Popular prices.
• 1 flan of hall at Cole's Drug Store.
Town Secures River
c c collection will be Reeve Ilobie.r informs us Lh.tt he
D e t bas endo arrangements with Mr.
7.30, concert aA-8.- William arra_n to have the latter
deed to she oorton,tion the land ly-
ing PREPARATIONS FOR THE ing between the bridge and the
celebration tioo Victoria Day are being Teedwkt mw farm, tl►e only .onditt ly-
tees y looked atter by the commit- :laked by Mr. 13.:i lie
tees in charge, and everything points ;JO council plant n few trees on the
to t siioesaful day. Tho conditions protons and put Oto legal exl>~'fl'
of the foothill match have been al- itrourred in tnaking the transfer.
tercel t-otnew4ta1• and instead of be- The rotator will be brought before mg between the Exeter school and the ,council at its next mcyeting fid
the between
of Stephen and Usborno no doubt tiro offer will bo +aocc
the coinnmittee lens decided to make, wiuhout any opposition.
it between a team from t.ho Exeter Mr. ilawden made the '+mt too-
(eJ00l and town boys and a team festoon a few years ago.
from Stet*Lon nail Usborno, whether notion wets taken in the matter, and
or not. The Senforth la- 1to is entitled to an expression of
elOtse club ere to come here for a thinks for the renewed of his gen-
pupilsgate to be played at the Recrea- Brous offer. The property in quo -,-
tion grounds immediately after the tion is of eons:Atonable value to the
Parade in the morning. r*atis- town, there being several thousand
factory nrraaigemerts Jtnving cords of stone in the river bed,that
been trade. A genet -At meet- can bo uttlized •in maaidamizin , our
int; is °ailed for Saturday after- str'cxsts.
noon al. the Co inmere ial hotel to The present counoil board Ins on
complete arrangements, and a full several occasions discussed the Iwo
attendance of all members of the flet of tnnoadsmiz�nB "portion of
different committceess is reeuested. eL•liu street each star, but the, !nat-
ter of oust in set;uring stone +Itraskept
the proposition at standstill. Even
l though nothing b done this year
the stone is there for the 'purpose.
maid W..t cost to tho town will be
ngyolvthe stone, which hauling ill ande lay-
cheaper than the present order of
things, that of putting on gravel in
ttte/fall and weeping it off in the
sit Yl ng..
Having purchased the stock WV . C. Huston and in order to
reduce the same we will offer for tele next two weeks, the entire
stock of furniture, comprising_ Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom,
Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and
rockers at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
Furniture Deniers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario
• ••••♦•••••••♦♦•♦••♦••••• ♦•4•...••••...•••••••••••
• ••♦••••••••••••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••
is ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦♦••••••••• •••• •
:ZA Monster Demonstration will be held i•
lit at EXETER
h!.Thursday,May24 06 J ••..
•••0 :I
�♦ Under the auspices of the Stephen and Lsborne
: • Agricultural Society. Arrangements arc being made
::i to make this a Gala Day for EXETER._
• ::
:: 'ME SPORTS will consist of Calit1nii 1pian;i
• :# and Trades Processions, Horse Racing, Foot Ball •
t :I Games, Atheletic Sports and a Grand C'on^ert of ♦ s
/;: the best Canadian Talent in the Opera House it, ii Z
Ze the evening. ;
••I from Sunrise until Midnight. i♦II I
• •
• .
•i• Fun
•♦•.••..•♦•••••••••♦•.•••••••♦♦•♦••••••••• :I
• ♦ ••••♦♦♦
O ••••••♦•♦••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
W S BOW • • DutS
ter, receitcd the sad Retry Inst week
('beuu�t and Opt ician . i from her daughter. Mrs. Richard S.
EXETER ONT. • , Jones. of Seattle. of the sudden dont)
Phone v'1• • of her only daughter. Edna May
♦••O.Oe••O.eeeeeeeeeee•••• 1 aged nine year.% from apoplexy.
Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jime4, Obi
eli•e el •rgaret strap.; is visiting writes: "I have used every rented
La Mount Forest. for Nick headache I could hear of fo
Si ct his weekc wlthnherent a dnnsel:Pr � Littlw the e Liver ast teen Pillsyears,
Zitsthan all the rest.
Zits. \\'illi, in London.
nterestin News
1 g
'rhis.,,is the most interesting news item we a let► furnish
Sou, it al\ira 's saves you looney, and probably that i3 what
most of 118 atesonost interested in.
See us if yen want a good strong stylish Screen Door,
\Ve are showing the latest at lowest prices, all oak finish at
`)Oe,, $1.2O, $1.40. $l.(3.).
Our special sale of Men's Clothing last week was a
decided success. We will continue the same special in-
ducements until Saturday night of this week.
To every roan that buys an Ordered Suit from us during
the next two weeks, rstock e 1 make a offer sent, of gofxl until llSatuat r -
may choose from
(lay night May 19th.
1.ast week we sold boxes and boxes of Raisins,
member the price 5 pounds for `?.5C, we will continue
price until Saturday night May 12tl1, not more than
North to any one customer at a time.
Eggs 14c per dozen all this week
Butter 17c per lb. all this week
'1' 1E FOLLOtelNG IS 1•'110M '1'111
Clinton News Fra and refers to a
former Exelerite.—OBC of the most
un•lesinable 111ings that falls to the
lot or a newspaper, is to .111/101111C0
Ih'• '011 teinI 11 cd removal from town
of yer}otei w•lin have been p•trticu-
1 trly rood citizens and boll a pro-
minent place in the oesiel life of the
community. This week we have to
announce lee removal of 51r. itue-
r.ell E. Moment; to a new. field of
1+how. 110 has been employed in Mr.
'I'ielall'y Private Itank for some
years land this week goes to Varna.
where he, will (vett a branch for
the Sleeting itauk. Ile dyes !tot' ex-
pert to remain 1 here long. having
been protnined :+ po:•ition as Man -
:leer eiscwdere. During lir. Man.
nluit'y residence here ho has been; in
the,, fullest sense of the word aft
Admirable citizen lhnd enjoys the re-
,:pccl. and esteem of the entire com-
munity. ile is on off:ci r1 tnctnber
of 1 he \Vestey Church, ;i trtetnber
of 11e eiicsir, one of the. teachers in
t he 811)1111 1i School and his remov-
e create!' :1 vacancy itt the work-
ing force of the church that will be
L•'+d to fill. Tlc has also been re -
1.t' 1'19'tivC of the Public_ fieheel
ito'rd, en the Library hoard for the
1131 five years. While regretting
deeply the Contemplated removal of
hirnr.r•If and itis estimable wife from
o(t' midst, we me glad of 1'is :1+1,
vrncentent to a mole lucrative and
1tepotlyible pe, -hien. Mr••. Mannino
will remain here until it 111.4 been
decide.) where 1, • will be lor.'fed per-
n►'nent ly.
Si7RSCRi11E FOR THE TIMES � � cl cot stock we Ye
just the kind of
,� of Ivtving j
RR. G. 1'. TTOiJLSTON, Dentist. I: goods tlint will eive perfect
�J yttisfnction to our patrons.
(8uccerr:or to Dr. D. A. Andertar. I We are continually on the
Gredua(e of it. C. I). S. of Ontan, lookout for ::11 the new' and
and 'roror.:u 1'nircrsity. Otficc in : high class cuticles in hair
1)r. Ando. son's former dent l fur l ji tlru:ahcs that nre coating tor -
lore 0( t & p'rlinKs Of[i•:e.� ,,,Led from time to time, and
T `: by making your purehatte'
our of Revision. i j Hero h.tt•C ndvantaga
of secuyouring the Ialeatthe and best
Public 1e, ; " . :.• :.y given that I • in this line et very retronable :
the Court of It. -t: -i,(:+ for the eseess- t: pric»t. - : ptent roll of t t, • V.1' •.e of Exeter, j ♦---------- ,�wAy..11 Itc,ld i.L W �j�. ODfor Ih" firs ee: y; .. . IIOT��/ PhmRE.:r .W,s 4HEAmAN,s
first meteiter .•t the Town TIM, F ♦ tee N11 -,r tin ()rout ler o:t Mon) .y the 28,11 '!'y o' Mae.' ♦ O
, EXE Ms\'1' o choke : I h,n+r :.
1. �i'Xi'1•l, Chi k. ••••0.4•►••♦♦♦•.•.•••••0.Oit. I
Exeter, ?illy 7th. 1;061".
at 7.30 p. m.
ALR. LCRDOr it LLE- i h and circulation are not
educe! the twelve •souvenir w•atc�h l If warmth
olt.unms from England, which he in -1 promptly restored 'r iiln l:resu5ttalin
t drilled (f fatal pneumonia.
keeping Nervilitre on hold. Taken in
hot water, it breaks up a chill in
two minutes. By rubbing ftercety
over tht'att and chest it prevents
colds. No liniment so strong. so pen-
etrating,:'o i
swift to kill pain and n_
tends giving to the l'' be••
and appearing squad of sc'lrcol obil-
dren 'taking part in trite prozesssi.on
Victoria deny. Teen souvenirs (ire on
exhibition in the window of Senior'e
photo studio and are pronounce3 to
he. r. XCcllent specimens of t he die ,
sinkers' art. They ore gold plated flammation. Nearly fifty 3
end contain 24 miniature representa- cord has proved the value of Poison's
tions of the late Queen Victoree and Ner Sine. You should get n bottle
,Bombers of the Royel fancily.
Another carload of Samson Brand Portland
Cement unequalled for Walls, Floors, Side-
walks, Etc.
tf1 /f F _
Tint "variety is the Piece of
1 life." is a well known adage. FENCTNG
And there is a world of truth
n it. There is Varlet)! galore
iv tax Rik of Varlet)!IDEAL FENCING17 wires high°=35c
and your range of !elect
tmuG st.NDRIES
tan i, all No. 9 wire 8 wires high -37c
unlimited. With such a 1i''t
_.•..r:dent • We loan Stretcher to put up Fence. Also
1 Coil Spring and Barb Wire at lowest prices...
Iron Gates from $2.50 to $6.00
Lawn Mowers $3,00 to $8.00
i Garden Tools of every degrription
Re -
GowiiM& BIOOIllhLCkI, LU6R61SCa
and Stove Store.