HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-03, Page 8Al 8 EX E I E R '1. 1 M r, S, MAY 3rd 1946 STEWART's CARPETS, CURTAINS AND LINOLEUMS House nrfflIi1u TrdOc IcQ,, Booiulii, We art, more than tickled with the amount of business to (late. We are told by people that have been around that our stock is just a little more up -to (tato than any in town and the values, well as usual they are in your favor. $1.95 For your choice of the finest lot of Eng- lish Linoleurns in Exeter. Our Linoleum. came to us direct from the makers. We buy them by the ton and in this way get the freight prepaid. The advantage will be all yours if you order from us. lVe are showing s" ,..11 new patterns in t1 lra1, tile and nlaid effects, in 2, 3 and 4 yd. widths. 75 For the hest pure wool, Ingrain Carpet that you':1 efind, made from fine thorougnly scoured Carpet Yarn dyed with '!ie best carpet dye Known to the trade • You can I, iv cheaper lower priced wool carpet. Our TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes, avast be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TlIt'ItSD)AY. MAY ard, 1906. •••c.+•t•••t'••(t ,,••••••••••• LOCALS• • ►•••••• 2• GET YOUR L:\\V.\ MOWLIt •h ': reel.:d :1l Iiar(teibs. PEEVE IIOIIIER EXI'F:.CTS 1115 auto:nobile bele by Saturday. THE SPRINKLING CART MADE: its first appear:, 117.0 01 the streets Saiur7! ty. MISS li. 11ONTllltON \VAS lie. :t few d ty.t fast tveek, ;1 Severn cold being the cense. COLE'S IJAICING POWDER NEV- e.r fails to please. 'fry it. 25c. a ['wind at Cole's Drug Store. Mlt. L .McTAGGART LAST WEEN. shipped to London 262 :'nil ty boN<'s, ni eking te.urly 1 carload. .MISS JECKELL \VAS ILL LAST Monday :it'd the pupils front her ro:)rn tt :.re dismissed for the day. MR. ANDREW GIBSON, ON J 1l( -lay lust purchased the resiJencc of Dr. !Collins on Andrew street. OUR St, IISCRIITION LISTS lvtvc been corrected up to dale. Est, if the .tate opposite your name show. correctly. PATTEN & PERRY'. «.ii:iutY front Kerry Co." in (7idlcy's Opera 'louse, evening M'y IG.1i, 1908. Str:et parade at noon. carpet experience has taught us that the best is always the cheapest. J (.loci tie light 1 Our new )ztterns are - g.rt and gas pleats for tlx: MIt. NASII, INSPECTOR O ' 1 ry pretty, Willou look y� London district, w,a in totan llon- at them. 5c For it pig rang of new wall papers, all filly t; rounded and beautifully 1 luted, neat floral and sere ! patterns, in (:linilner and Bronze efl',:,;ts, $20 For the steeliest Eng- lish Velvet Rugs in town, direct to us frorn the makers, the color- ings and patterns are beantiful, soft green, red ar d brown blendings they are as pretty as pictures. $5 lOc For a very special range of new full Gilt Nell Papers, all up-to-date patterns and designs, this is the hest 10c paper we have ever shown. Buys a pure wool Room Rug, 3x31 yards, perfect colors, new patterns, mat- ched border's, an ornament to any room. We have all sizes in wool, velvet and tapestry room rugs all at prices iu your favor. For a swell Tweed Rain Coat for men. This coat is very suitable for spring and fall overcoat as well as for rain. Drop in and we will show it to you. Store Closes at 6:30 p. m. sharp, except Wed- nesday and Saturday. S• A. BTEW ART DIAMOND HALL Everything in Silver That's about what we otter you in Silver — everything from the Teaspoon to the Tea Service. The latest de- signs from the master silver- smiths of the world. at Lowest Prices that you can get in any other establishment. Easy to compare for yourself. Come, if you want a dozen Spoons, a full Cabinet of Silver, a Tea Service, a Cof- fee Set, or any article in Sil- ver, in justice to yourself corue and see how well we Can please you. MflR6flflND JEWELER & OPTICIAN Eyes Eested Free. EXETER Spring SUItIns LOCALS Miss Mary Mitchell. of Clinton. vis- ited friends un town last week. Dr. Kinsman and Mr. Waring vis- ited relatives in St. Marys Thursday. \fila Steinbach, of Scaforth, visit- ed relatives in town during the past treck. etre. W. .1. \V,hite ,and son Bcr•t, of Ottaw•n, are the guests of Mrs. John White•. Mr. Oliver Harris, of Fullerton, 011 Mr. B. Cole were guests at Mr, J. Essery's. 1•:den, on Sundae. Mrs. C. \Vaslhburn, of Sunshine, w -.1_v n pleasant caller nt the home of Mr. rand Mrs. Alex liodgert last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. llawkehav, of London, spent the forepart of this week. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawk - she w. Jlr. and elle. Slott -dile Box, of London, tette were veiling friends in Stephen, 1(turnei} to their homes on Muuday. hiss Minnie McClaren, of Crornar- tY, 11•4o 1118 boon visiting .ler... .Cohn Hunter, for the pass tw-o weeks leaves today for her honk. Mr. Orville Godwin of St. 'I'holn.ls, end Mra. (Ittv.) Cu rrie, of Sarnia,thu were visiting at the parsonage I 1st week, returned to their homes eel Thursday. MAiN STREET L.IDIES AID so. ciety will hold its Innu.Il meeting for •t be elsetion , f officer:: '1'hur,s- d y .,I: , o'clock in the lecture Tool,i ui t ao church. MANY FRIENDS OF 1)It. ROLL- _ ins' friends intend binqueting him next %Vest e nt). evening prior to his IC'tvinfr for the northwest, where tie intends loeating. Mr. 1Vni. Duck, of )'ort Elgin, h is tree engaged ns watch reptirer by A. M ier11$Uid, the jetteler, Mr, Duck as 1 r na i"9 hl trade archamt %eliile that trentlenetit it 18 in Is in fort Elgin, and knowing his thor- oughttese in turning out goad work, eneageJ him to take :t uoeition here. Say we got in some swell spring Suitinge last week. They are right up to the moment. Cents are two inches longer th:,n last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper th it you can't help but notice them. The Vests ere cut with five buttons anti the Pants are just a little peg toppy. They are hearts ;Ill right for 15, $18 and $20 and no clatter you can't find Will fit as nice as where you go, anything that they do. Mlt. S. FITTON HAS MADE 8EV ere improvements to his jewelry store du rine the p st week. Ile ll.,s h.Id a room plrtitioncd off in t m+ which he will 1180 c,s Le rear of his show roonn optical rebel and has st Wed nee instruments for the fitting of );I t+.es, The wall show ekes hive else) been altered making the interior of h:a store presentable even e n to the tnost f.istidioas. THE OLi) LAUNDRY !WILDING recently eu r'c}v, std by M r. 'thous e9 Bissett, collaps0d Wednesday morn- ing, the wreckage falling across the S4lewta1k. The building 11.111 been jacked up ready for removal to Mr. Hewlett's property on Will, ni street and the workmen t'. ere cutting off ul two fret from t he hot tam, when it lurched forw'erd .end fell to pees. Mr. 1ti•sett intended remod• ling it 'Ind had brick on the ground r the foundation rind veneering. W. Tama et Merchant Tailor. a el fo day examining the lo_al plant . FOR SALE OR ItENT. — 1 1-2 story resieence in good repair, and 1-4 1101.0 land. Good fruit troei and the best of water. Will sell obeap. Apply to Cladtn.an & Stanbury. 'I'lIE LICENSE. COMMISSIONI:ItS for South Huron ntct ;It Ilo15111 lase Thursday to finish up the business left over front the meeting of the previous work. \VOMAN"S INSTITI;TE. — THE Woman's Inatitul0 will hold titter regular meeting in Sensor's hall on Friday. May 4th, at 3 o'clock.—.hiss Balls, President, Mrs. IIastings, Sec. MOHAIRS & LUSTRES IN PLAIN AND FANCY Fashionable Goods for Spring and Summer. Black Sicilians 2 iiig Specials at 50c and 75e. 54 inches wide, very bright rich finish, fashionable for skirts or suits. Price 50c and 75c a yaid. 50c Quality for 38c Black and Colored Lustros, the best and most serviceable material for summer wear. You can buy in Brown, Grey, Navy, Cardinal and Reseda, very bright finish. Our great Bargain Price 38c. Cream Lustres An immense showing of plains and fancies, small rt e a t patterns. makes lovely suits and waists. Price 40c and 50c a yard. EIOLIENNS in Black, Cream, Brown, Grey and Blue, very rich finish, Dress lengths of 8 yds., snakes a swell dress. Price $ 1 00 a yd. CREPE de CHENES in Black, Cream, Card- inal, excellent quality, 42 inch wide, regular price — 65 cts. reiuoed to 50 cts. IWe pay Highest Prices for Farm Produce.' 1 81\TMT_JI.J & ROWE TO IIE POOR IS NO DISGRACE, l Market Report. The following is but its awfully inconvenient. 1 the report of Exeter markets, sor- MRt. I3EItT LUXTON IIAS JOINED! reefed up to M iy 3rd. the Molson'A 13a.nk staff as junior I Wheat, 75 to 77 cents per bus. clerk. Oats, 34 to 35 cents pet' bus. Harley 40c. to 42c. per bus. Peas, 60 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 u ton. Bran, $18 per ton. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover seed $8 to $9 per bus. MR. ALF SI[EERE ON MONDAY' I[oy, 7 to 8 1-2 per ton. left for Brantford, ethere his family! Butter, 16 cents per pound. pias located. The household goofs+ Eggs 14c a dozen. were ehipped on Tuesday. Onion 75 cents por bushel. Ilried Apples 3c. per pound. Chicken, young, 7c to 8o per lb. Ducks, 10 cents per lb. Geese, 10 tents per le. Coal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes ,$1.10 n bog. IIogs, Iiveweiglit, $7.10 a cwt. hogs, dressed, $8 to 9 a cwt. Mlt. JAMES \VALTERS 1S MOV,- ing into the house he recently pur- oh•ased from Dr. Anderson. MISS EDITIH BEERS RENDERED a very pleasing solo in the James se reset church Sunday morning. T11F. BAND BOTS HAVE PEEN MR. IIAROLD BISSETT IIAS RE - diligently practicing rill winter ;Ind covered from his recent illness and were out Saturday evening to show will resumehis duties as ledger clerk t he residents how well they eau play. in the lfolsoti s bank about the 15th The :elections rendered were very of the month. plc.lsiig and w•dl eenderei. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itotline, Blind, Bleeding, l'rotrud- in; Piles. Di ugzfists are authorized to refund money if 1'azo Ointment fails tes ,cute in 6 to 14 days, 50c. MR. 1':. J. SPACEMAN, OF TO1t- o110, was in town Tuesday callin7, 011 old ac:tuaintances. Ile left the same 0Vening for Toronto and left there ycse.rday nlortii9g for the west. Ile Mlt. TILOS. ACIIESON, OF T111•:' internis t is;ting Regina, Saskatoon, Central, on Monday last purchased and outer places, with the intention a handsome bees gelding driver, of I,nospecting. four years old from Mr. 11, Ycllow,l the price being itt the neighborhood! of $200. EGGS FOR IIATCIIIN(;. — FROM pure bred White Leghorns of ex- cellent toying qualities. Flock mated with prize-winning cockrels at the Godc.rioh and Clinton Poultry shows. 50c. est. ratting.—S. Andrew, Elim- ville. ACCORDING 1'O THEVIEWS OF the farming element, the frosty nights and the flry and cold weather have had a tendency toward keep ing the fall wheat back. however the fruits will profit as the danger of frosts eel be past wlien 1110 buds commence le appeer. DR. G. I•'. RAOL.STON, AVI10 RF.- cently ,tin -erased the dental practise of Dr. Anderson, took hold on elan- d ly morning. 1)r. 1laulston is :1 young Dean. a graduate of the Tor- onto Dental College. Ile comes from Milverton and 18 highly re- c0:1111)ended 05 ,:t dental practitioner. '1'11E GRAND '1'ItUNi, OFFICIALS complain that the throwing of rise and confetti at tonal stations on the departure of 1<tvly married couples has imcone. .a public mes•encc. In the cities such behaviour is rot 111 - lotted and it is proposed to put a stop to ii here. Hereafter person.l taking pot 1 in ties sort of 11,irt; will be Irroeccuted. TNNE 1. 0. 0. F. ATTENDED Di- vine F.crvice at the James street church last Sunday morning. A sermon at.propriato to the ocrnsion was tielirerc,1 by Rev. Going, see- ( rel nir mlx`rs of 11(081ll lodge came down arod r,ecompanied the Exeter Lodge. t, I Il<' fL afternoon 1 hrn0 loads of the Exeter lode went to ilrnslll and joined the bicIliren there at ser- vice in the Episcopal church. MR. 8. A. I'OPLESTON E, WHO e is 11rgely instrumental while herr in }u:akins; the Kral lodge 1. 0. 0. I'. one of the most flourishing in \t -esters Ontario, 11181(0(1 1 he rtlem- be•rs front Exeter 0041 I3rilsr.t'Is to assist in degree work of the Blyth lodge rooms Wednesday evening. Tits ; Exeter team took charge of the inst slt.ltion and 2n,} degree, while the Illus -els Item looked after the 1st Ind 3r81. degrccs. About .30 from Exeter x to ;i tic adcd. GEORGE EMERY JONES, THE individual who possesses only one contracts) limb, 411(1 that being an Arm, was before the court Slturd:1y, on a cle1ree of disorderly conduct and abusing his horse. George said h0 ts•ns (Cr) drunk at the time and couldn't ,co111 hiving done nnythin. out of the ordiniry. He was fined el and '.n-rned that for a seeona offense tee court would 1101 be sol lenient. A TRAMP NAMED \VILLTAM halters, :Ind claiming Quebec as his Lome, wits arrested on Friday charged with vile:Jincy. Itodgers, who is quite ;ctt 01,I Man, would gn 10 a pease :ani ask for alms, and if 1 -fastest would continence a lint -1' of Anew on everybody in general :eel tete person who refused hien in pir- tictlftr. Constable Nisbett was noti- fied •lid 11leetel him in the cooler. Sitting en bane on 8tturdly Reeve Ilohor and .1. 1es Kay and Farmer sentelrel 'lodgers to pay a fine of e5 or thirty d ty.s in the jail it Goierk'h. Ire took the latter and it le t Ikon to t he County town on Monday. TUESDAY WAS THE FIRST OF the early closing and the principal tnere}rants of the townclosed at the hour agreed upon, 6.30. The Stores however will be -open on Wednesday and Seaturdly evenings as hereto- fore. ItEV. DYSON HAGUE, M. A., rector of the Memorial church, Lon- don, will preach next Sundry both; morning and evening in the Trivet Memorial church. Rev. ,lir. Perking will be in Grunion end Liman the stmt. day. DIC. BUTLER, OF LONDON, WILL be at the Central hotel, Exeter, on. Monday, May 21, 1906, hours 10 a. 111., to 5 p. in., for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consultation. Eyes test - cd and glasses supplied. MIC. DAN'L IIAI(TLEIB, \VIiO sea,ntly purchased the house on An- drew street, from Mrs. Geo. iacrett, is leering a number of alterations evade, raid intends putting the prem- ises in first class shove. D11. OVENS EYE ANI) EAR SUIt- gaon, will bo at the Commercial Hotel the first Friday of Sieh month. Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glass- es properly fitted and demises of eye, car and 1117(0 treated. Next remit Friday. Say 4th. Till.; DOUSE OF JONAS SIMS, Olt'' the .ird concession, Stephen, caught fire on Thursday afternoon I.1.st, the 'I he following_ letter was received- settee being on overheated chinuu'y. last %leek by Mr. N. 1). 11, rdorl from: rbc l , fico tts•Is first ti. by ,t younst 1 d tt• io lives a shoro;t lhstd:en^.e Puuth of Exeter. This Y y r„ 1 , y \Pate out driving and seeing tits blaze drove from home to house and notified the farmers of the fire, and het it not lien for her ability els a reeve% onion in driving tee horse tit ct furious rr11,e FOOT [flS{animmilur A Guaranteed Abso- lutely Pure and Certain Cure for sore, tired, sweating, swollen. feet. It controls undue perspir- ation, keeps the feet enol and comfortable and thus affords a prompt relief for tired and blis- tered feet. A Harmless and Effec- tive Remedy for that hot burning sensation so often troublesome in warm weather. FOOT EHSE has no Su- perior. P rice 25 cents a Box. --PREPARED DY -- W. S. COLE, Phm.B. Chemist and Druggist EXETER, - ONTARIO. 1 1181111� arr'y 13eleher, :I former clerk in the Mulson'v Bank here, but now cif Y r(, sde whiclitito'. n sufferedasomew'hartf fusel the recent earthquake: "Just a line! to let you know i 111)1 0. F. know? not hieg of father" yet, who is in San' Rif Iii, north of Golden Gatc. All for assistance, the fire might hove cables here are broken and no avail: but hope for the best. i hope t 0 few shingles were burned. been more serious. As It was only 41.°101 have to witness snob anotherl! floes Dl1. D. A. ANDERSON, WHO I'Ol(I such `suffering days. I n�itt this worldever knew . }•or` t o 1, past tllirt0eln years has herrn n list three nights Frisco is ono 'mass successful prsciitione•r of dentistry 1 f flames, yesterday 110 food coul;l be left motel ty for Mitchell, it here Ile bought• Cls in Inters. ncgrces .1nd 1111 It 111.1111 a few• w•c('ks pr:or to toughs rout] .111 eceog to the Northwest in ecarch of ute over. livery min- bl'is " tin 11 .1 P A9 Kh .n new 1. t lo:.ltion. His brother, of lilt- well eau ht file },ere A large o'Ii chyli, +having els(► disposed of his this citygist 0 lCashier sh14 and put practise, will accompany hire. 1)r. iforni 1 ankwhsle looking Ifor slof lfe I < Anderson has for come time hie ti was apo,, by gutnfsman of AnImOcLI desire to go to the %Ve.stern country, corps. Poor wretr,}iel .are brought and for t Ills reason sold his house over and duetted and lot 10 1 don wharf• .lanes.. 1V .ted boils x7tls toil V n l h , . practise to Dr. Ttaulston, of Milver-J deer! infants :ire dumbpen tarry ton, who took charge on Monday.- Th^ earthquake wan awful. I Wats After 1110 ,services in t he James standing out of bed before 1 woke street elturch I fist Sued lv evening.I up and then rubbed for my mother's the trustee hoard and choir met in room, and W18 111,10,) against herb 1 he trosement of tie. church to bid f.lre',ell to the Dr. .f r, s_, trills in Ih0 )loll. they Triedto Qct tete 111 140 nn :o the. 011 hnhllf (41)10,40 outside, bet they %%ere eo ter prertrnt, 111.1 .'ilso rifled 1 hey would not mote, so i nenttiful else p esentedshen 'light leaned u..•r their held.; to protect token of Ile. 1;f11111 1)01k of the. )r1l1 there from the falling ceil'1es. The services :Is a member i,: the choir ,11e..IIds tealid ys al(herdin Wiswrl over our and o'. tier church work during hi.s My le otter tee8 seasick. IIi`eltfiot residence herr. slept for ttt•o nights 'ffilea • The children cannot possit•ty nave Cocd health unless the bowels are in n .er ecaditiut. A cafe sluggish liver gives a cussed tongue bast 1,rcath, e S V can tipsted bowels. Correct 3!) l'ic'e t`y giving, /ij`�j • sisal ,loses of Avers ('ills. G. ruin: !:.:,r rials f _ ,:P 4'� gcn;!v legative, all vciletstile, tu-ar t:cs. i,cgs.,.:r.-:�'.r..e:.e7e-r.:R-yV_ N. 11.•(.., `,,, a al -,,i, est, .-e. : '. , 4,:714-aw1ra4sr-Saarttos-sav arareA$p, .....:5... ';,,t I THE OLD RELIABLE White Goods We have the goods that please you. Why not give Us a trial. We have just received in our White Lawn Waists, beautifully embroidered, in fact, they aro without exce ion the finest we have ever shown, also Embroidered Waist Fronts. Just look at our window display to be convinced that we have the nicest in town. Lace and Fanev Collars, Belts in gold and silver, also a fine display of \\ VII Belk ARtoria Shoes Don't forget that we ca'•ry the "ASTORIA" shoe, which has no equal in the trade, see them before leaking your purchase. Just a new lot ;o hand in the latest styles!. We have a full assortment of Groceries, Crockery and Tinware. We also have a Firstclass Milliner in connection with our store. EARLY CLOSING—Our store will close at half past six every evening, excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays, on and after May Ist. CARDING OROS. INSURANCE The very best kind of Insurance—i. e. provision for the FUTURE as well as the PRESENT is a Savings Account in the Sovereign Bank of Canada Interest paid FOUR TIMES A YEAR, $1.00 will open an account. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitora�. Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a form that you want to well Write for our terms of eel tin; property. We have the most complete method of advertiein a and selling property in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario; Send for our Best. We have some' bargains. Wanted Men to work in rnill, also man tol drive team. Apply at Sawmill, Cert.. tralia, Ontario. THOS. ELSTON, Prop. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by the Town Clerk up to 8 p. m. Friday, elny 4th far Pumping and Street \Vntering, the route being from the south boundry of the Village to the I'resbytcrien Manse. State price per day. A. Q. BOI3IER, Reeve YOUNG AND OLD LOOKING GLASSES, Perhaps you often wondered why some of the men among your acquaintences looked older than others. Never stopped to think of the reason! it's the RlaFsee. Some of the old fashion- ed ones acid about ten years to a man's life. We fit EYEGLASSES that fake away the years. They actually make a man Inok youn- ger. Come in and get a pair. The cost i8 not great. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. ( Success in Baking is Assured by Using STflR FLOUR STAR FLOUR Clever fails to give entire satisfaction when used under proper conditions, CORN We have just got in a car of American Corn of excellent quality which we are selling either ground or whole at reas- unalde prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. $72.70 To California and Return Good odRof going A cril . It h to fayth. Return limit July S74.70 Good going June 21th to July 7th, return limit Sept. 15th, Ac- count National Educational Con- vention San Francisco, Choice of any direct Route go- ing and returning, and certain stopover privileges allowed. For tickets and full in- form ation call en J. J. KNiG11T, Depot Arent .1. 1). MnDONALD, District 1'.tseen zer A;eorie, Toronto. (rtsalrlr +�n (Writ ♦•••••1••••••••••••••• Phone 50. EXETER, 01,T FOR OV/CR Pt R ray as bole , over sixty years by mil. Ions of mothers roe raw Der ant emen t of tfir liver it it h , it � hte�Aj tA•tontynwt +se� �w twist ipafion. injures the complexion tpeen,soreswlmfeche.4 1.the m, zzr induce pimples, sallow skin. RC-Ifor nlaRew, 1 i ,e cause by wing Carter's bad a fo every pram of th. eery Little Liver Pills. algal" p rop sad ads ht as Wier toad. w • .. lee, ••N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••I XTY1gA1{g AY OLD rum \1'tt,L"Tarn tt�p�•_�17 Vi'1n slew's Soothing A more the e • pl•asaot to the 4, 1 is. One, a dose. •esI iia Jahn• Is ln0*1e, Is try them bike lig Wi sb