HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-03, Page 6BANKS ARE DOING BIISINESS The Conditions Are Much Improved In San Francisco. A despatch from Ouklen 1, (:nlifornla, says: Conditions rue still 10ektrig up. The reslricli in against entering the chy- le now practically oft. The electric cars are running en Mueket Street n�aur. The bunks have L. Ili a name and a local haletation. They. lune (aunt a row o1 private; residences on La(;unu Sheet, a tboroughfurc IterelA n'e a stranger to aonuncroe, and front the window; of these houses (lags procluinn that the Cr,cker-Woolworth, the Nevada and all the others are doing business within. The t.karung 1luusr, representing the local centmervial banks, has been meet- fng every day. They have arranged a plan for paying off depositors fur tem- porary needs on a proportionate scale, each wilhdruwal to be limited to $500. Correspnndente of the several banks 'n London, Paris and New York will trans- fer certain sums to their credit. The Mint will be the cashier's window for all the banks. The cheques will be made out In the lural form, endorsed by the cashier, end taken to the Mint, where they will be cashed. Superintendent of the Mint Leach says that he will co- operate In this as soon as he can get enough clerks. The savings banks re- port a satisfactory condition. They will open on the sante day as the commercial banks. LABOR SUPPLY INCREASING. The market price for Inborers Is $2.50 a day, with tete supply limited, but in- creasing. Besides the authorities, (he War Department and street railways, private concerns want men to clear up their prcmtses and erect temporary structures. happily, we are ahuost dean again. The restrictions on the use of water for anything but external use have been removed. DANGER OF EPIDEMIC OVER. Every day the danger of epidemic seems smaller. There is absolutely no increase in the number of smallpox cases, no typhoid ties annearcd. end the Cases of measles and scarlet fever are few. SAFES ARE STILL COOLING. Donkey rind construction engines were hauled into the ruined business district to get the safes of business m ten nut of the ruins. They are in the a fix as ,� banks;c theydnre o , s�r e. the not open safes 1>c until they are thoroughly cooled. In cases where floors fell, live or six safes are often jumbled together in the base- ments. The owners get thein all out and Identify Ihclr projenty. They will he left in the streets to cowl for the pre- seht. The work of razing the dangerous wells goes on smoothly. The next ini- purt int stage of this woke will be the laying of railroad tracks down th.: twin hu,nt,rs stroets, to pet out the great utasse.; of wreckage. THE ElftE-SWEPT AREA. Atter a careful survey the engiue.:rs of the Board of Public Works estimate that the area swept by the fire is about 15 square miles. There are few cities in the world when' so much valuabte property was contained in an equal territorial area. Within the district were nearly 1tk) bunks alone, some of tee finest office buildings outside of New York, thousands of ,nercenti!e and manufacturing establishments, and about 230,000 inhabitants, together will about 25,000 transients. These facts may give twine idea cf the size of the ruin and of tete loss involved, but they also emphasize the small loss of life from earthquake, fire and shoot- ing. For the death list may not go over 70), and will almost certainly nut reach 1,000. This is a striking proof of the masterly manner in wheel the authori- ties, civil and military, run things. MANY RESIDENCES UNINJURED. The homes of more than 150,000 are standing practically uninjured. There Mill remain the great shipyards tot the Potrero, the Pacific Mail da9cs. and the busy district Immediately surrounding them, the stock yards at South san Francisco, the wh:es along the water- front frau Mission Creek to Hunter's Point, the Mint, the Post -office, and the large retail district on Fillmore and Devisndero Streets. After all, a big city remains in San Fruncisco. The Chinese Consul -General registers a kick. Ile says that the soldiers have been canceling graft from his countiy- met►. When the first crowd of refugees was taken from the ruined district the soldiers made the Chinamen pay toll, usually $5 a head, to he guided to the ferry. Ile makes a further charge that fire military guard was withdrawn from Chinatown yesterday, allowing crowds of white toughs to poke through the ruins and help themselves to the stocks of Chinese stores. Ifs said that a large amount of properly was stolen in this way, while the Chinese stood by and took it all In. Being Chinese and in California, they had to. SE.iTENCF.D FOR LIFE. Gunner Sohn Barry Was Found Guilty of Manslaughter. A despatch from Quebec says: The trial of Gunner John Barry, a former member of the iloyal Canadian Garrf- scn Artillery, charged with the murder of a comrade named Gunner Richard Kidd Hull, at the Citadel in November last, core:Mind un '1'hut's,lry night al 7 o'clock. when the jury returned a ver- dict cif guilty of manslaughter, and the presiding judge sentenced hire to peni- s teriliary for the rest of his natural lib'. The jury took it into consideration Is tt the prisoner was insane when he cone r►ilted the net and is still suffering horn dementia, which influenced their ver- det. The Minister of Justice may have the condemned man examined, and, if found insane. incarcerated in the King- ston Penitentiary lunatic asylum. The vintner oner was ohllvinus of all That was FA.s:ng during the hen!. and even when Ile verdict was render.'.l and the sen- Itnec pronornecd tis did not r'allze his fs sitien, nil when the guards sought Ir, remove hire frnrn the duck he re- si.teet, thnlra,•h he tittered nn wv,rds, 11441 gazed atnut Min with n vacant stare. Mc.A11,1F'FEN SENTENCE. (lets Three fears and a 11n11 Fur Man- slaughter. A Petertnro' despatch says: Thursday meriting Patrick McAuliffe was found etelty of manslaughter, with a r'ecom- u,endation to mercy, at the Assizes here, find vas sentenced by Mr. Justice An - tlin to Three years and six months in he penitentiary. Mcauliffe's crime con- sists., in having dealt Frederick Hudson a blew in the coulee of nn altercation In the liar of the tatter's motel, from , titch he died a fry ,jays later. -♦ 1110111; IJ(ENSC-s IN WI\h5(1R. Cemmhsioncr- Ilene Alt and Issue Four New Ones. A \\'yii'i o r despatch says: N.Il\vith- slanding :u) eff'ert to not exceed the number of liquor licenses Issued in this city last year. if not to actunlly reduce the 'winner. the license commissioners tr neevwl all those of Inst year and m sedition craned four new °nee. s PDMONTON IS 'MIF CAPITAL. Alntk•n Fasorintp Calgary Ih•fealed by Id to 8. A despntcl from FAmonton says: The capital question occupied the -Legis- lature on Wednesday and nulled in the sent of Government remaining in Fornonton. Cushing (Calgary) nn•t toner! (flleirtten) moved for its remov al to ('nlgary. but the notion was de - o fcnte.l 16 to $. Motions for removal to red Deer and Rm,ff were wet drawn. 911'F:PT 13V A lull\ 11►o. Flames Now Completing Ih•.Irnrlien of Bclletue, Texas. A despatch front Fell \Vort1u. Teens, soya: Meogee nehists state that I3ee1lcvuc Le dcs'royeil. twelve or fifteen persona 1 eng kilted and runny injured and miss- ing. Fire is sashaying the ruins canine! Fv the t•tInnn. A speeinl train has item started from Hewn,. Texos, 12:, notice distant, for the ecene. Rellctue Pas 1..710 luhubitnnls, TO START RF:i.IF.I' WORK. Authorities Coping With the Situation In St. Petersburg. A St. Petersburg despatch says: Thanks to the conciliatory attitude of the city representatives, the threatnaf a repetition of the great labor demonstra- tion and the bloody events of "Red Sunday;' January 22, 1905, on account of the destitution of thousands of idle workmen, has been obviated for the moment. The City Council on \Wednes- day night decided to begin public works amounting to $1,500,000, and, pending their initiation, to assign 52:.0,000 among those out of work. the number of actually destitute at present, according to labor representatives, being not over 20,000. A commission, of which one- half are workingmen, was held to plan the works and supervise the distribu- tion of money. The situation Is threatening. as the measures of relief are purely artificial. The army of the une►nployed, because the factories are running on half force on account of Ihe lock of orders, is constantly inercasing. At \Vcdnesdny's conference one work- men said :-"We speak In the name of the great Russian proletariat, which headed the revolution. lived our de- mands and warning. if you refuse we ++ ell rink you with lire enemies of the fatherland, and we will transmit your refused to the proletariat. with which you trust reckon. Your blood and theirs be open your hands." • E(:11 TIAN The • Frontier Trophies ('all for Large Reinforcement.. A London ksp:itch says: In the Ilnuse of Commons on Thursday George Pen - belly Gooch, Liberal, asked whet In- crease was contempinted in the strength cf the garrison in Egypt, and whether it was to be permanent or only tempor- n ry. Sir Edward Grey, Secretary of Slate fur the Colonies, replied tont Lord Cur - fen considered that the existing unrest there, due to frontier troubles. neces,f- feted reinforcements. It was Impossible to say for how long It would be neces- sary for them to remain in ligypt. TROOPS FROM 0111: FE. A (:nim despatch says: A buttery of ilorse Artilley and three companies of Inni3killing Fusiliers. new in (:rete, have Cern ordered I. • 1', < pt. 1:111 !111:fl Ill' 1111:1: 1100K. A i)S luunite Ctplt. iott Caue•e. Ihe Heath of 1 w o Alen. A Kenorn dcspnteh says : A double fnlnlily occurred nt Video!' k Parsons' construction carp at Pnrryemet, about 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning. A driller named lien Carlson and his as- sistant. Johnson, were chnrging n hole when the dynamite suddenly exploded, causirg A huge rock to fall on Iwo muckcrs. working in the cut below. killing therm loth instantly. Carlin► and Jotarlson c:'cnped with some severe injuries Iu the her(,( the eyes of 1h•• un- fnrlunate: torn suffering worst. The names of the Iwo men kilted could not lie lenrned. 11 Is not likely an inquest will be held. Carlson, the man who w•av reneging the bele. elate, !lint he les had n long experience In the use of dynamite and never kn•.w It to explode in Ibis manner leefure. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS mom THE LEADING TitAI E CENTRES. Pekes al Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Hoene and Abroad. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WHAT THE LEGISLAn'fE AT TO. fil0TliO 18 DOING. TAX ON RAILWAYS. Ilon. Col. Matheeteee 'Meetly Taxa- tion hill, was brought in under the ut- IiCatl Lille of An Amendment to the Sup - Toronto, \1,e 1. - -Wheat-- No. 2 while railway Revenue Act. Before (ouch- rut of lhr railway question it pn.vid.s offered at tenet outside; No. 2 red \\ in• that u tax of eee sheen be impose.] un ter at 80 e, outside, and No. 2 ()nxed, well agency of u bank in any munici- et 79/c outsid.', ‘without bids. No. 1 i.ultty melee(' of 82on alio agency, Nei them offered tet 83. 42 truck, Point which is the eystern ut present obtaining Edward, without rids, And t33 ;c was :if matter bow many branches a trunk bid, Midland. No. 2 Northern offend may have, at ts2e lake ports, without bids. The :system of taxation by rrilb age is Flour -Ontario wheat, patents are continued(, the present charges tieing quoted at £3.10 bid in buyers' sacks out- doubled, In tete Implication and &etri- side for export. Manitoba first patents bution of the revenue from this source, are quoted at 81.30 to 84.'•11, Toronto, however, the measure strikes out on 001 strong bakers' at 84, Toronto. new lines. Atter the dcdu,'lion of $30, - Bran i; quoied al 818.50 to 819 outside, 600 for expenses of collection, etc., and in bulk. for Ineilltenence of the Hallway Cont - Oats -No. 2 white offered at 36%c at mission, half of the remainder will to 78 per cent. oint-, and at 38%c to, ur- handed over to municipalities in pro - rive. Toronto, without bids- No. 2 portion to population, and from this mixed, 315.;c bid f.o.c. main line, with- out ofierings. Buckwheat -No. 2 offered al Sfe, out- side, with Ota bid. tiny -No. 1 timothy offered at $11 on track to arrive, Toronto, without bids. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples ---Choice stock, 84 to 54.25 per bbl, erns inferior qualities, $3 to 83.25. Beans--Iland•picked selling at 81.110 to 51.85, and prime at 81.70 to 81.75. Honey -Strained honey quoted at 8 to 8%c per It, and collehs, $61.75 to $2 per dozen. Hops -The market is dull at 12 to 17c per 111. Hay -Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at 89.50 to 810 on track, Toron- to, and No. 2 nt 56.50 to 87. Straw --$5.50 to 86 per ton. Potatoes -Ontario stock, 70 to 75e per bag, and Eastern, 142 to lac per bag on truck. Poultry Turkey's. fresh killed, 16 to 18c; chickens, 13 to 15c; live chickens, 10 to 11c per ib. TILE DAIRY MAiIKI:TS. Butter -Pound rolls are quoted et 18 to 19e; large rolls, 17 to 18c; good t0 choice dairy tubs, 1G to 19c, and infer- ior al 15 to 16e. Creamery prints sell at 22 to 23c, and solids at 21c. Eggs ---Sales at 15 to lGe per dozen in case lots. Cheese -New cheese is selling at 13';c per tb. TII1: SEED TRADE. Red clover, 81:3 to 815, according to grade; alsike, 813 to $15; alfalfa, $16; timothy. fancy, bright, unturned, 85.50; No. 1 machine threshed, teem. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 12 to 12%c per Ib in case lots; mess pork, $21 to 521.50; short cut, *823. Hams -Light to medium, lei to 14'•'; do., heavy, 13'%,c; rolls, 12c; shoulders, 11'%c; backs, 15% to 16c; breakfast ba- con, 15c. Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 11%c; pails, 11%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, May 1.--Grain-Thele: was some inquiry for Manitoba wheat from over the cable, but bids showed no im- provement over yesterday, and the mar- ket on this side was limner. Oats od- er-mend to 39%c for No. 4; 4034c for No. 3 and 41%c for No. 2 in store. Flour - Spring patents. 81.50; strong bakers', $1 to $1.10; \\-inter wheat patents, $4.10 to 51.30; straight rollers, 53.80 to 83.90; do., in bags. $1.7e1 to 51.80; extras, $1.35 to 81.45. Feed -The condition of the market for - mill feed remains un- changed, supplies being scarce, and the demand good. Manitoba, in bags. 518.50 to 519; shells, 520.50 to 521 pet' ton; Ontario hrnn, in bags. 519.50 to 820; shorts, 820.50 to 821; milled mouiliie, $20 to 825; straight grain mouillin. 818 to 82:1 per ton. Potatoes -- Per bag of 80 lbs, GO to 70c. Provisions -Barrels, heavy Canndian short cut pork. 522.50; light short rut, 521.50; barrels, clear fol hacks, 822.50; com- pound lard, 7'X to 7;;c; Canadian pure lend, 11'; to 123 e; kMile rendered. 12% to 13%c: hams, 1331, to 15e; break- fast bacon, 16 to 17e: Windsor bacon, 15 to 15%,e; fresh killed nlalloir dressed hogs, 810.25; country dressed, at $1.25 to 89.50: alive. 57.65 1•, 87.75 for selects. Eggs -Neto laid. 14 to 15c per dozen. Ruiter --Choicest creamery. 19% to 20e; undergrades, 18%c: dairy. 16 to 18c. Cheese -Colored. 11% to 11,',e. UNITED STATES hiAIIKETS. Milwaukee. May 1. -\\'hent. -No. 1, 82 to 8.342; No. 2 Northern, 78 to 81%e; May, f40y to 80!. c hid. Ilye--No. 1, 61 to 63,'3e. Borley -No. 2, 56c; sample, 40 ie 55c. Corn -No. 3, cash, 47 to 17%e; May. 16% to 47c asked. Duluth, Mny 1. -\\'hent --No. 1 North- ern. SOW; No. 2 Northern, 78%e; May. 79,',,c; July, 80%c; September, 78'ec. S1. Leeds, May 1. -Wheat -Cash, 87c; May. t),.;c; July, 77%e. i.IVE STOCK MARKET. The demand for cattle continued moderately ((cttve at the Western More ket to -day. Export Cattle -Choice are quoted nt ?I.fr► to *5.25. medium to good at 81.50 to 81.75. hulls at $3.50 to 81, and cows at $2.73 to !x1.25. Butchers' Cattle Picke,l lots. $1.75 to *5; good to choice, 84.40 to 81.65; fair to good, 1(:3.75 lo $4; common, ke.50 In 83; cows. 53 to 51: canners, $1.50 to $2. Stockers and Feeders - Short -keep feeders are quoted nt 54,75 to $1.8e; heavy feeders al $1.40 lo 81.90; tnerliunu nt In;.50 to 53.50; bulls nt 52 In 52.75; gone) stockers run nt 83.75 to el; light at (13.35 to 83.70: rough common at 82 to 51.75. and bulls at $1.75 to 52.50. MIdch Cows --Quoted nnchnnged at $30 In 500 each. Carel e -The nnrket holes steady lo drat at 3c to lic per 1b. Sheep nod Lambs --Export sheep are qucteel nt $3.75 to 85.2:• fur ewes and x3.50 to tet for helot. (;r:en-fed lambs are !ewer a1 85.7e to *(1,N), and Spring Minns efetely at $3 lo $6. Hog -The innrkcts of all points art ()rot. At this market denier( give priers As mtehangett nt 57.15 per eat for s•' - leek rine) $6.110 fee lights and fate feel and watered. fend they will be nsked to contribute •0 the support of the provincial asylums. T1'e incrense to the revenue. Col. Mattie - son stuted, would be about $180,000. of which the municipalities will get A75,- 000, or perhaps a tittle more, while their ce ntribulion to the asylums will be con- siderably less than this. RAiL\VAY BILI, AMENDED. Several amendments to the Ternis• kerning and Northern Ontario Railway Act were propxoeed by Hot. Dr. iteaume. The first of these is to empower the Pe deny Commissioners to lease a branch or spur line not exceeding ten milers in length. Another proposes to allow the commissioners to sell, lease or other -vise deal with raining rights Mune the right-of-way and on town sues. PASSED PROSPECTUS BILI.. After a few amendments bud been made, Mr. Ilayle's bill respecting pros- pectuses issued by companies was given its third reading. The main alteration aas to the effect that where subscrip- tions for stock have been made on the strength of verbal representations, they stall not be deemed binding unless the purchaser has seen the company's prospectus. LIQUOIi LICENSE ACT. The Lieutenant -Governor's e sent wits given to the Liquor License Act on Friday. As the annual reissue of licensees takes place on May 1st, all hotels and liquor stores will thus begin from that date to nay the higher license provided fur in the measure. The 1.111 received its third reading in the Legis- lature on 'Thursday. EDUCATION DEPAIIThILNT, Hon. Dr. Pyne' bill respecting the Education Department, was passed through the committee stage. AleTER AUTO\MOC11.ISTS. The Municipal Committee discussed the various proposed amendments to the automobile legislation. Hon. Mr. Manna, the chairman, thought that If a clause could be added to the present law pro- viding for the arrest on sight and sunt- ntory dealing with offenders i1 would go a long way toward putting a stop to reasons for the present numerous cont - plaints. The Government could then give the so-called frontier police sotne- thing to do to earn their salary by dis- tributing them along the roads run- ning to the frontier, but not close to the line, sny, ten to fifteen miles back, with otters to arrest all autonlobilisls freak- ing the regulations. If the offenders were then properly punished the effect would be salutary. A few object les- sons of that nature would be sufficient, he thought, to Impress the autolnobllists with the necessity of obeying the low', THE MUNICIPAL ACT. A number of bills making various amendments to the municipal nct were approved of. One of these gives muni- cipalities the right to take stock in or guarantee the bonds of utilities situated outside the boundaries of the munici- palities supplying thein. -e- S1NT1'-FIVI: MILLION i)OLL.ARS -- Gigantic fAisses of British Companies in San Francisco I'ire. 1 A despatch from London says: 7 he Fu illsh fire companies are beginning to get from their San Francisco urines prelirninnry estimates of the lialetltlt,s on account of the earthquake and lire. The Royal's agents ceder that the Con• pony's loss may reach n1,350,000. This is ninon( eixty•1hrec limes the premium income received by the company and lis snbsidnry company from San Francisco during 19(15. Taking This ratio for the t•nsis on which lo calculate the liabili- ties of all the 13rilich companies And their subsldnries, it works out thnt thee. companies in the aggregate may be en11- ed upon to pay Ci 3.(1re►.Oft0, It wr.uIi ap-penr, however. that the British wen - patties ultimately will pay considernfty les; them the amount of thir norninl Iia• betties. for lite present indications ore Mal they will not indulge in generos- ity towards their San Francisco clients. but will pay strictly nrcording to the SEEDING 1N 1111: WI:s1. ('rep lieta.rt of the (:aluidian 1'.i.Ific Midway. A despatch free' \\ innipeg says: Ac- cording to a report iesued on \\'ednee- dny by the C. I'. R.. wheat -seeding Is f!nished at several points, among which nre High Bluff. Burnside and Elm Creek in Menilobe. And nt Moosomin and Iingue. The Inhere point is on the C. E. brunch, and indicates that progress 1: uniform all over western Canada. It i.: well nderine:el everywhere along the company's lines, std completion is only 11 mailer of it few days now. Oats and other grains will Then be rushed in. Ana 1f the present Invertible weather con - limiest the work will be flniahcd in nearly record time. The conpnny''s repent gen. erolly Is n merknhly optimistic. Lan•l fa in prune condition, Anil 11:e warm buhny weather Is enttsen;t t ignrnns growth; nlreadv mane. Heitz are tinged with green. and at (:letter. Qu'Appelle. Nisl.ilt. (anion Point. ('nrroll, i.nrninr. Snskel.rn and other pinrrs *hent if •'ell advanced. DOMINION PARLIAMENT'FLASHES FROM THE WIRE NOTE$ AND PROCEEDINGS OP THE U'ITAW.% UOL'SE. YUKON 601.1) OUTPUT. Mr. Bluirt was informed by Hon. kir. Oliter !hut the gold output in lieu 1u- kon for the years 110111 1sU7 to 11k6 tvus us follows; lts97 1895 lt+J9 19uu 1101 1902 19U;t !'Jot 19u5 $ 2,500,000 lu,uun,uW 1G,uuu,u00 1 S,l ilru,UU0 14.auu,uuu 12,2ju,uik) 1u,5uu,t,w 8,427,uU1 MUSEUM BUILDING. Mr. Fowler learned !ruin tion. Mr. Hyman that the contract for the neve museum building on Elgin Street called* for (atnaditui stole, but did not specify any particuiur quarry. \'OLUNTEEIIS SUPPLIES. Col. Hughes was informed by Sir. Fredericka Borden that the prices quoted in the Au dittr-Generals report fur sup, plies for volunteers at camp last y.iar were not correct. Sir Frederick quoted the cect ices, which, he declared, had beenorrobtainpred by members of Isis department after very minute investi- gation, and which differed very mater- ially in ninny instances from those men- tioned in the Auditor -General's report. As to Ute reason for the volunteers from Ontario bang supplied with provisions presumably inferior to those provided for the, volunteers front Quebec, Sir Frederick said that in all these cases lenders were obtained by public adver, tisernent, and the contracts given to the lowest tenderer. CAMP AT COBOURG. Col. Hughes was also told by Sir Frederick Borden that the annual camp for tate Third Military District this :ear would ba held at Cobourg, commencing June 18. It was to be transferred Iron Kingston because of the lack of rille, ranges there. All arras would drill at Cobourg, but this arrangement was only for the present year. ANNUITIES PAID. Mr. Maclean was Informed by Hon. Mr. Fielding that the annuities paid to Privy Councilors under the Act of last session were as foll.,ws :-Sir Hector Langevin, 52,441; Sir Charles Tupper, 82,7:15; Sir Mackenzie liowell, 52.7:(5; Sir A. P. Caron, 82,446; Sir John Can- ine, 52,446; Sir Wenn Tupper, 52.154; Hort. John Cosligan, 52.446; lion. John Haggnrt, 52,446; lion. George E. Foster, 52,446: Icon. J. 1. Tarte, ,y'2.l54; Hon. A. G. Blair, 82,416; and lion. Clifford Sif- lon, $2,446. Sir Ilibbert Tupper and Hon. J. I. 'Parte had been paid up to rho end of February and the others to tho end of elate!). BINDER TWINE. Mr. Elson was told by Hon. Mr. Fitz- patrick that, the Government nmanufnc- tured binder twino et Kingston Peni- lentiary, and on March 30 last there were 736,200 pounds on hand. There had been some twine left over from last, year unsold. The Government also manufactured rope at Kingston Peni- tentiary. 'fh'' probable price of trine for the coining season world be. in small lots, 11'% cents a pouted for pure manilla, and 10% cents a pound for I mixed. In ton lots it world be 11 cents a pound for pure manilla and 10 cents for mixed. TI IE CIIE:\\1 OF IMMIGRATION. Dr. Bryce, chief nielical officer of the 11 1, Depailment , told the Agri- ti '4e Very Latest Items Eros' at: Parts of the Globe. CANADA. \\'innipeg will spend a minion and a half In Leel improvements. J. B. devotes, lately 01 Owen Sound, waS rvn utcr at .asl;utown and kitied. The Silt Regiment tl'usdierre), London, will go to Montreal 011 DUIi{IUJIt Day. Flue thousand dollars has been sub- scribed in Moose Jaw lar u local \•.M.C.A. 'lire Winnipeg Fair diree:ors will offer 820t for the best 2.5 bushels of red Fife wheat, Valuable discoveries of silver have been reported around the upper waters of lake Winnipeg. Somers Co.'s elevator at Becton was hurneit on Satruday, with 3,000 to 5,0110 bushels of grain. Mrs. M. Murphy. a half-breed, was scuteuced al Lethbridge to nine months for giving an Indian liquor. Friends and relatives of Canadians in San • Francisco are receiving tuessnge'e announcing their safety. Sir Ilenry Pelton and others of Toronto are applying for a charter for a railway from Victoria, B.C., to Hud- son's Bay. The Quehec Board of Trade will ten- der a banquet to Sir Tlonas Shaugu- nessy and outer C.P.R. ofiicials on or about May 12. Benj. Jenkins, an electric railway con- ductor, was squeezed between u cur and the barn door at Preston, and received fatal injuries on Satunfay. Mr. Frank W. Morse, general manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, announces that 200 miles of the G.T.P. west of Edmonton Is under contract. The Government have purchased the steamer Princess at Charlottetown, P.E.I., for fishery protection work in the gulf and Labrador waters. The body of a woman found on the beach near Stokes Bay on Saturday Is believed to he that of Mrs. Laflamme, cook 011 the steamer Kaliyuga, which foundered last fall. GIIEAT BRITAIN. The London Post advocates tete sale of liquor licenses by public tender. British insurance companies will lose $100,0(10,000 by the San Francisco fire. British insurance companies will pay every dollar of liability incurred by tete San Francisco conflagration. UNITED STATES. Twculy'•two lives were lost in a coal nine explosion near 'Trinidad, (id. By tripping pipe lines in Texas C0111. patties were robbed of 200,000 barrels of oil. An international Salvation Army con- gress will be held in New York May 11 to 16. The Grand Trunk !tailcoat] has paid its taxes in Aiichigan, amouting to $777.731. All records for (nunigralion vohrme huvc been broken at Ncw York by the arrival last week of 45,010, the nearest being 30,506 in 1903. Governor Folk, of Missouri. says the leaders of the lynch nrc,b at Springfield will be punished. Ile says a few hang- ings would be a good object lesson. in the course of an address 20 the Democratic (.hub Mayor McClellan, of New York, said a spirit of unrest and hopelessness. masking under the name of socialism, threatened the country. • Benjamin F. Esbenshade, of Lancaster, Pa., need sixty years, a civil wear vet- eran. has just cn(te t to forty days' fast innde with the design of curing stomach trouble.s. A pint of water deity was all culture Committee that Canada was get -1 that passed his lips. From 161 pounds ling n far better class of immigrants his weigiet dropped 10 1u4 pounds, and than the United States. The Unite;! he is week as a child, but he believes Slates had sent back over 7,000 people himself cured. who were considered paupers, wiula GENERAL. Canada did not require to send back any The new Russian loan v: ill amount to for lack of money. and none of thaw 2.400,000,000 francs. municipalities were asked for nay aid by destitute Immigrants. MUST BE 111111'1511 SUBJECTS. The special committee of the [Irene took up the consideration of Mr. Lan- caster's bill respecting certificates In masters and nudes of ships. (Inc pro- vision is tied the Canadi:,n certificates shall he confined to British subjects. in the United States certificates ant grant- ed only to those who take the oath of tT:.n laden .ilei 15t! Criti•h (:.,lnnbin 37.5(11 The tntnl loans by tell it... e;, wernn►en,1< of ('on'idn to railways is S:41.03.04'9. n►•.t 1•y the nuinicinelilirs $3.(.)i0.R54. mak- Inp• the total loans R24 Gvn.343, The ham. t:e* t by the Dominion and leen! Govern - nettle Inlet Q215M13,)t30. And by mrmiri- falilice 412.74:3.5(2. tnakin;t a grand to- le' of bemuses $125.357.311"". in addition. the Pete Ince of New reenswirk and many of the municipnli• Iles in Ontnr•io and Quel.e'r subscribe! fel' shone and belittle to the rennunt rd es.611.640. The greed toted of net frn.n na crntr.'es granted to strnm rnilvnvs 1; *255.619.235. %D1' i), IlNl:t) TO PEAT 11. It \V:ic done ie. the Ilor.e \\lith Was IMstroted. A Winnipeg deerntr'h sir,•,. Particle lore of the fatality vInfrh r.e'curr•el At Williams' gtnarry. north of this eily, on Tuca.lny. when the infant chill of lames Anhni tt'A.a horned to death in fire which deslrnyed the parents' home, hnt'e been renews!. The baby was asleep nlnne in the house. elech was a smnil frame stnielure, when the lire lernko oelt in some mysterious en:. Anil the building weft enveloped in flam.'s 1•e fere it WAS nnliral. ranking the resole of the hall impsestlele. The Sultan of Turkey is dying, accord - Ing to a London despatch. Prof. Curie, discoverer of radium, was killed by being run over by a wagon in Parr Thr.ee !nen were kiiled at gunnery practice on the French warship Cour- unrte on Er'idny. BRIGADES FOR 501111 AFRICA. Alleged Destination of the First :Alder - shut Uhisiun. A despatch from Lond,.11 says The rust Division of the Aldershot Army rps has been ordered to prepare for r:.kilization, in view of serious devel- gentetts In South Africa in connection vith the native rising there. The 'tribune +lei''h alone gives the report, odds that, !Neagh its Aldershot cor•re'pendent ay, the troops will go to South Attica f.s equally. if nut more. likely that the .. rartiuns are being made because of Lc le,'llicnse aelion of the Sulinn cf Turkey regarding the British claim that re bah is Egyptian territory, w'hichTur- :.'e refuses to concede. The Sullen i; ]. lc•r nlincel In push his claims In refer- ence to the Egyptian fronlier, support- ing them with military force. The di- vision, which, according to the Tri - Wine. is to be mobilized, cnnsists 'ef two brigrerles. including four bnitnl- inn; of font guards, four bntialr,ns of infantry of the lite. two artillery tri- gndcs, n field rnrnpaty of engineers and three regiments of cavalry-. (1l 11tttI 1h til- i'1.1GI C. llau, Death, Decor in Kashmir, North- ern Irene. A 1 then.'. Blur. de -patch wits : A serious outbreak of the pingue tins oc- curred at Janine. in Kashmir, northern India. There have leen many victims among the members of the palace hnttse- hold and the imperial service troops. Two Minders aid eighty-five deaths oectu't•ed during the pan week. . 1E A"T B % :II,I,I�5 1-011 CANCER. hr. ike) 'n Tell. Medical Congress at Lisbon of New Cure. A despatch from Lisbon says: Dr. Doyen, the French ar'icntfst, announced 141 the Medical Congress here that he lied cured cancer by Inoculating the patients with yeast baeillus. Ile be- 1:sved lhrt investigation In this direction would lead to discoverbes of the great - eat value. EXCUSES GIVEN IN COURT sl'CCJI•Ssf1L ONES i tint a BE AT L1:151' PEARSIIELE. Some That Were Not (lewd Enough To Clear Defendants, of Charges. To frame excuses that well melt Ile magisterial heart regtir'ts Ihe rki11 u 1111 artist, and is, indeed. a tine art --u# less it is a seiencr-rued one in which ea genius alone cull hope to suened. Con- ventional excuses are of little utcil, and yet u cw sory study of the exnii. s here given will !how that the meineeful ex- cuse should tee at least plausible, for totally iirevelant pleas are ll rely ac- cepted, says the Louden Wenn A foreign lady, poor but dishonest, for Instance, %vhu entered a leen ., rnry. secure crouse, annexed a tableclntn, clock, lamp and the provender prot,eleil for the meals of the real otsnipnnls, un being am sled and brought before the Judge. addressed him os follows. let without avail : "M. le Jo ge d'hrstrnr. tion, your face is beautiful, bland mat teenigrt. It reminds me of my deceit -wit husband, a mao always guy end srml- ing, who would never hate et'(usrti n favor to a distinguished r:onnu►. I rue tete authoress of a novel, 'key Angel.' Release me and 1 promise to humor tosize. you in ruse next work. I detaaad my libxrty.11 The ;edge. however, was ungallant enough to doubt tier sanity. and the case -unlike that which was personally defended by a young lady, who slated That she had bargained fur A PIECE OF TAPL•STRY, with figures worked "us handsome in appearance as my Lord the President there; but the plaintiffs paten me off with figures as ugly as that of Atonsieur the plaintiff's advocate" ---wan lost. A uian who some time ago was chargtel at new Street with being drink and disorderly on being asked what he had to say was discharged when he put forward tete following trite exctue "It's in a nutshell, your Worship -Inn Inuc'h liquor, no solids, celtapsc mid consequences." This was very much to the point, especially when compare l to the reply of a woman aged 32, who was charge] at Lambeth with the same offence shortly' ufter•ward.• "Ah! your Worship," site exclaimed, "1'm the mo- ther of twelve children, that's what I nm. And the Inst time it was twins - here they are now -and that was only seven weeks ago." Presumably, his Worship considered the infliction of twins as a sufficient extCnuntion fur the offence, for he told her to go away and not do it again. The plea of a boy burglar when re- cently brought up at Itartesden for having entente! a house and stolen a water can was somewhat unique. Halv- ing confessed to breaking into the house by fntwing the bark window retch, he. slated that all he did to the house wase to wind the clocks! Some little lime ago n men found in possession of two rabbits offered as nn explanation the statement that he sow five rabhits in a ditch, that ho fell on them and bitln,1 two by BREAKING '1'IIEiR NECKS. The nngistroe decided that the story, though picturesque, was unconvincing. \\ hen some little time ago a rnilkrmun wens called upon to explain rel Lambeth why his wares Contained 6 per cent. of writer, he remarked : "Il Will raining Heaven's hard, and the snrnple was taken in the middle of the estreat," nn explanation that was rnnsidenel suffi- cient, but the loitering individual who gently suggested that n formidable jemmy found hidden in a secret pocket of his cont was his knchen poker failed to get the benefit of the doubt that did not exist, Ingenious, ton, wns the plea of a mon Wed nt Kidderminster for coining an•l uttering counterfeit con, who said That he should plead guilty, but asked that his wife should be acquit:cti nn the fround thnt when married she was told to love, henor and oleey. and that she had only acted up to her inerriage Tlee man who said he stole two fowls in order to see if his nerves were suffi- ciently braced up to permit him pass- ing a constalele without trembling with fear made n splendid effort to gel away from the conventional but "the most in- genious defence" the Magistrele at Marlborough Street ever heard, accord- ing to his own slatement, was Weeded in 1901 by a letterer charged with stenl- ing 11 fur nrrklct from o shop. Said he: "1 plead guilty of having it nn my arm, tut the wind blew'It there. The roan in the shop said it was his, and 1 said. 'All right; lake it.'" SiX SAYINGS TO rlEMEMilFn. "There Is something better than mak- ing a living; making n life," "Our success in hfe depen.ls upon our :viii to do," "it is never ton 1414 to be what you might have b" "Great principleccn.s are in small ac. Mons. 11 we foil In our present eirenin- slnners to live nobly, the need not lin- Agine we should have done better on 0 mender scale. Develop great character "To be of good cheer In rase of die - Appointment; whew reenter chanty In simple dunes and not in Incouspleu- ous (rials,•' The silken Ihrends which help In in- t(ward the erring. and make more el- lew'ance for the opinirn►s of people, wfiose views differ from mine; to smile more and frown le i'." "To be honed; to be kind; to earn it little. And to spend a lithe less; In make upon the whole n family hnppier for his presence: to renounee. when that small to necessary. and not to be embittered; to keep a few friend.. rind Riese, with- out capitulation; Above all. nn the snore grim condition, to keep, frfe.nrls with himself -here is it task for nil that a man hers of fortitude need dnfa•sey." A FINE DISTINCTION. "Whatever started the story (tent re tery was the motive of Ihe killing^' "Well, you know, 11 lo,ketel at ss 11 death had resulted from an lilt for $ppebdicftis.'