HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-05-03, Page 5THE E$E1 r_.R TIMES, MAY 3rd 1906. ROSS.TAYLOR CO'S. rIaloln0 MITI, Door Fa6toru, Lumber Yard and Saw Mill are open and bustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. DARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVEBS aye ioiedn h r in knock down. bWATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven. TI1' RossTdUlO! Go. U., Exeter. GOOD NEWS FOR I, THE FARMERS. No more hole digging to put in fence posts just drive them in with a sledge hammer. Far ahead of any ever yet seen around this part of the country. Come in and see them for yourself. ; We have had a great ; many iron posts brought ; • in lately and arc peeper- ed to sell then cheap. $ • Scrap iron taken in ex- change. M.JACKSON &SON $ • Main -St. Exeter. $ One door south of the $ • Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur• anse Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.:—J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.U. Vico-Pres.:—F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. DIRECTORS. W.H. PAf38MORE, W M. ROY, I. L. RUSSELL, T. RYAN, FARQUBAR P.O. BORNHOLM P. 0. RUSSRLDALE P. O. DUBLIN P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICIIAEL, STABBA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. J. S. GILBILLAN, LUCAN, ONT 13. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANB(JRY. Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matte, of the estate of George Barnwell, late sof the Vil- lage of Exetee, in the 'county of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others flavine claims against -the estate of the said George Metropolitan Hotel.Samw-cll, who died om ot• nbout the 26th day of January, 1906, me re- euired on or before the fith day of May, 1906, to rend by owl. prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Glndrrtnn & Sun- bury, of the Vilingo of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executors of the said decenlsed, their christran and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, tete full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts slid the naturo of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned and Surgeons. Successor J A date tho said executors will proceed to distribute the essets of the de- em first street north of Post Office. Exeter, ceased among the parties entitled Ontario. thereto !ovine rozard only to lite claims of which they shall then have DR8. Y. AND M. M. COWAN, 394 notice, and that tho said executors Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. will not be liable for the tsti(} assets phove l r'S. Long distancef connection.1 or any port thereof to any person t r persons of whose claim notice hell not have been received by them it the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for A7id Executors. Dated at Exeter the 9t1, ny of April, 1906. •++++++++f4++#+•i•+++it'F++ MEDIOAL OW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. . P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. ni- vet .aloe end residenence. Dominlou, DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- dans r to Dr. ps. Mike Alain street. Residence. oast al attention givendiseases o women o ry. Oxford or 1'. P. It. Street Cars to ue street take you alnlo.t to the door. s other city office. Special Hospital andi. ether arrangements for patients from aI tfetance. D d DENTAL - 8. 1). D. 8., Honor Graduate • Toronto University, Dentist. dhpDR. A. R. HIN8111AN, L. I fed without calm or eeth after son's had a block. effects. West�eide of Men treat.' Exeter' HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to ass ow farm and village properties at lowrates etbttsreat c., tDMAN & STANBUDY Barris . -.+ Solicitors. Main St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristersrteocere Ceemles',nes, Solicitors or hMsone Bank. Eta to Leas at lowest rates of tateresb ]]decoy OFFICE t--ld LIN STREET. EXETER. I M. DICESOR R. O•RLIRG e. L. THOMAS CAMERON, ('ONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan ea real estate, also IJceneed Auctioneer for tt.eoonntleF lof Huron and Perth. Chargee moderate. Orders left at the 1 Herta 'Mat my Iratddence, Farquhar will tecel%e prompt atten Woo. "LONEY TO LOAN eve have unlimited private rands for Invest eN epee farm or village property at Iowa Nae er labored. DICKSON & CARLING What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and see us and let us show OTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate ot Hortense Weaver, Tate of fife townlliip of Stephen, in the County of Huron, married wo- TORIA Tho Kind You IIave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signatrtro of an(1 has been lade under his per• aortal supervision since its infancy. • Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorle, Drop:( and Slwthittg Syrups. It is P1eaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio !substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alinys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stontnelt and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tho BIetlter's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You flare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC .a COU►AMY. TT NURSAY STREET. NEW TORN CITY. IEXCELLENT BIREEDiNG STOCK Note.—A tfroe notice "ill b' in- serted in the 'Times for two weeks to those securing their bills :It this office. ALBION III is a beautiful bright bay. and is a handsome shire horse seven yenta old. Will stand for a limited num- ber of niarei ot his own stable, Dash- wood. WILLIS & GUENTIIi:it, l'ro,1s. COLLEGE CIIUM Is a beautiful brawn horse, a ty- pical shire hares, and considered to be ono of the best hortee in Canada. '1'uc•-sdey. Dashwood, 'Thos. Aniry's and hill's hotel, Crediton. \Vcalneed'ty — Dcitrich's, Mt. C.i'- tnel. T•hurs-d ,y, John Breen's. con. 21, McGillivray, Musser's hotel, Cor- bett. Friday, T. 1lickey's (o:i. 20, Ste- lihou, J. 11:tunon's, Shipke. Saturday, to his own stable. Dash - %v al, until the following Tuesday. WILLIS & GUEN'THER, Props. than, deceased. NOtioe is 'hereby riven pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1897, cbipter 129, that all Creditors attd others Mein; cla'*ns — - against the estate of the said ilor- NON PAROLE tense Beaver, who died on or about Ie a heiv trottin; Million, foaled rho 19th day of Mn-ch,1906,are re- in 1900. 'Can trot in 2.20. auircd on or before the 5th day of Mond t,•, Thus. 'l'urrtln111s, Sauble May, 1010, to seed by post prepaid or lime, Fritz'+ hotel, Grand Bend. deliver to Messrs. Gladman &Stan- 'Tuesday, Albert Musser's. Corbcit, Stan - bury, o[ the Villa,e of Exeter, 5o Parkhill. IicitArs for the Exectitor of the \Vednesday, Dcitrick's I:otel. Mt. maid dectvtsed, their chris�an anti sur- Carmel. 'hie stable, I)ishwooel. sur- names, addresses sod deacript.ions, Thurstav, 1101'3 hotel, Crediton : the full ,J,nrticulars of their claims,M i'.sion 'louse, Exeter. the statement of their a000untA and Fled iy, Queens hotel, Ilens.tll, Do- minion the nature of the secuAticA, if any, minion Iloilo., Zurich. held by t}Nun. And further take Sttutday to his own stable, Da•.h- rwtirc th it eller such last mentioned wood, till Monday. date t ho send executor will proceed to tlistributo the assets of the tle- ooased among the parties entitle:i thereto bovine uegard only to the claims of which they shall then hive notice, end that the maid executor will not Ire liable for the said assets or any wart thereof to any person or trernons of whose oLaim ndtioe shall not brave t$n received by thorn at the time of such distribution. GLAJ*MAN & STANBiJRY fkolioitors for said Executor Dated at Exeter this 18th day of April, 1906. you some of the highest grape , PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produce. They arc certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines wed carry the best that the market affords. 1) 1 not listen to what others tell you about our ')rices and terms. but call and satisfy i yourself. We%%111make them to, suit you unless you are very hard' to please. S. MARTIN & SON Grow Seed Peas— little risk now— good profit— I3een reading about peas in Guelph College Bulletin and Provincial Crop Records? They say the pea -weevil is gone for seven year+. Queer thing about pea -weevil ... he comes for seven years and van- ishes for seven. This is his first year for vanishing. Safe now to grow seed peas. Report of Department of Agricul- ture shows average crop is twenty bushels ( f seed peas to the acre. Some Canadia-:s raise three crops a year. Price ranges from 75c. to 85e..a bushel. Easy crud to '.;row ... market never glutted... profit sure. Why don't you go into seal yeas this Spring) 111* - un 1 :J 1t i1•a.Ly- sC a a' 1.111.°114110. 1 ! i.1L0 N 11.2.calviimaStra ,w 'INGE•-STAY FENCE „!NT 2. w'1•L ore innr-v lin tty. 1011,1 111.,,:e..- :•rAt' rcn.,n will Us. • 116 tin.,. '1 hou.a,n" t.r•., ,oW It. h.: ;:ta7411. x.45(1, 11.4 t.n4 win, 1 ,, Min.* CO 1, :nn ,•r.:n 11. gu4•.1 C•LIoL'un Inc, e•:cnt, ,:sale. s ww 11 WIRE MINCE CO., LItMMITED. W. J. IIEAMAN, Agent. Exeter. A ROCK IN THE BALTIC A Remarkable Series of Adventure Resulting ort .a Naval Mistake The careless firing of a new pie of ordnance ,by Lieut. Alan Drum mond, of H. M. S. Consternation while erui&ng through the Baltic las led to n series of unaccountabl end surprising international ev>nlpli G it ions. Urumnivad sighted tt new• gun o an apparently deserted bit of roe tbtt jutted up out of the nen. T JIiA oneizerne.nt his cruiser waS •1 on7r; fired on from the rock, rind th Russian Government demande:l a exptutation from Great Britain. 'l'he ,rnyst;ry of the whole affai —the prcrren ce of cannon on such site, -(ho anger of Russia and th importenc4' given to to insignificen a matter—worked on Drummond imagination, end in a moment o ismdstrong folly he went to Itussi to investigate. A !Yr:CM of surprising edverilure followed, culmii tling in a seen 3 N n k 0 t e that defies tICsc•ript.oa. I 1 1 I DoN 'I:Iie WWII' .,i to y is splendidly re- i 1)r. 'l LotupFo:i. of Clinton, who 1115 counted in Robert Itu-r's greet I been aplro'nt.•d an :.s .cvi ttr coroner 1 not el. "A Reek in elle Mattie," '.rh cit ( for the county of Huron. is •1 limey! do just bili -a 1,u, Lased by Who Mail , of the tow'ndep of Itiddulp!1 whet. rued Emili's'. uit.l is to lw the first he first tow the light of .1 ty forty 1 novel c•( the utuch-t liked -of "ti150,- tt•Irss ego. this youth was sprue un (100 Bier rs' Which nee c•ntereris.nt the form —tlte traiuiee r.cl:o .1 of so piper is io issue during the forth- tit:uy Unlet:: lite '.,ho :r(te.rrv-tre,: coming twelve menthe. achieved success in business or 11!' This so:ies consists of teelvc great professions. After tossing t•hruu,th hovels 'by t.Le most f.litmus living the thigh Schools and \'ietoreo Col - I Anglo -Se xon :tut.hore. lege Ire capered Toronto 1 nivervity The M.til and Empire with it-. cos- '.vhora ho took his degree .;:,.1 staled toneery alertness, hes secured the dowIit -to t•lt pr.�ctiee of Ilii profes- sole fright in this district to publish siun at (;merlon. It was while there` these t:ovet;t in seti•tl forth before located (bit he trent to lets Mulher- tltCy :t1i1,e r In I:ook forth. which '.t 111 1 ind anti obi'tined six inautili cxper- efford i;s readers a literary treat kiics in the great ):o::pitta of Lon-� neve;• before offered be, :illy new;- dual, Dublin and Edittbur„h. S^vel paper in America• yetis ergo Dr. helos moved tr' Dontt Let an ho 01her paper in the city or vi- Clinton where 11a has built up a cinity cam publish these greet '.,tor• large and increasing preeti�•e. Amateur ics. Olde, in :tdyane1 to avoid dis- The •:rtutu•tl •meeting of t ha Clinton AiiAateur npeointnte•nt. :t.. the addition '.ri11 be 1, twit bowfin_; Cluh was held mi xItttic'ricd befo;. all on 5 tturdrle able \levo 1uy. 5th, \\'cdu:sea) eve Ring '.oilh t goo! at- ♦ 'Try to advise you alma the in- teIAI11-e. 11he tracerer .showed :i ♦ terhordecorr+tiunuf vette Instill'.it- and each succeeding Siturday. These htlanc.a of $29 un 'hand. It weer pro- storics '.till also 1)c pu blit,licd in 1110 I,t►:r•d 10 extend llto C:11,11..,11) Iiou+a a1d • Our Wall Paper snit,uten AI \Veekly flail lute Itiutpire, conun01t put ;t btlroey above, rt ro:nn)iis 0 qualified by experience, ':tete ing 11 •y� 10;h. 1'. '.r•tx npp(>inted to cote -Oder r This and training to assist sett in .-4,— wetter. 'Ter:' annual ice was. placed •• aecnring the hest i-esu'ts. et $5. The offi:. t ; ole.^;cd for the • 1 ARQIJ11 AIt t 1'hi-tt nue stock et p tiers is y: r ere: Honorary member:. floc•- sra. A. J. Taylor, V. i)r,-krill, Tor- • by far tltr' most ceutphle rind The in :'0115 arc put ting in the elite, ,nttd A. i oiler, 'l'r• s'.'. iter, Ilon, s stylish within your lest 11. • cement wo:•k of Mr. W. itr.ay't4 house President, J. Itansford : President, * Better conetilt us. 1lris week. W. J tick=un : Fico, Jas. fair; sec. W. Now that t he needing is over the Itrydo:t'; '1're'.s. G. D. 11c'1'a„gait.•-� • formers are busily engaged putting • puffin; up wire fence, : R BEAVERS EAVLIt Z Mr. Andrew Ilor,grrt will soon LICENSES FOR \1.1?S'1' HURON V U J • have his yew hirn completed. Ile The Licen-�- Commissioners for • • W. F. has placed a steel roof on it. \\'est Huron met end disposei of the • Farquhar Ont. •♦ Messrs. John Cole and Oliver Isar- I,pli:ationo [or 1-c'arvcs us fallo'.cs: +• • iris were visi.lors in our burg list Ashfield.—Istlx•Ile et'rllough, Dun- ♦ fi.tturdctS• tenon, granted two month; license ♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••0♦♦♦ Ain Gco. Ifayca, of St. Marys, was g Io change bests -elder Jesse llr>wt• in the village last Monday. lain, Dungannon ; Alex Young, Kin - Park Moe., of Cromarty. have tail. :end Nell I'cirson. I'orl Albert, completed the brick work of the r,trt g r:uited ono yc;u-. foundation for the new born being Clinton—t'. 11. Leis ;roomed two elected for Mr. Tetonits Cameron. months to sell out or transfer hie Mr. \V. 11. K-iy has purchased n )ic'-.nye : Ales Itobir.sr>n, .,.is. U. \\'eis.I TAKE half interest In- the celebrated Reuben Gra.It:tur„ rare!' „ranted one J. lie ry, Hermit). from Mr. T. ye a Geo. Buxom'. +;ranted sixNoTicE J. Berry, of ltonsylll. DLtstcrpiese is inc„,,„, to dispose of his lienors, co one of trtto best heavy draught horses more extension to be trr.tnted this Cever brought to this country and tyres house; Theo. B; II, shop license, winner of the sweepstakes blanket granted one year. at the lirucefield show held this Illy 611.—J. G. I'.mig h ,end 1'r•a ne0s goer. ;Mason gaga grrtnted one year. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES. \Vingltani,—Gro. 'toe, Queen's, L. 11 Laron. National, Alex Orr, Bruns- wick. Cherles Lchard. Exelooge-each one ye,r - John W. Orr, King Ed- ward one year on condition thai the house be repelled Colborn('.—N. G. Rogge, not grant- ed ; \1'm. Glazier, granted one year. Godcride—Fred Davis, granted six months, is asked to build new stable. E. 11. Swarts, one year; N. Morrisey. Huron house, granted one year on condition hint he put in vcniiletor in lavatory ; lien Sault s, one year; Bell & Johnston, one yeir, on condition that the :tables be repeired or new ones built : Mrs. Annie Kin„ grint- FOR SALE BY -- cd one yc:r ou condition that lava- tories and wavh room be put in down stairs; dialect Farr and \Ven. Hebb c.sc,h once year. and Welter Saults, shop, �na;nted one year. 1 FARMERS Miserable Deception, I'RACTISEI) BIT Certain Dla.kers ')f Adulterat- ed and Worthless Package dyes. Sct Ih.trnond Dyo heading. No, withstandjng thee unanimous verdist of the world's most eminent color ohcutiets, that it is impossible to color :nimal ('.veal and silk) fi- bre+, and vegetable (cotton and linen) fibres with the sane dye, we fi.no speCul-itors who are jealous of the world -wile success of the DIA- MOND DV"ItS, putting up and of- fering for sale worthless package dyes which they r. present will color any material with one dye. This cruel dec:'ptioa ills caused serious lenses to twiny a home in Canada. The i)IAMONi) DYES, the world's great leaders, oivc to the lattice spe- cial dyes for cotton and linen and all mixed goods, guaranteeing perfect color results. The lichee will insure and protcot their intcrestsc if they avoid all mei clients who tel the crude and w•ortt tens package dyes recently put on the market. In every coee ask 11 for the DIAMOND DYES, and sir 01 each packet bears the words. ✓ "I)iatnond Package Dyes.” Please 11 send your mine and address to Wells o & Richardson Co., Limited. Montreal, t 1'. Q., end you will receive free of 's cost New instruction honk for Iiome f Dyeing, Clot of Dye,' Samples, an i a story in verso entitled, •'Thz Long- joen Trip to the Klondike." o • SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES. MASTE11i'iECE I♦ a ireautiful Inv, there .white fret stripe in f tee, feet is one of the moat fnsoeonablr' Clyde:el-ale.. in AineCca. Monday, Theo. Venner's, )lonndery line; Gro. \\•, \\'ren'+. Tucsrhiy. Jas. Attdcryon's, 7111 con. tislxsrli" ; 1C. l' )':r, 1'arquh'r. 1Vrdnes:P y, Jas. Sco.t's, jr.: Stat• fa hotel. 'rout d, y, Hugh V1cMillen's, lot 9, co't. Vii, '1 urkcremit h : Rob:. Cooker's. frill t',. .Toho Ilitt'in's, llillsercen : to hi v own s: able till Mond ty, but ('olor.;•l Gr' 1:ani will '.,Ike hie route S itutd 1v. Set 11rd ty, Bol:'er Northeott's; to tilt own stelde. BERRY & KAY, Pro, e. TO CUi1E A COLD IN ()NF, 1)AY Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab. lets. Alt druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to care. E. W. Grove'. signature is on eaoh hos. 25e. "Maple Leaf Rubbers" are made of pure Para rul, . arc wet -proof, neat, perfect -fit ting and lasting. Every rubber lilt:; a Maple Leaf branded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber i$ perfect ill every way. Insist on your dealer giving you PNaple Leaf Rubber" Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies', men's and children's shoes. 0 • c e Having just araauged with The Veterinary Specialty ('o., Ltd to sell the following remedies. Stock 'Tonic tine Blood Ptrlfler, Indigestion tli d Colic Dienche5, Spav- in Cure, Worn: I'owdtte, Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, le use Death, Antiseptic Healing Oil. Sprain Emul- sion, Black Oil for 'Thrush, heave Relief, Lutup Jaw Cute, Aphr•rdisiac and Anti-Stert'e Poodere, Uituahoea (lure for Colts and Ctilvts, Leaking Naval and Joint 111. VANZANT & WARiNG, Veterinary Surgeons, 26 years practical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder to free Veterinary Advice. t ado ad Rubber Cori -lope 1r1, ' ter of 1/NfA►onk Dun/ c' on every h (iriope genme /ire Make a carriage more comfortable to ride In. Worth their cost In the wear •nd tear they save. Lasts as long as Iron rims on all ordin- ary roads. Dunlop Tire Co. 1.itltr10 TORONTO 5r 30115 NOVT*IAL VASCOUVCR wnstrio W. S. NOW EY, The Live Drteggitet EXETER, ONTARIO. A MONTHLY PAY DAY Even if you can't work THE EMPIRE Accident & Surety (omprtny Will allow you $50 a month while disabled by accident or sickness, if you have one of their policies. ITIIE COST IS ONLY $1.00 A. MONTi • A Canu.di;tn Conee►'n- 1 W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter. GENERAL NEWS. A fire Hutt broke out nt 3 o'clock Sund y morning in the basement of the Toronto general post office on Adel Ode street completely out tot the main floor and retuned in the Beeth of Goo. L. Troy. the engineer, whose body was found floating in the tel- ler in about ten feet of water. The fire broke out in the routhwent cor- ner of the building, and the. ringing in of the nla,rtn nroustd tho family of Deputy I'oatm eter hose, who, with hit wife and thirteen children, 1ive3 in the upper storey of the building Ladekrs were put up and the mem- bers of the family brought to the roof of en addition to the re.tr of the Host office., nod front there to tire ground. The upper stories of the ibuildin't, which ineluele the in- Apector'a offices :Ind the offices ot the •rtilw•ny mail, serviro, were not injured. Thr to; tl leas it , stint1ted at $30,000. vAszoAZA. Bears th. The Kind Yoe Hos Attu Signature of sae♦♦♦••♦••♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••NN THE 11OLSONS BANK 1 (i,rsnporrtted by Act of Parliament 1815&) CAPITAL PAID UP -• •••• •••• S3+000.000.00 RESERVE FUND •••• • •• •••• $3.000.00000 Is liana,,. in Unlade, (Joel. c. A11•erta British Columbia anti M initobw EXETER BRANCH O,•,n every loss NI 1)sy from 10 e. M. to 3 r. M. cxrept t!ahtrday 10 ♦. r. to 1 P. M. Ftern,toree Ma e Notes* cashed or collect>d. Forms supplied l)1, a`.plicntloo pita en ail point.. In the Dominion, Brest Britain and Un - ..ed Susie-. hough, and .old nt lowest rates of exchange, MAVINUM DEL'AIIITMFNT Deposit's of *LOC) nn.l upwards received. interest com- ).oun.lcd 1"..f )earl•). nett .tde(.1 to prinr cal June Nth and Dgqrreniber 31i1. ile- pn-r. 1. • ••fpr• +lGn I- :.ed nrd highest current rases of Interest emoted. ted. Aetvnt+ueet nis.sr to farmers ►trick dealers and hnslnesol men at touter' rate; •,••1 0,, moat fa,o,ahle Irrm.. Agent' at Exeter for loom. (lo'.erament. Dickson & :stung, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• N++•••••••••N♦N♦N♦♦♦••