Exeter Times, 1906-04-26, Page 5ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. Plainino Mill, Door FaGtoru, lumber Yard and saw Mill are open and bustling daily and a full stock cf Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down.' always on hand. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully Given.' Ross-TdlJIor 60. tU.. xctcr. 1 GOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS. No more hole digging just j in fence posts to put 1 � drive them in with a sledge hammer. Far ahead of any ever yet. seen around this part of the country-. Come in and see them for yourself. We have had a great many iron posts brought in lately and arc prepar- ed to sell then! cheap. Scrap iron taken in Es - change. •.JACKSON &SON 1 Main -St. Exeter. I One door south of the i Metropolitan Hotel. 4.4-14-H-H•4•+i'i'•D'-F-f•i•3'•i+-F•F4•Ei'-I'-F YEDI DAL UW. BROWNING, M. D., M. O. • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and realdonence. Dominion, Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO ('OLLEGE PHYSI- daas and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office, Main street. Residence, east ea first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. DR*1. I. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. • ppheve 15'18. Long distance connection. ial attention given diseases of women and =Maattrrggeery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cant to rue street take you almost to the door. No other city office. Special Hospital and other arra'gemerls for patients from a !!stance. DENTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. . D. 8. D. D. S., Honor (Graduate 1 Toronto University, Dentist. : oeth extracted without paln or ,ad after efrer;LAIn , Office Fan - son's block. West side cot Mata gree0.' Exeter' riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to Ma an fa.- ►nd village properties at lowratee et lalaresL :.ADMAN & 8TANBURY Barris ars Solicitors. Main 8t. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLiNG, ,t0arrL4ters P,oiicitor+ Notaries Conveys/scars anoers Cbmd mlla•mer., Solicitors for the for Bank. Kao. lltseey to Loaa at Lowest rates of interact. OPTION :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. IL esauwo 5. a, t. 8. mosses T HOMAS CAMERON,('ONVEY- ancer, will. drawn, money to loan ea real estate, also IJcensed Audleneer for the counties. lof Huron and Perth. Charges rtptodelete. Orders lett at the 1 1r at my Tnldence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten also. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY We have unlimited private funds for loves/ - sol upon farm or village i:roperty at Iowa Moot labere.. DICKSON & CARLiNO Exeter What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and sec us and let us show you some of the highest grade PiANOS AND ORGANS that ( ana(ia produces. They are }t -c~w f it c aIn+ r s of art. Y SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry. the b(rt that the market affort s. Do not listen to what other. tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. 'Vc will snake them to suit you unlc:•s you arc very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SON Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur- I ansa Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMAIVTY P.O. Vice -Pres.: -F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. O. DIRECTORS. W. H. PASBMORE, WM. ROY, J. L. RUSSELL, T. RYAN, AGE J. CARMICHAEL, A. DUNCAN J. WILSON, J. 8. GILFILr.As, FARQUHAR P.O. BORNHOLM 1'. O. RUSSELDALE P. O. DUBLIN P. O. NTS. STAFFA, ONT' FARQUHAR, ONT. FULLARTON, ONT. LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANIWRY, Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matte- of the estate of George Barnwell, late of the Vil- lage of •Exe(c., in the county of Iluron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. 8. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said George Sa•mwoll. who died on or about the 26th day of January, 1906, are re - 'gulped on or before the 6th day of May, 1906, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Wachner' & Stan - bury, V' f 1 o the I I oof 3. n, Ezeter. So- licitors o- liio c t re for the Executors of the said deceased, their christi;tn and sur- names, addresses and desariptions, (the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of tho aaourities, if any held by therm. And turner take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the Bassets of the de- ceased among the parties ontitled thereto having regard only to lite claims of which they shall then have notice, and that tato said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any !.art thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for said Executors. Doted at Exeter the 9th dny of April, 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Rob- ert Bleck well, late of the town- ship of Iliddu!ph, in the Oounty of Middlesex, Farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0.. 1897, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Robert Blackwell, liho died on or about t 23rd day of February, 1906, are .re- quired on or %::fore the 30th Bey of Otrpet Sweeper and \Vnll liruntt. April, 1906, to send by frost prepaid Lacers Curtains -8 pairs. or deliver to Richard Rlackwel1. Mirror; -variety. Mooresville 1'. 0., Administrator Encyclopedia Brit tallied ;.Hooks. of tate said deceased, their coverings -table. piano and stand. eh rim tia11 and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particul- ars of (heir claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the seem }lies, if any. held by them. And further hake notice that after such bast mentioned date the said administrator will- proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among t he parties entitled 1 herel o. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and t hat the said Administrator %till not bo liable for tbo said assets or ally part thereof to nny person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them TEftMB.-(kteh : but on reel en - at the time of such distribution. t ate made ktw:,wn at masts. Giu\i)MAN & 8TANDEI11Y, Real Estate sold at 3.30 p. m. Solicitors (or e.cid Administrator. DR. ROLLINS if. BROWN, Dated at Exeter the 2801 dap of Mnrcdt, 1906. THE EXE'; k R TIMES, AI'1{IL 20th 1900. A1c;c table Prepara'iotlforAs- siinilatitig the loud alulRegue- ting the Stomachs and Bowels cf • Promotes I)igestion,Cty erfuI- ness and lies t.Contains neither Uritl«i.Morphine norI'fincral. NOT NARCOTIC. Ai. ofOld Ila S;4•': rafarff..7 Ii.rAlrx Sad - fG•Jnr.r • feentella.rani - ./r.1•1 Seed • /f jp>rmra7t D, ;:edam%% S.. rs • J;•:mJee.l - (7,31h.ri . hiaryes.. t t.rno A perfect Remedy fol Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Dlatrhoca. Worms ,Com'utsioits, Feverish- tless and Loss OF SLEEP. rcesimile Signature cf NEW YO11K. At .t 6 to tctWi:44- 3 j Dosis Jr-35:C;E r EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI For Infltnts and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI INC C,MYaun COM..Nr. Naw roan CIT BIG SALE Of Revd Estate and llous.ehol:l Ef- lects Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, elm is going ,West, will sell on SATURDAY, APRIL 2811i. 1906 At Ono p. m. sheep Itesidonce._-lair'ge lot, 10 rooms. in good retutrir. Cottage and deeded lot at Grnnd Bend -lot 53 1-2 by 142 Qeet, front- ing on road. Piano -Mallet & Davis, good as now. Parlor Set -plush Sidelw:ter ds-sevor'a l 2 Extension tables. Numbers of smaller tables. St:t,nds-tall kinds and sizes. Chairs-I:arge number all styles and kinds. Pictures -framed, .Large variety. Os,rt,ets all kinds and sizes. Linoleums-covoring 3 targe rooms with .nmallor ones. Rugs and Mtats-groat variety. Dishes and Glassware. Silverware, Lamps Iced -room suites, sets of furniture, contents of five bed -room'. Feather beds and Mattresses. Lounges rind Sofas -number Floe -era .send plants. Vases. -large variety. Book Case & Secretary, &c. Wardrobe -art ist ie. Stoves -half dozen : stove pipes. Clooks-:t collection; Iilinds. Oleander tree. Curtains -anon and door. pole» &o. Refrigerator and kitchen cstine:. Cooking utensils. Curios-knick• knacks, brie-a-b:ac and anti ries. Mips: Canes and plug ,hats: attos(•s invitid table and invalid stool. Ironing table. !loxes full of mysteries --ell kinds of things. Lewin Mowers end Letters: Speer. Telephone Stock.-Kirkton and Exe- ter line. And lots of other thing:+. The Chiaago drainage sate%!, which when completed, ria designed to carry off 10,009 cubic feet per eterond will, recording 'to the estimate of the engineer of the Canadian !Kotion of the intern:%tion! ~waterways corn - mission, lower the level of Like Ilur- on by six inches, •and the level of bike Erie by 4 1-2 inA bas. Ten thous mil cubic feet per second re- presents 511 I►cr cent. of ties flow over Niagara F1118. The canal, however, takes row less 'tlra.n half the volume originallynIIy can,cm 1ate 1 beinglimit- ed 1' it - cd :o 4,166 cubic feet poo second. Every doctor in tilde town tri= 1 hist best to relieve Mrs. J. Without of .; a9hma ; non's 'meet -shied. "For years, rho states. 1 wtays a dreadful sufferer : t o: hing were relief. tett limo.e 1 found it tecceltenry to •:tat'•• • all the doors and windows open t,• get my bro.lhh. When in despair 1 lir',••nl of "Cla;arrhazon^_". i ue.1 it and now 0111 perfectly cure.1." This (.roves !Ryon(' doubt that 'an) C110 of :est lime i1 curable with 1'.a - 1 irrhozone. No remedy eo plc 1s311t none a'o absolutely certain 10 thor- oughly cure ; t ry "Eel t,t rrhozou. " yourself : it's gu.trintcrd. I'ropreetor Auctioneer. Exeter, April 16th. 1906. A suggestion of practical value was ride to else post master -general by the member for Wast Iluron, Mr. Lewis, tatty suggest:.! 1bet in consid- eration of the advance made by the rural to+tmo'te a the offices in country districts should be kept open until 9 p. m., eitibling Lamers and laboring sten to got Lheir mail sifter their Att)•'s work. The propos- al was abtcked up by Mr. Matz. Mr. Lewis also 'advositc'd an iroreasc in the (ar^entage .allowed for the sale Ile thought 1 d stamps. that tt it caul be of t K I at Ieast 5 per cent., 1 per ntnt. be- t l►e present r.tic'. 11E11 SKiN WAS YELLOW. "1 ;till only to try Dr. Hamilton's fills .0 :rppretciato their merit" tthee Miss Annie 8. r) cc,o t Wood - sloes. "My system wog out of or- der . My b1oa.1 w :5 weak 'in t thin. i e nasty murky cotnplexion. My skin tees hard and drys!. Tho( first box of Dr. (ILatniltott's Tills made a complete change. 1 felt better :al once. 1(erilthy color came info my f ce in about three weeks I w -.1s rur-'d." Dr. Ila►nilton's ;!ills effect an c.s y cure. Try these good pill•. 25e a box, or tiro boxes' for rI.00. it all druggists. 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tom. on every SevenTo Cure a Cold in One Day •/ boa. 2 Seven tidos bares la past 12 months. 'f bjs signature,� i/� /�J 3c. Cara Crlp la Two Days. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ;nutter of the estate of Hortense heaver, late of tate w. . to n ri , Stephen, e yl ofin , t the I County of Iluron, married we- ) man, deceased. Notioe is hereby ;riven pursuant to It. 8. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against t.lte estate of rho said j4'or- tense iieaver, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 1906,are re- quire:! on or before the 5th day of May, 1906, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladsnan & Stan - bury, of the Villi;e of Exeter, So- licit.or» for t he Executor of the said dexased. their christia11 alitl sur- n'tanes, addresses and desoriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice th.tt eftor such last mentioned date the maid executor will proceed to distribute the assets of tho de- ceased among the perr ties entitled thereto taurine 'regard only to the claims of which they shill then have notice, and that the mid executor will not he liable for the raid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoso oLaim ndtico shall not have been received by them at the term of stroll distribution. GLADMAN & STANR(JItY Solicitors for said Executor Dated at Exeter this 18th day of April, 1906. talo I/d Rubber! Corrdo o Italy thif aant i) rn Y a, l tp/1@ er (' n ��io � P Refiliff ewe P Make a carriage more comfortable to ride in. Worth their cost In the wear and tear they save. Lasts as long as iron rims on all ordin- ary roads. Dunlop Tire Co. gnat. TORONTO lT J.'It, t t�iOCt'tR YONTRIRAI. • 51'ItS('1t1111'. F011 THE TiMES. I 8) I)H('IIiItF; roll THE TiMF:H. 1 Old Land niark to Be ii::very passenger+, mitt tiae Quick anti Ilalkwill inn wore the usual stop- ping places between London and Destroyed. Godcrich, and Ire (ucutly the house+ were ru full of guests tlstl iutpro wised beds were made of robes i ONE lel' 'rill•: OLDEST HOS't'E1. 1i1ES ON THE LONDON 1tOAl TO IIE REPLACED BY A 5101) ERN DWELLING. About leo utiles south of Exeter, on the (arm of James Walker, one of the oldest buildings between Lon- don and Goderich will soon be razed, and in its place will bo erected :t dwelling of more modern architec- lure. This old siructure is over 60 ye.irs ofd and ties for generation:, been a familiar I undutark, and tosee it row', one would ltirdly bclieto ttnat in its time was considered one of the best hostelries in Western Otterio and thit many men of prominence of Upper Oi•nada, as our province was then called, made it a stopping place in their journeys from London to Goderich. The old house. at the pre- sent time, while not in accord wit h many of the palatial farm residences of the present time, is still us com- fot'i:Ibio os when first erected, being cool in the summer, and character- istic of log structures. is easy to keep fleeted in the winter. Ira th %curly thirties Mr. Joseph Quick, 'a resident of Devonshire, Lngi tied, like a great many of his countrymen, concluded that pros- pects were greater in Canada than at home, and took passage for 'tide country, leaving his wife and eight children behind brut. Ile crime di- rect to t his section Land purchased 100 acres of land from the Canada Comp:cny. This company .had some years before purchased from the Indians the Iluron tract, which com- prised many thousands of acres of land, in this county. The property was divided into sections, the seine as has been done in the great North- west, :and offered for sale. After remaining there a year Mr. Quick setit word to his wife 'to pack up their belongings end bring the family to the now ceuntt•y• This Mrs. Quick did .-:ml after a tedious journey which took several months, joined her !nightie!, who had been making his headquarters with a family named Rowcliffe. At (hat time the country here- abouts was not like it is now, one of Lho best agricultural sections in Canada, but was a dense forest, V1t t s now known as rhodo Lon n road, rind by tourists pronounced the best gilded and kept t'o'ld in the province, taws nothing but an Indian trail only a few feet wide and im- possible for teaming, and during the wet Feeson was almost unpassaole. Not being daunted by -tato priva- tions of pioneer life and rho caro of a large family of children, Mr. and Mrs. Quick immediately set about hewing out a home for themselves in tate wilderness, ind in a short time erected a lo:; 'Rous.: almost in the same spot where tho building soon to be torn down, i:t lacut.ed. In this home two children were born to bless the union of tae determined pioneer couple. The eldest of the two died in infancy ,and the rremains were interred in the cemotry a mile and a euarter 'south of Exeter, and until recently was fenced off in sacred remembrance of those who years ago were laid to rest. of her child is our venerable Tatht de much respected townswoman, Mrs. Hyndman, mother of 1)r. II. K. Ilyndman, and 'to Mrs. llyndman, we are greatly indebted for the history of the old homestead. In the early years those. who were looking for a location in this sec- tion were compelled to follow the trail, which gradually; became wider from constant travel, and footsore and weary, would stop at the Quick homestead for meth' or lodging. Mr. .and Mrs. Quick would) never turn any Perron away hungry or tired, often giving up their bed to their guests, although no charge Was made. The throng o0 travellers, however, tt•a5 increasing and qtr. Quick decided to enlarge his build- ing and take roomers and serve molls. This he did and was enjoying a good p1t.ronago, when his house waw destroyed by fire. Ito Dinned - iii tely commenced the etection of n larger buIldiug, and in a few months i the structure which now st.tnds and !has for over 60 years been n rnonu- i ment to his memory. was built. The building; 1s4 of logs, the chinks being t filled with mud, and in after years • aeras sided up. iti re.•tsing business compelled Mr. Quick to make odii- tio:rs and new portion.' were built on the north and south ends, but these were years ago loin down. Ono portion was(x caplet h) I»aae Quick, a brother, asn store in after y: .ars, The name of the place w1a4 vane.! the "(!lack Mores 1131" and a Large (ole from sshich the sign w.ts sus• Vended. was c•Itaractcristic of all public places of chat day. The sign win ct crude affair, being :t itoeden Coo..., and Niers the workru•inship of I.o:ris llol►nen, father of Mrs. Wm. Diets-. During the early days of the het- telry the village of Exeter was a wilderness. The "Devonshire inn ' conducted at et d by the late Wm. 1 alktt'ill. is as a short distance to the north. \\'here Hie -king store now stands was 1 he Loins of laugh Diamond and where the 1't•esbyterinn 51,tisc now - el ands Willi len McConnell lived, Geo. McConnell lived doral, the road. Vivid McConnell kept to inn whet Mr. Digery Iiniund resin's nn] An- drew MaConncll lived imnicth lily across the rued from David. These were about the cmly buildings north of the Quick hotel. The first :+top- ping place to 1Ire south tv.t' Flani- g'tn's Conners, now Clandeboye. The next stopping piece on the road to London wvs Sauhte Bill, this side of Lttcan, at:d between Seublo 11i11 an.l Luc 'n twos negro settlement. in the etrliest days it was :na- irosaible to get the neceesories of lir_ except by going to London or ❑erterioh, and airs. Quick on several o•efieione took one of her el/lichen Ind w-nikerl to London .and b..ck again. Wolves an(1 o:.hor will an:- ltnt1a At ere in -abutpl•trie^ and on these journeys, Sirs. Quick, al.hottgh never molested by them, Naas of timet billy frightened. Derr were n' plentiful as sheep, rind Indians rove., around beg'ring proviqona from the settlers. After the trail land been improved four horse coaches were used to - Atnong the prominent guests %vers, ) a Mr. Jones and John Strong, lam! - commissioners. The first division court witheld in the Quick !louse, end :a Mr. Cur- ter, the first division court clerk, hid an office at the tavern where he could be found one day in each I week. Liver the late Thomas Trivitt was appointed clerk, and while leis' office was cit Cent -.ilia, he attend:.[; t ho court at the Quick house for ;a I number of ye ire. !sawyers from Goderich and Lon-' don attended these courts and a character named Daniel Shoffe, who lived at Flanigan's Corners and wIl►o had never tried any bar ex amination, w.ut nlweys present to plead a case for Some client. It is stated that in tlioee days ['cur was n luxury, and had•lo be brought from Uoderioh, the price being 12 a Iru'rei. Although deprived of many of the Inxuries of life, tdte eirly settlers prided •themeel1es in the fairs which were 'held. One year the fair would be .held .ti Quick» and tit.'% next year at 111lkwills• Many balls were given at the hotels and several of our older citizens recall the pleasures of dancing the light fantastic at these hostelries. The •residence of Mr. Richard Iles - sett, the tether of Mr. Thos. Iiissett, our venerable townsman, who is not as young as he used 'to be ,and locks mutely years younger than ha is, lived across the way. The house was years ago torn down, and only a few old apple trees nlnl'k the place where the boys and girls of the Boys gone by were wont to enjoy the pleasures of youthful life. Other neig.hbore were the Bilkwill, Hand- ford, May, itowetiffe, llolman find other futilities. Mr. Quick years ago sold his f•artn and tavern to Sir. Andrew Welker, father of James Walker, the pre- sent owner, and moved to kalamo- zoo, where .he died some thirty years ago. OPPORTUNITIES TO VISIT CAL- IFORNIA Do not let this go by. Very low' rates will he in effect via Grand Trunk k -a n a' RIs%. l good going Railway x I A r'1 . fi ;April b t, . c 24t1, to May 5t1, returning until July 31st, and good going June 24th to July 7th, returning until Sept. 15t1,. Choice. of any direct route going ,:and returning, and certain stop over privileges allowed. Call on ngents for full particulars or address J. D. SICDon'Iid, District Passenger Agent, room 308, Union 'talion, Tor - Onto. HOARD OF TitADE A special meeting of Lhc Board of Trade was called for Friday evening last to discuss canning factory '.:at - tors. A gentleman, who has a thorough knowledge of operating a canning factory, was invited to town to attend tato meeting and give those present an idea of the advantage of such on industry, as tto the kind of vegetables that are most profitable to can and about what h t n plant could be installed for. On the suggestion of Reeve noisier the meeting was open to all those in- terested, whether members of the Boast or not. Mr. '1'. 11. McCallum was elected to act as chairman. Ile called upon the peeve to address the meeting, who in turn called up the gentleman who cline acre to attend the meet- ing. This gentleman stated that he did not come prepare] to give an address, but would gladly answer any questions, and go into the !nat- ter in Ora manner. To the numerous questions fired at hitt he stated that peaty and corn wore, in his opinion, the best articles to oan, tomatoes are also good and ro are beans. lie stated that it would Lae better to can peas, corn and toucalocs, so that the company could successfully compete with the combine, which comprises about 28 factories. Tho reason for this, he chimed, was plat the combine of- fered a discount of 10 per cent. to those buying from therm only, and if a company put up only two kinds of segetebies it would be harder 1 to cell to the %wholesale trade, on Account of the inducements given by the combine. Twenty one doll ii per ton is about t he average paid for pets, seed free to the grower. Corn e6 1-2 to $7 per ton, the seed to the grower costing Se. per Ib. ; Reins about $25 a ton, extra for seed. and (o•nalo:'s 25 cents n hurdle! the grower to furnish Ilii own Id ants. Ile stated that about $0,000 would be :shout the amount necessary to buy t he machinery and about 94,090 for the buildings, while :-avers! lhoun,tnd dollars should be in the bank for running expenses. After consider dile discussion Reeve Noisier 'fated tb•it be could promise over $6,000 of toed capital subscribed for tate industry And much more ootid I:e scoured, ttta] it wan t he in- tention n- s 'on se.interested, t nt. o[ rho after the contp•any is formed, to ask the Counoil for a loan of $5,000 for ten years, without interest, and desired the co-operit ion of ;hc Itotrd of Trade in the mater. ;Don't Let an mateur • Try to advtso ynu ahr-.ut the in• - • terior decoretiotl of yew -home. • O Our Wall Paper salreuten are 2 qualified by expel ience, taste O end training to awls). von in •. ♦ securing the best reeLIlts, Then oar stock of papers is by far the runs% complete and stylish within your teach. Better consult us. : Z B. W. F. BEAVERS Far quhat•, Unt.• ♦♦♦♦♦•••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦•••••••• FARMERS TAKE NOTICE Having just arranged with The Veterinary Specialty Co., Ltd., to sell the following remedies. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifer, Indigestion and Colic Drencher+, Spav- in Cure, Worut Pow'der's, Cough Remedy, Pntiltry Tonic, Louse Death Antiseptic Healing Oil. Sprain Emul- sion, Black Oil for Thrush. Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac and Anti-Ster'.e Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval and Joint Ill. VANZANT WARING, Veterinary Surgeons, 25 years practical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder lo free Veterinary Advice. FOR SALE BY -- W. S. 110W EY, The Live 'Druggist EXETEh', ONTARIO. A NATIONAL THEATRE. Florence Rockwell, who .hits im, poreonnted man Shaka ccrian he Y P roe Ines with marked success, writes its the May Delineator of aha imports once of establising tar national the, ator if for no other reason 'duan to produce the splendid plays of Shiite. stream. Miss Rockwell stye: The drama in this country needs romp such representation, for the playwright ns well as for actors, aNd what better could happen for tate. drama 'then to have stand:al pro, ductions of Sisikespovrc's plays. To the erinywright they would ;offer an object lesson in dnametie con. struotion and literary style and di• vert his work from the Midi id so- ciety play or riotous rnusieel comedy of to -day, thus •rnisin't 111• tt•11o10 atcrege of American dramatic auto. orahip. F,or th' actor, they would fro an inspiration and at the name time they would improve the public baste nthieh %would then detnen l a higher order .of play and perform- encc et the regular theatre. 'There is no institution calculated to have n further reaching influence for good upon the Ame:icr11 stare than a properly eendue,ed national the- atre even if no Anutrican play werO ever given there. Our meed in the theatre is for high ideate, not only, for those who write .and act, but il•o for those who go to witness (tern. - c11 nit 420 Ca taern.- OA>dTO=A. the Kind You Han Always Boit. Nue th. SiTxatars of Teettnrrl•n.lnan...tl. t lartr.l,� .'rt..•F. "a' 1•d. a�.• r1 IryoL;r oFaL.a-Eun•drmOhN,l t,C■ N E 11 s �16rY o1,rf IilEtrolaut.v.,un tING-STAY AV-tit� Uri I •••♦••♦♦♦••♦♦•♦♦••♦••••••• ••••••♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦••♦♦•♦♦••a THE 110 SONS BANK i i i 1 1 (incnrpoi evil by Act of Perliauteut ifesti) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • RESERVE FUND • $3.000.000 00 t5 nranehec to Ontario, Qnchrc. Al'erta Ilriti•h ('aln.nhin and M ti,ir04a F.XNTIBR I3HANCH 0,4n err ry Lawful hay from 10 A. M. to 3 P. at. except Saturday Pt A. w to 1 r. x. Vesr..foroe Mrs' u. Not ass eashnd or collected. Folsom supplied On application. Id:AS-Ts, n nil point. in the In minloe, Orr•.s' Itritail. nest 1'n - 1t..1 i•Intes, taught Nu l •,del al 1..we,t rates of (•xc haour, MAVINOM IUFI)ARTMLNT i)eposslt.s of 1*41.(30 an 1 iipwsrds received. iniereet cent- re -effused hast(ye:sai•r, Anil milord to prinr pal .luny 30th and fieccmber 3101. Ite- t.o•lt. Receipt. also t xu.d ant tiche.t cunrnt t,.'r+ of Wm•-' nlliwed. Advtntncew made to farmers stork dealers and lousiness 3331 at inweat fat'•s and on nett fatoratie terms. Agents nt Exeter for Isom. (rnt'ernmcnt, Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •N♦NHNNN•♦•H•N•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••