Exeter Times, 1906-04-26, Page 4P $1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE 21 St'r GREYHOUND 2 Osys Is Daunt ' THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 26t111906. Rubber Goods Another large supply of rub- ber goods ,jut received at Browning's P1 ug Store coD- aisting of Combination Foun- tain yringt-,. Ilot Vater Bottles, Enemas, Ice -bags, in fact everything along these lines• These gor,(is are of first- class quality, and speak for themselves by the increasing demand we leave for them. F3 sentIal In Euern dome Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times Tli(•ItSDAY, APRIL 126th, 1906 SWIM Y 1 S 15 22 29 /MONDAY 2 9 16 23 30 TUESDAY . 3 10 17 24 WEDNESDAY... . 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY..., ... 5 12 19 26 FRILAY 0 13 20 27 AATPIIDAT 7 14 21 28 THeetSI)AV, AI'ItiL 19th, 1906 TILE CANNING FACTORY QUES- TION TJie securing of industries for Exeter 'leas for several years Wee more or less the principal subject for discussion among ,hose most in- tere.te4 in the advancement of the town's welf.ire, the establishment of it *alining factory being considered possibly she best. A Boned of Trade sees organized and meetings were crc called to discuss propositions made lip 'men wishing .to come bore„ but the aneetings adjourned before any decided action was taken. lase main drawback to mot of the propositions svi that the parties who wanted to icome here, ad no money of their town to invest, and could not furnish sufficient security for tIio toLas ask- ed. These propositions were not fa- vored even by pave tax paying resi- dents, and here placed aside for all time to tomo. e$s i,ropooition in the nature of n c.LRning factory 13 now before us and hies fair riot only to become a zcalization but a fact. Those who are best -qualified to state aro strong in t opinions that u canning fac- tory could be operated successfully in Exeter. The agricultural sur- roundinge are well adapted for the raring .of produce such as are used in canning factories, and a number of our progressive citizens -'!rave taken the matter in band. Promises OT stock in such n pedposed com- t ny have been given by many of our townspeople and even the farm - era hero exhibited n desire 'to in- vest in en enterprise of the kind. Reeve noisier. in his inaugural ad- dress, to the counotl, stated that die was desirous of getting .adaition- nl industries for our itown and 'smelt' devote a consielerabie portion et his time and energy to that end, and the members of our wide-awake cou:►cil of this year, are bending et•ery effort to ?how those who elected them, that they are doing everything possible for the interests of the town in this direction. Advertisements %sere recently pi ir. ted in leading dilly papers, asking for corresp>(ondence from unrties ac- outlintrd wire the cann%ng business. &'ver.,l replies were received and o gentlemese who, from his !ilk is tlioroughly conversant with the matter, was invited to address a meeting of the Mona I of Trial, last Friday .evening. To an inquiry is Io Lo.v much capital he would put into a proposed company, he statee that er fit/ - f - • Thin e rvopts ? ymir Hood must be in a c.ry .ia.i condition. You t;;t.:..• kr•.)t.• what to take, • it -- Aycr's Sarsa- .J.t. it you doubt, then • .•suit your doctor. We know : hh will say about this •:.I old f::miiy medicine. • • r• -e. er.I ri'esti'n yrnr d„et'r woa•d • •t .•t =h,. 1...wcs Is ab►o.nt.(y Ke -p r'mr Irret settee+ ,., orae r talfn� taeniae. • • .arae. • .-ter a n.. T.ow.!1, Zama ,.,Gtctar.r. or ' N(IR 11eie1R. este CURL. Yr t) cni;Ettr PECTORAL t:•• r -e re Sterols! We sob: !OS 61 • r-:*:„ to et 2.1 Ur a1ed.etots. that q,h:ase of the matter lied not been breeched to him, as he meter - stood a cowpony was remelt to b' [semid ••i.cl 'he was invited here to (vire ,slid%ice. The cowpariy, %% II to doubt will he .foiined, will be composed of then whom ase all know, and in %%hose integrity ue love confidence. It tail! be the keeping of loxia capital here, instead of ;being sent out of town to -assist in furthering of outside in- dustri.y, end t.hould receive the heartiest support of every one. The company will be incorporated at 1000 shares at S25 each. or $25,000 and will prob,bly ask the town for a loan Of $5,000 first $1,000 to be ,slid back Ito the corporation at the end of 6 years, and so on eadh yeas* until the full mount horrowed is paid back. If sue&, a by -taw is presented to the (1x payers it is the duty of ee every one to vote for •it. It mean". much to us in the way, of giving em- ployni:•nt and bringing trade to the town. The capital will be invested by our own people, who are anxious for the progressiveness of Exeter. If a building suitable for suoh an industry is rot at present available. one will be built, and acaording to the statement of the gentleman who was here last week, nearly every canning company Sias In a few years ineroased its capitalization from three to :five fold on •:uccoun.t •of in- creas ed business. The same gentleman is expected here ngain to -day ;(Thursday) to give us more inforngttiou. Gentlemen. 011ie iron is hot, let us • e a, e • weld it into elope pc beLar it gets cold, and give every as.sistaiste to the pro. motors of this leviable scheme. Crediton DR. E. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'. alas and Sergeons, Successor to Dr. E. A. Iiaie t, Crediton, Ont. Mr. Fred Barris spent Sunday In learkhill the guests of his parents. Mr. S.uu7 Kuhn liar eccepted a position as painter with Amos & Barris, and he is now wearing the white suit. Mr. Campbell, who has been visit - in in Komoka,returned to Kh•vags. this week 'and las resumed his du- ties as teacher in the school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Baker and (laughter, of tho 2nd con., visited at Elimville one day last week. Mr. Geo. Boltzmann this week has several mason nt work laying the foundation of the new school. Quarterly meeting *services will be held in tho Ebenezer church on Sun- day .morning next at 10.30. Miss Hill, of Detroit. is the guest of her brother, Mr. August Hill. Miss Ethel Clarke agent Sunday at Granton. Mr. and Mr& Chris. Eilber, of Zurich. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. \Ventzel on Sunday. Miry Farrow and Miss Turner have returned from Goderiah otter a pleasant visit at their homes there, and commenced their duties as teachers in our school on Monday of this week. Miss E. lledden who hos been vis- iting at her home here left this week for London. Miss einem Motz, who has been holidaying here left for London. The Lawn Tennis club held its nn- nual meeting .on Wednesday evening l•Ist at the home of Mr. C. Btuett for Lhe election of officers and the arranging of other business. The officers for the ensuing yenr are: How President, 1i, Eilber, M. P. P.: i'resident, Ira S. Brown; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. C. Llluett : Secretary, A. E. Ku.hn. A meeting of all those interested in baseball was 'held on Wednesday last, and the following officers were elected: Manager, A. C. Kuhn; Capt. Herb. Young: Secretary, 11. K. Ell- ber. A electing was held the same evening to elect officers for the foothill teen which resulted as fol- lows: President, W. A. Finkix•iner : Captain, Alvin Amos; Secretary. Ira S. Brown. \Lr. .incl errs. 8. Brown and Dr. and Mrs. ilaist visited at Mr. J. I'rce,er':e, Zurich, on Sundry. Mr. end Mrs. John Switzer visited in Zurich on Sunday. M r. Got lei b Drown preached a very interesting sermon on Sund .y morning last in t he Evangelic 11 church in the absence of Rev. Mr. Damm, w•l:o was nttending confer- ence. Mrs. Robe, eiaw•hinney and Mr'. Ede-, el Brown and daughter, of London are visiting at Mr. \Vm. Ye trleys. Mr. end Air.. James Lawson spent Sundry the guests of Mr. and e1rs. Robe 14,awhinncy of the Ilth. Messrs. Young iiros. expect to commence work this week on thee new tin shop. Dr. and Mrs. Mist left this week for their is •w home in Hamilton. lleedptioti end s.tornmental nervier will be Iri'Id in the Methodist church here 011SU lilt+ 7 evening next. The specie services which have been con- s (Incite] in this church an.1 which were I brought to a close recently %sere , pitetuctivc of much good. a number- h_Ivieg signified their desires of liv- ing he; ter- lives. The poster, Rev.! Mr. Andrews, will have charge of the ;review. The ',topte• in this vicinity %sill Is teemed to le.tr'n that the 21111 w ' be r'elebr 'eel herr. as it his been n ideal:e- o' years since ('rc.litam Leet u vetches::' . always giving way to i he ne erhho intr town°•. Wo be1.e k bespctrk for a littoral p:itronage of 110 neighbee ing towns and eiIl age s. The r-ir•0 7 • come:l it!cos rei.ort good prosper• The committee ons 1' , t o that ,•-+ u Ls b, lessee' c 011(0 tl 1 t! Blue L b I1 TaIIor-wfflc cls of London, have ,00l been cugasults tiles the High School teem of Park - tell, loth of the se teens will play the Stiles of this place, echo have never been beaten. The couenittee on sports hive ar- •ed n first class list toth literal prizes. Our (try ,popul u• brass trend will be on the ground ell day ani liven the d=ys sport ;lith their music :t e - the t1 d + procession in the morning; liesided by the band, promises to c tp everything ever given in this viein- 1ity. Bev. G. D, Dunm, wiho for the past four year has been paaior of the ' Evangelical church here, has been mused to Merlin. Mr. Oceans will preach his farewell sermons on Sun- day next, preaohine in Gorman in the morning and English in the even- ing. Rev. C. Bean, of Camden, who succeeds Mr. 1).unu1, is one of the best orators of the conference and I we bespeak for him a successful four years here. The next confer- , onoe will be held in Crediton. • ?jitter! , Miss Agnes Kaercber left Tues- day cifternooa for London, where sec 'intends remaining. Mr. E. P. Paulin was in the vii- i!age on business Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Deicsiert, who shave ;been visiting .the former's par - 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Deiahert. Sr., i Shave returned to their home in. De- ; � troit. Mies Youngblut •of llensatl spent t Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. II. Youngblut. Miss Lizzie Tremner, of Detroit. is -visiting et her Ionic here nt pre- sent. Mrs. (Rev.) Geiger, of Elmwood, is spending t:h.`s week at the home of Ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. ltan- I A1C. IThe teachers of the public school have returned to their duty after ct pleasant week's vacation. bliss Pearl Zateho is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Laymere. Miss M. Brown, of Crediton, spent Saturday with her cousin, Miss I Muriel Preelvr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams at- tended the funeral of the Tato Noah A. Fried ut Parkhill, 0 n Sunday. Y• Mrs. 11. 11 c errof • a. d ry os ub ). Grind Bend, was n visitor in tho village on Saturday. Mr. and Mra. C. Fritz visited the former's brother, Mr. Will Fritz. at IGrand Bend on Thursday. The inquest over the death of Wesley Irwin, who died suddenly at St. JosepJt on the night of April 5 was held in the Town Ball on Thurs- day afternoon. The verdict of the Ijury was t the deceased came to 1-hahis death 4by unknown causes. At high noon Saturday a pleasing event took place at the home of Mrs. Tremner, when her youngest daughter, Misa Katie, was united in marriage to Mr. Louis Prang, a prosperous young man of this vil- , lige. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Lizzie, while Mr. Andrew 1 !less ably supported the groom. Mr. I and Mrs. ('rang left on the evening train for Detroit where they will i spend a short honeymoon. Dr. McLaughlin, of Dashwood. spent \Vednesctiy evening last in the village with friends. Mr. and bars. Dennis have return - cd to their home in Galt. They make one feel as though life was worth living,. Take one of Car- tor's Little Liver Pills after eating It will relieve dyspepsia, aid diges- • tion, give tone and vigor to the sys- tem. -_ WATER IN YOUR BLOOD. ; Lots of people 'have thin watery blood -they (sat plenty but don't di- , gest. 'When digestion is poor, food iS not converted into nourishment in consequence the body t•ipidly los- es strength. To positively renew ,health, nothing canals Ferrozone. it excites shire Appetite, -makes the stomach digest, forms life sus- taining blood. Abundant strength is sur` to follow. If you need more vitolity, extra energy, better nerves, then use Ferrozone the (medic.' triumith of t1he .age. Fifty cents bury to pox of fifty chocolate coated Fer- rozon' tablets. • WOO1ilAM Conetraotor Cochrane, of Si, Marys is busy web aL ging of men erecting the :Methodist ehurch. The edifice u h1 a completed, will aro a structure of a hick the congrcg ition tvi11 feel justly proud. prick and other in eerie is on the ground for the new building which Mr. Sydney ,Mills intends erecting. Air. E. A. Covet inst. who wee so badly injured a few weeks ago is progressing; nice!)•. The f r . -t urs was a bad one and it will possibly be rote weeks before M.r. Copt -I !HA i.. able to use •the injured limp. Every- body is pleased to kneee (I•,t Ed. is getting Along nicely. That tired languid feclirg and dug! headache 15 very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring. and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. ood's Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis- tinction of being the great- est. curative and preventive medicine the world has ever known. 1t is an di -round median, producing its mm• equalled effects by purify - bog, vkalising and enriching the blood on Which the health and strength of every organ, bone and tissue de- pend. Accept no substf- t etre for Hood's, but fn- sist on having Hood's AND ONLY HOOD'S. IOP Ocots \Ve can suit any man with a new spring suit. We have a fine selection of Tweeds and Worsteds from which to choose and you get the best duality and latest style and best workman- ship. In fact, nowhere else can you do better than right here. Our prices range from $10 to *20. Gents Hats We can meet your particular re- quirements in this line, having rt full range of all the latest styles and shap- es in hats. COME. IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. WM. SHRUMM DAMHWOOD, ONTARIO. Dashwood The conference is giving Rev. Mr. Clements a year's reek in the interest of his health. Mr. McLennant and ]Visa Graham who have been spending .the holidays at their respective homes, have re- turned and resumed their duties as teachers in our school here, on Mon- day. The new proprietors of the plan- ing mill are getting the mill cleaned and overhauled ready for the spring and summer work. Mr. John Hoff- man. who has been in Toronto, for scene tins°, has been appointed man- ager. llis many friends aro pleased to see hien brick in his old position again. Mr. itobl. Adair, of the 19th con. brought Ulster Willie Treatreau to the doctor's office on Saturday after- noon to have a wound dressed that had been inflicted by an axe. Willie was staying nt Mr. Adair's helping Jiim to out some underbrush and while holding a bunch he moved his foot in such a way as to get the glancing blow of the axo in the leg. JIe is doing t.ecely nud will shortly be out again. Mr. Oliver Graybicl, of Exeter, spent Sunda y t hiyhome here. Fishing is till the go now. Every afternoon and evening one can see a number of our village people fish- ing at fmoky hollow. Orville Elutes spent Sunday at his home in Zurich. Mr. Lewis Mosler was in tho lage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin and [amity were in 'Zurich on Sunday visiting Mr. Soni, Itannie. Mr. Ron- nie left for the west on Monday. Mia.: 1:. Guenther returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit with her cousins in llenrell and 'Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Goetz were in (len- s:all on Sunday visiting Mr. II. Gook, who is seriously i11. Mr. J. Taylor, of London, was in our village on Monday. Mrs. John B, \Villeri, of the town - line, is seriously ill. The reason E.P.Paulin sells ('age wire fencing end Hollywood paints is because they lead all competitors. If you require fencing ruse the I'•agc or if you hive some painting to do get Hollywood paint. Be sure and get prices before buying elsewhere. The Dashwood trustees have pur- ch,sed a carload of cement from Mr. E. P. Paulin for sidewalk pur- po,e's. The work will be commenced short ly. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellermann tit tended tato funeral of the late Noah Fried, of Lieary on Smutty last. Mr. Fried was :a familier figure in Dash- wood, having been a frequent visitor h r•e. llrs. Jos. Snell, of Exeter, is wait- ing ten her mother, Mrs. Simons, who is seriously i11, but who at time of writing was retorted as improving. You hardly realize that it is med- icine when taking Carter's Little Li- ver Pills; they are very &mall; no bad effects ; all troubles from tor- pid liver are relieved by their use. CIIOMAIITY Mr. Brown, our new- nmercerint, is making considerable improvements about J►is premises of Tate. Miss G=z.rutl=crs, »f Victort,, 11. C.. wtho hes spent the winter s isiting friends. left last steel( for ler ;home. Mr. Alex 11cLiughLan, who hats been very ill of Tate, i•1 slowly recov- ering. Mr. SLnkey Cliffor.t of Ohicago, mho spent Feaster breeder' with his mother, left on Siturd•iy for fineries ton. Mrs. John Currie is it present suf- fering ss WI' n severe attack of ery- 51pe1:1s. Mass Mary Currie, of Toronto, spent Faster holidays under the p•ir- ent.,l Ioef, VA1tQIgItAlt Mrs. A. .1. Plssrnore, of Sault ate M:ric, is visiting at W. 11. Pass- ritore'S. Mr. 1Virren Melville was visiting' Mr. .1. E. McNicol List week. We arc pleased to step Mr. Ile r! P :•rker, who h ,d hie leg broke,: some time ago, able 1n ha around again. Mr. Arthur Durioan, of the Sov- ereign tank, Exeter. spent Sund.,y at ho1ne. Miss Mary Itoinh, wtio is Poach.ngr srlhool :,t Milverton, spent tho Li; as- ter Lolid.iys at her honk here. Mr. Arab a iiolKeri, of ilessel•'. 1 • vi=ite•I wvith Mr. Andrew Role . here. Mr. Jas. Beavers has hirer! s Mr. .las. Cottle for the summer oA1111111TOA1'A. gars tie STM Cud You Na_ AlwaJs R:. �t Sires,* MT. CAI(ME.I. Mr. John Doyle, nue of our most respected citizens passed away on Sund•ty, his death resulting ,from the effects of injuries received two years ago. At that time he fell from a Ioad of barley, injuring hit back to badly that be was unable to move around. Some time ago he was taken to a London hospital fur treatment, but nothing could bo done for hint and ho was brought lotue• The reni:,ins were interred in the Mt. Carmel cetueter)- y;ster• day (Wednesday.) SUBSCRIBE FOIL T111•: '11MEa IS HUSTON On Thursday last a serious mishap hefel lar. ltobt, Beatty while driving on the 3rd line, Ill'uishnet. His horse took fright from a Buggy be- ing drawn past It and ,into Mr. D. Rogers, and ran away throwing Mr. Beatty out of t he wagon lie was in, and seriously bruised his leg and otherwise striking him up. \Va hope for a speedy recovery. On Sabbath last the congregation of the Methodist church were treat- ed to ..1 sermon from one of the old time ministers of the Il. C. denom- !nation, in the person of Rev. \Viok. ett. Although advanced in, years he atilt seems to have the fire in him yet to prole!' the word in n good earnest manner. Men. Robt. Slater, of Blyth, Is spending .1 short time visitin,c her brother, Mr. W, It. Carr. Miss 'Edna Marshall visited in St elarys on Sunday last .at the (home of Mr. Geo. White. Rev. Miles formerly of the Elim ville circuit, but now attending col - logo in Toronto, spent Sunday last at the personage here. Rev, Voile. %shosa illness we spoke of last week, is not making that speedy recovery we hoped for. though a slight improvement has 1•aken :place, he is still far from be- ing ;his former self. We trust that ere long .e more rapid change for the better 'may occur. TIIE ItOOT OF NEURALGIC HEADACHE. Is .an itritable condition of the ner- ves caused by cold. Relief comes :nicely from ,Nerviline, tills treat pain .reliever , of to -day. ••I eon - eider \erviline a •naagical remedy for neunalgia," writes Mrs. E. G. Harris, of Baltimore. But I never worry if Ncrviliuc ars in the house. A .feu- applications .never yet failed to kill (he •pain. I can also recom- mend Nervilinc for stiffness, rheu- nialism and muscular paras." In use nearly fifty years; try 1•erviline 3 -OU 1 5011. ------ THE ANNUAL INSPECTION BY THE COUNCIL BOARD The town solons, .accompanied by the members of the press, made the annual inspection of the streets Tuesday, for the purpose of ascer- taining a►hat is needed in taw way of improvements for the coming year. 111,c lower and of the town was firat inspected. the party visit- ing the extreme limits. The bad spots in bee street were jotted down by Councillor Fuke, who was unan- imouslyelcoteed to the office of note taker, and the street commissioner, who stem bandling.lhe reins, was.in• strutted forthwith to fill .in the had and dangerous places. After the lower end was given n bhorough in- spection, the roads lending to the station were looked over. Carling street, on which there is oons,der- ablc traffic, will be put in elope, and the station street will likewise re- ceive proper attention. It seas decided to place a new -lank for the protection of the houses rind property on the station grounds be- tween the station •hotel and the residence of Clog. Knight. Several bid holds in the streets in the centre of the town will be filled' up as soon as Commissioner Bissett cangel around to them, and it le !quite pos- sible ()let the town rattlers will have trees planted 011 the flats eachi side of Lhe river, west of the bridge, pro- vided Mr. \Vm. Iliwdeai will mike the risme concession he made to a previous I►oard, to give the land to the town. The Thatncs .road will also receive immediate attention. as also will tete In k e road. The cemetery ons the last elite visited. TJie question of the trees which has taken up a considerable portion of the Council sessions was thoroughly looked into and will probably be settled nt the next aneet- ing. Bove FWeicr suggests that n now iron fence should be built in front of lho cemetery, with large cement pilfers to mirk the peeranoc. The suggestion was hcirtily c:,n- curred in by most of those present, the fence:, is it now is, 'being very dill peel tel. ;end greatly nears the beauty of the well kept burying ground, whirl' the Cemetery ho, rd of the past few ye.i.rs have. succ'ad- ed in making one of the. finest nee oropoliscs in Western Ontario. The suggestion aerie's made by Dr. Lutz to hive the school children give a concert a r se fort 1% t purpose. w-e1.i Sgpokc• en of and it ells thought that with little spit:Won such a thing could be done. the 'receipts going a long %e ,y to Viying for such an tidorn- ment. 1:!; r{'I is i t (()I The Council met Monday evening All the members were prex:int. Min• utes of I ,st meeting were read .anti nt, rov eel. The followingg .seeaunts were piss. ed Lltnes Week^S, teams fo-,houling the fire engine. $4.00; .1. A. Strevert, cotton. etc., for cemetery, $1.77. The :reeve inlisrmorl 111 cr:uncil ( bit lie had sent to the {government for prospectus t„perv, re the for minx of a canning factory company. and thet he hid ordered a new cylinder for (11 t umpine engine. Ile t+Iso said he had seen the Asst. Supt. of the 0. T. It. rust discus+,ed t build- ing of the new sta(ien on ti►• -new site" and the gentleman marl he would ver (hat the matter nes tak- en Up %e••y sam. The question of fire proter,'ou for the Almay All lion. warehouses and the '<eit!etic:", nnS,.ilinn street, weirs thoroughly di'r_uss^d, end upon motion of ('olIn' illor Ilertn,n it w•.s deciderl to buil,! , tank rear the station, the rise and kind to Q)^ de - ceded on biter. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* •••••NN• ••••••••••••....N••••• •: •• • •i LONDON GROGKRRY• G0. 169 o�da� WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of • $10.00 or over. LONDON CROCKERY CO'S. New Crockery FOR p S ring Trade. We always try to have something new to offer you, semething that other stores do not show and n consequence the patterns and styles do not become common• The quality is beyond question and the price always the lowest. English Royal Devon Tableware The finest production of the English Potteries, beautiful decor- ations, splendid shapes, just the thing for Wedding Gifts or Gifts for any event. Comes in a large variety of articles giving you an immense assortment to choose from. (We have the sole sale of these goods for London). Haviland and Limoges French China Our immense range of these beautiful goods is not equalled in the City, comprising as it does Fancy Pieces and Dinnerware Stock Pat- terns. Get a set and buy it piece by piece if you feel like doing it that way, it costs you no more and you get something choice, Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Lamps, Fancy China, Jardineres, Glassware, everything in Crockery. See our immense range of New Dinner Sets. 2 ••••••••••,•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••N••••••.••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • EXETER'S UP -TO -DME • ♦♦• • s FLOUR, F ••• • • & GROCERY Z• JS ust received another toad• 2 of ZURICH FLOUR which • .• we will sell at $2.25 per i • cwt. at the Feed Store. • : For PURE MANITOBA • s call on us, we sell the best • at a reasonable price. • • HARVEY'S STAR: FLOUR always on hand • ' at the same prices as at the • Imill. Z Large quantities of po tatoes on hand, also seed • Zpotatoes at $1.00 per bag. •• • GOODS DELIVERED. ♦ • • • •• ••••••••••••..•••.••..••O• 2 • i S. HARDY & SON P. WHITLOCK & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Building Blocks of different designs and sizes. CEMENT FENCE POSTS CEMENT CHIMNEYS Single and Double Flue; abso- lutely fire proof. Stock always on hand ; Prices reason- able. 0 We have just received a carload of Blue Lake Brand Cement. Parties intending to build this spring should see us before buying elsewhere, P. WHITLOCK & SON, Thames Road P. 0., - Ontario. Mr. S. i'owell addressed IJte coun- ciI regi riling come trees nurseries(' for idle cemetery. The. •aue.stion was thonoughiy discussed by the mem- bers of the council, end beforo they tied gotten hill' through it had tlic "Iiow old is Ann" problem beitcn to 1 Standstill, and was heli over until next meeting to get the cnrreapon. dense in tees matter together. The street watering matter ryas Liken up, but it was dcceled slot to put on the cart until a petit'.on is presented to the council. The council adjourned to meet Tuessiiy afternoon for the annual IOU?* of ins;•ectiolt. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Now in Stock Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators- Pricee satisfactory. Bring in your grain , and load home e* with feed. J. Exeter. COBBLEDICK ses Central is,_ '0-'4 WE'RE SUIT . SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the' Suits- you wear them out. We make - them as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than��r ought. Because. if they do, you'i1 likely go somenhere else for olaat next Suit. And no one could b you. So much money ought to b�r so much Suit worth. And Suit worth is fashionableness of fabric -style IQ cut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness - and length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay too' much is W. Johns, Elegant Black and Blue; Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Spring Terns Opus April t GEYI- t'! jr 9( 1 STRATFORD.. ONT.-.✓ Why slimed you content your- self in the ordinary walks of life when you c'an better your condi- tion by taking a course in this • school ? We give a thorough, practical ednes tion and assist OM' graduates to get positions. Cotumonee your ennrse now. Writefor pat t to tilers W. J. ELLIOTT, Priocipwls D. A. McLACNLAN, •••••••••••••••••••••••••111 1 maim TO CURE A ('01.11 I' (INE DAY Take f.asntivr• Itrumo Quinine Tab, lets. All druggists refund the mot- ey if it fills to rare, E. W. (trove's %Igniters is on retch box. lee. /SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TiMilfl3 or-