Exeter Times, 1906-04-26, Page 1:e` 'Wedding Stationery Young Ludic- who are interested in what is proper in the matter of Stationery for Weddings, !should bee our samples, latest type faces. We Ow have them ready iu a few hours. :trier HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT Ei THIRTY-THIRD YEAR—No 1702 JONES & CLARKS' Early Closing Commencing May 1st this store will close q at half past six every evening except= ti>iesday and Si,;irday, . )Housekeepers Wanted To come and see our . stock of Wall Papers, ;_...,: f,: all the leading shades and swell designs are •` o dining -room, bed=room I ). i ; or kitchen is to be re= papered you will have no difficulty in selecting from our present assortment. Prices 5c to to 35c per roll. Damask Draperies Suitable for curtains, lounge coverings and drapes, newest shades in Romam stripes and floral designs. Price 50c per yd. Art Mnsliris Dainty pale blue, pink and mauve patterns On cream and white gounds, cream scrim, plain and striped. White muslins in coin spot and bow -knot designs also white muslins frilled, and ready for use. here. Whether parlor, Horsemen Attention! Ties s:ensou for getting uu; route hills will soon bo :etc. I(EMIi]I1tEn th•vo getting bins (;tinted at the Times Office get a two weeks l otied in the. paper FREE. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 26th, 1906, San Francisco Horror. The Sao Fronci.sco set tastrophe tehch on Wednesday of last tveck startled the whole civilized ►world, inns probably the most destructive as to the loss of property, of any similar disaster in history, the loss being even grt+tter than the destruc.I Ition by the Chicago fire. The announcement wag made baf- urday that the fire was out and only smoking embers .remained. Roughly sneaking the burned district is about five miles square and takes in nearly ,Lhree•euarters of the city, including the entire business district I rendering over a quarter of s mil- lion people homeless. In the :pace of a few hours, a city. which was the metropolis of the west, was a heap of ruins. Buildings that cost enormous sums of money, iu a few hours were completely dent toyed. The earthquake came early in the morning wwhen most people were in their bcds,and without warping the buildings beggar► to topple and fall, burying many underneath the ruins, Although the list of injured 'fent out in the first reports were greatly ex- aggerated it is not thought that mole than G00 or 700 lives were loci, as a result of the calamity. The close lines of soeial life were com- pletely wiped out during the hours of the panic, men and women of wealth and prominence elbowed with the lower classes, everybody seeking places of safety. Military compan- ies were soon on the scene and as- sisted the police in preserving peace and order. Many who took the op- portunity to loot, were abort lived, instructions having been issued to shoot any person found +thieving. On Friday night fourteen men found prowling around the United States ubtrofaury were shot by the guards Others in different parts of the city vests 000ught in the act of loot - ng and were /shot on the spot. The reports of the calamity were eceived in ewe by the outside world. elief Foaieties were at once orgen- zed and money and provisions soli - Red. Nearly every city and town n the country Responded and nee- saaries were despatched to the suf- erers on speoial trains. Many of hose who have friends orrelatives t or near San Francisco were un- blc to learn anything, owing to the ajority of the telegraph wires be- g put of commisa:on, and those that uld bo used wore eecueied in eend- ge govpreenss radespmentat.ches and reports to h 9 r R c c f a a m in co Fancy Sateens & Cretonnes t A new and well assorted stock with which you are sure to be pleased is to be found here, also doublefold reversible cretonnes for door drapes. Prices 121c to 25c per yd. JONES & CLARK -Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Stanford Clothing. • James Beverley to the Front Undertaking & Furniture You will find us in the old stand and n-ith all the newest designs .and leading styles of Furniture in all the lines. 'rouse cleaning time is here and you will want some piece of Furniture to relieve and make your room present a fresh appearance. You will find it in ,our commodious warerooms. I"Furniture of all kinds repaired.`� JAMES BEVERLEY 'GIDLEY BLOCK, EXETER. ,ovary per.one in Exeter and vi cinity have friends or relatives livin at or Pear the destroyed city, bu as yet no wwotd don been received although it is not tbought any o them lost their lives. Among th former Exeterites there are, Thoa Ramsey, henry Ross, William IIol man, W. W. Madge, S, W. Madge an Alex McDonald, Santa Rosa, Ezra an Go. Spicer at San Jose, Mrs. M. J White lives in Berkley, a suburb o San Francisco, and had property i the destroyed city, but whether o not it suffered with the rest, w love been unable to herr. Other from this district ;ire anxousl awaiting word from dear ones, bu it is h.urdly possible much news fro them will be received until order ha been restored. Word wits received yesterday a. m from Mrs. Miller J. White that etre and her children were site, but had a terrible experienc.e. The message was sent from San Pranoisoo last Feidny and did not reach its desti• nation until yesterday. g t a CONI'ERENCi'. MEETING O1' 'Alli EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION The Caned„ Conference of 1 he Ev- • angelical Association convened at Ilisrnnrk, Ont., last week, under the chair macship of Bishop Tilos. Bow- man, 1) D., of Allentown, Pa. Sev- cn young lien were licensed as ' pro:otters on probation. Rev. L. II. Wagner, of Berlin, tote elected pre- siding elder. Ile is .Uationed on the district to which Crediton, Zurich end Dashwood belong. The pre- siding Bishop .nee! the stationing re- tort on Saturday evening last. Among the chwrnges most interes- ting to our readers are the followw4- Ing: Ctiediton, E. 11. Bain; ietslt- wood, L. K. Eidt, ; .Zurioh, A. Gieh- ler•. Rev. Mr. Yaeger ,of Zuricch, goo's to New )Limburg, Rev. Mr. Clemens, of Mohamed, requested to be left over one year without nn op. pointtnent, Itev. G. D. Damm, 1L 1). of Crediton, Ole been stationed tn' ilerlin, with the largest congreg;i- tion in the Conference. !tee J. G. Litt, presiding elder for t lie past years, and previous to that pastor at Crediton for four years, has been stationed to Sebringvillc. Mr. Harold Bissett iv wisitin; rel- atives in Nor witch. THE HOME OF JAMES BAG. shtw, in Stephen township, ju=t west of Exeter, oaught fire Monday otter - roan. The fire is supposed to have originated from n burning chimney. I; was discoveretl in time to pre• Pent any serious Injury, a stnall bole burned in the road being the only damage. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY So^iery •of the Exeter District %will -:old its tenth srnnail convention in the Methodist church, Centralia, on Tuesday, May 101.11, commencing at 10 A. M. A very elaborate program lies been gotten up and o large at- tcnd:tnee is expected. SANKEY, MOOD\•'S HELPER, AT DEATH'S DOOIt In his Brooklyn home Ira L. key, the non ww-ao sang with oly in their groat missionary rs the world over, is now nearing valley of the shadow he sang of sty wire ago in the 1i.nes> a(\real) be no dirk valley when ,-esus tomes, San BI6 SALEtou the 1fe CLOTHINGt hi "T I During the next two weeks we will offer 'T' -Air entire stock of Ready Made Suits at To Startling Prices. • cult t hr his mow ming less stn acre')) fre no (lurk valley when .TC Slit tomes, aero'-- ism no dark valley when Jesus conies, gather his loved pries home." ow, Mill singing the .some hea r t ,g words, 'he Is himself pasting ough the some dark tray. it 11 swan song, for Ira D. Sankey, the t famous of all the world's ing cringe -lists, old and sight- , is now dying in South Oxford eke t . 1 en's $10 sults for $7.50 Effen's 8 suits for 5.00 clothing at these prices cannot be charged 13o\ rw but are for cash or trade. We will have for sale, Rollins' Bread, Wednesdays fo and Saturdays. Pit iIORN \'DEN.—On Con. 3, Stephen, on wetly, April 24111. the wife of Wm. Borden, n non. DA\'MONi).—Con. 3. ('shorn^, April the wife. of Clos Daymond, .a n. 11ARRISD ANG—Tl ENINER — At Rut:. h• til 21, Mr. Jeanie Prong to We. at ie Tremner. DIED f V1E.—A1 '1 t. (:irmel, Sunil .y April :'_nd, .To!an Boyle, .,; ^.1 1't year!. ltO(`KE_in 1'ahoriare. ,%1ril 211h. 1900, George ilook, aged LP year," 9 month+. COWARD BLOO1VIFIELD WINCHELSEA, ONTARIO. ODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. Ap EDEN Ikvith on Tues:Gay, April 211.11, re- lieved Mr. (co. 'Cooke of the suffer- ings he his so patiently borne for the past you', aged 55 t'eat's and nine months. Mr. Rooke had been suffering Pont cn.icer of the stomach for some rnonLhs and the best me:l- ical aid was unable to prolong Iiia life. The docnasx'd was born at 13oww- manville and at an early age rime to (.his wet of the province, follow- ing the oscutrttion of tt termer throughout his life. 1k awns mar- ried twice, his first wife tieing l'er- cill Jones, sister of Mr. .1. G. Jones, of Exeter, and from th;.e un- ion rix cliildr•' survive, five girls and one boy, NI... F. Swwcitzcr, lilen- shard, Mrs. Ray Pinson, Abernethy. S.isk., and nlanohe Lellie, Clara and 1'n:ank. Mr. Itoeke ma+ met -rivet again abut ten years' ago to ,(?rs. .1. Murley, nee Elle J. Harrison, who survives Ilio,. The funeral ww:11 be told this (Thursday) afternoon to the Exeter cemetery, the Exeter lolge I. 0, O. I'., of which Mr. Hooke wee a member, (ring in charge on the services, .Mts. Trott, of floamsville and Mrs. .1ohn Baker, of Roohenstcr, N. 1'., were. called here o', recount of the dee!' of I heir brother, \ir. George Hooke. South Huron Licenses! RODERT E At a meeting of the South Iluron License Commissioners held in lien - sill on Thursday fast the following Shop grad hotel Licenses were grant- ed in the several municipalities for the ensuing license year: EXETER Shop—F. J. Knight. hotels—James Maddock, Mansion House; W. T. Acheson, !ventral; William Ilaerowws,Gommercial ;rant- ed if he makes the necessary im- provements; C. Wendland, ,\ietro- e polir a t ittn,on. .held over for future counid- STEPIIEN TOWNSHIP -Hotels — \Villiam Fritz, Grand Bend; Williamilliam Zimmer. Deal,wwood ; Simon Dietrich, Mt. Carmel; August 11i11, Crediton: B. Cunningham, Khiva; John :•!.•l.,:ac, (' editon; James Hn anan, Shipka, Yo. three months to ,see if he will do better ; A. Moser, Corbett, three months to dispose .of stook William Moffatt, Centralia, three months to sell out or mike :his house satisfactory to the Boird. HAY TOWNSHIPHotels—It. It. Jabnston, J. P. Iteu Zurich; Mrs. Nicholson, Blake. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Ifotcls—H. A. Cook, Varna ; 11. Shaeffer, liippen. TJCKERSeIITII TOWNSHIP' Hotels — George Strong, Strong'a Ilotel ; Chutes Wilson, 13rucefield. USBORNE TOWNSHIPhotels—i'. J. Illation. SEAFORTII Slop—Ed%vlbrd Dawson, II. C. Gif- ford. Ifotels—James Dick, Dick House; 1). T. Pinkney, Royal: William IIer- gott, Grip house ; Henderson & De- tacey. Commercial; Mrs. Christen Stephens, Queen., held over for fu- ture consideration. HAYFIELDHAYFIELD11o:els—II. Darrow, Commercial; Mrs. M. Elliott, Albion: George Greenslade, itircr hotel, for 'ix mon ohs. i1I:NSALi, Hotels — J. E. Blorkall, Queen;; Thos. Iieffenrnn, Commercial. LF.VETT'S WAREIIOUSE IIURNED MMONIMINII Tile 'ringing of the fire bell and the screeching of the Harvey Bros. Mill whistle caused a suspension of busi- ness for a time Thursday afternoon. People wondered if some ,bonfires had started an incipient blaze, or if the Underwriters' inspector was in town for the purpose of testing the fire apparatus. A telephone message from the station, however stated that W. II, Levett's warehouse was afire. The members of the de- partment quickly responded and the steamer was hauled to the scene, but tees found useless in this case on account of scarcity of water. There wwas a little water in the ditch along- side the tracks and while the tom - pony with the }rind engine wwas'rush- ing to the scene this was :dammed up. The warehouse by this .lime was a blazing furnace and the fire- men directed their efforts towards saving A. Q. Bobier's piggery and Levett's CO"11 elietIA. Ilad the wind been blowing in an- other direction, it is doubtful if any of t. he wvarehouses and the station could have been saved, as the supply bf wetter on hand was very limitc:l. it is supposed to have starter from n spark from a G. T. R. engine. When the fire started there was <omc m ottinery in the, building, but this woe moved to a place of safety, but .had it not been for the general agent and the local agents of the McCormick company, the machirery ww•ould hnvo been destroyed. Other- wise t he building wwas empty. The building two's leased to lir. Jos. Cobbledick, whose lease would expire next August. The warehouse was erected abut twenty five years ago by William Fenwick, who at that time operated a flouring mill nt Exeter north. The loss will be about $1,000. It w is partly insnr- ed. The wind .i cried several burning embers toward the town and severs al houses were ignited, but these fires were put out before any damage was done. Mr. Levelt was in London at the time of the, fire •and did not le ern of his logs until ha reached Come t1►1t evening. HICKS' FORECASTS A regular storm perks' extends fto'n the 2Glh to the 3011a, having its centre t :t tire 27th. The moon is at extreme, north declination on the 29th, intluring utmosphcric cur- rents from tIr^ mouth. ))eras very high tempenetures will prevail, with low h.sromettie pressures; thr'atc11- ing s:orm clouds will gather, .and thunder storms, with 110.1w'y ril•1 and Jrrle in many lo^alities, may tan 'x- peoted, looting eostwardly over the country from Friday the 2701 to Monday the 30th. -tieing herown- eter and el•.r,gt to much cooler will follow up these storms from the pori invest. A'menefionery "'loon per',al iv reit• 1rnl on the 2nd, .3rd en./ Ith, with moon .at first quarter on the '1st, owl on the celestial e•pttator on the 5th. The prolnbilitics are tart un- set 1 led, t h rifler l e ni ng went be r mil l begin on tyre int etel that Moons on•t storrn conditions prc',ilina en !CC' 2nd .an,) 3rd will be prolonged until .after t :ath. Change to_ant i - storm ennditiot s—r;sing barometer cooler and clearing—will hardly come nbout, except in the extreme north- west, before the moon south of the squalor on Wye 5t11. Earth will be entering on the Mars period about this time end all the phe- omen.t for the remnintler of 1 iy, throne!' .iune and star into lily, will take ora wwlwatcver pectin err Norte 'the Mars influence may roan- nnienfc to them. FOit SALE Olt RENT. -- 1 1-2 j story icaidenee in raved repair, :snit .1 1-4 acre land. (:awl fruit beet end n T ire boo a>f w i tr r. Will sell shell'. in Apply to Gia(lm.an & St.enbury. JOHN WHHITE & SONS . PICKARD, ONT. FROBISHER, SASK. = EXETER, General Selling Agent. for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing land in the Vest, we can give you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Address ROBI. LPJ6KflRD, Uroblshcr, Sdsk. HI6 Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to reduce the saine we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising—Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM To IGood going April 21th to May 5 th. Return limit July 31st, $72.70 California and Return S74.70 Good goi,ig June 21th to July 7tb, return limit Sept. 15th. Ac- count National Educational Con- vention San Francisco. • Choice of any direct Route go - Ing and returning, and certain stop -over privileges allowed. I • • • For tickets and 'full in- formation call on. J. J. KNIGIIT, Depot Agent J. D. MoDONALD, District Passenger Aaeeit, Toronto. ••••••••••••••4!••••••••••• TONIC Iis what you want now that win- ter is gone. No system can : withstand months of extreme changes without requiring some thing to build it up again. BEEF IRON ANI) WINE is what you want. There are plenty of kinds, why not get the best? Get ours. Its full strength warranted, and costs no more than weaker imitations. Don't delay. Get it now. W. 8. HOWF,Y, Phm. D. ♦ CHEMIST AND OPTiLIAN, Phone 50. EXETER, ONT. i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to sel l l Write for our terms of sel- ling p oper'ty. We have the most complete method of advertising and selling property in Oanada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario! Send for oar list. We have some bargains. E • ELLIOTT & CO. North-west Land Agents* Selected %'iid and improved f«finds FOR SALE In some of the hest parts of the NORTIH WEST It will be worth your while seeing ue before purchasing. We give purchasers until first of June to select their lands. Office opposite Central notes EXETER) ONTARIO. What Should a Good Paint be? GOOD PAINT TO COVER GOOD PAiNT TO WEAR GOOD PAiNT TO SELL Hollywood and Elephant Heady Mixed and Floor Paints wear on the job,--- not oti In 13e, 25c, 40e, 45c, SOO and 90c tins. Also a full variety of Chijap Floor Lac Campbell's Varnish Stains Buggy Paints Top Dressing Alumintml Gold faints, Etc. Winsor Newton's Tubo faints in all colors A Good household Varnish 10c, 20c and 3i'c tins Brushes of Evety Description .' • -''nail Prices. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store.