HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-19, Page 8L ±L A', EX E R 1 1 M h S. APRIL 19th, 1906 sTEwAR 's Carpets and House Furnishings. Aro our Strong lines at the present time. We make no idle boast when we say that our lice of Carpets, boom Rugs, Curtains an(1 Linoleums is by tar the largest in town. We have the goods to back this statement and, the Values are such ;ts aro sure to please the most exacting. ItOO.J RIJGS aro very much in (remand a great many people like them better than carpets. We show about fifty different rugs for you to select from A few of our loaders in pure wool Ingrain Rugs, the kind that wear and keep a good clean color to the end. 3 yards x 3 yards $ 7.75 3 yards x 3j yards $ 9.099 3 yards x 4 yards .8 11.00 yards x 1 yards $ 1.2.00 4 yards x 4 yards $ 13.75 4 yards x 41j yaide $ 15.50 These are all swell new patterns with 18 inch borders and no seams. Wear(' showing a lovely range of Entreat) Velvet Rugs, Thevarepretty as pictures. Greens, Reds, Browns. 3 yards x 3i yards 8 20.00 3 yards x 4 yards $ 23 00 with 18 inch borders and seamless. Our English Tapestry Rugs are spe- cial values, Lovely new patterns, good clear designs with 18 inch border matched. 3 yards x 31 yards $ 1050 iii yards x 1 yards $ 14 00 We are showing a ni,;o lot of Piano hugs in English Velvets, deep rich colorings, they will do honor to any room. Our prices are iu your favor. Our new Tapestry Carpets are very pretty, here aro two specials. 60CFor a swell two tone floral design in bright new colorings. For our best Brit owls finished 75CTape stry Carpet f,tell set pat- tern in the new wuod cetors, A yard fora lovely lot of $ 1 e OONobby New Brussels Carpets quality good. styles new. For our Beet English Vet- 1.15vet Carpets, very high-class goods, the best we have ever shown. For the Best Pure Wool Car, 75e+pet. that money can buy, new patterns, lovely colorings. 15c. 20e. 25c and 30e For a magnificent lot of new Japanese Mattings, new colors in floral, scroll and set patterns. Ask to see the range. Lhiolegiiiis Ours came direct from the makers in the old land they're the best we know of. They are thoroughly aged and will stand all kinds of good hard rough wear, new tile, new block, new scroll and new floral patterns, 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. Our special price for the very best 4 yard wide is $1.95. Do you know a Bargain in Lace Curtains. Wo have 4 Bumper Values $1.00 $1.25 $2.00 and $2.50. J'• A. SerM177.A_RT DIAMOND HALL Everything in Silver That's about what we offer you in Silver - everything from the Teaspoon to the Tea Service. The latest de. signs from the master silver- smiths of the world. at Lowest Prices that you can get in any other establishment. Easy to compare for yourself. Coyne, if you want a dozen Spoons, a full Cabinet of Silver, a Tea Service, a Cof- fee Set, or any article in Sil- ver, in justice to yourself come and see how well we can please you. MflR6HflND JEWELER & OPTICIAN Eyes Eested Free. EXETER Spring Suitings Say we got in some swell spring Suiting@ last week. They Are right up to the moment. Costa are two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are ..o much broader and deeper that you can't help but notice t The Vests are cut with five buttons and the Pants are just a little peg toppy. They are beauts all tight fot $15, $18 and $20 and no matter where you go, you can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do. W. W. Taman Marchant Tallow. • LOCALS VI t Prang visited in Zurich last week. Miss Vina Fisher visited friends in Ilamilton. Mr. and Mr& F. W. Gladman spent Feaster with friends in London. Mrs. Sunbury and Mn'. Powell visited in London Saturday. Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, is visiting with Mrs. John White. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Itoss, visited their eon in Toronto over Eaatcr. Several Exeterites attended the ball given at Seaforth Monday night. Mr. Waring of Jones & Clark, spent Good Friday with friends in St. Marys. Miry Acheson left Thursday even- ing for a visit with her uncle, TFos. Oke, Kingsville. Mr. and Miss Jones, of St. Thomas were the guests of Mr. end Mrs. 3. G. Jones, Easter. Miss Cousin, of London, lois the guest of Miss Taylor during the Easter holidays. Mrs'. John Anderson, of Anderson, visited with Mrs. John White •a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. . 13;0 gvl.l%w I . of London, on ton spent 4.1te Foster holidays with Mr. and Mrs. \Ven. liagstlaw. Miss Brown, of Jones & Cktrk, spent Good Friday and Easter with her sislet, `.t rrrar•ein Detroit. Mr. Joseph Stockman, of Shcddon, sti nt the Faster holidays with his brother. Mr. John Hoick man. Mr. r. John oh Thompson, . son r p ' fo cel9 wi th iet r% c m d n McDonnell, Ibn cl I took r iron' n r run over .' 5c+a f r o Gh !stet "c t Fr 1 1 1 3 Mins Dorothy Lonsbery, of the G. T. It, .staff, Detroit. is the guest of her s ip c t Mrs. 9 Jolt i ► J. White. Miss Ir s Dal.) Hodgson, 1 student at t h9' Exeter high school, is visiting at her home, London road, north. Miss Boren' Southcott and Miss Belle Acheson, of London, wore the guests of Mrs. Southcott from Fri- day to \ Ions ia• Misses Vert Itow-c and Ethel Artn- sttoig returned home on Monday ,Iter spending t he holidays pith friends in Clinton. Mr. and efrs. It. 13. Snnue•I, of fighg.tte, were he guests of J1re. nc MrR. Joseph Itaw,kn from Fri - ,r i • till Monday. fo ntkay. Mina Olive Prior we; in London for few days Iasi !week visiting .tar later Core who le undergoing (reat- icnt for her eye in .that city. Mrs. Burnett, of Toronto, spent •w days ttre vast week visitine her stern, Mrs. T, 11, aiding and Mrs. E, Pickard. Mrs. David Mack was in London List week visiting 'tier sister, Mrs. !l;11, of Parkhill, %t ho underwent nn operltion at the hospital there aov- oral days ago. 10 ADVERTISERS. Ttie copy for changes meet be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisetnente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, 1,IIl ItSDAY, APRIL 19th. 1006 ••••••••••••••♦••••••••••• •• 1- LOCALS •••••••• ,•• SEItGT. MAJOR F. E. II lets moved into Wes. !tioett's on Iluron street. MISS NINA CARLING WILL "Out- 1)i int Redeemer" at tha street church next Sundry e% TIIF: NEW STYLE OF may be !•Bier to get by tha pets, but they're just as ha beet. MR. It. DAVIS IS MQVING the ileum 4:n James street • contly purnh:►sed from Mr. S dere. IF MEN WERE T() RUN house, they %wouldn't dein :►n)• offense than they take ventory. CHOICE PERFUMES true odo:x. A Large and %%ell ed .tock to ohooee from :it Drug Stork'. GIRL \\'ANTED. -Felt GEN '1►ouiowark• S:r ldy• employ Address,,, Mrs. U. A. Buchner, Waterloo St., London. MESSRS. BA\V DEN & Mc net lore secured the services Luker, of Ilenstll, as manage their reales stables 'hers. • CREME DENTIFICE IS A T paste of unusual merit. One will convinces you. For sale at Drug Stove, 25c. per package. A :NUMBER OF ••EXETIat attended the anniversary of the worth League, of the Cen Methodist church Monday eweni MISS, MARY OitTWEIN, Ilillsgreer, lets rented Gi house'e residence on North s and will move into it in the nea ture. ••••• ECTO11 Louse SING James •euiug. Itt:GS n car- ed to INTO h3 PC,- . .. Sa;1- TIIE house in- WITII ;clic Cole's E1tAL merit. 574 DON - of T. r of OOTI1 trial Cole's ITES 1:p- tlalia ng. !beet treet r fu- TIIE 33111) (HURON) REGIMENT is to go into camp at Carling's Heights, London, on Tuesckly, June 5t'4t. Official notice has been given to this a'ffoet. GEO. IIUNTEII & HON OF RIDGE - town will hold ;►,►other cattle !sale at Centralia on Saturday, April tr'1st, consisting of Miloh cows, steers and heifers. See bills for particulars. DR. BUTLER, OF LONDON, WILL be at the Central Ifotel, Exeter, on Monday, April 23rd, hours 10 a. in., to 5 p. m., tor Eye, Farr, Now and Thrall.. consultation. Eyes test- ed and glasses supplied. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR= goon, will bo at the Commercial Ifotel the first Friday of with month. flours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. rn. Glass- es properly fitted and diseases of eye, ear and nose treated. Next visit Friday, May 4tJi. THE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of the Epworth League of the James street church, will be held Sunday next. Itev. Joseph) Philip, 11. D., of Alymer, will conduct both morning and evening services. Rev. Going will occupy Rev. Philip's pulpit dur- ing fire day. AN EASTER SONG -SERVICE WAS given in the James street church evening. Special music had been prepared for the occasion which in- terspersed bible readings and a abort address given by the pastor. Miss Nina Carling and Miss Beers ren- dered two very pleasing pnd appro. pri:lte solos. LION. THOS. G REE N WAY, OF Crystal City. Manitoba, spent Sunday and Monday in town. While here he purchased four Short horn cot tle from the herd of henry Smith. The onitn:als were shipped to Guelph end will be loaded with more stock whish Mr. Greenway is shipping to his stock faun in Manitoba. Mr. Green- way left Tuesday for Ottawa. ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN NO. 0, Exeter Company. Huron volun( leers apply 10 Lieut. heath:,n or Sergt. Major Hector, Exeter. it is desirous of hating a full company attend the annual training encamp- ment at London, June 5 to 16. No nppticants received after the 21st of eloy. All those desirous of taking part in the procession May 21, with the Exeter company, should apply at once. GOOD FRIDAY PASSED OFF very ;tuietly in Exeter. lihe stores chore OF 1 ,1 up i for e 1 0 lir dry, andmany . t oak neit. 6 r s 11 B C f t o the reduced rail %way .rates to visit friends at points out of town, while not ct felt r inae to Exeter to spend the day. A large number ,witnes5cd the shooting tournament at the grounds of the gun club, and several look advan- tage of t:he ieautiful weather a nil tried their luck with t he finny t r;be. Mit. It Ii 1 .Ic\V ILL Ir \S MAN - ager, National Portland e MAN - C 'rt Cement n n t Co. of Dunham, wets in town .a few days ago, says the Ower' Sound Sun, and reports prospects excellent for the season on :1 bout to oe ore.1- The new men_ e r agement is working with an +tell- tirely new staff. The works were to be started for the season last week, and Mr. ete1\'iIl}ants is con- fident (he works %will tnIke n good show ing Ulla year. A SPECIAL MEETING OF 'THF: Council oras ,held Thursdly night to consider the nolnueuniattion frotn the Toronto gent lento n rel 11 j %' to the establishment of n knitting factory Iltire. ex- ile stated that he t% tntcd a free building, cm pt ion froth (.1504 for tt number of yairs and a bonus. As it Y 1 '' 1[Il Y ' {10 Bible to grunt the latter ca reply ens sunt to hint stating that his request •for free building and ex- emption from t lxetion could possibly 1, arr.uigcd for. AS 1 HAVE: DECIDED TO GIVE up business 1 e1,11 dispose of Inv stock in the store, Exeter .North, either in whole er in pert, at grni('ly reduced price. This stock is in grog) condition, and the party buying will get a good bog tin. The Illy post office is in conneatioo !with the More. Almci n euentity of breaking stone for File chca,,._L. McTeggart.1 Big Reductions in Ladies' Rain Coats All new styles, 3 tucks, full length, made of finest imported materials $i0 00 Coats in dark grey, pleated style for $S 99 10 00 Coat in pretty fawn, nicely made and trimmed for , 8 75 8 75 Coat in dark grey,loose style with belt 7 25 6 00 Tweed Coat, full length, in pretty grey 4 25 9 oo Coat of heavy imported Cravennette, olive shades, for .... , , • , 7 99 8 75 Coat, three-quarter length, light fawn fitted back ►with pleats and covered buttns for ..................7 75 9 0o Tweed Coat, dark blue mixture,• fitted back, full length for sees...... sees 7 75 6 0o Coat of dark grey cravennette, loose fitting, full length for ........ 5 00 Special Offering in Men's Rain Coats at $8.00 and 310 .00. SNELL & ROWE Miss Annie ,Bill Wait in !asst Thursday. Miss Annie Knott, of Londcsboro, is visiting Mrs. IL:rrry Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell visited friends in Sarnia Easter, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, ov Lon- don, visited in town Sunday. ilonilon Miss Lillian Bell, of London, .is the guest of Miss Edith Sanders. Miss Lille Iloward returned home from London, Tuesday evening. Messrs. S. /lewdest' and Will Cook left Monday for the Northw•,est. Mr. and Mrs, McDomzild, of Guelph were visitors In town during the holidaya. Miss Frayne was in London for Easter visiting alter sister, Mrs. Tom-) ilson. Miss Jennie Ilughes, of Ildcrton, visited Miss Della IIouse over Sun- day. Df r. R, S. Lang, of Toronto, was renewing poquaintaneos in town dur- ing the forepart of the \reek. Mrs. Konnick and Miss Kernick, ofl Blyth, spent the Taster holidays the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tom. Miss Marry Knight, a student of t•he Exeter high school, is apendje the holidays et her home in llder-i ton. bliss Millie Marti•n, 'toabherat, Walton, is spending the laolidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. MIt. THOS. FITTON, WHO WAS confined to his house severed weeks through severe illness, is able to get out. Mrs. I). .Jahns ,w ho lits been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. W. Good's eon, of Sarnia, returned home on Monday of this w•e.ek. Messrs. M. Gardiner and John Gar acne left Monday for Regina where they will possibly go extensively in to the real estate business. ears. Sample, of Fullerton, who is recovering from :IR attack of tye vetoed fever, is visiting her parents, Mr. :ld Mrs Wm. Itagnhaw . Miss Lillian Robinson is confined to the house through illness. .Mrs. MoDonald, of London, was the ucst of Mrs. Barrows, Sunday, Mr. E. W, Horne, manager of the borne!' of the Sovereign bank at Mil. verton, spent Sunday and Monday renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. Gro. Fisher and Mrs. ,lames Hodgson spent Saturday in London visiting David Jacques, %i+Ito is at the hospital there. Mr. Jacques is improving very slowly from Id.; re - Mr.i aralytie stroke. Mr. I'le(olter Gundy ,Fon of Dr. and Mrs. Gundy, of \Vinghain, and formerly of Exeter, bels been :Ip - pointed District inspector for the Manufacturers Life Assurance Com- pany, with taaadeu.•arters at Saska- toon, Sask. ALL THROUGH G iI U 1'1[1:CA. UI N A AN Norehrwest there •is a big demand for 'horses of all kinds, rind ship- ments which 1,tec' :itready been 're- ceived 'from outside points •Jr,lve found a 'reedy ;sale, in fact, ,anany of the s'rrloads were P01,1 befort' they overs unlo,de.l. Two cars of tarm horses arrived at Virden recently and were sold within an hour after, ' tilearrival, ' Il the lea -est prier being 4 .400c p r tai m.a r l - S ve a fancy strivers drive been brought tip front Eastern C: rid.a, recent ly. and were euickly gold, in fact a number of horsemen r l ce anx,wuh to c1 o.i 1. »tears rl • c v with a 1 rca t CHILL, GREY SKIES AND it dazzling ,rain of I:st Sun- day were peculi.0 ly in ippro- printe to the joyous thorn of Easter. The usual glitter . of spring nppire! was missing, but the throngs of Eastertide church goers were not diminirdaed. Those w•he had patiently waited for the milli- ners to complete the dainty headgear were Kerne-110 disappointed at t he nonappearance of suitable weather, but still 1 number took ceences on smiling the adornments. Special an rr ac<•s %t err conducted In the var- ious churches, told the result was :1 glorious outburst of th it ►nu=ic whose jowoueneem !and transcendency are equalied only :it Christmas. Market Report, -The following b the report of Exeter markets, oor- rected up to April 19th. \V,Iuxit, 74 to 76 cents per bus. Oats, 33 to 34 cents per bus. Barley 40c. to 42c. per bus. Peas, 65 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 .t tan. Bran, $18 per ton. Flour, $2.25 per owe. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover aced $8 to $9 per bus. Hay, $7 per ton. Butter, 20 cants per pound. Eggs 14o a dozen. Onions 75 Dents per bushel. Dried Apples 3e. per pound. Chicken, young, 7c to 8o per lb. Duoks, 10 cents per lb. Gce.Se, 10 cents per lt•. Gaal, $6.75 to $7. Potatcree 41.10 n ing. hogs, livewcight, $7.10 .a cwt, ]logs, dressed, $9.50 a cwt, COLE'S BAKING POWDER IS THE BEST Because it nakes the lightest whitest and most delicious tea biscuits and cakes. thus produc- ing results that cannot be ob- tained by using any other pow- der without an occasioual fail. ute. Wholosom6 and Nutritious Because it is a pure CREAM TAR- TAR BAKING PownEucontaining no alum phosphates or other ad- t:'teranta or fillings. Wise cook will accept no other. Ask for Golc's Raking Powder the kind that never fails to please ---AT-- - Cole's Drug Store E XETi,R. - Victoria Miners visited over Surer ey with friends in London. W. Dawson, of the Molson's Bank staff, visited in Waterloo Easter. The Masters Townsend .of Toron- to Junot}on, are visiting their sister, Mrs. (Dr.) •M.Illoy. Mrs. M. A. Elliott, of Mitchell, ie visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Anderson, Mr. Wesley Spoarin, of St. Marys, visited his uncles Messrs. Thomss and G. Marton, Hitt week. Mrs'. 11. McCallum t a nd cls uJr' Midland, are the g ttv» of DLerea T. 11. McCallum) for `Iaes fend wreck s. Among Phe Easter visitors in town were: Miss Merle Gould, of Myth; M lud Taylor, Chas. Miners, Percy Itcndle, Mr. and Mrs, Josh IntwoOJ, Allan Meyers, London ; Nina Carling Toronto, \Vinnie Ctrting •ilrantford I A . .lfoorc, Si, Marys; Alex Martin, Toronto : ) reef Hooper, London ; Arthur Snc11, Melbourne; Net t ie Walters, Toronto : Frank Deleridge Ildcrton. Gertrude Anderson, Londor, John Ott ? l Ird r e. uI Chieclhurst : Marion Elston, ; Arthur Wood, London; Mr. and Mrs, S. Itagshaw, Toronto; Mervin Huston, Milverton: Orville Godwin, St. Thorne'. Harry Iluston, Clinton ; .1a1lcs !Ijssel t. loin ilissctt, itichard llisteelt, Lon- don ; Edgar \Ve; .cot 1. \Vintrham ; Wellington 1Cestcott, I'eterlioro. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of CARDING EROS. NOW DO NOT DALLY WIT1f '1'111S OPPOItTUN ITY. You'll probably say there is six days in which to buy and thus far you are right. But you can't buy Tues - (lay what was sold on Monday and we shall have to say to you, very sorry, but every one of tLat line was sof rhea you'll say it's a fraud we didn't have any such line. That is why wo say conic early and at least convince yourself that we advertize nothing that we haven't got. What wD 9th to draw your attention to is those nobby silk waists in cream and black. This is the second consignment we have re iv and they are going fast. Our heady -made Cloth- r e- partinent was never in better shape. Our Doubt' Leeasted Suits for young mens are very stylish and best quality. Collars Caps, Shirts, ollar s and Ties, the very newest` As for shoes we take no back seat from any of them. The "ASTORIA" shoe is on the top notch. MILLINERY -In millinery, we have a first class milliner in the person of Miss Morlock in connection with our business and will accept produce sante as cash for mil- linery. Highest Price Paid for Produce. CARLSN'c - EROS_ LDOLLAR MAKING The art of saving money is the art of making money. To start saving money requires a deposit of $1.00 only in The sovereign Bank of 6anh Deposits of $ 1.00 and upwards received Interest paid 4 times a year. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. 1 CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, IIENSALL, EXETER. , JOSEPR SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, i MONDAY TIIF. PRICE OF II reached the high water mark of year, $7.10 ter 100 lbs. being tt on the !octal market. DR. ROLLINS IS HAVING sale of real estate and household feet; on Saturday, April 28. list In another column. SEE TIIF. NEW STORY NOW running .in the Times entitled •• c�lnie too late, or A Man's t Fa heart," The story is a very int seting enc. THE TIMES WISHES TO E Dress its tlesnks to the many c respondent!' for their large and torosting budgets of news, sent this week. TILE REV, R. J.• M. I'EIIICINS A dressed the Epworth League of t Tames street Methodist church Tn:eeday evening on 011e subject "The Resurrection." MR. THOS, CUDMORE, WI has been ill for severed weeks, 1 almost recovered, although his cy give hint considcnttilo trouble. Mo dry he !went to Landon to consu a specialist regarding .them. TIIF. ANNUAL ELECTION OF O Leers for M►iin street League too place Tuesday evening when th tethering were duly elected:I Ho President, Rev. \Vin, Godwin: fres dent F. ,1, Wick lair. ; Secretary, Mi M. Brook ; Trensurer, E. J. Hooper Corresponding Secretary, Miss Howard ; Rep. District: Exeoutiv .Iter•• Wm. Godwin ; Int Vice 1'resi dcni, C. Endeavor, Mr a. Monroe; 2n1 Vice President, Missionary, Miss Ii. F'ollick ; 3rd Vicc President, Liter;try. tiles L. ,lahns: llh Vice I'l ;idem, `o^ill, ,Miss C. Sweet ; Organist, Miss M, llorney : Asst, Organist, Miss Edna 1'ollick. T 11 f. A \ I, Iln vE ' \- S Clt 1 .l ug of rho '1',jialt Mcnlori•,I chur;h t -;es held in 1 he school hall 011 Mon - lee evening. The trcasurotee retort tas read i:howing that the finances f the church were in ea flourishing ondition, the receipts for the ye r 'mounting to $1614. Messrs. 'Phos. latwkinh •111(1 .1. ,l. knight were re: feet ed wardens and Mr. N. 0. 11ur- I :e on was elected cc I tet fay a delegate he H y to Synod. p• a 1 y motion sof the meet - ng jbe NII►ry of the rector waft in - teased $50. The meeting .adjourned or two weeks when the auditor»' ;Tort w I %il be ere'.he1 c at d t OGS the aid A cr. See Love False inter - THE in - in • hc� on of t 10 eel n-, It, Fk n. R,y A. C. NO. 2 STEI'IiEN The \,view exlmine ii0n9 in the .'i eh and Sr. IV cl:lsses show the following results: V.--Itny Bill, 71. Sr. IV_Lauro Sims, 75; Clsiylon Rims, 71 : Harbert Mitchell, 71; Olive King,f7 !- 2• Everett Hams, r9. 'rite promotions in the lower ()!;seats Orr as follow;: From Jr. IV to Ar. I\' Beryl 11i11, 63 : Miry Chambers. 60.; Frons Ir. IIi to Sr. 111 -Eli Shire 67: Lillian St.hls, 63; Tillie Ed - w eels, 53 1-2. From Jr. 11 t o Sr. I if. -Viola Corniele 78: Irving Slahls 57 1-2; (fortrudar King, 50; Andrew 1'1anag111. ThoFe rr.taincvl are n» 1 otos ro I . .l r. r_ 1 F' •1 , IU I tx'th 5jms. sir, to4Cie 1't• 11.-MyrtLe Sims, ltusscll Mir- 1 4111 1 I. 0. M. TI'ItNEi:, Teacher f hraw all shout sick-hcczdac;:c5p Suffered 11'' r.ausra of indigestion? Oftea lost your appe- tite? Been out•o'-sorts time and time again? Then stuns keep on lima tee exact re rn• IN cdy- f,rer's Pills. They reek: wrong livers l F% a�� r171st! All t•ei;tt:'le. Sold for (30 years. Oil l/ %tsI.,•tuerre,1, Ive� biro 7 u.yzrC,,.. i'><.�i.•TX7ars., s7+15e.:.r ` Ar feet• 'rl cl ," •w► nykMre. Loyal.. 14„A -- :.za j Jr F01t 0%F,R N1XII( 1 irAlte AN 0u, AND tl tct,,LL-T»,Rn Rs1.Rnv.-Mee Winslow'ssoothing syrup hes been seed for over rextpr reef,' by mlllore; of mother* for theft children while teething. wile perfect'uooe+et It moth°. the child, softens the gums, allays all I Fern, thee. wind'otle. and 1- he !lest remodff or itiarrh,r•►. It 1' pleay.ant ;n'he twat*. tl0ld I ' by dr .t. in every ;,;.ri of •he world. es V111,4 a Tonle. Ito yySlct i. rn,nteuhble, no sore ami ' s e M' 11•;n•low', t4,roib0DV 1 AyrnDand ..• t kw woo•ter hit4 Success in Baking 'is: Assured by Using STflR FLOUR STAR FLOUR never fails to give entire satistaction when used tinder proper conditions, CORN We have just got in a car of American Corn of excellent quality which we are selling either ground or whole at rens• unable prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. 11 ao IT NOW �- In Nothing is Delay more clan. gerous than in Accident and Sickness Insurance Get a Policy at. Once fro m HE EMPIRE Accident & Surety Company A Canadian Concern. W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter. THi: T'JIINCiPAL MERCHANTS OF EXETER HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE TiHEiR STORES EVERY NiGIHT AT 6.30 O'CLOCK EXCEPT WEDNESDAY AND sATr'TLDAYB. 00 \'OUT! SHOPPING EARLY AND MAKE A Si1CCESS OF TiiE EARLY I CLOSING MOVEMENT. THE ' IL It itL"•FI: I ELU SilOW Our idders generally should bear in mind the Entire /Stock show to be held at Ilrucefielrl, on Tuesday next, under Ilie auspice er the South Huron Agricultural Society. This h bad. ' , 1- r f r to0 the beet r it and most interesting show of the kind Byer 11 hu urea.: t,,.: auspices of the Society. it will be in the interests of Manion and bull owners t0 bring out their anim Il.,, so a» t0 let the (Irmers and stockmen 40,0 1hee», and it will be to the interests of stock men and farmer,' to sone out and inspect for themselves the animals on exhibitian. The Society pays $4 for each stenion shown, to Issist indefrlving (lin eleenses, and very littera! premiums are offered for bulls. We expect the' Rh,,w to ,e , greet success the' year. lte- nctnber that all roach w ill lead to Bruccfteld on Tuesday nr xt. Aorg