Exeter Times, 1906-04-19, Page 7r
Dot, oc►oco°ov0000> 0 ht
MB. CUS1IEL S 110sl'llALI rY. sited for weak, watery, tmpur
A Enoch Arden Tragedy •
1 NOT 1115 si:1:KING. 1'
An 1 n , Jagtey's Lava eye. "Iluw did you
Berk, Tired and Depressed People Need t didn't," replied Jsgiey. "11 met
t t '!'Iffy Season W Put the
A Enoch Alden tray, Y
went with that accident?"
Paris, France•
ped came t:
a1'our a n
Aloud Right. light in Paris thb other day when
set returncc after three
Staring blood is bad blood- Indoor years absence, • months is respon• )': 1
with hue."
Do not let a cold settle. on your lungs.
d Jacques tires i Resort to liickle s Anti -Consumptive
t � end on learning from hes
U. t u ( during the winter + wife that she lied remarried, 011 dead : Syrup at the fret intimation of irrita-
e blotxi. • ;tion in the throat and pretreat disease!
Linos!! ai her feet. r in the pulmonary organs.
leu need a tonic to build upBrisset ran away in Belgium with a lroOlodging
are the cause of untold
rout: Lrui:,ats by the name nal Pesti, ie the spring just iv much as a tree 1
t new sap tog ago. Ile
suffering throughout the country, all
A11 Mr. liuslWi Rini, the g vitalbadfobloodthe i. tuooklcwitht him e$r.>OO of years iseloyer's Neglected
often u� one desires ►t, ►►(r('r the L e nniless wife the d which could have been prevented try
Aro Liken by Win in. strnmer• In the spriul, hcalion of this simple but pow- ,
shows itself in many tfnYs• In soil,' money, and Telt his p •5 cents,
J et•uptioms. lu Luielcr, of sunnoraruo sheol� tslinformed creed p medicine. The price.
Trings it within the reach of all.
it breeds purples au
Eight sisters, the Misses Gallon,through occaSSnnaf' About a yeas
ether cbes, u variable appetite, perhnpe' that ler husband had been found dead,
\\ t `c herr fuck Lruthrrs are out, ethers it nay be r o rheumatism, perbnps that( his throat cut. on the Belgian
In Air, retell
pushers des ,a•'' twinges of neuralgia,and a with near Lil1c, mid hert husband's
Have ruuw to u.uva uLvul. or n lazy feeling in the morningpapers were handed
couaies, lite Quarts -ah, mel , desire to avoid exertion. Foropeed, ` ese to spp r t and other p p'
it seeing niltnents it is a tonic y'rr health -1 Senn afterwards M. (:warty, a neigh.
\ll ill lir. e ami do? fi
J'oirill lid est: he smiles end says, and the greatest blood -making, ,,
"1'ut aiuur, ou lhrr.'a caval fur you:" giving Ionic in all the world is Dr. \Vit• bor, asked her to tie his edge, and they
iliums Pink Pitts. Every dose llrg[tlnttigellter.marricd and lived happily la
Mood, which reaches every nerve and, home While M.
nth today (was was aawenl too p
A jingling crowd -the sixty-four Pirtle, make new, rich, red,
Tu sU(iel laughs,
no tunl every organ in the body, bringing at the e . \Ua there
y from
pale, thin
Mr. Ilus:u'l lautihs, "flu nei' now, health, strength and energy vas there and found 1
\\uik in, crura, every oucF, tlespomle.nt, ailing men and women. ►
Here is proof. Mr . Chas. Blackburn,
Two hundred and Iltty-six baby Gills, f 1 Station, S
The tiniest friends and shy -
"Cult w, ail cot1w int" Mr. Bushel ie.t ten years Dr. \\llbnma
"1 can hold you and not half try.
A jolly good fellow to entertain all,
'1 ii.; Mr. Bushel must bet
Ile lakes them only nue group at s
you noel
And each group makes him, Y
Aylesford N. .., Pink
11 it pas
I" ills is the only mecttdne t have taken' her pardon. in bat en
saringt 1f was feeling poorly,, was weak, and 1l(, then man asked trt ld her hat ethat sheewas pardon,
easily lined and depressed. ! got threw Pel, her bust and.
Eaves and they made me feet like a Ile said thathnd his 110 with
o ie
new person. These pills are the best hall sing atter lnmm�s unhappy,
he hnd
medicine of 1 know of when the flood is thatsoon
into the hands of thieves. who
nut ofands order."
Thousands of people not actnny. For the
ually sick robbed him
hndp eaten nothing
"When a man axes you colt advice,'
said Uncle Eben, "it generally don'
at he's
lmtan onesome mann' an'wants l�to dbe talked u to." nd o•
Couldn't Estimate Its Yalnet-Dr. Ag-'
new's Cure for the heart never fails. I1�
relieves in 30 minutes, it cures. It is a;
beacon -light to lead you back 10 henith.:
1111111. I what he swatted;
( a i , W. fl. \tusselnutn, of ,.
w tot says: "Two battles of Dr.',
with hair almost white. t port, Pa.,
Before she could ask A gltew's Cure for the i lea`tttlentirely
he telt down nn his it term ant td the asked palpitation
1 c►u•ed ale of palpi►nlion and b
Tells. Its value cannot be estimated.",
\Weiss. •
it was a beautiful summer morning,
and Uncle John was obliged to drive
out to his farm.
.\cold .youu like
asked, as the horse wits
brought round to the door.
"Yes, sill" Teddy answered, eagerly.
just guess l would."
The sun was bright, and the country
rood was green and sweet with delight-
ful odors, and '('eddy trotted around in
the fields like a young colt. Uncle
John was driving along home at a smart
trot, when all of a sudden he stopped
the horse quickly and cried out:
"'!'eddy, do you see that?"
And there, right under the pony's feet
almost, were u whole family of little
need a tonic in the spring,
these a box or two of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills will print new energy and1
new strength. To those who may be
more seriously ailing, who are suffer.
Ina from any of the ailments 1t:. 10
Nut bland -a fair
pill; will bring new health and vane!!!
You can get these pills from any ine•ti-
cine dealer nr by mail from the Dr. Wil -
Mime' Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont., al
(50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
Teddy was so delighted that he could
scarcely speak' ase as quiet ns
The tiny birds were j
cnida be, because their mother had
taught them not to nmke a noise when
any danger came near them.
they were dreadfully frightened, for
you see they had been nearly run over.
"You may get out. Teddy, and run
along the road for a short distance,"
paid Cotte John. saw that the little4 Dr.
Nalnnn t'
And then Teddylure of the plight and prospects of his
`levers were not alone, but that lhetr and
father and Te mother were with ground1 co-religionists.
ar ed i assacresf exceedingticntext extent
e of Teddy's et touched the gr
the old birds beganghemake
a cnn,l,i Ile left St.
St. all
witl ane tttebefore.
boy theyatthought h
that was coming to steal their i ,nerconviction sIdled poli y for thethe asolutionnl
int boy nidal
Lit dies, • ed" and n11 her lit- the Jewish question is systelnatic and
gdfa family
"cheep grass murderous extermination.
atti(0' ro followed her into the 6 Dr. Nathan rend to the meeting gar -
and the
•l She n fmnte, but the father bird rnn last week
along ie fdnt of he clittle boy nnd tto circular
not a Odessa, lcalling upon he ol-
Iseemedth to. want the diers to "rise and crush the Irnilon: who
idity with him. ` he said. are plotting In upset the holy govern -
Teddyto catch hint, Teddy,'
T(vldy tried, hal found it was not ton meld of er a Jewish templet" and substitute for it
the thing er d do. It was qthree flexes l tor...
the: plover c•nggcd one wing along in Dr. Nathanai o to n the Je wii It a mtrn•Y ! work.
fire chest. and seemed 10 be quite would Snwers onnte f the world to arrest Itussie8 Ince up [ny shoes and do my
t eat ns soon as the little boy s a borrower. The financiers Six boxes cured me completely."
Lu j Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure
get near the cure for sick Kidneys. Sick Kidneys are
of the ills the
las tv
Mine. Courty gate him food. and while
he was entitle relnled the history of the
past two years. When she came to
account of her marriage Brissct [
ave convulsive start, and fell dead at her
meConrly, who had
ft t
fled bigamy wilt int through the
esou eta
(',otlrly after they have loth attendee!
Brisset's funeral.
corn n
ge service n seemed fiend with \ .
German Publicist Fiercely Arraigns the
Czar's Government.
Startling reports of the condition and
future of Russian's 6,000,000 Jews were
niade the other day to the annuul meet -
mg of the Central Jewish Dr.Paul Nathan,ague
of Perlin, Germany. by
r. well known Berlin publicist, who has
returned from an extensive trip through
ilussia as the special emissary of Jew-
ish philanthropists in England. America
111 t'nd Germany, to arrange for the distri-
bution of the relief fund of S1.51)0,000
raised after the massacres last Autumn.
aims a horrifying pic-
We feel that the bad things other
people know about us are more titan 1
counterbalanced by the good things we!
know about ourselves.
ONY 0111'11z nst3T old time remedies for all
tsdls't and Timifar'h at aaecticne+ni, Wes•eran,( on,ta
It i, an ointment that baa brought relief W t
•'\luny a marriage turns out a tail- ti
' o
tire' opined
because the winning ways of the sweet.
heart become the whining ways 01 the
11,1•, `ti'' l'n t ,
We Own The Larissa Steels food factory in The Wiwi&
e. coil
our office 36031=u yt0 office people. 150 trPcwritetin
it cone over a city block. con, c:los over 18 acres of floor sac a. ear -
Syoe,,we Sire of lion letter heads and envelopes every n
and we nae alta mullion ,err
evero a ofdays. Our at sights
sl f the bald is one t t. 51 eft erre
We a invite you oQice U one of the great stehte of the baldness w°rid. my
we claire.
small concerns advertise large l,vildtnga-
tactoMsurf ace that we hair everything
Manufactured and Guaranteed by �Iclnan�llowlt/ori�o Toot"
•'[nit'national Stack i Care "[alanaiienAl L.5i Lot Cn»"
•international Beare Care "international 1•ituw•e »
"international 0.11 Curetovo"
' "laterestisaal Last Lem e
•'SIWSf rise t Gall Cve" '•latetoatrsnal) °Se Curs'
"Intern else Sealing ria r "[stasatiwd Steel) DiY
'Internalises{ !hese
A1wSeal "InternationalBBostOintment"
' an ?sick
SI ds DiChloro' "laiu•atlonat !Loretta SWAP
'Dan r"Je el l c etnia" ent"
else "Jewel lacu►atere" end Brstaa*,, nate Jewel Chick and leen [Asa.
We have picture for framing.
Beautiful 6 Color picture of our Champion pacer. + wonder. W e will trait you
!faith 1:5'ii. sine )tia:4• Free of advertising. fine D
if you will write us how touch stock you
gives all the record, made by our pacing
one fret, novae
owe and name this paper. Wcite at once to
then Itis Rheumatism and Other
Pains 'Vanished Once and For All --
Ills Case Only One of Many.
Barwick, Ont., Apr. 9 - iSPcial)• - expelled from Inc system.
chat Dodd's Kidney l'iUS will euteV -_-
Ilheumalisrn, or any other disease re- Caller -"You appear to be very fond 1
suiting tient disontered Kidneys is the little platmntct It is pleasant
experience of many of the sell( 'n this
The Pastor's Pity. -A prominent pas-
tor of n i)ut'harn, Ont., church, writes:
'I suffered intensely front Intlanunatory
Rheumatism. Just one bottle ot South
American Rheumatic Cure healed rue. 1
I pity those who suffer so much and t'ol
not know how near they are to a cure.
I feel like proclaiming it iron] then
housedops. -13S
Mrs. Gramercy -1 hear your husband
suffers from dyspepsia. Mrs. Park -
Not est -telly. You see, he has it, but I
suffer from it.
Pale, sickly children should use Mo-
tller Grates' Worm Externinator.
\Sodas are one of the prinf•ipctl causes
of suffering in children and should 1.
ccs ►
e of Wil• lc see such love Belong children." The
sample of the work the great (.anal to spend.
Rainy River country. The
can Bibb
Ilam John Dixon, of this place, is a fan "er One -"1t lu: hes got er penny 1
ad to Sunlight Bost) is tette? than other soaps.
"1 had Itho waksm so bhad rainsad I lin my
use a stick to right
hip, and I had no tout• g ytSunlight Soap nand ►fol ow Sunlight way.
tack anti right hip,
fort in sleeping.
Kidney Itemedy tt,doing.
"1 could no more than dress or un- Kukker-Strange they didn't name the
dicss myself for nearly two months, ani 1 aby after its rich uncle. Mocker-Nt); ,, '
I was for nearly three weeks I could he looked at it, and said he'd give them I
not lace my right shoe. ;5,000 not to. s
"My brother advised Inc to Try Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and I�did
,alk around Rand
rt. Mt
!r + •
Cr n00 RLwARD win
`'00 d to any
J, be D•o that
Fel son who proves
Sunlight Soap contains any
feria of adultera.tiomurions chemicals or any
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
soap, scientifically made.
Every step in its manu-
facture is watched by an
expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
labor, and the wear of
rubbing which common
soaps require in washing
Your money refunded by
the deer from wl�,n you buy
Sunligt.t S rap if you find any cause
for complaint.
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
btr� and Think n could Put , au•cer e.
It he would find it was o'` at the world
° hail to
)ns Shut
tele lin nd nn
1St Ile ahead him nil the Ume• col on t an establishedlS0ftaus
Ile ahfolad of it along the road Int -three, t'ai i:u try Isical masons. Buss:as bank -
al four minutes, till Uncle
nll ofJohn
a s driving
f Information published at Berlin states
ellenafter him, die } that n renewed outbreak of the Mission
ellen the father plower thought
weefa bled hrd hndtlime to he fence into 11101 Revolutionary tevolution is imminent. The
Committee Central
that my doctor recommended a fife
wee family through `calk every day." (mend w -•'les, niy
rid and In hide them safely in the lonair,g ammunition,
FMarticul rely bombs.
anti i dear; 1 was afraid he would recommend
end he rose sl back up into the ore this
oeilinn, P an automobile."
end nwny he flew to them before`Ifiltiht(>Inamases. blot Intismalltilying,cob
Teddy hnd lime b think• i g dentate -
'•\Wasn't it 100 laid to fool a boy like � ttmns, Mint j�e1v{linslrume els of bombs as
that,' Uncle John sold, "aVou sCehclimbed; lion.
r most mmnrknbte features
t• k into the buggy. '
!her bird was only Pretending he wnc, Ore of th
thee, set you would think yotl could' of the movement
is >the available tor mum -
retch hint, and then, while you were titles of the permute
n d
e i s
m•• erchrtn
1 The er oli t►iknew motherthe P s and rut. telegraph
er would be biding who little ones. It , `ntl�tyny 0t rnilw•ay-
yon were to go back now you couldn'ti s;muNnneonsly in many' different
Ord them anywttel'c." I
"Oh." said Teddy, "hut 1 wouldn't have •
_,� teirt them. Why did they want to hide)
nom Ire?"
"Well. yon see:' said Uncle John,
'they didn't know you had an Aunt An -
ea, whn has taught you to be kind to
r.ery living thing.
"Thnl'A so." saki Teddy. soberly, and
to wntidered If
facie Min would, ever know as
Struggle Is the school ot strength.
t rid a. well as medicine.
the cause of nine -tenths
human family suffers from.
Mrs, Crallshaty-" 1 ou seemed pleased
1•nrts throilghm)t the country. The prns-
to bessettInst on lire tat tany given towns
mon are
SAFETY loll e iI!I.PREN.
Roby's Own Tablets hi the nnlyr)� medi-
cine. that gives the mother the guaran-
tee of a got cement analyst dint it
contains no poisonous opiate nnd Is
Dr. Agnew•'s Catarrhal Powder n' LADIES' • • •
proved a blessing to tunny a "man be- s P,...a Trams. Try 1►
f the most recente P M01fra _ -
Farms for Sale.
s h
P ot
Two thousand deigns suSlahla Inc all classes
Churches, Schools, Stores, nulls. �Alsg special d,signver been i`tort!louses it-
ehrns. Dining-ttnonts, etc. Nothing h
lar's Steel Ceilings far Farm Uouaes. Cheap as lath and plaster and will
never crack or full oft. i
Avoid Accidents by g
Pedlar's Steel Ceilings.
Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic.
Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply.
01'[t CATALOGUE. NO. Si C. DEe.c111tt1'� M 11\' DEcir es,
7.i bratg e1-
T,1 ts,tkard St.
Head Office and Works,
413 GUAM $t.
11 ,Totaeen• at so Dundas et.
YAI100uyta, Y.O.
615 Pander St.
Oshawa, Ont., Canada
Wails YGun NsaaasT Orgies.
r r
�— T ttunsr , e�
In Western Canada 0,1 11,11= ill
u i, tend, ail.,I,spas: c -eek, n, 11 1
';;tskalchawan. only 8 mete+ fens lw,. rnitwsye. ('.P H h �).aere.
Strong soil, 0) per runt. p'" t
About 4) mile, N.K. of In Hail Head. 1'rt.:s hu.5') per
Write for map and (all particulate.
R. PAR'uhs. et Wellesley Street, Toronto, Gnada-
plat C(islNt SS•
"You can hardly help noticing what
handsome rings Miss Flirt wears, can
"No: she has such an engaging way
et wearing then(."
O! to LsE IN _ STATE
OUTIS t &ARC tY LIG FOR S 1111041401i0, rr.O NIA.
SUITS ` • 1 •
Rheumatism Cured•
Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific
the removal of corns and warts. We
have never heard of its failing to te-
move even the worst kind.
con n
absolutely safe This is worth much
tore the public' in cases of hoarseness, flaw w Aene perfectly r er,
ewirl,N AM,8IOAN avO1N0 011,
It Is Known Everywhere. -- There Is
had throat, lonsililis and catarrh.
orr[lsre0lcacY 1 the r►••r t • rte1 t a city, lawn or hamlet in Cnruuiu
evidence tLJ T(]tiollro. OTTAWA a Q081LO 11 suffer t -States Haiti n0
O 1
es frotn n well•knewn ae tor, whoa . ' n""'"'t°ry rheumatism
introduced it made a
comes says: 1 1 rue na, a p .•ares R • where Dr. Thomas' Ed,±Clrie OS is not
frame is in New York City. lie i n f e1r °t mart sinus known -wherever
r. m never found anything to cents -137 1137 t I1 parts nt lanada h foothold for Itself and , ain flh tedsoi it. remedy for quick relief." S0 ccn • dr RK a i'. �7n per b ,tela ' C01110 merchants may suggest tall lye C(IClitl. Sikh
1t you w ether remedy as equally "Now is your son getting on with his wine mendatlnns should be received
send tor our list o! over 3,11(10 tarns tut with deme There is only ono Elect n
work?" "Beautifully 1' aneweeld The,
father of the Killed youth. "Ile never sale. Western Real E. -tate Exchange, Ltd
Whyit , oueu a -- rRheum ,tt,m
d acute.
('urs will telext eumatism in :.I
chrr.c, •,r •fr uaraut?e
11 -ors. Es 0, ," •ureal bare
tr, care. un, r if your
been A�• s in a St r'e. tat, no of er,
u retrt 1-' g
Semi direst is us
esbe rn a sewer try Gra. 176 tongs •t ,T oront., Ort
►f you think that hnesty keeps th
'n S are
_ c nY
Inti 1
majority {>n
titled t another think
luretw lfremother
ler child. cares
The Tablets
are good for the tenderest baby nr for
Faith is a ile, well Frown boy or I!t► .
Ile who fears to leave tradition can- filar troubles that are
•nnI to buy farm in Ontario
RHEU ATI S M Oil, r and that is Dr. Thomas' Take no-
thing eine.
s it, and it never stems to trouble x London.
H FREE S Sting (wet patents
ONE E A AT COLLEGE n any form and cold p, t our newly patent,; WISE.
within ao dela, by prinepty uim,ded
ho5c of Sedentary Occupation.- MFR FAY /UR IT• rate r ds=cripttre' x`r'llll'
is na will devote only your a RE T11 5 1141 ntio Discs ;: money Johnny -"Come in. Sister's exj
and e, ten and115 P ' LLy,.e,+ anywhere uteri. man:Mlle xur:u Johnny
To 7
Men who follow sedentary occupations, I •e,1,1 nt u, named "f farm r,, Ride. Ayteute ws
which deprive them of fresh air and • 1,A'lld1, ut.a>; CO., tsaerbr.oke, Quebec, bwruad, y oMr, $loplale-"Zloty do you know she
exercise, are rllnt'P. prone CO disorders `tete Beare ut at A (:women Sena.
A , „lain. n . Johnny -"She's been slcrptrt' an the
et the liver and kidneys than ' those; t•n0 pt Sencitlsr se Stock Y• 17NIfiateed. 2-en,t ere a
who lend active, outdoor lives. rhe ! Panic f a ai :°ebdoyktee'4 , 15 trtot tau R ° Rs , ntle, noon."
former will find in Partneleca \'eBeattie; r4al rd t„ s tat t'rw Premiums offered. M
re Cure for Ilrndnehe.--Blllous
particulars • '•
Pitts a restorative without question ►- : W CHEMICAL 00., L>t Cl/ r t.Ih, beet nt all diet, .el
mos% Menelaus
ore Y
il LIT'( ,frim"
A the
' '• err
They p
int►F On elle market. Tlt . THE 1SEtI CLr:VR1.AYD, n• The Arnett Method is
__�_ �
will not eaake woe and mwtb but IL procurable, easily taken. act gt IlOY1K1.0 I)LT).. -- --_--
v, and they are surprising. -- Poultry Farm. , p„tuee.
1 ---------
CA onl logical method for the cure ,wet. Try it. Ali drug and terrtu stoves
naSderit►g their excellence• y
(aloe. s a, it a f Stammering.
A •.0
htndache, to which women are more sub-
jeet than men. becomes so acute in
some subjects that they re utterly pros-
lrnl d
d cure
the m inseparable
pot nod truth. tion childhood. Mrs. W. I. !Macintosh,
The wealth of true love will cure the; Chun Harbor, N. S.. says: "1 have neet1,
love of wealth. i Patty's Own Tablets for constipation,
A bald bead is apt to be dull without,
'Trolling and colds and hove found
ly cheap co _ _
Ilonesly' EMms to be en ingredient that
fanny n sell -made man netkdedtl to
mix In with ---
i .•r andH.avr g it treats theaur' nnd Wyse . o tesloeodeelo,ersnoeggsPervear rd notmerelytheaar►e%This,1:2nt"s'11hiteanCAUSE(WtItg W
Vr1i1N i rmnuoedb K cera am
sarr.•t wad Rr,,.. [.Kaurat, 1 and inures natural speech.
atl,er ! , r arm" :a i d
Mrs. Nngget--You don't love me ea
ns you used to.
Nit welt not?
The stomach refuses 'll who rest of hes
is rnnstnnl and distressing It- W Anaotte
wa • nd references \Ir
n free the stomach front bile which egg+ M e� D,r IS, es ►'c.tlt. 1:T4 ss ' phlet, particul f
OMATt{SM pe r�
become unduly secreted them. Pr• M s
Vralnble rills ore a seers1v al MMt UTE, \t
.4"1" Id per
rt 1
ternntive. nnd in nrulrnlixtns; t
of the unrr•'
erre on the nerves them, which
headache. Try
When you see n yreing man silting It
line± bile relieves
s. Nugget1-Nn. •lou wird to say
worth my weight in gotti• and-
s. Nagtett--\WPII, you're not as
t as you were, you know.
u 7v ,ys add Jersey \t
•er b e»«t�ulw Ctrrso sod cr, area t:s,t. Address 1 µn
P. ft• t sots, t:alis{a, NI 1 sent on req
"Perhaps you don't tike my style ' — stow
r " She lin evident distressa MERLIN, ONTARIO.
tete wine cure. post __ ____ - M THE ARNOTT INSTIT
it comp „ ,
tree to readers of this paper. Ile: ( c
he Prr,�ls
the plea.:lChe
cause period only.nl dnntinb.
For limited p "There is rather too much sntneneSS
A handsome illustrated two/Mire, Ots' ce M1 lmad nn my lett
fa O full 'loser !Aim, r• I,heumatlKm and about 11.' tie: "lrnw may 1 vary i17"
recons fnr w coo- Gile: "CIIPPU Y
fool once in a while."
four -1
t ralyalea with (antra
lett hem• 'carr. describing the most
the world. re•
drawing -room w•tlh t.fr ugliest
t went In
year-old boy that ever frightened him- gu(ce Stu; trent
in,e 1,tint.try and a„dory
self In n mirrrr clambering over his commended W. Ha
bt nt,d�ok Res writry and,ly )n -
knees, jerking his De klie 0111 of Wince, I1 1trtectl ° tk,anan who t. hwa madtt+ w
pulling i.ic hair, \'eau. 't he pretnce f
Ic f 14? 6 et the*e d i the Lnt.er'iQY and
p n graduate of
Worlrhurg. fiend po*tel to -day
you N�dri.tel . rhe \'t o Drthe book ug Co , es 9a
"1u eLr,. '1'c,YfLO
icwrc St ,
his pc
the bright eyes of lore, tem righteousness will be we them a splendid medicine, the
give splendid fnr kicking
coppersshvilr tns. heunresisting vie
Personal g i Tablets all the credit for p
deuced it any permanent reform.
The life That la written in blue ink {:c„tel my little one now enjoys.” That tint smiles all dr,tn+tmayll�frly say That
wi. e keeP
Rini bowling boy has a sister who is in
docs nuts ofn to a permanent color. these mother
tit on hand.
They ncnn t to et i coin i gp
The keys lite oat not given to those11;of from nay druggist nr by mali from o room not twenty feet away. and that
who cannot keep the door of lo(' ips
ce reveals the heart of every 1'hr Or Williams' Medicine CO.. Brock. the Young Tenn doesn't come there just
s� titith; superstition sees but the surface.
It lakes more than the Sunday dress
l eradm to make the Christian warrior.
When ywillhave
not wantglucosefrom
crick y.. B
'The people are {nstng t11101 GI lite Pen Mur ural forest, conal: ling 01l
where the prophets are afraid of losing fj e douse teal
1+1.•. 1 hrtritany. different kinds of cedar,1
w ern rt man is drifting with the chicle and other leant woods. -AF)ng
t<frcn[tl he 15 likely to Think that who streams down which logs can be float•
stream has ceased to flow.sr, erteetly m'! intuit of the mahoytnny has been cul,
ThrM't a lot of people.p but ns yet very little of the other wood
gaol they cannot give the rest of us a' have been marketed. This is especial.
•fly good, ' ty true of tete departments of Peten. M-
and Patel. Most of the for -
vine. Ont., al Yin cents a box.
Nearlyall of the northern and east-
nd Guatemala 1s covered with
chance even to rte pr
Some people think tint in.st•class
l iety is simply feeling
of s onpity
th.ni class P g r
train. r the Mal velentien of a
in \ erapaz
ects still belong to the government, anal
the usual method of securing the timber
1s by concession, by which a certain
t trees re cut, at given price
1 '
for the fun of ployinh r with her brother.
You q,l-nen numt•mr v
than when you sea him pet a penny In cl ir,,e, 0r n Rl;pulnte•t sum is pat,( for
the offering while he sing`, "7 ake my the limper on it given tract. 11 is not
metier to eel Helps to large
n e
cnncrssiuns rim not usually grantedamc•
Drill Sergeant : "Now. then: smarten
there! Ili! l' o in ynll�lrthe nottbehindithe
can't you ser Ilial y
man in front of you?'
lite.” an ca,�
1 tette iendme of mod. one i 1s el land {n Guatemala, ns it Is .1.. tk
Pi,ortun Y rto11 than five y,ar .
he new dry goods. n linger Pe
11,e min sho tvatrts to retake a m`111n�t
(intra It fs SIipIllalM Ihnt u� a cQltlat
h► order o liu►e they must bo rcutwcd.
witafitmade hes pile. old clothes
One f it gr•a t aac
ur,phl by the gotetm1'cnt. 1hfsa
crit woratt P Is lw tkt upr,the aislevwith
t t til t . hospital often . a number i of
trees are (et urn( r
1Mt.teriotrs Disease11hi t Shuttle
makers ate
"Keep Your SIomach In Good Working
Order mid your general health will take
tare of itself." l hes is the advice of an
eminent specialist on stomach troubles,
nnd he t•linelted" the advice by pre-
scribing Dr. Von Stnn's Pineapple Tab-
lets as a wonder worker In all phases
( t atontnch tlisonlers from the little "fer-
ment" after eating to the chronic dys•
pepsin. 35 cents. -13e,
80jjtjj,' lino SW/ AND IS DE -
Mountain Carriers lake Great Risks In i FEELS USE A SOY.
Coloreds. 'AMSTED.
Strength and courage are needed by ! Mr. M. N. Defoe,
the men employed in delivering the lN.1a•�er. N. Defoe,
less Itrush Co. 29
malls to the
n<terl ki Bis tadi0ici ll an 1 C.. iIre 13t•, T"r
ire the ; oruelimrs the carrier is onto, ie telling his
dangerous' b a snow -slide, anJ
roll Y friends how he fouled
oaths roll by before The, brave fellow ; ,') health after years f,i,t e
m couch arc found. A illness stud pain
and the these
{ ,
fifty t ell `se mountain etrriers risk their f ►. says •
lives dally on the dangerous teals in „ i have been •
1,v , a
'ng the mails o►, snow. Pat sufferer freta
11 !teen Kilted oil remote ,te n g Dyspepsia fere many
I ntly of his wife rte r ` Only Tears. 1 have Iany
P engaged {n the manufacture cru d I Jones to say : Retains& , this cork, packages become very rl• tears. 1 have
Workmen e k cctcd Aho was going n ,et s, and { Q ter. and hate taken
cl shuttles in Lancashire boxwood
n hovel pin [featly all the welter-
\Wcst African twxwood hovel you are jctwh�npahe Irrpllyd: 'Berns jcma�v rind burdensome rriera� knew the MS. M. N. Door Trltvt.
l Colorado, 1,,• • J , mining camps.
"\Vhy ant 1 like ft pin?" 6Ske(1 Mr. I shoes to the tn
x ► hardy men of- resource can do ,
Iriump to
for twenty -titre pounds of let -
been af(licte(l with asmysterious
s shasoeulminateei if gy a lgot lost, you wouldn't be worth
which in several c death."' looking for i
brought to file notice ,.t
'• Department o
tor to the factory Your Vole oda ere • meows !lentil Ol11C .
Suspicion ev entua11y fastened upon Feu .•a Wider weedier. ;{el1'e
the wood, and Prof. Harvey Gibson un- ; catch cold. 1 ;"'bOr. _ ud
dcttook the exantinalien of its botanical v,},at t einem to mei 1)
cl:erecter•. ►c rove that the
These experiments P
w,)nd contains an alkaloid wrhich eels
sl n cardiac.theohenl•tbeetuand diminutitn
-1 inn
-a vigor in the contractile tissue of the
►,cart. suggested that the fine perlides
It 1s rtgR on the perspiring skin,
t wood fnt*11y
craned especially of the hands, ytettl the
`r,lkaloid in veryintt quantity, v. eke to;
• Lee: Nes absorbed into the clrculntian.
what is known as 'The yellow �- _
SO Many c.DSea of illness occurred that 1
the matter
way , chief medical inspec- tom"
1 T. se Legge. f theDear Mo
flied remedies with only tempura y
replies pass('s• and balls as well as Hie
city carriers do the streets and members if any at all, but since using Anti -Pill l c'sn
of theft cdistricts. oat anything the same ae when a boy. 1
On reaching the summit the carrier' have been twking nue Anti -}'ell at bedtime
straddles the pole. and. placing his snow- `Lor the enat throe months, and fined time
shoes close together. begins les drseent, regulate beth stomach and bowels. M7
downee accustomed to the work will go old time vigor hes returned, so thst my
the mountains 8 mile with the swiftness spirits ars buoyant and temper n.t,na1.
of the wind a mile a mire n Asa result of this unhope or credit e
I. so with the ane whn IS Ism iTt duty bound to give
this wonderful relmedy, Alei -I'ill.nhanll'e
sysr�' druggist sells I)r. Je
ple will be iient free
14 TheiV1 ileson•Fy1e0o. Lirnitt:d, Niihon%
Folly, ret. Mr. Dittos The remedy t*� earedSOS
eoopletety 1. surely worth a trill _
h-1 l6 NO. IS-- Si
kw It i But
se be the orgy ,.enable ,stim�y bra i i inexperienced, tar out slips The guiding.
is Mitres. Tn1,, up come the snovt••shoa9, anti the
le carrier, malt -brag and all,
h i, m el slesltod a heatless end plows, es
N~ bea+erpew stiew
iced The
a 2Se. per hills,
>r rettsraed. Ilse 1"u
ad all desires le nisiwi,• eel v4
This raaeBY ,l,.eY h i• tweet► issesdtskd.
tin or
Foes re111ntl down the mountains, in--
n•Stead o1 sliding dawn them.
tsihO That lovely Mies Ktekingten's
feat are• the smallest In t' " n. so they
say. Freddie --Wall, tier father's are the
biggest on earth.