HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-19, Page 6NAPLES STILL IN DREAD alar The Death List Continues to Grow With Every Report. A despatch from Naples says: Gluon Is spreading over the city, and the lea or some great disaster from the eodinu eel activity of Vcsutius is increasing Coulinuul showers of ashes and sant have interrupted ruilwuy traffic and tit feeling of panic is caueiug large num 1 ers of citizens to neglect their ur,iin ary pursuits. Many strops are closed, and in the streetsI'e u t . u be seen n pt'u• cessions of refugees parading with light- ed candles, cruises and pictures of saints. The accession of thousands of these fugitives to the population of Naples, with their stories u1 the terror and devastation wrought by \'esuwius n their villages. has had much to do with the increasing panic here. The loss of properly by the volcanic outbreak is estimated al 820,000,000. and it Is announced that 5a)),IXO persons have Leen rendered homeless. Tho panic leers is increasing. The prisoners in the city jail rnutiuir.l ow- ing to fright, end succeeded in t risking open some of the doors inside the build- ing, but were subdued by the guards. They are in a state of great excitement, hewwever, requiring doubled guards. 11 is reported front Ottajano, Nola and Somme that numerous shocks at earthquake were felt there. Their ef- fect was partly neutralized by the fact that great qunnitiies of ashes lay piled up high against the trails, and act as 1. support for them. The crater is belching out n tremen- dous torrent of water, mixed with stones and cinders. These cinders are more dangerous than they have been hitherto. as they are much heavier. At Somme Vesuviaia, north-east of the volcano, fifty houses and portions et three churches have collapsed un- der tate weight of cinders. The Town Hall Is threats.) • 1 from the same cause. Six feet of citeh rs have accumulated en the ground at Castellamar. Thousands of panic-stricken refugees It . are pouring into Naples from Torre del r (.11x;0, on the shore of the buy. Thew • clothes are covered with volcanic dust, . end they are in a pitiable condition tont 1, rrur arid priwutwI. The Bishop of Naples grid trio municipality are co-op- erating to provide food and shelter for the refugees. ,:. SLOI . l.� LINED U \\' 1' rl ! BODIES. 1 IL.J. Three huudied bodies have been found on the slopes of the volcano, and it is feared the total death roll wit' be two or 111114! timers that number. Arany houses here are fulling under lite weight of the volcanic ashes on titer' roofs. 'File luta flowing down the slopes cf Vesuvius bas maenad ''unwell. The Pillage of i'uggio Marino is burr - et' in cinders. The sunlight is alcor„ I hidden by the cloud of volcanic trust which fills the atmosphere, aid the darkness adds to the alarm of lite people. Further die - asters are feared. Five hundred persons were killed be- tween Ottajano and San (;uiseepe, un the eastern slope of Vesuvius. The stream of lava which was flow- ing r toward Torre 6 oto u dl Auuu ' n�uilu was diverted near the cemetery of that place and turned to the left toward Pompeii. AN AWFUL PICTURE. The Mattino's correspondent, on re- turning in from a visit to Somme Ve. suivfana, reports that Sarno is buried in ashes. The majority of its inhabi- tants escaped. Sarno is eleven miles from the volcano, mid contained cotton mills which employed 8,000 persons. Bead riots have occurred at i'orlfci The soldiers have the greatest difficulty in quelling the disorders. Troops have received no rations in two days. Tho Government has decided to f;lnce Naples under martial law. The Napolitans are In a slate of frenzy, and a famine and revolt are ed. SEI DING IN THE WEST. Spring Opens Quite Satisfactory for Farm Work. A Winnipeg despatch says: The first report from the Canadian Pacific agents regarding the progress of seeding oper- ations was receival on Wednesday. The reports Indicate that seeding operations, while not In full blast, may be said to be general throughout the western Pile vlr►ces, and in some portions the work is far advanced. On the niain line west seeding has begun at many points, Burnside Leing the first district to re- port operations as general. The conditions throughout the coun- try are somewhat uniform, taken as a whole, and no large portion can be said to be much In advance of any other. Seeding Is as fully advanced In the new Provinces ns id Manitoba, and it there is any slight ndtantngo It appar- ently rests with Saskatchewan. On the whole the spring is opening in a way quite satisfactory to those concerned in the groin crop, in which number all western Canada people may be said to be included. In addition to the report on the work of seeding, statistics are se- cured by the company showing the in- t. or decrease in acreage, a I majority of agents reporting an incr et from 5 to 10 per cent. in rare c an increase of 25 per cent. is repor and In a few instances there is n s decrease. At certain comparatively n bouts the increase is still larger. W urn, for instance, reports an lucre of 40 per cent.; Maroon, 05 per cc Dundurn, on the Prince Albert line, per cent., and Stoughton, on Moose Mountain, 35 per cent. CHEAPER POWER MOUSED. A Monster Deputation Gets Good News. A Toronto despatch says: The rapidly swelling tide of public sentiment to favor of prompt and adequate Govern- nient action to give the municipalities f within a radius of one hundred miles rf Niagara Falls, cheap electric power 8 was strikingly evident by the monster deputation of about one lhousend rep- resentatives of over 70 municipalities which waited upon Premier Whitney and all the rnembcrs of the Government on Wednesday. They came front Sarnia is and Southampton In the west, horn sl Kingston in the east, from (lrfllia in the oathnorth, and from St. Catharines In the 1 A score of speakers urged the Gov- 14 ernment to take immediate action to pro - serve the heritage of the people at Ni- 11 agara for the people, to snake the dis- trict within 100 miles of the Falls, for all tune to come, the manufacturing fi centre of the Dominion by providing for sot the transmission at power to the mufti- ore cipalilies at cost price. `Save us trent 9;c the monopolists," "do it now " "wt•fn the que ing ago fey ran 3% ton pall Ala luck tent $3. 81.80 dem goo offer 1)aSSi bags 821 $19. fettle grab Prot pork Arne clear to 7 IIe e hams \Vtnd noir ed, $9 select 114!4c cream to 22 farfo, THE WORLD'S MARKETS ONTARIO LEGISLATURE i DOMINION PARLIAMENT AI:PO:ITS most TIIE I.EtDING 111%1 is CEN I'!IES. Pikes of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and 011ier Dairy Produce at Roto and Abroad. Toronto, April 17. - Wheat -fin. 2 white and No. 2 red Winter each ?8c bid on C.P.R., north, bol none offered. No. t Northern oftenet at 83c, Point Edwurd, May delivery, wiltr 82c bid, and No. 2 Northern wanted at 80%c, Point Edward, May, without sellers. Fite ireOntariowheat patents aro quoted at •3.n q b 3 bid t buyers' es' r sacks 0111 - side for export. Munitoba first patents are quoted et 81.30 10 84.40 Toronto, and strong bake(,' at $3.10 to $4, To- ronto. Bran Is nominal at $20 in bulk, outside. Barley -No. 2 wailed at 50, outsido on 4,1.R., without offerings. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white offered itt 37e on a 5c rale to Toronto, with 35%c bid. No. 2 Manitoba offered in store, Montreal, at 4l c, with 41e bid. Corn -No. 3 American yellow, 51c bid, Toronto, without sellers. TIIE SEED TRADE. Reel Clover --Good demand from 815 to $11.50. according to grade. Atsiker b,,,,, at $15 to 818. Alfalfa -$16. 'rine/thy - Fancy, !Tight, unhullcd, \u 1 machine o ,a hole 1 rr. � ,5. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples --Choice stock, 83.25 to $3.75 per bbl, and inferior qualities, $2.25 to 82.50. Beans-!land-pickod setting at 8L81) to $1.85, and prime at 81.70 to 81.75. Honey -7 to 8c for strained, and 81.50 to 82 ncr dozen combs. flops -12 to 17c per lb. lluy-Car tote of No. 1 timothy are quoted at $8 on track, Toronto, and No. 2 at SG. Shaw -$5.50 to $6 per ton. Potatoes --Ontario stock. 65 to 75c per bag, and Eastern, 75 to 80c per bag on track. Poultry Turkeys, fresh kited, 16e; chickens, 12 to 13c; live chickens, 7 to 90 per lb. TIIE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 21 to 22c; dairy rolls, 19 to 20%c; good to choice dairy tubs, 20 to 22c, and infer- ior at 17 to 18c. Creamery prints sell at 20 to 27c, and solids at. 24 to 24ye. Eggs -'Neto laid are selling at 173 to 8c per dozen In case lots, and cold torage at tic per dozen. Cheese -Largo cheese, 14c, and twins L 14%c per Ib. 110G PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 11% to 11%c per . in case lots: mess pork, $18 to $18.50; tort cut, $22.50 to 823. !isms -Light to medium. 13 to 13!;c; ., heavy, 12%c; rolls, 11 etec: shoulders, - c; backs, 15% to 16c; breakfast bacon, )1e- Lard-Tierces, e. Lard Tierces, 10%c; tubs, 1 tc; pails, Me. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. fontreal, April 11.--{train-There was ne inquiry for Manitoba wheat from r the cable, but bids continued about per bushel out of line, and conse- nlly there was little or nothing do- . Cable offer; for American corn are id %c per bushel out of line. Har- ts quiet. Oafs are firm; quolalions go all the tvay from 37% to 38c for 4 in store, 38% to 39c for No. 3, and to 40c for No. 2. Flour -The under - e to the tnarket is firmer in sym- ry with the strength in wheat. nitoba Spring patents, $1.50; strong errs'. 34 to 84.10; Winter wheat pa- s, 81.10 to 81.30; straight rollers, 80 to $3.90; do., in begs, $1.70 to ; extras. 81.35 to 81.45. Feed -The and for bran and shorts continues d. hut owing to the very limited rings. the volume of new business ng is very small; Manitohn, In . $18.50 to $19; shorts, 820.50 to per ton; Ontario bran, in bags, 50 to 820; shorts, $20.50 to 821, d mouitle, 8:10 to 825; straight 1 muffle, $2R to S29 per ton. lslons-Il•avy Corinth/1n short cut , S11.50: light short cut. 820; rican short cut. 820; American cut fat back, 820; compound lard, 7 c: C.anndian pure lard, 1I, to ; kettle rendered, 12% to 12%c; , 13 to 14%c; breakfast !neon, 16c; sor bacon, 15c: fresh killed diet - tressed hogs, $10.50; Country dress - .25 In $9.50; alive, $7.80 to Sit for A. (eggs -Weak; new laid, 18 to per dozen. Butter-- Choicest ery. 21 to 24';e; undergrndes, 19 dairy, 18 to 21)c. Cheese -On• 13 to 13%c, tasting support of the whole people of urge the province, agricultural, manufachtr• ease ing and labor classes" -these were the ases slogans of the deputation. tett, The Premier, in his reply to the de - malt Walton, said that he believed in giv. ew ing the municipalities cheap power, cl- ew- (her by the Government production ase and Iransmissinn, or by Government nl.; control of private producers. By either 50 method the consumer would gel the the Tower nt cost or a trifle above cost The Government would in the near future consider the question of power for the whole province, — i-- -...--_ •nt GEN. KOD.t tl t MADE VISCOUNT. lies Was the "Brains of the ,truly" During n), the War. il- A despatch from Pekin stales that a- Chinn will open Mukden, Antung, and he Tatung to foreign trade during the month ot April. A Japnneae Consul whas been appointers at Milting. The II. post may be raised to Consul-General- rl ship In June. In case Viscount Hayashi, the Japan- ese Minister to Great Britain, should ac- nt rept the Foreign portfolio, resigned by Minister Kato lest month. Baron Ko- s murn may take his place at lire Court t' of St. James.0' Marshal Oyama, chief of the general Wilines- s staff, refired front that post on ,2ilnes- s day, and is succeeded by Gen. litelnina, who WAS his chief of staff in Manchuria, and has new been created a viscount, AN !N T:RI:STING 1u:PrnRT. DealDealing\t'ath Neglected :and 1►rpcnd, Children. (inc of the most interesting repo issued by the Government is that do hie wilt neglected and dependent ch dren.. There aro numerous Mush.Mush.lions and a full account is given of t splendid work curried on by the ctil- drefes std societies. The report Is no reedy for distribution and anyone 1 tereelerl can secure a copy by addre rs ing n request to J. J. Kelso, Parllamet lJoildhngs, Toronto. Workers for neglected and delinque children should seek for the good tit is in every heart, ignoring the badnes until it IA crowded out by something he ter. Love, praise, encourngemenl, syn pithy, these will soon transform 11111 lives into all that could be desired. A a rule these children have had ntnr thou their share of knocks and scold Ings, with nn appeal to their better in sllncls and no incentive to show hotea they could be under fair conditions. ile verenrc the chtet-nature. Think of Ili Nltmilnhlc possibilities of goofiness. th future that may be theirs; the opporhmf ty that is afforded for effeelive service and great joy and success will surely attend the work. At a well -attended meeting In Grav enhursl a Children's .tld Society was or. ganiznl recently to cover part of the Muskoka District. Dr. J. 11. F;lliotl was elected President. and Mr. W. 11. Cross, Secretary—Treasurer. This emphasizes the saying Ihnl he was the brains of the army during the war. o CNft77:D K 1" tl$.4 I'O.W11E11S Fishing on the Canadian Side of inter- n:rlir,nai itoundary• A dr:p•i(.•h teen Toronto says : Fish. •-•••••=. CANADIAN WIIE.1T IN BRITAIN. Bsperimcnts bo Culllvntion •Alen! Less. Quality Heller. A despatch from London says : In the Moya! Agricultural Society Journal particulars are given of experiments • carried out at \Voburn Station relating to the cultivation of Canadian varieties of !wheat. The Journal segs resulte would seem to show that they yield as satisfactory here as in the Dorrminion. This loos not mean as much in respect to quantity, the return being 2t), bush - film. as (enquired to our average of ;'0 bushels per acre, but the quality att. pears to have been Apprecfnbly superior lo ordinary English ;vilest, as its reling price was 36 shlltng& per gqwirter, as romparol with the Engltsb 33 sbflling.l, cry its ereeers have reported to the de - UNITED STATES MARKETS. St. S6c; s Mil Not•Ili to 80e 63% to 39 to 46';c; Mini 711;,; penmen(hnn( that United! Slates tugs on hard, Lake Flee have been n fishing on lite C'in- 2 Noll ndinn side of the International boon- ern. 71 dory. some of them coming within two armee'miles of the Canadian shore, The de - Pertinent at Ottawa has been ce)nlmuni• Wed with, and urged to put the cruiser Vigilant into commission at the earliest possible moment, in order to put n stop (treat to the raids of the poachers. Louis. April 17.- Wheat -Cash, fay. 799e; July, 76„c. vvnoke e, April 17. -Wheat -- No. 1 ern. 81 to 82c; No. 2 Northern, 76 .,c: May, 79c asked. Rye -No. 1. 61e. [tarlcy-No, 2, 55c; sample, 54c. Corn -No. 1 cash, 45% to May, 46% to 46%c. 1081)011x, April 17.-- Wheel -May, July. 79%c; September, 78e; No. 1 78344e; No. 1 Niemen), 78%c; No. herrn, 76 to 763;c; No, 3 North - i to 75';c. Flour -Firm and un - 1. Bran- Ili bulk, $11.50. UPRISING IN CHINA. Senn! society Ih's;iaatinp Pe t• sante' Hontes. TO MOT SAN IO.iI: 'WALE. A Pelure of Deputation etu0geets an .Amendment to the pro the Municipal Act.rtcrmr o nt A Toronto despntch says: A deputa• organize lien of St. Catharines district fruit men their h waited on Hon. Mr. Monteith on Wed- rapid nesday, and suggested an amendment ary ran to the municipal ort where the mantel• sten to polities can attempt to eradicate the ing the San Jess reale on pr,.perties where the Join it. owners or occupants mel.: n, attempts tiles doll! to do s,. The coat nt s_Ich action, at ,nf Shen sent In Der of t kin despatch says: The Pref ee- Junlg, In the southern part of vino) of Honan, is In a state of n account of the activity of Piewont Society, an antielyna.i'ie lion. Peasants nro treeing fern orales to the wallet cities L) beim; ?oraed into (he revolution- rn society is tis:.n,t ccpthl- obtain recruits, and i4ilevustat- hnme.: of thoseww.'o r.'f•tee t0 The disaff,.eie•n hat 5pr»1:1 10 h•weitt•rn part of ''. Province Lung. iinth•o 'roles base heti chock the uprising. The ami he rebels is estiii 1' •I et IS 1st i. • was Suggested, should be fetel!d to the leen against Uzi prupariteo. % H.tT TI1E LEGI51..tTl'1tE AT TO- RONTO t DOING, ON'TA1t1O'S ELECTION ACC. The Premier introduced a measure to amend the Onturiu election act. Th-ti seeks to settle the vexed question of numbers on ballots. Tile present Lal. lot has u number printed of the limit of the counterfoil, and u corresponding number on the back of the ballot itti:d The act of last session prohibited the pulling by the deputy returning officer hifself of a number on the counterfoil and a corresponding number on the (all book, thus doing away with the CS• i r el Ila 1'0• v u f t•u ► c n[, how persons vet ed. lit that sense it was really an abo. Ltion of the numbered ballot. The measure now introduced, the Premier said, was to settle all question as to *min- ters on the ballots, about which there had been more or less hysterical langu- age used. Ile pointed out, however, that the numbers under the present act were there to prevent plugging and el- se to ennblo a scrutiny to be !nide. If there were no numbers whatever there could be no scrutiny. Next session they would take up the whole question of the ballot law with n view to deciding whether Ihny should have nn entirety new form of ballot or adopt the Donlln. ion ballot. which had no number what- ever, and under which no scrutiny could be held. In the meantime any Lye -elections to be held would be held w'' illi ballots is u w•ilaot hl numbers mht)ers o tan• kind, though it would not bo y e 10 have a scrutiny it such were demand- ( d, and tate parties would have to run the risk of plugging. The Premier con- cluded by saying he was strongly im- pressed with tate desirability of provid- ing that the expenses of the polling b• o(hs at eteceions should bo assumed by the Government and not be borne by the municipalities. NEW EDUCATIONAL MEASURE. The following are the principal points of the new educational measure 'titre - ducal by the Minister of Educution: The appointment of a Superintendent of Education. An advisory council of seventeen moni- tors, representatve of all branches of education, fifteen elective, and two, the !•resident of the University of Toronto and the Superintendent of Education, being ex-ofllcio. Supplementary estimates to contain a special grant to the rural, public and separate schools. Additional grants to the territorial and poor schools and tho continuation classes. Increased grants for education (not int• ciuding the normal school project) will cost about $90,000 the first year. Additional powers to educational tuards to acquire and expropriate lands. A minimum salary fixed for rural school teachers. Average salary rural schools at last available reports was S372 for male and $283 for female tea- chers. Discipline provided for teachers who accept smaller salaries. Commissions of inquiry, with exten- sive powers as to securing evidence in regard to any educational question, One commission to be appointed shortly and to deal at an early date with the text -book question. No school inspector to be dismissed except by a majority vote, for cause, rind with lite approval of ttto Govern- ment. Increased allowance for inspec- tor's expenses. in addition to the changes outlined in the acts, reference was made by lion. I)r. Pyne to the Government's plans re- garding the normal schools, which are empowered tinder existing legislation. This contemplates: The establishment by Septetnber, 1907, of additional normal schools; the number and location of these not yet decided. Their capital cost will be about LY200,000, and yearly maintenance will cost $70.000 to $75.000. 'IDLs involves tate abolillon of the present county and city model schools. The district model schools lo be retain- ed. and possibly the model schools in dne or two of the less advanced coun- ties. Hig the public libraries acts aretotruancy and amend- el and consolidated at the next session r.( the t.egislnture; and Steps are to bo taken next session to reorganize the system of public school Inspection. BLAMED TIIE NEWSPAPERS. In llll t medic in fh conte r,rpa many ing t fiends the s Sev s stag tion o agree the in end \ Monln and co caner mer c Hanna the in elude month too, pu n poun could 500 -foot Mot Iry tool 1 5ti this ender VI moving the second reading of this o regulate proprietary and patent Ines by compelling those dealing em to show the ingredients they In on n label nflixed to the bottle ckage, Mr. Pratt declared that of these medicines were convert - heir users into inebriates nnr! drug lie blamed the newspapers for; precut of the drug habit. BINDER TWINE: CiiEe\P. oral private bills were advanced e, after which Iho House, on mo - f Von. Mr. Hanna, confirmed the mens made in July last between speclor of Prisons and Charities Vtiiam Bernard Converse, of end, for the manufacture of rope rd at the Central Prison, and for purposes. (:ompared wdth tor• onlrncts, that of this year, Mr. rued, was ►►ins! favorable. In onti of March the department $181.87 more than in the same of the previous yenr. Farmers,rehaseil binder twine for n cent d less titan the local merchants buy 1t. The prices were: -For (wine, 9'; cents n pound: 550- ine, ttlt;ccnls n pound, and 6(rr1• tt'inrk, I1% cents a pound. Wllh lea), the , Inbar was performed tine most favorable conditions, s1'ERaxs' t.,\Xf) GRANTS, Von, Mr. (ex:brane:a bill for the re- demption of volunteer land grant err• tiflcates Was put through committee. One Important alteration in the act provides that when a veteran chooses a hundred -acre let ho can take up 60 rerres of the next lot, and purchase the other hundred if he w'ist►es. another emendnient gives the veteran, who is att. Wally ;waled, the choice ot taking the f•nte•nt of his iend out at me, when the land will he subject to all Imes and oth- er regulations to !which utter patent lends are liable under the law. Vol.. merry bee dk) not get his patent for ten year:. but he was exempt from faxes crud other condittone itnpre,e+l on onlin• ary settlers. NOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF O71l .t 1bOtsE. TUE AMERICAN SILVER. Mr. Blain was informed ey Sir Wil- frid Laurier that $93.778 of American silver had been collected by Canadian bunks under the agreement with the Govertunenl. PROPOSED CANAL. Mr. Lennox was told by Mr. Ayles- worlh that the survey of the proposed conal from Newmarket to the Holland (liver had been cuui'•Ieted. The depart- ment had obtained Ila+l ne n d n estimate tl ria tC ofthe hi cost of the work, but it was not in the public interest to publish it at the pre- sent lime. CLINTON POST -OFFICE. Mr. Gunn Learned from Mr. its that the total cost of building and fur- nishing the new post -office at Clinton was *18,685. '1'Iie Government Mr. S. Dickson *200 t year for fuel and light for the Senforlh nlllce, and 840 a year to the Ra Commerce for the rent of the cii at Seaforlh. The public bun recently erected at Winghnm, gether with its furnishings, $13,961. ELECTRIC I.IGIIT. Mr. Ames was told by Mr. Hy that the installation ' to n n f electric lamps on the Parliament Built grounds had been done by lite P Works staff. HUDSON BAY CO. SERVANTS, FLASHES FROM THE WIRE T PREVENT ION OF SENILITY Ile Very Lnlea Items Frc n all Palls of the Globe. CANADA. Englistt firms are negotiating for man- tifauauruig sites in Toronto. 'Hie city of Vancouver celebrated its twentieth anniversary lust week. Chatham will have an isolation hospl• tel. The salaries of the leachers at Iltp Stratford (:ollegiulo institute have been increased. Geo. Walker of Port !lope, aged six- teen years, was run over while attempt- ing 1► l0 board ,u, .. 1 n b t moving t t, train on Salm.- dove 'ul •• � ut g da ' w 8 • ,r• . and u Its 1 both legs s u , ( m ural v1. a t The shovellers' tinges in the l(osslund melee have been advanced front $2.60, to *2.75 per day. The Montreal Bort of Tiede haw mon collected $12,litltt for the relief of Japan - eve famine sufferers. London will have 95 -cent gas after gaud July next, and in live years will have rent, 90 -cent gas. post- Winnipeg •the past month the deaths in nk of 1 g exceeded the births by 25, the rstont figures being, births 233, deaths 258. ldltig The financial statement for the last to- nine months shows receipts of *57,015, - coat 561 an,l a surplus over alt expenditure' or $6,163,:25. Airs. George Gill, recently from SI. Paul, Minn., was burner) to death in a Sas- man fire that destroyed her dwelling at Sas- t 1 I.1 sou r Saturday. Ot r If lit dings a'I'Ite G. T. 11. has offered young ten. : 1 oyes and young sons of employes two h ee scholarships in the faculty of ap- plied science of McGill University. Mr. William Power, M.P., of Quebec Iver , West, says Canada's lumber (rade with of ; Great Britain is dead, and the United cen- Slates will take all our surplus lumber. s of ,In a quarrel in !lull on Saturday, uicr 1 Napoleon tiny was stabbed in the buck i'A1101 :� l'Il .1st I tN t%RITI24 ON TUE LI:\GTII OF LEE. Sir James Crichton Itroen Says We Ars Entitled to (Inc Hundred Years. Sir James Crichton Browne, M.D., LL.D., etc., the Lord Chancellor of�•3t... emirs visitor in Iutucy, wv'ites ase' 4,1• host's on the eength of human lite id his took, "The Prevention of Senility," Every mutt is, 1 think, entitle, r\, century, and every woman lamp c end d a little n r Io c . for . w OI 11 cr 1 t' Y � le r. r an nuen. Every child should Is erougkt tip impressed with the oil' trop of living to a hundred, and should e! 1 e taught how to avoid the irregular!. -ities that knd to frustrate that laudable ambition. 10 lengthen as well as to strengthen the lives of tate people is the object of preventive medicine. Certain great !nen- sures that lie beyond its scope tare nest f all necessary If the could prolong the days of the masses of our peupl•'. Re- gulatr employment must he secured and poverty diminished by out etutcsi,en and economists. so that awe may no longer have amongst us thirteen millions on the verge of hunger and dying • in multitudes Mr. Alcorn was told by Mr. 01 that the claims of retired servant. the Hudson Clay Co. and their des dents to one-tenth of the land Thomas, Earl of Selkirk. In the for district of Assinibola, were against the Hudson Bay Co. and not against the country. RAILWAY BILLS. The Crawford Bay and St. Mary's Railway Company's bill was adopted by the Railway Committee of the House of Commons. Mr. (iallilter had charge of tt. The bill asked power to build from Fort Steele, B.C., by a convenient pass through the Rockies to Lethbridge, in Alberta. It was amended to confine the railway to the use of the North Kootenay or South Kootenay passes. A bill for the purpose of building a railway from Kamloops to a point near Tetejnune was referred to a special committee. The Vancouver Western and Yukon Railway was given an extension of tirno for the branches already authorized and also for building neevv branches. One of the branches touched the Alaska boundary and another goes to Edmon- ton. The Brandon and Transfer Rail- way Company bill was held over until the. 19th inst. The Kingston and Pembroke Railway, a C.P.R. bill, was given an extension of time, two years to begin and fico years to complete were given the compan This bill provides for a short-cut in ilio lino from 'Toronto to Ottawa. It mnk the route (ram a point on the (pet and Ontario line between Sharbot Lake and Bathurst to Carleton Place, instead of from Sharbot Lake to Carleton !'Lace. POSTMASTERS WANT INCREASE. A delegation of postmasters from e over Canada waited on the Poslmaste General. They asked that their post tions be improved, and their salaries in creased. They asked for 60 per cent. o actual and proper stamp sales up t 81,000 per annum. in small count! offices, where this will not net the post master a remuneration of S50, then $.5 bo fixed as the minimum; that 40 pe cent. be allowed on stump sales from *1,000 to $3,0(10 per annum, and 30 pe cent. on sales from 83,000 to $10,0(10 [,e annum. That ten per cent of legitimntr ^t sta! revenue bo allowed for rent, foo and light, or actual rent of space re quired with allowance for fuel and tight Time before 8 o'clock and niter 7 o'clock should bo allowed for ns "night allow - (Ince," or "overtime allowance." They asked for n depot of postal stores ane supplies at Winnipeg for convenience o the service In the West. lion. Mr. Aylesworlh said he was glad to meet the postmasters, and wow( seriously consider their case. It seemed to him tie had to decide whether .t would be Netter lo increase the pry o the postmasters or use the surplus the department was now earning for the improvement of the rural mall routes, so as to give more frequent mail ser- vice. and seriously w•nund(xt, and Arthur Richard is in jail charged with the stub- bing. William \Vatker [fart of Guelph and Ashleigh Crofton Moorhouse of Toronto were upset in a canoe off Mimico Creek and drowned on Saturday. The snw mills of Ald. 'tunes David- son of Ottawa, el Fort Cotounge, Pon- tiac county, were completely destroyed by fire on Saturday. The loss is $25,- 000. insurance 810,000. GREAT BRITAIN. General Booth celebrated his 7lt1 birthday on Saturday. Anglo-Saxon amity was Birk theme et the Pilgrims' dinner in London. interviewed in London, Sir Timms Shaughnessy said that the C.P.R. would buil) 850 Hailes of new road this year. Leading British papers sec in the Gov- ernment's attitude on the calico ember - go a measure of protection. The British Government decided that it would be a diplomatic impropriety to discuss in the (louse of Parliament the persecution of Jews in hissht. • UNITED STATES. BEFORE' 7'ilEllt TI\Il;. 11 old d n . e is to >;be attained, !toil l t a good 1 s; nl 1 • In life must be given, en, trod hence the Imporlance of these questions a:; le infant feeding and milk supply. If it is In be reached by a proper proponent (1 w•nyfarcrs in sound condition, we miist reduce the prevalence of Inose intestines diseases which carry off so many of the young, and often cripple where they .1n not ill and we must see that our chil- dren have n suflicieney of fond, and a suflictency of teeth with which lo eat h. ll it is to be wisely pursued, we must foster the self-respect and arrest the de- generation of our people by giving Ihent decent houses, and promote their physi- cal development by affording them fa- cilites for exercise. Peculiarly desirable It is that we should warn the puhlic ngnfnst these (muses of premature senility which operate wvittt disastrous effect when childhood is over. 1 am not piepeare(I M indulge In env general denunciation of alcohol, but there can be no question that an exress of it does make men old before their 'me. It induces over -excitation and ex- kau.ston of the nervi-ceils, and niso vas- cular paresis rand arterio-sehler•osls w'hleh !s the main feature In pnthologicni sr - relay: and it is especially apt to do this it indulged in at n time when the tissues are approaching the natural limit of Ti(EIR FUNCTIONAi. ACTIVITY, \Vhateyer tends to diminish disease is nn(lucivo to longevity, but in our en- cavor to promote it we must have re- ars to mental as well as 10 bodily ygicne. A greet deal of prcinetnlb-,de. line in force and energy is due to aver- se of the brain and nervous system. C. McLane Ilentlllon says thnt Amerl• ins break down at an earlier age than urnpcans, especially from nervous alb ents. and he attributes this In their niggles for the rapid accumulation cf •earth, to the cnmpetilion nail ambition ich are largely slimulaled by ngita- onal newtspnpers, to the worries and nxietes of business in which men ire- merce themselves without reerentive ne lief. to hustling. over rating. Insuflicl• rnt exercise and luxurious living gen- erally. If we are to fewer one denth rale and promote old age we meet return to slur. [•]icily and tranquility of life. c d 1 c u John Alexander Dow•fe has been dis- missed fromthe membership and de- c posed as the head of Zion City. E sign the scale, and Oulnrlo users soft coo operators will' m aro Mr(asonably sure o Frederic, � nth ford ti e es Independent ft 1 their sue ► Iv. SMALLPDX ON JOii\:S ISI._!`:D. Dr. Dell Is Going There to Assist 1 Inhabitants. A de epatch from Toronto say::: \Vor has leen received nt the I'rosinci Health Department of nn outbreak smallpox on John's island, on the tearl store of the Georgie') Bay. There a 15ve cas ofe sofar been Osmallpox havle on e nd, and flreport The island tins no municipal organiz tion, and Dr, hell, inspector of lit been!, le, therefore, being sent to t, scene to lake charge of the camprdg against the outbreak. lie is taking wit hits the neeessnry supplies for taccin lion and disinfection. A special officer of the hard is goin to Cobalt to assist in the carrying o of proper sanitary arrangements th Struck by a C. P. It. Exprese on a Cross- ing Near Leorumf. An Ottawa deepateli says: Etienne Le tcbre, 32 years old. a married man, Wei elruck by the C. P. II. express whi'e nriving across the track near Leonard on Vs. ninesday trimming. Ile Was iti:1 living when picked up, and way liken ( n board the train, but breateed his last stinrtly before renchiug °Meet at 12 pi. Ills left hip Was fraetured, and his !eft reeapsti horse power, 824.74: half load, 875 horse power, $19.56, Toronto, fun load, eoeeen hnrse poste r. $1e.e3; three gem !ere LA4, 37.6R7 horse power. 816.91; half load. 23,125 horse power, 817.15. year is calculated including 853.040 on the pumping station, 8217100 an the street railway, $144,m0 on the Eleetric Light company, mom° from steam power displaced, and $169.0n0 by taking over the Electric Light plant at SLAM,. C11)0FovraluthaelfIlln.slallation of a new power house an Intake Alta Is r ror. eee !mem. diately abeve that of the Ont trto Power tive site eighteen Whet wed at the Fails, where double the head Can be ob- tained and enly half ths sister required for the gatila pow*. GROWTH OF I.O\I►ON. Rook Issued Slone-% Startling Figures of Imno(sly. The Immensitytenslly of 1•rfmdnn is well II - 'mantled in a volume just issued by the London County Connell entitled "A SI i(islirat Abstract for London, 1905.' It is an amazing compilation and shows that the. British metropolis alai holds the first place among the greatest cities of the world. The rapidity of the growth of Landon during the host century Is shown by the f,.. fart (bat while in 1801 the poplulation was 1,111.611, 1t had !Ben in 1101 to 6,581.102, and these six and a half nee lion people live in 928,(108 houses. Nettling is more impressive to the visitor lo London than the enormous vn)n►ne of the traffic. Londoners' pro- pensity for cheap locomotion fs slrik• ingly Indicated by the vast number of tramways and oennibuses. Of course the tramway and omnibus statistics for 111)1 do not ndevttiatly represent the traffic of the present day, as slime the coiuiplcton Of the new I1bcs new electric car tracks have leen ,,[,enol. There were then 201 miles of tramway line; open. and during fh,' yeor 557,e17./116 passengers were conw,•vnt, a hide 2.is.- 9C5.21i passengers travelled on utas Iwo TIMI. Io "By the way. eh. leetee ere piee made such n beet-. ;eel I the other (Arlene.' sciid Ile • w.011 corning here s(' rot if he WO loe. ti and Met.” all right, and he both svem end lost." Jack - "Ii0 w,41 the girl, led sUrit five poends huatling for sufficient coin k liquidate her bale