HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-19, Page 5T H. E E X E. '1 ;`'' h '12 1. M p, S, A 1' 1: 1 1, HO, I( 1 t►Uti •
Plan MITI, Door Faotoru, Lumber Yard
anti Saw MIiI
are open and hustling dully and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath,
Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand.
BARN SASH in abundance. BEE: HIVES f1ni Keil or ind knock down.
WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Cd4tom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven.
Go. UL xetui. ,
r'++++ 4.+++++++++++'++'+ I The Osborne and Hilbert
GOOD NEWS FOR Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-1
ante Gompanp
No more hole digging $
to put in fence posts just
drive t,
them 11
with a
sledge llainmer. Fal'
ahead of any ever yet I
seen around this part. of $
the country. Colne in +
and see them for yourself. $
We have, had a great
many iron posts brought +
in lately and all prepay- $
ed to sell them cheap. $
Scrap iron taken in ex- $
;} 1n the nt+1t(,- of t ho estate of
.JACKSON &SON + lag°George tin etc ,l, lathe i the Vf
lsge of Isxete in the county of
1Huron. Gentleman, deocased.
z Main -St. Exeter. + Notice is hereby given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 18:17, chapter 129, that ail
One door south of the creditors and others having claims
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pres.: -J. A. riotous, CROMARTY P.O.
Vire-Pies.:-Ec. DIoRL WHALEN P. O.
\VDi, Roy,
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
against the estate of the 58id George
Metropolitan Hotel. • Samwe)l, who died au or about the
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i+ t26th Illy of January, 1906, me
gutted on or before r
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and Which has been
itt use for over :10 )cars, has borne the signature of
ac Lnd ltas been Intuie rler Itis per•
,/ son.tl supert•Isiou since Its infuser.
Allow 110 ono to deeeivo you Bt► this.
All Counterfeits, imitations and "Just -as -good" aro but
Experiment; that tritte with and endanger the health of
Iutituts tuul Children--Eaperienee against Experiment.
C'astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Parc.
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie
substance. Its ago i:4 its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays
.hi(ss It
Colic. It relieves Teething t„ 1
Toollc, c(Constipation
i it
stud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stoii.aelt and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Killd Yoll Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TN[ C[NTA.•q COYPANV. i7 OUN„AV , flew ,•o..0. carr.
J• officSe and restdo etnce Dominion,
Laboratory, Exeter.
clans and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A.
Rollins. Office, Main street. ltrsitlenee. east
ea first street north of Post Office, Exeter,
ro the 0th day of
Wiy, 1906, to send by post prepaido
deliver to Messrs. Glad/non & Stan -
bury, of the Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Executors of the
olid deceased, their christiatl and sur-
names, addresses and desoriptions,
she full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by them. And further take
notioe that after such last mentioned
date tho said executors will proceed
(0 distribute the assets of the de-
ceased anions tho parties entitled
thereto having regard only to hte
hints of which they shall then have
1:1.1`.1\"ILLI: '111:\\tl:-ROAD
» i or !lector has moved
t)aite a nw,r ul:altczidvd the «n_
,:,,. .1ry r.•i Ie s :it Centralia on 0111 OIU
'ettotl'A cottage. Lumley
Suud.and on Mon .tiy evening the coliisset1ld, toS EIxet:(•ousor, oandn I►1sllururorttiu.:lsteer'\.t',•+..
w I:r.�tar4 .limn r ,lid sport n
btea.•trs. 1 Rd Jird Elue.rron Cort.,.
The eu;oy.:bl: : rt - Ire visiting ; 11: •:r 1:1rcul : this w0a t•
The revival &'n'ic8 tthi;l► have i
ince held here for a few week:• are ` 1'AItQUIIAIt
being cot:sinned this wick.
J1 r. Gunhr resumed 1l:e work with
Jtis dredge on the EllinvRio esec&
this o ssak •
1'loug•tu411 is the order of tho day
around hero now.
'Th' 111isses Fair. of I'etrolea. aro
visiting at the l•araonoge this w•;c•k.
Mr• Jooltt:at Johns and Lousily spent
Goud friday with friends it Crest -
alis Gertrude Miller, of \\'ittc,ht'1-
hal, was the guest of Miss Jte-rtha
Coater 00 5uautay.
Rev. Andrews of Centralia took
ul•::•rge of t he Easter services here
on Suuduy morning and delivered a
very eble and instinctive sermon.
Mrs .\V• Coon is, ctrl sons spent
Go%1 Frit: ‘y wih:h (rieetdx un. Crcd.r-
Amcor blie many ti•I:o:a who wore
hers for Boater we ttoticed the fol-
lowing: MiFs Maud \Voidis
s, Wile
visiting under tho p:tre t:1i �oafr. Chcs.
SRoy ,ILodg�'on, of Granton. oho vis -
I tea• Hodgson. of Toronto,
R. r
• Mrs. . •I .1
1tt`d their sister,
and Miss Bella Herbert of Lucas,
Who as the guest of her Hunt. Mrs.
J0111t+h:t,n Comers Andrews at -
Mr. and Mrs. Sy":lt y
tended the anniversary of the Cen-
tralia I.eogne o:► Sunday and also
ware bite guests of -her father, Mr.
1 Thom is Mitchell.
1. Cooper and s. ! oy r
andMiss Bertha Cooper and
blis-s Gertrude Miller attended the
anniversary rervioes at Centralia on
Sunday an:L also the ten oneonday
night, and report a goo
d tim.
' Mr. and Mrs. 11. Fair lett Friday
for their home in London.
Wedding bells will ring Jtere in
near duturc.
Mr. George Rowcliffc nig aecured
«nM . MiloorSnellnis Mr.
ing :friends
in Chat ha M.
51r. Cla lire Snell hi visiting itis
Easter holidays under the parental
The flolowing is the report of that
proutotioa cxumiIr1tion held in the 111
Thames; Itoad school on the 5:11 and
6th of April, 1906. Sr.IV, total 1,003
-.Westey Stone, 893: Muter Stewart i
842; Jennie Monteith, 839; Flossie
C.,% +u•d, 764: Willie Kay, 731: Wal -1
ler McNicol, 701 ; Tommy llode;ert,l
680 ; Myrtle 11unkin. 619. I'romo.t
tion to Sr. Iv, total 1,000- \\'ittici,Ir%Let an
\tont: ith, 849; Anna Allison. b18:1
Bert T71; ,t'l . 4 .'++ssroore,
tuo- Amateur
547: Johnnieanuic 'Turnbull, 473. Promo'
tion to Jr. 1V, total 850- May
Dttrch. 664; Ethel llunl:in, 635: Gar -1
Try to advise you xb .u: the in•
not 1'u_sspromotion 576• romotion to terior decoration of \'t or brute- •
III, total 700-11eryI Snell, 523: Ter-)
ehia Coward 443: Kenneth McNicot,1 Our Wall Paper latoei1len are
The firm of Spcare & Page, cloth- Rev. Vale, who 11:15 been n1 for
iers of Sn,forth, have assigned.
the p;,: t two weeks, tails to make
The Solforth Lawn Bowling Clubi much improvement, hope aro long
will hold iii ,:innu:11 tournament a change for the better will take
Of Reel Estate and Ilousohold Et- July 4th •and St I►. place.
Mr. Jus. Beatty disposed of (► pair
Opts ---�'—
r who is THE TITIN MAN'S DANGER. of horses
r for the nine sum of to n ;L6on0tr
Ur. Rollins, of Exeter, Ho can't resist diseass germs. -
going .URD will APRIL on 's whyho is such a .nark for We. Geo. Burton is visiting friends
consumption. In this land -of plenty, at Listowel and Moleswor10.
At Ono p. m. lilitur p
thinnesn is wickedness,
SATURDAY. 28th. 1900 that
Residonce•-hurge lot, 10 rooms, in when it's SO cosily overcame eitli
bit. Geo. Barratt is in very poor
11081111 at present.
Mr. unit Mrs. Dennison of Mitchell,
are visiting at the home of Mr. Fred
Mr. llazt'I White, of St. Marys,
spent Sui.duy last at \V. 1I. Marls
Mr. W. 11. Ilazlee 0.51 1, t`a per-
(dluced from Ont. Paiscy his prov r-
ty .hare in the village and has taken
Miss Edith and Mr. W. M:1ize, of
London, visited titer il,,lrents here
from Fridoy to Monday.
Miss violet JamicSen, of London,
visited at her parents home here on
Sunday. ,
Mr. Melville Robinson, of Lotides-
boro, spent a couple of days et Asia
paronts' home this week.
D1r. C. Clark, of London. 1.1 visit-
ing Miss Alice Murray this week.
Mr. Fronk Mills, of the Trader's
Bank, St. Marys, spent the holidays
good repair.
Cottage and deeded lot at Grand
(lend -lot 53 1-2 by 142 ((tet, front-
on raid.
RS. Y. AND IJ. M. COWAN, I notice, and that the maid executors nitro-I[allet & Davis, good as now.
•Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. will telt be liable for the 51141 assets Pinlor fiat -plush
hone 1528. Long distance, connection.! or ony port thereof to any person Parlor
gest attention given diseases of women and or persons of whose claim notico 1 2 Extension tables.
query. Oxford or ('. P. R. street oars
to l Number"; of gentler tables.
Colborne attest take youSSpecial iltal�and at r. 1tjic time sof such distribution. )thoull kinds n and ab1 s,
other arrsai;cmont5 fur patients from a� number 11 Styles
sac. _ Solicitors for said Executors.
D. S. D. D. S., (Honor Graduate
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without vain or
bad alter efforts. Otfoe to Fan -
eon's block. West side of Main
Meek` Exet^.'
W. have a large amount of private funds to
e on farm bad village prop+ rtleN at lowrste.
Barrist.•:• Solicitor», Main St Exeter
Doted :,t Exeter the 9th
duy of April. 1906.
St +n s--rr
CIrt.ir9--l•,rge num r a . and zone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets
kinds. in a box for fifty cents or Kix for
1'ictua"es-fn.eneal, large variety• $2.50 at all dealers.
Ocrpctw-all kinds and sizes.
Linoleutu9-covoring 3 Large room Last year the residents of Church
w'it.h smaller ones. street God -erica', hod s visiting robin
Rugs and Mats -great variety. that was n•uncd by Councillor Sa1-
Di�ihcs and Glassw1lrc. Iowa ".,he white" robin, as its hack
Silverware. Lamps w,as partly and its breast all white.
Bed -room suites, stets of furniture, it went south with its kind in the
contents of five bedrooms. f ill, but returned to (lhure!' street
Feather beds and Mattresses. this week, wlit:re it has again made
Lounges and Sofas -number 1 w9 that
Flowers rand plants.
Forrmzone. This remarkable tissu
builder snakes you fat quickly ; }t
dors to by .forming blood that's rich
nourishing and healthgiving• Ferro -
sone supplies the nutriment needed
by woruout nerves, rapidly con-
structs muscle and fatty tissue. The
form fi119 out. the cheeks redden,
proving that weight is being added.
To be well and stay well, use Ferro -
earrbsters, Solicitors Nottrlea Conveyancers
00 rn1 I..net.. Solicitors }or the fotsons
$tip IO Lotto at lowest rotes of Interest.
L cooten(0 8• V 8.
.", wi113 drawn, money to loan
e1s real estate, also 1•icen+,cd Auc/tenser for
the counties of Buren end Perth. chargee
residence, F•ar+tuharai t at s silt active ivetuns pr'on pt atten
We Have unlimited private funds
fort 1 �l
eat upon farm or village [rope 7
sass of interest. & CABLING
V.1 -x`9. -largo vat iety.
Book Cane & Secretary, &c.
\Vardrobe artistic•
Stoves -half dozen; stove pipes.
Carpet Sweeper and \\' JI Brit ti
I.:ce Curtains -8 pairs.
1•:neyelopedil Brittanira ; hooks.
Coverings -liable. (,iano and Stand.
Clocks --e collection; Bliss.
Oleander tree. yoke Lt �•
Curtains -anal' and door. 10
Refrigerator and kite:ten c;l,ine:•
('poking utenails.
('.ur!os-•knit's knacks, bric-n-b. ac
and ant►aue9.
Mips; Canes And plug hats; Atlases
Invalid table and invalid stool.
11o,ning table.
Boxes full of mysteries-�•i11 kinds of
t.tti nus•
1, 111.11 Mower's end Lail lees : SI.0ar.
Telephone Stock•-Kirkton +Ind Exe-
ter lime.
And lots of other things.
What is Home without
a Piano or Organ.
TERMS. -00411: but on rc.Il
I rte n1 +de known 11, sate.
Roil Estate sold at .1.30 p, tn.
1) R. It()LLI NS I1. BROWN,
l'ropri^Tor Auction(s.•r.
Exeter, April 16th. 19011.
Cerainly not all that it might be,
Call and sec us anti let us show
volt some of the highest grade
that Canada produces. They arc
certainly works of art.
Then in Sewing Machines we
tarry the bust that the market
affords. 1)n not listen to what
others toil y(:11 :+bout our prices
and terms, but call and saatisfy.
yourself. We will make them to
snit you unless you are very hard
to please.
its tsome% its return s to at his home here.
birds alter wintering in the auto'
_ ..o• -„ Sir. Gro ,Bharrow is very Kick at
Miss .\lute! Money, of 51itchcll, is
Uhe guest of lir, grondinotlter. 'Mrs.
MISS WI itrethour, is in St. M1 rya
395• Boy Coward, 335: ferry 5:one.) littat.tled by r•xpec•ience, taste
333. Promotion to Jr. lll.totat 70Uj • and training t,• assist ,+,+t in •
-Aerie 'Turnbull, 1331: Coursey ♦ securing the beat results.
esuh ♦
Brown, 591: C•hriis;ic Riley. 5.28:
Mil,on Ilodgert, 521; Charlie Allison
500; Violet punkin, 478; Willie Jef-
frey, 468; Linnio Pollen. 450; Ald,l
Westlake, 437;
Nellie Stone. 280.
Promotion to Sr.
11. total 5
- cu
Alli: on, 442 • Joann! Monteith, 394.
• Then our stock of p .Pers is •
• by far the most complete and •
$ stylish within your tenth. ••
Better consult us. •
J. A. HAMILTON. Teacher • •
Fi2Oi3ISIIFlt, SASK. •O •
This usually law•_abidiec; :ouuuun-• Ont. •• •
ity vias thrown into « f.-rvur of O Farquhar, •
awe and excitement racesntlen •••••••••••••••••0•♦•♦•♦♦♦♦
word wars brought to town that
Donald J. C:unpbell, 1'110 tjwc>s four
miles from Lown. one of the oldest
and most respected residents. Jiad
boon mortally wounded from a shot
from a gun in the hands of, him hired
matt, a Hungarian by the name of
Vinczeur Dicngyor•
111►o details, as near its can be
loam ned are as follows: It appears
t hat last fall or winter ,raonto time
Mr. Campbell !tired the • nlovo
named Hungarian to work for him
ars n farm laborer by the year, and
recently come discussion as to bow
the money should be 'paid arose be-
tween the employer and the 'em-
ployee, the gist of which we arc
unable to fully give at present. The
young ton, who is apparently about
twenty-five years of age, left fir.
Campbell's uild trent to Alameda and
'Oxbow. Ile returned to Frobialter
and regain went out to Mr. Camp-
bell's whore he was taken in and
given 'his supper, after which iIie
went to bed on usual. In td►V( morn-
ing Mr. OE,mnbell arose early and
went to the *table to do the chores,
and at about sunrise Magyor 0roac1
a•nd taking n shot gun which hung
on the (wall, wont out to Ole barn
also. At the stable door he accented
Mr. Campbell with the words "You,
give me money .nowt" Dir. Campbell
in reply slid, "1 will give you mon-
ey -as soon as I get to tire house."
and no sooner had the words left his
lips than Mngyor noised his gun and
fired, the charge of shot striking his
victim just below the stomach on the
left lu►nd side, lodging somewhere in
the lower part of the abdomen.
Diagyor, leaving his victim to get
along ns beat she could, retn;Joed his
steps and entered Cho house, and was
in the act of putting another e1101'1
in the gun when Mrs. 0ampbcll,
who had known nothing of 1hn af-
fair, except ,hearing the slot as she
was commending her morning house.
work, said to him, "'You had better
give me that gun?' "No," said he,
( will Icing it where I got it;' and
did ro unconcernedly as possible. and
return again to thole place
they si.ent the previous season.
$1,000 REWARD
I'or a else of Inaurable Constipation
To n person who (-tit Leo cured el
con9ti(0(ion try Dr • 1Iiinilton'a fills for a �La9.low
vR.0e (sI:rr is 111 twibh rheu-
the above froward will b,1 (slid. No tn5tr.s.
aatlwtr•tia medicine gi•rfi9 400h 4tslintr
• I _ itisw lata Flcidltcr 3s visitut!t
satisfaction or effects stall masts
loos cue's as I)r. I1 ntilton'a Pills.
Relief immediately follows for 1,'"1d -
ache, billiotemess and stomaoh dis-
order(. No gripin ; pains, no burn-
ing sensations, no,.hing but the most
plea;altit relief ntte8(ls the use of
1)r. 11.milton'9 fills -others not so
good. frits `2 c. sa hoz, at all deal-
Never .allows his ses-se to suffer Alin
Ile always uses Nerviline whdelt Is
noted for Icuring stiffness, rheuma-
tism, swellings ,ind strains. Nervi -
For 0t just colic s aand4ide cis internal outside
For -r fact wave,. In the Rood
friends in Ceediton.
Miss Motley, of England, is visit-
ing 'frie•rits in this vicinity.
Burgess 0h0.o Studio. I:irk t on
wwill •11 be oln'nntl euf� Tuesday,
'r d nhil d Tuesst, -
day of oath month, until further no-
tSze, J'kra.e we member (110 days.
Good 11ho tO5 .6111 Sir:: r+ l l y.
Our tearleers, Mr. MacDougall and!
:Hiss Howarth Ara each spending their
holi4139 at their respective homes.
Miss 1'.lhcl God bolt who has be(•n
teachinspending helrool in Etweic holidays at home.
county i9
We ova sorry that Mrs. C1tas. God -
bolt is suffering from the effect r. of
\1r. Chester S0.11I1lke trete o eel;
Exoter on Tucsd:7 of last
Where nt the James street Metho-
dist por9onago he became united in•
t Ile l+oly bonds of matrimony
dao} bliss
Louisa U:cwing, y
of Mr. Ahr'lhatn Dearing, of Stephan.
The bride, who wan vary prettily at-
brad, rt• s assisted by her co
Mee' Bose I)oaring, w'i it° the Reoom
wag supported by his brother, Mr.
Nelson Stan! lke. Mr. :end Str,a.
St ;n! ik' left on the evening train
for Toronto. On their return :1
large rt:-^ption was held nt the house
of the groom's torrents where n very
enjoy ibis ermine w-39 Spent. TllCy
•TF- intend taking up l their
-1resid 41 residence in
Aro in effort d ail)• to
l)r(•gon. Washington awl
('►tomtit. Call on agent s
for full inforinttion.
to t J,n hoe c Mcmit )' t':'s
:lsnts int \\•m. (,trriek• -
1 i ltfornin,
British atie
6. T. K. No one knows
Caletter rtet's Litttle Liver
! 1 II ( ,
1 at hon 1'•kcn for dyspepsia. dizziness,
in hi the ai•lc, constipation. and
disordered stomach.
Stlliyl'11111E FOR THE.
it a a (,•
racing .tables Norville's is nlwaysl
uaed,-b+'oaurte it rnakei h:tttor Ito-s'a
:a tore knee, but hope soon
and smaller ve;erin ry-• hills,.+Twent(flof`h rtrd0041Y 1000vtcld have their
1 13 light t l teed in the store. The
.found anywhere in \Weat-
(rru 01:1ario• \With llieir uP-to-date
In the matter of the ostat^ of stock and the situ 11. management
Hortense Rcavcr, late of ►h.• e
i'lwnthip olluron. mnrri�41 wna- hen, in
of air. Bloomfield 1herr, i9 no reason
County ofwhY the slnee should not do a larger
maim deceaaed• trade that ewer.
Notice i5 t►crcby styes pursuant l0 11r. Geo. Ilanthorp ,aporia t1 je1t.
It. y. O., 18(17, chapter 1'2!1, thlt aN (• ir,pboll hut•gy. '1'i,cre i>I retiring
creditors and others havin;+ C1:'0i►s (Ike 1b0 1 ;porta Georg:.
c c^ O
e i
tenset the estate of the said bout MI''" E.. Adky , nd little n
tense Iie•ncor, who died on or about Iliplcy, 91)0111 1•: Ister' whit Hiss Ad.
19.11 day of . ar • t. f
Having just arranged with The
Veterinary Specialty Co.. Ltd., to sell
the follow ing remedies+•
Stock Tonic. and Blood Purifier,
Indigestion and Colic Drenches, Spav-
in Cure. Worm Powders, Cough
Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Loose Death,
Antiseptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul-
sion, Black Oil for Thrush, Heave
Relief, Lump Jaw Cure. Aphordisiac
and Anti -Sterile Powdets, Uiarlhoetr
(titre for Colts and Calves, Leaking
Naval and Joint III. V ANZANT &
WARING, Veterinary Surgeons, 2",
years practical experience. A coupon
in every package entitlirg the holder
to free Veterinary Advice.
1110 have
i11 hat
relief they have given
Curea Cold in One DayTo011 eery
TakeLaxative Bronmo Quinine Tablets. (mA �j � box. 25c.
Talc 12 months. This signature,
�� �� looses sold N past
NOrvilin^: try i!• , acelytene gas gives a bright steady
N O sfO CR EDITO �t t light Ind there is not ci bri fitter
1 Ston. to b(`
---FOR SALE BY ---
W. S. H OW EY,
The Live Or,.egglst
By this :apparently no uncommon
act to bo perpetrated by the scum
of foreign lands, u'ho ore bonuaed
to come to Canada's fair shores, this
district i9 deprived of one of its old-
est inhabitants. and a wife and fou;
small children, three boys and a girl
aro bereft of a loving husband r+nct
kind Father. While word' :ire of
little consolation to the dear odes
that aro left behind, and action%
count for all, Iwe coulee piss on
without expressing the .heartfelt
•apathy of the community to the
nmediately lett Lite house for town. .�
Upon herring cries for help, Mrs. 1 bereaved ones in their hour of bit -
Campbell looked out and env her teresI grief.
,husband trying to make Itis w ►y
+tom tike barn to the house. With
a little help the injured man was
as tenderly os possible placed in bed
,and -word tont to the nearest neigh-
bor, w'lro hurried to town for Dr.
Lee. Another neighbor went in pur-
suit of tlto murderer and sow that
Ise was token into safe keeping,ai-llilc
Constable Munn, of tha 11. N. \\ . M.
1'., oat Oxbow, at•:15 Sent for. Upon
e, lie
lyearnival of Dr. comprehended the r•er'ousnri inure
of the injury and tcicgraplh•al for
Drs. Deyell, of Alameda, and Tripp.
of OXhow, who in due time arrived.
only to give the swine verdict, that
no power on atilt* could save the
viotint who. 'realizing the feriotta
\1 ct 1900 are re- 1t V'9 sititt r, Mrs. \\' Ishhurn.
((uircd on or before the nth day n Mr. :and Mrs, Penton Brown etre
\t_ly, 1906, to send by po•(t prCpai(t or spending :1 few d,ct with friends
deliver to Dle+9r9. Gladtnan & $tan• and rel:(lives prier to their leaving
hurY. of thr.• Villi.te of Exeter. So- for Dutlun, "ere. Mr. Brown his
9l,1141clrs for the Executor of the.. 9000re1 8 gond ereition IB ogin;; :t
said dr.^,eased,their cltr.isi+,rn antl sur- liras butler 1 Booty•
names, addresses -and description., \\( arc (1lad In notice that �I1�ter
the full I,(irticulara of their cliiim•.
Arnold Clarke, who 1139 been sof-
the statement of their aced tnta and
tering (rout all «I tick of pneuntoni 1,
the niters of rho securities, a any, is inlprotiug :nal will Poon he well
held by them. And further take 10).
notice th,a Ater seat 1 1s mentioned A. 14!oomficld spent Sunday in
date the said executor will proceed London.
to distribute the assets of the de- Olive Berrybill, who h.ts leen at-
tho (tnrtic5 entitled le01i'0 the Forest City Busincs-
estrased among rd only to the
havin; college, i• atsnding the E+9ter 1)013-
• w,t)ee of which they shall theca have (t►y9 with her parents. Olive is one
notice, and that the ++aid executor of the m•uy who me each cent Ienv
will not tie liable for the said 1'9et5 111(1 0111 1Vft)chcl8on .501)001 1nr1 fit -
or any islet thereof to any person 110fi 1+' IISC)tea for ,0110 positions
or persons of whose claim ndlieo 9n !;i+.
shill net have been received by them 4 -
at tit• tinge:.1 98oh distribution. OAZA.
GLADMAN & BTAN11l7RY Beantb• 1b Kine Y^.n Ham�ar! Alia 1 B:u i
flolirittrs for slid Executor Vgntits
Deed at Exeter thus 18th of
.1.y of April, 1900.
ntture of ili9 injury, kept bravely
up in spirits, and tried to console
his wife and children until death
relieved his sufferings 111 4 a. tn.
the next morning.
The prisoner and murderer after
being £t(•t•1ieed, tw-15 taken 0111 t0 Mr.
C.ltnpl,ell's for identification, which
IV, IS done, and Ole depositions wore
signed by Mr• Campbell in the pees -
(glee of numerous witnesses. While
standing at the dcnt11%$tt of his vic-
tim, Mr. Cenphcll naked hint, "Vine,
why did you shoot mei" and the
brute replied as coal n9 70(1 (dons'.
,and without n tremor in his vole,
"You no give no tnottey, m., Sheol
your" After thin. the pris0ucr 0.115
brought before .Justices (((pper
Honore!! and Riddell and bound over,
to atatn1 his trial .1t tho next sitting
of Court in Oxbow in June next, and
w•I1s ordered to be taken to 1h,,
Moorounin h,rracks tilt that time.
when he wi11 hive to answer for hi,.
*rime, and juntioo will ro doubt lake
its costs•'.
For Horsemen
Free to
Any Address
and compiled.
Write for it to -day, by post-
card, giving your name and
address and the name of the
paper in which you saw this
pages, with il-
lustrations and
valua b 1 e
charts. Useful
about 1 a me
horses c are -
fully selected
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••♦•••••••••••••••••w
(in..por,tte,l by Act of Parliament IS.'6)
CAPITAL PAID UP53,000.000.00
53.000 000 00
14 inanche" in Ontario, Qna bee. Al! rrta 1tri11-h ('olurnbla and Mu,itoba
Oven every Las (al i►,ty from le A. M. to 3 is x, except Saturday 10 A. N. l0 1 r. N,
1 Ftirntorr.' Mote Notes cashed or collect rd. Forms supplied
On Application. iiltA}'•1- r.n All point. in the Dominion. Great 11ri011n ftn,t ('n•
iced State*, bought an 1 ,“.1.1 et lowest rate• of ex( hanger
net -vomits, nil ipl.00 1(11.1 0I,war(ls received. interest com•
pounded hntf year;ry,,,r+t Added 10 prtncfral June :(Ih and 1)e'umber Ilet. De-
posits he silo. Al -o ss -(.r•1 Ac +1 highest current raw. of Intere<-t all )w, d.
Advsne:0f+ 111,141' to f:arnt'rS (•tock dealers and business men At
lowest rat„ and on mot fa, viAhie torts.. Agent. st )'xc'cr for Dom.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.N. D. HURD_
.....•.••••••••••••••••••• •••♦••♦•♦.N♦♦♦•♦♦••••••••