HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-12, Page 5THE EXE'1 +'R TIMES, AI' 1.II, 12th 1906 ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. 13l0i110 Mill, Door FaGtorij, lumber Yard and saw Mill are open and hustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down. always on band. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven. Tj RossTdVIO! Go. Ltd., Exeter. ) *4-1.144.4444+44++++++++++++ 4+f+++++++++++++ GOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS. t No more hole digging to put in fence posts just drive them in with a ; sledge hammer. Far ; ahead of any ever yet $ seen around this part of the country. Come in and see them for yourself. + We have had a great many iron posts brought in lately and art prepar- ed to sell them cheap. $ Scrap iron taken 111 Ex- change. M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. + One door south of the # Metropolitan hotel. 4-H-44++-1•++++++++++++++++++ MSDIOAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0. • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni- graestty. office and residoneuce. Dominion, Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- clans and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office, Main street. Residence. east ea first street north of Post Office, Exeter. Ontario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephon°V3ly. Long distance connection. Hpectwhffeniion given diseases of women and w ry. Oxford or C. I'. 1t. Street Cara to ��rne street take yon almost to the door. Islo other narra'gcments fore patieecial nts and nts from a distance. DENTAL timet. Dit. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. 1).5., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extrac'.ed without pain or bad after effects, Office In Fan - son's block. West side of Main F:x eter' fON EY TO LOAN. We have a targe amount of private funds to ass on farm and village properties at towrates 1K Interest. 01 tDMAN & STANRUI{V Narrtst.• s Solicitors. Mahn St. Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, Morrow -ere, ebhcitoty Notaries, (;onvetancers commissioner!, Solicitors for the Mot.wns Bank. iCtc. 1)ieon to Lose a; lowest rates of interest. OrrICK:-v AIN STREET. EXETER. L CAM TWO R. L. L. H. O1CKPam THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY - lancer. wiils drawn, money to loan He real estate, also Licensed Auctioneer for Mos ootoott - for Huron and Perth. Charges tatodeiate, Orders left at the 1 tate iratmy encs, F arquhar wilt receive prompt atten Tne Usborne and Hibbert - Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.O. Vice-Pree.:-F. MoRLEY, NII.+LI.:s P. 0. DIRECTORS. W. H. YASSMORE, FARQUHAIR P.O. W M. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. 1. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALE P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. AG ENTS, J. CARMICHAIEL, STAFFA. ONT' A. DUNCAN FARQUHAIR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. J. S. GILFILLAN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANIJURY. Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS t he matte- of th,' estate of George Samwell, late .of the Vil- lage of Exetc.t:, in the county of Huron, Gentleman. dowsed. Notice is hereby siren pursuant to R. S. O., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others havins claims ngainst the estate of the said George Barnwell, who died on or about the 26th arty of January, 1906, nre re- auired on or before the 6th day of May, 1906, to send by past prepaid or OF deliver to Messrs. Glntlnan & Bran - bury, of the Village of Exeter, So- licitorsWhere inmate for the Executors of the said deceased, their Christian :ind sur- names. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims Lhe statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And Natter take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- local ceased ansonti the parties entitled hereof any sum paid by nu)' After die )etitiont,rs and those thereto having regard only to hte municipality to ,the county for t;uclt against the change tyre beard, it claims of which they shall then have mainteia,1nce .Iha11 be considered as :i wars ,ne;oIvcd (•IAa( the petition be notice, and that the said executors sum' duo dor maintenance from sttslt ,not entertained and that no netion will not be liable for the said' assets inmate) tied .has not been ,amid by token by the Council. or any tart thereof to any person such inmate or Eby sotne ;person on or persons of whose claim notice local shall not have been roceived by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for said Executors. Dated got Exeter Litz 9th day of April, 1906. • .,r,41 rY. •, 1 N.+44., _amps A\cg: table PrcparutionfcrAs- silnilating 11tcioodatulReguta- ILtg the Stomachs nisi Dowels of • Promotes Di, estion,C•licerful- nessandF.est.Contains neither Opiulri.?lorp'.tine nor Pfitisra1• NOT 21 tCOTIC, ll'criae t .Old Dri W1 Zl1'11r'!Wi Jtnv.liw S,u.1- ALr.Jen„ar • l,'..A4U9 Sat, - Anise Jr.rd . Avg rn al re ossosaos,r its • . i liotr/r.cn tiara: } Al:erfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, \1•onns,Convutsions,Fcvcrish- ttess nod Loss OF SLEEP. hazSiaule Signature ri NEW YOP.! . EXACT COPY OF' V/RAPPCR. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! TX. r.NvauA COY/.Nr, N[W •Orn C,r TIIE HOUSE REFI•GF. BILL of a county Jtouso of ,refuge upon or got any time Tlie of the Township of The way it contorts food into uut- Btep'hen convened in the Town hall, rimont, t he appetite it gives �s aur- eltt'r his admission thereto, possesses Crediton, on Monday. the :,Anand of r prising. .Just what the min verging or becomes ,possessed of or ;entitled April 1008 at 10.a. 'm. All memberal on consumption needs,--lihnis Fe:r.r- to any 'rieal 'or personal property out present. The tuinutes of the pre -a ozone. i[ tired umd weak don't put of which the cost of his maintenance vious meeting vera road and adopted off. Fifty c0nrts 'buys ra box of rt It ernof can he paid„A huge numbor of supporters of, fifty Tablets -at call dealer:+. 1'.1'111•:\ (:011NCII. /1 Itl(:11 Mr. 'u 1 `.Li.,. C. Lindetifield, of E:x+',er, '.i•t.od 0e latter's ',islets! Couu:.il t1, 11 Tools -ship hall, Mrs. .1. Meurer. on Saudis.. on April 7111, All t h • ruetnbera (U w• re The too any Irvrtds of Mos. Wm. J court Present and fret.! duly shorn O'Iiric11 will regret to h't►r shit she court of oevision pf tate asses:un ut is r.rrionsl • ill wi;11 an ntta-k of ( for the Washburn dr tin, impa.cd I,t I} Icy -'_Lot• No. 3, 1006. rheumatic fever. That shy mc1). These w.Is only Otte appeal, which soon bo io'itor.d to iends.solth is the aftercareful cor►sidcration was dis• wish of her many friends. missed. the assessmeut5 confirmed Mist Susie old Amelia Bonder, of ind the court closed. Det toil, :are tilting of (host' t•ar •gots' The fo1I thug path tua�tet i wet. bona(- on the Goshen Line .a1 prco ut. appointed for the current yivtr; Mr, S. hardy, of Exeter. faint Dat•, 1.-Rieita:.rd Culbert, Henry Showily in t Inc village. i tttortL Mr. Wes, Kibler, formerly of this '1'ho,c. Ilissett, 'I F. A. n. Dobbs, Coate,. town, now traveller dor the Wit- alums',, J. 11. 1'tout, Wm. Moodie, limns Shoe Oo., visited his aunt. Mrs. Geo. r, J. itfe, J. Cooper. Jovhu a C. Fritz, and other friends here sco• . .. Wilson. Richard Saturd1y and Sunday. Johns ht. !lir, Itobt. \V. \Villiam+, of the I'SltUIIN1: COUNCIL Alyrncr hi'1uo11 of alto Sovereign bank, has bsen 1ran+(orrc,l to the branch in this village. M r. John Gi'•.s left for Cavalier, N. D.. an 'Tuesday last. whore he in- tend:; to Ikieg his future home. Mr. Hurley Weber has ie -cured a positic.:t with Mr. Thos. MUI'dJck„ Ilcnsall, and left for (haat town on Wednesday last. Mr. Hunter stoat Sunday at his home in Exeter. Itcv. \V..1. Yaeger viiilcd Cr•cditon I friends on \ionday last. I Miss Susan Johnston is visiting 1 friends in li.ayfield. Miss R'entzel, of Crediton, visited at' the Iwme of Mr. C. Either on Sunday. Mr. Sam. E. Faust and 'Mr. Ed. Warm left Friday morning for the I state of \Vasliington, whore they in- tend lora ting. Mr. .1. Melnick is improving the appearance of his phaco by adding a fine verandah to it. Mr. N. Cook, of lionsall, was in town on business on Friday. Mr. Itobt. Stelck and Mr. Campbell left Monday last for the west where they intend entering .the real estate business. "► HOW TO GET CONSUMPTION. Ninety poi center the •'lunger";' contract consumption by allowing power of roti8tan►cn 10 1311 iso low that 0 ifavorable (-condition for de - the .Loccilli is provided. In a heal- thy ;system consumption oan't take root. But adore there is weakness and debility, tat^..ne you find tuber - osis. For developing strength and building up Ih w,oak, ro:hing esuals Ferrozone. It makes the hlocd nut ritious and the nerves enduring. ecounci 1 or any 'pa ► School -section No. 1 ':lll.nd:tl the •+ then if •any sum is duo for such t , tt rc.f0rence to U1►c dtvi•sion 1itCiet n g t maintenance (and for the purpose of the :laid I:ection into two sections. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in tate matter of the estate of Rob- ert Blackwell, late of the towns ship of Iliddu ido, in tho Oounty of Middlesex, Farmer dooeased. Notico is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all credit ors and of hers having claims against the estate of the said Robert Blackwell. who died on or about aihc 23rd day of February, 1906, are ,rc- quired on or before the 30th dry of stone(- to such property as may be April, 1900, to send by past prepaid necessoa•y Iona tis he may •think just or deliver to Richard Rlacka%eIl, ,and prop:•',, duo regar.l being ;had Mooresville 1'. 0., Administrator to tl,e t.iItoo of t he niid property, of the ',aid deceased, their and as to what part, if any, o6 the Hobs. Adair, 1\'m, Jelin -on. Robert chrislian and Hiiriiatile9, addresses Same is nrcessarry 'for 11+r support morning. Keep a vial with you for and drank anion+, the full par Stone, John Lave, Arthur Holland, oconstonal use. 1 l and maintenanc, of faro family of the Jams Lovic, Geo. Mason, Wm. ars of 1 heio claims, the statement inmate; but oto lease, metras:',:, con• Lovir, Eti. kill Jr.. John Station, of their accounts and rho nnluro of %cyanre or other document pury,arl- James Hodgins. Henry Isaac, llenry' the s0culhliem, if any. held by them. ing to tt�rtrgfer the Otte in the : lid ._o said e land or any part thereof, llcrty, .l Aqui! Gratton, \V m. (:.' such last mentioned date And furl her lake notice that after xecutcd by the +tend treasurer Berta, John i!G oto Glavin, Geo., Btcener, 'Tdreo. Wliitesides, Fred Tho following P•Ith-mastors, fence - his :behalf other than such municipality, a judge of the count} appointed : two children being the result of court in which the hours of refuge „;-;',1s s' slicks, harry the first union and Otte 'by the second is situated, may on application of Wool \tills, Stmtel McCloy, James Par- Mr. Sandy Miller spent a dew county :and upon su:Jt novice 4o such; sons, Thomas Street. Gco. Mantle, days last week with his brother in inmate as 'he may direct and for.the \Vm. 11. Elliott, Wrn. Calcars, John Atwood. • purpose of securing pnytne t of t•he! 1Ioama,n, John Stanlakc, Geo. Snell. Mrs. A. Russell, of Q►rlingwood, is spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Currie. Miss Millie Allen is visiting rel•t- lives near London. Mrs. Godbolt, of Winchelsea, vis- ited ler sister, Mrs. S. Miller, a few days last week. • Mr. Alex Park, of Tuckersniith, Jos. Lawson. Thos. 1Lawlimn^r, itcAl- spent Sunday at his home here. hen Davy, Soon Beaver, John Madden Mrs. Jeffrey Cole, late of Ilow- Mich O'Rourke. Wm. Witzel, Xavier 'manvillc, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Meyer, llenry L. Knott, Angus, Me- Robertson, prior to going to Winni- Cormick, Sam Schroeder, l'e er hoc- p0g, where site will reside. Kenzie, Fred Procter, ,los. \Villert, �- John Sharpe, Thos. Keogh, Chas., If you had taken two of Carter's I;aurogardcn, Abe 'Warner. Jahn Little) Liver Pills beton*, retiring you Rhode, Sam. W. Webb, Niel, Pol. would not have had that coated ton- ktrd, Henry Bastard. Aron Ireland, guo or bad taste in tho mouth tbie , viewers and pound keepers were CROMARTY The many friends of Mr. John Rica and family extend their sympathy in tate death of John Rice, jr., teach - or at Aurora, which occurred April 1st. Tia cause of death being pneu- monia. Mr ,Rico w•as born west of Oromorly and was married twice, cost of maintoaanco eo due, 01 %oboe I, \Vm. D. Sanders, Win. \\'bile, James may thereafter 'become due, order Ito ce, R'm. 11aI r. Mathew Ginter, and direct all or cony ',part .of the real \Vm. Winer, Abe. Dearing, Thomas and tperffonal property of the in Willis, firrn. Essory, Levi Stahl, \V m. mato be vested in the treasurer o[ Gai•c.r, Pattl Shenk, John G. Wein. the 'county for the time being with Frank Clark, Geo. Clark, Michael full Trower to :manage and appropri I''inkbeinor, Jacob Schwarz. Jaseph ale, take or 'recover pos;0ssiott of Marlene. Allort Brown. Robert Davy lease, mortgage, sell and convey nal or any part 'of such property in the name of the inmate, or may make such furl her or oiler order or direc- tion limiting or extending the row- ers of the maid treasurer with ref - administrator will- prooced to dis- the uatd judge sheath have siglittsd tribute 1lin assets of rho deceased shit approval thereof by endorsement among llie parties entitled thereto, thereon. The judge only, .ii•1 by any de (,anr•at! T. \1'nlper. baring regard d only to the claims of which they 81a11 then Lava nal ice such order or direction motto finch► and that the said Administrator I think ser ON EY TO LOAN will not be liable for the said assets I I t treas. Green, Silas Starlike .1 r., \ant. S.an- dertis. Louis Kraft, Adaut itirk, Sant. Baker, Peter Schro'dor, Jauoh \Vei- a� or any part Iltereof to any person We had• nnllnd ed private funds for Invest or 101 tOOs of W11090 Claims notice ,- - r wt Sower r Ii.wa to t 0 wan or v r T y e O(I set atbn >10 sb all not barn he n rcociv by lh m at oho linen of much distribution. GLADMAN & BTANIt1IRY. Solicitors for staid Administrator. Dated at Exeter the 28th day of March, 1906. or intern•;. DICKSON. rfi ('Altl.l\ti Kxelier What is Home without a Piano or Organ. NOTIGE OF IWPLIGflT ION In the Surrogate Court of the Cerair'!) not alt that it might be, County of lluron in the matter of ▪ lho Guardianship of James \V. nawdcn, the intent child of Emily 'Lowden, of the Village of Exeter, County of lluron, married woman, decorrsed. Notice is .herebyn given th it after the expinilion of twenty days from the first publication of this snotice application %till be trade in the Sur- rogate Court of the County of llu- ron for a gr:utt of Lettere of (11 ord. unship of the above named infant to \Villi in) IM:ta• len of Exeter aforesaid ( all and sec us and let us show you scree of tl''c highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that ( ana(1,1 iosduces. The) arc c rtain y wrrt:s of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carr)• the best that the market afords. I)o not listen to what others tell )'ou about our prices and terms, but call and sati>fy yourself. '.Vc trill make then; to suit) (tu unless ) ou arc \•cry harts to please. ironer. V&'we s. -Brun; y,Davis, Isaan for (,hi'ons as N: may nn (►rot Ilial Jr., Ezni pais:, 1': to 1lcKen- for the paymenttreasurer by the crfutth local zie, Gco. 1Unvl,inn'^y, G.,o. Finkbeinet' ter. Pound Keep:N s. -\\'m. Mort it, 'r klopton, Win. Gaiscr, B. Cunning- ham, Jos. Hickey, Gra \Vcbb, Thos. Inc.bJos. Edw•n'rds, 'r..1. Amy. Chris urcr to the treasurer t.c' ° .a John Love, Gco. Dow'n. Austin 11ay- municipttity of any Burn pad by eua.t bosh municipality to tho county dor the atraitit er.'uee and support of suoli inmate. Tile balance of any such tot -overly tw vested in tate la:•asurcr shall, lrinkht'irvcr, Wm. Fritz, bred I'reetr.r after the claims ther;on ns 'heroin- cr. I;iq.s Saa,nllke .1'r. 1\'rn. Zimmer beforn set out are fully .paid and sat All►ert Mo.ssc r, Obis. 11. Wilson. isfied, go ;o the person or person:. Ch as if rfollowing onit•r.4 were paid entitled Ihes'e.lo by lite much rimes log. ('o., god de S. 8. No. 1, vesting had not loon ordered or •ac•, e..OU: Sovereign hank, comm. on cording to the will or direst:on of draft, $3.00; David O'Brien, rep. such inmate. road •on S. II, $1.50; Fred Hoist. 1 t''t The said Act is .amended by insert- on east boundary, $1.58. ing therein the Following section: Th^ council adjourt:ed to. mer, It :shall be rho duty of the In- ngsio mo Monday, th? 7111 of May Spector of priQons r,rd politic. chari- ties of Ont 1ia (0 visit Nord inspect every 'ailitty 11OUse of refuge at least once .1 year end call for and inspect all hook's .and papers oelating there- to, and •;•xvnirc' into the sanitary contrition of such houses and he shill report in writing to the L:eu- temrn;•Go.•c.rnor in Council with re. sport to the Mote of managem0nt of Peso .at 1 p. tn. HENRY EMBER, Clerk. STAFFA Miss Nettie Norris is vis:ti' ,t friends in Exeter. ircntlenutn his father, moll such house of refuge c.iid shalt Mrs. Hutchinson received word Exeter, April 4i h, 1906. List at rock of the death of her hroth- GLADMAN &STANRItIt} make rroah a'xomm0.ntta ions and or -in -low, Thomas Tucker, at Way - lo for the Applicant, suggestions in •re!tttion tJea'eto and to the methods of kecpins the (looks ham, Sisk. Mr. Tucker 'vas known 81 I (IAL ONI'. WAY RATES and .•recounts of such institutions .as .here, having spent several weeks vis. he mos, doom host ::n.1 a copy of such along Iter•o host summer. John Campbell, of Minitobi, is visiting relatives acre. Mr. Robt. Deans, of Ayr, visited ► I'D th0 Misses °liver last week. Mr. John Livingstone nttentled the horse show at Clinton last %seek and was pleased with the showing made by a family of six ycarlinl salts, sired by 11.0 celebrated heavy draught horse •ibertan" owned by Livingstone and Horton. The rix colts shown were rte 1 ,1 lot exhi- bited in Clinton for roomy years and were easy ;