Exeter Times, 1906-04-12, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 12th1906. OfiPS. SoflrSJ SOflPS JUST RECEIVE() AT Browning's Drug Store a large assortment of Toilet and Castile Soaps, pure and fresh, the cheapest end best. Soaps for the Babies, Soaps for the Ladies, in fact soaps to suit everyone Gall and be Gonvinced. Brownings " Drug Store The Exeter Times CALI \DAIt F'OIR SUNDAY 1 MONDAY . 2 TUESDAY 3 `VEDNESDA Y... 4 THURSDAY. ... 5 FRIDAY.... 6 SATURDAY.. 7 APRIL, 1906 3 15 22 :el () 16 23 30 10 17 21 11 18 23 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 '1'Ht'R'1►.\Y, APRiL 12t h. 1906 KiltKT'ON '1•.itt .first general meeting of t he St. Marys, learkton and Exeter lel. :coition° Co., was ,licld in Aberdeen (Dell on ,1arcitt 30th. Mr. W. 1t. C•: r, acted as chairman, filling ;that office to the satisfaction of ail pre- F;ut. After file opening ttddrefss train the chair' 'tho reports of the taafretary Land treasurer were scud and ridopted. The general business of I. company was disotlssed ani treaolutions passed to solicit stook for tf^ farther extension of the line, n t,o to tekc steps to give Exeter and ISL. Marys night service. The com- pete. paid a 5 per cont dividend to ales shareholders for the first :ytar's tiesiness oral bite prospects are. •the ties will be a 'first class ,paying in- s•estmont. The directors and •offi- ea is eleoted for the year nre as fol- a0\w3:W. H. Osier. Pres.: David Bo- at:j, Vice Pnes.; •E. N. Shier. Sect.: A. Ilnethour, Trees.: Directors, J. G. Jones, Jas. Routley. Jas. 'Grahotn, ;Wm. Johnston; .Auditors, N'nt. Rat- cliffe •std Robt. Beatty. HIGH I'IIESSUIRE'. DAYS. hien and yeomen alike have to stark incessantly with brain and 4a11d to hold there own nowadays. qtr were the demands of business wants of the family ,the rcauire- R'tis of society, more numerous. Qts.Ifirst effect of the praiseworthy affort to keep tin with ;ell diose: theirs a_a cotranonly-sees in a week- C?cddebilitatedor condition of the n ervous epvOus system whichresults1 D (i s- itsii, and in extreme tsars in com- epite nervous prostration. it is el - le, )3" ly seen that {what is needed is :s'(htat the system. give vigor :and toe to the "nerves, and keep the digestive and .assimilative functions theralthy and active. From personal knowledge, we et n rccoonnlcnd :Veal's �1's .S^rsaparilla dor this pur- ee It acts on all t'he vital organs builds up tee **thole system, .and flits men and women for tees^ high- letnessune (llys. ---♦- HORN ilAlitill - In I;xetor, SurxLty April Rt li, the wife of Thornton •(faker of axon. BUSSF:LL. - In Exeter, Ap•'il 5th, the wife of David Mussell of a ki turtle er. Q(:ANC[:.-[n Snowflake. Manitoba, Monett :11st, the wife of .dolma Quints-. formerly of Centralis, of a. son. MARRIED MOM; 1\S-ATKINSON. - in Lnc.rn on \\•-.Incaday, April 41 h by the ltev. 11. A. Thornrs, (Larry Hod - 'gels 10 Dliss Annie Atkinson. IIAWKSII.\\V - FITZGEitALD- ie Ton onto, N'cdt,vattav, April 5111. nye the irw ♦r Neil, Jennie Alice ( Fitsgerlld, to Fred U. llatwkrh tut. DIED IIMAKF:It.-In F:{ •ter, Mornkly April 91 h, 1 he int t of Fon of \t.r. and •Mrs. 'Thornton 11 ikor. TOWNSEND. - In Tuokerarnith, on April 511), 1906. Elizabeth Stanbury reIict of the Irate Joseph TOWTI• trend, „ged 75 years and 10 months. 0111, -ay j • �^+ � the ildre n 1 these days you 1 :.s , plenty of grit,c our- .., :.I: "I'.!. ilow is it with I..: chi..:...:? ;r. they thin, 1),) not forget Sr...-saparilla. You ;: • it i::al.•..; the blood pure .1 ti..a, a::.i builds up the A bee,::h in every way. • r • et•1• r r.+,4 t.a ern;R .i hn1Ih ,.. l7 ostler 'mall IsIatI, •,•••• ..• • .. •. A t s.rrta le.su`or coated. 7 t♦Girt 1 r .1.0 Avr (., , re.sr•n, Nass. ,t A•1••a a•.tnfsctt,rer• of a 11418 sl60R. LL ,01 '43 Aa(F. CI110 FogCtn.:eV( PECTORAL. Ws airs ao •t -mist V.'s ,token SU.) fermis'ss er •-1 our n.M.c,nes. Crediton D11. 1:. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC(. ans and tSergeons, Successor to I)t'. E. A. Hoist, Crediton, Ont. 1101•SE FOIL SALE. - Brick resi- dence for site. A bargain. Apply to Dlt. E. A. 1tAIST. IIOUSE AND LOT FOtt SALE.- In Crediton, good brick cottage, new, 9 rooms, hard and butt water. A number of young fruit trees on 1st. For further particulars apply to A. BEDFORD, Crediton, 1'. O. Mr. Henry Eillx•r, M. 1'. 1'., who is attending the 1'.u'lilm(•nt session ;it Toronto, spent Sund ty at hit •tto1110 here. Quite a number from there were at Exeter on Monday night to hoar Bengouish. Mr. J, A. Schmidt. of Berlin, agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., returned home on Fridty last. The many {riends of Mr. Ed. Mor lock *tII1 be phasedscd to 'hoar teal Ito is rapidly ,recovering from hit serious .accident. Mr. Jacob Sahraeder, of Exeter, spent Sunday in our village. Mr.Frank Finkbeiner has engaged g cd with Mr. henry Kraft, of Dashwood, for the summer. Mr. William Wein spout Sunday jn Dashwood the guest of his brother Jack. Dlr,.s. Krein moved 'her houtallol(1 goods into the house which she pur °eased 'from Mrs. henry •Fiakbeinar• Mr. Joseph 1[aast is busy moving ,his household goods into the house formerly oe.oupied by Mr. August [Hist. While Mr. Joseph Heist and Jir. Wes Weiner were returning from .t sato near Shipka the other day, the lorso took fright and ran into the ditele throwing the occupants out of the rig and breaking a bone In Mr. Heist's shoulder. Ile will be unable to use Isis arm for some time. Mr. \\'eineree-c)tped with a few scratches. Miss Emma Keys, mho his been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ed. McCormick. of London, for the past month, returned home on Wednes day. Mr. W. T. Englund, the east end grocer is building nn addition to hit store. [l S' s a ' u Ines s 'Hero, stn s Jia 1 1 g o Say S. Mr. Samuel Kuhn lugs been en gaged w,itth Messrs. Iiarris & Amos for the summer. 51iss Agnes Fa.hrter is visiting friends in Shipka for a few weeks. Mr. Thos. Edwards gave a social top to ,some of his friends on Fri day last. All reported a good tirne. arr. Ed. Stweitzer purchased the farm which was owned by Peter Kilpatrick. Mr. Kllpatriok intends moving to Ilcns111 next {week where 'he has purchased another farm. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. !Hist aro vioit- ing friends in Toronto. prior .to le•ty ing jpr Iaamilton. wiltere the doctor intends to practise. Mr. John I6aist, of Khtva, has purchased tho 100 aore faun- ;south of town, owned be M. John Bedford, Mr. ;rad 'Mrs. Wm. Wenzel spent Sunday at Zurich tho guest of Mr. .ind Mrs. C. Trick. Mr. Fraser and Idelia Brown. who have been visiting [mends at Malts wilts, Chisley, Bright and tither points returned Lorne on Monday night. Mr .George Eilber is kept busy breaking in .leis colt. Mr. John G►1scr spent several days in Toronto Last week looking alter his claim in the Cobalt Dis triet. Arthur %wicker sped Friday ni;ht in London. Glias. %wicker was in London, Mon day on business. Miss Lulu Essery Apra. Sunda; .afternoon the guest of .Hiss Mabel Colvin. A number of the farmers of our vicinity .hove commenced their spring work. Quito a lot of sod has been plowed .luring tho past two {weeks. Itev. 11. W. ,Ind Mrs .Knowles, of Fnit'trton, were renewing old ac •tu tint:rnces in town this *week. Th: s e.rmon preached by Mr. Knowles on F.ridny et -sanity". in tine Methodist church wast enjoyed by a large con gregtl ion. . .hiss Kit tie Zw•icker of London, i3' back to Crediton again after a very' enjoyable visit. Mrs. Ritz ...in(' s oo[ Parkhill.khaI 1 spent Smelly in town tree guest I f Mrs. Oh,s. %wicker. Services will be toad in the Evtit trelic•al church on Friday mot -rani, of this week. it being Good Friday. Mr. C. W. Gilmore, of Toronto, inap.eetor of branaltes for the $0v ereign bank, utas in our villiR.' on Sundry. The regular meeting of the Lit cr.t•ry society was •held .at the home of 1Lr. C. Kuhn on Friday of Iasi *tock. A good pi rignarn was given and :i plcaaant time spent. Fh'• President's evening will he held next eek. Mr. A. J. G trdiner, of Parkhill visited with etr. Mcisaac on Moto .f Il . bush. .l,t 4 John Either Ie iv •s 10-d iv for London, to visit her it her ,Mr. 1ltrdy, Mist Mary !folder :cud Miss Ly- ( •. t F' n k h ..r (•las 1 Ir {r tll wee v . k i4'?- ing in Hamilton and Toronto. Is a constitutional disease Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown and Or; ating in impure blood Miss CLlt,a Hoist are st.ending Ile. Itolh4ay, in Detroit- and requiring constitutional Mrs. :Duos, of McGillivray, spent Fridtry visiting her son, Mr. Alvin Amos. The rcvivu1 14(14ir2s (chi,:h Iltv'o been bald in the Methodist church for the past few weeks and 'vetch swore productive of fo nMU711 good, were closed on Sunday. Mr. Jas. hill, Sr.. w'.ts in Stratford Mending the funeral of his btoth;r un 1Ilur.aIly last. 11AVE YOtr A ILEAIt'1'Iil.itte ? ft's quite common witit people i whose digestion i t poor. limited: tic relief follows the use of Nerviline. stum':lee is strengthened digestion is made perfect,lasting cure results in every oars. (•sn Poison's Ncrvilinc °rico and you'll never be without it because every type of stontaah dis- orders i.4 con jeered by a fete doses. (One 25c. bottle et Nerviline always convinces. Sold eterytshere for the pts( fifty years. LUCAN A very pretty wedding was (*Le- hi -isles! e 5 o'clock p. in. Wednesday April 411i, at the homeof Mrs. W. i 11. Atkinson, when her daughter, Annie, was married by the itev. 11. A. Thomas to harry Hodgins of the 4th concession I3iddulph. The groom sets assisted bt Chas. DcFaI!a while le Emnet Hyatt, to lty t , of Lucan, was brides- 1 maid. Tho bride was .beautifully gowned in a olatmpagne silk stress, carrying a shower bouquet of roses. The ,house sets beautifully decorated for the ocaision, .and a number of invited guests wore present, who re- mained to .enjoy the festivities, last- ing until the "wee snot" hours of 1Ito morning. The ttresents received by. the young couple were, bout nurncrous and ,costly. Mr. .and Mrs. Hodgins will reside ret their 1 trr on the 4th concession. FARQI111A1t Bert Brown Iris taken a position with fi. \V, 1'. Beavers for the sum mer. r. The Usborne and Ilibbert Mutual Fire Insuna:nee Co., is • 'making a olna.ngc in its agencies. Previously these have been four agents but of ter the regular meeting in May there will he only two agents. Lo gar, Fulla'rton and ltibhert will con. stitute one division and Usborno and Biddulpit the ot her. Applications will e r 1 c .1 t 1 the e S ., t' u S 1 to May 5th, 1906. Miss Vera Campbell has been visit- ing ,her sister, Mrs. D. Hackney, St. 'Marys. The run of out has not been very L.Lrge so tar, consequently only a small amount of iniple syrup has been innde. The promotion examination of S. S. No. 2, was theld last Thursday ant Fnid.ay. Mr. G. S. Beavers, formerly of 1 the firm of Beavers Bros, dies se cured .a position in Stratford. Mr. Wm. Stewart, svho is agent for the Mason & nisch piano •1::'e sold a number of instrur...,ts in this locality.• How di' .-cable the mud, and how ....cm weether and 'sunsltine 1.ould be welcomed. I The -house cleaning season is at hind and the !adios arc Joud in their praises of the •handsome wall papers , .. u � .1 o ri et nt i3.\\' overs ofn ch F. Beavers. , Miss Clara Stewaft, of tells place, ' u'110 luta been visiting in Toronto and London,;hes returned home. Slit JAMES WATSON'S OPINION. I Ito says that the commonest of all disorders, :Infd one from which j few escape is Catarrh. Sir James firmly believes in local treatment which l' d best supplied by ' :1 .L !' isU� 9 1t r h- ip ozone." No etre of Orta'nnh can exist Whore C.ttarrhozone is used it is a miracle worker, relieves almost ' instantly and cures after other rem- ; (dies fail, Other treatments can't reach the diseased parts like Catar- rhozonc ones sc 'goesthe rc • u it tots sou c. of the trouble along with the air you breath. Oatarrhozone is free trotn coo:uine, it leaves no bad after etfects,it is simply n•ttures own cure Accept no substitute for Catarrhoz::- n' which .alone can cure Catarrh. aro- (:IIANI) I11:NI) The ice is fast disappearing off the lake, which will make it poste bio for the fisherman to get their nets in SOotl. i1amil ton Bros. have their saw- mill running and (ire putting out the lumber in groat shape. Mr. .iotxy,h Brenner *went to Bar viva on busitess on Monday. hlr• John Hass returned from the Soo Las t .-1 t *e(•k .oho looks fire. \Vm. Patterson, who Iris been I'tid up for name time with rheurnttisnt, is now ..tblo to look nttcr his a 01 k ng.tin. Mr. :Ind Mrs. Wm. Barrett, of J'•trkhill visited fronds there on Mond ay. Neild Greve 'have now appeared :int no doubt our sports will not'• live nigh on fowl. 11 uuilton tiros. hove a roan np frotu fort 1Itiron this week repair ing (heir tug. the Scoti1, purchr:ed Lest year from Mr. Sherwood. ood. Mr. Leivitt is now busy snaking a bowling green which *will no douirl b staoyed by tire summer tou"tsts. Mr. II.,milton has now made aboul 100 ,g'Ilona of syrup from his sugar atarr Miss Cunningham, of lehiva, wh•' treat e ment a cting throu his i,rn spending mgrcu ,sy It, her brother, Mr. Albert Cunning- and pu if in g the blood hart, [►as returned home. its radical and permanent lirza Ed. \1c('orrnick is visili►,;' cure. Be Sure to take her l,Irr.t1ts Mr. and :firs. •Tolnl or SSarse,ari la r•) .4 .1rs. John Latwsrn► enlcrtain(:at on Hood p N'ednes,[ay of Iasi *seek. Nasal and other local forms of catarrh Mr. ilristol Essery has accepted a are qukkly relieved by Catarrlcts, positir.n in 11,^ Sovere'gn bink here. wlich allay inflammation and deodorise Visa Fletcher, of Rirkton. who discharge. bre IM•en visiting et the Ionia .of Hood's Sarsaparilla, all druggists. 51. Mns. .1 men Clerk, )his lreturneatl Catartlets, mail order only, 50 cts. hone. r For testimonials of remarkat le curet) The f inners in (his s,ec{ion are i Send for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4. • bony ranking Maple syrup. C. L Hood Co., Lowell. Masa. LADIES' ! Nervous Women ItoITEWEflR� Not in every store. can you get such; Whitewear and; Wasting Values as can be secured here. We have just opened up a fine line of Wristings in fancy creant lustret and tuuslins. Our White - wear consisting of Night (.owns, Skirts, Drawers and Corset Covers are nicely l , made and well trim - ed. CORSETS Our stock includes every kind of Corset from the cheapest to the best. We have them tofi person any whether stout, s1im1 or utedinnt and for good service and comfort we can recomrnend the Tines we carry Prices range frotu 30c to $1.50. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. WM. SHRUMM, DASHWOOD, ONTARIO. Dashwood .lir. Peter elcl:;tac is doing •t rushing business in the New Wil- liams sewing macjiine. Any ita,rty wiehing to procure e to ao s'ue can- not n- not do better than give thins to call. Dir. J. E ,rloff)nan came 'home on business on \Veditesd,iy last. Dlr. .loan HAI, or London, was' in the village Monday- in the interests of his seed business. T. B, Porkinson, agent for the London Life, sets Irene Monday ani Tuesdtiy looking up business. Mr. R. 8. IIamilton intimated that ,he would remove 'the planing mill to Grand Bond if he could not get a buyer bore. His reason for this move is that this interests were too muds divided between the saw -mill e B nplaning-mill a lh end nt le at t l the Dashwood. \\'e .are pleased to learn that a company 'has .been organiz- ed to continue the planing -mill stere the members are os tar as we have learned 11. S. Hamilton, Geo. Keller- man, J. E. Hoffman, and Ezra Otter- bein. This ought to make a good strong company and we wish them every .success. lirs. Henry Guenther had nn old time :milting bee. 'friends wero pres- ent from 'Luria!' and Crediton os well •as from etre village were in at- tendance. Rev. 8. it. Kneohtel fetid a fly- ing visit to the village on Monday last. The Tennis & Bowling Club Con- cert hinh will be given Tuesday evening will be reported next week. ELiMViLLE M.rs. S. Johns tend ('laughter, Miss Lizzie, spent Sunday twins Itev. C. Baker, (ktrlingford. Rev. Baker teas formerly Oro young minister on this circuit and is r:ow (stationed on the Fullerton circuit, but we un- derstand Ito is to bo ordain.d at the coining conference, this giving hint permission to partake of t,h_! pri- vileges of litre senior I►.Istors. Mr. C. Johnson leaves for dais home at Watford to -day yT urs ay). where c he intends spending Iris easter hpli- days. Our goner -el meredo ntt, W. Ilern, in London on bu-in"ss list week. All disorders caused by a bilious state of tho system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attend. ing their use. Try them. 1:111VA S('llOOL It1:1'OR1' The following i-4 the !sport of S. S. No. 0, Stephen itt the order of merit, determined by the recent Promotion avd Review Examina- tion and pee monthlies. Sr. IV. - Dorn ]:raft, Bennie McCann. Milton HAI z, Laving Hanover, harry }'ear - ley. Jacob Querin, L311tan Hoist, %helm t \Vitzel, Albert Regier. Jr. IV. - Chas. Gower. rorty Lawson, Georgina Hera/nate Ch;rrlic Itegier, Edmund Kraft. 111. -henry \fill, John 1IarltnLil, Thomas Yearley, Irtum Cunpin1m,\• Wilhelm.Flos• sal Ilartrn:re,, F.11a %fill, lm, loins Wit zel, Miiggi: Hanover. i1. - Jo- seph Itegier, Lona Fink twirler, Dar- old Gower, .iames Ma11 hinney, Law't+ John, (toy John. Itay Betz. Albert 01, pin tn. Sr, I't. i1. -Elsie Apple- ton, Glydys Atte hit►ncy, F.roncia Flynn, Ar•i.hur i1- never. Jr. I't. 11 Jahn Cunning•lt'm, Wilbert Hartman Veronicn llri ov:•r. Number on roll :38: average •)3. The parents who ira tend sending their children to the above scl!‘ool for (h.) firs' time Ie Il 1 O❑beginning Of F,110 1 11 so 1 1 he Idle Easter terra or tot Ioter than the second week, provided with the Mor.ing Nemec ]'rimer 1'i. 1. EARL B. CAMPBELL, Teacher 4- A A PAI'1•:It O1' INFLUENCE Att Emit; 'nl hint's ('ounsel Express. es His Opinion of O'nad l's Nation. n I Netwxpa per. in uldres•siter she jury :at Cobcti',r !rtes w .ek in 1 he libel Faction of Coyle v. Th:' (:doh, Mr. W. 1t. 1ti(iri(hl, 1:. C., counsel dor flits p! tintiff, gave, ull^r.Ince to tIre foltoe .t r . sten: •: "Thee ..s is paper krut n as TI• - Toronto Globe, .t paper known to everybody in this country. 11 has 'sr'o791101t• t. ion , bralialyalt tIto length tr.d breadi11 of the civil iced world. It Ik•Is ,tn eraolt•mou•, in flu^r is i+ a 1.1(1:1 will -.4) tt l' ,st one -41611f of the grown in - 41:‘ itltl 11.4 in ,lr's ':oun:ry desire :o .1.1 •t .11 w.lhi'h A v"ry lay t•t' it r.•'.Ir. bin - Their Sufferings Are Usually Due Their Sufferings Usually Due to Female Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected. A MEDICINE TtIAT CURES can we dispute the well - known fart that Canadian women :ire ver - {'sus ? Ilow often do wo hear the expres- sion, ''1 art SO ner- vous, It semis as 1f I should fly ; " or, Don't speak to we." I.ittle things annoy you and make you irritable ; you can't sleep, you are unable to quietly awl calmly perform vuur daily tasks or care for your children. '1 , 1 The tun of a gen- erative e ttlat the nerves an 1 I g erative organs in women is so close that nine -tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous debility, the blues, sleeplessness and nervous irritability arise from souto eleraitgeulent of the organism which makes her a woman. F"Its of depression ,ton or restlessness and irritability. Spirits easily affecttel, so that one minute she laughs, the next minute weeps. Pain in the alxlontinal region and between the shoulders; loss of voice; nervous dys- pepsia; a tendency to cry at the least provocation -all this points to nervous prostration. Nothing will relieve this distressing condition and prevent months of pros- tration and suffering so surely as Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. D[is Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont., writes: Dear efry. I'inklianl :- " Your Me.liciue is indeed a Godsend to suffering women, and 1 only wish that they all knew what it can do for thein and there would need their dragging out ,niserablo lives in agony. 1 suffered for years with bearing -flows pains, extreme ner,•ousnesa and excruciating hgadachcs, hut a few bottles of your vegetable Coin - pound made lifo look new anti promising to 1110. I act liht Holl hap iv awl I do not know what siejc'less !s, ani l 1 have enjoyed the best of health now for over four years. Lydia E. I'inkltant's Vegetable Compound hal sent sunshine Into thousands of homes and hearty." NNS•♦•NN♦N••••••N•N •ANN••••••♦•♦•NN���NS C ONN•NN••NNN••NN•• •N•NNON•NNN•NN , LONDON CROCKERY CO's. New Toilet Sets 1 1 • • • : • Spring has come and with it the usual housecleaning time, then for new Toilet Sets to make the rooms at- tractive and comfortable. We are just passing into stock an immense shipment of beautiful new sets direct from one of the best toilet - ware makers in England Entirely new in design, pat- tern and shapes. We con- trol the sale of this particu- lar line forLondon .on don an d 11'C arc in a position to give you these sets at the lowest price that you have ever been offer- ed such goods for. 6 pieces, Camelia, in good blues, greens 11) pieces, Clyde, in Al colors, splendid quality 2.00 10 pieces, Peri, decorated in sprays of flowers 3.7 5 10 pieces, Victor, in extra gold etching and illumination colcrs -Peacock Blue, Green and Flown Blue 4.00 10 pieces, wreath of flowers and fancy decorations 4.50 10 pieces, Celadon Tints, blues, greens and pinks. These setts are double shaded in color and extra traced gold 5.00 10 pieces, Ivory, white and gold 4,50 10 pieces, Porcelain, tipped and traced, white and gold4.00 10 pieces, oval basins, celeste blue decoration, leaf gold65o 10 pieces, Derby Colors, Cobalt blue and red 7,00 10 pieces, in all prices up to $12.00 and 13.50 per sett. Positively the best assortment in Ontario, Positively the lowest prices for this s class of goods to be •: found anywhere. 1(69 ♦ Dt,n •: LONDON GROGKERY GO. St.. Londot . WE PREPAY express or frlight charges on all purchases of • ♦ $10.00 or oyer. • •••••••♦♦O••♦•♦•••••••• •••••♦••••••••••♦••••••••• •••♦••••••••NN•••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••..•••• • it Will not the volumes of letters from ••♦♦•O••••••••••••N•••N• women made strong by Lydia E. Pink- ♦ • ham's Vegetable Compound convince all 2 EXETER'S UP-TO-DATE •• women of its virtues? Surely you can- • not wish to remain sick and weak and • discouraged, exhausted each day, when • you can be as easily cured as other : women. _ •• HAYFIELD • e:(...uu John Ferguson left Inst week for Cleveland to take oh:erge of his boat 'for the mummer. Messrs. \Vin• Ferguson end Harry Falconer lett on Tuesday of t hitt {veck for the other side of the lines where they slpe,nd the summer nail- ing. Messrs. Chas. and John \Vainsley of Detroit, arrived home on Saturday night to see their father avho is very low with a °sheer 011 this jaw. Mr. Wtmsley has tried a great many .medical men, even went to De- troit to see a specialist but couldn't find a cure and is at present grad- ually getting **Clkir seri no hopes of .getting better. AIr. Sam Erwin, of elancelona. Mich., attended the funs:ni1 of his brother, Wesley. which took place here on Slturday I rst at 2.:30 p. ni. The 'funeral of the late Wesley Erwin took place from this home here on Saturday last at 2.30 p .m. De. ceased was in good thealth and nev- er complained of sickness and died suddenly nt Sl. ioseph on Thursday night, cause unknown. The ervice 4415 conducted by the 'Itev. Dir, Steadman. The pall bearers ers were \Vrn. Fcrgu•'ore Wm. \Vbiddoo, Har- ry Falconer, CletA, Marks, (\\'m. Sanderson and Dixie Bailey. A very Large number of friends and ncquainta noes attended the funeral. Air. ,Dan Harrison, ttifc end d:tIII - ily moved to Goderich last week *dress he is engtgcll *lith the firm o[ Ituc1innnan's (louse liuild(trs. We are sorry • '► lose Don as he in a first class meat..a3ric rind a jolly tend ,fel- Mr. Herb Snyder and wife drive moved to Vorn:a and taken up house where lie is engaged for ilte summer. Mr. .lolur Tippet left on 'Monday morning for M.trinc City, Minh., to attend t he funeral of his new. Miss Motel \ •c . e a i y r *which took place on Tuesday at that place. The committee of the Methodist ohurch have decide.] to build a new eltureh this summer and are nt pre- sent trying to purchase a nice lot to build on. Mr. Mustard was tlnab'I(• to 1lot1 his logs down the river on ,Icraunt of low water end is a mitt-; .for the spring Joins. The hayfield 'football team" L:rke- s:des" (nave organized .again for et II:* summer and ore scn;ling a delegate to Berlin on Good Friday 'to enter th(•tn in the Intermedi:tie eosin. This (tont did good dirk It't+t season, awl with 1h^ 'lddilional4 111.:4 rte:nsen looks five:•able for Itituritn'1 ; h^ ':tip. li r John limes, of Goderich, spent gum's). in town. 'falx'+ loot -Milt teem me arranging tor a cra:cert r:^ct *t- •k wit111 the GotIer:eat Minot rel tr.nye Thi,, 5.4 1 good company of twenty -•even, ing+ p! w..l Iwo nisch:s in uIi-C :+.4si:sn in God: ti •!t °pert hos 8e hills. ?ir. .11:•. 'I•,I:ompsen his his grist Ind flour mill running in full force turning out first teats flour also shopping (lone, for f,rniers. Mr. (:his. 1'd:oner left. for Mor:e- j v;, \I an., I is; seek, where he Iris • ter toed for I ht summ^r. Mn• ri eik (: g'sn lett for Port Huron lastn (1where ie h. en- gtg''d for mtner in (L• (eine sled. Ile eei ll a is it that some of 1' '• , Owing 10 hh^ ! ick of solid ice Bernina, re wit' insterd of *Give t ;` this *sinter Ih^ fi I. •te Al, as a failure this day our daily bread,' 'Give itt very few• IMO, 11 sting bei•rl made. this d ly our daily Globe.' 0 FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY just received another load of ZURICH FLOUR which we will sell at $2.25 per cwt. at the Feed Store. For PURE MANITOBA call on us, we sell the best at a reasonable pricc. IIARVEY'S STAR FLOUR always on hand at the sante prices as at the mill. Large quantities of po- tatoes on hand, also seed potatoes at $1.00 per bag. (GOODS DELIVERED. S. HARDY & SON O • •• • •• • • ••• • I 1 1 • • • • ♦•♦00••••00•N••••••••••♦ P. WHITLOCK & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Building Blocks of different designs and sizes. - r CEMENT FENCE POSTS CEMENT CHIMNEYS, Single and Double Flue; abso- lutely fire proof. Stock always on hand ; Prices reason- able. We have just received a carload of Blue Lake Brand Cemevt. Parties intending to build this spring should see us before buying elsewhere. P. WHITLOCK & SON, Thames Road P. U., Ontario. IOLS $ 1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNI 91 SI'r ORl?YfIOUMD /Days In Detroit A';1'AI:A\•rl:I•:D (:I 1(1: r,,it i-il.Es . I,I • ., ccdin� ! •otrul- i1t ` 11• ,!,•. veli :.10 rl It'•:';/e4 to re fund money if P.170 Ointment fail:, to •cu•t• in 0 to 14 thin. 50'. 11'O(11)11,\ N1 AL. iSTOATAL• OABTOrt. =A. )1 r. A. E. (' �(cnd, 11 ter hal his Tie Rind Yom Ham Al1n 8;,,'. Bose the i a t •d Y,7 Hart A.sais B M ,t (►t Bron tet, . e looker) I rat week, is pro,re,ang Cg:,t•aro Signature ��f�'��' riicrly. of C< of l:�t&Vteri Spring Wow ing h,. start -41. ow in Stock Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators• Prices satisfactory, Bring in your grain and load home with feed, Je COBBLEDICK Exeter. Centralher, WE'RE E SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the. Suits- youwear them Out. We make them as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than the ought. Because, if they do, you likely go somewhere else forour next Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to bu so much Suit. worth. And Suit worth is fashionableness of fabric -style ID cul -fit -finish -looks - dressynees - and length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay to•" touch is W. Johns, Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOUNS Merchant Tailor oar_ Spring Term Opens 'Orli t CENTRAL •'r STRATFORD.. ONT. Why should you content your- self in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condi- tion by takir.g a (muse in this scl-'ool ? We give a thorough, practical education and assist our gradnates to get positions. Commence your course now. Write for particulars. \V, J. ELLIOTT. •D. A. M(LACHLAN, } Princtpaia •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 iF YOU ARE SO FATED Nothing can Save Sou from Dearh or Accident but ,your Family can he save(} from WANT AN1) MISERY By 1-otr 'raking a policy fl'o11) THE EMPIRE Accident & Surety C9mpriny - A Cana(lian Con -ern. W. JOHNS, fluent, Luta.