HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-12, Page 1• Wedding Stationery ,Young Ladies who are interested LE what is proper in the matter of stationery .tor Weddings, should see Mr maniples, latest type farce. \Ve Cain have these ready to a few hours. der HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Et Horsemen Attention! Tt, yea>ou for getting cat route bills will conn be her'. 1i1:ME1tBER theoe getting bills printed 1t tbo Times Office get e two weeks notice in bite piper FREE. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR—NO 1700 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 11th, 1906, JOHN WHITE & SOBS JONES & CLARKS" HOUSE FURNISHINUS No time like the present. Very shortly everyone will be at house cleaning and there will be a big rush in the Carpet and Curtain Department. First choice is the best so those who come at once are sure to be pleas- ed with our large stock of new goods. CARPETS First quality Brussels Carpet, newest designs in green, brown, fawn and red shades. Our range of Tapestries is second to none, all the latest shades and patterns may be found here. Room Size Rugs, also in tap- estry, good shades, with border all round at prices no higher than if bought by the yard. Do Your Buying Early Vesuvius in Eruption THE PRINCIPAL >MEItCIIANTS Nap1t'+, April 10.—A frightful di1- OFEXETER HAVE DECIDED TO aster has occurred in the no CLOSE THEIR STORES EVERY this city dollowwing the eruptiocontras o[[ Mount Vesuvius. Two 'hundred NIGIIT AT 6.30 O'CLOCK EXCEPT t><op1e, it is cetim:aced, were buried WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAYS. tees morning in the ruins of the DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY AND Market Mento Oliveto, whets the MAKE A SUCCESS OF THEEARLY roof collapsed under the weight ut cinders 'from tete volcano. CLOSING MOVEMENT. The exact number of people withii ----�—_ the building at the moment of th EXETER COUNCILcatastrophe is not known. The die The Council met on 'rucsriay night aster was appalling. The courtyare tend incidentally made a accord by covers 600 square feet, and ww e gettine through the business shortly roofed. ro Niece within was un usually after nine. Councillor Creech had children, d with buyers an, sufficiently recovered from his ill- t•b4ir chilldren, the accident happen hour of (ho day whet ncss to be present. The minutes of 'ng at the the last meeting wwelti' read and ap- trade is meet brisk. proved. A communication was road Itivre- displays of flowero, fruit from Niagara Falls, Ont., asking the and�.ei;e(gbtcs contended for buyers} i council scot tol suplort tete bill be; it �tresnandejoke l witht women s theist custom fore tato legislature relative to t government power house. Little children played ahou A communication woe road from 9 tLc stands, pddiug gaiety to th Toronto gentleman wvbo Would like san, rho like of belch is not t to collie here and start a knitting bo se/Deemed' outside of Naples. factory. His letter was nnsucred at Suddenly,. with iseurcely a tremo odea acrd a special delivery stamp of warning, there v.as n terrifyin pasted on the envelope so that he crash and the brilliant sight disap would get the unsown' in n hurry. eared in a ;cloud of Just. while Reeve Bobier suggested that the shrieks of agony ren.i the uir. Tho work of rescue progresse Council take its annual inspection tour to urn what re[airs nr• neves- during the morning house, and be tory. Ile stated that the Lake road fore noon seven bodies lad been r.• Thames road and Huron street aremeed, and seventy injured hereon in lead condition and should be extricated from the ruins. drained. No dale was set for the Up to the present the bodies ul trip. sixteen deed persons have been take. Cotucidernble dine was taken It.) from beneath the ruing of the Mont over some tires in the cemetery, but Oliveto efn:rket and 178 injured pe the matter was finally referred to i'Io ar Owing erred for at fere hotpi the Cemetery board. tale. There is still considerable un• er s The following accounts were pail: Three-ply all wool Two- )1 all wool Union and Hem) 925 'Connors, librarian. bpart salary, r l y ) 1 g25 ; Insuattntce on Library, $15; C. 'Carpets. B. Snell, electric light, $99.60; J. Senior, express on trees. 30c; Mr. Floor Oil Cloth in widths ranging from one to two Ford, ro1s1`ry' cemetery, $27.00; \V. J, Bissett, sttle�ry. $3_ S. 8aatdorA, nrl- yards. vortising in Tononto papers $1.88. Linoleums both floral and tile patterns, two and four 1Li:NSnl,L yard widths, best quality and prices right. CURTAINS Our range of Lace Curtains is far too large to permit the describing of each line separately. Suffice it to say that we ars showing a complete assortment in Nottingham, Irish 'Point:and Florentine makes in the latest designs. Prices soc to $5.00 per :'pair. New Madras Muslim in cream and colored grounds, -warranted to wash perfectly. The latest thing for dining rooms and bedrooms. A Complete Stock of New Roller Blinds & Curtain Poles. JONES Sc. CLARK Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing. James Beverley to the Front Undertaking i` & Furniture You will find us in the old stand and with all the newest designs and leading styles of Furniture in all the lines. House cleaning time is here and you will want some piece of Furniture to relieve and make your room present a fresh appearance. You will find it in our commodious warerooms. r7Furniture of all kinds repaired.' JAMES BEVERLEY GIDLEY BLOCK, EXETER. This week you can buy. Al recleaned Dutch Setts for 15c per lb. These setts are cheaper than lots of uncleaned ones at 10c per lb. 2 packages of Rennie's Garden Seeds for 5c, just the salve seeds as you can buy from other stores at, 5c per pack. 4 lbs. of Best Selectx'd Raisins for 25c and .albs. of Best Recleaned Currants for 25e. 8 lbs. of Tilson's Rolled Oats (best made) for 25c. We expect to have at Exeter, not later than Thursday, 1 big car of Al Cedar Fence Posts, best hfgh dry land cedar. No posts less than 4i inches at top, also 50 anchor posts not less thin 8 inches at top and nine feet long. These will be sold at lowest possible price when taken off the car by customer. COWARD a SLOG IELD Mr. John Scott, ex -reeve of the village, is dangerously ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie, of Leamington, ware the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Medd this week. Mrs. Britton. of lowia, is of the Dame of her father, Mr. John Scott. A splendid musical programme will lie tendered in the Methodist church on Faster Monday night. Mr. C. J. Pink, of London, will sing. Mr. Nathan Warrerter has opened a brand new bakery in the Beverley block. A 'represent Itive of the Petrie Foundry, Toronto, is in town this week looking after the interests of .leis pima. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach in his own pulpit next Sunday (Easter!. The choir will 'render ,a splendid program of music. J. B. Hoover, of Clinton, Tuesday finished removing the stock wh?ch he recently purollesed from Willis & Davis, tnar•1)le dealers. Tohn \V. Millon left for High River Alberta, Monday night, and will possibly continue at his old (nide of ol.rtiage making thele. Mists Doan. 1010 1118 been teaching music in Minneti olio for some 111onli11+, returned horne Saturday last and intends starting a class in London. iIIDDI:LPII COUNCIL The Council met pursuant to ad- journment, the reeve and :ill the members present. Mr. James Ryder cktiuted dam- ages for a broken waggon on a de- fective road, con. 6 & 7. Laid over until next meeting ?o that the case may be investigated. The clerk was instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for the erection of a steel bridge and cement abut- ments over river Sulfite, cons. 4 A 5 Lot No. 6. The reeve woe instructed to cath a boundary award in the matter of a ditch north of GI:triton, cons. 12 & 13, its W Welt the township erty8 for the tile and the other inter(•.8ted partite draws the mance, puts them in and maintains the hitch dor all time to come. The follow illi; uairr011n. a were or- dered to be istid : i:` -'Dickens, rep. 2 culverts, div. 3, $3.(Mehames M tr- kin, dn:awing store and rep, lw isl,out :at•1.50: 1'. hill, lumber for Cl.rnde- hoye sidewalk, div. 2, $4.15; Colby children, charity, co. grant. $10.00: Luoan sun, on acct. of ,printing con. tract, $10.00: N. 1). Stanley, on :rect. of drawing voluntary award and ratiex's, SOc. T 16 council adjourned to meet aalin on Monday the 7th rely or May, 1906. W. i). STANLEY, Clerk. ifarsh. purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver fills. if you try them they will certainly please you . 8. 8. 'NO. 12, UMIIOItNF: The following is the result of the promotion cr.rminttion+ held April 5th and 6t11, in 8. H. No. 12, Usbontc, N.unee ore in order of merit. IV— Lizzie Khmer, , 1111(a Gunning, \Vil- •-on Morley, M.tggio O'Mara : Kate rt'Mam Margaret McGee, Gordon Morley : Mary Wheal!' in : AIm•i T wit ('l 'fence Million. From Jr. 111 to Sr. iii,—Willie Hodgson, Earreet Knowles, Olive teltnnirig : Myrtle. Squire. Edgar Squire, G irn't Ilar ni.. . .runes Melltrthy, Frank i,in• (rel, Vert Odtren, George Arkeey. From Jr.11 ,o sr. 11. -Hilton Ogden, Allis r; Know ks. V ' 4 1 Motley, ''hit_ ip Mee. T.•aa I,ItatlLr. From 1't II to Jr. 1I.—•11ut (►'M,r.t, 11 .1)eI a r M ')slice, Michiet life consequent n the eruptio of Mount Vesuv but the most re leable accounts ce the number o fatalities at 700 According to in . rmetion receive Late last night ,. ban 200 per r;hed in the dis San Guisepp creole from ti s. of a churo Which collate g to the Weigh • of ashes on t, 1�-roof, forty-nine corpses 1-er covered. At San Guiseppc� � "piledcd by :falling houses. LOCALS DONT FdIGF.t TILE GUN CLUB shoot Good Friday. MISS LILLA HOWARD IS SPEND- ing a week in London. MISS MARION ELSTON iS ViS. iting Miss Rose Marton. MISS ADA HORSEY IS VISIT- ing friends in London over Friday. EASTF,it SERVICES WILL BE held in the various churches next Sunday. FOR SALE.—A GOOD 011, PAIN T- ing cheap, hind painted. M. E. Al. cook. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab- lets. Alt druggists refund the mon- eyif It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sgnature is on cash box. 26o. THE IREGULAit WEEKLY SHOOT of the Exeter Gun Club was held Thursday of last week and resulted as dollows, each figure; being the number shot out of 10: F. Kerr, 7, 6, 7; C. Ste Wake, 9, 5; D. Hertleib, 5. 9, 7, 5, 8. 6. 7; N. D. llurdbn: 4 3; T. Creech, 6, 4, 7; 1i. Ford, 6. 9 5; F. enell, 9; .1. Troihnnr, 6. 4: T. Carling, 4, 5; S. Fit ton, 8: F. Trieb- tter, 7, 5, 5; P. Ford, 5. 2; W. Jatene 5, 6, 8; J. Creech, 1; Joe. Sutton. 3. Next :rdtoot 6 it. tn., Thursday. MR. .1AMES ELLIOTT OF ST. el.i.rys, retired Monday night in his usual hcelth, and when his family went to pall him Tuesday morning let was dead, having "expired, it is supposed betore he could undress himself. Following is the list of prize win- ners at the stock show held at Clinton Thursday last. Clydesdales - Stallion, 3 years and over, Leiper k Moon; Hell k Mpuhl; James Snell. -Shires. Stallion, 3 years and over, U. lteynolds, - Percheron J. P. Fisher; S. Chambers. - Heavy Draughts, brood snare, 3 years and over-,1::.�. VunGgalond, A. Innis; brood mere, 2 yours and unler.—J. V'enEgnu)nd, A. Innis, W. Not t ; 1r'-ldint, .1 ycstrs and over—Joe. Rey. nolals: gelding 2 years and under— G. Dale, jr., A. Challenger, W. Cor- nell: town—A. Innis, (:. Ccarbcrt, 3. Hoyden ; four colts — N. Morton. $ww repetukes—least heavy hoist', Lei- ter & Moon. Ituideters-_8tnllion, 16 beide and under .ti years :and over T. Murdock, Helvetii; .S. McPhail. Porter's Ilial ; 3. McOiuighey, Clinton. Stallion 16 1r.'tnd8 end over, 3.year+ tend mor—I'. Scott, llrueeelee 11 Goenleek. Tann in drtrivetet, W. Doherty, J. v, . Ell;ott, 3. Caldwell. single horse i t )uarneee—John 'Tor- rence, (iurulry Krol., J. Sporrmv. Agricultural—lrool more, 3 year8 or over—A. iniis, .last, M thiffy. 8. (ltitm,rlrs: (eon, Jas. itcynold.. W. Elder, Fair Bros. Sweepstakes — Ilest nitre any age or clase— Jar. VanEVmona. Slddlo char es:—Dr. G. on reed Gunn, 3. W. Elliott H. 'Davie. Pony. notrciort ofon. the�fittlnciil rdmld t un in Isaraees, IL see". M. Grah.ann. ROBERT E. PICKARD, E%ETER, General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands. Having purchased Ten Thousand Acres (1U,i>tx) acres) of land just pre- vious to the recent heavy advance in price. we have a few sections which we ill sall at the old price. These fan Is ars situated in the finest wheat pro• using belt in Canada. We give purchasers privelego of tuaking their own !odious any time previous to June 1st, and where purchaser is not in a eoeition to snake his own selection. we make selection for hint. This is a rare pportuuity to secure a fine section of land at a low figure, and there will he g money in it, as prices, in view of the unprecedented immigration into tate est, are bound to go much higher in the near future, WANTED AT ONCE Man and wife to work on large farm in the \Vest. Woman to have barge of house. also several good men to work ou f t • u Steady employ- ent, good wages. HOMESTEAD Desirable Iloinesteeile eesi tr d 2r1 rg+�-ggni)ble terms, R. E. PICKARD General Selling Agent for C. P. R, Lands. Office at Residence, Exeter, Ont. HI6 Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to reduce the same we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising—Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario. PEOPLE DIE LAU(;HING • Z• • but you'd laugh dying if you only get, but a g impse of the brilliant "EASTER EGG DYES" we invite you to buy. Every color of the rainbow is represen- ted and a few others "to boot". Yon will miss a lot of pleasare if you don't buy these dyes. Do it to -day. 'I'hey'r selling fast and "first come, first served." W. 8. JOWLY, Phm. B. Cltionse AND Oi"ru i.wx, Phone .,0. EXETER, ONT. egese •;`3 TESTED) FREE • • i • • •••••••••••••••••••••••A•• i• GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. "Special One Way Rates To Billings, Mont.. Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lege City, Nelson, Rossland, Van- couver, Portland, Ore., Evan. }'ran si sco. Tickets on sale daily Special Settlers !Trains to Northwest i Every Tuesday luting March and April special train wtih colonist sleek will leave Toronto 9.00 P. M., every Tuesday during March and April for Manitoba and Nor t!tweet . Passongers travelling Wit b- out live stock should take express' leering Toronto 1.45 10. i'or tickets and full form Ilion call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent J. 1). MoDONALD, District I';issengcr Aeent, Toronto. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11ICKS' FORECASTS A 'regular moral period ext snits from the 15th to the 19t1t, having ifs center on Mond ty the 16th. AS we anter this iia ia1 •t retell .ah Inge to much wormer will advance .from Western parts, the barometer will fall correspondingly fast and low, general eIoudiaters will increase trona Ube west and more storms of main enol hander will touch many parts during the castwerd amerce of storm arcls, from Monday the 16th in Hie west, to Thurr.d.'y else 19th in the IN rat. Ar:other clringc to rising barometer and tnuah cooler till push the western rides of these storms,. causing more very cool nights, with decided ftost8 in ccn- trul to northern sections, from nbout the ISth to 21st. HOWLING A meeting of the Bowling club wee held in the town 1.111 Frid ty evening last to elect offitere for the s Elit 8l prises— sig t 1 ll' t tcppe — r 1.1.of the club. The following officers Martin; President, 1\'. 11. Levet! : Viee.Presidctat, F. W. GI tiltnen : Sec- retary, W. .1, Neiman; ,Treasurer, Were elected • lion. Pre'''. Hew. W. 11. tit 1lrttit, 1).11e.1'ctrberou Stalii -- 1' er Acott, Brussels, wit h etallio:l 1: ,pain. Shot Lorre—Ilull :, Se e1 and ioh Divi': .Managing committee, over_ W. 1)oycrty, Ja+. 8r.^11, J.18. �Irlesse'prs. W. W. Tenon, John Muir, J. tthohhr„ok. 11u11 2 ye it's and under' f. White, N, ilittchford and Choi. 3 y:.ra—A. I:Lca1t, L. Tyndall. !lull Snell c•1►iplain, Rev. Perkins. A 1 t .1 ,and under 2 ve.ir.;—J. Cowan vote of thinks w,as given t};^ rc• E. wise, ,la:+. St,-.. 1. Cow. 2 years i- tiring officers and a commits _ con- • rt Joe. Wester!► Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Ilave you a farrn that you want to sent Write for our terms of sel- lin; property. We have Ibe most complete method of advertising and selling property in Canada. I)o you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontariat Send for our !let. We have tome tier ;eine. E. ELLIOTT & CO. North-west Land Agents* Selected \Vied nal Improved (,ands FOR BALE In some of the hest parts of the NORTH WEST It. will be worth your while seeing cls before purchasing. We give purchasers until first of June to select their lands. Office opposite Central Hotel EXETER, ONTARIO. SPIN6 PAINTING Why not get the best Paints when doing your Spring Painting. Hollywood Ready Mixed Paint --15c, 2nc and 450 Elephant Ready Mixed Paint— 155, 25c and 40e 11(11y -wood anti Elephant Floor Paint 40c per qt. Pure Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil The Genuine Elephant Lead Campbell,s Varnish Stains ----1 fie, 30c and AC One Application makes Furniture look like new. Manhattan Coach Colors-- 25c anti 45e One Application will brighten your buggy. HERMAN'S IIAP"WARE and Stove Store. WANTED:•)000 Musk Rat Skins, will pay