HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-05, Page 7AB�ALUTe
Little Liver Pills.
Metal Boar Signature of
See ruc.Strolla Wrapper V t w.
Veer .aa11 nnri ac easy
is take all sugar.
FOR T 1)1; !td LiVER.
sm.; cALLt't=' SKIil.
-.. %..G
!� ci As
The Lack of Conscience Is a rlenaCe
of Present Day Life.
Herein do 1 ex>
ercise m •self, to have Christian churches have thug! gt••Sonldis-
t?htvays a Cu11sciWlce void of offence to- cu lite (hutch's lair twine by
+turd God and toward men. -Acts xxiv., honesty, enc-sid
16. Anti then again, there is the
sides.1 the Unite') S....,,1 Jul not snout
Conscience Is a compound of Iwo Ln• 1 le conscience.1110 Paul's
eecessur�t/ it' l to iu,(i0t),lxxl nc►es. Pty this scheme Canada
tin wordy signifying ng self know ledge. y text had lh exercise myself, to boyo tui• 1
.,nwill redeem a million and a hull acres
Is an inner Is at secret
shotty the way lays ado 1 exof tO semi -desert, and leu+t by private parties
nl duly.It is stxrut voice which for- ways conscience
plea o(ttnso without goycrhrtient ad, writes Frank
I ids thwrong and commands 11►e right. i tear) God and toward s of maty nil - • G Carpenter, from Calgary lu the Chi -
Dame it points to a seatr,! null►ortly 1 The conscientiousness 1 ea},u Pte Illcr. !110(11.
out of ourselves -that is, 11 wi1i SC -s t0 ! embraces men, but quite ignores 60.L, '
a God, their Maker. Theyhave tuo►alilY, The teat k has h[ en undcrklkcn by the
Conscience, however, nasi be taught.1 lack religion; randThus they disrel (cal aro Canadian Piscine Railroad, which has
the supreme obligation of the exchanged a part of its land grant for
11: uninstructed, nlsauided conscience is 3,000,000 acres lyint,
Ale of the most terrible forces resident sense, i God not only will not be Ignored between tN1,OW a news in man And herein comes t t concern. Wrote medicine tint Of this 1,••
will be put under water,
1f Pa NOW 1U11)1:1t 11'.11 IN TUE t'RO-
%INCE U4 AL111:111'.1.
1,:,1Ie.0a0 Acres of Arid Land Are to Be
Changed to Fertile
By alt odds the biggest irrigation pro-
tect on the North -America!► oe.utiuent is
• of
int 1
now under way
In 11102 all tr• irrigated lands of
pan and China. They come from the II -
['gated slates of Utah and Idaho. They
farm on tracts of about eighty acres
each. and 1 am told that they raise two
er three times as much on such farms
a.; can be raised in the non -irrigated
During my stay in Canada 1 have
visited this Moronon country. It is
reached by the line of the Alberta Rail-
way and Irrigation Company, which is
used largely to carry coal from I•ei!►-
bridgo duo"( to Montana. The lands are
almost dead flat, and arra cut up by ca-
nals fed by St. Mary's River.
Seventy -live thousand acres are rel -
ire mild, auto and safe, and aro a perfect
regulator of the system.
They gently unlock tho secretions, clear
away all elieW and waste matter from the
system, and give tone and vitality to the
whole Intcrtinnl tract, curing Constipa-
tion, Nick Headache, Biliousness, Dvrpep-
eia, Coated 'tongue, Foul Brcatt, Jaun-
dice, 1tcartliur•, and Water Brash. Jlrs.
It. R. Ogden Woodstock, 1 .11., writes:
"NV liusb:n.d and myself have used Mil -
burn's hays -Liver Pills for a number of
years. 1Vn think we cannot do without
them- i' *ey aro the only pills we ever
Prim 425 Dents or fire bottles for 51.00,
at nil ,it:alerit or direct on receipt of price.
The 1'. Milburn Cis, Limited, Toronto,
Ev y hour Delayed
luta 110005• Lut Ile wants the Ili; co and the balance
ity of 1•eve fled . \\ heft n man is art-! Itusl<in trueownerse
n r as impelled ny the authority of God "God willputup with n1nny lhtngs to
rshouldknowton what God wills. llcrn% the heart of man, but one thing Ile will
Mc human conscience mus! ho etight• not pub up with-
cned by the word of God.
There are many iniperftct and defec-
tive consciences from which the gross-
est errors and wrongs result. There is,
fest n false conscience -roue that has
Ile who gives God second place,
Him no place."
No more important theme P (Iris
suggested for ourtime than est tart[
4+f 4
Tiq Homy
'14 4•444441444,444144444
To make fish balls ,pick the (telt fine
and cook it with the mashed potatoes.
which should be light o.5 WIll1 Ped
mad)* under cultivation and the rat lway errant, and not heavy and sticky. Ile
I h
n lime - u n
• •red dd
i•fu unit a
,• it 1
above r toot and Irrbulton company a them wltl
has altogether atmest a million ""res, or cream and butter white cooking•
yet 10 redeem. The company recei\c, Make small fish balls, and fry them 10
n concession for n part of these lands ort deep boiling fat. Just before you Stinpe
(timing up the coal altars an (1 1,u►1 g
the railroad. and looked upon Then, bs
tilled only for grazing until Il►e Mor-
mons carte in and proposed to irrigate
them. As it is. the irrigulinn works are
only tive yeas old, end they have the
town of Raymond, whirh has 0 impuln-
thein into halls add a few drops of lemon
juice to give a piquant flavor. the juice
of one 10m0n is sufficient for a dozen
or mord fish balls. Brown and serve
with patslcy'and quarters of lemon.
'fake any boiled fish. Melt ono•fourth
cup of butler, add two and one -hall
lion of 2,1NX1, situated in 1110 heart (1 I !abet -spoons of !lour, and pour on gra
them, and smaller settlements along gra-
dually two pups of milk. Mash !110 jnll<s
the file of the railroad. of four hard boiled eggs and mix 1110111
1 talked with Peter L. Naismith, the
• nal ran , and C. A. N
with one teaspoonful of anchovy es.
But the Great Consumptive Preve&
tative brought Health and Happi-
ness to his Home
will bo sold to the irrigated land nano} ri of the c I Y to Ilia
fur pasture and mixed int: ming. this ,t 0111. the lend commission+•►•, Moult its i fish-aboutCeilw o ccupfulsl►of tit, colds awl
tract of irrigated lands is almost as cliarncler •Mad possibilities, They bait ate' flaked.
rt•at as all the irrigated land of Odor -
Ginger Snaps. -One cup molntsrs,
ado or California. It is more than tend and that they
`LREI� rapidly t11cd. ono -half cup of sugar, one teaspoonful
Idaho or Wyoming
n tum•! soda, 0110'
that of times
Id 1 of ginger, one teaspoonful of
many limes that of any other western Nie. Nlubcalh, white not u Mormon 11
'This work is now going on. One
.. now
that secs acres are. n
that nor -1 is a conscience `readyofnt e added
teals what God !tn te Fe Thinking, ••no. utter i this veer 1 he project t
shocked a ne r res ct m blocks of I, nc .. •
'eels of conscience in wide rano. re• will ►w continued until the whole tract 'icsenl do 1 c. :.. ed and se + supple,. to.; uses n
plop! of t11h cotimperce. c•f means supplying ;tonnes o son ' flavoring end
r iter settled by the +
f,bncizothe n► f cottecienee lilac 30,000 families with ht clot
`u Ie built � Ater nuns •uhJ o through h
set!, has le1,t•taeuted those people lit 1o. holt cup of softened butler; flour o r
territorial !c(;tshulure, uuJ has knownout Iain. 1beat the molasses and pour
them hum the tiutu they came to Can-
oyd t the sugar; then add the other in.
uda. Ile says they wake exeeiteut eat.over
the . Cu( out in pretty forms
t ncr
c d
educated, u, nn
� so
'e ( mistakenly It
t ten
ct •ed
ed water.
nt ,
j lh tt
l ars in things innocent, that confounds 1 In danger °[ tnrttrrtn}, less • 1 for the writing on the
nl line at with temperance, 1a "i tee n[ indictments - rens uuJ are cmiluruuug to the Cltuudi• bake quickly.
s meant to be enjoyed, tkinr. upright minds are and double that aouecL Inc handled el- laws in every respect• 'Turkish Delight-fionk one-half box
that mistakes austerity for piety. I t 11 cvclultons ghowi will eucl► mal i lu cautectiuit wilt !hese irrtguted of gelatine in one-half cup of cold water
Thi; nukes conscience play the roto!L. 111 of southern Aibel'lu a cutter seri-
eri• for one hour. Put it into a saucepan of
•rt a'mesh, severe and bigoted censor, y 1'f \\e prat! then, upled lllogether it r7o. intermit yuersliot bus t►res`!t•:cihic acid and Ihrerduarlcrs of a cup
lent. 1 \\ a need to em rr.(1Ocm something 1 he 5l Mary's Inver which s , of cold our. (.00h len ►nip d i
a{to tether foreign to its U•uo let I t
There aro few things worse than i perattte necessity I p and llh the towns water for lit, territory y titin teaspoonful of 'non
"Our doctor said there was no cure for
my wile as both her lungs were affected,"
says Mr. L. ll. Walter, of pearl Street.
r , disap-
Ont. !t was a sad d
pointntent to us both, just starting out
life. only married a short time. But before
she lead finished the first bottle of Psychine
the pain in her lungs quickly went away,
and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter
was a new creature and perfectly well
That is just one of the many families
into which Psychine has brought hope.
health and happiness. It is a living proot
that Psychine cure♦ Consumption. But
don't wait for Consumption. Cure your
Lafirippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis.
your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia with the
remedy that never fails--
ails- - -
r • + listic conscience.
i ale. nu
it there s
Again, t i b
his takers hold upon externals. If the
heeding it. Tho dist(
Iresnaes remorse to the individual and find
ng IhetilinoSilwinch
!hers t'ises •- • a cheese SO
Mary's lakes. widen art" situated in ; strain one-half
rut'tluyestern Montana, about twelve( or fine strainer oh, to a plate that has
re -
' .C(1 in cold [1\
• ng
,�r tr
•. ilc n
n nJ
lu ,
1 1 ycoloring.
. n u
tcrn•tiu pink
Thies from the ih 1110in(1er add a speck of 1 t
'!'hese lakes aro twenty mites long and i
one toile wide. The he high up in the; strain on no another plate and stir in
Itocky Mountains, and are - fed by Wel When
ca14 lyolbchopped becometo firm cut in
p ly means
1 '.
300,000 P
c c P
1 soca about
• to y nt
'snsl r o[
t addition the a
Conscience wounded becomes an `d Canada's population, -
The lands to be redeemed aro n i a
life be correct, i[ the reputation
cter's longue That will sting to the ea t•
Ire kept moral, if visible conduct 1 lel no man hope to evade the Nemesis
., divine
ul •1
•acs• this beregularly o[
I s ignoring r
i[ 1ti ) ut
blameless, 1 u ,
• the
follows !z
charged, it is self•satisficd. Bat it over. that 1
looks the fact that the real seat of con- int°niter•
outward l e
<, idler is in the inner life. Phe mos
f.•I eg legalism istrtt
shallow and
n+ until it springs from the heart.
I he, works of such (nrtnttlisls are but
•;enc to be seen of inen and have their
There is the double conscience -ane
for the private 01111 another for the pub-
ne life. Sonia men (eel in honor bound
to do uprightly by their families end
iriends. They are patterns of inot•nl
correctness In their personal relations.
i3ut ns members of some corporation or
trust they freely. and •apparently with-
out b1u<h. Commit nets and sanction
roelises which are no Mss than robbery.
Even members in good standing in
You have often hoard per,ple ,'.y: '• Tte only
a yid, a tatting cough.' but 1,- :.y a life history
would r••:,d thi,•Tcrent if, on t l:•, 1 r appearauee
of a cough, it had been rem died with
it is a pleneaat, safe and effectual remedy.
te.:1 they ho oonli,lently relied upon as a erectile Jewish Sabbath also was obgerttd for boll' cnst:a this involved 0 selling aside
lar a Theo and Cs in 'n all kinds, , Broncaess. of the maw itself, or at least of the law
brier Throat, Paine in Chest, Asthma, Itronchitfe. (lean cig rcles, the lwCont(1nysr being cleiarl•; lis eniemonly interpreted by the religious
„.u• Whooping Cough, ng'. . and ail ace- each other down It leachers of the time.
Croup. dlstin wished from c
tions t the Btei'hen and Longa. a y 8. Son of \inn -A title used by Jesus
met HtN,hen E. Strong. Derwiek. N s.. about lin close of the third century nt• of biose!! as the typical or rel,resenln•
vireo,: "1 have usnl Dr. Woofs Norway Pin. `tet Christ. Gradually'
111bobservanced Info disuse titre member of the !lunula 0100,
8y(rup for aim., on, and have found 11 to 1,e a 1 the Jewish , 10. Withered hand -A paralyzed bend
stand mcdicinr, always giving 9 tick relict. W. among the Christians, while at Ihr, same
would not be a dile,' a bottle of it in the time the stnCrednes.S of
It is RtLord's Day which
ldiec 1, had withered away because of
ler W a t lienSunday to have been intention Y authorises for a
}net we•u1,:,ututt+•, Demand Dr. Wear' sad nattier must ttli•7helsilnrthethe
C:hrislialdltferc tfhp ill "Is it lawful to do goad 011
No tortures which the poets feign pin
Plc a
intolerable the
Can to ,
He feels who, night and day, devoid t f
Carries his own accusers In his breast.I
A life without conscience toward God
first and !award man because of God is
the worst of failures. No gold can gild.
no glamour of position or power can
MI it with success.
Ilut n good conscience is true tiches-
e patent of genuine nobility, n breast-
1.latc ngaitnst all adversities and a light
of inner peace reach Ourthat
Father s l Shote.
r 1 forth In the'snnclunry. catcd also con-
rSSON Iinunl bread because perpettmty kept in
THE S. S.L it on
APitiL 8.
Leeson 11. Jesus anti the Sabbath.
(:olden Text : Exodus 20.8.
Note. -These Word Studies are based
on the text of the Revised Version.
The Lord's Day. -T110 Lord's I)ay, or
Christian Sunday, was not 'intended
from the first to ben substitute for the
Jewish Sabbath. Sacred in the thought
and memory of the apostles and their
successors as the due on which Jesus
had risen from the dead, it was Cense• his love to mon. This being true, t
1nw itself is subject to modification in
the sanctuary before the Lord. Twelve
loaves or cakes placed in two piles
the table of showbread cacti Sabbath
day (comp. Ex. 25. 30: Lev. 21. 6-8).
1 labor
5. Profane the Sabbath -By the
necessarily connected with their duties
in the sanctuary. Among these were the
removing of the showbrend, the prepar-
ing the fire for the sncrittce and officia-
ting at the regular temple services. In
these cases, Jesus points out, Sabbath
labor was not only counlennncetl by the
law, but actually eonunnnded.
6. One greater than the temple -Note
the exalted claims of Christ involved In
this statement
7. 1 desire mercy ... and not sacri-
fice -Quoted front Hosea. 6. 6. and
quoted ngnln by Ntnthety in chapter 9.
13. The law righltp understood Is an
expresslnn not of Girl' ,•eeerity but of
Af American
was Duce known r us the C,1 tut ! St. Mary's
Itiv and
American Utserl, This runs northward! St.
i5hhiti►bumduint plenty
Y water,
Clho f tat)' sugares and roll each in con ec
Stthe western part the United! 1 milts of camps which the Canadians Orange nus arils. ileltt boiler with Cops of
• 'd 1$
There lh n
milk i
"t.o•• wn•
nt and[.Ys
nd u 50l
uhavethe Statestilt andrBeat t
have 1 u
orange inn
of o
more anter hero than in our tributary l: which they expect to reclaim sour shavings ,g light with two rounding
comity, but than are dry ordinary
•dinar Rung like 630,000 acres. As it is now, of three ca},•sugar. Pour the bol milk
terms ma al the lauds tnt!! for or Y 7 the water flows through the St. Marys tablespoons ofg
[arming, although abater wheat o• bs now
into the Saskatchewan and goes off intoe nn the eggs
to litear and beat doublel,o'lerllan I
being raised on much of 1 • - 1ludson's lea
past fifteen years the Canadian govern- y.
cul has had engineers ut work taking I \\'ithin a t short more distance of se
a ewe sty se en
wlekeS and
the Ing r, ervoirs. 1 ole a rams and ( miles from St. Mary's 'liver flows the
it has
1 reservoirs. From a ar s 000,- north fork of the Milk River, which runs
• are 70,000,-
►l hus beau Lound that thered I northward into Canada, and then, turn -
then ie ur t
cook until smooth, not curdled. Add
the juice of two medium sized oranges,
heat and strain bubo custard cups.
Potato Fritters. -Mash a pint of cook-
ed potatoes, and beat until very light.
Add a pint of flour, two eggs beaten by
(Pronounced Si-keea)
50c. Per Bottle
Larger sizes SI and $2 -ail dr•ugstata.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
till settled. four off venter without sedi-
ment and pull linen into it, leave for no
hoin•, and then tail in strong soda
water, after wringing the linen well out
I ch w
the ben
Wel Feet.-Iloty often do we see
people lratnping about in the mud with
leather soaked through, and how often
urn home,
do such Foote, they Permit their
sit down by the fire and 1 either
feet to dry without changing
stockings or shoes! Can we then won-
barking. u 1
nfu and
derutlhocoa B
rheumatism and inflammation ? Wet
feet most commonly produce affections
of the throat and lungs, noplacewhen
vhC lunger
diseases have once taken
is not far off; therefore let us entreat
our readers, no matter how strong they
may consider thentselves to be, to guard
against wet feet.
Trying on Shoes. -New shoes should
be tried on over moderately !!tick stock-
ings; then you can put on a thinner
pair to ease your feet it the shoes seem
to be tight. 1t is remarkable what a
difference the stockings make. If they
are loo large o• too small they will be
nearly as uncomfortable as a pair of
shoes that ore too tight. New shoes ran
be worn with as much ease as old ones
if they are stuffed to the shape of the
foot with cloth or paper and patiently
000 acres of semi -arid loud tt Inch pec i in south. flows for hundreds o[ miles
hriguliol occusiourlq• if they air. to Io through the United States into the a themselves, one teaspoonful of bit one
used for fuming. 'I'l9, gocrn wn Oil 1 \hiss tri and on into the Gulf of N1exi- powder, and n pinch of snit, will► enough
t slly a reclai: that 8(1 that
acres will canl co. Be making a canal inside our noun -1 sweet milk 10 make a batter that twill
easily bo reclaimed, supply and that they 1 [sur from the Sl. Mary's to lite north! just drop from the spoon. Drop by
have an unfailing of tcalcr front y`
the Saskatchewan and its tributaries it 1 lark nukes ro:ridilhe t Ihreynu i►llo tl►o i largespoonfuls into lttol fat, and fry
the prettier works are matte. Milk River and be finally used In irrigate quickly. T ! Cook one cup
The land of the Canadian Pacific I lands in northern and eastern Neaman,
scheme lies in a solid block on bolll and especially the lands which lie allot•,
sides of the railroad between Calgary the Fort Belknap Indian reservation.
d Medicine flat It is flat or slightly
crabd almost • from the limo o
Resurrection as a day 011 which the dis-
ciples gathered together, for the purpose
of worship and for the breaking of
u d. But as a matter of fact, the
higher manifestations of God's lore.
Such a higher manifestation tvns the
sulisfying of the hunger of David, and
in this case that of the disciples. In
c• A1.1
ru L
r t C
[o OT I
• used B
rolliing prairie, and is now a 6
Mg. "lite strip is 1:30 miles long, run- S
r, nerican soil, and the citizens of Moro
the Bow lhvcr, n beautiful mountain fir[ 1 that 't ought to be so used
uch a canal would give enough water
ping hack [or souse utiles on ocln side to
redeem thousands of acres of good
t the track Tho water is to conte troth o
cam. 11 will
LLQ„ increased to ncnt-
o. ate (herefore to consider the Chris- Accuse h1n1-Ilefore the ecclesiastical
to Norway rine l' Syrup to put up i cur n ell lake lenchln .
mark and
tt0 'Three Yuen Trees i, the leer a the
.art tae price 25 cent, at all deafer,. substituted for the ]ravish Sabbath.
ea I1. in ant Gflllhi Sytt I•SeliCls slightly
k 1
been abolished .
1c . ►
tet it have
t o
e t 10 s
,O 1ne 11.
?n days, '3 or 1
have been t , mlh 1
III . �rht 1 ,
--- --- - - - church and the Lard's cloy
l0 1 the y
-.-_ ------------ -� tho preference as a day
n P
Serve ver ho .
Apple and Nut Sala .-
of English walnut meets in water to
cover, with n slice of 0111011 rind a bit
of bay leu[ for len minutes. Drain and
put in cold water for twenty minutes.
tel -
Mix with an equal amountY
shnved sour apple and moisten with a
little Croon mayonnaise. Arrange on
lettuce Ieattes end garnish with more of
t [
Plain Lemon e y • f
sponged with hot water. Or if they
rl t
S01116 its
in P
wet with hot water oath laid across the
place will cause immediate and lasting
la cam to i '
the mayonnaise Clean Utensils, -Nothing more quickly
1 It Soak one box o drupes tho cook than the care of her
w h gelatine cups of cold MO. or
or utensils, for a good nrkmnn loves and
and flow unto neer the United Stales. the` l+ on hvdi cu s of epics for his tools. Such .::
States lhroubh rho Be" 1 ou},hl IA w one hoar, ihen turn P
e Saskatchewan and thence on to Canadians (10 natural{y abject, 1'hcy say cranks and
Bay.1 that the water having fallen in our coup• boiling waterdissolved; and
indd latae hand lahnlf genrings should not bel left inave i waterl in , as
1 le sugar and the strained Hudson'sThe Bow River _ows by Calgary. n no reason that we t,. ,ea t:o•u is entirely
the oil is thus washed out and the Men-
sits are quickly spoiled. Clean well with
clear, hot water and a brush immediate-
ly nfler using, and dry thoroughly be-
fore pulling avny. Tins should be well
dried before putting them away or they,
will rust. Do not put pons and kettles
partly filled with water on the stove to
soak as it only makes them more dell -
he tell try other cit, •'•s, l l'he say Ihnt the w•alet:g (ell m the
ich flow northward from the tailed mounlnins of tlto United Slates and I•
Nies, Jones - "1 think II :s the most ridt-
!Aileen thing to call that man in the bank
n teller."
Nees. Johnsen"\\'tly4"
Mrs. Jones--"ilecuuse he sinply won't
tell at all. t asked one to -tiny how notch
my Median.' had on deposit there, and
he just laughed."
Ntrs. Casey -"Iles ycr husband any
Mrs. Hogan-" Begulis, he's under it
all the time.'
who fa,' bre • l••,rlen, can Lave health Mad
etrengtli reitmrti i r 1:1e u•• of
."1*, urn's
, M�Ib
Heart and Nerve
giveof rest
and warship. As one commentator puts the argument ns it bears spectnlfy on
1 : "1'he observance of the first day of 1 the Jewish law fcomp. also Luke 14. 5).
the week is an analogous institution 1t. Took counapl ngalnst hint --Mark
(nen ut!or.
fled been abolished), based on the cots{ joined ,h �k Plainer sLuin rii.j}e?ntncil
secretion of that day by our Lord's 1 (comp.
fiessureclion, sanctioned by apostolic
Destroy ihn-Destroy not only hta in.
usage, and accepted by the early fluence, but his life --that is, get rid 3f
church, -the day being set npart for him.
similar objects -rest from Inner and the
service of God. --in a manner consonant
with the higher and more spiritual
teachings of Christ, and to be observed
in the spirit of loyal Christian fr?ctdotn,
rather than by obedience ton system of
precise statutes.' 11 is accessary to hold
these fade continually in mind in order
to appreciate the true significance of
the Christian Sunday and its actual re.
;alien, which is to the Jewish or Old tTestament of t iSohbull'.
party of fig drove out to look at th0
ditches, already excatuled, and to ex• 1 it t 711 r through
un►ine the irrigation project as far as it
is completed. Puking carriages, mei its present course for th.rt►sunds of
went for miles ever tho prairie, riding years. I understand that the two gov-
talong he embankments 01 the
els are now in consultation te-
a tamer telnmc
main canal, which is sixty Icer es from
ril' gnrding the use of these Takes, and that
the lx,ltotn, ten feet deep and lakes from an amicable nrrangcnrent inay be ex-
ile. Bow something like 20,000 gallons reeled. Canadians say
o! tvaler every second, At many !daces . that the meantime Iti Huta for ixe say '
the men were working, all the scenes,
were much like (hose 1 saw un the 1',)f � tulles or more through Catln� n before •
haa lf-cupful of oaks gar ondarid stir
horse Canal. There, were prairie,
hundreds re goes back into the United Slates, half - Brill for fire and
soaked stirringeia-
horses out steam
t a Ws the prougin thou that It the AtnOricnns disturb their irri- .
steam sherds gouging 6 lion works here the 1 of that; steadily. Line Jelly
enlould withmI lived
were great bannnag an pour the earth and loading it 'pun cars, and i n
them were long U•ain !orals of excavated I ( nadtnn lands Turn out and ant with
material moving on the temporary tracks
front one place to another.
5011. 11AilD TO EXCAVATE.
The soil Is harder to work than that
of ahe Culebra !dully rock, cand a fsingle blast lebra is made
ninny tons, Ilct•e the earth is n
uY .�
.t, for it my have evaporated iru;n cups
Canada, and they have n common right' juicer f three
ee larclge
1pem into moulds,
ons. Strain
to it since it lute den o t•' r 1 through
and put it in a cold place to set.
Banana Blancmange. --Soak a table-
spoonful of gelatine for an hour in a
tenaipfui of water. Bring a cupful and
half -of ►Wilk to the boiling point, add
life or to kill ?" Niel thew here states
Jewish Sabbath which, tn0nlione the furl that the Herndinns
{ s to the
The present ee.ner+tion of women and `lila
have mon than their share of mi.ery. With
snme it is nervousness snit pnlpitatir'n, with
other. weak, 'hazy and fainting •Tells, while with
othert them n a general cellose of the system.
Nerve Tills tons up
aryl 1ti11•urn'• fleart an
neree...trenethen the heart and make it test
•ose,g and regular, ereate new red blood cor-
puscle... and impart that senor* of buoyancy to
toe spilt• that 11 the result of renewed mental
and phr:7oal ago:.
Mrs. P. O. Donoghue, (►rillic Ont . write*:
• tree 0. et' a year 1 wee tmubir.l were nervous•
etas cud heart trouble I decided to a+'e Mib
fteert ant Nerve tall. a trial and rite
atlas Ave bocea 1 (moil 1 was canoe'',
1 ales)a reeomtaeud theme o herrn for Si set
Price• tie taut. Wr one «
•U stealers or The 1. *abuts os_, Liaised
Ver 1. The snblolh day -It wee the
Jewish Sal•eotli or seventh day of the
week on whirh Jesus with his disciple s
went through the grain fields. 'These
were not in those days ns HOW in many
places of our noel 1011(1 separated from
Each other by strong (races, hal simply,
if 01 nil. by small footpaths. Sou le•
three !hest` Tnihs w.•nl through the
centre of (Int grain fields plea.
i:nts Donde of evh•-nf and barley.
'fist !'Lich is not lawful -The
crushing et lw elc of t:r cit in the hand
to seperroe the grabi fl •u7 the Will or
cin(( surrounding it woe interpreted ns
--♦ -
wa ers
Over alight be mnlertn)1e diminished by
Luling spread over :n
Bit n6419110111 SIM Produces Thrum idols
Another 1 r
mange carefully in upon these. Set In
the ice to form.
whieeext crentn.
Italian (:ream. -.-Conk half a box of
gelatine in a cupful of cold water for an
hour. Pleat four cupfuls of milk in n
Ila boiler, and when hot
cult to clean Fill !heal with cold water
and soak affray front the heat.
Irate Husband: "i wish, madam, you
would not interrupt me [eery timet try
to say something! Do 1 ever break In
when you aro talking?"
His Wile: "No, you brute; you go to
sleep!" --..
'rIIE MOONS INFLUENCE.Burt stir into Teacher -"What influence has tho
tient the yolks of four eggs beaten hghl moon upon the tide?"
One o[ the most peculiar trades' High School Giri---"1 don't know exact-
,,, lnhle is that of the mnnnfncttr. r 1 with half a cupful of sugar• stir over the !y sluff influence it has on the tide, but
t fire for tvo minutes, and the gelatine,tltdt untied
is oSen t ttttn
d keen stirring until dtsaohtxt Pak° It has a tendeut,y to make,
clay and urea t cels of tomtit*. 1 hey aro
d•ong olucr I of ill- ram •• o
Luw•Idcrs, which have n consistency
I ale o[ sticky
nl0nufachn•el,l to large
quantities ur' from the [ire flavor with a teaspoonful awfully spoony.
blot r sett lnffy or t half -worked ti m 1 and other towns and they t vattie and set with
aside o
cool. something + • , ilirnung int' n 1•(( 1 odd � -
borne It blit d can be bought in the nth t i cold, but
again. ' • can be found to prices m. A
e steam shovels cannot work 1 before
and steel, of hair shirts, wet with cold water, and sea �
In it until it Is loosened, so that tho cost an 1 of emseec with protruding spikes, I aside to term firm.
t I nt .
of escnyalion i get ul, \llhnu h such things n ►o Poach po 6•
hnvo talked with J. S. Dennis. the sound strangely rne•dinc'nl, I t ne fur two hunts. I I 1 sl ce n
manager of this irrigation project, and dozen praehra, add also w ill' the civil engineer in charge of 1 tl 1 n to in diem proves that I
� derided I 1 wan! for such arlirlc4 half of sugar and
it. He tells me that they have taken
out nitwit 4,000,010 cubic yards, which,
little resistance and London. In the cafe. Iles of the eggs stiff, , nn[ iC BACK IS
acme ports have to If( is ofer! chi an I login` of the flr►lt alta trade in London them to the custard when 1 s c t , WOMAN'S .7
Duel The Stuff is such rano.-1 1 U c S of disciplines of it has begun to Loma. Turn into ,
lure that the knotted cords a (a moldTHE MAINSPRING OF
`I the twentieth y n e -Soak a hal talc
centery may c n i Peel enc i
ye the trade thered 1 10 them a cupful and
fencer a e•t a halt cupful of w•n-
also cerebra on the peen- 1 n taond stew until the fruit is broken to
S.'tYt4 \l.Uttel'1••t 1S INS.'NE.
Is kept Lader Girard by Ills bride of
Ten Months.
A sensation in London is the detention
of the Marquis of '1'evnshend by his
bride of len months, who dteenre_s the
nla'gnie is not mentally sound nnri
keeps him under lock rind key. The
marchioness is n pretty blonde, the
daughter of Phomas Sulkers!, a barris-
tci•, who is Bald to have paid the mar.
quis $(35,000 for making his daughter
0 innrchl0neSS. The marquis' mother
end frientls are trying to have hits ne
teased from the restrninl Ila wife hes
being n term nt hameetin0 and thresh-
nnri t;crefere was unlawhtl on the
N y.
Sabbath Stine 21. 1.7. ors
\Vint Das id did--In
find nn account of the incident in David's
life here referred tn.
to !'idhIn l fleeing
before King Saul a
rlcch the had m awho mens ove to
lite him
hill tami,hc(1 P
bread w1,1,•h W11A eonsidertd s8 01(1 end
was role') ordutat ily by no one t+aya the
priest- who nlilcinlal in the tabMnscle.
�hmtbtea(I--Literal! .• the bread of
as 1 figure it, would be just about enough
to fill n line of two -horse wagons, al it
tun to the wagon, reaching clear around
the world. Altogether 20,000,000 cubic
thewill have to 10 excavated before
the whole area is under• water, and elle
enghleels soy' 111nt the cost of Ihisewill
Irl just about aii.0 *),000, 11 is an enortn•
cus undertaking, but it will rely in the
increased value of the lards rind in the
placed on hie movements, and secure
for him the freedom of lissncinUon he
desires with n man friend for whom )'n
has great nlleclion. They say Ile eves
cruelly treated by his wile on the honey-
moon --lint the w•ns locked 111 his ronin
end subjected In other indtgnitiee. 1110
marchtotncse, nn the other hand, while
not denying that he w•ns kept in his
room. says he "woe in the seventh hen.
traffic which will Conte 10 the railroud
through Ilse settling of the counlry.
The railroad has given over the first
1111,000 acre+, now ready for seltlrnnenl.
tr, an American syndicate, which has al -
lenity nlndintent
of spring ", eatilIlands 111 selling
from Ntinnes°la, 1)nkoln, Iowa, Illinois
rind other etntee. l'hd se American agents
nate• colonization °Mccs nt (vagary, and
They are fornntlntiltg schemes by which
They expect to eatryns the irrignled SPC.
!lone of the united Slats to induce our
good inrmt'ra.ln come here nn.l buy these
lands :IS fast as they are opened up.
Tito practical p9asihility of an irrigat-
es* Catndn was gliggeste I by the Mote
'there era a ul KILO of then
Rhmingham , ter,
trade r [ idol -snaking -Large e m for lei teres N`'w stir in Itue snaked gelatine.
!!tier of id 1 \\hen
this is dissolved rub all through n
Africa. in addition there is the menu -
,leve, add n tablespoonful facture of inches
l ns. from
terrible en- lemon juice, and witntn, the mixture is
7t eet hi lung from wild to end 1 rend he'gtnning to the -ken too, In
ton .
ynnltri the
lite honeymoon
ha r .el
r cini nn[ . n ar I It
"dhell! 1
e arel
now trip g
living c1
Ugh -
is 'IA, buil hag tit. phy 1 le of bridge, between here and the United
1 e nn der the boy of 12. Ile had to en stales boundary. They have eslabli:n•
Lein of the nlnbetide a market when eft lowng, have built up n neetemgar fee -
t4 felt Into the hands et somaed specula. tory, with a capital of a million dnllnre,
furs, who. N in said, fl i ,h r ed for the have one hour mill, with an output of a
r s a nephthew
the the
danfe. 04110ad a day, and theY err, nitogelh' jr'.
Ile is n nephew of Ihr Duke of Fife. one of the nowt Thriving peoples of Ile
^�� • ♦^�� TOw Canada.
1n Jspnn fish have to be sold alive, and
These Monnuns Bra1acre! more titan
they are hawked through the streets is R million bushele of wheal Inst year, and
11187 are now shipping flour direct to la -
about 3 feel high. These will enleb a tl ° Butene! whites of four egg., neat
ntnn above rho knees, and it requites steadily for fifteen two men l0 set the Imps owing In n
strung spring which is fixed at either
end. Any Benson caught in one of these
traps is naturally held a close prisoner.
When the English tongue we speak,
\Vhy Is "break" - not rhyintd with
Will You tell me why Ws trite
scllnntj forth, so called rein being sot Punks.
we Say "few•;' hal likewise "few;'
And the maker of a verse
Cannot cap his "horse' with "wol•se')
"Beard" sounds not the sumo as
"(;i,r(1" 19 dltlr'rClll (coni "w'O*d' :
••tent'•" Is Cow, but "lots" is low•;
"Sho" is never rhymed with "foe."
Think 0f "hos0' std "d,tse" 1111(1 "lose";
And of "Roost' -and yet of "choose."
Think of "comb" un(1 "tomb" and
"Doll" and "roll" and "home" and
And since "pay.' is rhymed with "say,'
eel y not "paid" and "amid.' 1 pray?
\\'r hart "hlnixt" and "foot!" and "goof!".
"Mould" Is not pronounced! like "could.'
Wherefore clone," but "gone" and
Is th.155 any r.eaSnn 'known?
to . e minutes, and turn
Mkt n mold to term. Serve cold with
whipped cn'Am.
Aml, in s11or1. it seems 10 me,
Sounds and Tetters disagree.
Cleaning Light Kid Gloves. -First rub
with cream of tater, leave for
rnon hon,
mut then rub with powdered
tatter's earth mixed in equal proper.
lions Next day brash lhern 1i11 the
powder is reproved, rind finish by rule
owah+ttng has been milled,
ting with dry nettle el to which it 111110
afterwards wiping this oft with a dry
Chanooe heathers. --When your chn-
tnois leather's are dirty do not throw
them nutty in future, for it Is n vers ex•
trayagant practice, as they may be made
nearly ns good as new treated as fol.
lows: 'Pike some warm water, add a
SYSTEM. Tile Slightest itadet
al•hr, if �cglected, fa
very little sola to it, rind wash the
leather, using a little soft soap; Ice the
leather lie in water for two or three
hours until it is quite soaked and soft.
Liable to Cause fears of Terrible
Then rinse it wring it, and whilst it is
No woman can be strong and healthy
unless the kidmja are well, and regular in
their action. When the kidneys are 111,
the whole body is ill, for tho poisons which
tho kidneys ought to have filtered out of
the blood aro lett in the system.
The f,•tnale constitution is naturally
more subject to kidney di•7easo than •
mati s; and what is more, a wumnn's wig It
is never ()ono -her whole life is one con-
tinuous strain.
How many women have you heard says
" Ni y, how my back aches:" Do you know
that backs:lie is ono of the first signs of
kidney trouble? 11 is, and should be at-
tended to inimedistcly. Other symptoms
frequent thirst, scanty, thick, chiefly
or highly colored urine, burning sensation
when urinating, frequent urination, puff-
ing under tho eyes, swelling of the tent and
anklet, floating specks before tho eyes, eta
Thee* symptoms if not taken in time and
cured at on^.e, will cause years of terrible
kidney suffering. All these symptoms. and
in feet, these discuss may be cured by the
ilia of
still wet pull it about with the !bands so
hat it may be soft when dry.
To Gel Mildew Spots from 01.1 linen.
q nat chloride iTlime.
a Inofbleach lkel'utapoon•
lues of chloride of line, pour n pint of
borest ngof gallon,ater )rfairly !land ot, andr well;
then add
let stand
real of u
They amt rv,r,ly oath
mekn them atomg Mod hen; thy.
Mrs. Matgalley, Auhu7:1, N.R., writs:
" For over four mon he 1 w as troubled w1 it
a lame back and was unable to turn in !ted
withnut help. 1 was itrdueed by a friend to
try Uoen'e Kidney Pelle. After using two.
thirds of a betmy ba, k WW1 as well uetor.'
Prix. 30 rent* per bot or three holes tot
11.90 at all dealers, or sent direct nn re.
oelpt of pries,. The 13*M trades/ Pill Co..
trargsto, Oat..