HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-05, Page 4sones. SN,I sones JUST 1 ECEIVE1) AT Browning's Drug Store a large assortment of Toih t. and Castle Soaps, pure and fresh, the cheapest :'all 1.,tst. Soaps for the Babies, Soaps for the Ladies, in fact soaps to snit everyone Gall and be Convinced. Brownin gs Drug Store The Exeter Times ('ALENDAIS FOIL APRiL, 190G SUNDAY 1 8 15 22 20 MONDAY 2 9 10 23 30 TUESDAY 3 10 17 21 WEPNESDA Y... 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY......, 5 12 10 20 FRIDAY.... 6 13 20 27 SATURDAY.. 7 14 21 28 THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1906 CROMAIITY Miss Mary Stacey. who has btirn til s ith oneutnonia, is sufficiently re- -on:Is lre:1 to take out door exercises. The flow of sap during the oast lien• days Lias 'been good. A few of our (owuspeople ;intend - ICI the harness sale of Mr. Cook of t-1 ps_ill an Saturday last. 'Mrs. Robinson i4 at present visit- ing ler daughter, Mrs. Clliddick, of .Jl}t. i,Lfrys. r I .. tiro 11 C Oa the t 1 a D and bf )son tl red '.'1L?olg of Mr. Wilson's sister in .ht r.. ford last week. Mies Agnes Pork, who has been ►v''iting at Lome for some time, !rat -%3 this week for Alpena. .•DIr. slur Curry has returned home otter visiting his brother ret Rome, 11 t York et ole. Mises Cumming, of D.tlhou- o±', have been visiting with their )friend, Mrs. J. A. Norris of this )[)lace. Mrs. Norris entertained a number her guests, the Misses Cumming, their guests, the Misses Cumming. one evening last week. STALFA Tine 'epozng winds of the 1 iter VOA of last week was effective in 101jT1pg up our roads. biro Scudkir & Sons' grist and saw mals ere ivorking .overtime to keep oar t•;dl•h the ousters. The saw mil/ is'near!y through nuking into 'um- -Veer titre 11 rrge number et logs 1i ought in during the past %inter. Mr. F. In Ilutchinson expects very ettdr•tly to have a :;0 -day clearing sale festal v.01 orfer many excellent her- ii11IVA As a load of flax from Mr. Geo. Kcllermann's mill here, was on its lovely to his mill in •Exeter, and when pppozite tJi' KIiina hotel. it upset. $using 'i little excitement for ow h'Ir, Mr. 8 • Collins is on Lhe sick list. Mrs. E. Ileny, tttho has been vis- iting her dlughtcr, Mrs. las. (li'Rourke, of London. for a few days bis returned home. Mr. John lliist )lis purchased the 1iedforcl firm south of Crediton, for ttlic. sum of $7,500. I( sick headache is misery, what ie Carle?'; Little Liver Pills if they trill posilively care itt People who shave used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. HURON eoeeee Mr. end firs John llrickenden, of !noon, c'Iebelled their golden wed. tug 11ir'.th 21. Dir. ,T. C. tit( :91.011, of Clinton, les Lis 'resided in 11111 burg up- .i.idi of b2 yetis, was I,i 1 week le the rt'cip lent of 1 gold headed e, beautifully bound leiabcrs' hi- t° and 'fountain pen, by the stlern- des of the Wesley church, prior to is leaving Lor Al meds, California. WE Trust :doctors r - .. r �r�Z•sa±► 1r are suffering from blood, thin blood, de - t..: ;y, r(; rvousness, cxhaus- .. :1, you should begin At once • ::'1 Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the •?iiia you have known - ;ur life. Your doctor Ask him about it. • t'• emir aetlnn of 41,E 7 ' •' ' • .•c :• :u. abs ,rh.•,1 • . `,.,aril ., t• . , - ,far:Ii• fr.•,. 11.tr 74L.. Art ((I :,,. sr • %-' , oeueroorrstormo-easasteseitalesonee vie re J. e. Ay*r Ce., t.ow•11, 1t• . 1.4.0 ,asouf•c'urera cf HAIR %t.)02. lerSAlt E CI er. CBERRY rtcroR;A! f•. '•7 1,1r r•t•t w.rubtt.h tf. ay.•s cr.11 our meA:c,ne•. .r •i. .` •.,J1e Crediton .L�D11. E. J. McCUE, MEMBEMEMBERO TARi / COLLEGE 1'llVSI ars nd bergeons, Successor to Dr. A. 11 List, Crediton, Ont. HOUSE 1'01: SALE:. - Brick re; 4ene9 for title. A I) trg lin, Appl to Mt. 1...1. l(AIST. IIOUSF: AND LOT FOR SALE.- I Crediton, good brick cottage, net% 9 rooms, iserd bud soft water. number of young fruit treee o Jot. For further particulars app) to A. IIEDP'ORD, Crediton, P. 0. Miss Trick and Miss Finkbciner, who hive been visiting friends in New Hamburg, returned home on Saturday last. Mrs. Dan Switzer and Mrs. .John Switzer were in Exeter on Monday. Miss Solon llertzel was in Exeter on Sunday visiting Miss Leah Rem - rater. Mr. W. Finkbeiner spent Mond,y - 1 in I du ?ton. Miss Cunuinghltn is visiting ,he brother, Mr. Albert Cunning,) on for a few days. Stephen Council held their regu- lar meeting on Monday of this week. Mr. Geo. Eilber has purchased r: new driver from Mr. John Cornish. The animal is certainly a beauty and will make a good steppe:. Dr. and Mrs. IIaist oro visiting for a fete days this week in London ani Toronto. Special services ate being con- tinued this week in the Methodist church. The Fervices are well at- tended and the interest growing find tools won for the kingdom. Mr. \V, 11. Gaiser this week sold a fin(' (gorse to Mr. W. 11. Lerch, of Exeter for a good figure. The animal will be used on Mr. Levett's oil wagon. Miss Ethel Sharman, of Godcricb, is visiting with Miss Ethel Farrow The Iiteri ry eoziety will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening of .this week at the tome of Mr. C. Kuhn. A good program will be giv- en, and o paper will be ,read Which itis been wont in by Miss Tod. A pleasant time is expected. 'Drs. Iini'ry Dyer, of Detroit, is visiting ,'t :her home here tor a few weeks. u w•tcker's e millinery sietetrtmeut %wore test efal- u ly (Ic4con,ted on March 29, 00 and 31 y w it:h palms and cut flowers. The wills wore punted in old co.: and Alice green. miss Colvin shote. (11 1 disply of lovely hal:. T1.' lingerie, eMich %%.,e no- t let. .(b10, is trade (rout l.yrox- aline and valetteiunes faced %%Stat box pirated in line. The brim trimmed with lilacs and white ostrich plumes Tho hit, tilted over the +face by the deep bandeau. is banked with he!i- trope, poppies and small pink roses. Another 1141t was a fifth nvenue slope made inb ac. Sc + braid, d . trimmedin1 black ostrich plumes e drooping over Lite back, Bleck silk ' Lice and mother -o' -pearl ornaments. A pretty hat in burnt dcghorn comet sh.,p', trinlmod With rosettes of lem- on and white miline asparagus ?fern, t he ha.ndcau filled with American be tuty roses. The saucer shape made of lace and violet velvet trim- med in blue forge( -me -noes •'Ina mul- berry roses, steel buckles end pale blue taffeta ribbon. And last but not least is the stylish and becoming sailor Wove, made In Alice green jar- vos braid, 'trimmed with Narcissus and warp print ribbon. One feature in this season's millinery, both wings and quills are used on (he same hat with melino and flowers. (loses from exquisite Aniericon Beauties to medium sized June roses are in de- mand in all the rose shades. With roses many fern and mossy (effects are ueed. Asparagus, maiden •hair and other feathery greens trail over the daintest Leghorn or other dine straw eltrapes and torn] a soft and effective back ground for the bloom. Mree A. King nos taken to the London hospital last Friday to un- dergo an operation. Mrs. Utnbas h of Elmira. rilMrs. Andrew Treuuner, of Petroca, and Mr. Peter )leaver, of Morriston, w•ho were :here attending .the funeral of the late Sirs. C. Mover, returred home this week. Miss Mary Brock of Exeter, was o guest of Miss Lydia Finkbcincr, for n few days last week. Rev. W. J. Yaeger, of Zuriel,, way n ple. ssint roller on Rev. G. D. Damm on Monday Last. Mr. Dennis O'Brien, who dos been manager of the Sovereign bank here for some time, his been transferred to Chatham. Dennis trade many friends 'here who wish Ilial success wherecver he may go. We are sor- ry to lose him from amongst us. Mr. A. E. Kuhn one of our popular young men, takes tile position va- cated by Mr. O'Brien. Mr. Kuhn toss been in the bank there since its inception, and his Many friends will bo pleored to hear of his advance- ment. Mr. F•d. Morl.ock ,wJio lives just nortl, of the village. met with a very serious occident this week. Mr. Morlock was leading a heifer and in 'some way the animal threw hint against a [voce, causing him 10 fall on his knee, putting it out- of joint and breaking ,some of the ligaments. It will bc, some time before Mr. Morlock will be able to attend to his duties on the farm. The %concert given by the Literary society last Friday evening more than exceeded the expectations of the society, the receipts for the evening' being over $50. The band, of which we cure justly proud, did everything to ,nuke the concert a success, by assisting In the program. At P o'clock the loll was comfortably fill- ed, and the chairman, Mr, 11. Either opened the evening's enjoyment with a (Mort address, the" (oilmen Lha Mind wit•l, its opening selection. Mr. George Fix, the funny man from Toronto, was next and was heart- ily enohoral. Miss Esscry trove :t very pleasing Irish recitation. which' was followed by an instrumental sel- ection by Miss Dolly 11011zm;)nn. '1'114 hoax) played :)gain. Several young lids in the rear of the hall, %rho were under the impression ll t the keeping of their heist on ,re l mak- ing .4 noise woo' t he proper w •tyv of showing their nosiluorl, had their minds suddenly changed, to the plea- sure of the rest of the nudienee, by the chairman s:tuetcliing them by in - soling on order from them. A t(ci- tatior, by llr. Fax ons we11 received, it 4 tw.,s I.he rol'o by Dr. IIaist. The Ions! ;gain displitl'd its musical :thin ity by rendering another selection followed by a comic sung by 11r. l'.1x. Mr. Herb Eilber give an in- strumental end wets followed by Miss Pearl Boltzmann giving et mei- onion u t ione German t inth Uc m n ec d'ralThe h .:• bind nein' played. 11r. Fax Laing and t lie Misses %nicker and I'.ssery gave ,n instrumen,al duct. Fax then r 1 told some stories - o ) Scotch ( 1 of h store tot Owl bind followed with another selection) ('resident )Hoeft, of the society, selection) called upon end ihnnkcd the audi torn for the attention given, and t hose whoiall •e h I k nt ort in t, progrnm. Ile pr•,itc11 • he ladies 1' the be:nitiful mother in which tli ;hid (lovelier! Ile platform. F:r: followed wit 11 .l song of notions, au�' %%•ns worifeq'ottsly enchored• A selec- tion by Ilse bind closed the progrlu, The members of the society are to be highly congrt,tulated for th^ excellent progrim giver), 0041 is i• to Ire hoped the success which t 11 •% .how• SI•,rt(d Ont 10 all ,in %till 1r• reside With a sense of deep regret we chronicle the fact that Dr. E. A: I(aist, our genial physician, it about to remove from onr prosper- ous town. Ile has been here only three cu. and h• t .I ., but during [ t dl onr 3 ). that time 'he has mile a host of friends who :4,0 indeed, very sorry to see 'hien Pelee. His manly )cuing lois straJOIE fore ord conduct, and his kind and social disposition have won him the esteem of ((11. )lis short term at this place doe been • eminently ,successful. ile succeeded in building up :t large and lucra- tive practise. 11y ,his •nare skill and marked ingenuity in the successful treatment of numerous critical cases, '1,o 'helm established oil to an cnviible 'reputation in thio dis1iict as a safe, trustworthy and reliable t•hysicinn and surgeon. Pope says: "A wise physician, skilled, our wounds to lite,), Is more thin arm- ies fo the public ,se.)l." Although deeply regretting Ile doctor's re- moval, yet 'his numerous friends and patients wish hint teen in him am - bilious undestakirg of •quitting an extensive practise and hotting up in the city of Ilalni!ton, there to carve out a place and a name dor himself. I, In (hie new and Ii'ger cipher(' of work ,se bcspeok for hint n success- ful cfrrecI as medical practitioner. EDEN 1 Mr. A. Barrie and sister of Fir- ' quilar, were guests of Miss It. •Es- 11Ory, of Eden, on Sunda y. Wil 1 b e found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Livor Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them ; GRAND BENZ) The white (costs these nights will he good for the syrup d►.Irvest, Mr. It. 11,tniltot, 'haring made over 50 gillons already. Mrs. Berry llo4scnberr'y returned home from Winnipeg on Friday night. She w Is ac-eo1111p,11i041 home by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Har- vey 'Boysenberry, who los iron in the Iwspitil in Winnipeg for Rome time T,ist. 11111 it 110W recovering nicely. Hamilton Bros, ire preparing ,lo st1rt their mill this wreck. W. Bolt end wife o n Sunday from 8t. alneys, where they 1110 been voiting for a week -one more week in, John. A very pretty %%edding took place on Weiltiecsday, Miireli 28, who( n hiss Emla:, 'Lip(e, of this place. was mnr- r,ied to Mr. a% in. aleClinckey, of Solnlcy. Congr•,tillations. and a long coed hippy life is our swish. Mrs. Abner Moll.ird entert breed a Ie%w of her [rico& to 41 (iffy pull ort Friday nftcrrt•oon. Mr. I1:,rry Itossenherry was in London :Ind Gait on business Inst week. Mr. Editor, kill:sly let us know how Billy ly Itced likes his horse and oblige, -\Vents 141.i(41 what he paid for it. -Ed. Mr. 1Vtia. L':itl(•reou his been tilde to move around toll.ide the iest (ow dors, %%hien (uikcs him feel som" tet ter. crofula Is very often acquired, though generally inherited. Bad hygiene, foul air, impure water, are among itla cai. It is called -"the soil for ," and where it is owed to remain tubercu• is or consumption is tty sure to take root. ood's Sarsaparilla R TIMES, APRIL 5th1906. LADIES' 1 IIENHAI.1. tIIT[WE fl R Not in every store can you get such; \Vhitewear and r \\'acting Values eel can I,e secured here.' Wt' have just opened c up a fine line of 1\'astirgs in fancy cream lustres and wusl;us. Uur White - wear consisting of Night (towns. Skirts, Drawers and Corset s.l � Covers are nicely �tnado and well tr t iw- It' ed, CORSETS Our stock includes every kind of Corset from the cheapest to the best. \Ve have thea] to flu any person whether stout, slits or medium and for good service and comfort we can recommend the lines we carry Prices range from :.Oe to $1.50. COMF. IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. WM. SHRUMM, DASHWOOD, ONTARIO. Dashwood 1111•. Jones; lfarlleib last er:'k purotulsed a 13ell piano from 1t. 11. Peck, Seafor tie The case is of ftnfcy burl walnut. The annual 'meeting of the 'Evans geLica I association was (held last Monday. This being the last meet- ing of pilo year, reports were given which showed .1 he past year ns be- ing successful financially. Mrs. Weitzel spent a dew diys in Crediton last week visiting friends. Mr. Geo. Cook who has been laid up with blood poisoning in his hands and %rho wao 90 seriously ill, lye are pleased 'lo see is oble to he out again. Mr. and Mrs.Zimmer,sr f ., a Stagatihct, who have boon visiting their sons, Alex and William, of this pine() ;for some time, left for their 'home dost Monday. Mr. 'Micltecl Fenn% of Parkhill, spent last Saturday in our village on business. Rev. Mr. Smith,, of Berlin. spent East Sunday Hie guest of ,Rev. Mr. Clemons. Mr. Robert Stclk, of 1Iillsgretn, .and Miss Lizzie ltionie, of Zurich, spent last Sunday with Dir. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin, Mr .Stelck teas bid- ding his many friends good-byo prior to this leaving Jbis week for the West. 11e will loote in Edmon- ton, where he is going into the real estate business. Mr. Oliver Griyls•il, %Oho his been a ,clerk in the Sovereign• bank here ;los 'been transferred to the Sov- ereign bttzik at Exeter. Arthur Trutnnier of the branch at Zurich, tikes the position here recently vi - Mrs. Andrew Truemner, of Pc- trolcrl, who )las been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. SLrumm for some time, returned to cher home lost Tuesday. Mr. John K. Goetz, expects to Jove Itis sow alit running in nbout two weeks. Ile is now c•lovring up his yard, making 0 'ready for the spring work. Mr. and Mrs. G. alitc+hell, of Slrnihroy, nho have spent the past few weeks visiting friends in our burg, aeturned to their home 'list :Mud ly. .lir. 1','kinson, of the London Life c15.91` Mt', %1s en Dat(bwood last week. It curl 110)3 ;scans to look some- thing like .prirrg, es the farmers around this sicir:ity have commenced seeding. Mr. 11. Willert being .among the first, he hiving out in .his Ifirsi seeding lest Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Keller:non is this week /ending flax from his Shipka mill to his mill in Exeter, where be is having it %forked tip. ELIMVILLE -- re , •1 h model and y School session held here I1:st Stanley tvis n great success. Many zealous Sunday Rohool workers from the vicinity were present :Ind took an active p)rt. The ettonditece was some- Many over three hundred. The hutter tI took plice list •reek of bh'e infant child of Mr. John Bern The parents have the sympathy of the noightxlrlalo•l in th+llr bereave- ment. llle Lidice Aid .society held their reguler monthly tneeting at Mrs. Sita Johns on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. John .10hns, our blacksmith, los ( ee b tn•1 h been tl in 1 supply of lum- ber. ppy lu b('.r. \Ve. understand Mr. Johns in• tends doing some buiblin;; in the weir future. We ore pleased to report the re- covery of Mr. Wilfred Johns front his short 111x1049. 11 r. Geo. Andrews had a wooil-be,. % s t `ck. About, (hundred 9 a h s d) t rot f t o roil [once worn. cut up. Some .around here 1i the gone in for I1$k:ng ?trams syrup. They report n good run of sip. Revival meetings ate Is•ing held in e c nc onr tion with the church trey:•. .1 good .attendance Is requested. 11r. G,rhr is I►avhg his pie driver Rev. D1tdd Ltst Su hiiy occul•ic•d t h pulpit of Walton end on Mond' evening delivered one of hie inter- (•,tiug lcctur4'3. in c'id of the 11'alton c1,urch. Rev. Baker, of \Palter, oe copied Rev. MC•ld'► pulpit here. Dlessrs. \1'lll(s & D1sYst, who for some time dove conducted a uterble shop bore, closed up their business; Saturday last. Mr. Davis intents going lo the Northwest in. '1 fee tw(rk s. Messrs. Wilson & Boyle, of l:y,etcr 'Qio •l+cccntly purchased the business of Bawden & Sons, re -opened the store to the public on Saturday last. Messrs. 11 -1 & Cook, who have been managing 1 he business intend leaving for elle Northwest in a few w cks. 11he Moir estate prop_•rty ,dver- tised :for sale, was disposed of last %Leek. The dwelling house %%es sold to Isrobelle Mir, coup het store to Geo. Joynt. 1)r. 1'erg t'on, %olio recently dispos- ed. of ;lig medic;) practise to Dr. 1 c .lel .d as d n, h decided to locate in Geortret0w•J4. On Tuesd,y even.ng of Last %%(ek the •many friends and •nc- quaintancea of Dr. and Mrs. Fer- guson nnct at Miller's ha11 and pre setae(' the couple with en addres and a I,c5uliful an:l costly eitver cab ;net as un appreciation •of their ex 'cellent •qualities n9 citizens. Mr. Geo. Moir, of Traverse City eldest eon of 1;110 late James Moir who 1105 been visit ing Jere since 10 'father's death, left for his loon last A%e^,k. • Mr. and Sirs. Herbert 1Vightutal sire spending a couple of ?week with Mrs. \Vigltn,an's tinelo an aunt, Mr. Lind Mrs. D. iI, McLean, previous to 'their departure . for Brandon, where Mr. \1'ightmen is going Into business having sold this former business in \Vingbtln. Miss Letts Ross, of Toro(lto, )who w s visiting at Mr. Win. Coldwe1l'a lef• • Monday for London, Adhere alto • visit before going to (her tI'w• borne at Oalgau•y. Miss Alico Caldwell visited %its friends in Exeter .Mlond.ty. An incident, bite outcome of the silo of bile liens:Ill foundry, %ea enacted an. Tuesday- Tl,e corpora tion has a mortgage 0n the plant for matey 'cooed, and the ':lle of the property was advertised for Monday but as the amount bid slid riot come upthe qtr to 11 rro. e e property t % thwn , not nota. On Tuesday a bail;[ named Carson, representing 11. \V Petrie & Co., •ot Toronto, arrived i town armed with instructions to take certain mnahines upon which Petrie & Co. ciliated 0 lien. Con- stable Whitesidcs, who is in oliirgo of tdle works for the village, would not allow Caron to touch anything and on (ltirson's refusal to leave the :building he arrested hit,,. Pet rio and Co., and Carson are threat ening leg•il proceedings. ZURICH Mr. Sun. E. Faust, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Finkbcincr sot Milverton has returned Loin'. Mr. and Mrs. Charlesworth, Mr and Mrs. Kelly, Misses Nicholson Best and Gibson attended the hockey match at Beloill last Monday even- ing. blr. .john V'oelkcr, of Iliebwood, spent &iturdiy in the village. Aliso .1L•,ric )lassoo this returned from London on :account of ill health )ler nrrny .friends will regret to hear she is ill with an .itt:lck of i•nflam- rnnto.ry 71hcumetistn. A plcu•r,nt event took place at the I:vnngelic.al ptrson:)ge on Thursday evening ,%'hen Mrs. Kcrstl eels hap- pily nlnrricd to Mr. Dan Bennett, both of I his village. Rev. Mr. Yae- ger officiated. .,'e wish them a long x1:41 prosperous married life. Mr. .and Mrs. J. I're'eter and 11r. and Mrs. C. Fritz, attended the •fun- en1a of Mfrs. Beaver ret Crediton on \1'c•d nt'ot Iy • Mr. .1. 1). Merrier returned friday evening ((root 'Toronto, where he %•urs purrhasing his stock for his new store in Elmira. Miss (earl Wurtz left Thursday for an extended visit with relatives at Parkhill, Sarnia and Detroit. Miss Elle Ronnie, who his spent the past three months in London at- tending the Fore•4t City Business Col- lege Ins completed her course and returned home Ilondly evening. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1). Sterner and diughtcr, Miss Lily, left 'Tucstlay for their new Ironie in Elmir1. While we .ire sorry to love them ns citizens we kno% our loss will be Elnlirl's ge' In. Miss I'filc, of the 11t1 Con., spent a few days this week with her friend Mies Lydi i Ort. Messrs. ,T .A. Willi,ms, of %urian, .1. M.c.Donncl, .1. McArthur, 0. Mc- I•:wen, of Ilenewill, attended the (un- coil of the. lite Captain Roberts, of Se 1 forth, on Wed nesit ,y. One of the pioneer r•-idcnis of Zurich died on Sural +y morning in the person of Eliz ihct 11 Sultan. Mrs. Sold ti %ens el purl r;nlly suffetinn (10111 110 l rl rt icu!,r ili;t('eee. it tots jest 1 wearing out of the system, having reached the dia. Age of 80 ycl,+,s For m n% %•e•o she'1 , rs res I in t.hie %•Ihl:ige with • her husband, who prrvetit(1 her to the bettor laud a number of y(r4rt( ago. lithe was a loving c i, . % o n n, i kind mother and friend and esteemed by those who knew her. The (tweed look til ice Tue• lev nftercemn and (J+:. r:m,ins ^rc� 'u,ei•rell 111 the 11ronrou Line erne. '. Sh- !elves n host of For. oeir. frPrids who hive the •. rapidly of Ibis community. ARE 000D LOONS VALUABLE? 11 n:+turc had her %%•ay every cum - 'lesion would be (deur and delig11l- til. But many allow their bleed to ►r"0111" eertk,-hence pimples sallow Akin, d irk erodes under the eyes. o hive n beautiful complexion use 'crrozoa'. 'regularly. It brir.rrs i /oh redly glow 10 the cheeek, your• apes tls bloo-1 end thereby destroys utnors and pimples. For beiuty e It h, offal goo) eta? it. use i'erro- one. 1 -our .�t,peirat►'e %i11 improve hunired fold. fifes come buye a y - s2=• s c i♦ 2 2•♦• • 1. S2 a 2 ; d I: Our range of these sets in all 2 NEW CHINA. TEA SE'T'S makes is always large and at- : tractive. You are always sure of being well suited here. Prices at : $1, $5, $6.50. $8, $10, $1'2. $15 and up.• London Orockory Co. fore New Dinner Sets Our new spring lines of new Dinner ware are coining in and they are certainly pleas- ing and up to our expecta- tion. Buying a Dinner sett is an important item in any household, whether yott buy a complete sett or retake one up to suit yourself -we have them both ways. In fact our STOCK 11t,e•s of Dinner ware is a verb- itnportart factor in our business. The variety to choose from is large, the pat- terns are nice, and the qual- ity of the ware is beyond finding fault with, we are al- ways particular about that, JOHNSON RHOS. DINNER WARE This is the famous Staf- fordshire Potteries. They have no equal as makers of Fine English Semi -Porcelain. We have a Large Line of their patterns and every one is a pleasure to use, sold in London only by us. Empire Roland Green, 98 pieces (includes Salad Set) $15.(X) Crystal Florentine Green, 08 pieces (includes Salad Set) $13.00 Florence(Dresden A Wreath) 08 pieces (includes Salad Set $11.(N► Silver Green Dartmouth traced gold (includes Salad Set $11 00 Empire (2) white and gold, 118 pieces (includes Salad Set) $13.00 S Come and see our full Crockery Line. You cannot afford to pass ♦ it by when you are looking to purchase. • LONDON GKOGKKRY 1140t! 1o� o ♦, G0. s e• WE $10 W or REPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of ••♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦N•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•N♦♦♦♦♦•♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦ ►• retnotiolcd, 1. .1 obi R ('n., 111,rk• R1111110, 11 Oret1.5'nikers Intl tenet jobber', do'ng g I he a 1'i v,r,th .:-thin his our.^ )nose r (wore;) ns .1 1 to ;I' ;,p, weather at;st '•ilh it :+ number of, h t sprit .' ! i' ! : Irivc lel urted. 111 ing reit, :i.(' tat .t ini by 11 ri z m"rry I' 111t. i n 4 it \Vit h t L • -I.! r fie • %ve I •i• box of fifty ceorolate-sorted J'ea rot"and root! co, I , • e, Ileo ,rA11. r ., high '%c11oo1 11 ' : v c? „ i zottc tablets-Utn't pot eft -get .Ter- . onet n, moves every y trace of all!, in 'f (onr 1 !'u1a Get tOod' s. rosone toeloy. EXETER'S XETER'S UP TO•DflTE Now in Stock. FLOUR, FEED & °KOGEKY Ogilvie's ltoual Household 1Ve aro the people that handle the (lour that has the Royal Warrant, that has the catchy name, and catches the appetite of a hungry .man when he eats It. This flour Is sold at ct very rea- sonable irrice 411 elle teed store and is more superior than any other [four nude. MANITOBA BLEND \1'e h:tvc two kinds of flour called the Manitoba Illend :,red is 50 per cent Manitoba wheat. t•iz : HARVEY'S STAR OF THE EXETER MILLS. J. A WILLIAMS & CO. OF THE ZURICH MiLL. This flour is sold cit $2.25 per cwt. Choice 0rruhatn and Pastry flour (()Ways 011 11.111'd. \Vo have one of the best stock foods Produced and sold at hal[ the price, $5 per cwt. To make your hens lay try eotne of, our poultry meats• Bono Grit, Oyster &hell and Ramo of our chicken [cod. Leave your order et the Feed Store where you will find L1131 the prices are right and the geods of the best quality. Goods delivered at (a•Lme prices. S. HARDY & SON P. WHITLOCK & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Building Blocks of different designs and sizes. CEMENT FENCE POSTS CEMENT CHIMNEYS; Single and Double Flue; abso- lutely fire proof. Stock always on hand ; ('rices reason. ably. We hove just received is carload of LakeBlond $!ue uuCement. Parties intending to hnild this spring ehould see Its befole buying elsewhere, P. WHITLOCK & SON, Thanes Read I'. 0., Ont trio. $1.00 ROUND TAIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RCTURN,NO JUNE PI WV' GREYHOUND 2 Days in Detroit teetlteoniels f kaN C11f ISIer XI. .EL. CtAATOA=A. A (It'ABBANTEED (:PILE: Volt PILE`,Bars t'„c r! . r ii , a?��. Me�w °f • 8isnatlre - ��� t(+ refund intoes i( I`.,zo Ointment •to to sure ,n a to 11 d.iys. 50c. o remar @ 'W' 1 y t )I t pi" tEs Tte Xiet llmi NT! �'%Ya 6T+,�f 1 ' l,H•I i'! 1.1. r. r'r4•1 nrl- tor Book on Scrofhl@. No. I. i i i C 1. Hood Co.. Lowell. um. of Bran and Shorts and Wheat Cho At Exeter and Centralia Elevator'tr • Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain , and load home i13 with feed. J. COBBLEDICK Exeter. Centralise WE'RE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit hu ere. We make the Suits- you wear them out. We make • them as well as we can. so that, they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your next Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to bu so much Suit worth. And Suit wort is fashionableness of fabric -style in cut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness - and length of service. As good a milesto gget touch is place as there all this and not Johns, is within' ton Pay Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $is.00 and $i8.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Sprinu Term Opens flprll 2' cLyi r ,J 4 ,i/dr� • STRATFORD.. ONT. •./ Why ehnuld you content your- self in the ordinary walks of life when you can Netter your condi- tion by tnkieg a course in this school ' We give a thorough, practical education and assist our graduates to get positions. Commence your course now. Write for particulars 1W. J. ELLIOTT. Principals D. A. McLA(' H LAN. } •♦N♦••♦•♦•••♦f♦••••♦♦♦♦♦•I 111CI\13' ('Olt 1':(':\!~'rs A tenet trcr%• eturiel 1.erind coo* toil on OW Oth, 10111 .,, 1 11t11. Thie tetio(1 is :it 0110 eelrninit:eel of oho Mercury period, with tie noon on the eclosti.tl equator on the. Phi, full on the 9th and in perigee on the loth. 'these corn. bit 'd [acts, 1I1 blending %%it'll the mercury ;rid the vere.11 a (uinoxeR, %111 conspire to hung on very 'high c w, t m rel' uie ow: Ibarometer 1 forceful Rtre ,beginning on and text to 1111' 9114 in %teetern o-cction8 ind pissing frost irdly ncro4s th0 country from about llonskty the 9111, to Thursday, the 12th. lilt . sleet and snow will most probtbld• attend the northern and ret tend etre uttered 1 he tont hero nn1 wcslern t:s,ngrn,s of their storms. Chong(' to decidedly cooler wreathe( will follow for .rsei'i1 drys, c•tue• ing frust in twiny '•e-tien4 during 1119 nights striving he; %%(411 the, 11tH; 151h. 71:,1! storms %till 1." most nate nod I•• so11s, eibh violent loe-il gust•) (1t1rinq Id►(' irr•aq'w. of then, Aptlf thunder eload& oPo