HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-04-05, Page 1Wedding Stationery
YOUtg Ladies itlio are interested
£u what is proper in the matter of
Stationery /or \Vedd:ngs, eLeuld see
our samples, latest type fares. We
eau Lave than ready In a few hours.
Horsemen Attention!
Tee : • ': ou for get; , g out route
bills Min soon be bete. I1E\ME\113EIJ
these: gettir.g bills I.:tintcd at tris
Times Office get s two weeks nettle.
in idle paper FIIEE.
No time like the present. Very shortly
everyone will be at house cleaning and there
will be a big rush in the Carpet and Curtain
Department. First choice is the best so
those who come at once are sure to be pleas-
ed with our large stock of new goods.
First quality Brussels Carpet,
newest designs in green, brown,
fawn and red shades.
Our range of Tapestries is
second to none, all the latest
shades and patterns may be found
Room Size Rugs, also in tap-
estry, good shades, with border
all round at prices no higher than
.if bought by the yard.
Three-ply all wool, Two-ply all wool, Union and Hemp
Floor Oil Cloth in widths ranging from one to two
Linoleums both floral and tile patterns, two and four
.yard widths, best quality and prices right.
Our range of Lace Curtains is far too large to permit
f;,he describing of each line separately. Suffice it to say that
we are showing a complete assortment in Nottingham, Irish
Point and Florentine makes in the latest designs.
Prices 5oc to $5.0o per
New Madras Muslins in cream and colored grounds
warranted to wash perfectly. The latest thing for dining
rooms and bedrooms.
A Complete Stock of New Roller Blinds & Curtain
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing.
School Reports. 1 THE TIMES
retort of the Entrance
Has the largest cirou
form will appear Tater with the ra.-
port of Easter examinations of t he
1L S. department.
Sr. 11I.-t'carl Johns, fit tier cent :
i.'orcy Godwin, 81; Hubert )ones 79:
Wallace Puke, 77 ; Harry Fuke. 77:
Vinnie Jewell and Blanche Atkin-
son, equal. 71; Latimer Grieve, 73.
Jr. III. -Clair Wood, 73. No on roll
48; average attendauce 40.
11. E. WALItONI). Teacher.
Sr. 11. -Willie Ilidemtu, 95 ; Wil-
lie Ford, 88; Jamey Walker. 85;
5Ladtleinc Carling, 77 ; Jrene Hardy
and llarry Snell, equal, 76:: Beat-
rice Davis, 75:,Leon Treble, 73; Fred
Shaddock, 73 ; Oliver llodgert. 70
Mid. It, -None, Jr. IL -Bruce Wal-
ker 70. No. on roll 60: cverag^ at-
tend Alyce 51.
A. E. MAILTIN. Teacher.
Jr. 11. -Juan Seldon, 89 ; Nelly
Jones, 85; Agnes MacKay, 78: \lar-
icl Anderson, 72. Sr. Pt. I1. -Wit.
lie Kydd. 83: Joe Craig. 79. Mil.
Pt. 1L -Jessie Brickwood, 87 ; Eric
Coward, 76. No. on roll, :39; nser-
age attendance, 30.
ELSIE' A. McCALLUM, Teaches.
1I. -Florence Rowe, 92; Robbie
Fleming, 90; Mabel Knot, 89: Alma
Mack, 88 ; Ethel 1) ty, 84; Willie
Monson, 83 ; Eddie \VeIth. 82; Boa -
trice Ilodgert, 76. Sr. Pt. 1t. -Anna
Bell, 91 : Maggie Case, 90; E.irl Cow-
ard, 80; Tannic llowey, 76. Jr. Pt.
II. -Edgar Berney, 94; Harry Par-
sons, 79; Wilbur Mitchell. 75: Mar-
jorie Huston, 71. No. on roll, 40;
average attendance. 29.
b. M. JECKELI., Teacher.
The 'following is a correct report
of the standing of the pupils of 8.
S. No. 11, Stephen for the month
of March. Names are arranged in
order of merit. V. -Norman Brown,
Lily Ehlers. Sr. IV. -Wesley Eng-
land, Theriot Tiler, Fred I'reeter,
Louis Dlorenz. Sr. III. - Milton
Ehlers, George Link,. Louis Tiler.
Herbert Krueger. Jr. 11I. - Arnold
Stephen, Olivia ?.iter, Frank Morcnz,
Amelia Engcland. !'earl Leatreau,
George Zilcr. Sr, II.- Charlie Ste-
phen, Frieda Krueger, Mabel Wild,
Willie McPhee. Jr. II -Mina Ehlers
Clara Jacobs, Mueril \Villert, Albert
Vincent, Willie Vincent. Pt. 11, --
Douglas McPhee. Ilene Wlllert, RhY-
rtard .Stephen, Laura Stephen. Pt. I
-Olive Willert, Ira Leatreau. No.
on roll. 31; average HAA RTLE II1. Tt'a cher.
James Beverley to the Front
J ndertakuui
latfgn of any paper in
this section of Huron
County, notwithstand-
ing reports to the con=
trary, and our adver-
tisers appreciate the
results they receive
through the use of our
Junior Department. - Jr, 111. -
Floss-ic Dares, 1166 ; Edna Davey,
1418; Earle Callfas, 1308; llessie An-
derson, 1255 ; Hubert White, 1112 ;
Baker, 1039; Harry Windsor, 1023;
Elyrner \\'ikon, 971 : :toy Callfas,
964; Willie Alexcntder. Sr. 11. -An-
thony White, 1291; Lloyd England,
1272 ; Fred Fairhall, 809 ; Fred Es-
sery, 820; Elva Brooks, 623. Jr.
IL -Stella Neil, 1271 ; Malvan Eng-
land, 1258: Murvan Callfas, 1210;
Ilogurth, 1169; Othello Motz, 1154;
Madeleine Hoist, 1119; Vera Motz,
1090 ; Everett Callfas, 1077; Rhe -a
McCurdy, 813; Willie Baker, 741;
Ethel Culbert, Wilson Culbert. Pt.
11.-Mobello Ifo►ntan, 894 : Hubert
Neil, 860; Ethel' Bowden. 810; Ma-
bel Elliott, 692: Ralph Wallis, Ed-
die Alexander. Pt. 1,.-.Albcr;, ifack-
ney, George hackney, Louis Kirke,
Elmer Wilson, Irene McCurdy.
The following is n correct report
of the standing of the pupils of S.
8. No. 4, Stephen, for rho month
of March. Names are In order of
merit. V. -Elgin Aniy, Nora Brown
Sr. 1V. -Gladys Kestle, Wilbur, -
Willie Mor -
lock, 5ytrella Dforlock, \Vt It
e Pr,
Gator, ]della Schwarz, Nellie Amy.
Minnie Kcstle. Ethel Nestle. Merncr
Silber. Jr. IV. -Lorne Morlock,lizrI
ry Schwarz, ilerbert Wein, Edwin
Wein. Sr, IIi.- Leonard Schroeder
Arvi Itrokenshirc, Alvin Cornish,
Oscar Cornish, Herbert Kraft: Ileo•
1.1O Smith, Clarence Eilber. Jr. III
-Willie Schwarz Mildred Klumpp,
The :millinery opening held loot
Friday and Saturday litre 'highly
successful 0.nd much credit is due the
Indies whose occupation it is to look
otter the headgear wants and tastes
of the fair sex. Tho creations this
year aro very different from those
of last, WJten polo's attd gicngarry'a
wero the loading atylcs. The sailor
bit Ileems to be the vnc much sought
after by Oho ladies. or perhaps it is
the styto too creators of fashion says.
shall be worn this year. One thingI
is noticcabho this cluing and that hi
the absence of the upt�t Alice Blue"
bet as' (),g'-fuos.. fastidious wish to
keep up with the styles rind color.;
worn by President's lt•oosevclt's
daughter, "the Longworth Green"
comes in for ronaiderrble favor.
However 'there are other shades
that are striking tend will be much
worn. Old :nose, pink, pale blur,
raspberry shades, all the Modes of
green champagne, violet mid plum
nh.,dca n.rtie extensively show••'•
The ditforant show room: of the
millinery depart melds were crowdei
withbuyers 'and prospective buy:rr
on both days of the openings, ant
the 'merchants roe wenrintr expanr•iv,
smiles over the large sales. Th(
rooms were Jointly arranged for th.
ocaa:sion, end tate displays of millin
_ cry art, were pleasing even to th,
\rube -t Coxw'orth, Clinton Brown,members of 11,e sterner sex, woos.
Emerson Schroeder, Mervin Broken- ohitt duly is to pay the bills, ever
shire. Sr. 1t. -Otto Brown, Gordon though unnblc to tell the front fr'on
Cornish, Antwan Wein. Jr. ii. - the bock of the c;.rtistic headgear.
Lulu Kestic, Clara Wein, Emerson SNELL & 11O\VE
Itoeszlcr• Sr. Pt. 11. - Edna Amy,
Clinton Morlock, Emerson Wein. Jr,
Miss 8teitrlricb, in charge of thi
1't- 11,-I1:1 Either. 'Latina Smith,
firms nitlltuery deportment •h1
some very dn.iuty sJcipes on exhibi
Joseph Schwarz. Sr, 1 t• I,- Eddie tion, the rrtitor race hat being !h
Cot•nish. Joseph Brokenshi re, Mer- most prec�tlettt. Otte pretty deslg
vin Coxw•orth, Annie Aubin. No. ort
rell, attendance, 39.of Obis (ypc• was 111141(‘
► rdc Of
e. atilt
large !dome and cut steel buckle;
4fi• steerage a '• and 'folded chiffon, trimmed wit
�(;EOUGI; W, \Vhl)v, 'i'e:rcl:c'r, , 1 u it
S. S. NO, 5 lI GILLIVitAY A c,u',r I sailor oath rose Crown w,
snoli,ct' tainnrr. A very pretty ere.
follow;alt iw the report of tion was one with pink rose Hhadin
'Von will find US in the old stand and with all the newest designs b. S. No ,5, McGillivray, for the with chiffon.and mohair hood. hes
month of Dta.rch: V. - Itaymo d
and leading styles of Furniture in all the lines. House cleaning time
is here and you will want some piece of Furniture to relieve and
make your room present a fresh appearance. You win find it in
our commodious warerooms.
r'Furniture of all kinds repaircd.'I
Coughlin, 852: Tinto; hy O'Lary, 81r:
Jas. O'Ie'ary, 305. 1V. - Arnold
Coughlin, 2047 Fred
�ILetvis. 2040;0`
Aron Scott, 1795:
Thomas Kilmer, 555. 111, - Philo -
mettle Coughlin, 1906: Lorne Slhol-
dice, 1 796 ; Johnnie Coughlin, 1415;
Elht 1lodgrcn, 1165; Dalton Lewis,
1318; Alfie Lightfoot, 811 ; Wm.
Mrrgui.re, 656: Alvin Penrice, 015;
H. -Henry Hudgins. 2284 : Alex
Hodgins, 2171: Alton Shnldic+', 1161:
Melvin Lightfoot, 1310: Lizz:c CooCork.
1106: \Vinnie O'Leary, 1284 ;
Tilbury, 265. 1'1. Ii, -Gordon Lewis
2981: Merton Morley, 2307: Fier -
elate Kilmer. 1650: Cecil ,tones, 155
1 y trimmed at the back with :o.•tr
and ribbon. There were also scares
of other very pretty shorten
arras M0IILOClt Come and Hear
Miss Morrock, es is Irc'r usual cus(B E N GoU G II
tom, .had n very pleasing exhibition,
aced teas kept on the ole.rt &towing
her ,cttalorners thr, Ain plctiasin
head ,tdornntenls. a.ny very daintgy
bat was the !cohort' turned up at
the brick, short front, trimmed with
evergreen foliage awl Dresden rib-
bon, with Mink rases and gilt buck-
le. There are other shapes in abun-
(1 ince and rotten up to cult the most
f rstidious.
Mary llcxrgw ,- 1f97; ICorn'Oi Mi's ('ommc'lo ..and assistants for
E I( 1
Coughlin, 1381; eta Snit nn, this firth bad nnc cedingly beaut-
Ilarotd O'I,eity. 316. Sr. i't. 1• - rti d►+.t.rc ot•ubrnmrnls for snvinu
Norman Short, 2101 ; Elsie Lewis, „n,►. Sailors of different shapes
Daurecey, 20fit; lila,is., . 1175: \V m. I;ire: t, tell,. prevail heti. n1Po. One very pretty
via .tan"+lodgins, 873 r.a,ilor, which is ndtnni►t`d by 1Ito
r. a n • soy llrolt;ins, 211:3: Cecil high hunk, trimmed with dirk not -
Indies, had nn oblon crown, with
not -
Business was good with us last month, better than we had an- tl.r. Pt.
No. an rail 41 : aver-lee
2335: Mary 1)aunecy, 2276; Matttd,
roan banked in at the back with a
ticipatcd. Don't let anybody persuade you that the business has "'`1"11"" t • 31. Ls
A white chiffon in mushroom shape.
al left Winchelsea sea SIt1CC wccarne here, we are satisfied t c i loving very 4 ^P b.ndeau with ruse
way things are going. We appreciate the patronage we have rc• ;i• S. NO, I. ST.f:PIIEN lite^, rl«rtal !I around the band -
The following. is the report of S. a heautlful wJu plume falling
teived and thank our many customers for their confidence. This s No 1. smote,' for the month of griic linty over the' hark• A ver;
IS a better store today than it ever was, the goods are up-t0•datC alurclr• dressy short black sailor in the res�-
d•t green etiohnir braid, with cham-
pagne roars ..... (o.r.1Rc ban to :s-
lily on the I,Srk ate! trimmed .with
Point 11..e silk h rdk'rchiefs, was 1
tasty decoration.
:44• massive !myrrh of roses and foliage.
\VI 'ON 'reach^r.
1 f \V 1) t fel cv th the
and we bought them at the lowest possible price, by a competent Senior Devitt men t. -tar, \ -ter. 1 1 t
non Wiiaon, PG•1: Samuel McCoy, 051: 1 1 t
buyer for spot cash, We can sell you goods a little cheaper than i•;„r,t \vinaso►', 887; loreld Dnpl rn,
the town fellows can, we had the town experience and know this 706. Tlod�in; t12t
t0 be a fact What they spend in high expenses we are able to l\lhr:irsrths,• inA,7,7:5
9arargcry9. Sr. IV,
lt- Gifford
rhurn, 5p8
Save to our customers and so the benefit is yours if you trade with To'ieplt white, 545; Frankt,Mitchett,
us. We are looking for a bumper month in April, Come in if you 51:1: Gladys lasnrv, 78.3; Gordon WO- Al, hough this firm docs not hold
.nn, .G. \ n i
^ 9 e a McCurdy 747; Czir lie: leer!' openings, I he display (n
haven't been here in our time and give us a trial. Wilson, 700; Murpay Elliott, 670; he mitt;,eery detrtrtm^trt teas never -
Lily Robinson, 573: Arch!' hole noon, 1helcas up lo the standard :,n•1 many
470. .1r. IV. -Austin Daplin 570; ,Linty Fats were shown. A New
COWARD P. BILOO1111P'IELD hazel Mirka 569: John Dempsey, 678 lark ,aiinr of blue mohair with
Merton Elston, 4l1 Eadie S boil 1 of pink
1 . ,ire iota 390. r , p• ,k roses atr,) (orget-tne-
Sr. ill, -\rattan ('all( is, 812: John „oto, a it h err; lie and oinked with
r !logo t h. 791; Po'' \1' Otis. 797: Iv i blue ribbon was very catch% .ra was
Esserc. 763: a11xi%e•11 Ittynham, 71:); an old rose of mohair, hrii 1, with
Toon White, 711 ; Not man 11"11/10: rn•e for: rrte, t ri►nme.1 with .•I.I
1 255. grrrn 1O' ". Iiinked up 11 1I,o Irick
MISS UOTTE1111,1,, Te :cher with utile or incline old roans.
General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands.
Having purchased Tett Thousand Acres :10.0:10 acres) of land just pre-
vious to the recent heavy advance in price. we have a few sections which we
will sell at the old price. These lanis are situated in the finest wheat pro-
ducing belt in Canada. We give purchasers privelege of tnak`.ng their own
selections any time previous to June 1st, and where purchaser is not iu
position to make his own selection, we make selection for hila. this is a rare
opportunity to secure a fine section of land at a low figure, and there will be
big money in it, as prices. in view of the unprecedented immigration Into the
west, are bound to go much higher in the near future,
Man and wife to work on largo farm in the \Vest. \Votnan to have
charge of house. Also several good wen to work on f ten
Steady employ-,
went, good wages.
Desirable Homesteads secured on reasonable terms.
General Selling Agent for C. I'. R. Lands.
Exeter, Ont.
Office at Residence,
Reductions in Furniture
l laving purchased the stock k �V . C. Iluston and in order to
reduce the same we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire
stock of furniture, comprising -Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom,
Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and
rockers at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario.
but you'd lane r dying if you •
only get but a glimpse of the !
brilliant• •
Iwe invite you to buy. Every a
color of the rainbow is reptesen-
ted and a few others "to boot".
You will miss a lo'. of pleasare if
you don't buy these dyes. Do it 2
e to -day. They'r selling fast and
"first come, first served." •
in his Original and Unique
Crayon - Sketching
Will be given under the auspices of
l:pwm th League ',f Main Street
Methodist church in the
Opera House, EXETER
('11EJ10'r .iki) f)1'Ti t's,
Phone 50, EX1ZTl;it, ON'I',
tTEYES T1:5'tED flags: 4
Special One Way
• Rates
• To Billings, Mont., Denver,
•Colorado Springs, Salt Mtge
City, Nelson, iLossIsrel, Van -
router, Portland, Ore-, Sen.
: Tickets on solo daily
Special Settlers
!Trains to Northwest.
Eve: y Tuesday during •
M'rcl, and April sn^0cia1 train
�clih colonist 14;71'0
;let r wiit
le;,vc Toronto 9.00 P. M.,
every Tttc.day during march
yid April for :►fa.niteba and
Nal t!west.
Passengers tr,.vcliing with-
out live stock should take
express leaving TorOhto 1.15
p. m,
For tickets and fall in-
forntation call on
J. J. KNIGHT. Depot A.;ent
J. ID, McDONALU, District
J'aasen!er Ager t, Toronto, y
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
have you a farm That yen want
to sell? Write for our terms of sel-
ling property. \Ve heave the must
complete method of advertising and
selling property in Canada. Do you
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario?
Send for our list. We have some
oar gains,
What they all Say
lin!_tuc .u;d mirth -provoking. -
ioronto Globe.
Without .1 titer. -Toronto World.
Versitilo genius. -- New York
One continual rorr of 1:ughter.-
S Quebec Chronicle.
Simply (tradable. - Victoria, 11
C., Times.
A delightful humorist• --- Wood•
s;oek Sentinel -Review.
The pencil is a political power in
11,o hand of that brilliant cartconist
Mr. ,1. \V. Rengou'h. - Teterboro
Mr .Reneough's versatile talent
enables him to entertain in 31101.
Alien very delightfully with pure,
clown amusement. Come again!. -
Ltkeside, 0., News.
Extraordinary genius. His mien
!cry in words is not seeond to It's
. imitations ivit11 the cr'pon.- Whit.
by Chronicle.
Reserved Seats i:)c, Admission 2',c
and 15e. Plan of hall at
'limey's Drug Store.
North-west Land Agents'
Selected Wild and Improved hinds
to some ofthe best
ieH t p j is of the
NORit will be worth your while seeitrg 110
before purchasing.
We give purchasers until dist of June
to select their lands.
Office apposite Central (Iotel
Why not get the best Paints when doing your
Spring Painting.
Hollywood Ready Mixed faint ---1:)e, '_'ne 111141 -15e
Elephant Ready Mixed Paint- hie, 25c and •I0o
Ilcllywood ;rid Elephant hloor Parti 40c per tit,
Pure Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil
le hant Lead
re look like new.
- 2c null 45o
your buggy
in the Paint line
at ! ►west prices.