HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-22, Page 8L+' EXEI ER TIME S. MARCH `2nd, 1906. sTEwaRT's WE ARB READY FOR SPRING. Our new goods are all in and ready for your approval. We are real proud of our new goods, we believe our Block is the uuat up -to dale iu town. We would like your op nion. 11 ill you do ur the haver to drop iu and take a look through you'll not be asked to buy. U() YOU KN()W THE, NEW SHADES i` DRESS GOODS --ate Alice Blue, I) yawn Grey and lane/north Green. Of course every person won't wear blue, grey and green -but tuoet people will. .Ve have other colors us well 75c The yard for a .well range of new Silk Mixed Tweed Dress (twirl.. The very latest New Yolk ideas. The calory are the new A'iee Blue. Dawn Grey and Longworth Green. SOCShp yard for Jap Dress Silk, shot effect with neat silk floral over p.tttern. Colors new blue and brown, very suitable for dresses or odd waiet;:. SOCThe yard for a very pretty lino of shoe alpacas, with self polk spots, beautiful bright flii,sh, very silky. the Lest 50c goods you'll see We season. 85C The ya•d for the new chiffon broad chat), our own import- ing pure wool. lovely bright flutnh, guaranteed spot proof. cresol, greens. blues, browns, heavers, blacks and reds. Here's the Biggest Chance of the Season. Just• to band a Manufacturer's Set of Samples of Ladie& Fancy Collars, 141 styles, no two alike. Regular values 50a to $1.50 each, our quick Belling trice tic, 35c, 50c and 75c. Ark to tree them. GOLD BELTS are correct so Dame Fashion reports. We show some- thing eetirely new, tine gold web- bing, with blue or white over etripe mounted with rich brass buck:.•.+. While they last our price will be :;;,c DRESDEN RiBBONS are it and they are going to be it all this season. We thew twenty different style'', all widths, all shade''=. The t•olu:- inge are certainly lovely. - The are dreams, to er•e them ie to fall in love with tashiou's latest ribbon creation Our new millinery is ready for your Inspection The .,tyle) this season are very varied, fi ov.rev .►n,l ribbons are very much in evidence' and such fio,, -•rs they are, so uatur.tl that you can almost slne!I their fragrat.ce-and ril.'. •it , well you must see therm. Conte and have A look at the early millinery. 1t's a lovely study. :Mas Saudere ie again in charge. We have ,t cat- td Redpal it': Extra Standard Granulated Sug.tr. Your at buy from us much cheaper now than you wil. atter on -you better get Jtlr pl'ices. J.11. STEWART DIflMOND I1#ILL ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH Your Watch Perhaps you have neglect- ed it, let it get dirty or rusty from lack of oil Perhaps it has been badly repaired at some time. Whatever the reason. don't delay, as delay sometimes spoils the watch. Given the opportunity we will repair and return it to you with r Personal Guarantee of its correctness. We make - no charge for examining your watch and reporting its needs. Our prices for watch repairing are moderate. MflR6IIflND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. Spring SuItInQ!s Say we got in come swell spring Suiting') last week. They are right up to the moment. Coats are two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper that you can't help hut, notice them. The Vests ere cut with five buttons and the Pante are just a little pig toppy. They are beaute all right for $15, $18 and $20 and no matter where you go, you can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do. W. W. Taman Merchant nt T e+ll O r. BORN 1NGRAt'. - In Rogerville, Sunday, March 18th, the etre of Alex Ing- ram, t daughter. OKE. -1.1 1'aborne, Thursday March 15th, (he wife of Welter .)oho Oke, a !Dn. T)IRD f3URIt.-In fetn Ilarnerdino, Calif., Friday, March 16th, Jennie Drew, formerly of Eveter, wife of Floe - SURS('R1I1F: FOi----tTIII', TIMES. SUi39Cft113E FOR THE TiMES. Oift•TOAii. Se the STM NM YN Ntn1 u Its w TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be Left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TI1uItSDAY, .MARCII 22nd, 1906 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• e••••••• FRIENDSHIP CEASES WHEN loans begin. MR. W. C. HUSTON LEFT SAT- urday for Rugby, N. D. TIIE FROFESSIONALS IN LOVE are those who marry for money. M1t. RUSSELL SOUTHCOTT IS visiting for a few days in town. MISS JEAN MURRAY•SPENT Sunday with relatives in Iiensall. MR. ARTHUR WOOD, OF LONDON. alaent Surldny with his parents here. DR. LUTZ LAST WEEK DISPOS- cd of his house to Mr. W. W. Johns. MISS WICKETT, OF LONDON, IS the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) A. I1. Going. MISS MABEL FOLLICK, OF ST. Marys visited at her home on Sun- day. REV. A. J. F'O\VLIE, OF ERIN, spent last work with relatives in town. COLE'S BAKING POWDER }IAS no superior, 25e a pound at Cole's Drug Store. WM. NEWCOMBE AND WM. YA- 1 ger left Saturday night for the ( Northwest. MRS. MARIA GILL IIAS RE- turtied from a month's visit with rel- atives at \Vika ion. MI88 BERT JOHNSON, OF SEA - forth) was the guest of Miss Jean IFaw•kslaew over Sunday. RICH MEN MAY NOT STAND aiuoh of a %how in heaven, but they get all the favors on earth. IMPERIAL HAIR TONIC A IiAiit dressing of unusu.t7 molt in Silo. bottles at Colo's Drug Store. MISS CHARLOTTE SWEET RE - turned biome last week after a plea- sant visit with friends in London. MR. T. IL MCCALLUM IS AT - tending the Dominion- Council of Royal Templars at Hamilton this week. MRS. JOHN MORGAN, OF CH - borne, ig visiting her sister, Mrs. fi. A. Popleat.one, of Blyth, formerly of Exeter. ONE OF O11tt Si'F:CIALTIES Drente i)1n1rlfice for presorting and clearying +. 25e tuts' :,t Cole's Drug Sara.. IF TIIE EXODUS TO THE Northwest keeps up ;tm it has during the (east two or throe weeks, there will bo few of us left. LOST. --ON THURSDAY LAST A bunoh of three keys on rtin;ll ring with short chain attached. itew•;tid nt Times office to the finder of there. LOCALS Mlt. ANI) MRS. A. J. McTAVISII and children. formerly of (:all, aro vis ting Mr. :and Mrs. J. N. Howard. 31r. atcTevi ,h is laid up with rheu- matism. M1U4. W. G. 130ON, OF TORONTO, and Mrs. s Wm, Graham, of Mt. Marys, who were the guests of Mrs. John While last week, returned to the; r respective .homes on Mond is. REV. VEA LE, OF leIRKTON, preaeled two very excellent ser- mons at ,Tames street Methodist ehurch Sunday last. Rev. Going oc- cupied Rev. Voile's pulpit at leek - ton during the day. TIIE PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY School w►II hold its annual enter- tainment on Friday evening of this week. A good programme has been prepared cansieteng of songs, recite - Gone and lantern sltrb•'s. Admission 15 conte. TO OUR A COLD iN ONE DAY Take Lattative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ed if it falls t0 etre. E. W. Grove's s goature Is on each boo( 25e. Mr. \\'e'1„' Puri Joey lett Mon- day for the Nurthw.at. MRS. F. J. KNIGHT IS CONFIN- cd to her bed through iliums. NIR. JOAN 11. BRICK\fool) put ch - ed the stole for tc*1l( cttarritd on by Mrs. Jones at forth end of the town. M11. ISAAC BISSETT, OF DELHI, and Miss Ethel liis,.'tt, i; Constagu, were called to thei hon:•.• here on Monday oil accut•.:. of tiro .illness of their brother Ileruld. "TEDDY" 13AWDEN'8 ••11.1%00' nand serenaded the. down town ' uiti- 1:Ass places on Tiu'stla)• adutit.twon, :'d►-z.rtieing the No -ideal at thio rink. With a 1rt1lo 4n•ctctiea the toys aright ripe's..for ins inbalo tip ;o Sotuct's fam- ous t,;nd of music:otos. 1iA8 ' iulo the alit. It. E. WALKER OF CREDI- tun, intends taking n trip to the west this spring and is advertising his butclear business for i.t!c. 1'., ha a good trade and a good emit,. merit and any u,ur<'on'buying item busi- ee s will get . it excellent 1'irgein. DR. 1a•'ALVA, O1: i'ui: IhALVA College 01' 1 , who a slt+.rt time ago 1,tjd Exeter a visit with his troupe teas arrested at Tilbury last Friday, charged with practising without a lieen`.. '1111e "Dr." was fired $30 and roNis. Ho paid his fine. and went Joint, busnr5s as usual. MRS. C. A. S0(7T11CO'I'T, W110 is un hese n -ay, ho'ae via Manitoba. after mending the venter in Califor- nia, w;r'btca that the tr:oin on which site was journeying Ara u delayed sev- en+l hours on account of the colli- sion of tha train near Pueblo in w+hicll over !bury persons were kill- ed. A MMEJ..'rING OF TILE BOARD Tn1d,� nets /Will in t 'Town l Friday everting for th<: election officers for the efts -t g yc:u•. the old officers wore elected. A the election cons:del-able tlisc.US was indulged in relative to the railway s(at'on, but ,.o action taken. It was decided to hold meeting of the board Ills last Fr of each month. Talc Leal tucet will tr held on the 30th of iia Mlt. AL. MOORE \VI10 FOR THE 181:41 three years clerked for .lfeesrs. Snell & Rowe left .11unday for Owen Sound where he hos accepted a po- sition with W. T. Lee, dry goods merchant of that town. During M r. Moore's residence in Exeter he has by his congenul and affable manner made many friends, who are sorry tlr.it he is leaving us. but aro pleased that he has secured a lucrative po- sition. OF tall, of All (tor sine Ile w ,Sas e ly 1 ng rich. 100 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANT - ed in April.- The Times desires .t wider field of usefulness and as a consequence will push the circula- tion department of our business. Dur- ing next month we desire to add nt least 100 new names and by tho help of the friends of the Tinges this should not be ti very difficult job. If you hive a son or daughter ab- sent from tome to send the Times would ix a very kindly way of re- 'tnemlx•ring theta. We ate always pleased and thankful to receive new- sy dotes from any locality and ne'11 welcome contributions from any reader of this notirp. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE-TIIE Education department las issued a revised time table of the high school entrance examination for 1906, which supereeeles that given in October, 1905. It is as follows: \Vednestl+y, June 27th -a. m. 8.45-9.00, ro:iding instructions ; ,9.00-_11.00 composition • 11.10-11.55, spelling ; p.m. 1.30-3.30 geography. Thursday, June 28th - a. ni. 9.00-11.30, arithnieti,c ; p. m. 1.30-4.00 writ ten reading. Friday, Juno 29t11 -a. m., 9.00-11.00Engliglt Grammer; 11.10 - 12.00 writing. Oral reading may be taken either Friday afternowt or at such ether hours as are convenient. THE LAST CARNIVAL 0F' THF: stetson was held on Monday night at the skating rink and not withstand- ing tbo stormy %vat her was well at tended. The costumes wore not ns elaborate as on former oocnsiotne although some wore ,vary pretty. For the lady representing rosy nation the docision NV.15 'between Mise' Dick- son, as "Critt'lda" and Miss Martin as "Olin". The tatter's costume was made in the Orient. Miss Mar- tin avian the prize. For the gentle- man representing any n•ition, Fr.t.1k Weekes, as a I•`lnrialt Cavalier was an ea 83 winner, while John Rumford dressed as :1 polar bear, was bho best comic oh 1 ractcr. TcxIdie item -- den made a hit with his rcprescus tat ion of George Mi.anaoit, to (1 he take -off on any Exeter ,merchant, and in the tat moan's race he ben t two contestants dressed ns •"Alkali Ike" (ultd "Weary \Viltic' , Frank Weckos took the mile ,,pen race. AN ENTHUSiASTiC MEETING of a mulls.'' of members of the ng- ricultural .#oceety rind 1hois' inter- ested in m ,king the Victoril day cel- ebration a streeess, %v.ts .held al 1he Mansion House last Stturday. The cotntnittee .appointed to srilicit su0- ecripliotls reported excellent sucoese, and it was decided Get the celebra- Gen would be nn n.ssured thing. The program for the racing events ons portly imide up and it le intended to heave a three minute trot or peace for farmers only. Teem will also be a bronco race, an. open trot or pace rind a slow race in wt,ich each own- er of the horses entered will drive 4e' •liorae belonging to someone elite. prizes w ill be awarded for the Ca lititumtai•in and Trades' parade. 1t wvs decided to haves tug of war he- t ween1st <' L tor n and St aeaie n t he dividing lirro to be bile'I8.ndou road, 'o that (>ach team, if it %%Ashes, can 01100'e men from Exeter, but con- teatants living on the met side of linin street must pull for l'sborne and those on the nest Fide wit11 Ste- phen. A committee n;It look ,.after the ottena louse and arr Inge a concert for tis+ craning. The (,remittee in clstrge of the sports will vncet this (Thureln)v etening :n Mr. Hurdon's officer• to ar- range a 1' nog r.rtn of spor t s. AS I HAVE DECiDF1) TO GIVE up hn+incsa 1 well dispose of my shook in the store, Exeter . North, either in whole or in part, at greatly reduced prig.. Thi• eterek is in good oondition, and the party buying will get a Rope bargain. The iiey least office is in rnnneation with the store. -L. McT=tggart. 1 Drcss OooO dAO SilKs spring Goods New goods arriving daily from now on each day for some time will surpass its predecessors in the great variety and beauty of spring importations, as shipment after shipment arrives. A few of the Most Popular Weaves Scotch Tweed Suitings Poplin de (Ilene Figured Voiles Venetians French Cords Fancy Panamas Fancy Mobairs Sicillians Albatross Cloth Satin Cloth. In all the Fashionable Colorings, Greys, Blues, Greens and Browns Prices 35c to $1.25 SILKS CHIFFON TAFFETA SILKS, small pin checks and stripes. beautiful wearing quality in greens and blues, price 85c a yard TAFFETA SILKS, blue and white small neat checks and stripes snakes a pretty suit, warranted not to cut, price 75c. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS, quality we recommend to give good wear. Price 50r, 75c, and $1.00 yard. BLACK PEAU DE SOIE SILK, the best silk made for service, very rich finish, every yard stamped, guaranteed to wear, make beautiful dress, has always sold at $t.25, price dress length $t SPECIAL,-5oo yards of Colored Tarnaline Silk in pale blue, rose pink and champagne, good value at 50c, special price 38c yard. SN EJI I & R -01/1.7M TIIE MISSES LILLA AND AM Johns are visiting in London and 8 Marys. MILS. JAS FORD IS VISITING •Lor daughter, Mrs. Fred Hill, in To- ronto. 15 Y i Market Report. -The following is t. the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to March 22nd. \\'Ixuat 74 to 76 cents per bus. Oats, 32 to 34 cents per bushel Barley 40c. to 42c. per bus. Peas, 65 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 a ton. I3r4n, $19 per ton. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed flour, $1.20 per cwt. Clover seed $6 to $8.50 per bus. Ilay, $7 per ton. Butter, 19c. per pound. Eggs 14c a dozen. Onions 75 'cents por bushel. Dried Apples 3e. per pound. Chicken, young, 7c to 8c per Ib. Ducks, 10 cents tier lb. Geese, 10 cents per 1b. Gant, $6.75 to $7. Pobatoos, $1.10 a bag. Bogs, livoweight, $6.65 a cwt. Hogs dresses, $8.1;0 to $8.75 a cwt. TIIF, MISSES SIIIRItY, OF iIEN :rill, were guests of the Misses Joh' Sunday last. MISS OLIVE QUANCE LEFT Monday for Daellwood, where site has boon engaged (13 milliner 'for the season. FOR BALE. -ABOUT TWO THOU sand cedar posts, also a number o end and anchor posts. Apply to T M. Kay or D. 'Wood, Exeter. LOST -A LOGGING CIHAIN, FRI- day, March 16th. Round hook on one end and grab hook on the other. Finder will be suitably reworded by leaving at Times Office. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR -- goon, will bo at tho Commercial Hotel the first Friday of etch month. Mourn, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glass- es properly fitted and diseases of eye, can• aald mase treated. Next visit Prissy, April 6dh. COAL! COAL! COAL!-ANOTiiER large shipment of the hest Lehigh Valley Coal just in. Nut stove and furnace $6.75. Get your supply now before the storms ret in and block- ades the rands. -Il. Parsons. WORD WAS RECEIVED JIERE Saturday by Mrs. 1''. J. Knight, of the death of her sister, Mrs. Ilow.ard Surr, of Sin 11 rulydino, Calif., aged 32 yr,lre. ours. Surr was :t former resident of Exeter and way the sec- ond youngest child cd the late Ed. Diew, who left Exeter .t number of years ago for California. THE I(EGULAR 1VEEKLY SHOOT of the Exeter Gun Club was held Thursday of last week and resulted •1s .follows : W. Johns ' 9 7 8 8. Fitton I). llartbeib T. Carling . J. Creech T. Creeo1, 11. Ford ...... F. Nickte N. D. I l u rdon •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A VIVID STORY becomes douhly absorbing when yon haus good glasses to read with. They remove all strain from the eyes. 1f yon ever feel any i11 effects from reading, better let us EXAMINE YOUR EYES We'll do it with in case you nerd fit you with a pair to your case. You pay for the not for our ''killed iittuost care. lass a K e , we'll exactly suited glasses only- sel•vicee. W. S. HOWSY, Phm. 6, Chemist and Optician, Phone i10. EXETER, ONT. SW'hYiit TESTED FitE $ h [ MELISSA BALM A scientific skin food highly recommended for rough hard or irritated akin, chapped hands face or lips. An Antidote for March Winds. 1Ve recommend this prepar- ation to you as one of our special- ties beause we know it to he the inost elegant preparation for general use upon the hands and face. One Trial will Con- vince you. Its ready sale an evidence of its popularity Prepared and for sale only at Cole's Drug Store, E,XE.TE,R. iMilMommemiV NIRS. COLLINS WAS IN SEA forth Monday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Young. • Mit. W. 11. DAWSON, OF AhL- mer Itis been sent here a5 ledger keeper •for the atolson's bank staff, to act during I he business of Mr. Harold Ilkeeett. Ile arrived !ism on Wednesday morning. MRS. GEO. MANTLE RECEIVED n telegram on Sunday stifling that her uncle, Mr. Davi,, Duncan, of Missouri, was killed 011 Saturday in 0 runaway accident. Mr. Dun in was n resident of this locality years t+ go. The following refers to the Cocker dog, which was owned by all . W. 11. Levet t, of Exeter, and Fold by him n few weeks ago to George Douglas, of Woodelock. "Ca Tuttle* n exhibitor+ continued their success et rho Ruf. Palo Kennel Club's shots lest week l•orticularly .it corker sp;tnicI., ;1 1.1lir•ty of dogs in whick Ontario problbly ,leads the world. The tip of n Werk or 1 wo ago w:ri mado good by the eppearance of a new black dog, shown by George Douglas, of Woodstock. 'Though four years ofd, this dog bad never been seen in n, show ring. and w•,1, appropriately' name! Hermit. Ile let by Little Won-! der -Ver -1. His witnnin s 'in limit, , u nett• first. ni't t open tad winners classes, Itxvt owned in Olfi It, bot( black in the show, and best of any color or are arriving every day, We are ready in all departments for the spring rush. Come and examine our goods. It is .� pleasure to show them. Silk Waists White or black with the popular embroidered work oa thein, 7 different styles, all good values, $2 $3 $4, tip Vesting All our vesting have that soft silky finish whiek'is T popular this season. They are Plain, Polka Dot and Figur. ed at 15c, 20c and 25c. Shirt Waist Suiting In the Cotton and Linen effects we have an especially nice. display, Ginghams, perfect washers 123c Mercerised Ginghams, perfect washers .... 15 to 25c Linen Suiting, white or cream 20c to 45C ASTORA SHOES We are the only people you can get them from here Everyone knows they are the best shoe on the market. Once worn will convince you. Only price of cheap shoe. CARLSNG1- BRCS.. 1 Interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid only half yearly or yearly. You as a business mats will see the advantage be your account large or shall. Deposits of $1.00 upwards received. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER, JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN ac STANBURY, Solicitors, U#IRM[,RS NOTLCE Having just arranged with The Veterinary Specialty Co., Ltd., to sell the following remedies. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier, Indigestion and Colic Drenches, Spav- in Cure, Worm Powders, Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Louse Death, Antiseptic Healing Oil. Sprain Emu'. sion, Black Oil for Thrush, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac and Anti -Sterile Powders, Dlerrhoett Cure for Colts and Calvre, Leaking Naval and Joint III. VANZANT �d),o WARING, Veterinary Surgeons, 4i years practical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder Lo free Veterinary Advice. ---FOR SALE BY -- W. S. HOWEY, The Live Draagglst EXETER, ONTARIO. ••••••••••••••NN•••••••• iosamminfamiuti iiARVEY'S - STAR FLOUR is the ideal Family Flour. Good for Bread or Biscuits. Meuperti r of out ads roml all Manitoba Wheat. The price is leas too -112.25 per cwt. We also manufacture and sell Pure Manitoba Flour Graham Flour Princess(CHoRom$TRY) Wheatlet and Cracked Wheat SPECIAL FEED PRICES HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. Close Inspection • Of our Wall Papers reveals their great superiority. In every detail of the manufacturer, as well as in designs and colorings, our new papers aro simply the perfection of excellence. tutt can't t Fie su •t re ,1 i getthe 3 hest unless you see what We have to offer. --t age in the _.how. Titres firsts, two SERVER BROS cups and 1 small!, ev<,r)'thinq for which h^ sic s eligible to compete. T► Farquhar, Ont. Thnone owner also lied the best • other than black, in (he ted dna Ited Knight, which nun a cup end e mrd 11 in addition to 1 hese firms in' the ctacges." Ree e do. For over 150 years we have O MraG,/ Z'L s been rn:k i:ig them - the best liver pills ever made. They are used In every civilized Ixnd on the. face of the globe. .1 • �, a �'') Al! vegetable, sugar-coated, gently ' `+ ���,Pa ✓>ib 4 lax:five. Ajcr'a Piil3. Ayer'e Pile. �1 +- .4.Y t / , •1 !! . it 1 Q t t . • 's Mrret, I y'e `r.1' 1 J. t. .=-.-,..,+.Y ''• .''.aro.: tr...•.x.•:. t'•'• 7:. 13 '! of sit err rs ! rorru . .at: • ill' : rz:7i: s :.cu: 7.2f..-1.......141-1.11."-7iluiyr�'a� ELIIIViLLK Rev. F' er a is in Ilenaall on afon- d •y .tt tendioi; a temperance meeting of !lout h Huron. Mrss. 11. Coultis visited fricatds in Exeter I1st week. The infant t,.hild of Mrs. lly. Fair, visiting at the f•traon.lL( was taken eer.'ously ill on $utsl: ',. icel all yr to ettnimetr a end wo fire lad to be-ar that i The old way to cure a cold The New %Va liinr take Hbwey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Oily 25 yent- a box, LESS THAN 106. fl WILK will ensure your family $1000 in the event of your death from accident or $5.00 a week during Disability. --I.- -- Get -- .---- Get a Policy from THE EMPIRE Accident & Surety Company Larger Benefits at Propor- tionate Rates. A Cana(lian Con';erii. W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter. Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S " Syrup Whit e Pin ' and Tar