Exeter Times, 1906-03-22, Page 7RUSSIAKNOWS NO PEACE IONTARIO LEGISLATURE Arrest and Deportation of Candi. date for Czar's Election. PEASANTS ARC 11:R1tOHIZF.D. The SL Petersburg correspondent of The I.nitdun Tures in cabling from the Massie!' ien capilal says : '1 he ollicial Comt- munique states that the Minister of ice is hurriodly drafting laws to pro- etection utuwes. Macon bile the P 11 continue to arrest l-iUl authorities and dug,cn•l candidates unit terrorize the ' peasants. A telegram trout faros lav 4s that only thirteen of six hundred .lords and clergy met to elect 'Stu italdl deleg,1;,' to the provincial electoral col- lege. These thirteen elected eleven of their own number. Ominous rumors cone frotn Moscow. The revolutionaries are said 10 Ir; drS_ playing Great activity, and a largo 1 portion of the worknnen leave definitely refused to take part in the ele ctious. •Const.ferutile unrest is noticeable among the railviaymen and causes Worm to 111.! authorities. A regiment of dragoons and several batteries of artillery have twit dratted into Moscow from 'I'ver. Procla- mations aro being distributed it Mos- cow announcing that the revolutiotanrics 'n wwlte, will blow up the electoral offices the eleotions begin. it is difficult to as- certain the origin of these proclamations. Extl'erlliS'S on both sidu are adopting tactics designed to defeat tete elections. is intended to close the reactionary or- ganizations, but there is nu conut firmation of this, and it is don the St. Petersburg. police or the Governor -Gen- • t • toSt oral of Odessa, who have been foremost in promoting race h,h'ul, will be 1 (shot. \111.tT TIIE 1.EG1iLATVRE AT TO- RONTO LS DOING. BENEFITS OF tli:FORESTRATION. Mr. Downey, in moving 1110 second reading of his bill providing for the made exemption ngpn stru► woodlands for from taxation, legislation that would promote any reforest•alion on the farts Weds of Ontario. hitherto a suicidal policy had been pursued with iefet'euce to the preservation of Ontario's Sorest lends. '1 ue bill, exempting frau taxuliun ten (teres of forest land in every hundred acres, would en C0ur- Lige farmer's to develop and preserve lieu wood lots. '1'ihe result would I eneficinlly effeet climate and natural water -powers. Similar laws were in force in Connecticut. Illinois and other Slates of the Union. lion. Mr. Cochrane had no objection to giving the bill its second reading. but he noted that the Government had tm contemplation a general scheme el reforestrnlion and of forest protection. There was. however, not enough time this session to formulate in legislation the progressive policy under considera- tion. perimental tarn in connection with the hutg.'lou Dairy School. SAN JOSE SCALE SPREADING. 'An item of 8t,($) for spraying fruit tl led with the mein Jose scab. TROUBLE IN MANCHURIA. Tele- grams despatch from London says: le- grnnls from Vludivosto, sf Idle Times, t. Petersburg correspondentserious is es, inmate Hetet something, oc- curring in Mtuucl►rrtu. Traffic o Japanese (sari Line is suspended. The Jap have been forbidden to come north. The Chinese ere reported to be hostile. SUBMARINE PLANS SOLD. A despatch from SI. PcteisWttrg says: A big scandal has developed i ► the diseovery Min- istry ot Marine owing to theth t that the plans u( the lsohsvesitheeu sold to slaty submarine boo agents of a foreign power. PRISONERS LEAVE MOSCOW. Another batch ot a hundred and fifty'( politico prisoners left Moscow for Ya- kutsk. Five Moscow newspapers hLVC been indicted. Tho Charko(( Suniaarisls have mutinied and poured sulphuric •acid over the rector. The Government announces that It will take measures to stop tete Incitement 10 murder me Jews. This gives rise to reports that U DOMINION PARLIAMENT t cos a ee e we r„ challenged by A1r. \Iccoig, of Wow( Kell, olio thought the amount rliuClt too small, us the scale, he understood. was spreading( In some districts. R was a toaper, that required immediate allen- eon., year Mr. Menteilli replied that last y' they had supplied the medicinal mater- iae to fruit -growers, and had borne the expense of sending( a man round to show them how to apply it. This year lite fruit men had sufficient knowledge of the waving method to render this expense 1 unnecessary: consequently, they hail i. " concluded that (hero was no ace.do of .n ceasing the vote. TERRIiBL\' TORTURED. A despatch atch from Si. Petersburg says: P a- Prof. Courtenay, a member of the Aca- demy of Sciences, in an open letter on Thursday, describes the horrible tortures l:► which, he asserts, the political prison- ers c- at Warsaw were subjected by of Police Groan. Ile cites as examples two cases in which prisoner's were starved. and on foul` consecutive nights were beaten with clubs, jumped on, their hair pulled out by the roots, and the soles of their feet cut with knives, until they signed statements confessing their g+uitt. r� POSITIONS OF EMiOLUMEN'C. -GOVERNOR GENERAL'S SPEECH AT TIIE OPENING. OUTSTANDING LOANS. Mr. Borden was informed by Sir Wil- frid Laurier that £1,400.000 sterling of temporary loans contracted by the Government were outstanding on March 1st, 190G. £4)00,000 was borrowed n September last at the rale of 3% per cent. per Annum, and X800,000 on Nov. at the, rate6. to of 3%redeem per cent. Theaverage rate of the two waa 3.22 per cent. MR. PRESTON'S VISIT. Mr. Wilson (Lennox), was informed by Iron, Mr. Oliver that W. T. R. Pres- • ton, Dominion Immigration Commis- sioner. of London, Eng., visited Canada to er& the close of last year on official bcjllitct$, having loon sent for by the Government. Mr. Preston's position in England was that, of an ollicial subordi- nate to the Canadian High Commis- sioner. TIIE: 1106 TEADE. BARN -RAISINGS. Hon. Mr. It►rna did not think that Mr. Little's bill to. ensure the safety of farmers attending barn -raisings and to a).point an inspector to see the law carried out should go through, nt least in els present form. Ile suggested t, cs tCd that at some such law as the \Worknen's Com- luenantion for injuries Act might be prac- ticable in these eases. The builders, however. were at the present time Un- tie for damages hi the case o1 accidents. The bill was withdrawn. ASSESSMENT ACT. EXPERIMENTAL DAIRY. Mr. Sutherland (South Oxford) went at considerable length into tate work of the experimental dairy department at Guelph. Ile declared that the results of the past ten years' experiments had by uu means justified the money spent on them. The annual output of the dairy herds at the 0. A. C. had not been ap- preciably increased in ten years. e beIlcved tests had not been properly made. and the experiments as con- ducted hitherto were ot little value to the ft,r+ucrs, When the reports of the pro- fessors showed, for instance, that the cost of producing a pound of beef or 0 pound of cheese from the herd was very muct more than could be realized even ut extra high prices for the product, then it was time a change was spade. The farmers of Ontario wanted to learn w 'o conduct a dairy business at a profit rather than at a loss. MUNICIPAL ACT. Mr. Carscallen's hill to amend the Mu- nicipal Act provides that, in addition to the publication required in cases of a by-law authorizing the issue of deben- tures, the estimates of fvthe intended except where ex- renditures shall be 6 1 Ilio issue covers extensions of gas, elec- tric light or water works. The bill nlso provides that it shall not be necessary to obtain the consent of the electors to by-laws for extensions It they bo ap- proved by the Lieutenant-Governor•in- t:ouncil, and that it has-been shown that lite extensions are necessary, and that an additional revenue will be derived llerefccan to meet the increased expen- diture. THE WORLD'S MARKETS f i.50, others at $3.75 1,1 $4, bulls at $3.50 1.: 54, and cows ut a2.75 10 83,50. hotelier Cattle --licked lots, 84.60 to SIN"); OA to choice, *4.25 to $4.5U; fair to gout, $3.50 to $1; Common, $2.50 to $3; cows, *2.75 to *t; bulls. $3 to 64; canners, 81.`•0 to $2. Smokers end Feeders -Short -keep feed- irs are quoted at SI to $1.50, heavy hcxl- er:, at $3.65 to $1.15, medium at $2.50 tit rs.5o, bulls al 82 to 82.75, good stockers run at 83 to $3.65, light at 82.75 to 83, rough to common at $2 to $2.75, and bulls at 81.75 to $2.50. Milch Cows --$30 10 861) each. /salves -33% to G3;e per lb. Sheep end Lambs -Export ewes r.rc quoted unchanged at 8175 to 85.25 per cwt. and bucks are easier at 83.50 to $4.50. Grain -Ail lambs ars 15c higher al $6.710 87.25, and nixed ars dull at 65.50 1 a $7.25, and (nixed aro dull at t?J..,li Ji/U :,0 l.. 11(g - 86.s;► Ticr cwt. for selects and $6.60 Wit' lights and futs, fed and water- ed. RI:PO1tIS 1'1101 TIIE LEADING Ti AI 1: CENTRES. r-+ Paces of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce al Uoate oral Abroad. Toronto, March 14.-- Flour - Ontario wheat patents aro 83 bid In buyers' sada; outside for export. Manitoba first pat- ents are quotes at $4.30 to 81.40, '1'u1'on- tu, and strong butters' ut Seise) to 81. Toronto. Bran, nominal, ut 8114 at out- side t- side points, and Awls at $ t to outside. Wheat - No. 2 white offered at 76yc ' outside, with iGC bid. No. 2 real Winter, nlcr 753c bid outside, on G. T. H.; It offered at 766, now shipped to Portland, with e 75c bid. No. 2 mixed offered outside at . 76c with 75c bid. No. 2 goose uttered at 71c outside, without bids. No. 1 North- ern offered at 80c on track, Point Ed- w'.ard, May delivery, while 86yc was bid North Bay, to arrive. Marley - No. 2 offered at 500 outside, without bids. No. 3 extra, 47c bid (.0.1)., dal 78 per cent points, for one load. Sir Wilfrid Laurier told Dr. Sproule that only two members of Parliament had been apointel to positions of emol- ument from the Crown since last ses- sion. They were Sir William Mulock, of North York, and Mr. Mackenzie. of Cape Breton. C1GAI1ETTC EVIL. 11r. Blain learned froth Mr. Fitzpat- rick that it was possible that a bill would again be introduced this session deal- ing with the cigarette evil. THE 1NTEBCOLONIAL. Mr. Morin Learned from Mr. Erntner- son that the number of employes on the Intercolonial were as lotlow's: 1589, 5.037; 1900, 5,61)1; 1901, 7,25t; 1902,'1,013; 1903, G 960; 1904, 7,160; 1905, 8,550. Mr. Clements was informed by Hon. Mr. l fisher. that the Townships of Td - !wry Eesti Raleigh, East and \\'est Dover, Chatham, Harwich, Camden and Howard were now under quarantine in respect to the hog (rade. The first six had been quarantined since Oct. 22, 19ol, and the letter had been added on May est following. Thillt had been 141 hogs reported and killett in Harwich and thir- teen In Chathun►. The sum of $714 had been paid for compeesattnn. CANNiNGTOV POST OFFICE. HEIGHT OF QUEBEC 111t1DGB. Mr. Armstrong brought up the ques- tion ot the height of the Quebec bridge by reading prom an article in the Cana- dian Engineer to the effect that the bridge, which would be 150 feet above high water, would Interfere with traffic. It ought, at least, to bo 10 or 15 feel• higher, in order to accommodate the large ships of the future and oven some of tite present day. Hon. Mr. was no a need for anyent txiete there apparently t regarding the hetgttt of the Quebec bridge. Ile described the spans of the bridge, and said (hero would be a clear- ance above the highest water level of 150 feet for a width of 1,200 feet, cover- ing the whole channel. Si'. LAWRENCE CHANNEL. Hon. Mr. Brodeur, Minister of Marine. said that by Oct. 1st next the channel in the St. Lawrence from Montreal `o On motion of Mr. Munro an amend- ment to the Assessment Act, providing that the amount of assessment on tele- phone lines in any township should not exceed file cost per mile of cQnstruc- hon. was rend a second line. _ lion. Mr. Ilnnna remarking that the princi- ple 0 enumerated be safeguarded against in: committee. Mr. Smellie s proposed change to the Assesto placesment exemptions in which intended towns and ages in territorial districts on the same basis as those of cities and towns to the older parts of the province, will be considered in committee with other tills ot the same class. ELECTIONS ON NE\V YEAR'S DAY. Mr. Labrosso moved the second read- ing of a hill to postpone municipal elec- lions to tlto Friday before New Year's /Jay. when, owing to the last Monday in December being Christmas Day, 111e nominations take placeon 010Lapreceding a said Friday. Many people, were, away visiting their friends at New Year time. and were deprived of their votes under tato present regula- (Ions. (ion. Mr. Hanna replied that elections had been held on Monday from lime im- memorial. Ile did not think they inter- fered with the celebration of the holi- day. It might be a question, indeed, whether the midwinter season was the proper time to hold these elections, but since they did take place then, he believed it was as well to have deem on the holiday, when everyone vns at lib- erty. Ile agreed, however, to let the mo- tion go on to the comtnillee. SALE OF ONTARIO BONDS. Hon. Col. Matheson announced t hat arrangements had been made with the Bank of Montreal for the issue in 1.on- tion, upon most favorable conditions to the province, of n permanent loan to re- deem the treasury bills, amounting to ,21.200,000 sterling, issued in November, 1904, and renewed in May and Novem- ber, 1905, on 8 count of the construe - lion of the Tentisknming and Northern Ontario itnllrond. The loan will tall due in 1916. and the issue price Ls 98%,. with interest at 3y., per cent. per milium, raynble half yearly. The present issue will net the province 8350.000 in excess e: the rate offered for the loan proposed in 1903. mid will be over $50.000 in ex- cess of any otters made in 1905. The Provincial Treasurer also announced that the remaining nmount nututriz,d for the construction of the railway, St, 200,000. will he rnlsed In Canada. TO IMPROVE SMALL FAH'S. Oats - No. 2 white offered at 34%0 low freights to New York, with 34c bid, and at 36%c iii store, Toronto, with 36c c n' track bid to arrive Toronto; No. 2 nixed, 35c bid, Toronto. Corn - No. 3 American yellow offered etc 4931c on track. Toronto, and at 493 C to arrive, Toronto, with 49c bid. Buckwheat - No. 2 offered outside at Oc without bids. ' liet Col. IiugIt s was Informed by Mr. Baiiscan wouldbe wasconcerned, Utley A. de tp there AAylc.;wwortlt that Mr. 11. I). Talbot, post- far as the width Easter at Caunington, was removed were some very Targe curves wh►ich they t ►ffico in February. because he was were trying to widen out in ntake the channel as wide as possible. 0 was also confida:nlly expected that. with the improvements 111 the lightiug system the channel would sewn be navi- gable, fain by eight and day, without uny difficulty. carrying: on under another name u mer- cantile business In the village in coal - petition with other.:, when at the sane time the salary and allowances scented to be sufficient to maintain the post- master. No (00114latels had been re- ceived by the department about the urtuagettrcnt of the post office. IMMIGRATION. Dr. Sprout, obtained n great dent of intotnnntiun from Mr. Oliver relating to inunigrttion end the amount ot money 1.• -spent upon it iron► 1901 to 1905. The total ennead spent during these years wit.; ns follows: non 10 190 • 1901 to 1902 1902 to 1903 1903 to 1904 10(11 to 1905 There were 1,296 immigrants deported during 1903, 1901, and 1900 on account of being diseased or pity (fealty or men- tally 'needled. INSURANCE. FRATERNAL 1N 8111, 729 451,x41 (02,913 711,788 U72,356 Mr. Labor was informed by Sir Wil- frid Laurier that the insurance com- missioners had full authority to roves• tigale /relerna% insiurnnco, as well as other forms of insurance carried on by (.44111400s operating under Dominion charter or t) olninion 1'censt;. 1'.VI'EN"l' MMEi)1CI l'S. 1)r. Sproule was Told by the First %Untact• that the I;uvermtnent was con- sidering lite question of controlling the sale of patent medicines containing '%jnngerous drugs or ingredients. ,vi"1i NilANCi: OF MEMBERS. Mr. Henderson was told by Sir Wit. trill Illat he intended to move for the nppointment of a committee to rev6 e rho rules of the House, end it would cementer the matter of having a daily record made of the attendance of the m- iters. PETITIONS PRESENTED. Mr. Bickerdike, M.P., presented scores of petitions, signed by soma 15.000 people, urging haat Parliomenl pass a law making( usury a criminal offence. Mr. C.ockshutt presented petitions from Bible societies in all parts of Can- ada asking for incorporation as the Canadian Bible Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society. The retired servants of the Hudson's Ray Company. known as the veterans of the Fur Trade Association, petition Parliament to investigate into their claim to certain lands set apart for them by Lord Selkirk in the early part of lust cenhlry. Out ot some 74,0x0,000 acres. only 368.640 acres, they say, have been granted to the retired servants. FIGIiT MONTHS IMMIGRATION. PATENT MEDICINES. Mr. A. C. Pratt's bill makes 1t coil- pulsory on proprietary and patent medi- cine lach aulabel aat- tach in plain English, na every package of goods, setting forth n full schedule of its ingredients. in ndditlon, it provides that the word "Pol- son" must bo placed on nil pncicnges <.r lollies in the contents of which there is more than six per eent. of alcohol or than one -twentieth per cent. of mor Thine, heroin, COcal tc or of sults, de- rivatie; or equivnlente of any of them. '1'1►e Secretary of the Board of Health is rlso empowered to these analyses et nny lime of any as and complete information as to there must bo filed with him. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPENINGS 1'RO\i ALL OYER TM l:LO11E. Ti•leprapht^. Briefs I? ut Our Oen and Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. A. Toronto's assessment this year Is ex - peeled to be Increase'el by $10,000,(t)0. A new weekly paver will be published In \Wintlipeg ill Yiddish. Vandals broke into and damaged about Go cottages at Grimsby Park. died Newcombe \V. Police Magistrate suddenly at Fort \Valiant on Friday. The Grand Trunk Itaiiway has been refused a monopoly of hotels in Algon- quin Park. The Ontario Sunday School As: oCta- tlon is appealing on behalf of famine - stricken Japan. Rev. T. 11. O'Meara has accepted the appointment ot Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto. Conlributious to the schemes of aha Presbyterian Church this year were $12,000 greater than last. appoint- ed William Birt•ell has beenapp ewe license inspector ut Hamilton, to succeed the late Fred \Vatter. la lion, Mr. Belcourt, M.1'., proposes Invite the King and Queen to visit Can- ada ut the opening of the ts is to beige A rural telephone ey con- structed at Medicine fiat and through the Cypress hills ranching country. The Government have decided to re- vise the rules ot the House of Commons by a committee. At the Owwen Sound Assizes Mr. Lud- low, the Portland Cement Company's chemist, was given a verdict for $500 against The Durham Chronicle for libel. It is reported that the fere Marquette Railway Company propose building a theatre at fort Stanley, to be operated during the summer, and that they will have a fast service between 1,ondop and tete Port. The Provincial Gov'ernment's railway bill will provide for a commission similar to that appointed by the Ottaeve Gomm - went. It is announced that the Dominioa Steamship couCompany Urinshave tor Qcontracted with old elarge ocean freighters. Rev. Prof. Bluett, Ph.D., o Westo ley College, Winnipeg, is appointed he chair of mental and moral philosophy in Victoria University. Mr. 1. 1. lleiunuth, K.C., and Md. a. R. Geary will be the representatives of ilio. Provincial Government before the Insurance Commission. Corn - The price of the Hudson Bay Com- pany's landsin ad- vanced 50 percent., snaking the verage 50 quotation $0per acre. Canada's aggregated mineral �Z�,�,000,uclion as 1905g e compared with 86(1,073,897 for the pro- v'lous year and 862600,434 tor 1903. A requestpto assed the theUnionotslaturo Can has been g. Y lien Municipalities, asking that any new issue of Bell Telephone stock besubject to municipal regulation and provincial. control. 1110 ELECTRIC SYSTEM. Senator Domwille Outlines His Railway Project. A despatch from Montreal says : Sen- ator Donlville. President of tete Canadian Central Electrical Railway Company, for which ho recently went to London to secure financial backing, said here on Wednesday that if London financiers are appronclied with a sound, feasible Can- adian proposition, there will bo no diffi- culty experienes.el in financing it to good advantage. As to the railway, he said: "You re- member that Alfred Mosely spent some months in Canada. Ile cane here osten- sibly to find out how Canada stood with regard to Mr. Chamberlain's scheme. Ile addressed a number of boards of trade on the taritt issue, but the real pur- pose he had in view was to satisfy him- self as to the feasibility and probable success of this electric newly project. fie was all through the country which the line is likely to traverse. It will be 670 utiles in length running first from Montreal to Ottawa, thence westward, practically culling in two that broad zono of country that lies between the Canada Atlantic system and the Grand Trunk and Cuu,aiuit P.811143 linos, tont run up the St. l.awrence Valley and along the north shore of Lake Ontario to Toronto. Our railway goes westward' on practically a straight lune to Orillia. From near there a branch will run clown to Toronto, but the Hain line will con- tinue westward and southward. inter- secting on its way lines that are running northward, passing through London and St. Thomas, and finding water ter- minals at Port Stanley. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples - Choice stock, $3 to $3.50 per bbl., and inferior qualities, $2.25 to $`2.50. Beans - Iland-picked, $1.75 to 81.80; primes, $1.65 to $1.70. Money - 7 to 8c for strained, and $1.50 to $2 per do''en combs. (lops - 15 to 1Sc per lb. Ilay - Carslots of No. 1 timothy aro quoted at 88 on track, Toronto, and No. 2 at $6. Straw --- $5.50 to SG per ton. Potatoes - Ontario stock, 65 to 75cper tag, and Eastern, 75 to 800 per bag on track. Poultry - Turkeys, fresh killed, 14 to 15e; ducks. 12 to 13c; geese. 10 to Ile; chickens, 11 to 12c live chickens, 7 to 9c per Ib. AUULTEIt.\PION Mr. Rergerotes bill to amend Adudter;ttiotl Act was introduced nut read n fir,! time. Ile explained dent it v: ae ire same tilt as Ito had introduced near the e side that the iufactu r cs. of at sesien, would p patent meedieanes should indicate on the ltabelq the ingredients of the Inne ,. 11.11i.\1',\Y ACT. Mr. Ingram wA' 1nfernled by Sit Wil - hid I.:mii.er that the Minister <•1 Reil- eeye wrath! Introduce n hill to amend the Iteitww'ay Aot Ilii+ s<'.=sicon which could I reliably include 1. gislati)n re- tarding 'eta pteae coulpaniai. 4 ti INSURANCE COMIPANIF.S. Dr. hunter issues Report on the idfe and Dire Business. Returns Show, Slight Fattintt Ott Front Last Year. Ottawa. Murch 1L--llcturns of immi• gration into Canada for the lest eight monlh< of the current Recall year show total arrivals of 62,693, which is G21 less A tabulated summary of the annual statements by insurance coutpauics in the Province of Ontario lues been issti:d t.y Dr. Hunter, 1110 inspector of Insur- ance. Altogether all the companies ate hear to be in a healthy financial condi- tion, and large increases of business are reported. In the fire insurance business on the mutual plan, the gross amount at risk for 1905 is 8218,314(,510, as against 8206,- 359,923 in the preceding year. The un- a'sessed net total of piettl(ual notes is $6,921,163. In 1904 this item stood at $6,516,00. General assets show an in• crease over tete 1904 total of $7,452.909, the total for 11)05 being $8,172.339. The largest increase is in the new busine<s, which, for 1905, amounts to 879,711,031, whilst the 1901 Increase over the 1 ievi ens year \w•83 only $1.796,397. 'Pile Equity Life now has assets of $50,34+7.99. The company's llubilities are t;20,044).28. Paid -tip capital stock is not included in this. Income for last ycnr was $20,315.0, and the expenditure, $15,055.91, The Toronto Life's essela are R303,- 721.48. 30;' :1.48. Its liabilities, except pnidletp cap-' iin1, nre $227,270.20. Its income was $164,815, riot including $36,752 received from securitie.. The expenditures mount to $76,65105, apart from $4,799.- 70 and 8123,425 invested. The Onlnrle Farmers' Weather Itistir- 0lnCe Mutual Company has assets of $43,04$.S% and liabilities of *1,539,360. This cntnpituy'e income vns 83.399.21, and expenditure. $3,167.16. The I:onudian Minted Life Stts k 0•11110111y .:4 1135013 ninourit to 81,4)49.74, the t•i:ske being $13.015. les total income wits 31,25 91, and expenditure, $1,059.- '74. A similar condition of affairs i.e found in the three joint stock fire insur- ance conhpeniee. The Mferchnnts' liabil- ities nre (557.260.87. with a pall -up cap(• tall of $ income was st1ir2?sll.• 71, noel expenditure 8x•04,19:).47. The liabilities of the Queen laity are 627.577.21. enol expenetiture, 8100.1S0.- 18. ley income lyes $126,219. The pnid- up capital amounts to 81110.000. The Trader:;' lies Intal liabilities of 859.248.50, with a paid-up eap,itol of 859.275.33. Its tncome wits 8137.715-9f, and it.: expen- diture, 8113.667.01. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter - Pound rolls are quoted at 20 to 21c; large rolls 19 to 20c; good to choice dairy tuts, 20 to 21c; and inferior est 16 to 17c. Creamery prints sell at 26 to 27e, and solids at 24 to 24%e. Eggs - New laid are selling at 16 10 16%c per dozen in case lots, and cold storage at 1J% to 14c. Cheese - Large cheese 14c, (Wins 143% per 110G PRODUCTS. Dressed (togs in car lots are steady at 88.50 to $3.75. flacon, long cleao115to I13;c per lb. In case lots; mass p to 818.50; short cut. $22 to $22.50; hams, light to medium. 13 to 13%c; shoulders, hay, 120 %c; (bac, fly, to 11%e; breakfast ba• to llc; backs, 15% con, 14 to 11%e. Lard - Tierces, 10%c; tubs, llc; pails, 11%c. The Hose went into committee on the eetinlnles for agriculture. Mr. Ross, speaking on the item of $5.020 for ng- riculturnl and horticultural societies, asked it the Government was adopting ny definite policy along the lite of int - proving small rural fairs. Ile thought much of 010 provincial grant was wasted 011 501110 of these fairs, which were of emelt value from nn educational stand- point. lion. Mir. Monteith replied flint a Gov- ernment bili would be brought down which would tend to better the present condition of matters in this Netted, and would encourage the class of fairs which were purely agricultural and education - a1. Hon. Adam fleck, commenting; on the item of $6,0110 for Spring stallion shows and investigations. declared that the tense industry of the province had not Leen adequately nssiatvl by tho late Gov- ernment as Compared with the grants 1n the cattle, swine and sheep interests. His experience as a horseman, had been that it was more dimenit to ffnd good horses In Ontario now than 0 was ten yen's ngo. Yet the nnrkct. forte good s I orses wee ),eller Than then. w.•ere no longer wanted. Fortunately the South African \Vnr had taken tinny horses of This close out of the country. The noel of cncnurnging farmers In :geed judiciously and intelligently was greater now than ewer. EXPERIMENTA1. 1' \I t\t. than for the corresponding period of the previous year. This falling off will be mon than tnncle up, however, by the increased immigration this spring. For the eight months in question 40.537 nr• rived et Canadian ocean parts and 22,156 from the States. 4 MiOROCCO'S 1'(►T AGAIN 11011,I'%4 . Fears in Sonic Quarters of a Itupturc 4,1 the Coulercncc. Algeciras, March dl. -The next met- ing of the alone -elm C<►n(crcnee has been postponed until Saturday. This has caused general uncerininty, in which topes and fears 14lternnte. Optimism was mostly prevalent until today, when snxiety recurred, ending in some quar- ters in downright pessimism. This con be traced to persistent rumors that France and Germany alike are resolved net to recede an iota !rem their de- clnred position, with a consequent dead- lock. The sccrct:y of the members of the Drafting Committee, which reconsidere'1 the police question to -day, Is interpreted un1 votsbly. CiitltGED BRITISH SQUARE. NigeriaAnWere Practically Annihilated.• BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, March 11- Grain - There was but little enquiry for either Mani- toba wheat or American corn from over the cable. Barley continues firm in tone; prices showy no change. Dealers were offering oats at lower prices. Pur- chases could be made in car leets at 36%c for No. 4 oats in store, and 37%c for No. 3, and 38%c for No. 2. Sales were mato et a tow lots at a shade more than these figures, but ono cony secure large quail - Ones without having to pay buy- ers being hard enough to lint even at the reduction. Flour - Manitoba Spring wheat patents. 8150; strong bakers', $4 to 81.10; Wittier wheat patents, 81.25 to $4.50. olid straiglt rollers, 83.91' to 31 in wood; in bags, 81.85 to 8190. Rolled t Ls -$2 to $2.05 in bags, 90 tbs. Feed knife. Lewis was struck severed, the and art enthe --Ontario bran, 5 bulk, 821; brans, 1n dhl notlongurviveglite wound. The bas 8"0 to 520..,41, Manitoba bran, In t who was 11 k owvn 6 murdered alar A da patch to the London Daily Mail from Zungeru, Nigeria, says that (a i- tish punitive force, congnanded by Goodwin, attacked Sokoto on March 12. The natives twice charged the British' square, but were almost annihilated. The British then advanced to Satire, which they found 10 be strongly held. They bombarded the place. Tito defen- ders fought desperately, facing the Bri- tish charges. The place was finally cap- tured at the point of the bayonet. The nativos were driven out and pursued by mounted troops. More than 300 of them were te revolt 0053/ including crushed.their 1.oyalleader. chiefs are now co-operating with the troops. Ono British officer was severely wounded. in February a number of native fana- tics in NorUtern Nigeria mnssncre--d a company of native troops mid three Bri- tish officers. The expedition referred to above was despatched to deal with them. DEAD FROM STAB LN HOTEL. An Ex -Bartender Killed In Fracas at Collings ood. A despatch from Collingwood says . As the result of a fracas in Use bar of the Grund Central Hotel here on Thursday evening Frederick Lewis is dead, stab - 1 id by Louis Bartello with a poeket- GREAT BRITAIN. Edinburgh is annoyed by a visitatfotl - of fleas. - The slnlement that Sir John Fisher's mother is a Cingalce has been formally denied. Tho right of an English teacher to wear her engagement ring has been questioned by the educational authori- ties. esti- in discussing the British army males policy olicy f econo my n y wuuldt►boe lf l- that a po ' Y l - lowed. Hamar Greenwood. M.P. tor York, has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary to Winston Churchill, Under Secretary for the Colonies. The formal announcement of the ors- gagelnent of Waldorf Astor and Mrs. Robe. Shaw of Virginia was inade in tin London papers on Saturday. 14sh Lord Carrington says that Eng to cattle enleriug Canada are subject quarantine restrictions, and uses it as a point against removal of elle British embargo. mess- engers Stratllcona advised postal engers who want to come to Canada to got work on farms, and predicts that. by hard work and industry they will get along. A British Royal Commission which in- vestigated the legal status of trades unioua holds that they should be i1 Glared legal institutions, end portant recommendations. bags, 820: shorts, 820.50 to 821. Hay --No. 1, $").50 to $9 per ton on track; No. 2, 87.51) to $8; clover. 85.50 10 36; clover, nlixc_:. $4 to $(1.50. Beans - Choice primes. 81.60 to $1.65 per bushel; hand -picket, 81.80. Potatoes - Per bag of 811 lbs., 65 10 70c. Honey - While! clover, in comb, 13 to 14e per pound sec- tion; extract, S to ee; buckwheat, 6% to 7c Provisions -Heavy Canadian short rut pork, $21; light short cid, 820; Am- erican short cut, 820; American cut clear fat barks, 819 to 820; compound Inrd, 6% In 73;c; Canadian pure lard. 1l% to 12c; kettle rcndenxl. 12„ to 13c; harts, 12 to 131. c; bacon, 14' o (real► killed abattoir dressed hogs, 810: country dressed, 88.75 lc 89.25; alive, 87.5(1 for selects. Eggs -New laid, 1G to 17c per dozen: stnrugc end limed, 12c, nominal. Buller --Chola 004) creamery, 22 to 22%e; underg�rades, 20 to 21e; dairy. 19 to 20e. Cheese - On- lurid, 13 to 13y.,c. Severn) new oflirinls have 1,o•rn np- 1 otnted in connection with Farmers' in- stitutes, and Hon. Mr. doss wviahtal to know how the necessity for their ser• vices arose. Hon. Mr. Monteith replied :lied then had been a great lrnpr,vcmenl in the at. lei -Mance al the institutes during the past year. Young men were beginning: to lake an 1n►er•c31 In their work. and they were compelled • to employ a L•ww' additional officers lo cope n ith thio in. Crems,'tl allele lance. !).:ring n brief diacuseion nu► n vole of 8,3.2(14) to the dairy hranele Ilan Mr. 'Monteith informed Mr. Fergu.=em. of drenwilte. tint the. (:nvernt,eent had not ecnsiei,!rr.1 the e.,tablishnient of an ea. iU :�`►1 I:Ol71TING \\ill Send an Imperial Prince to Tokio on n Visit. A dnspatcli from 1 aldon says : The Tokio correspondent of the 'Telegraph ansa the Czar, wishing to inerenso fho friendship between n Rustle and Japan. will send an Imperial prince to visit Ja- pan, ncompanied ley n elielinguishe'1 staff of generals and admirals. Japan will send a similar neesion to R isaie. M\7R1:1.ta:S`4 TI:LEI'IIONE. ►nu , w is wve n around (bllingwwood, was until recently a bartender in (Midland, and has lately been bill -poster pf the town. ills mo- ther resides on the corner of College and Markham streets, Toronto. Barlelle Ls a native of 'i'onawvanda, cmpinyc•<t hg tete Charlton Lumber Company. What caused the tragedy is not knOww•n, en them were few witnesses to the alterea- lion, but it is said that Lewis, by taunts, goadtvt Bartelle into a desperate frame of mind. Both men were qullo sober. As soon ns tete fatal blow was struck the Murderer trade Ids Escape by the back door of the heti. 111: was closely pursued, 131141 finally was captured by ex•Ctilet of Police Chce-sman, of Stay ner, in the Grand Trunk yards. lie had hitherto borne a good reputation. STRiKEIIS 1'.E bt'N.%Mil E. Severe Explosion in 1►uoru:3y of Whole - bide Grocer. A despatch front New fork soy's : n cbnrge of dynamite wax set off 00 \Ws'el• nes<IIY in the decease), of Clark, Chopin & Bushnell, wholesale grocers, against whom n leatnsters strike has been in progrt'ss for some time. The explosion severely damaged the front of the store, which is on Duane street. Charges that strikers or their sympathizer set off the dynamite were made by members oI the firm. -------1 CLOTHING CS11:IIT 1N GE1f11N(i. UNITED SrATIs MARKETS. Bottum, March 11. ---- Flour - Steady. \Vlteat - Spring, lirnt; No. 1 Northern, NV.; e; Winter dull; No. 2 red, 86e. Corn -Quiet; No. 2 yellow. 47c; No. 2 corn, 46%e. OMs - Steady; No. 2 white, 34) e. Borley - Quiet; 48 to 52e for good te. choke. Rye -Dull and weak; No. 1, Cass St. Louis. March 11. --- Wheat --Cash, Sae; May, 74%,c; July. 71%c. - Milwaukee, March IL - Wheat -- No. 1 Northern, 78 to 79e; No. 2 Northern. 74 to 77e; May, 774: bid. Rye -- No. 1, 1.2 to 62!yc. Burley - No. 2. 51 to 55e; sample. 37% to 530. Corn -- No. 3 cash, SO to 44I c; May, 43c asked. Debate March 11. --- Wheat. --- No. 1 Northern, 75s,4c; No. 2 Northern, 73';c; /day, 76',yc; July, 78c. \elm, npolie. March 11. -- Wheat -- \I,ty. 75°,4e:; July, 77'; to 71k.: ;teptem- he ;J we; No. 1 hard, 75%0; No. 1 Nor- thern. 75%0; No. 2 Northern. 73'/0 Flour --Unchanged. Bran --In Isitk, $1330 to $ 43.75. Clever lap Engineer Credited With New Insention. fr,•in Tokio says: 'file :\J• rnirelty anyeamee,t om Thur.3rt.ly the in• v,•nlion of a wvireb'w tclepiinne. The inventor Is an engineer of the name of Kimura. 1.1\ F. STOCK MARKET. '1• -1'111 ), Mar'1► 20. --The run of rat• tiee offering nt the West•tn Market this root -nine was rather tr`+lvy. Export Cattle --Choice nre quoted et {!ri t) $..15, good to indium at $I to UNITED STATES. Two were killed and ttfteen injured Ire n wreck on Sunday night on Rio Balti- more dr 01110 at Ineono ole. The A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge, of Neer York, decided on an advance in rates. end anticipate n loss in trernberrshlp aa a result. In boring a ten -inch hole to insert plunger ele►•etroes in the Title thiamin. building of No. 176 Broadway, New York, werlticte t brought ut g up gneiss bear- ing a proportion Charles Gran, on trial for murder at Trenton, in spite of the protests of hes counsel, jumped up in court mid said, "1'o) see tietoro you a fool." The court believed him, and 110 was released. When James Burns told Reeonter Lazarus, of New York, he was not lazy. but constitutionally tired. he was order• eel to go home with his wife and scrub the floor or go to jail. Ile did the floor. Alley ilrillhart, of York, Pa., thought 0 must be n electric lights in o Listhat tsarniuevvoned every night, till he watched and saw his pet marts Phoebe turn the button with her Host. After getting two whippings every. month for ten years, Mir`. M. Turner. of Nashville, Ind., sued for divorce and 85,000 alimony. She declares that every two weeks her husband gave her a beat- ing. Miss Irene Wright, of rlusbmrg. Pa., found a peckelhook en n counter in department stere containing $4,(l0. Just then the owner rushed lip, andfinafter counting the money g wieder as a reward. Mrs. Kebt.aloyc ire e a rovol d'n.,on Michael ?doyen, eaklonkeerer, on 'Thursday, wv)ien he ratuse.1 to vsce'e her bending. she snapped the trigger and Moyen fainted from trlgtd It e•; as thought for a Urn* Da rata dam. . Arthur Man Miangled to Death While Working Saar. Guelph, March 14.-Detnits of a 3lt00h• ing accident wvhich resulted faintly were received in the city from Arthur Keeley. It appears Mr. James Thomas, who 0011- <bi•ts a nowv and pinning mill on the 14th co:session of West Linter, was brick- ing the saw after cutting a log, and getting too dose, Lia clothing w',ns caught in Ilio gearing. Ile was whirled around, one of his legs being literally torn from tis body and olhetwwese tally tangled. He succumbed to W3 tnjuriart in a short time, long before medical aid c-,ild ar• rive. Deceased was about forty years of age, and Is survived by • small fam- ily.