HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-22, Page 5� r Pawru, lumber Yard and Saw MITI um open and bustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. DARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES flniehed or in knock down. always on hand. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven. Tbc RossTaulor Go. Ltd„ xctor. t++ GOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS. o more hole digging $ to put in fence posts just rives,t.hem in with a . sledge hammer. Far ahead of any ever yet seen around this part of the country. Conte in and see them for yourself. We have had a great many iron posts brought in lately and ar( prepar- ed to sell thein cheap. {$ Scrap iron taken in ex- change. MaJACKSON &SON I Main -St. Exeter. } One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. H'++++++'1'++++'4'+++++++.H.+++ MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. fig a P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. oElce and reeldenence. Domtnioa, 1Lasoratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHY SI - and Surgeons. Sn000..aar to I)r. J. A. oa. Office, main street. Residence, east 4ess first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND 11. M. COWAN. 3114 Telephone ins, Long distance connectioat.1 ihpecial attention given diseases of women and earaety. or yo P. R. street cars r. Se MARTIN & SON (hi...street ett take you almost to the door. ale other city office. Special Hospital and 1 •alter arra-gements for patients from al ce. Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. The Osborne and Minn Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur- ante Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -I. A. Somas, CROMARTY P.O. `'ice -Pres.: -F. MORLEY. WHALEN 1'. 0. DIRECTORS W. 11. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.0.1 SVD!. ROY, BORNstout P. 0. 1. L. RUSSELL, RU68ELDALE P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. AGENTS. 1. CARMICHA EL, STAFFA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. 1VILSON, FCLLARTON, ONT. I. S. GILFILLAN, LrCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANB('RY. Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and sec us and let us show you some of the highest grade! PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the bLst that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to • suit you unless you are very hard to please. DENTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D 8.. Honor Oradt ate of Toronto Caivendty, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or Sad atter eRbeta. Mee in 'ran- t's-ma block. West aide of Main doss,- Et�ear• CONEY TO LOAN. Wo have a large amount of ptirate (sods to baa tatwv sod village proper Ire at t°wrate., �/r GL,ADMAN & STANBUHY Barrteers Solicitors. Main 8t. Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, asetaateea, 801teitora, Notarial (•onveyeacers n Boed.• tasetre. Soiidtore for the Mottoes Beak. Eta llifMsy totoaa at twines rata. d Interest. OTVIOE:-it AIN STREET, ESETEIlr a. c.w.nte a. A. L B. DICaae! MHO!'AS CAMERON. ('ON - a ancer, wills drown, money to loan •a reel estate, also Licensed Aac/ioneer for theoonntle..(of� Bursa and Penh. Charges ritodeute. Order. lett at the 1 legs ,r at my rat Mdeoee, P argabar will receive prompt atten dee. MONEY TO LOAN We Aare unnamed titivate hads for tavern - ttM open tarns or village i report, as lower ales or t.tet+s.t. Ult'BSON a; CARLING Yxeter FARM FOR SALE. -Ont' ot tine beet farms in tato township of Hornet, being Lot 11 in the Sou t h beendory, is hereby offered for sales Thee farm *anteing 78 acres of esoei- lest land. 40 acture in greee, 13 acres be fail wheat, o young and valuable orchard, the %bete clean and in first class oonditesn. The farm will feat.( and druinrd, 2 good and: leaver f Ming veils. On rho land ate wr otcd modern and un -to -date build -1 inept. a ceen(ot table .and commodious ! dwelling; new bank barn 65136; driv-• Ana Ivaue.e 40x20, the land offers peculiars induc' .nevus to .,ns per -un desiring .. mode: 0. looney staking term and is convenient to chur;h, aabool antl markets. 1'oneession I s t April. 1906. For p.articuLvrn apply to DICKSON & CAITLIN(:, Solicito. a for Vendor. Exeter, or to COON. R'Ili':LI- HAN, trop: ichor, \C I►.Iet 1'. O. Iii•; . -.11 1. Au interesting gnaw of hockey was okayed at Godelictlt \Vcdneeday even- ing f khat work bt't ween the Code- Tio! d Hertaall ladicei hockey treimn the re,'nit being 2 to 1 in favor of (',aletic.b. S:.ndy H-,wderi acted as referee. !REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farm in Stephen, 100 acres, good paa;ttire land, good Link barn. cesn- cnt floors, stunt! frame .house. house and barn neurly new. 80 acrca good (arming land in Exe- ter, good barn, land well under -1 SALE REGISTER drained and well .anted. i -- i Wedneedty. March 38. Farm stock and implements the property of tl:e Into Richard Sande in Centralia at Ono o'clock Nhttrp. W. II. Sado, pnoprictor ; Jas. Stanley. auctioneer. Saturday, .March 24t h, 1906.-ViI- lago property in Exeter, lots 18 and 19 Ann street, Icing put of tho es - I tate of t he late J+.mee Moir. Thee. Ceme.non Auctioneer. J. D. Stewart and John Traquair, Erecutora, Hen - I' O. (ladmtin & Stanbury, , Solicitors. title at 2.30 p. in. on the prcmisc+4. Frid.iy, March 23rd. 1906. -Farm. i farm stock and intplemcrrts on Lot 1 2e, Con. 4, Lrsbonne, at Ono &c'nck shire, Th3 (.arm c:rnsists of V. est hell of Lot No. 25. Co -t. 6. ,Uaborne. Ithe property of the fate Jas. Muir. T.homas Cameron and 11. Brown. Au- tioneers; J• 1). Stewart and John Trnquiir, Executors, Henaall, P. 0.; Gledtrr.en & Stanhury, Solicitors. ASTURIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been itt use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been Runde under his per. �# �� - --: - sonul supervision since its infancy. • • Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Count, rfe'1t., Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants It tltl Cltildren-Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA C:)storia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorit•, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its acro is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allir3-s 1'evert:Airless. It cures Diarrlrooa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation 411(1 Flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the Stoan:u•lt and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OtNT.va COrgae. rr r , Mew Vona C.t'Y. AUCTION SALE. -of- VILLAGE PROPERTY --on- FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, 1906 at 2.30 p. m. sharp Tho Exocutars of the estate of the tato Jas. .Moir will offer fur =ate on above date on premieres the following valuable properly. being lots No. 232 233, Moira survey, Ilensall. On the premises there is a comfortable footle kottso, 1 1-2 storeys high on brick foundation pith kitchen and woodnited, also tho Ilensnll Laundry, with upper storey fitted for living roosts. TERMS. -Ten per cent. or equiva- lent on day of sale the balance in 30 days witalout interest. For pwartic- 1:tr:s apply to the undersigned Exec-' utorx. J. I). STEWART and JOHN TRA% QUAiH. Executors. B. 8. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. GLADMAN & STAN RCRY.So itore. Tw,o storey brick .house, 3-5 acre of /and, good garden, plenty of fruit trace Now brick cottage, 1-4 ere land, well situated. On Main strut beck store, brick store ttauee and small frame dwelling Good business stand all in good re- pair. Opens house block, Main street, Exeter. Molvon Bank prossrty, car. Main and Huron street. I)r. Hollins' res:dencc, geed brick house, large stable, two lots s+ell Pit- uated, also cottage at Grand Bent, nicely situated. Also :a good hearse a i;h sin ghm l'rice3 low. terms easy. Apply to JOHN SI'ACKMAN, . Real Estate, Agent, Exeter. AUCTION SALE -of-- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr. J. Stnniey has been instructed to sell by public auction at C1:NTRALIA -on- WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28th. 190G At erre o'clock ',harp the following stock :and implements, being the pro- perty of the Otte Richard Sande. 4 henry draught horses; 1 milch cow ; 1 atter coming 2 years old: 2 hogs 9 months old; 1 self bidder; 2 movers. 2 wagon!: jloosier drill; hare° rake, Frost & Wood; 1 roller ; 1 disk burrow : 1 ret Diamond har- rows; 3 fanning mills; 3 plows; gang prow 1 buggy: 2 decno_rats: 1 new double set harness; 2 sets sin- gle ttrtrness, nearly nett: 1 pr. bob sleighs; 2 hay racks; 303 cedar picots 50 bus. c Deice peas fit for seed: quan- tity of carpenter tools; 2 sins pump ringers: 2 crodsscut wares; 2 doz grain trigs; \Virjffletree,, ;:-ckyokes, c:;a,ins, forks and other art:cte, toe numerous to mentojn. TERMS. -All stems of 85.00 and under, cash: over that amount 9 months' credit will be given on fur- ni shing ,pproved joint notes. A doe count of 4 per cent off for cast on credit amount& W. II.$ANDO, JAS. STANLEY Prop. Auct. For -any c. ac of nervousness, slcep- les.ncs•, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia. try ('attar's Little Liver lens. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. SCHOOL NOTICE Public Notice is herebygiven that a by-law to divide Public chool Section io. 1 of the Township of Stephen into two sections, will to considered by the; Council of the Tnwnehip of Stephen.; at the Town Hall. ('te-ditoti, on Mon -1 day the tad of April, itltMi at Ten a. m. at which all px•rstens interested will be heard. HENRY EI1.I3F,11, March 6th, IA(O. Tp. Clerk. a made specially for the blood nerves nit complexion. 1, l'uc.blo, Colo., 3lrreh 16.-Somo two encore lives were crurthed out early to- day itt a head-on collision ot two passenger trains near Adobe, Color- ado, on the Deaver and Rio Grande ruilwey, and more than a score of the victims wore incinerated beyond' identification by a fire that de -1 stroyed tile wrecked ca:oltes. Many othcra were injured, but all probab- ly .will rorovor. Tato wreck was duo' to undelivered orders, .heavy moon-' titin grade-., a blinding snow stem, a sharp curve and the slippery con-' dition of tho retina. Only tho loco- motives, beggagc and day coaches were wrecked, the sleeping cars es- caping calumet unscathed. Many of the deed were horncscekcre bound for the Northwest. The three crushed locoinotives set fire to the splintered coaches, and it was hours before all the bodies were recovered, the (frames being so fierce rescuer.+ could not approach the debris until the fuel burned oil:. ' FIVE YEARS DYSPEPSIA CURED' "No ono known what i suffered from stomach trouble and dyspepsia whites Mr. A. B. Agnew of Bridge- wnter. "For the haat five years 1! blvd been unable to digest and as- similate food. 1 had no color, my strength run down and I felt miser- able and nervous all the time. 1 al. ways hid a heavy feeling after moils rend was much troubled with dizzintees and specks before my eyes. Dr. Monition's I'ille were just what I needed. They have cured every sym- pton of my old trouble. My boalth is now all twat can be desired." By ill means use. Dr. Iiamilton's Pills; 25c .per box at all deniers. hose wavy of our reajdents will recall the t.orrible utuider %% larch occurred in tIliavicinity over _!)year ago, end tvdti:h the netsspuper t):toughout rho Uttnitioa ut 111.t LOW: K •se v.uy vivid description thtt of the letemeelly murder. The 1.i-.;o'y of the Donnelly four te • v.ctieit, of the tcraible atro Citic,,, >,l,osss tb:.t they hail bee tightly or wrongly associated wit immersesables crines•ee in the townshi of liiddulph end village of Luc:in le s i u 1, twenty yeasts prior to Lho murder, in - ;eluding in LU.e cutagory arson. at- tempted .•tttoo:it;g, cattle stealing, ate -null :and larceny. besides many rcisdeme.,t.ure of !cis hideous tau Itura. The old man James Donee- ly auin,a iu this country about sixty 1 )-ours ago, and eetticd on the 6th COHOeslSio•t of Iliddulph, which .tt that time corupt•,.-*-'d a isart of the county of lfurua. Shortly after taking up fifty atoms of Lind, the father, with the view, no doubt, of providing for his increasing family. squatted on another !fifty ilexes on the 11th con- ccsi$on of the sumo township, but (after a long and tedious lawsuit, his claim to ttga property wee decided to be invalid, and tea was disi•ossessdd by the Cascada Company, and the lot -1 eubseueiily bccumc the possession of a Mr. Joseph Carswell. This I, 6 '•nticvnain settled upon it, built a gond house and outbMIdings, but one night short ly after the harvest. the btrnx wore desttoyrd by fire, to- g•'.4acr with the rco•-on s crops. The aquas taus Laid at the door of the Dotut^lleys, but the perpertrators, notwithstanding a large reward was off sleet by the Government, were never discovered. Some time .titer tide Mr. Oirswell herd a number of his horses and cattle disem bow led during the night and the blame was ag-'ria attributed to tate Donnelly's. For at Leost lett years prior to the murder tiro court records were not considered complete unless one or more of the gang were up for trial on ono *huge or anothor. There were rxvon boys and one girl in the Gamily. and of rho boys eleohacl and James won', dead at the time, the forever bei.;g kiilcd in a quarrel at WA-teirford n few months previous. J.vins+ i•t said to have died from con- sumption. Bob and Bill tsorved time in penitentiary for different offences. %%Vola John, Torn and Jim wore aa - dieted at the sessions of 1876 for Lar- ceny, assault and attompted arson. but rare never tried on account of the witnavma being spirited away. Michael, Themes and Robert follow- ed sttrgo driving .for several years, betwcon Lont4on. Luexin and Exeter, but (Unity gave it up. They could rot bnook opposition, and the man w+ho lead suffio:ent pluck to cools their path in business, sooner or Inter became a loser in either stages hor'* s, or equipment. Two or three tiunv rho oppoatw stroyed by fire;ait.i.onoct a.n titer uges occereasionde- + a team of horses worn subjected to 3iorrlb'e cruelties. The store day that the horrible murder tris committed old man Don- nelly and Lis wife were to have had ' an examination on a charge of set- • ting Pira to the horn of Patrick Ry- der a short dista.nr-e from the Don- nelly hornestend. For some time iaorsdj.try fires and °titter misdemeanors bad been of fre- quent oecurroaoe, and whether right- ly or not titre Dannelly family w•aa blamed, if not ns tiro actual perpe- trntors of t.hci crimes, that they were the instigators and hence an intense feeling of enim iy culminated against prem -throughout the township. A Viglesnoe Committee was formed by the settlers, as a means of protec- tion -from these outrages which, with all their precautionary treasures did not seem to hem obtained the de- sjree.' end. The Inst fire ons on the Ryder farm, on Thuradny night the 15th of January, 1880, in the very midst of the Donnelly settlement, and the four Donnelly brothers were rat n wedding when the Care occurred; but the father and mother who were at their !house at the time, were ar- rested on suspicion of being impli- cued in the creme. Their examina- tion wee still ',coding ap)d was to have boon clotted on the afternoon of the clay of the murder. but the morning light displayed the ghast • 1)• stnoctaelo of rho last remains of the Donnelly homestead burned to a cinder, after beerg first murdered with area and other such weeponi as came to Land. About twenty men disguised were c,ngt:ged in the Wax!). work. A boy rn:aned Congo -s, belonging to the village wee etayirig :,t the Don- nelly home over right and when the attack was rnade dodged under the bead witthout being discovered. When tho murder was co.nmitted and the houesn fired the men decamped. The only reliable nccouet that Gould be gotten at the time was elcitcd futon the Connors boy. The parties mur- d'•:rd were James and Judy, the father and mother: Thomas. the e t 1 Mitchell, Merch 16 - For saome months n deuFhter of Mr. Wm. Kle- iman, West Neerd, has not been in good health, and irnagitel that there wus something alive in her stomach. At times etre could feel it crawling up her throat and would hart to take food to rend it back. The sen- sation was anything but pleasant, but relief cisme one day lately, when the young lady seas visiting in the country, and drinking a glass of cream which did not agree with her, took a fit of coughing, and up eam-• a milk snake measurir.g 14 inches in length, and still alive. Judging from the size of the reptile, it 'mot hive been in the victim's stomach about two yokes, and no doubt was swal- lowed while dr;nking from a pool of Nater. Palpitation of of the heart. ner- vousness, tremblings, nervous head- ache, cold hands and fuel, pain in the back and other forms of weakness re relieved by Carter's Iron Pille GENERAL NEWS. Fire broke out about one o'clock Tburrday morning. March 16th in St. Marys in the upper storey of the Dosttio storage building. and did con- sjderneee damege. Mrs. Beattie loses Revere' thousand dollars on the build- ing. wtheh, it is understood. is cov- eted by insurance in the Perth Mu- tual. Marr:+on tied Lamont, furni- ture defacers are heavy losers; in- sured in the Ottawa Fire Ins. Co. Mrs. Agnes Gillies loses one thous- and dollars on her furniture, tem- porarily st.or al ; insured in Sun Ina. Co. for $750. A. E. Teeeky Io.eca one t•housetud (totters on his stored fur- , nature, which is insured in the )royal for $300; C. Itichnrdaon nad Co. lose about $500 in manufactured dairy (supply goods, stored in the building which is covered in the Independent C.a h Mutual. The cause of the fire ie unktown. To Cure a Cold in One Day ate,,, Thee Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ��� on every ` SWIM allion bases sold in past 12 months. This signature, /J'a7p'!i box. 25Ca a A number of sv.aidett a of Biddulph w•ho were supposed to belong to t tat'' Vigilance Committer, aero ,tr- ma+tcd and taken to London for trial J anew Carroll wax rho first arrested to bs tried. Tame trial took place in London iu O ober of the some )'Ute, but the jury disagreed, seven being for aceuital, four for colleen tion end ono blank. The casae was astat over to the spring .ass+zea itt 1881 ,nd rei.utted in on acsuital. Although the township of B!ddul- ph has u b!o; on it that will never lee enticed, the lawlessness of two -aid it (half degrades ago is entirely %% need out ..end tiro reput *tions of the eat, bitants ars equal to those of any -cctiou of .our fuer Dominion. Stephen, Motel* 15th, 1106 To do Editor of do Times:- Mine deer trindt; 1 dart been roatin ntii inderesc de leedle b'ocen sot la brind- cd efery .voek in your ruin ttuluablc• btber. Deey was very co:uig-at and vita I Jetf no idol. who it iss v:tt rine% dun up, I tray rig.hd here, dot it vos da grottiest butehermcnt of de English l:uakwago dot I ever read al - petty. 1 tinks if 1 oyer ah^wed upI do kings Ltukwagc like du, I could attest coke and look at miueseit and say, "vot a big jackass vat I iss' to do unyting Like dat. I s•as going to toll you .a couple Liddle dwtgs vot htppenod this week. I mays 1 vill shust take a walk oud to Exeter and se., some on res Denary Ita•r4rts. Irfi1eb. Ile von (Roomy socIETy GIRLcoilIlev.as in do w:cycic, ahewellry unit I c skin business. Ile vas very glat to case me ranee a Fa t do Jac a told( nit CUBED to a cigar, ve »ct clown sLc told[ tnc call aboud ° nh,00ting match he van '"Ul ween 1e Cold Produced Catarrh of --- Stephen cod Zurich Glutei. Ito said do veddor sax diaigrco~aplo ter shoot- ing and some of de poys (hod n leedle too much conceit, doy thought dat dey could lick do adder team into leedle beices, but ven de {finals came ve Face de best ratioodors tut used to be 'had tho following enures. Big Vill 113 conte off int. von oud 10; den Stelk 'he corns mit do sone; dc.n corned Jak, of de Commercial mi -t his 3, and don comes Billy Hess undo de two obboition putcbors mit de same and Shittler mit his 7 and Clnerlics Fritz mit his 10, goot 'KT for Char- lie ho NUS n leech: thin vas all vot some of do Zurich poys did. Der is von or two dot Danny forgot and den Stephen poys vas all party goot eons. IYa Hchores vas all de vays from vont to dots. Donny vers telling me dot he rail in de skin becrsniss exdensively. dot the vas buying all do skins dot he couldt get. He said there, vas a prtrty in town dot has imported a lot of wolf skins from Mancaito- toan, and he vas going to make a puffalo robe oud of dem for this front door Rtep. t'nd talking ftbout skins, I I1R1rt o purl), goot von about Bob. Sanders de odder day, yet. You know Robert vas always shooding fox and too/skins von Dolioeman Deavitt wasn't aroundt, and scan fel- ter toldt him he ought to go oud to Atriga and abood Boors. Ile salt it could not Hay "der skin ins no goot:' I tells Danny a goot von I haf on von of deso smardt aloes in London. Tho odder day .I vas meting the Free Presse ten I rases in big ladders "WANTED. -A man who 'weeks Ger- mon und understands horses." I says dot iss shust do kind of n chob I'm looking ter ural I gent up to nee do man who put in de advertiaement. I vent in miaowing my Itcdt und gays,"I suppose you iss do man vat rite up dat be:Ce in de Fred Press." "Yes sir" he rays. "Veil"I says, "i i -ant der rhob. I speak German all right, but I don't know dot 1 can undernt.snd dose horses. Vot Lan- guage do dey speak/ I vas et der station house von day teat peek and do buss driver says "lint a ride on top mit mo vonce," .o 1 gala up, and bo starts telling m • nboudt tie s -ay de reads iss, ata I says “Vell Mr. ve vill try and sae , do man who looks after this beesness and lit( them broperly aenpabered," I finks dot dirt man hit enuf to de PO soon yet, but by de times he gets dis °hob done he vill give up de po- sition grid let some other cuss hay it. Vell I dinky I ha( sa.t enuf unit' I vill stob. Sours druly. OTTO STOP, Esq. HOLLOrrit thCi 'OR TH. at at Zurio} It bet t} HURON At bite Orange Grund Lodge held :t Goderich last week, Grand Master Lieut. -Col. J. if, Scott. of Walkerton, was selected for n third term. He wee trot opposed, neither was the I). G. M., E. T. Emery. of London; elle Associate 'Deputy G. M., IL•arr•y Love- lock, of Toronto, nor the secret sry- Wm. Loe, Toronto. The grand chap. a loin firs Itev. Wm. Lown, who was lotted over Rev. E. C. Laker, Toro -- o. Among the deputy grand chap -1 tins chosen s+ere Rev. W. H. Ever - Pole, Schomberg : Rev. E. A. Hall, Gorrit•. Rev. T. W. Ilugbe-s, Tillman - burg ; jtcv. J. C. McCracken, Thorn - dale, and Rev. 11. A. Thomas, Lucan. Grind lecturer -D. Renting, Cooks -f town ; terrine' director of ccremonies„ W. J. Thoatps'xn. Mitchell ; grand nuditora, J. J. Maheffy, Strceteville, and W. 11. Taylor, Aurora ; W. M. l Fitznrold, Toronto, we,' ebouc+n deputyggrand master. Next year the 1 grand lodge meets in Orangeville. y A 0 oungost tem, and Bridget, n fleece. bout Ghia Ramo time nnother party iltd at the home of W: illi•im Don- nelly on- wIly et \Vteelen, and awoke him. Itis bro'.her J ick, being in the house, got Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires MR. JAMES THOMAS Dsw=Y is Canada's champion steady bicycle rider. He is a collector for one of the big telegraph com- panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the year round making collections over a wide district. His record is Ia,000 miles a year. Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop Detachable Tires, a single pair of which have carried him over 7,000 miles of good, bad ) and indifferent roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the kind that may be attached, detached and re- paired when necessary by the two hands, unaided by any form of tool. Every pair is guaranteed for a year. THE DUNLOP TIRE COMPAYV, Limited ST. JOHN 1104 vvoov.•vtla Toronto YONTRIA! WIwaMaO roat--Attack Was Severe. Miss Lottie 11o4l1ngaworth, Prescott, Ont., Can., write: "After suffering for weeks with a odd, it !eft me with catarrh of tho kerynr. My voice n -as so hoarse Ibat thought I would One it entirely, my neck wets swollen, and altogether tqy► condition was very serious. 4•1 bought some Peruna after I had used other remedies without relief. In a few days my voieo was clearer, it did not tire easily and I began to see re- lief in sight. elf really was surprised to find that I was cured so soon. I took only fop bottles of Peruna, and it Is certainly well worthy of endorsement." SOUTIi IIt•ICON CONVENTION A largely attended conference of representative temperance tvurker5 of South Huron met in Healed! on Monday, 1911i inst. Rev. 1)r. Medd was appointed ohairman and Rev. J. Yager, of %union, secretary. Mr. A. T. Cooper. representative of the Do- minion Alliance was in attendance. After •come deliberation it ons re- solved to organize an Anti -Bar -Room League for the South hiding of Hu- ron. Ot(iure elected were Presi- dent, Rev. W. M. Martin, Exeter,vico I'r,sideet. Miss Jennie Murray of llenasall, See. E. P. Paulin, lea.ahwood Treas., Mr. O'Braon, Ohisellturst. A Vioe-Presidont was alio elected front every municipality who shall be re- sponsible for tate organizing of his municipality with a view to a local option campaign. The confcrenee put itself on record strangle divapprov- ing of cite pres•.tt custom of the Board of Lennoe Commissioners of South Iluron. of holding tivir meet- ings in hotc•Is. A suitoblc resolution w ,s t.aesed unanimously ycgarding this natter and a copy wilt be sent to all porton concerned. Other re- eolutlons referring to Local Option MoNoughts Anti Treating Bill. etc. were also passed and copies n ill bo sunt to the member of let: I pure for thin riding. Through both see - axons of the conformism r► keen lively, interest ons manifest. The township of Stephen has 9 licensed hotels and the township of t'aborrne only one. The temperance peot;le of Stephen will more upon Iicon is .reduction right away. The Bar -room is Doom- ed. -Com. TIIE NEW LICENSE FEF' Hon Mr. Hanna, in introducing his l aenao bill on March 20, gave ?bs schedule of higher fees: ('i;ics of 100,000 or over, taverna *1,200, shop 81,000; cities of 30,000 and leas than 100.000, taverns 8700. shops 8700; Cities between 10,000 end .10,000, tar - erns *500. ,stetops $500; cetiO4 blow. 10,000 and towns betwocm 5,000 rind 10,000, taverna 8450. shops $150: towns of 5,000 or Zees, to rerun $350, shops $3.50; villages, tnvecns 450, shops 270: townships, tnveras 8120, shops $200; districts, except in -itien towns rind village. Laverne 8120; city town villege or erhoor munici- pelity or in unorganized territory, in tiro districts, .liops *500. For bier and wine litrneee, a fee of three• fourths of that imported for tavern lieenxs in the name locality. For transfer of I:cene,e .•t fro of one-third of the fee payable for the tenons transferred. The Lieutenaaat-Gov- crror-in-Council rney incrozx the duties on tavern licensee and abet/ iccnris in the districts to eny amount. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••w THE 1'101 SONS BANK • • • • Z• • • •EXETER BRANCH O, PT) every lwwful tray from 1e s. x. to 3 P. W. except 8atarday 19 A. M. !O 1 P. M. Farmers' Soso Notes cashed or collected. Forme supplied On apyelieatlon. i'ItAFT'a en all point. In the I►cmlalon, Oreat Britain and Co Ited sette., bought ant .old st lowest rates of err hsnge. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament IRtt,t CAPITAL PAID UP • $3.000 000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• • -• • • S3.000.00000 Ott Rrenches to Ontario. (jotter. Alberta Drina, Ooaartie ani )1 us -„se. 2 !S IRAVINGS DEPART IF.NIT • Deposits of 11111.00 ani u`.wsrt1s received. In-erest corn- . half yearley. and xr.ded to prandial June lath and Derentr.n 31E. Dee •a. posts* Re"eirt• also -aet and hithe.t enema rate. of Interest alkanes(. Advencco road.- to farm[ -re stock dealers and hoar (as men at lowest rates sod on mist fateanble term.. Agee !• at Exeter Oa -far c;orrfill teat. Dlckar)n & Carlin Ve,rr,to �, tr . N. D. HURD(lN. i anaprer. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••4/••••••••••••••••••••